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Cellphone Jammer Circuit (PDFDrive)

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A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

B.Sc. (HONS) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering




INDEX 124084


Prof. Sharief Fadul Babiker


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

University of Khartoum

October 2017
I declare that this report entitled “Cellphone Jammer Circuit” is my own work except
as cited in the references. This report had not been accepted for any degree and was not
being submitted concurrently in candidature for any degree or another award.

Name: …………………………………………………………………….

Signature: …………………………………………………………………….

Date: / / 2017

I would first like to thank my thesis advisor Prof. Sharief Fadul
Babiker of the Faculty of Engineering – Department of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering at University of Khartoum. The door to Prof.
Babiker office was always open whenever I ran into a trouble spot or had a
question about my research or writing. He consistently allowed this paper to
be my own work, but steered me in the right the direction whenever he
thought I needed it.

I would also like to thank the experts who were involved in the
educational process for this research project: Prof. Sami Mohamed Shareef
(Communication Engineering), Prof. Mustafa Omer Nawri (Control
Engineering), Dr. Iman AbuAlMaali AbdalRahaman (Communication
Engineering), Dr. Samah Omer Hashem (Electronics Engineering), Mr.
Mohannad Ahmed AlHassan (Electronics Engineering) and Dr. Hiba
Hassan Imam (Communication Engineering). Without their passionate
participation and input, the thesis could not have been successfully

I would also like to acknowledge my Family as the first supporters of

this thesis, and I am gratefully indebted to them, and without them this work
wouldn’t be accomplished this neatly and clearly.

This paper presents the design, implementation, and testing of a dual-
band mobile-phone jammer. This jammer works at GSM 900 and GSM 1800
simultaneously and thus jams the four well-known carriers’ frequency in
Sudan (Zain, Sudani and MTN). This paper went through two stages: Stage
one: studying the GSM-system to find the best jamming technique,
establishing the system design and selecting suitable components. Stage
two: buying all the needed components, drawing the overall schematics,
assembling the devices, performing some measurements and finally testing
the mobile jammer. The designing stage consists of voltage controlled
oscillator, noise generator and Radio Frequency Amplification. MATBLAB
Simulink was used for the simulation of the frequency oscillator, On
Running the simulation, and observing the output of the scope. We can see
that the result must be a signal at frequency RF covers the whole downlink
The designed jammer as supposed to be successful in jamming the Sudanese
carriers operating on 1G or 2G networks.

‫ر ذ جه ر مذد ر اينذموتل ر يذو ر ي ذ‬ ‫يع ر هذاررلمذموع ر يمذوتررعذ ذيوتبذررلذيم‬
‫ور اام ذموهر واذموعوع ر ذاذارلمذمو ر ي ذيععر ذ ر ذ‪GSM 900‬ذيذ‪GSM 1800‬ذف ر ذ‬
‫يقر ذيمدر وذيل و ر و ذو قراذ عر ذور ااذواور ذع مقر ذدع يفر ذفر ذمو‪،‬ر ام ذ مي و ر امع ذ‬
‫ي‪)MTN‬ا ذ‬

‫درر ذاررلمذموع رر يمذدرر ذ رراذذدرر د ذ وذموع د رر ذم يورر وذا م رر ذ‪GSM‬ذعظررر ذ‬ ‫ذ‬

‫ر ذموعت ر اذ‬ ‫و عث ر ذ ر ذ فق ر ذو تذ ر ذو ر ي وذيي ررمذوتررعذ ذموتظ ر ذيم ذ ر ذموعت‬
‫ر ذموللرمذمو ر د وذيو عذرمذم جهر ‪،‬وذ‬ ‫موع د ذموث عذ وذشر م ذجعذرمذموعن عر ذموامدر وذ‬
‫ر ذجه ر مذو ر ي ذموعوع ر ذاذد د ر ذمو تررعذ وذدللررلبذ‬ ‫ذمو ذ ر ذي ذ ر مذم‬ ‫ي ام ذلعر‬
‫ُد ر ون ذل و ه ر وذد و ر م ذموق ر ذتذيدقررلع ذايم ر ذمو ر اام ذمو ماي ي ر ذاذيق ر ذم ر ل ذ‬
‫‪MATBLAB SIMULINK‬ذوعو ك ر ‪،‬ذدللررلبذمو ر ااوذف ر ذو رراذ ذموعو ك ر ‪،‬وذيد مق ر ذ‬
‫مولر نذدر ذموتلر ياذيعنتتر ذ ذعر أذ ذموت ذ ر ذيب ر هذ ذونر ذإشر ‪،‬ذ ر ذور ااذيال ر ذ‬
‫ام ر ‪،‬ذمو ر ااذموه لل ر ذك ه ر وذيد ر ذموعب ر هذ ذمو ه ر مذع ر ذف ر ذمو ر ي ذ ر ذش ر ك ذ‬
‫ذش ن ذذ‪ 1G‬ي ‪2G‬ا‬ ‫مإلوت ال ذمو‪ ،‬امعذ ذموع د ذ‬

DECLARATION OF ORIGINA LINTY ......................................................................................................II
ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS .......................................................................................................................... III
ABSTRA CT..................................................................................................................................................... IV
‫ المستخلص‬.........................................................................................................................................................V
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................... VI
TABLE OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... IX
LIST OF TA BLES .......................................................................................................................................... XI
LIST OF SYM BOLS.....................................................................................................................................XII
LIST OF ACRONYMS............................................................................................................................... XIV

Chapter One: Introduction .............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Overvie w ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Proble m State ment ............................................................................................. 2
1.3 Background and Motivation ............................................................................. 3
1.4 Objectives of the Project .................................................................................... 4
1.5 Project Methodology .......................................................................................... 4
1.6 Thesis Layout...................................................................................................... 5
Chapter Two: Literature Review About Cellphone Jammer Circuit .......................... 7
2.1 Overvie w ............................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Introduction to GSM/DCS Systems.................................................................. 8
2.3 Cellphone Jammer Circuit ................................................................................ 8
2.4 Jamme r Architecture ......................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Vo ltage Controlled Oscillator ............................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Tuning Circuit .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.3 Mixer ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.4 Noise Generator ..................................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.5 RF Stage ................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.4.6 Power Supply ......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.7 Antenna ................................................................................................................................................... 10

2.5 Jamming Techniques ....................................................................................... 10

2.5.1 Strategies................................................................................................................................................. 10 Noise Strategy ................................................................................................................................... 10 Phase Strategy ................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.2 Techniques .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Spoofing ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Shield ing Attacks.............................................................................................................................. 11 Denial of Service .............................................................................................................................. 11

2.6 Types of Jammers............................................................................................. 11

2.6.1 Elementary Jammers ............................................................................................................................. 12 Proactive Jammers............................................................................................................................ 12 Constant Jammer ......................................................................................................................... 12

VI Deceptive Jammer ....................................................................................................................... 12 Random Jammer .......................................................................................................................... 13 Reactive Jammers ............................................................................................................................. 13 RTS/ CTS Jammer........................................................................................................................ 13 DATA/ACK Jammer .................................................................................................................. 13
2.6.2 Advanced Jammers ............................................................................................................................... 13 Function-Specific Jammers............................................................................................................. 13 Follow-On Jammer...................................................................................................................... 14 Channel Hopping Jammer.......................................................................................................... 14 Pulsed Noise Jammer.................................................................................................................. 14 Smart-Hybrid ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Control Channel Jammer............................................................................................................ 14 Implicit Jammer ........................................................................................................................... 14 Flow Jammer ................................................................................................................................ 14

2.7 Some Anti-Jamming Techniques .................................................................... 15

2.7.1 Anti-Jamming Strategies in IEEE 802.11n Networks ..................................................................... 15
2.7.2 Anti-Jamming in Wireless Mobile Networks ................................................................................... 16
2.7.3 Universal Anti-Jamming Technology ................................................................................................ 16

Chapter Three: Design and Imple mentation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit ............ 17
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Design Conside rations...................................................................................... 18
3.3 Project Scope .................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Hardware Phase Design................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Design Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 19 Jamming Distance ............................................................................................................................ 19 Frequency Bands .............................................................................................................................. 19 Jamming-to-Signal Rat io................................................................................................................. 20 Free Space Loss ................................................................................................................................ 20
3.4.2 Sweep Generator (Timer Stage).......................................................................................................... 21
3.4.3 IF Stage ................................................................................................................................................... 22 Noise Generator ................................................................................................................................ 23 Amplifier Stage ................................................................................................................................. 25
3.4.4 Mixer ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.4.5 RF Stage .................................................................................................................................................. 27 Synthesizer (An Examp le) .............................................................................................................. 27 RF Mixer ............................................................................................................................................ 28 Power A mp lifier .......................................................................................................................... 29 Power A mp lifier GSM -900 ....................................................................................................... 29 Power A mp lifier DCS-1800 ...................................................................................................... 30
3.4.6 Vo ltage Controlled Oscillators ............................................................................................................ 30
3.4.7 Power Supply ......................................................................................................................................... 31
3.4.8 Antenna ................................................................................................................................................... 33 Antenna Types .................................................................................................................................. 35 Wire Antenna ............................................................................................................................... 35 PCB Antenna................................................................................................................................ 36 Chip Antenna................................................................................................................................ 37 Antenna Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 37 Return Loss................................................................................................................................... 37

