Finally To Be Done
Finally To Be Done
Finally To Be Done
1 Introduction
The aim of this document is to provide an introduction to well-structured Matlab
programming in general, as well as programming for stochastic optimization algo-
rithms, in particular. A further aim is to raise the level of programming skill among
those students who are not so familiar with programming. For those who are, the
exercise will be quite simple. However, all students should make sure to follow the
steps (without shortcuts!) described below. In particular, it is important that you
study carefully not only the functionality of the code provided below, but also its
structure. During the course, you will be required to write Matlab code that ad-
heres to a given coding standard (see the document MatlabCodingStandard.pdf,
available on the course web page). Thus, you should make sure, from the beginning,
to write program code according to this standard.
Here, we will implement an elementary evolutionary algorithm to solve a simple
function optimization problem. The aim will be to find the maximum of the function
2 2 √
e−x −y + 5 sin2 (yx2) + 2 cos2 (2x + 3y)
f (x, y) = . (1)
1 + x2 + y 2
This text will only introduce the most basic features of Matlab programming, and
you should refer to the technical manuals associated with Matlab for more complete
information. You should also note that the code has been optimized for clarity,
not for speed. It is possible to make use of Matlab’s vector handling capabilities to
speed up the code. However, in this course, the execution speed of the programs will
not be the limiting factor, and we shall therefore concentrate on writing clear code,
as in this document. Furthermore, in other courses (e.g. Autonomous agents and
Humanoid robotics), we will use other (and much faster) programming languages,
such as C#. Thus, learning how to write clear code, according to a given coding
standard, is more important than learning how to optimize Matlab code for speed.
The Matlab code will consist of a main program in a Matlab M–file named
FunctionOptimization.m. This program will, in turn, make use of several other
functions, contained in the files InitializePopulation.m, DecodeChromosome.m,
EvaluateIndividual.m, TournamentSelect.m, Cross.m, and Mutate.m.
Let us first write a skeleton for the main file, containing the parameter definitions.
Start Matlab and open a text editor (either the one in Matlab or an external editor)
Then, write the following code:
populationSize = 30;
numberOfGenes = 40;
crossoverProbability = 0.8;
mutationProbability = 0.025;
tournamentSelectionParameter = 0.75;
variableRange = 3.0;
fitness = zeros(populationSize,1);
We have not yet written the function InitializePopulation, and can therefore
not call it. The % sign indicates that a row is a comment: Matlab will ignore all
text (on that row) after a % sign.
So far, the program only defines six parameters, namely the population size,
the number of genes in the chromosomes, the crossover probability, the mutation
probability, the tournament selection parameter (defining the probability of selecting
the better individual in a tournament involving two individuals), and the range of
the variables. Note the naming practice used, in which the first word in a variable
name is written using lowercase letters, and all subsequent words (if any) begin with
an uppercase letter. Note also the descriptive nature of the variables names: It is
better to give a long, descriptive name than a short, generic one. In other words,
the variable name mutationProbability is much better than, say, p.
Next, create an empty folder named SimpleEvolutionaryAlgorithm, and save
the file described above as FunctionOptimization.m. If you use an external editor,
make sure to change the file suffix from (say) .txt to .m. Now test this simple
program by typing its name in Matlab’s command window:
> FunctionOptimization
(The > symbol is the Matlab prompt). So far, the program only assigns the variable
If you now type e.g. populationSize in Matlab’s command window, Matlab
will respond with the value (30) of the population size variable. The semi-colon (;)
at the end of each line prevents Matlab from printing the result of the operation
carried out on the line in question. As a general rule, only relevant output should
be printed, and one should be careful not to clog Matlab’s output window with a
lot of unnecessary output (see also the coding standard).
Now, open the text editor again. Let us write the function InitializePopulation,
which assigns random values to all genes, in all chromosomes contained in the pop-
ulation. Type the following, and then save the file (as InitializePopulation.m)
for i = 1:populationSize
for j = 1:numberOfGenes
s = rand;
if (s < 0.5)
This function will generate a population of binary chromosomes. Note that Matlab
prefers to work with vectors and matrices, and that its for loops are rather slow.
Therefore, the InitializePopulation function would be much faster if it were
defined as
function population = InitializePopulation(populationSize,numberOfGenes);
population = fix(2.0*rand(populationSize,numberOfGenes));
where the fix function rounds (downwards) to the nearest integer. As mentioned
above, for clarity, we will most often use for loops in this introduction, rather than
the more compact matrix notation. When you write programs to solve the home
problems (at least in this course), you should write code optimized for clarity rather
than speed. In other courses (for example, Humanoid robotics), there will be some
time-critical operations (such as, for instance, image processing), where the speed
of the code will be crucial. However, in those cases, we will not use Matlab anyway.
