Is 2121 1-4 Earthing For Overhead Lines

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IS : 2121 ( Part I ) - 1981

( Reallirnted1995)

Indian Standard

( First Revisiovz )

Fourth Reprint JANUARY 1999

UDC 621.315.65:621.315.171

@ Copyright 1981


NEW DELHI 110002

Gr 4
IS : 2121 ( Part I ) - 1981

Indian Standard

( First Revision )

Conductors and Accessories for Overhead Lines Sectional

Committee, ETDC 60

Chairman Representing
SHRI R. D. JAIN Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd, New Delhi

SHRZ G. L. DUA (Alternate to
Shri R. D. Jain )
ADDITIONAL GEKERAL MANAQER Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department, New
(IT) Delhi
E ( Alternate )
SHRI V. K. AGARWAL Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply Co Ltd,
SHRI P. P. BarsEP ( Alternate )
SIrI: R. S. AROKA Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals,
New Delhi
SHRI J. S. PASSI ( Atternute )
SHRI S. BH.4rTACHAHYA Indian Cable Co Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI T. SINOH (~&mate )
SHWr R. T. CHAR1 Tag Corporation, Madras
SHHI A. ARUNKVMAR (Alfcrnatc )
SHRI S. D. DAX~ Kamani Engineering Corporation Ltd, Bombay
Snnr R. V. S. MAWAH ( Alternate)
DIRIXTOR ( TRANSMISSION) Central Electricity Aurbority ( Transmission
Directorate ), New Delhi
JIIS~ION) ( Alternate )
( Continued on page 2 )

Q Copyright 1981
This publication is protcscted under the Z&an CopVright .fct ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said&t.
IS : 2121 ( Part I ) - 1981

Members Representing
DIRECTOR (T-I ), RDSO Ministry of Railways
JOINT DIRECTOI~ ( T-I)-1 ( Altcrnatc)
SHRI M. M. GOEL Haryana State Electricity Boprd,Chandigarh
SRRI P. K. AGGARWAL ( Altcrnotr )
SRRI P. JAYARAIAW Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Madras
SHRI M. Ii. JWJXJRVNWALA Cable and Conductor Manufacturers’ Association
of India, New Delhi
SRRI B. K. AICH ( dlternatc )
SHRI I. S. KALRA Bhakra Beas Management Board, Chandigarh
SRRI R. C. KBANNA Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking, New Delhi
SRRI M. K. AEUJA ( Alternate)
SHIRI 0. P. MATHUR Electrical Manufacturing Co Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI S. K. MUKRERJEE National Test House, Calcutta
SRRI U. S. VERiUA ( Altmat~ )
SHRI V. R. NARASIWZAN Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore
SHHI T. V. GOFALAN ( Altanatr )
SARI H. K. RATHI Maharashtra State Electricity Board,~Bombay
SHRI V. N. Rrtx U. P. State ElectricityBoard, Lucknow
SH~I M. B. ALIN~HANDANI ( Altcmatr )
SHEI R. D. .%iETH Electra-Metal Industries, Bombay
SRRI V. VENUGOPAL~X ( Alternate)
SHRI D. SIVASUBRAM6ANIAM Aluminium Industries Ltd, Kundara
SHRI K. M. JACOB ( Altcmatc)
PROF M. VENVGOPA~, Indian Institute ofTechnology, Madras
Pnor Y. NA~AYANA RAN ( Ahnofc )
Smzr S. P. SACHDEV, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-o@io Mmbrr )
Director ( Elec tech)
Assistanr Director ( Elec tech ), IS1


Indian Standard

( First Revision )

0. F-0 R E W 0 R D
0.1 This Indian Standard (Part I ) ( First Revision ) was adopted by the
Indian Standards Institution on 21 April 1981, wafter the draft finalized by
the Conductors and Accessories for Overhead Lines Sectional Committee
had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council.

0.2 The use of ACSR and all aluminium conductors for power trans-
mission is now well established. As a natural consequence, special types
of fittings are required to be used for such power lines. This standard
has been prepared with a view to ensuring uniform requirements of the
various types of such fittings and providing necessary guidance to the
manufacturers and the buyers.