VII Bandwidth ..................................................................................................................................... 38 Radiat ion Efficiency ................................................................................................................... 39 Radiat ion Pattern ......................................................................................................................... 39 Gain ................................................................................................................................................ 40 Vo ltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSW R) .................................................................................. 40 Choosing an Antenna....................................................................................................................... 41

3.5 Software Phase Design ..................................................................................... 42

3.5.1 PCB Layout ............................................................................................................................................ 42 PCB - RF Stage ................................................................................................................................. 45 Overall Scheme (IF-Stage) ............................................................................................................. 45

3.6 Conclusion......................................................................................................... 46
Chapter Four: Results and Discussion.......................................................................... 47
4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 47
4.2 Simulation Results............................................................................................ 47
4.2.1 Multi-Vib rator (Triangle Wave Generator) ...................................................................................... 48
4.2.2 Noise Circuit Results ............................................................................................................................ 49
4.2.3 Summer Circuit Results........................................................................................................................ 50
4.2.4 Clamper’s Output .................................................................................................................................. 50
4.2.5 RF Stage Output .................................................................................................................................... 51
4.2.6 Antenna ................................................................................................................................................... 52 Antenna Return Loss........................................................................................................................ 52 Antenna VSWR ................................................................................................................................ 53

4.3 A Jammed Signal.............................................................................................. 53

Chapter Five: Conclusions ............................................................................................. 55
5.1 Project Preview................................................................................................. 55
5.2 Future Work ..................................................................................................... 56
References .................................................................................................................... 57
Appendix A: Chips datasheets ................................................................................. A-1
NE555P Timer / LM555C Timer ....................................................................................................................A-1
UA741 Op A mp .................................................................................................................................................A-2
LM 386N Low Power A mp lifier ......................................................................................................................A-3
PA08109B Power A mplifier ............................................................................................................................A-6

Appendix B: Components List ................................................................................. B-1

Appendix C: Abbreviation Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
(ARFCN) .................................................................................................................... C-1
ARFCN Table for Co mmon GSM Systems .................................................................................................. C-1

Appendix D: PCB Drilling Details (IF-SECTION) ................................................ D-1

Appendix E: RF Section Block Diagram..................................................................E-1

Figure 2. 1 : Block Diagram of Cellphone Jamming Circuit .............................................. 9
Figure 2. 2: Classification of jammers. ............................................................................. 12

Figure 3. 1: A 555-Timer in A-stable Mode ..................................................................... 22

Figure 3. 2: Triangle Waveform the 555 Timer in A-Stable Mode .................................. 22
Figure 3. 3: White Noise Representatives......................................................................... 23
Figure 3. 4: Pink Noise Representatives ........................................................................... 24
Figure 3. 5: Noise Spectrum ............................................................................................. 24
Figure 3. 6: Noise Generator Circuit................................................................................. 24
Figure 3. 7: Output Noise Waveform (EDA).................................................................... 25
Figure 3. 8: Amplifier Stage Subcircuit…. ....................................................................... 25
Figure 3. 9: Output Noise Waveform (Spectrum Analyzer) ............................................. 25
Figure 3. 10: Mixer Circuit ............................................................................................... 26
Figure 3. 11: The ADF4156 Synthesizer… ...................................................................... 27
Figure 3. 12: Synthesizer Circuit…………… .................................................................. 27
Figure 3. 13: The ADF4157 Frequency Synthesizer (Block Diagram) ............................ 28
Figure 3. 14: VCO Characteristics .................................................................................... 31
Figure 3. 15: Block Diagram of the Power Supply ........................................................... 32
Figure 3. 16: The KBPC3510 Power Supply .................................................................... 33
Figure 3. 17: Center Tapped Transformer ........................................................................ 33
Figure 3. 18: Dipole Antenna…. ........................................................................................ 34
Figure 3. 19: Quarter Wave Antenna ................................................................................ 34
Figure 3. 20: Antennas Used in Circuit ............................................................................ 35
Figure 3. 21: Wire Antenna............................................................................................... 36
Figure 3. 22:PCB Antenna…. ........................................................................................... 36
Figure 3. 23: Chip Antenna……………………………………………………………....36
Figure 3. 24: Antenna Return Loss ................................................................................... 37
Figure 3. 25: Antenna Bandwidth vs. Frequency ............................................................. 39
Figure 3. 27: Antenna Radiation Pattern Example ........................................................... 39
Figure 3. 28: Surface Mount Chip Vs. Throw Hole Chips ............................................... 42
Figure 3. 29: Footprint for Resistors……….. ................................................................... 43
Figure 3. 30: Footprint for Capacitors…………………………………………………...43
Figure 3. 31: Footprint for Diodes…… ............................................................................... 43
Figure 3. 32: Footprint for BJT…………………………………………………………..43
Figure 3. 33: Footprint for 555 timer…………………………………………………….44
Figure 3. 34: Footprint for 8-pin amplifiers. ..................................................................... 44
Figure 3. 35: Top PCB Layer ….. ...................................................................................... 44
Figure 3. 36: Bottom PCB Layer ...................................................................................... 44
Figure 3. 37: Physical Printed Board ................................................................................ 45
Figure 3. 38: Overall Scheme ........................................................................................... 45

Figure 4. 1: Triangle Wave from the EDA ....................................................................... 48
Figure 4. 2: Triangle Wave (Spectrum analayzer) ............................................................ 48
Figure 4. 3: Noise Output (EDA)...................................................................................... 49
Figure 4. 4: Noise (Spectrum Analyzer) ........................................................................... 49
Figure 4. 5: VCO............................................................................................................... 51
Figure 4. 6: GSM Channel Output .................................................................................... 51
Figure 4. 7: DCS Channel Output ..................................................................................... 52
Figure 4. 8: Cellphone Signal when Jammer is : (a) On (b) Off....................................... 53

Table 2. 1 :Classes of Jammers & their Attributes ........................................................... 15

Table 3. 1: GSM Systems Frequencies ............................................................................. 19

Table 3. 2 : Return Loss and Power Reflected from Antenna .......................................... 38

1G First Generation

2G Second Generation

Hz Hertz

V Volts

J/S Jamming to Signal Ratio

d Distance

dB Decibels

P Power

f Frequency

C Capacity

R Resistance

L Inductance

N Noise

λ Lambda (wavelength)

Ω Ohms

π Pi

K Gain or Sensitivity

ѡ Omega

S S-parameter

3D Three Dimension

bps Bits per Second

fUL Frequency of Up Link

fDL Frequency of Down Link

UofK University of Khartoum

DEEE Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

CJC Cellphone Jammer Circuit

GSM General System for Mobile-telecommunications

RF Radio Frequency

IF Intermediate Frequency

1G,2G, etc. First Generation, Second Generation, etc.

UHF Ultra-High Frequency

VHF Very-High Frequency

WNJP Wireless Network Jamming Problem

Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity

WW1,WW2 World War I, World War II

DC Direct Current

AC Alternate Current

PC Personal Computer

BBC British Broadcast Center

PCB Printed Circuit Board

DCS Digital Cellular System (GSM-1800)

AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service

TACS Total Access Communication System

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

GPRS General Packet Radio Service

EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution

WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

IBD Intelligent Beacon Disablers

EMF ElectroMagnetic Field

TEMPEST Transient ElectroMagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard

DOS Denial of Service

SNR Signal to Noise Ration

CSMA Carrier Sense Media Access

RTS Request to Send

CTS Clear to Send

ACK Acknowledgement

FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum

MAC Media Access Control

FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing

OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

ad-hoc Advanced Developers Hands on Conference

ARFCN Abbreviation absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number

FSPL Free Space Path Loss

VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator

FET Field Effect Transistor

FM Frequency Modulation

SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply

TL Transmission Line

FR Flame Retardant

RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator

BLE Bluetooth Low Energy

VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

AWR Automatic Workload Repository

EDA Electronic Design Automation

ISBN International Serial Book Number

PCS Personal Communications Service

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Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Overview
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Background and Motivation
1.4 Objectives of the Project
1.5 Methodology of the Project
1.6 Thesis Layout

1.1 Overview

Mobile jammers were originally developed for law enforcement and the military
to interrupt communications by criminals and terrorists to foil the use of certain remotely
detonated explosives. The civilian applications were apparent with growing public
resentment over usage of mobile phones in public areas on the rise & reckless invasion of

Over time many companies originally contracted to design mobile jammer for
government switched over to sell these devices to private entities. As with other radio
Chapter One Introduction

jamming, mobile jammer blocks mobile phone use by sending out radio waves along the
same frequencies that mobile phones use. This causes enough interference with the
communication between mobile phones and communicating towers to render the phones
unusable. Upon activating mobile jammer, all mobile phones will indicate "NO
NETWORK”. Incoming calls are blocked as if the mobile phones were off. When the
Mobile jammers are turned off, all mobile phones will automatically reestablish
communications and provide full service.