Now, remove the comment (%) in the FunctionOptimization.m file, save all
files, and run the program by again typing
> FunctionOptimization
the entire population (i.e. all the chromosomes) will be listed. They should contain
only 0s and 1s.
As an aside, note that the variables defined when executing the program will
reside in Matlab’s working memory until cleared (or overwritten, for example by
executing the program again). A common error in submitted solutions to home
problems is that the working memory may have contained crucial information that
is not properly set by the program itself, and therefore will not, perhaps, be available
if the program is executed directly after starting Matlab. Thus, before submitting
the solution to a home problem, exit Matlab, then restart Matlab and run the
program directly, to make sure that it works properly.
The next step is to evaluate the individuals of the population. Modify the main
program (FunctionOptimization.m) to read
populationSize = 30;
numberOfGenes = 40;
crossoverProbability = 0.8;
mutationProbability = 0.025;
tournamentSelectionParameter = 0.75;
fitness = zeros(populationSize,1);
variableRange = 3.0;
for i = 1:populationSize
chromosome = population(i,:);
x = DecodeChromosome(chromosome, variableRange);
fitness(i) = EvaluateIndividual(x);
The added lines will loop through the entire population, extract and decode chro-
mosomes, and evaluate the corresponding individual. Note that the step defining
the chromosome is not absolutely necessary: It would be possible to write
x = DecodeChromosome(population(i,:),variableRange);
However, the definition of a separate chromosome variable makes the code clearer
(see also Sect. 3.2 in the coding standard). It is a good idea to develop the habit of
writing easily readable code. Note that the notation population(i,:) indicates a
vector containing all elements on row i of the matrix population.
Next, open the text editor, and write the function DecodeChromosome (saved as
DecodeChromosome.m) as follows:
function x = DecodeChromosome(chromosome,variableRange);
nGenes = size(chromosome,2);
nHalf = fix(nGenes/2);
x(1) = 0.0;
for j = 1:nHalf
x(1) = x(1) + chromosome(j)*2^(-j);
x(1) = -variableRange + 2*variableRange*x(1)/(1 - 2^(-nHalf));
x(2) = 0.0;
for j = 1:nHalf
x(2) = x(2) + chromosome(j+nHalf)*2^(-j);
x(2) = -variableRange + 2*variableRange*x(2)/(1 - 2^(-nHalf));
This function uses the genes in the first half of the chromosomes to obtain a value of
x(1) in the range [0,1], and the remaining genes to obtain a value of x(2) in the same
range. x(1) and x(2) are then rescaled to the interval [-variableRange,variableRange]
(see also Eq. (3.2) in the course book, p. 41).
Note that the DecodeChromosome function is by no means general: It assumes
that the number of genes is even, and that only two variables are to be generated.
However, it is easy to modify this function, so that it can generate any number
of variables, defining each variable using a given number of genes. You will be re-
quired to write such code in connection with the home problems. It should also
be noted that, in the case of temporary variables with limited scope, one may
(without violating the coding standard) use a rather short name, e.g. nGenes in-
stead of numberOfGenes and nHalf instead of numberOfGenesDividedByTwo. How-
ever, even short variable names should follow the standard for naming variables,
i.e. with the first word (or prefix) in lower case, and all subsequent words (if any)
beginning with an uppercase letter. Finally, note that the values of local variable
(such as e.g. nGenes) is lost when Matlab exits the function. Now write the file
EvaluateIndividual.m as follows:
function f = EvaluateIndividual(x);
The ... characters indicate that the formula continues on the next row. Since the
task is to maximize the function, we simply use the value of the function as fitness.
Note: The most common error when entering the code is to make a mistake in the
EvaluateIndividual function: Check it carefully before proceeding!
Now, save all open files, and test the program by typing FunctionOptimization
in the Matlab command window. If you now type fitness, a list of 30 (=populationSize)
fitness values should appear. Since the population was generated randomly, it is un-
likely that any of the generated fitness values are near the optimum (which, so far,
is unknown!). The next step is to try to improve the population, through selection,
crossover, and mutation.
