Unit Assessment Agreement (UAA) : Sitxinv001Receive and Store Stock - Short Answer

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Unit Assessment Agreement (UAA)

Student Name Kamaljeet singh P1427
SIT30816 – Certificate III of Commercial Cookery
Code and Name
Trainer Name Mr. Titus George

This Unit Assessment Agreement (UAA) includes information about your obligations as an
International student under the National VET Regulator Act 2011 (NVR Act 2011) and the
Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act 2000), to ensure you meet your
visa requirements for Course Progress (meeting your course assessment requirements) and
Participation (meeting the minimum course contact hours of 20 Hours per week).
Australian Tertiary Institute (ATI) as a Nationally Registered Training Organisation, and an
approved CRICOS Provider, is required to monitor and manage each International student’s
course progress and participation in accordance with the Standards for RTOs, 2015, and the
National Code 2018.
Student are required to read and sign this UAA document to confirm they have received a copy
and a briefing from the ATI representative regarding their Assessment Due Date Requirements
for the Unit of competence as shown below.
Part 1 – Unit Outline
Subject/Cluster or Unit Code
SITXINV001 – Receive and store stock
and Name
Trainer Name Mr. Titus George
Trainer Email Trainer09@atiaus.edu.au
Student Support Email SSO@atiaus.edu.au

Part 2 – Assessment Agreement and Due Dates

Trainer is to confirm the approved ATI Assessment Method for each assessment
activity from the below:
- Written/Knowledge - Case Study - Role Play - Project -
Assessment Assessment Due
Assessment Name Assessment Method
No. Date
Assessment 1 KA1 Written/Knowledge 16/02/2020
Assessment 2 KA2 Written/Knowledge
Assessment 3 KA3 Written/Knowledge
Assessment 4 KA3 Written/Knowledge
Assessment 5 CS1 Case Study 16/02/2020
Assessment 6 P1 Project
Assessment 7 P2 Project
Assessment 8 WBT (Workplacement) 16/02/2020
Under the Standards for RTO’s 2015, Australian Tertiary Institute has implemented
assessment systems, policies and procedures to ensure Assessment is conducted in
accordance with the Principles of Assessments and Rules of Evidence.
Please go to the ASQA - Users’ guide to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations
2015 located at https://www.asqa.gov.au/standards/chapter-4/clauses-1.8-1.12 or refer to the
ATI Student Handbook for more information regarding the Principles of Assessment and
Rules of Evidence.

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Student Acknowledgement
Students are to complete this acknowledgement section to confirm they have read and agree to
the above Unit Assessment Agreement / Due dates:

Studen Student
Kamaljeet singh Date:
t Name Signature

2016 Edition

Part 3 – ATI Assessment Rules and Requirements

This UAA summaries the assessment rules and requirements that govern assessments
conducted at Australian Tertiary Institute.
An ATI Trainer or representative will issue ATI students with an UAA at the commencement of
each new unit of competence. Students will be briefed by the ATI Trainer or Representative
and will then be required to complete and sign their individual UAA – to confirm they have read
and understand the rules and requirements within the Agreement.
Student assessments will not be accepted for marking without the student having completed
and signed each relevant ATI UAA.
Once the UAA has been completed and signed by each relevant student, the ATI trainer (or ATI
representative) will take a copy for ATI retention on the students file, and the student will be
provided a copy for their retention/future reference.
In accordance with the relevant NVR and ESOS Standards, ATI is required to retain all student
assessment records for International students for a minimum period of 2 years.
Student are strongly encouraged to retain a copy of all assessment/s they have completed and
submitted to the Trainer or ATI . ATI does not take responsibility for students lost or stolen
assessments prior to their having been received in the ATI allocated Assessment inbox or for
assessments/correspondence that has not been sent by the student to the correct ATI email
address – as instructed and documented to all ATI students.
ATI reserves the right to request any/all original assessment documentation from students at
any time during and/or after a student has submitted an assessment.
Assessment Readiness
Students who have demonstrated that they have satisfactorily participated in scheduled classes
will be deemed “Assessment Ready”, unless identified otherwise by the trainer or student.
Assessments are not to be accepted for marking from students who have been identified as not
being “Assessment Ready”.
Assessment Authentication
All ATI student assessments/evidence received by ATI must be sufficiently authenticated – ATI
is to have processes and systems in place that provide evidence and/or confidence that the
assessment/evidence received is the assessment and/or work of the actual enrolled student
and that the enrolled student has submitted the assessment/evidence for marking.
ATI Authentication methods may include but are not limited to:
● the inclusion of a student formal acknowledgement within the assessment document
● restricting assessments to only being issued and received via the ATI allocated student
email account
● authentication questioning – where relevant trainers quiz students on work they have
submitted – completed face to face, via telephone, and/or web chat program i.e Skype.
ATI assessment outcomes and/or results must show evidence of a least one Assessment
Authentication method having been used or identified.
Note: Students are encouraged to ask the ATI trainer or representative any questions they
may have or seek clarification should the need to at any time during the UAA briefing process
Part 4 – Submitting of Assessment/s and Evidence
Students are required to ensure their completed assessments and/or evidence are always
submitted by the student for marking to the relevant ATI Training Section Assessment Email
address from the following email addresses only:
● Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma of Business Courses – Email to:
● business.assessments@atiaus.edu.au

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● Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced of Hospitality Courses – Email to:
● hospitality.assessments@atiaus.edu.au
Students must ensure all assessments and/or evidence must include ALL of the following
● Class Number
● Student Name
● Student ID Number
● Unit Code
● Assessment Number
● Trainers Name
● Date the student is submitting the assessment
For example: C3B9_Singh_P123_SITXWHS0023_KA3_Leejo_02012020
NOTE: Student assessments and/or evidence will not be accepted for marking if submitted
using any other method.
In EXCEPTIONAL circumstances students may seek assistance from their relevant
trainer to request written
approval from the Training coordinator.