Mobile jammer’s effect can vary widely based on factors such as proximity to
towers, indoor and outdoor settings, presence of buildings and landscape, even
temperature and humidity play a role. The choice of mobile jammers is based on the
required range starting with the personal pocket mobile jammer that can be carried along
with you to ensure undisrupted meeting with your client or a personal portable mobile
jammer for your room or medium power mobile jammer or high power mobile jammer
for your organization to very high power military jammers to jam large campuses.

1.2 Problem Statement

A cellphone jammer is an instrument used to prevent cellular phones from

receiving signals from base stations. When used, the jammer effectively disables cellular
phones. These devices can be used in practically any location, but are found primarily in
places where a phone call would be particularly disruptive because silence is expected.

Various Signal jamming devices may be used by different people or groups to

block various frequencies, and hospitals are not an exception. Pacemakers can really
interfere with jammers, but both jammers and pace-maker manufacturers are constantly
make sure that such situation would be avoided any way.

The original pacemakers were developed to operate using short-range

communication frequency (175 kHz), which no ordinary jammer is able to block. New
pacemakers on the other hand, use UHF frequency range (402-405MHz).

Chapter One Introduction

The only jammer that blocks this spectrum is model of UHF/VHF jammers, and
they block 140-180MHz and 450-480MHz frequencies, thus its jamming signal is near
but not in the interfered frequency range.

Military strategists are constantly seeking ways to increase the effectiveness of

their force while reducing the risk of casualties. In any adversarial environment, an
important goal is always to neutralize the communication system of the enemy. In this
work, we are interested in jamming a wireless communication network. Specifically, we
introduce and study the problem of determining the optimal number and placement for a
set of jamming devices in order to neutralize communication on the network. This is
known as the Wireless Network Jamming Problem (WNJP). Despite the enormous
amount of research on optimization in telecommunications, this important problem for
military analysts has received little attention by the research community.

Possible electromagnetic interference to aircraft systems is the most common

argument put forth for banning passenger electronic devices on planes. Theoretically,
active radio transmitters such as mobile phones, small walkie–talkies, or radio remote–
controlled toys may interfere with the aircraft or air traffic control devices. This may be
especially true for older planes using sensitive instruments like older galvanometer based
displays. The development of this experiment can present a one-time solution to theses

We also can see the availability to use the jammers to block cellphone signal from
interfering with imam’s voice in Mosques and Islamic Centers.

1.3 Background and Motivation

Intentional communications jamming is usually aimed at radio signals to disrupt

control of a battle. A transmitter, tuned to the same frequency as the opponents' receiving
equipment and with the same type of modulation, can, with enough power, override any
signal at the receiver. Digital wireless jamming for signals such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is
possible with very low power.

Chapter One Introduction

During World War II, ground radio operators would attempt to mislead pilots by
false instructions in their own language, in what was more precisely a spoofing attack
than jamming. Radar jamming is also important to disrupt use of radar used to guide an
enemy's missiles or aircraft. Modern secure communication techniques use such methods
as spread spectrum modulation to resist the deleterious effects of jamming.

Jamming has also occasionally been used by the governments of Germany (during
WW2), Israel, Cuba, Iraq, Iran (Iraq and Iran war, 1980–1988), China, North and South
Korea and several Latin American countries, as well as by Ireland against pirate radio
stations such as Radio Nova. The United Kingdom government used two coordinated,
separately located transmitters to jam the offshore radio ship, Radio North Sea
International off the coast of Britain in 1970, and without forgetting, the Nazis attempt to
jam broadcasts to the continent from the BBC and other allied stations.

Legality Owning, manufacturing, marketing, offering for sale or operating a cell

phone jammer is punishable by an $11,000 fine and up to a year in prison for each
offense, which opposes a great deal to develop such a device as defensive weapon.

1.4 Objectives of the Project

The main objective of this project is to design a cellphone jammer circuit with
hardware part with high flexibility and minimum cost for University of Khartoum,
Educational ground station and making it available for use or modification by students,
graduates and researchers.

1.5 Project Methodology

In order to implement a CJC in form of a PCB circuit hardware chip to make the
sending (jamming) frequency tolerable and suiting the targeted device, a small set of
requirements is considered and goes through each development phase for those set of
requirements, design, implements is added in ever increasing until the application is
ready for integration, installation and maintenance phase.

Chapter One Introduction

1.6 Thesis Layout

This report is organized as follows:

 Chapter two (Literature Review about Cellphone Jammer Circuit): In this

Chapter an overview to the GSM systems and cellphone jammer circuit is
introduced with its definition, architecture and types followed by top-down
classification of hence jammers followed by some Anti-Jamming Techniques.
 Chapter three (Design and Implementation of the Cellphone Jammer
Circuit): This chapter includes all assumptions and considerations for the CJC
project. It represents the scope of the project, requirements and presenting all the
details of the design and implementations.
 Chapter four (Results and Discussions): This Chapter presents all results
obtained from testing the stages of the project and overall project work, and
discusses each one.
 Chapter five (Conclusions): By the end of this chapter project is reviewed,
objectives achieved is mentioned, objectives not achieved is discussed and finally
future work of the project.
 Appendix A: Chips Datasheets
 Appendix B: List of components
 Appendix C: Abbreviation Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
 Appendix D: PCB Drilling Details (IF-Section)
 Appendix E: RF-Section Block Diagram

Chapter One Introduction

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Chapter Two: Literature Review About Cellphone
Jammer Circuit

2.1 Overview
2.2 Introduction to GSM/DCS Systems
2.3 Cellphone Jammer Circuit
2.4 Jammer Architecture
2.5 Jamming Techniques
2.6 Types of Jammers
2.7 Some Anti-Jamming Techniques

2.1 Overview

This chapter introduces a summarized introduction to the GSM/DCS

systems, followed by a brief definition about cellphone jammer circuit definitions,
architecture and types followed by top-down classification of hence jammers, followed
by some Anti-Jamming techniques.
Chapter Two Literature Review about Cellphone Jammer Circuit

2.2 Introduction to GSM/DCS Systems

The key technologies used in cellular mobile radio include cellular frequency
reuse1, analog cellular (First Generation) include Advanced Mobile Phone Service
(AMPS) was the original analog cellular system in the United States.

The frequency bands for the AMPS system are 824 MHz to 849 MHz (uplink)
and 869 MHz to 894 MHz (downlink). After that, in First Generation the Total Access
Communication System (TACS) was deployed with difference than AMPS in radio
channel frequency bandwidth. Then, the Second Generation was implemented includes
Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) that will explain in details later in this
chapter, also in the same generation the North American TDMA (IS‐136 TDMA) and
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) was deployed. The development in Second
Generation was appearing in Packet based digital radio (2.5 generation) include General
Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution (EDGE).
Finally, the CDMA2000 and Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA)
includes in Third Generation.

In Sudan, there are two types of (GSM), the GSM‐900 and GSM‐1800. This
system also called digital cellular network system (DCS), so that this project is focusing
only on GSM and DCS systems to design our intelligent jamming system.

2.3 Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Jamming in wireless networks is defined as the disruption of existing GSM

communications by decreasing the signal-to-noise ratio at receiver sides through the
transmission of interfering mobile signals. Hence, A CJC device is device that executes
this duty.

The jamming device broadcasts an RF signal in the frequency range reserved for
cell phones that interferes with the cell phone signal, which results in a "no network
available" display on the cell phone screen.

Chapter Two Literature Review about Cellphone Jammer Circuit

2.4 Jammer Architecture

Cell-phone jammers are very basic devices. The simplest just have an on/off
switch and a light that indicates it's on. More complex devices have switches to activate
jamming at different frequencies. Components of a jammer include:

 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)

 Tuning circuit
 Mixer
 Noise Generator
 RF Stage
 Power Supply
 Antenna(s)

Power RF - Jamming
IF - Section
Supply Section The Signal

Figure 2. 1 : Block Diagram of Cellphone Jamming Circuit

2.4.1 Voltage Controlled Oscillator

Generates the radio signal that will interfere with the cell phone signal.

2.4.2 Tuning Circuit

Controls the frequency at which the jammer broadcasts its signal by sending a
particular voltage to the oscillator.

2.4.3 Mixer
Combines two signals in such a way to produce the sum and difference of the two
input frequencies at the output.

Chapter Two Literature Review about Cellphone Jammer Circuit

2.4.4 Noise Generator

Produces random electronic output in a specified frequency range to jam the cell-
phone network signal (part of the tuning circuit).

2.4.5 RF Stage
Boosts the power of the radio frequency output to high enough levels to jam a

2.4.6 Power Supply

Battery operated or using a V-V transformer (small capacity), to provide the
electrical power needed to operate the jammer.

2.4.7 Antenna
The broadcaster of jammer signal in desired map area.

2.5 Jamming Techniques

Here, a brief preview to methods of jamming a signal:

2.5.1 Strategies Noise Strategy

The main idea here is to insert additional noise in receivers which prevent them
from getting the correct information from the receiving signal. Almost all the techniques
which will be discussed later depend on these strategies. Phase Strategy

The main idea is to change the phase of signals to prevent the receivers which
uses this phase to receive signal in correct phase.