0.3 Of the fittings that are used in overhead power lines, anchor clamps
and suspension clamps are two which could be consrdered either as
conductor fittings or insulator fittings. Indian Standard specification on
insulator fittings has been published separately. To avoid duplication,
these two types of fittings have been included in the Indian Standard on
insulator fittings.

0.4 This standard was first published in 1962. This revision has been
undertaken to upgrade many of essential performance requirements for
the fittings used on overhead power lines. In the revised standard
various types of fittings used on overhead lines will be covered in the
following three parts:
Part.1 Armour rods, binding wires and tapes for conductors;
Part II hlid-span joints and repair sleeves for conductors; and
Part III Accessories for earth wire.

IS : 2121 ( Part I) - 1981

0.5 If aFreed between the purchaser and the supplier the conductor and
earth wn-e accessories may dso be made suitable for application for hot
line techniques.

0.6 In the preparation of this standard assistance has been derived from
BS 3288: Part I : 1973 ‘SpeciCcation for insulator and conductor
fittimgs for overhead power lines: Part I Performance and general
requrrements’ issued by the British Standards Institution.

0.7 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of

this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated,
expre~ssing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS : 2- 1X0*. The number of significant places retained
in the rounded off va111e shollld be the same as that of the specified
value in this standard.


1.1 This standard (Part I ) covers pelformancc and general requirc-

ments for preformed armour rods, aluminium binding wires and
flat tapes employed on overhead power lines using ACSK, all aluminium
2nd aluminium alloy conductors.


2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.

2.1 Acceptance Tests - Tests carried out on samples taken from a lot
for the purpose of acceptance of the lot.

2.2 Failing Load - The greatest load which can be applied to a fitting
under the prescribed conditions of test.

2.3 Mechanical Protective Fittings - Any auxiliary device attachccl

to a conductor for its mechanical protection.

2.4 Routine Tests -Tests carried out on each fitting to ch(~ck the
requirements which are likely to vary during production.

2.5 Specified Minimum Failing Load - The greatest. load specified

by the purchaser or declared by the supplier, \\Thichcan be applied to a
fitting under the prescribed conditions of test.
IS : 2121 ( Part IE) - 1981

2.6 Type Test - Tests intended to prove that the quality and design of
a given type of article are in accordance with the specification.


3.0 General

3.0.1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys, having required mechanicai

strength, corrosion resistance and machinability depending on the types
of applications for which the accessories are used, shall be employed in
the manufacture of the accessories. The composition of the aluminium
alloys used shall be made available to the purchaser if required for

3.0.2 Fittings intended to connect conductors of two dissimilar metals

shall be designed to avoid harmful bimetallic corrosion when erected in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

3.0.3 All fittings shall be so designed that the effects of vibration, both
on the conductor and the fitting itself, are minimized.

3.0.4 In case of rods, wires or tapes, no joint shall be permitted except

those in the base rod or wire before final drawing.

3.1 General Requirements for Armour Rods

3.1.1 Preformed armour rods are factory formed rods made of suitable
material, compatible with the conductor on which they are applied. Such
rods are formed in helical shape to make them convenient to apply on the
conductor without excessive clamping pressure at any one point. The
parameters of the armour rods are designed to suit the specific size of the

3.1.2 Each rod shall be marked with an indelible and distinct type of
colour code in the middle to facilitate its identification and application
on the conductor.

3.2 General Requirements for Binding Wire and Tape

3.2.1 The wire or tape shall be clean, smooth and free from harmful

IS : 2121 ( Part I) - 1981

4.1 For Armour Rods - The material of armour rods shall be as
a) For aluminium conductors:
Aluminium alloy rods, alloy 65032 in accordance with
designation IS : 739-1966*
Minimum ultimate strength 35 kg/mm2
Conductivity 39 percent of IACS
b) For steel conductors:
Galvanized steel wire : -
Minimum ultimate strength : 134 kg/mma
4.2 For Binding Wires and Tapes
4.2.1 The material shall be aluminium with impurities limited as
Copper Not more than 0.04 percent
Copper + Silicon + Iron Not more than 0.5 percent
4.2.2 The material shall be supplied in the annealed condition.