Part 5 – Assessment Outcomes/Results and Feedback

Students whose assessment/s submitted have not achieved a “Satisfactory” outcome or
“Competent” result, will receive a written response, feedback and guidance from their trainer via
their ATI individual allocated student email account within two (2) weeks of the unit assessment
Due Date.
The student is responsible for checking their ATI individual email account for their assessment
outcomes and/or results on a regular basis. Students may also login to their allocated Student
Portal (access via Australian Tertiary Institute website) to check for their assessment outcomes
and/or results at any time.
Part 6 - Assessment Attempts and Fees
Students enrolled with ATI are provided up to three (3) attempts per assessment activity in
attempting to achieve a Satisfactory assessment outcome. Students will then be offered and
opportunity to re-enrol in the relevant unit/s that they have been unsuccessful in completing.
This may vary for each student depending on a student’s individual circumstances. Students’
progress is managed on a case-by-case basis and not on a one-fits-all approach. Please refer
to the following related ATI policies/procedures for further assistance if required:
● ATI Monitoring Student Progress and Participation policies and Procedures,
● ATI Intervention Policy/Procedures
● ATI Assessment Policy
Scheduled Assessment – Due Date as per UAA (1st assessment attempt)
No Fee Charged
Students are required to complete assessment activities and tasks in order to progress in their
course/units of study – for each unit of competence, students are scheduled to complete the
assigned and scheduled assessment activities – as agreed/signed in the individual ATI UAA (1st
assessment attempt) where a student does not achieve a “Satisfactory” outcome for a
scheduled assessment activities or task, they will not be marked with an assessment outcome
of “Competent”.
In these circumstances, the student will be provided with relevant and appropriate feedback,
guidance and support from their Trainer in person and also written feedback via email on areas
that require further action/response from the student and advised of the assessment activity
outcome (eg: Not Competent, Did not Submit, or Did not Attend).

2016 Edition

The Trainer will provide the student – in writing via the student email with an Assessment Re-
submission(2nd attempt) - Due Date.
The student’s initial assessment (1st assessment attempt) outcome will be recorded via the ATI
Competence Record Form (CRF) by the trainer.
Re-Submission – Due Date Issued to Student in Writing(2nd assessment attempt) No
Additional Fee Charged
Students who have not successfully achieved a “Competent” outcome for a scheduled Re-
Submitted assessment
(2nd assessment attempt) activity or task, will not be marked with an assessment outcome of
“Competent” against their scheduled assessment re-submission/2nd attempt. In these
circumstances, the student will be provided relevant and appropriate feedback and guidance
and support opportunities from their Trainer in person and via email on areas that require further
action/response from the student and advised of the assessment activity outcome (eg: Not
Satisfactory, Did not Submit, or Did not Attend). The Student’s Re-Submission (2nd Assessment
Attempt) outcome will be recorded via the ATI Competence Record Form (CRF) by the trainer.
The Trainer will then provide the student – in writing via email with a final Re-Assessment (3rd
assessment attempt) opportunity – The Due Date will be the end of the 2nd week of the next
Term Break.
The student will be advised of the cost associated with undertaking a “Re-Assessment”
activity or tasks/s and will confirm the Re-assessment must be scheduled and paid for in
advance by the Student via the ATI Student Services officer/Reception and will be conducted
during the students NEXT term break.
NOTE: NO further assessment extensions will be available to students after the “Re-
Assessment” opportunity.
Re-Assessment – Due Date last day 2nd week of students next Term Break.(3rd/Final
assessment attempt) Fees to be Charged
● Each Written/Knowledge/Theory Assessment = $25 per assessment,
● Each Practical, Observation/Demonstration Assessment = $50 per assessment
In circumstances where a student has not successfully achieved a “Competent” assessment
outcome/s in their Final 3rd assessment attempt, or the student failed to submit the relevant
assessment/s by the allocated Due Date for marking, the student will be provided relevant and
appropriate feedback and guidance and support opportunities from their Trainer in person and
via email on areas that remain unsatisfactory.
Students who have not achieved a “competent” outcome in all assessment requirement for a
relevant unit of competence (for example a Business course) will receive an assessment result
for the relevant unit of competence of “NYC” (Not Yet Competent),or “DNS” (Did Not Submit) or
“DNA” (Did Not Attend).
Students who have not achieved a “competent” outcome in all assessment requirement for a
relevant Unit of competence (for example a Commercial Cookery Course) will receive an
assessment outcome for the relevant units of competence of “NS” (Not Satisfactory),or “DNS”
(Did Not Submit) or “DNA” (Did Not Attend).
NOTE: Students will be required to ensure they have paid the due “Re-Assessment” fee and
booked their attendance in for the Re-Assessment prior to attending any final/Re-assessment
Students who do not achieve a Competent “C” result for the relevant unit they are enrolled in
OR an Assessment Outcome of Not Competent “NC” for the relevant units they are enrolled will
be required to apply to Re-Enrol in the relevant unit/s that they have been deemed “NYC” OR
“NC”. Fees for Re-Enrolment are available to the student via the ATI website, the Student
Handbook, or via the Student Services /Reception Staff.