Chapter Two Literature Review about Cellphone Jammer Circuit

2.5.2 Techniques Spoofing
In this kind of jamming, the device forces the mobile to turn off itself. This type is
very difficult to be implemented since the jamming device first detects any mobile phone
in a specific area, then the device sends the signal to disable the mobile phone. Some
types of this technique can detect if a nearby mobile phone is there and sends a message
to tell the user to switch the phone to the silent mode (Intelligent Beacon Disablers). Shielding Attacks

This is known as TEMPEST or EMF shielding. This kind requires closing an area
in a faraday cage so that any device inside this cage cannot transmit or receive RF signal
from outside of the cage. This area can be as large as buildings, for example. Denial of Service

This technique is referred to DOS. In this technique, the device transmits a noise
signal at the same operating frequency of the mobile phone in order to decrease the
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the mobile under its minimum value. This kind of jamming
technique is the simplest one since the device is always on. Our device is of this type.

2.6 Types of Jammers

Jammers are malicious wireless nodes planted by an attacker to cause intentional

interference in a wireless network. Depending upon the attack strategy, a jammer can
either have the same or different capabilities from legitimate nodes in the network which
they are attacking. The jamming effect of a jammer depends on its radio transmitter
power, location and influence on the network or the targeted node.

A jammer may jam a network in various ways to make the jamming as effective
as possible. Basically, a jammer can be either elementary or advanced depending upon its
functionality. For the elementary jammers, we divided them into two sub- groups:
proactive and reactive. The advanced ones are also classified into two sub-types:

Chapter Two Literature Review about Cellphone Jammer Circuit

function-specific and smart-hybrid. The detailed classification of different jammers can

be found in Figure 2.2.

Ty pes of
Jam m ers

Elementary Advanced

Proactive Reactive Specific Sm art-Hy brid

Channel Control
Constant Deceptive Random RTS/CTS DATA/ACK Follow-On Hopping Pulsed Noise Channel Implicit
Jammer Jammer Jammer Jammer Jam m er Jam m er Jammer Jammer Flow Jammer
Jammer Jammer

Figure 2. 2: Classification of jammers.

2.6.1 Elementary Jammers Proactive Jammers

They transmit jamming interfering signals whether or not there is data
communication in a network and send packets or random bits on the channel it is
operating on, but do not switch channels and operates on only one channel until its
energy is exhausted. The types of proactive jammers are: constant, deceptive and random. Constant Jammer

Emits a continuous random bit switch out following the CSMA protocol and
prevents legitimate nodes from communicating with each other by causing the media to
be constantly busy. Deceptive Jammer

Deceives other nodes to believe that a legitimate transmission is taking place so
that they remain in receiving states until the jammer is turned off or dies.

Chapter Two Literature Review about Cellphone Jammer Circuit Random Jammer

Intermittently, transmits either random bits or regular packets into networks. It
saves energy by continuous switching between sleep and jamming states. Reactive Jammers

Reactive jammer starts jamming only when it observes a network activity occurs
on a certain channel, hence, targets on compromising the reception of a message. reactive
jammer is less energy efficient than random jammer. The following are two different
ways to implement a reactive jammer: RTS/CTS Jammer

Jams network when it senses a request-to-send (RTS) message is being
transmitted from a sender. It starts jamming the channel as soon as the RTS is sent.
Hence, receiver will not send back clear-to-send (CTS) reply because the RTS packet
sent from a sender is distorted. Then, sender will not send data because it believes the
receiver is busy with another on-going transmission. DATA/ACK Jammer

Jams the network by corrupting the transmissions of data or acknowledgement
(ACK) packets. It does not react until a data transmission starts at the transmitter end.
This type of jammer can corrupt data packets, or it waits until the data packets reach the
receiver and then corrupts the ACK packets.

2.6.2 Advanced Jammers Function-Specific Jammers

Function-specific jamming is implemented by having a pre-determined function.

In addition to being either proactive or reactive, they can either work on a single channel
to conserve energy or jam multiple channel sand maximize the jamming throughput
irrespective of the energy usage. Even when the jammer is jamming a single channel at a
time, they are not fixed to that channel and can change their channels according to their
specific functionality.

Chapter Two Literature Review about Cellphone Jammer Circuit Follow-On Jammer

Hops over all available channels very frequently (thousand times per second) and
jams each channel for a short period of time. It is particularly effective against some anti-
jamming techniques, e.g. Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) which uses a
slow-hopping rate. Channel Hopping Jammer

Hops between different channels proactively. It has direct access to channels by
overriding the CSMA protocol algorithm provided by the MAC layer. Then, it starts
performing attacks on different channels at different times according to a predetermined
pseudo-random sequence. Pulsed Noise Jammer

Can switch channels and jam on different bandwidths at different periods of time. Smart-Hybrid
They are called smart because of their power efficient and effective jamming
nature, and hybrid because they can be implemented as both proactive and reactive. Main
aim of these jammers is to magnify their jamming effect in the network they intend to
jam. Control Channel Jammer

Work in multi-channel networks by targeting the control channel, or the channel
used to coordinate network activity. Implicit Jammer

Are those that in addition to disabling the functionality of the intended target,
cause denial-of-service state at other nodes of the network too. Flow Jammer

Involve multiple jammers throughout the network which jams packets to reduce
traffic flow. These attacks are launched by using information from the network layer. If
there is a centralized control, then the minimum power to jam a packet is computed and
the jammer acts accordingly. In a non-centralized jammer model, each jammer shares
information with neighbour jammers to maximize efficiency.

Chapter Two Literature Review about Cellphone Jammer Circuit

At the end, table 2.1 shows the attributes of each jammer as a comparison
between them.

Energy Single Multiple

Jammer Proactive Reactive
Efficient Channel Channel

Constant × ×

Deceptive × ×

Random × × ×



Follow-on × × ×

Channel Hopping × × ×

Pulsed Noise × × ×

Control Channel × × × × ×

Implicit × × × × ×

Flow-Jammer × × × × ×
Table 2. 1 :Classes of Jammers & their Attributes

2.7 Some Anti-Jamming Techniques

2.7.1 Anti-Jamming Strategies in IEEE 802.11n Networks

There is very few research work on jamming and anti-jamming techniques in
IEEE 802.11n networks. Since the IEEE 802.11n is very different from its predecessor
IEEE 802.11a/b/g, the results of applying existing jamming and anti-jamming techniques
on IEEE 802.11n network could be very different. For example, XXXX shows that due to
the channel bonding effect in IEEE 802.11n, proactive frequency hopping is not a
suitable countermeasure for jamming. On the other hand, since the IEEE 802.11n

Chapter Two Literature Review about Cellphone Jammer Circuit

technology uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), it will be easier

to implement an effective reactive countermeasure.

2.7.2 Anti-Jamming in Wireless Mobile Networks

Most jamming detection and countermeasure are designed and evaluated in static
networks. The anti- jamming problem becomes more challenging in a mobile network
environment where jammers may move and cause the malfunction of jammer detection
and localization algorithms. So far, spatial retreats seem to be the only strategy
implemented on the mobile nodes. Having an effective approach for wireless mobile
networks with acceptable overhead is still an open issue. The anti-jamming system for
mobile networks should provide fast-detecting and fast-reacting mechanism which can
identify and localize a jammer quickly.

Moreover, since the same jammer may move and cause jamming in other areas in
the networks, how to prevent jamming based on historical jamming information will be
very interesting.

2.7.3 Universal Anti-Jamming Technology

Finally, we want to pose the ultimate question: is it possible to have a single
practical anti-jamming solution which can deal with all types of wireless networks
(whether it is static or mobile, sensor or Wi-Fi, infrastructure-based or ad-hoc) and detect
all kinds of jammers (e.g. constant, deceptive, random, reactive, follow-on, channel
hopping, control channel, implicit, flow jammers)? In addition, since we have so many
effective jamming techniques, beside preventing eavesdropper’s attack, can we use them
for any useful purpose?

Chapter Three: Design and Implementation of
Cellphone Jammer Circuit

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Design Consideration
3.3 Project Scope
3.4 Hardware Phase Design
3.5 Software Phase Design
3.6 Conclusion

3.1 Introduction

This chapter introduces the tools and methodology used to implement the project.
First consideration that taken into account to design the project is introduced, then project
scope and design options were defined, finally, the chosen design and the software design
environment involved are discussed in details followed by conclusions that summarizes
how the project works.
Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

3.2 Design Considerations

 Cost Effective: The system is to be designed and implemented using

available components with suitable cost.
 Re-Configurability: The system is to be easily reconfigurable and
flexible so that it can be used to support any number of
 Extensibility: The system must be designed such that new
capabilities can be added to it without major changes to the
underlying architecture.
 Usability: This system is to be designed with user interface such that
it is convenient to be used by all users of all levels.
 Compatibility: The project target is to design a Cellphone Jammer
Circuitry that can be implemented in any facility.
 Simplicity: The system design based on a simple approach to help
future development.
 Optimized:‫ ذ‬The number of major problems fixed such as resonance
and coverage of frequencies as discussed later in this chapter.

3.3 Project Scope

The scope of the project is to implement a design to the Cell-Phone Jamming

Circuitry that works on the First and Second Generations mobile devices with a simple
circuit (hand-made) and then on a Soft-Ware Designed PCB processed by a Personal

The system is designed to be an educational jammer targeting different users such

as undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and different stakeholders such as
manufacturers and marketers.