5.1 For Armour Rods

5.1.X Preformed armour rods shall be designed for the specific
conductor sizes on a special purpose forming machine which shall convert
the rod into the helical form having uniform pitch length and inside
d’rameter. The lay of the helix shall be right hand. The rods shall be
subsequently cut to size in uniform lengths. A number of such rods shall
form a set which shall be taped together for application on the
5.1.2 The diameter and number of armour rods per set to be used on
different sizes of conductors shall be as given in Table 1.
5.1.3 Tolerances on _drmour Rods The tolerance on the diameter of armour rods before
forming shall be 2 i:y mm. The tolerance on the length of the armour rod shall be as

given in Table 2.
‘Wrought aluminiun> and aluminium alloys, wire (for general engineering
purposes ) ( revised ).
IS I 2121( Part I ) - 1981




< )
Rod Dia No. of Rocla
per Set

(1) (2) (3)

mm mm
2’59 7
4-50 1
5.88 3.07 8
3.71 7
6.33 1

3.71 8
E )
9.30 3.71 9

4.24 9
lo.05 1
4-24 10
12.30 1
13.17 4-24 11
14-15 4-62 11

4.62 12
17.43 1
18.13 5.18 12
6.35 11
20.16 1
23.25 6.35 13

26.88 1 7.87 12
(I 28-62

9.27 12
31-95 i$
33.12 J
IS : 2121( Part I) - 1981




_--_----h_-_---_ , -_k---.----__-)
‘Specified Shop Tolerance Specified Shop Difference Between
Length Length the Longest and
the Shortest Rod

(1) (2) (3) (4)

mm mm mm
+o up tzY270 9.5
Up to 1270 c 25.5 1271-l 905 13.0
1 906-2 540 LG.0
1271-l 905 +0 2 541-3 175 19.0
- 38 3 176-3 810 22.0
3811-4445 25.5
+o 4 446-5 080 28%
1906-2 540 - 51 over 5080 35.0

*Measured length from end to end after the rods are helically formed.

5.1.4 Flattening -Flattening is defined as the difference between the

largest and the smallest diameter at a given point. Flattening of the
preformed rod shall not exceed 2 percent of the nominal specified
diameter after forming or 0.1 mm whichever is larger.

5.1.5 End Treatment - The ends of the armour rods shall be deburred,
ball ended or parrot bill ended depending on the users requirements for
the specific size. The parrot bill ended rod shall have slighly inward
( towards the conductor) curvature at the ends so that the edge of the
parrot bill end closely grips and rests on the conductor surface and does
not remain in the air creating Corona/RIV problems. The ends of the
rods shall be buffed for improved electrical performance.

5.2 Binding Wires and Tapes -The dimensions of the wires and tapes
shall be as specified in the supply order.


6.1 Every coil or set of armour rods shall be securely tied with not less
than 3 binders and shall Ije attached with a suital)le label.

IS : 2121 ( Part I ) - 1981

6.1.1 The label shall carry the following information:

a) Manufacturer’s name and/or trade-mark,
b) Size of wire or tape,
c) Net weight,
d) Month and year of manufacture, and
e) Any other markings as agreed to between the manufacturer land
the user.

6.2 BIS Certification Marking

The product may also be marked with Standard Mark.

6.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisidns of the
Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made
thereunder. The details of coqditions under which the licence for the use of
Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained
from the Bureau of Indian Standards.


7.1 Classification of Tests

7.1.1 Type Tesfs - The following shall constitute the type tests:

a) \‘isual examination ( see 7.2 );

1)) \‘erification of dimensions ( see 7.3 );
c) T’ensile strength test ( see 7.4 );
cl) l’,lcctrical resistance test ( for arm&r rods only) ( see 7.5 );
P) Wrapping test ( for binding wires and tapes only) (see 7.6);
f) Slip strength test ( for armour rods only ) ( see 7.7 );
g) Radio interference voltage test ( for armour rods only ) (see 7.8 );
11) Corona test ( for armour rods only ) ( see 7.9 );
j) Bend test ( set 7.10); and
k) Resilient test ( for armour rods only ) (see 7.11 ). List of type tests applicable in the case of armour rods and
binding wires and tapes are irrrlicnted in Table 3. manufacturer shall submit not less than three samples

itlenticnls in all respects for carrying out type .tests along with the
certificzts giving materials and dimensional details of the product.
IS : 2121( Part I ) - 1981


(Clnurc )


c--- 1
For Armour Rods For Binding Wires
and Tapes

(1) (2) (3) (4)

i) Visual examination 7.2 7.2

ii) Verification of dimensions 7.3 7.3
iii) Tensile strength test 7.4.1 7.4.2
iv) Electrical resist&ce test 7.5 *

v) Wrapping test * 7.6

vi) Slip strength test 7.7 *

vii) Radio interference voltage 7.8 *

viii) Corona test 7.9 *

ix) Bend test 7.10.1 7.10.2

Resilient test 7.11 *
*Test not applicab!e.