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The Trainer will record the students 3rd/final assessment outcome or result on the relevant ATI
Competence Record Form (CRF).
Fee Per Unit of Competence/Per Week = $150
Learning Support Sessions
Fee = $60 per hour**
ATI is committed to provide our students who are committed to their learning and academic
goals with the most relevant and appropriate support and assistance. FREE support sessions
are available to students however, students who demonstrate a low commitment to their class
participation of course progress through a demonstration of poor participation and/or
unsatisfactory progress may be required to pay a fee for additional or extra requested one to
one tuition support from trainers.
** Fee per hour may differ depending on number of students in the session and on the individual
student’s circumstances.
PLEASE NOTE: Students with poor class participation or unsatisfactory course progress due to
medical or other compelling or compassionate circumstances (with evidence available to
support circumstances) will not be required to pay the Re- Assessment Fees listed above. As
each student is monitored and managed on a case-by-case basis they will be offered support
and assistance when ATI are made aware or identify such circumstances with appropriate
evidence provided.
Part 7 – Plagiarism and Cheating
Students must ensure that the evidence they submit as their assessment/work is their own,
and/or where applicable, they have acknowledged in writing within the assessment evidence to
the trainer the work of others (see reference guide below).

In an educational environment plagiarism is cheating and is considered as instances where a

student acts dishonestly in misleading the Trainer in submitting evidence/ work that is not their
At the ATI, plagiarism is considered as a serious breach of the Australian Tertiary Institute’s
Student Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated. Plagiarism and/or Cheating is defined as:
● Submitting some or part of someone else’s work as your own (with or without that
person’s permission)
● using any part of someone else’s work without the proper acknowledgement, this may
also breach copyright Laws
● submitting an exact and/or partially duplicated assessment and/or evidence as your own
● knowingly letting another student submit all or part of your work as their own
● copying full or partial sentences and/or paragraphs from one or more sources
● submitting substantial copies or extracts from books, articles, theses, unpublished work
such as working papers, seminar and conference papers, internal reports, computer
software, websites, lecture notes or tapes, without clearly indicating their source/origin
● using notes, your mobile, input from others, or other unauthorised resources without
● have one or more other people assist or contribute to your assessment/evidence
submitted and represented (implicitly or explicitly) as being your own/individual work
● stealing an assessment document or assessment guide/trainer guide from within ATI
● imitation of a transcript or an idea;
● Another person helping in the creation of an assessment/evidence without the express
need, consensus, or knowledge of the Trainer
● asking someone else to write and/or submit assessment work/evidence on your behalf

2016 Edition

● downloading from the internet and submitting the contents ‘as is’ and as your own work.
Where plagiarism and/or cheating has been identified within a students submitted
assessment/evidence, ATI will contact the relevant student/s individually and invite them to an
Intervention Meeting to discuss the findings, evidence and seek feedback from the student. In
circumstances where plagiarism and/or cheating has been confirmed, one or more of the
following actions, fees and penalties may apply:
1st offence:
● written warning issued and student required to meet with Student Services Officer

● student is required to pay the required $50 administrative fee, and

● student to request permission to do a RE–ASSESSMENT of the assessment and/or


● trainer and/or SSO to confirm approval to RE-ASSESSMENT of the assessment and/or

evidence, confirm in writing the new set assessment Due Date. For the RE-

● Student is required to pay the ATI RE-ASSESSMENT Fee for each assessment/each

(please refer to Re-Assessment Fees listed above)

2nd offence:
● second written warning issued and the student is required to meet with SSO,

● student required to pay the required $50 administrative fee; and

● student must request permission to RE-ENROL in the relevant unit of competence, and

● Student is required to pay the ATI RE-ENROLMENT Fee for each unit.

(please refer to Re-Enrolment Fees listed above)

3rd offence:
Where an ATI student has been identified as having submitted assessment/s and/or evidence
that is plagiarised or the student has cheated for a third or more occasion, ATI may commence
action to issue the student with a Notice of Intent to Cancel their enrolment under Standard 9 of
National Code 2018, which would include details being forwarded to the relevant and
appropriate required Government agencies.
NOTE: ATI trainers are required to report all instances of suspected plagiarism and/or cheating
- this information and supporting evidence must be submitted to the Compliance Officer,
Training Coordinator and Student Services Coordinator for further review and action where
Part 8 - Written Assessment Format Requirement/Guide
Students are to ensure that written assessment and supporting evidence are submitted using
the following ATI written assessment format requirements.
Failure to submit assessments following ATI formatting requirements may result in the student’s
assessment/s and/or supporting evidence not being accessible to the student in order to meet
the relevant assessment requirements, and/or that the ATI trainer may not have access and/or
be in a position to interpret and/or mark the content of the student’s assessment and/or
supporting evidence. This may result in the student not achieving a satisfactory outcome or
competent result:
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Font Type: Arial or Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5
Font: Arial or Times New Roman, Font Size: 12
Font: Arial, Font Size: 9
Header Content: Australian Tertiary Institute (Right side) and Unit Title (Left side)
Font: Arial, Font Size: 9
Footer Content: First Name & Family Name Student ID Date: dd/mm/yy Page no.
LEFT: 4cm TOP : 4cm BOTTOM: 4cm RIGHT: 4cm
References must include the following information:
From a book: Book title, author, year published and Page No.
From a newspaper: Newspaper Name, Issue No. Date and Page No.
From the internet: Website address, Author (if available), Date downloaded
Save your written assessments as follows:
Class Number, Student Name, Student ID Number, Unit Code, Assessment Number, Trainers
Name, Date the student is submitting the assessment
For example: C3B9_Singh_P123_SITXWHS0023_KA3_Leejo_02012020
Part 9 - ATI Appeal Policy and Procedure
Students who feel dissatisfied with the way they have been assessed and/or the assessment
outcomes or results recorded for them, should in the first instance communicate the issue
and/or concerns with their relevant trainer as soon as possible from the effective date of the
incident or decision.
If the issue or concern cannot be solved informally, the student may complete an ATI
Complaints and Appeals form. Appeals must be lodged within 20 calendar days of the initial
A student completes the ATI Complaints and Appeals form, then submits this completed form to
Student Services in person at the ATI reception or by emailing and attaching the completed form
to: sso@atiaus.edu.au
If the student is not successful in the complaint/appeal process or are not satisfied with the
outcome they must be advised within 10 working days of the outcome that they have the right to
access an external complaints/appeals handling process by contacting the Overseas Student
Ombudsman via email: ombudsman@ombudsman.gov.au
Part 10 - Privacy Statement
Australian Tertiary Institute recognises and respects your privacy. Australian Tertiary Institute
collects, stores and uses personal information only for the purposes of administering students
and prospective student admissions, enrolment and education.
The information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your
consent, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements and/or to
authenticate information provided to us as part of our application process. Australian Tertiary
Institute’s Privacy Policy reflects the National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988
as well as the Information Privacy Principles set out in the Information Privacy Bill 2007 (WA).
Further information about our Privacy Policy is available on request.

