CBR ASSIGNMENT - Nilesh Upadhaya-PGP21112
CBR ASSIGNMENT - Nilesh Upadhaya-PGP21112
CBR ASSIGNMENT - Nilesh Upadhaya-PGP21112
2. How much money has the government generated through the sales?
It generated revenue of ₹77,815 crore.
7. What is ITU?
It stands for International Telecommunication Union is a specialized
agency of United Nations responsible for matters related to Information
and Communication Technology.
8. What is the difference between high-frequency and low-frequency
transmission in terms of reach and data transfer?
High-Frequency Transmission:
High-frequency transmission carries more data but has lesser reach and is
poorer at penetrating obstacles.
Low-Frequency Transmission:
Low-frequency transmission can travel large distances before losing its
integrity but carry less data.
13.Did the company spend the maximum money on low-frequency or
high-frequency? Give reasons
The companies spend maximum amount on low-frequency because it
increases the range and coverage & it is for Long campaign duration.