7.1.2Acceptance Tests - The following shall constitute the acceptance

a) Visual examination ( .ree7.2 );
b) Verification of dimensions ( see 7.3 );
c) Tensile strength test ( see 7.4 );
d) Electrical resistance test ( see 7.5 );
e) Wrapping test ( for binding wires and tapes only ) ( see 7.6); and
f) Slip strength test ( armour rods only ) ( see 7.7 ). The sampling procedure and criteria of acceptance shall be

subject to agreement between the supplier and the purchaser. In the
absence of such an agreement the sampling procedure detailed in
Appendix A may be followed.

7.1.3 Rou/ke Tests - The following shall constitute the routine tests:

a) Visual examination ( see 7.2 ); and

b) l’erification of dimensions ( se; 7.3).
IS m:
2121( Part I ) - 1981

7.2 Visual Examination -All fittings shall bB checked visually for

good workmanship and smooth finish.

7.3 Verification of Dimensions

7.3.1 The dimensions for armour rods shall be checked in accordance

with the approved drawings and the requirements given in 5.1.
7.3.2 The dimensions for binding wire and tapes shall be checked in
accordance with the approved drawings and the requirements given
in 5.2.

7.4 Tensile Strength Test

7.4.1 For Armour Rods - The testing shall be carried out on a suitable
tensile testing machine. The rods shall be straightened by light
hammering, for the purpose of this test. The tensile strength of armour
rods shall not be less than the values given below:
a) Aluminium alloy rods 35 kg/mm2
b) Galvanized steel wires 134 kg/mm2

7.4.2 For Binding Wires and Takes - The test shall be carried out on a
suitable tensile testing machine. The elongation shall be measured on
the gauge length after the fractulled ends have been fitted together,
provided that fracture occurs between the gauge marks land not closer
than 25 cm to either mark. If the fracture occurs outside these limits land
if the required elongation is not obtained, the test shall be discarded and
another test made. The tensile strength shall be between 700 to 1 000 kg/cm2
and the minimum elongation shall be 15 percent on 25 cm gauge length.
For this test a tensile load equal to one-half of the minimum breaking
load shall be applied at a steady rate.

7.5 Electrical Resistance Test ( for Armour Rods only ) - The

test shall be made on armour rods with dc or ac at any convenient power
frequency. The armour rods shall be straightened by light hammering
and the electrical connections shall be SO made that effective contact is
made. The conductivity of the armour rods shall be checked for the
requirements given in 4.1.

7.6 Wrapping Test ( for Binding Wires and Tapes only ) - The
wire or tape shall be wrapped round a wire of its own diameter to form
a close helix of eight turns. Six turns shall then be unwrapped and
again closely re-wrapped in the same direction as the first wrapping.
The wire or tape shall not break when tested so.
NOTE - Slight surface cracks’shall not constitute causes for rejection.

IS : 2121 ( Part I ) - 1981

7.7 Slip Strength Test (for Armour Rods only) - A set of armour
rods shall be applied to the specified conductor and a suspension clamp
shall be installed with the recommended bolt torque at the middle of
armour rods. The assembly when tested for ‘slip strength test’ for
suspension clamp as per 5.4.1 of IS : 2488 ( Part I )-1971* shall withstand
a load up to 25 percent of ultimate tensile strength of conductor without
the conductor slipping relative to armour rods.

7.8 Radio Interference Voltage Test (Application to Armour

Rods for Use on Transmission Lines at 400 kV and Above ) - The
test shall be conducted in accordance with IS : 8263-19767 simulating
the maximum surface voltage gradient as obtained on _the line corres-
ponding to 1.1 times the rated phase to ground voltage.