2016 Edition

Part 11 - Student Acknowledgement and Agreement

€ I have read and agree to the ATI Assessment Rules and Requirements as provided and
outline in the signed UAA.
€ I understand that my assessments and supporting evidence may be refused for marking
if I have not submitted them in accordance with the content, rules and requirements
contained within this UAA read and signed by me as indicated below.
€ I have read, acknowledge and agree to the above Unit, Assessment and set Due Dates
outlined in this UAA.
€ I understand and agree to only submit assessments and supporting evidence that is my
own work, unless I otherwise make reference.
€ I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to submit all scheduled assessments
and supporting evidence by the allocated Due Date/s and that failure to meet these
dates may result in my assessment/s not being marked.
€ I understand and agree that I am responsible for the retention of all my original
assessments and supporting evidence and that I must provide theses original
assessments to the ATI trainers and/or representatives when requested specifically
where plagiarism and/or cheating is suspected.
€ I understand and agree that ATI is required to photocopy and retain a copy of this
completed and signed UAA, and that I must ensure I retain the copy I will be provided
with by the trainer for my own records and future reference.

Kamaljeet Singh

Student Name Student Signature Date

ATI Trainer/Representative Name Student Signature Date

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● You are to answer all questions.
● Read each question carefully. Ensure you have provided all required information.
● On completion, submit your assessment to your assessor.


Q1: List five items of incoming stock you might be required to check.
1. Overcharged
2. Undersupply
3. Oversupply
4. Waste
5. Damaged contents

Q2: Describe the difference between an order form and an internal requisition form.
A purchase requisition is an internal document sent from one department to another requesting
the company buy items from an outside vendor. Typically, a purchase order is an external
document going to an outside party as part of a sales transaction. However, it can also be
used internally.

Q3: Explain the similarities and differences between a delivery note and an invoice.
Both contains the quantity and details of the goods. But invoice contains the prices of the
products as well

Q4: Describe the steps you would take to identify discrepancies between your order and the
stock that’s been delivered.

2016 Edition

Check the stock itself count number of cartons against the supplier’s delivery note or invoice so you can
check that nothing is missing. This ensures you’ve sighted all stock and it’s all been delivered. You don’t
want to pay for stock that didn’t arrive!

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Q5: List six indicators of damage to look for when inspecting containers.

1. Dented corners
2. Mouldy goods
3. Leakage
4. Cracked jars
5. Pierced Plastic packaging
6. Rusty cans

Q6: Identify five characteristics you would look for when inspecting the stock itself.

. Size
Use by dates
Brands and variety

Q7: Explain how you would record details of incoming stock and any discrepancies you
When you detect some stock related discrepancies, write the problems on the delivery
note/invoice in front of the driver and get the signature of the driver on it. This information
forward to the supplier and your supervisor as well.

Q8: Explain the recording procedures you follow when incoming stock is received.
Follow their specific procedures. Most require you to write problems on the delivery note or
invoice, often in front of the delivery note .

2016 Edition

A delivery has just come in. Read the order form, delivery documentation and product labels
very carefully. Check the incoming stock against the order and delivery documentation to
answer questions 9 to 12.


Date: 21 November 20XX

Product Qty Description Unit size Unit cost Total cost

MLK20 4 Full cream 3L $3.00 $12.00
4 milk (Dairy
YGT32 5 Natural 700 g $4.50 $22.50
4 yoghurt
CHS24 1 Camembert 1 kg $23.98 $23.98
1 cheese

Date: 23 November 20XX

Product Qty Description Unit size Unit cost Total cost

MLK20 4 Full cream 3L $3.00 $12.00
4 milk (Dairy
YGT32 3 Natural 700 g $4.50 $22.50
4 yoghurt
CHS24 1 Camembert 1 kg $23.98 $23.98
1 cheese

Dairy Queen Simply Organic Emporio Brie
Triple cream
Full cream milk Natural yoghurt
Extra creamy
3 Litres 700 grams French-style cheese



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Q9: Which two items on the delivery note would you reject?
1. Full cream milk
2. Cheese

Q10: Write a note to include on the delivery documentation explaining why you rejected this
We have some reason for rejection in sales order items. first of all we order Camembert cheese
but you might delivered king Iceland cheese as well milk also near to expiry date

Q11: How many yoghurts are you short?

2 packs

Q12: Describe two ways to report discrepancies, deficiencies, quality problems and excess
stock such as those in questions 9 to 11.