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

3.4 Hardware Phase Design

as a reminder we’ll review our “jammer knowledge” by this definition:

Signal Jamming: denying the successful transport of information from the sender to the
receiver, and vice-versa.

The jamming device broadcasts an RF signal in the frequency range reserved for
cell phones that interferes with the cell phone signal, which results in a "no network
available" display on the cell phone screen.

3.4.1 Design Parameters Jamming Distance

The output power of the device is related to the distance the device covers inverse

𝑃𝑂𝑈𝑇 ∝ 𝑅𝐽 Frequency Bands

The following table contains the frequency bands for GSM and DCS systems. To
avoid the fractions in frequency; the companies of mobile communication uses the
abbreviation absolute radio frequency channel number (ARFCN) to define the uplink and
downlink frequency at the same time, (see Appendix C).

GSM System Uplink Frequency Band Downlink Frequency Band

GSM 900 890 – 915 MHz 935 - 960 MHz
GSM 900 Extended Band 880 – 915 MHz 925 - 960 MHz
DCS 1800 1710 - 1785 MHz 1805 – 1880 MHz
Table 3. 1: GSM Systems Frequencies

Frequencies the device will cover:

GSM 900: 935-960 MHz and GSM 1800: 1805-1880 MHz

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit Jamming-to-Signal Ratio

 Jamming is successful when the jamming signal denies the usability of the
communication transmission.
 Usability is denied when the error rate of the transmission cannot be compensated
by error correction.
 J/S Ratio sets a measure to how powerful the jamming signal is, compared to the
original signal.
General equation of the jamming-to-signal ratio is given as follows:

𝐽 𝑃𝑗 𝐺𝑗𝑟 𝐺𝑟𝑗 𝑅𝑡𝑟 2 𝐿𝑟 𝐵𝑟

𝑆 𝑃𝑡 𝐺𝑡𝑟 𝐺𝑟𝑡 𝑅𝑗𝑟 2 𝐿𝑗 𝐵𝑗

𝑃𝑗 : Power of jammer
𝑃𝑡 : Power of transmitter
𝐺𝑗𝑟 : Antenna Gain from jammer to receiver
𝐺𝑟𝑗 : Antenna Gain from receiver to jammer
𝐺𝑡𝑟 : Antenna Gain from transmitter to receiver
𝐺𝑟𝑡 : Antenna Gain from receiver to transmitter
𝑅𝑡𝑟 :
Range between transmitter and receiver
𝑅𝑗𝑟 Range between jammer and receiver
𝐿𝑟 : Power loss of receiver
𝐿𝑗 : Power loss of jammer
𝐵𝑟 : Bandwidth of receiver
𝐵𝑗 : Bandwidth of jammer Free Space Loss

Free-Space Path loss (FSPL) is the loss in signal strength of an electromagnetic
wave that would result from a line-of-sight path through free space (usually air), with no
obstacles nearby to cause reflection or diffraction. In our stand of view, we can calculate
it as follows:

𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝑳𝒐𝒔𝒔 (𝒅𝑩) = 𝟑𝟐. 𝟒𝟒 + 𝟐𝟎 𝒍𝒐𝒈(𝒅) (𝒌𝒎) + 𝟐𝟎 𝒍𝒐𝒈(𝒇) (𝑴𝑯𝒛)

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit


𝒅 : Jamming distance
𝒇 : Ranged Frequency

 Worst case (F) happens when the Maximum Frequency is used in the above
Using 1880 MHz gives: P max frq. (dB) = 32.44 + 20 log (0.01) + 20 log (1880) = 58 dB.

Now, let’s talk about the hardware:

3.4.2 Sweep Generator (Timer Stage)

The main use of the triangle wave is to sweep the VCO to the desired frequency

935-960 MHz for VCO66CL and 1805-1880MHz for VCO55BE

 we can use the 555timer in the general A-stable mode to generate the sweeping
 The output frequency depends on the charging and discharging of the capacitor,
resistors values and the power supply for the IC.
 The Charging Time of the capacitor can be found as Follows:
𝑇𝐶 = 0.639(𝑅𝑎 + 𝑅𝑏 )𝐶
 The Discharging Time:
𝑇𝐷 = 0.639𝑅𝑏 𝐶
 And the Output Frequency can be calculated as follows:
𝑓𝑂𝑈𝑇 =
(𝑅𝑎 + 𝑅𝑏 )𝐶

 We need to get the charging and discharging time to equal so a %50 duty cycle
appears. This can be done by equating the values of ( 𝑅𝑎 = 𝑅𝑏 ) (or R1 , R2
respectively) and placing a diode across Rb, and the output frequency can as hence
previous equation. (see Figure 3.1 next page).

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Figure 3. 1: A 555-Timer in A-stable M ode

the desired output will be a triangle wave showing that the circuit is
working as shown in figure below:

Figure 3. 2: Triangle Waveform the 555 Timer in A-Stable M ode

3.4.3 IF Stage
We will be discussing two parts: the noise generator and the amplifier.

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit Noise Generator

In this project the jamming system needs a certain type of noise to cover a portion
band of spectrum, so the most applicable type of noise in this case is the white noise.

The Noise in general can be defined as: A random movement of charges or charge
carriers in an electronic device generates current and voltage that vary randomly with

 White Noise (Thermal Noise):

White noise is a random signal (or process) with a flat power spectral density. In
other words, the signal's power spectral density has equal power in any band, at any
center frequency, having a given bandwidth. White noise is considered analogous to
white light which contains all frequencies.

Figure 3. 3: White Noise Representatives

 Pink Noise (Flicker Noise):

Pink noise is a signal or process with a frequency spectrum such that the power
spectral density (energy or power per frequency interval) is inversely proportional to the
frequency of the signal. In pink noise, each octave (halving/doubling in frequency)
carries an equal amount of noise energy. The name arises from the pink appearance of
visible light with this power spectrum. This is in contrast with white noise which has
equal intensity per frequency interval.

𝑆 ( 𝑓) ∝

where: f is the frequency and 0 < 𝛼 < 2 (usually close to 1)

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Figure 3. 4: Pink Noise Representatives

Figure 3. 5: Noise Spectrum

The proposed circuit to generate the noise is as show below:

Figure 3. 6: Noise Generator Circuit

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit Amplifier Stage

Its use is to amplify the noise generated by the noise device former to it. Two
stages are used as shown in Figure 3.7 which are: Low Power amplifier LM386 and
operational amplifier (the summer) U741A. Capacitor C 5 is used to block DC current, and
the re resistor forms a none inverting amplifier and its gain is given by 1 + . The noise

wave form is shown in Figure 3.6 and Figure 3.8.

Figure 3. 7: Output Noise Waveform (EDA)

Figure 3. 8: Amplifier Stage Subcircuit Figure 3. 9: Output Noise Waveform (Spectrum Analyzer)

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

3.4.4 Mixer
Mixer is a nonlinear circuit that combines two signals in such a way to produce
the sum and difference of the two input frequencies at the output.

 Transistor Mixer: In this project the mixer uses FET transistor; since it’s a low
noise device and fast in response, so its efficient device in this case. The FET
Circuit illustrates the technique of summing the two input signal at a single input
terminal (both IN1 and IN2 are applied to the gate).
FETs can be used in mixers in both active and passive modes. There are different
types of mixers and different techniques; in this project the mixer uses the simple summer
circuit contains from just one dual LM 741. LM 741 OP‐AMP is a high speed J–FET
input dual operational amplifiers incorporating well matched, high voltage J–FET and
bipolar transistors in a monolithic integrated circuit.

The devices features:

 High slew rates.

 Low input bias and offset current.
 Low offset voltage temperature coefficient.

Figure 3. 10: M ixer Circuit

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

3.4.5 RF Stage Synthesizer (An Example)

It’s a device which is used as a tunable oscillator. The ADF4156 is
shown in Figure 3.10 is a 6 GHz Fractional‐N frequency synthesizer that
implements local oscillators in the up and down conversions sections of
wireless receivers and transmitters.

Figure 3. 11: The ADF4156 Synthesizer Figure 3. 12: Synthesizer Circuit

Synthesizers use various methods to generate electronic signals (sounds). Among

the most popular waveform synthesis techniques are subtractive synthesis, additive
synthesis, wavetable synthesis, frequency modulation synthesis (our focus here), phase
distortion synthesis, physical modeling synthesis and sample-based synthesis.

Next step, is to FM modulate. After, using a Zener diode in reverse mode which
creates a lot of noise due to the emission it causes and the avalanche effect, hence
creating a wide band noise.
Then, the noise will be amplified in two amplification stages: in the first stage, we
use NPN transistor as common emitter (to amplify the whole signal), and in the second
stage, using the LM386 IC (Audio amplifier to make sure the signal is properly adjusted).

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Figure 3. 13: The ADF4157 Frequency Synthesizer (Block Diagram)

The following equation governs how the synthesizer should be programmed:

𝑅𝐹𝑂𝑈𝑇 = [ 𝑁 + ] × [𝐹𝑃𝐹𝐷 ]


𝑅𝐹𝑂𝑈𝑇 : RF Frequency Output

𝑁 : Integer Division Factor
𝐹𝑅𝐴𝐶: The Fractionality
𝐹𝑃𝐹𝐷 : Phase/Frequency Detection Frequency RF Mixer
The jamming signal must have the same frequency of the controller channel with
bandwidth equal to (200KHz) provided from VCO in the IF stage, so you need to carry
this baseband on a suitable carrier which have the frequency of controller channel; to do
this its useful to use the RF Mixer.

