CFS Gin 3a
CFS Gin 3a
CFS Gin 3a
Funding for this publication was provided by the Research and Development Department, County of Hawaii.
which can make a crop unmarketable. The soil thin and elongated result from too-deep covering
should be tilled before nematicide treatment to during the hilling operation. Rhizomes that are
ensure that the soil is well aerated and free from knobby and show horizontal growth result from
clods. The soil should be fumigated at a soil inadequate hilling.
moisture that is neither too wet nor too dry, Le.,
approximately at field capacity, to ensure effective Seed
penetration of the nematicide to a depth of 18-24 in A successful crop is initiated with the use of
(46-61 cm). clean, good quality "seed." The rhizomes to be
The best time to plant edible ginger is in the used for seed should be from the best ginger
early spring, beginning in March. Optimum available to the grower. The seed should be free of
yield is obtained when the growing season is 10 root-knot nematode, Fusarium wilt, bacterial wilt,
months long. Earlier plantings may result in poor and other diseases. The seed should be carefully
and uneven sprouting due to low soil tempera selected and treated with hot water at 122°F (50°C)
tures. Fields planted too early usually produce for 10 minutes to kill any undetected nematodes
yields substantially lower than fields planted and to surface-sterilize the rhizomes. The
later in the season. Commercial crops planted late temperature must be accurate and kept constant,
in the season will result in reduced yield and size because lower temperatures will not effectively
of rhizomes. control the nematodes and higher temperatures
Because edible ginger is susceptible to many will damage the seed. Incorporation of a fungicide
diseases and pests, field sanitation is of para will help in reducing certain seed-borne diseases
mount importance. Once treated, the field should and prevent decay of the seed after planting. The
be kept free of contamination from runoff water seed should be planted immediately after
and from outside soii. Multiple drainage ditches treatment to minimize recontamination by aerial
should be dug around the perimeter of the field. fungal organisms. Overtreating seed (time or
Entry into the field should be limited to disease temperature) results in an overabundance of
and soil-free equipment, machinery, and person small and yellow shoots. Plants ,derived from
nel. Supplemental foliar nematicide applications these shoots will not develop properly and will
can be made as necessary during the season to remain stunted throughout the crop.
prevent nematode population increase. About 2000 lb (907 kg) of seed is required to
To overcome the tendency of the ginger root to plant an acre of ginger with the average
grow horizontally, soil is periodically hilled conversion ratio of seed to crop of 1:20. Seed size
(mounded) in the plant row to ensure vertical used in commercial production varies from 4 to 8
growth. The desired long, plump "hands" result oz (113-227 gm), depending on the time of
from proper timing of the hilling operation. Three planting. The yield is not affected by seed size
to five hillings are made during the crop cycle, when planting occurs in early spring; however,
with the depth of cover determined by the rate of late plantings benefit greatly from larger seed
growth. The early hillings are thin and made by size. Increased seed density results in increased
hand. Later hillings are made with the assistance yield but also in an increase of tangled rhizomes,
of a hand-held tiller with the capability to throw which creates problems in harvesting and in
soil onto the ginger row. Ginger rhizomes that are rhizome quality.
Figure 1. "Hand" of mature ginger root that has Figure 2. Young ginger plants that have been hilled
been cured. with the aid of a tiller.
Planting 1000 lb (272-454 kg) per acre. The use of a high
After soil fumigation, the field should be nitrogen fertilizer results in excess foliar growth
furrowed with lines spaced 4.5-5.0 ft (137-152 em) at the expense of the rhizomes. Commercial
apart. Furrows are cut with a hand-held tiller in growers use a low-nitrogen fertilizer with a ratio
one or two passes to a depth of 12-18 in (30-46 em). of 1:2:2 (i.e., 10-20-20).
Preplant fertilizer is applied and tilled into the Complete fertilizer applications are stopped at
bottom of the furrow before seeding. The seed the end of September when flowering begins. Sev
pieces are planted 6-8 in (15-20 em) apart and eral applications of a potassium fertilizer such as
covered with 2-4 in (5-10 cm) of soil. The initial K-mag (0-0-26) or muriate of potassium (0-0-61)
furrow, which serves as the planting row, will are made late in the crop to increase the plumpness
eventually be the hill at harvest, as the soil is of the rhizomes and to produce a shiny skin sur
moved during the hilling process. face. Calcium amendments may be applied sev
eral times during the crop to minimize tip rot.