1. You call to the supplier.

2. You can send the details by email.

Q13: Identify three features of good communication when speaking to others about delivery
1. You can fill out the credit note at delivery, and one copy to the driver for supplier.
2. Reporting is getting the driver’s signature on the delivery documentation
3. Send the e-mail about the delivery discrepancies

Q14: Would you record details of incoming stock and discrepancies in the same way for every
organisation you work for? Why? Why not?

Every organisation has it’s different format to keep the records, so we need to follow


Q15: When should you transport stock to its storage area?
Whole mango
We can keep it for 4 days ( freezer)

2016 Edition

We can store 3 to 4 days in(freezer)

Tinned tomatoes
We can use till the expiry ( if its not open)

Cooking oil
Also use till expiry date (if it is sealed)

Q16: You must know the product life of various stock. Number these items from 1 to 4 (shortest
shelf life to longest).
Whole mango
We can keep it for 4 days ( freezer)

We can store 3 to 4 days in(freezer)

Tinned tomatoes
We can use till the expiry ( if its not open)

Cooking oil
Also use till expiry date (if it is sealed)

Q17: Fresh, whole eggs


Canned products
We can put in dry or freezer

Cleaning chemicals

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Store carefully separately form the food

Keep it dry or clean shelf
State at least one appropriatestorage area for these specific goods.

Q18: Is it OK to store hazardous substances such as cleaning chemicals in the dry store with
food? Why? Why not?
. No, due to chemical food could be cross commitment and that cause skin irritation and
cancer as well corrosive, flammable, explosive, spontaneously combustible, toxic,
or water reactive.

Q19: A new employee needs some safe manual handling techniques to use so they don’t get
injured when receiving, transporting and storing stock. Provide eight tips you would give
Ans. 1. Make good balanced on your feet about shoulder width apart. One foot behind the
object and the other next to it.
2. Do not bend down to lift the object; keep your heels off the floor. Keep the heaviest side pf the
load next to your body. Try to slide it towords your body before attempting to lift it.
3. Use your palms to get a secure girp on the load .
4. Avoid twisting your back or leaning sideways, especially while the back is bent.
5. Avoid twisting at your waist while carrying a load .
6. When you put down you have to follow same guideline in reverse. Like put down first then
slide it in to the desired position.

Q20: Describe how to safely and correctly use a forklift.

Ans. Always ensure you have the right license and/or training. Follow all organizational procedures.
Take care with load distribution. Observe weight limits

2016 Edition

Q21: Why should you clearly label all perishable stock with delivery or storage dates?
Ans. This is very important because it spoils quickly if not stored correctly. More over according to
your organizational procedures and internal date coding system. This helps control stock
movement through storage areas, maximizing use and minimizing waste.

Q22: What should you do if you discover excess stock in storage?

Ans. You should handle it according to your organization’s specific procedures.
1. Store perishable stock appropriately and contact your supplier.
2. Store non-perishables for use at a later date
3. Create a customer promotional or special event to utilize the excess stock.
4. Deliver items to a charity organization if legislative guidelines allow.

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Q23: What are three options for handling excess stock that will reduce the risk of wastage?
Ans. Here am show three options
1. Avoid over buying stock
2. Label food correctly
3. Pay attention to use by dates

2016 Edition


Q24: State the main purpose behind rotating, maintaining and replenishing stock.
Ans. Rotating to old stock means to arrange the oldest units in inventory so they are sold before
the new unites. like as grocery store will restock its shelves by putting oldest thing in the
fornt part of the shelves. So main reason to rotate stock is to reduce the losses.

Q24: Define the FIFO method of stock rotation. Explain how you would implement it.
Ans. FIFO, first in, first out. Stock that arrives is used or sold first. When you restock shelves,
fridges, freezers, etc. with items for use or sale, always place old stock at the front
and new stock at the back.

Q25: How often and when should you check the quality of stock and look for slow-moving
Ans. You have to randomly monitoring here am show some point like as And moreover you
should remove it immediately to prevent contamination of other foods or stock.

Q26: List eight things you should check for when monitoring the quality of stock.
Ans 1. Check and document refrigerated and freezer storage temperatures at least twice daily.
2. Check storerooms for dampness and temperature on a daily basis.
3. Check linen and towels for stains, marks, wear and tear.
4. Check stationery supplies for creases or ‘dog-eared’ pages.
5. Check souvenirs for cracks, breaks and other damage.
6. Check food stocks for signs of spoilage: rotten spots, mould, damaged packaging, etc.
7. Check for blown, rusted and dented canned goods.
8. Identify defective and spoiled stock as soon as possible. Report it and remove it immediately to
prevent contamination of other foods or stock.

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Q27: If you discover poor quality stock in storage, who should you report this to? How?
Ans. If am noticed poor quality stock then am follow the policy or procedure like as report to
the supervisor or mangers ,dispose it immediately , clean the store room .

2016 Edition

Q28: State where you would dispose of the following items to minimise negative environmental
Cardboard boxes
Fold properly and put in the general bin
Used serviettes
Recycle bin
Bubble wrap
General bin
Glass bottles
Recycle bin
Fruit and vegetable peelings
Composting bin green bin

Q29: A new employee wants to know safe methods for handling and disposing of spoilt stock
and waste. Provide three tips you would give them.
Ans .1. use always gloves or tongs
2. Use bin bags and tie them securely prior to transferring waste to the dump master or
general waste bin.
3. Never let bins overflow. This makes your job of disposal harder and creates
unsanitary conditions.
4. Keep bins and bin lids clean and closed. A dirty bin is unhygienic and may also lead to
the breeding of harmful bacteria. It can also attract unwanted pests.

Q30: List four tips on how to safely dispose of hazardous substances.