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit Power Amplifier

As provided below; a calculation of the minimum blocking power is needed to
complete the jamming of GSM-900 and GSM-1800 signals:

 For GSM-900:
o The minimum Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is 9 dB.
o the Maximum Signal Power (S MAX) is -15 dB.
𝑆𝑁𝑅 = =
𝑁 𝐽𝑟

where: 𝐽𝑟 (the jamming frequency range) in dBm = -15 - 9 = -24 dBm.

o Free-Space Power Loss (FSPL):

𝐹𝑆𝑃𝐿 = 20 𝑙𝑜𝑔( )
where: R and λ in meter.
For 960 MHz: λ = 𝐶⁄𝐹 = 3 × 10 ⁄960 × 106 = 0.3125 m

Substituting in FSPL equation gives:

𝐹𝑆𝑃𝐿 = 20 𝑙𝑜𝑔( ) = 58 dB

Then 𝐽𝑟 = -24 + 58 = 34 dBm.

 For GSM-1800:
o The minimum Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is 9 dB.
o the Maximum Signal Power (S MAX) is -23 dB.
Repeating the same calculation with F = 1880 MHz gives:

𝐽𝑟 = -32 + 63.9 = 31.9 dBm

Which all what we need to operate the power amplifier. Power Amplifier GSM-900

This power amplifier is suitable for GSM‐900 downlink frequency
(925‐960MHz). This power amplifier can give 34dBm maximum power.

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

In the PA08109B power amplifier there is no need to amplify the signal fed from
synthesizer because it is sufficient to get the desired output power, it also works on both
GSM-900 and GSM-1800 ranges.

Usually, the PA08109B chip is embedded with the voltage controlled oscillator,
which we are discussing, as a one chip (See Appendix A). Power Amplifier DCS-1800

It’s a power amplifier which can be used to give the sufficient power
for jamming signal in range of DCS downlink frequency (1805 ‐ 1880
MHz). This power amplifier can give 33dBm maximum power.

3.4.6 Voltage Controlled Oscillators

Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCO’s) are oscillators whose frequencies could
be varied electronically, and can be turned over a certain frequency.

Figure 3.14 shows the desired behavior of a VCO. The output frequency varies
from ѡ1 to ѡ2 (the required tuning range) as the control voltage, Vout , goes from V1 to V2 .
the slope of characteristics, K VCO, is called the “gain” or “sensitivity” of the VCO and
expressed in rad/Hz/V. The equation is:

ѡout = K VCO Vcont + ѡ0

where ѡ0 denotes the intercept point on the vertical axis. It is desirable that these
characteristics be relatively linear, i.e., K VCO does not change significantly across the
tuning range (See Appendix A).

The outputted signal from this stage should be carry out these properties:

 Same amplitude of the jammed signal.

 Different frequency in which when it sums the purposed signal they but cancel
out each other.

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Figure 3. 14: VCO Characteristics

we found the following VCO IC’s:-

 CVCO55CL; this is for GSM 900. The output frequency is 925-970 MHz and the
output power is up to 8 dBm.
 CVCO55BE; this is for GSM 1800. The output frequency is 1785-1900 MHz and
the output power is up to 5 dBm.
We chose these IC’s for the following reasons:-

 Surface mount, which reduces the size of product.

 Having large output power that reduces the number of amplification stages that
we need.
 Having same value of power supply which is typically equal to 5 volt.
 Having same noise properties.

3.4.7 Power Supply

The main operator of the jamming system is the electrical power supplied by the
power supply and feed through each stage in the system. Throughout this section, we are
going to explain the relationship between the power supply and other stages in the

In general, the power supply consists of the following:

 Transformer.
 Rectifier.

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

 Filter.
 Regulator.

Input To
Voltage Rectifier Filter Regulator Oscillator

To Noise

Figure 3. 15: Block Diagram of the Power Supply

The power supply circuit works as follows:

1. The transformer is used to step down the input voltage from 220 Volts to the
desired values.
2. The rectifier stage is used to convert the signal from AC to DC.
3. Filter is used to reduce the ripple of voltage that results from rectifier stage.
4. The regulator is used for safety and to ensure a fixed voltage across a certain load
in the circuits in case the input values or the load are changed so it have the
concept of the Zener diode principle.
 Using AC to DC power supply, which gives directly the wanted values, for
example the power supply of the PC which has a complex arrangement of
electrical components, including diodes, capacitors and transformers, this
special power supply is called switched mode power supply (SMPS), the
switching process is to convert the current frequency from 50 Hz to higher
frequency; to reduce the ripple that inversely proportional to frequency. Their
outputs are: 3.3, 5, 9, 12 and ‐5, ‐9, ‐12 Volts.
 Building a power supply from transformer, bridge rectifier, and regulators. In
this method the center tap transformer stepdown from 220 to 30 is used, then

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

connects a bridge rectifier like KBPC3510 with two capacitors to get DC


Figure 3. 16: The KBPC3510 Power Supply

Figure 3. 17: Center Tapped Transformer

3.4.8 Antenna
An antenna is basically a conductor exposed in space. If the length of the
conductor is a certain ratio or multiple of the wavelength of the signal, it becomes an
antenna. This condition is called “resonance”, as the electrical energy fed to antenna is
radiated into free space.

In Figure 3.17, the conductor has a length λ/2, where λ is the wave length of the
electric signal. The signal generator feeds the antenna at its center point by a transmission

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

line known as “antenna feed”. At this length, the voltage and current standing waves are
formed across the length of the conductor, as shown in Figure 3.17. The electrical energy
input to the antenna is radiated in the form of electromagnetic radiation of that frequency
to free space. The antenna is fed by an antenna feed that has an impedance of, say, 50 Ω,
and transmits to the free space, which has an impendence of 377 Ω. Thus, the antenna
geometry has two most important considerations:

1. Antenna length
2. Antenna feed
The λ /2-length antenna shown in Figure 3.18 is called a dipole antenna.
However, most antennas in printed circuit boards achieve the same performance by
having a λ /4-length conductor in a particular way. See Figure 3.18.

By having a ground at some distance below the conductor, an image is created of

the same length (λ /4). When combined, these legs work like a dipole antenna. This type
of antenna is called the quarter-wave (λ /4) monopole antenna.

Most antennas on the PCB are implemented as quarter-wave antennas on a copper

ground plane. Note that the signal is now fed single-ended and that the ground plane acts
as the return path.

Figure 3. 18: Dipole Antenna Figure 3. 19: Quarter Wave Antenna

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Figure 3. 20: Antennas Used in Circuit

For a quarter-wave antenna that is used in most PCBs, the important

considerations are:

1. Antenna length.
2. Antenna feed.
3. Shape and size of the ground plane and the return path. Antenna Types

As described in the previous section, any conductor of length λ/4 exposed in free
space, over a ground plane with a proper feed can be an effective antenna. Depending on
the wavelength, the antenna can be as long as the FM antenna of a car or a tiny trace on a
beacon. For 2.4-GHz applications, most PCB antennas fall into the following types: Wire Antenna

A piece of wire extending over the PCB in free space with its length
matched to λ/4 over a ground plane. This is generally fed by a 50-Ω4
transmission line. The wire antenna gives the best performance and RF
range because of its dimensions and three-dimensional exposure. The wire
can be a straight wire, helix or loop.

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Figure 3. 21: Wire Antenna PCB Antenna

A trace drawn on the PCB. This can be a straight trace, inverted F-type trace,
meandered trace, circular trace, or a curve with wiggles depending on the antenna type
and space constraints.

There are guidelines5 that must be followed as the 3D antenna exposed in free
space is brought to the PCB plane as a 2D PCB trace. A PCB antenna requires more PCB
area, has a lower efficiency than the wire antenna, but is cheaper. It has easy
manufacturability and has the wireless range acceptable for a BLE application.

Figure 3. 22:PCB Antenna Figure 3. 23: Chip Antenna

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit Chip Antenna

An antenna in a small form-factor IC that has a conductor packed inside. This is
useful when there is limited space to print a PCB antenna or support a 3D wire antenna.
Refer to Figure 3.22 for a Bluetooth module containing a chip antenna. The size of the
antenna and the module in comparison with a one cent coin is given above. Antenna Parameters

The next couple pages contain some antenna performance key parameters: Return Loss

Return Loss indicates how much of the incident power is reflected by the antenna
due to mismatch. An ideal antenna when perfectly matched will radiate the entire energy
without any reflection.

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐬(𝐝𝐁) = 𝟏𝟎 𝐥𝐨𝐠(𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 ⁄𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 )

The return loss of an antenna signifies how well the antenna is matched to the 50-
Ω transmission line (TL), shown as a signal feed in Figure ##. The TL impedance is
typically 50 Ω, although it could be a different value.