For the selection step, we will use tournament selection with tournament size 2. (As
an exercise, try also to implement roulette wheel selection!). Again, open a new file
with a text editor, and enter the following:
function iSelected = TournamentSelect(fitness,tournamentSelectionParameter);
populationSize = size(fitness,1);
iTmp1 = 1 + fix(rand*populationSize);
iTmp2 = 1 + fix(rand*populationSize);
r = rand;
if (r < tournamentSelectionParameter)
if (fitness(iTmp1) > fitness(iTmp2))
iSelected = iTmp1;
iSelected = iTmp2;
if (fitness(iTmp1) > fitness(iTmp2))
iSelected = iTmp2;
iSelected = iTmp1;
Save the file as TournamentSelect.m. This function chooses the (index of the)
better of two randomly selected individuals with the probability given by the tour-
nament selection parameter ptour (set to 0.75 above). With probability 1 − ptour
the (index of the) worse of the two individuals is selected. Now, modify the main
program (FunctionOptimization.m) so that it takes the following form
populationSize = 30;
numberOfGenes = 40;
crossoverProbability = 0.8;
mutationProbability = 0.025;
tournamentSelectionParameter = 0.75;
variableRange = 3.0;
for i = 1:populationSize
chromosome = population(i,:);
x = DecodeChromosome(chromosome, variableRange);
fitness(i) = EvaluateIndividual(x);
tempPopulation = population;
for i = 1:2:populationSize
i1 = TournamentSelect(fitness,tournamentSelectionParameter);
i2 = TournamentSelect(fitness,tournamentSelectionParameter);
chromosome1 = population(i1,:);
chromosome2 = population(i2,:);
tempPopulation(i,:) = chromosome1;
tempPopulation(i+1,:) = chromosome2;
population = tempPopulation;
The current version of the code first generates a random set of chromosomes, which
is then decoded and evaluated. Next, a temporary population is generated through
tournament selection. The notation 1:2:populationSize in the for loop indicates
that only every other i value will be considered, i.e. i = 1, 3, 5, 7, . . .. Finally, the
temporary population replaces the original population.
for j = 1:nGenes
if (j < crossoverPoint)
newChromosomePair(1,j) = chromosome1(j);
newChromosomePair(2,j) = chromosome2(j);
newChromosomePair(1,j) = chromosome2(j);
newChromosomePair(2,j) = chromosome1(j);
and save it as Cross.m. This function defines a crossover point randomly between
two genes in the chromosomes, and makes two new temporary chromosomes using
one–point crossover.
Next, in order to implement mutations, enter the following code
function mutatedChromosome = Mutate(chromosome,mutationProbability);
nGenes = size(chromosome,2);
mutatedChromosome = chromosome;
for j = 1:nGenes
r = rand;
if (r < mutationProbability)
mutatedChromosome(j) = 1-chromosome(j);
and save it as Mutate.m. This function loops through all the genes in a chromo-
some, and flips the corresponding bit with probability pmut , as specified by the
mutationProbability variable. Note that the expression fix(2.0*rand) produces
an integer random number equal to 0 or 1. Now we can add crossover and mutation
to the main program, which then takes the following form:
populationSize = 30;
numberOfGenes = 40;
crossoverProbability = 0.8;
mutationProbability = 0.025;
tournamentSelectionParameter = 0.75;
fitness = zeros(populationSize,1);
variableRange = 3.0;
for i = 1:populationSize
chromosome = population(i,:);
x = DecodeChromosome(chromosome, variableRange);
fitness(i) = EvaluateIndividual(x);
tempPopulation = population;
for i = 1:2:populationSize
i1 = TournamentSelect(fitness,tournamentSelectionParameter);
i2 = TournamentSelect(fitness,tournamentSelectionParameter);
chromosome1 = population(i1,:);
chromosome2 = population(i2,:);
r = rand;
if (r < crossoverProbability)
newChromosomePair = Cross(chromosome1,chromosome2);
tempPopulation(i,:) = newChromosomePair(1,:);
tempPopulation(i+1,:) = newChromosomePair(2,:);
tempPopulation(i,:) = chromosome1;
tempPopulation(i+1,:) = chromosome2;
end % Loop over population
for i = 1:populationSize
originalChromosome = tempPopulation(i,:);
mutatedChromosome = Mutate(originalChromosome,mutationProbability);
tempPopulation(i,:) = mutatedChromosome;
population = tempPopulation;
In order to achieve a monotonous increase in the fitness values, we should use elitism.
In order to add this feature, modify the evaluation part of FunctionOptimization.m
to read
Next, add the following line just before the line that overwrites the old population:
tempPopulation(1,:) = population(bestIndividualIndex,:);
With these changes, the program will keep track of the best individual, and insert a
copy of this individual at the (arbitrarily chosen) first position in the new population.