Ans. Always use correct, environmentally sound disposal methods for all types of waste, especially
hazardous substances .
1. Don’t put harmful substance in the bin
2. Say your supervisor about safe deposal.
3. Watch for any hazard symbols or wording on items to help you identify types of hazards.
4. Use PPE such as suitable clothing enclosed footwear, masks and gloves.

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Q31: State four useful capabilities, features and functions of computerised stock recording
systems in general.
ANS. 1. Record sales
2. Calculate the current level of stock.
3. Place the order automatically
4. Profits and sales history

Q32: Explain the capabilities, features and functions of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Ans. This integrated system connects POS with computers that automatically record sales and instantly
calculate the current level of stock.

Q33: Describe how manual or electronic bin card systems are used to record and track stock
Ans. Manually: Calculate the amount you need, Place the order with your supplier
Electronic bin: faster and more accurate.

Q34: Look at the bin card. How many boxes of bath and shower gel tubes do you need to

Bin card
Item: Box of 500 30 ml bath and shower gel tubes

Minimum supply: 7 Maximum supply: 14

Date Received Issued Issued to Balance

13/9 7 14
14/9 2 Rooms department 12
17/9 2 Rooms department 10

2016 Edition

24/9 4 Rooms department 6

We need 8 boxes shower gel tubes .

Q35: List five procedures and systems for keeping storage areas and stock secure.
Ans 1. Fit security cameras or alarms at the loading dock area,
2. Don’t overlook stock inside them
3. Require passwords for computers and lock stock recording
4. Carry out random stock takes to check stock levels
5. Minimum number of people responsible for receiving, storing and issuing supplies.

Q36: Identify two ways you can render Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) tags inactive at
point of sale.
Ans Electronic ssurveillance system works with detection antennas.
That are installed at the exit of the store and the hard tags or labels.
You must deactivate or detach them at point of sale. Otherwise, the alarm goes off when
the customer exit.

Q37. What is an imprest stock control system?

Ans A type of financial accounting system commonly used for petty cash. A fixed amount is reserved
and replenished after a period of time or when the amount held falls below a pre-defined amount.

Q38: What is a stock ledger?

Ans. The stock ledger is where the corporation keeps an accurate record of all stock
transactions and is usually part of a corporate records book or kit.

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Q39: What is the process for recording stock loss in your organisation or training environment?
Ans . Stock loss management is to increase the store's profit by ensuring that suitable levels
of stock are in the store at all times. As well monitoring and managing . more over stock
control allows you to have the right amount of stock in the right place at the right time ..

Q40: Why is it important to monitor stock performance and keep a look out for slow-moving
Ans . Monitoring stock core activity in your business. Stock levels visibility and allows you make
better decisions more over you can reduce costs by not missing receipt or you can offer to
customers a better service.

Q41: Why is it important to establish reorder cycles for different types of stock?
Ans. . ROP helps to avoid unnecessary inventory holding costs that may result from placing orders too
early thereby causing inventory to pile up.


INSTRUCTIONS (for assessments not embedded within the LMS)

● The assessment must be written using an industry standard software package such as Microsoft
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
● Name the file using the assessment task number and then save your file.
● Ensure your submission identifies the unit code and title, the assessment task number and the name
of the assessment at the top of the page. Alternatively, you may place this information in the
document header.
● Add your name and student number to the headeror footer on every page.
● On completion, submit your assessment to your assessor via the LMS.

2016 Edition

Learner assessment guide and evidence

This assessment requires you to apply your knowledge of receiving and storing stock using the
information in the case study provided.

You are required to do the following.

Complete Tasks 1 in Assessment D.

Read the case study and answer the questions.

Case study
You are employed as a storeperson in a large suburban hotel. The hotel has a number of busy
food and beverage outlets. They receive deliveries most days of the week.

You have one walk-in freezer, two walk-in refrigerators and a dry storage area. One walk-in
refrigerator’s temperature is set at 1 to 2 °C, the other at 3 to 4 °C.

The stores area is responsible for receiving, checking and storing all supplies, maintaining their
quality throughout their storage period, and issuing supplies to the relevant departments of the
hotel. It’s Monday and you receive a series of deliveries.

Actual items delivered

Delivery 1 Delivery 2 Delivery 3 Delivery 4

Time of delivery – Time of delivery – Time of delivery – Time of delivery –
10.10 am 10.20 am 10.40 am 11 am
Supplier: Garde Manger Supplier: Torka Supplier: Sano Fruit Supplier: Mariscos
Foods Catering Supplies and Vegetables Seafoods
Delivery: Delivery: Delivery: Delivery:
2 x 1 kg tubs Greek- 2 x 2.5 kg cans 1 box cos lettuce 4 kg flathead tails
style feta chopped tomato 1 box mixed red and (fresh)
4 x 500 g tubs ricotta 2 kg diced pie apple green capsicum 6 kg Atlantic salmon
cheese (can) 1 box runner beans fillets (fresh)
2 x 2 L thickened cream 1 kg roasted chopped 5 kg bananas 3 x 4 kg bags raw
6 x 2 L full cream milk nuts (foil packed) 2 whole watermelon prawn meat, tail
6 x 2 L skim milk 2 x 4 L tomato sauce 2 whole butternut on, shelled
10 L vanilla ice cream 2.4 L coleslaw pumpkin (frozen)
4 x 1 kg chicken nuggets dressing 5 kg red onions Delivery 5
(frozen) 2.5 L French dressing 1 kg garlic
3 x 1 kg salt and pepper 1 kg tandoori paste 6 bunches Time of delivery –
calamari (frozen) (jar) asparagus 12 pm
10 x 2.5 kg steakhouse 3 x 1 kg Vittoria 12 punnets Supplier: Butcher
chips (frozen) roasted coffee strawberries Bill
2 kg bacon rashers beans (vacuum- 1 box avocado 2 x 5 kg Angus beef
(vacuum-packed) packed) 5 bunches fresh striploin
4 x packaged sliced 1 x caterers pack parsley (vacuum-packed)
white sandwich bread teabags 3 bunches fresh 6 kg lamb cutlets,
2 x lemon meringue pie 2 x 1 L tomato juice coriander frenched
(fresh) (can) 20 kg pre-peeled 6 kg chicken breast
1 box x 2 L orange juice 5 L toilet disinfectant potato fillet, skin on
(chilled) 3 x 48 roll toilet paper 5 kg mesclun salad 10 kg chicken thigh
mix fillet