Figure 3. 24: Antenna Return Loss

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

 If the return loss is infinite, the antenna is said to be perfectly matched to the TL,
as shown in Figure 3.24. S11 is the negative of return loss expressed in decibels.
 If the return loss ≥ 10 dB (equivalently, S11 ≤ –10 dB) is considered sufficient.
Table 1 relates the return loss (dB) to the power reflected from the antenna
 A return loss of 10 dB signifies that the 90% of the incident power goes into the
antenna for radiation.
The following table shows some extensive used values of signal powers and their
return loss and radiated and reflected signals’ ratios calculated values:

S11 (dB) Return Loss(dB) Preflected ⁄Pincident Pradiated ⁄Pincident

-20 20 1% 99 %

-10 10 10 % 90 %

-3 3 50 % 50 %

-1 1 79 % 21 %

Table 3. 2 : Return Loss and Power Reflected from Antenna Bandwidth
Bandwidth indicates the frequency response of an antenna and signifies how well
the antenna is matched to the 50-Ω transmission line over the entire band of interest, that
is, between:

 890 MHz and 915 MHz (uplink) / 935 MHz and 960 MHz (downlink) for GSM-
 1710 MHz and 1785 MHz (uplink) / 1805 MHz and 1880 MHz (downlink) for
 Duplex spacing of 45, 95 MHz is used, respectively.

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Figure 3. 25: Antenna Bandwidth vs. Frequency

so the band width of interest is around 200 KHz Radiation Efficiency

A portion of the non-reflected power (see Figure 3.24) gets dissipated as heat or
as thermal loss in the antenna. Thermal loss is due to the dielectric loss in the FR4
substrate and the conductor loss in the copper trace. This information is characterized as
radiation efficiency. A radiation efficiency of 100 % indicates that all non-reflected
power is radiated to free space. For a small- form-factor PCB, the heat loss is minimal. Radiation Pattern

Radiation pattern indicates the directional property of radiation, that is, which
directions have more radiation and which have less. This information helps to orient the
antenna properly in an application.

Figure 3. 26: Antenna Radiation Pattern Example

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

 An isotropic dipol antenna radiates equally in all directions in the plane

perpendicular to the antenna axis. However, most antennas deviate from this ideal
behavior. See the radiation pattern of a PCB antenna shown in Figure ## as an
illustration. Each data point represents RF field strength, measured by the
Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) in the receiver. As expected, the
contours are not exactly circle, as the antenna is not isotropic. Gain
An indicator to the radiation in the direction of interest compared to the isotropic
antenna, which radiates uniformly in all directions. This is expressed in terms of dBi how
strong the radiation field is compared to an ideal isotropic antenna. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)

Let us define some terms:

 Characteristic Impedance (Zo ): A parameter of transmission line that determines

the behavior and response to a signal passing though (An antenna is a line not to
forget). It is determined as follows:

𝑅 + 𝑗𝑤𝐿
𝑍𝑜 = √
𝐺 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶

 Reflection Coefficient (Γ): A ratio between the standing wave and the reflected
wave, determined by the characteristic impedance and load impedance.
Determined by following formula:

𝑍𝐿 − 𝑍𝑜
𝑍𝐿 + 𝑍𝑜

If 𝛤= 0 ; then we have “matching”.

If 𝑍𝐿 = 0 ;then Γ = -1 ( 1∟180o ), Else 𝑍𝐿 → ∞; then 𝛤 = 1 ( 1∟0o ).

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

 Standing Wave: the wave opposing to the transmitted wave which could destroy
 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR): is the ratio between the incident and
reflected wave.

assuming that Vi, Vr are the incident and reflected waves amplitude respectively; the
following formula defines the VSWR:

𝑉𝑖 − 𝑉𝑟
𝑉𝑖 + 𝑉𝑟

ranging from 1 to ∞.

The purposed hypothesis here, is that we have matched transmission line

(Antenna) each side (sending or receiving), so the all the sent signal will be totally
disrupted (in best case), hopefully the better the reflection coefficient the better the

As for the Standing Wave Ratio; the closer the ratio to 1, the worse the jamming.
Now, that we have basis knowledge about the VSWR, we can now talk about how to
choose an antenna. Choosing an Antenna

The selection of an antenna depends on the application, the available board size,
cost, RF range, and directivity.

Bluetooth Low energy (BLE) applications such as a wireless mouse requires an

RF range of only 10 feet and a data rate of a few kbps. However, for a remote control
application with voice recognition, an antenna should have a range around 20 feet in an
indoor setup and a data rate of 64 kbps.

For wireless audio applications or indoor positioning, antenna diversity is

required. For antenna diversity, two antennas are placed orthogonally on the same PCB
such that at least one of them is always receiving some radiation while the other may be

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

shadowed by reflection and multi-path-fading. This is required where real-time audio

data is transmitted and a high throughput without packet loss is required.

As for our circuit we are utilizing a wire antenna that is connected to the PCB,
and has these Specifications:

 Antenna 1 = GSM antenna (Frequency = 850MHz-1GHz, Input Impedance =

50Ω, VSWR<2)
 Antenna 2 = DCS antenna (Frequency = 1700MHz-1900MHz, Input Impedance =
50Ω, VSWR<2)

3.5 Software Phase Design

The term of software used here, refers to the group of computer aided design tools
and programs involved in this project. These include the AWR environment plus the
Spice Simulation tools plus the Altium Designer kit plus the Electronic Design
Automation (EDA) tools plus Proteus environment.

3.5.1 PCB Layout

A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects
electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from
copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. Components (e.g. capacitors,
resistors or active devices) are generally soldered on the PCB.

According to the pins shape there are two sorts of chips; surface mount and
through hole chips, the next couple of figure explain the difference.

Figure 3. 27: Surface M ount Chip Vs. Throw Hole Chips

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Some component like resistors, capacitors and inductors must be surface

mounted. Each component has a certain footprint which meaning holes’ shapes which the
component pin will be inserted in, also each foot print has certain dimensions.

CJC’s PCB has 37 components to be printed in the board, designed to be as two-

layer board (top and bottom) to make the board area small as can be. Figures 3.29 - 3.34
shows number of footprints for som components (different components may have the
same foot print).

Figure 3. 28: Footprint for Resistors. Figure 3. 29: Footprint for Capacitors

Figure 3. 30: Footprint for Diodes Figure 3. 31: Footprint for BJT

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Figure 3. 32: Footprint for 555 timer. Figure 3. 33: Footprint for 8-pin amplifiers.

After each component got its footprint then all of them integrated in one PCB file.
Each footprint will be placed in its suitable place, also mutual inductance effects taken in
consideration. The placing of component will be manually. Figures 3.35, 3.36
respectively; show the layers of PCB layout in simulation, and Figure 3.37 shows the
physical printed board.

Figure 3. 34: Top PCB Layer Figure 3. 35: Bottom PCB Layer

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

Figure 3. 36: Physical Printed Board PCB - RF Stage

The design given here was only printed but not tested. Overall Scheme (IF-Stage)

The overall scheme conducted through Proteus Designer’s Suite:

Figure 3. 37: Overall Scheme

Chapter Three Design and Implementation of Cellphone Jammer Circuit

3.6 Conclusion
As a summary to the “Design and Implementation” Chapter, we can mention
these points:

 The timer circuit produces a triangle wave that gets mixed with a noise signal
coming from the noise generator, at the amplifier stage.
 The summed signal goes to the VCO and Power Amplifier combined stage to
tolerate the frequency.
 The resulting signal, gets amplified to the desired frequency as required to jam a
purposed signal.
 At the end, the attributed signal is broad casted to the antenna with predefined
radius to jammed the semi-attribute signals inside this radius.
 The circuit, as shown, is tested part by part, and then implement as whole in one
PCB Chip scheme.

Chapter Four: Results and Discussion

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Simulation Results
4.3 Hardware Results

4.1 Introduction
This chapter aims to set the results of the various stages of the project and discuss
each one of them, individually. First the Simulation and Results for each stage that isn’t a
chip, then the integrated hardware stages simulated after that results from hardware

4.2 Simulation Results

The stages simulated were Multi-vibrator, Noise Generator, Summer and Clamper
Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.2.1 Multi-Vibrator (Triangle Wave Generator)

The output for Triangle Wave generator as in section 3.4.2 is a triangle wave that
gets integrated into a train of pulses. Output is shown in figures below in Spectrum
analyzer plus EDA.

Figure 4. 1: Triangle Wave from the EDA

Figure 4. 2: Triangle Wave (Spectrum analayzer)

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.2.2 Noise Circuit Results

The output of noise circuit is the mentioned requirement in section that
covers the required portion band of spectrum. Let’s not forget that it’s a white noise.

Figure 4. 3: Noise Output (EDA)

Figure 4. 4: Noise (Spectrum Analyzer)

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.2.3 Summer Circuit Results

The Talk about the summed signal will be the same talk about clamped signal
after enlarging the amplitude a little bit to fit the required voltage to enter the RF section.

4.2.4 Clamper’s Output

We are taking here about a semi train pulse signal with some modification to
adjust it for our purpose which is to provide the frequency that could be tolerated by the
VCO in next stage.

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.2.5 RF Stage Output

The signal came out of the VCO after the frequency was tolerated as mentioned in
section 3.6.4 as in the next figures:

Figure 4. 5: VCO

More specifically these two figures show discrete captures to signals’ power
spectrums coming from the GSM and DCS channels respectively.