Complete program
So far, the program just evaluates a single generation and then generates a new
population without evaluating it. Almost always, one needs to iterate the pro-
cesses of evaluation, selection, and reproduction many times. Thus, define a variable
numberOfGenerations just after the defintion of the variable range in the main pro-
gram (FunctionOptimization.m), and set its value to 100. Next, add a for loop
that iterates over the number of generations just defined. Finally, add a line that
prints the best fitness value, and the corresponding coordinates (x), at the end of
each generation. The main program then takes the form:
populationSize = 30;
numberOfGenes = 40;
crossoverProbability = 0.8;
mutationProbability = 0.025;
tournamentSelectionParameter = 0.75;
variableRange = 3.0;
numberOfGenerations = 100;
fitness = zeros(populationSize,1);
tempPopulation = population;
for i = 1:2:populationSize
i1 = TournamentSelect(fitness,tournamentSelectionParameter);
i2 = TournamentSelect(fitness,tournamentSelectionParameter);
chromosome1 = population(i1,:);
chromosome2 = population(i2,:);
r = rand;
if (r < crossoverProbability)
newChromosomePair = Cross(chromosome1,chromosome2);
tempPopulation(i,:) = newChromosomePair(1,:);
tempPopulation(i+1,:) = newChromosomePair(2,:);
tempPopulation(i,:) = chromosome1;
tempPopulation(i+1,:) = chromosome2;
end % Loop over population
for i = 1:populationSize
originalChromosome = tempPopulation(i,:);
mutatedChromosome = Mutate(originalChromosome,mutationProbability);
tempPopulation(i,:) = mutatedChromosome;
Figure 1: The plot window showing the performance of the GA.
tempPopulation(1,:) = population(bestIndividualIndex,:);
population = tempPopulation;
maximumFitness, xBest
Note the change in indentation, which increases the readability of the code. Note
also the last line, which prints the maximum fitness value found, as well as the
corresponding variable values at the end of the run. In fact, the program prints this
information for each generation (which is perhaps a bit unnecessary).
Using graphics
You have now learned how to write a basic EA in Matlab. Obviously, many re-
finements can be made. For instance, a nice graphical user interface (GUI) makes
it easier to study the progress of the EA. As an example, with the code additions
described below, Matlab will plot the progress (the best fitness in each generation)
of the EA in a window and also write the value of maxFitness in the same window.
First, a new figure needs to be created and initialized with appropriate parame-
ters; the following lines of code do just that:
fitnessFigureHandle = figure;
hold on;
set(fitnessFigureHandle, ’Position’, [50,50,500,200]);
set(fitnessFigureHandle, ’DoubleBuffer’,’on’);
axis([1 numberOfGenerations 2.5 3]);
bestPlotHandle = plot(1:numberOfGenerations,zeros(1,numberOfGenerations));
textHandle = text(30,2.6,sprintf(’best: %4.3f’,0.0));
hold off;
These lines of code should be placed in the FunctionOptimization.m file, after the
initialization of variables but before the line:
population = InitializePopulation(populationSize, numberOfGenes);
Please consult the Matlab documentation for the commands and parameters used in
the above code snippet. In particular, you may wish to study the concept of Handle
After having created a figure and its handle fitnessFigureHandle, the fol-
lowing lines of code are used to update a vector containing the highest fitness
value for each generation and plot that vector in the figure maintained by the
fitnessFigureHandle variable. These lines of code should be placed before the
end of the for iGeneration = 1:numberOfGenerations loop, i.e. just above the
last end in the FunctionOptimization.m file.
plotvector = get(bestPlotHandle,’YData’);
plotvector(iGeneration) = maximumFitness;
set(textHandle,’String’,sprintf(’best: %4.3f’,maximumFitness));
Now run the program and notice how the progress of the EA is plotted in the figure,
as shown in Fig. 1.
surfaceFigureHandle = figure;
hold on;
set(surfaceFigureHandle, ’DoubleBuffer’,’on’);
delta = 0.1;
limit = fix(2*variableRange/delta) + 1;
[xValues,yValues] = meshgrid(-variableRange:delta:variableRange,...
zValues = zeros(limit,limit);
for j = 1:limit
for k = 1:limit
zValues(j,k) = EvaluateIndividual([xValues(j,k) yValues(j,k)]);
colormap gray;
Figure 2: The plot window showing three-dimensional visualization of the popula-
shading interp;
view([-7 -9 10]);
decodedPopulation = zeros(populationSize,2);
populationPlotHandle = plot3(decodedPopulation(:,1), ...
hold off;
What is more, the above code snippet also creates a handle to a 3D plot which
contains the decoded chromosome and fitness of each individual in the population
(i.e. the x and y values with the corresponding function value). We will use this
handle, populationPlotHandle, to update and re-plot the individuals in each gen-
eration, in the surface plot figure.
Now, the matrix decodedPopulation must be updated to contain the decoded
x and y values of each individual. So, change the code of FunctionOptimization.m
to include such a statement (the second line from the bottom in the following code
snippet) as follows:
x = DecodeChromosome(chromosome, variableRange);
decodedPopulation(i,:) = x; % The new statement
fitness(i) = EvaluateIndividual(x);
... (etc.)
Finally, a statement to update the plot of the population is needed. Change the
last lines of code in the FunctionOptimization.m file to:
set(textHandle,’String’,sprintf(’best: %4.3f’,maximumFitness));
% The following statement is new
set(populationPlotHandle,’XData’,decodedPopulation(:,1),’YData’, ...
Now run the program and observe the surface plot (shown in Fig. 2) as well as
the symbols representing the individuals on this surface.