The fertilizer incorporated into the planting Harvest
row is important in getting the crop off to a strong "Young ginger" is a specialty product prized
start. The preplant application includes a com for tender, low-fiber texture and is used primarily
plete fertilizer, additional phosphorus, calcium, for pickling. It is harvested before the rhizome
and organic matter. Nitrogen is supplied as a develops a high fiber content. Young ginger
complete fertilizer (NPK) in the ratio of 1:3:1 (i.e., dehydrates easily and should be protected from
10-30-10) or 1:1:1 (i.e., 14-14-14) at 300-500 lb (136 direct sun exposure. This type of ginger is
227 kg) per-acre. Phosphorus is additionally marketed with about 1.0-1.5 in (2.5-3.8 em) of
supplied as treble superphosphate (0-47-0) at 1000 lb pseudostem attached to the rhizome. Since fiber
(454 kg) material or 470 lb (213 kg) P20S per acre. development is a function of the age of the plant,
Calcium is supplied as either calcium carbonate time of planting has a great effect on the
or dolomite at 1000-2000 lb (454-907 kg) per acre. availability of this product. Ginger planted in
Organic matter is supplied as composted chicken early spring is harvested in July and August.
or cow manure at 1000-2000 lb (454-907 kg) per Ginger planted later in the season will still be
acre. marketable as young ginger later in the year, due
Fertilization after planting is made as a side to the later development of fiber. The yield of
dress application 10-12 in (25-30 em) from the young ginger is significantly less than that of
plant row, since ginger is susceptible to fertilizer mature ginger.
damage. Application intervals vary from two to The natural senescence of ginger, which
three weeks but should not exceed three weeks occurs in Janu'ary, is triggered by flowering in
because of the time lag in nutrient uptake. late September, regardless of time of planting.
Application of fertilizer normally begins at first Harvesting before senescence can be facilitated
emergence of shoots with low rates of a complete by trimming the tops of the ginger plant two to
fertilizer or an application of compost manure at three weeks before the anticipated harvest date.
200-400 lb (91-181 kg) per acre. Subsequent This stimulates the formation of an abscission
fertilizer applications are made at rates of 600 zone between the rhizome and the pseudostem.
Figure 3. Ginger plants flowering in late Sep Figure 4. Harvested ginger roots being washed by
tember. hand.
Extreme care should be used when washing Bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas sp.): leaf
ginger harvested in the early season, because the blight.
epidermis is fragile and subject to damage. The Fusarium yellows and rhizome rot (Fusarium
blue-gray tinge in the tissue surrounding the pith oxysporum f. sp. zingiberi): wilt of entire plant,
reflects healthy ginger and is observable until rhizome rot.
resprouting occurs. Ginger rhizomes will put on a Red rot (Pyrenochaeta sp.): rhizome rot.
major part of their total weight during the last Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita):
month of growth, so early harvest will reduce rhizome and root galls.
yield. Premature yellowing, wilting, or dying of Burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis):
plants before or during the flowering stage is rhizome lesions.
usually caused by Fusarium or bacterial wilt. Alligator skin (Rhizoctonia solani): rhizome
Normally, ginger is harvested after the leaves tip cracks and epidermis russeting; also causes
turn yellow and dry down completely and the stem root and rhizome rot.
falls over. At this stage, the rhizomes have a fairly Postharvest decay, caused by a variety of fungi
firm skin and will not bruise easily in the harvest and bacteria if rhizomes are not cured and stored
and washing operations. Ginger rhizomes can be properly. The more common fungi are
harvested by hand with a modified potato digger or Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp., Fusarium sp.,
mechanically with a tractor-pulled cutter bar that Colletotrichum sp., and Thielaviopsis sp.
cuts the major roots and lifts the ginger stool. The Pythium soft rot (Pythium graminicola, P.
harvested rhizomes are boxed and transported to splendens and P. aphanidermatum): root rot, and
warehouses, where they are washed and dried on soft rot of rhizomes.
screened racks, which allow air movement. The Leafspot (Phyllosticta zingiberis): leafspot.
rhizomes are cured for three to five days, de Tip rot, calcium deficiency, breakdown of
pending on the humidity, temperature, and time of rhizome tips.
harvest. Insufficient curing will result in the
development of mildew on the cut ends. Excessive Insects
curing will result in weight loss and in loss of the Banana aphid (Pentalonia nogronervosa): a
desired shiny skin surface. minor pest of ginger, the aphid feeds on plant sap.
Chinese rose beetle (Adoretus sinicus): the
Marketing most serious insect pest of ginger in Hawaii;
After curing, ginger is packed and sold in 30 adults cause direct damage to foliage at night.
lb (13.6-kg) containers. The rhizomes are graded Ginger maggot (Eumerus figurans): con
in accordance with the standards established by sidered a secondary pest of ginger; adults are
the Hawaii Department of Agriculture. The major attracted to injured or rotting roots, where they lay
market for fresh Hawaiian ginger root is the eggs; larvae sometimes feed on healthy tissue.
continental United States, with small amounts Lesser cornstalk borer (Elasmopalpus
sold in the international market. The primary lignosellus): caterpillars can cause serious
distribution mode is through local brokerage injury to shoots and sterns in dry climatic
firms or direct sales to West Coast wholesale conditions.
firms by large producers. Nigra scale (Parasaissetia nigra): feeds on
plant sap and if numerous can reduce plant vigor.
Diseases Turmeric root scale (Aspidiella hartii): found
Bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum): on the island of Hawaii in 1986 and is thought to
wilt of entire plant, rhizome rot. have been eradicated from the state; sucks plant
Bacterial soft rot (Erwinia sp.): leaf, pseudo sap and if numerous could reduce the storage life
stem and rhizome rot. of ginger roots.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agricuhure.
Noel P. Kelford, Director and Dean, Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii
at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity Employer providing programs and services to the citizens of Hawaii without regard to
race, color, national origin, or sex.