Figure 4. 6: GSM Channel Output

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

Figure 4. 7: DCS Channel Output

These signals were obtained after the modifications mentioned in sections and had been adjusted in MATLAB Simulink. The output varies in
100 KHz around both 900 MHz, 1800 MHz

4.2.6 Antenna
Last stage is the broadcasting; which is done by the antenna that was supplied
from previous stages; presented in two parameters: Antenna Return Loss

Calculated value as in section was:

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐬(𝐝𝐁) = 𝟏𝟎 𝐥𝐨𝐠(𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 ⁄𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 )

𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐬(𝐝𝐁) = - .45939

assuming that the reflected wave has 30 dB power and the 12 volts we entered will give
34.59 dB.

S11 (dB) Return Loss(dB) Preflected ⁄Pincident Pradiated ⁄Pincident

.45939 -.45939 1.00/2.88 1.88/2.88

Chapter Four Results and Discussion Antenna VSWR

The gain we were talking about in section was calculated as follows:

 Reflection Coefficient could be calculated from Return Loss as follows:

𝛤 = 𝑒 (𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑢𝑟𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠+20) = 𝑒 (− .45939 +20) = 3.0646 × 108 ~∞

 Means that 𝑉𝑆𝑊𝑅 ~ 1 which is less than 2 as desired

4.3 A Jammed Signal

Figure 4. 8: Cellphone Signal when Jammer is : (a) On (b) Off

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

This page was left intentionally plank

Chapter Five: Conclusions

5.1 Project Preview

5.2 Future work

5.1 Project Preview

 The objective of this project was to design a cellphone jammer circuit for the 1G
and 2G operators, with hardware part with high flexibility and minimum cost for
University of Khartoum, Educational ground station and making it available for
use or modification by students, graduates and researchers.
 The design of the project was done under certain considerations as to properly fit
to the system requirements.
 The current implementation although is not perfectly completed but the result
obtained is very satisfactory and gives an indication that this Cellphone Jammer
Circuit with a little more work in the integration phase, that couldn’t be done
because of the time consideration, will match the objectives exactly.
 Cellphone Jammer is a basic electronic application to the fundamentals of RF-IF
laws, power amplifier and noise calculations, and a basic communications
engineering application to the fundamentals of GSM design and Antenna design,
Chapter Five Conclusions

that makes a very interesting and curiosity indulgent experiment for Students of
University of Khartoum.

5.2 Future Work

Cellphone Jammer Circuit still requires more researches and development in both
sections (hardware and software). For the current implementation further work should be
done so that to meet the requirements, by placing the hardware components on a ready
PCB circuit and connect them together as the PCB design to a personal computer with a
different voltage levels utility. Some features and capabilities that can be added to extend
the functionality in the future are:

 Making 3G, 4G and 5G implementations for hence project.

 Adding more controllers for the frequencies, voltages and other signal attributes.
 Provide a better output shape and some encapsulation to whole package.
 Extend the Bandwidths for next generations.
 Trying to minimize the size of PCB circuit as possible.



 RF Microelectronics, Behzad Razavi, Second Edition, ISBN 978-0-13-713473-1.

 Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, Donald A. Neamen, john Willey, 2nd
 Int. J. Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Jamming and Anti-Jamming
Techniques in Wireless Networks: A Survey.
 Antenna Design and RF Layout Guidelines, AN91445, Authors: Tapan Pattnayak,
Guhapriyan Thanikachalam, Document No. 001-91445 Rev. *D,
 Microelectronic Circuits, 6th Edition, Sedra & Smith.
 Introduction to Mobile Telephone Systems Wireless Technologies and Services,
Lawrence Harte and David bowler, 2004.
 Introduction to Digital Cellular, Motorola, for training professional only. 2001
 Open Information User Descriptions about Frequency Hopping, Ericsson.
 Modern Communications Jamming Principles and Techniques, Richard a. Poisel,
Artech House, 2004.

 Rick Hartley, RF / Microwave PC Board Design and Layout, Avionics Systems.

 John Scourias, Overview of the Global System for Mobile Communications,
University of Waterloo.
 Ahmed Jisrawi, "GSM 900 Mobile Jammer", undergrad project, JUST, 2006.
 Limor Fried, Social Defense Mechanisms: Tools for Reclaiming our Personal
 Siwiak, K., Radio-wave propagation and Antennas for personal communication.
 Pozar, D., Microwave Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, 2005.
 "Frequency Planning And Frequency Coordination For The Gsm 900, Gsm 1800,
E-Gsm And Gsm-R Land Mobile SysteMS (Except direct mode operation (DMO)
channels)" by Working Group Frequency Management" (WGFM).
 Tony Van Roon, 555 timer tutorial.

Appendix A

Appendix A: Chips datasheets

NE555P Timer / LM555C Timer

Appendix A

Appendix A

UA741 Op Amp

Appendix A

Appendix A

LM386N Low Power Amplifier

Appendix A


Appendix A

Appendix A


Appendix A

Appendix A

PA08109B Power Amplifier

Appendix B

Appendix B: Components List

Comment Designator Quantity

250Ω R1 1
750Ω R2 1
2KΩ R3,R4,R6 3
100KΩ R5 1
10KΩ R7 1
1KΩ R8,R9 2
2KΩ R10 1
0.1μF C1,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C9 7
1nF C2,C15,C16 3
10μF C8,C10 2
4.7μF C11,C13 2
0.01μF C12,C14 2
NE555P/LM555C IC1 1
LM741/UA741C IC2 1
LM386N IC3 1
PF08190B IC4,IC5 2
2N3904 T1 1
1N4148 D1,D2 2
6.8V ZD1 1
Antenna1 1
50 Ω, VSWR<2
1900MHz, 50 Ω, Antenna2 1

Appendix C

Appendix C: Abbreviation Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number


(a code that specifies a pair of physical radio carriers used for transmission and reception
in a land mobile radio system, one for the uplink signal and one for the downlink signal).

To calculate the ARFCN from frequency the following method is used:

f−f b −fo


f is the actual frequency [MHz]

fb is the base frequency [MHz]
fo is the offset frequency [MHz]
fc is the channel spacing frequency [MHz]

ARFCN Table for Common GSM Systems

Band Designation ARFCN FUL FDL

GSM 450 259-293 450.6 + 0.2 (n-259) FUL(n) + 10
GSM 500
GSM 480 306-430 419.0 + 0.2 (n-306) FUL(n) + 10
GSM 700 GSM 750 438-511 747.2 + 0.2 (n-438) FUL(n) + 30
GSM 850 GSM 850 128-251 824.2 + 0.2 (n-128) FUL(n) + 45
P-GSM 1-124 890.0 + 0.2 n FUL(n) + 45
0-124 890.0 + 0.2 n
E-GSM FUL(n) + 45
GSM 900 975-1023 890.0 + 0.2 (0-1024)
0-124 890.0 + 0.2 n
GSM-R FUL(n) + 45
955-1023 890.0 + 0.2 (n-1024)
GSM 1800 DCS 1800 512-885 1710.2 + 0.2 (n-512) FUL(n) + 95
GSM 1900 PCS 1900 512-810 1850.2 + 0.2 (n-512) FUL(n) + 80

Appendix D

Appendix D: PCB Drilling X01630Y02705D03*

Details (IF-SECTION) Y03005D03*

%FSDAX23Y23*% X01425D03*
%MOIN*% X01235D03*
%SFA1B1*% Y02705D03*

%IPPOS*% X01255Y01675D03*
%ADD9500C,0.027559*% X02545Y03470D03*
%ADD9501C,0.033465*% Y03770D03*
%ADD9502C,0.035433*% G54D9501*
%LNpcb1-1*% X01830Y01605D03*
%LPD*% X01665Y01965D03*
G54D9500* Y02265D03*
X01255Y01375D03* X01810Y02824D03*
X01945Y01170D03* Y03005D03*
X02245D03* X02110D03*
X02510D03* Y02824D03*
Y01470D03* X02185Y02525D03*
X02300Y01965D03* X02485D03*
X02095D03* Y02265D03*
X01880D03* Y01965D03*
Y02265D03* X01515D03*
X02095D03* X01345D03*
X02300D03* Y02265D03*

Appendix D

X01515D03* X02250Y02724D03*

X01430Y01605D03* Y02824D03*

X01425Y03275D03* Y02924D03*

X01240D03* Y03024D03*

Y03675D03* X02549D03*

X01425D03* Y02924D03*

Y03575D03* Y02824D03*

Y03975D03* Y02724D03*

X02010Y03735D03* X01180Y02165D03*

X02150Y03835D03* Y02065D03*

Y03435D03* Y01965D03*

X02010D03* X01240Y03895D03*

G54D9502* Y03995D03*

X01553Y01386D03* Y04095D03*

X01603D03* X01575Y03735D03*

X01653D03* Y03635D03*

X01949Y01420D03* Y03535D03*

X02049D03* Y03435D03*

X02149D03* X01875D03*

X02249D03* Y03535D03*

Y01719D03* Y03635D03*

X02149D03* Y03735D03*

X02049D03* M02*


Appendix E

Appendix E: RF Section Block Diagram


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