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15 kg chicken
schnitzel (frozen)

Task 1:Take delivery of stock

Read the case study information.
Read the delivery invoiceand hotel’s internal order.
Answer the questions.

Delivery invoice
Order 1234XA Delivery 20.09.20XX
No: date:
Deliver The Crown and Arms Hotel Supplier: Mariscos Seafoods
Item Item name Qty Price per Total
number unit
13453 Flathead tails (fresh) 4 kg $38.50 kg
13467 Tasmanian salmon fillets 6 kg $32.50 kg
12987 Raw tiger prawns,shelled, tail 12 kg $32.50 kg
on (frozen)

Internal order The Crown and Arms

Department: Bistro Date: 19.09.20XX
Item Qty
Flathead tails (fresh) 4 kg
Tasmanian salmon fillets (fresh) 6 kg
Raw banana prawns,shell on (frozen) 10 kg

2016 Edition

Q1: Check the delivery invoice against the hotel’s internal order form and what was actually
delivered to the delivery dock (provided in the case study information).What actual
deliveries match the delivery docket and internal order form?
By double checking delivery invoice against the hotel internal order form does not match with
actual deliveries.

Q2: Are there any discrepancies? If yes, what are they?

Yes, I have found three of the relevant discrepancies which are as follows:
- The mentioned items in the delivery docket are inappropriate in context with delivery invoice
and internal order form.
- The internal order indicates raw banana prawn shells of 10 kg, whereas the delivery invoice
suggests raw tiger prawns shelled tail of 12kg.
- There is no indication of total amount of the given products in the delivery invoice.

Q3: Where and how do you record these discrepancies?

- It is really important for the staff members who are at a high authority to take actions which are
in compliance with the organizational policies and procedures.
- It is really essential that we inform the suppliers about any problems with the delivery while the
driver is still there. This conversation should be done in a really professional and ethical way to
record appropriate discrepancies.
- The driver signature should be taken on the documented sheet and that document should be
securely and appropriately stored for any potential discrepancies.

Q4: What checks would you complete on each of the food items in this delivery?
⇨ Flathead tails and salmon fillets
- Temperature check
- Delivery timeline check
- Quality check

⇨ Prawns

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- The delivery conditions check like the vehicle visual check, the tidiness of the vehicle
- Temperature check
- Quality check
- Packaging checking

Q5: Record the details of the delivery on the goods receiving form based on the information

2016 Edition

Goods receiving form

Date Time Supplier Product Temp Visual Best- Accep Check
°C check before/ t/ ed
use-by reject by
Mariscos Flathead
.20X 11 am 3 °C Good N/A Accept SJ
Seafoods tails
Mariscos Salmon
.20X 11 am 3 °C Good N/A Accept SJ
Seafoods fillets
20.09 Ice
Mariscos Raw prawn
.20X 11 am -13 °C crystalli 20/03/XX Reject SJ
Seafoods meat
X sation

Q6: Other than on the goods receiving form, how and where do you record discrepancies and
issues with deliveries?
Discrepancies can be recorded on the shrinkage sheets which is to be reviewed by the
manager where he would cross check the stock levels accordingly.

Q7: Who should you report the issue with the type and quantity of prawns delivered to? How
would you report it?
Generally the main person to go to is the manager he is to be briefed about the problem and if
he is not available then someone with appropriate skills and knowledge is to be contacted.
However, in terms of reporting different organisations have different set of policies and
procedures in place for reporting.

Q8: Choose the appropriate storage conditions for all delivered supplies (deliveries 1 to 4). List
four supplies you would place in the refrigerator (1 to 2 °C).

● Chicken Nuggets
● Bacon Rashers
● Lamb Cutlers
● Fresh Coriander

Q9: Choose the appropriate storage conditions for all delivered supplies (deliveries 1 to 4). List
four supplies you would place in the refrigerator 2 (3 to 4 °C).

● Frozen chips

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● Orange Juice
● Tomatoes juice
● Claws law dressing

Q10: Choose the appropriate storage conditions for all delivered supplies (deliveries 1 to 4). List
four supplies you would place in the freezer.

The delivered supplies should be usually stored around -18c and the other supplies which
should be kept in the freezer are dairy products, sea food, fruits, vegetables as well as cooked

2016 Edition

Q11: Choose the appropriate storage conditions for all delivered supplies (deliveries 1 to 4). List
four supplies you would place in the dry store.

The non-durable as well as semi-durable foods should be kept in the temperature around 10-
20c. The four supplies I would place in the dry store would be:

● Cans chopped tomatoes

● Roasted chopped nuts
● Toilet disinfector
● Toilet paper

Q12: Why should potentially hazardous items, such as toilet disinfectant, be segregated and
stored separately from food supplies?
The main reason behind segregating them would be because as we are dealing with food if by
any chance these hazardous items get spilled on the food. It can create risk to the company’s
pride, harm to resources, and risk to health and breach of WHS policies and procedures which
may lead to huge penalties being put on the organisation.

