Summer Internship Project Weekly Report: Vishal - Balwani@ofbusiness - in

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Name of the Mentee: Koushik K

Register No: 2027910

Organization of SIP: Ofbusiness

Name of the Corporate Mentor: Vishal Balwani

Email ID / Phone Number
Designation in the Organization: Intern

Reporting week Week 1: 3rd May to 7rd May 2021

Week 1: 3rd April to 7th April 2021

● DAY 1: Activities / Tasks – understanding the process flow of the company.

● DAY 2: Activities / Tasks – Briefing/Presenting about my learning to the reporting


● DAY 3: Activities / Tasks: - Searching for target customer online (Google) and making a
excel list about the customers details

● DAY 4: Activities / Tasks: - Searching for target customer online and making a excel list.

● DAY 5: Activities / Tasks: - Searching for target customer online and making a excel list.
Learning for two weeks

Process flow without Ofbusiness (OFB) Process flow with Ofbusiness (OFB)
Customer gives
Customer Customer closes the
Floats RFQ the vendor
Supplier charges RFQ by negotiating on
Customer for Material invoice to OFB
2-3% per month (0-30 days) payment
Floats purchase to immediate
for extending terms.
RFQ for payment.
Material credit

Supplier will offer better OFB makes the

rates as they don’t like to payment to vendor
Customer closes offer longer credit on behalf of
the●RFQ based on customer.

payment terms &
bid price.

Customer gets
flexible payment
period of up to 120
Customer makes Cost of credit Maximum cost days
payment as per 24-36% Per of credit 15-18% Interest charged
agreed terms. annum per Annum. on the pro data
and only on the
amount utilized.

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