Q13: What are two safe manual handling tips you should use when handling, transporting and
storing these deliveries?
- To balance stand with your feet in which your one foot should be on the front and the other
should be behind that to lift properly.
- The second would be to lift using squat where heels are being kept on the floor and the heaviest
part is to be kept towards us and slide a little before attempting to lift.

Q14: The kitchen needs 1 kg of ricotta cheese immediately. You open the packaging, issue 1 kg
to the kitchen. What information should you put on a date code label for the remaining
ricotta to be stored in the refrigerator?

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● Description of the product

● Ingredients
● Best before date or use by date
● Storage and preparation directions

Q15: When you are storing the feta cheese you see there are already two 2 kg tubs in the
refrigerator. You know from experience that the kitchen only uses two, occasionally three,
tubs a week. You now have four tubs in stock. What do you do?

I would inform the management team and will have a quick check in with my manager and ask
if I need to store it or if he is not available then somebody who is at higher authority then me.

2016 Edition

Q16: Over the next few days you have received deliveries of dairy items such as milk, cream
and ricotta. Describe how you store that stock.
Ensure there are no wear and tears to the packing
Temperature check should be done
Lastly according to the information that I am provided with at that time.

Q17: What is this method of stock rotation called?

Rotating stock is the best way to describe stock rotation. It is the best way in the older stocks
are sold out before the new ones.

Q18: What signs of quality or deterioration do you look for when checking stock?
⇨ Dairy items, for example, milk, cream, ricotta, feta

Milk and other dairy products colour plays as the most important factor

⇨ Canned goods
Best before use date, leakage, damage to the packaging

⇨ Linen

Durability, softness and density of the fabric

Q19: You are cleaning the refrigerator and find the quality of some fruits and vegetables has
deteriorated and they are no longer usable. How do you safely dispose of them?

The most appropriate way is segregating them in different plastic bags or putting them in
appropriate trash cans or burying them in landfills.

Q20: What techniques can you use to keep the walk-in refrigerator clean?

Vacuuming the freezer floor, cleaning the interiors with micro fibre cloth and clean the seam
quite often so that water does not collect near that.

Q21: How can you keep stock handling equipment clean?

Sanitizing the equipment’s regularly and keeping these equipment’s in clean surfaces.

Q22: How can you safely dispose of any dangerous goods in a way that minimises negative
environmental impact?

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- It is essential that we keep the contaminated goods in the original container to decrease
The risk of the other products being contaminated.
- The product should be labeled accordingly with the danger sign.
- It should be kept in a secure place away from the reach of small children.
- It should be disposed of according to the procedure being mentioned.

2016 Edition

Q23: What stock control techniques could you have used to ensure the excess feta situation in
Q15 does not occur again?

- Stocks should be stored in a more secure manner.

- Create clear labels
- Review the expiry dates
- Manage the returns effectively
- Review the stock effectively

Q24: Describe how to conduct a stocktake using a computerised point-of-sale system, and EDI
and barcode scanning equipment.

In organization which are usually operate on a large scale, they tend to use Electronic data
interchange (EDI) in which are integrated with the POS where computers save all the data on a
software where it provides the calculations in line with the current stock levels of the products
purchased. However, as soon as the stock reaches the minimum level, the system immediately
places an order. Due to the technological environment, it has facility to scan the barcodes using
the electronic equipment, this system has increased the accuracy of this computer based

Q25: The hotel has a separate dry store area for storage of their alcohol, such as wine and
spirits. What are three security procedures and systems they can use to protect their
valuable stock?
- Installation of the security cameras in the area.
- The alcohol shouldn’t be used or replaced unless you get an appropriated authorization or order
to do so.
- The passwords and security codes shouldn’t be shared with anyone.

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Assessor checklist
To be completed by the assessor.

Learner’s name:

Did the learner Complete

successfully demonstrate d
evidence of their ability to Assessor comments
do the following? Yes No
Read and correctly interpret orders,
delivery documentation and stock
labels to check incoming stock
against them and identify any
Record details of incoming stock and
any discrepancies according to
organisational procedures.

Inspect stock for damage, quality and

use-by dates and identify any

Record any quality problems

according to organisational

Report stock discrepancies and

quality issues.

Can write records of incoming stock

and simple reports/notes about
stock discrepancies and quality.

Transport and store stock in

appropriate storage areas.

Use safe manual handling techniques

to avoid injury when moving and
storing stock.

Label stock according to

organisational procedures.

2016 Edition

Report on excess stock according to

organisational procedures.

Rotate stock for maximum use and

minimum wastage.

Check the quality of stock and report


Safely dispose of all excess or spoilt

stock and waste, especially
hazardous substances, to
minimise negative environmental
Maintain cleanliness of stock
handling and storage areas.

Use stock control systems and

equipment according to
organisational speed and
accuracy requirements.


To complete this assessment you are required to do the following.
● Observe the learner in an operational food preparation area using a range of skills/tasks to handle
food safely.
● Contextualise observations to suit the learner’s workplace or training environment.
● Provide a range of facilities, fixtures, food ingredients, equipment and organisational documentation
as specified in the assessment conditions.
● Use the checklist to observe the learner using a range of skills/tasks.
● Observe the learner over a period of time while they learn and use various skills/tasks.
● Record comments and feedback based on your observation of the learner’s performance.
● Summarise your overall feedback to practical assessment outcomes.

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● Ensure that the learner can consistently perform all tasks multiple times (or where not specified, at
least once) satisfactorily.
● Decide when the learner is competent at all tasks.
● On completion, submit the Practical Observation Checklist to your Trainer via email.


2016 Edition


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2016 Edition

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