7.9 Corona Test (Application to Armour Rods for Use on

Transmission Lines at 400 kV and Above ) - The nrmour rods shall
be installed on a bar with diameter equal to conductor dia f 0.25 mm
arranged in a bundle with subconductor spacing as desired by the
purchaser. The sample shall then be subjected to 50 Hz phase to ground
voltage simulating the maximum surface gradient as obtained on the
line corresponding to 80 percent of the rated line voltage. There shall
be no evidence of corona on any part of the armoured rods. The
corresponding corona inception voltage shall also be recorded.

7.10 Bend Test

7.10.1 For Armour Rods - The armour rods shall be wrapped on the
conductor as per the standard procedure. The whole assembly should
then be bent in such a as to form a semi-circle. The assembly
should then remain in this stage for a period of one minute and ~there
should not be any rupture or permanent set when the ends of the test
piece are released from the clamping position.

7.10.2 ITo? Bindiq Il’ires and Tapes - The samples of binding flat tape
shall be bent by 180” such that the inner faces touch each other. It
shall be then bent in the opposite direction in such a way that the original
outer faces touch each other. The sample shall be tested in this way
once bent forward, then backward, again forward and backward, and
forward for the third time. Finally the tape shall be made straight by
bending backward. There shnll be no breakage of the tape or nny
surface cracking.

*Specification for insulator fittings for o\w%wd powr~r linrs of 3.3 k\’ nnd ahovc:
Part I General rcqllircmcnts anrl tests (Jirst revision ). -
tXicthod fnt radio intrrfxenrr tests on high-voltagf, insulators.


7.11 Resilience Test ( for Armour Rods only ) - A set of preformed

armour rods shall be wrapped and then un-wrapped on a piece of
conductor five times successively. The preformed armour rods should
not lose its resilience even after five applications and should be able to
pass through the slip strength test mentioned in 7.7.

( Clause )

A-l. LOT

A-l.1 In a consignment, the conductor fittings of the same type and size
manufactured in the same factory under similar conditions of production
shall be grouped together to constitute a lot.


A-2.1 ~The number of armour rods to be selected from each lot shall
depend upon the size of the lot and shall be in accordance with co1 1 and
2 of Table 4.



, -_----_~
Sample h&t”b”e;

(1) (2) (3) (41

up to 300 13 0 2

301 to 500 20 I 3

501 to 1 OQO 32 2 5

‘1 000 and above 50 3 7

IS : 2121( Part I ) - 1981

A-2.2 For aluminium binding wires and tapes, the number of coils to be
selected from each lot shall be as follows:

Wire Diameter Thickness of Flat Sample Size

iqrmour Tape

Up to a-nd including UK f;z including One coil for 200 kg

1’25 mm . or part thereof
Above 1.25 mm Above 0.8 mm One coil for 500 kg
or part thereof

A-2.3 These fittings or coils shall be selected from the lot at random. In
order to ensure the randomness of selection, procedures given in IS : 4905-
1968* may be followed.


A-3.1 All the armour rods selected at random in accordance with co1 1
and 2 of Table 4, or the coils as selected in A-2.2 shall be subjected to
visual examination, dimensional requirements and e!ectrical resistance test
( for armour rods only ). An armour rod or coil failing to mc6.t any of
the requirements shall be termed as defective. The armour xods in the
lot shall be considered as conforming to requirements if the niirnb~, of
~defectives is less than or equal to the corresponding;e n~~mt:ex
( see co1 3 of Table 4). The lot of binding wires or tape?; shall be
considered as conforming to these requirements if no defective coil is
found in the sample.

A-3.2 The lot which has been found as conforming to the above ret(.fir+
ments shall then be tested for tensile strength and slip strength teqt m the
case of armour rods and for wrapping test for binding wires or tapes. For
armour rods, the sample size shall be in accordance with co1 1 and 4 of
Table 4. For binding wires or tapes the sample size shall be obtained by
cutting one test piece from each of the coils selected in A-2.2. The test
pieces shall not be annealed or ~mechanically worked except for straighten-
ing before testing. The 101 shall be considered as conforbina to these
re{uirements if go defective coil is found in th’e sample. -

A-3.3 For slip strength test, three sets of’ armour rods shall be taken
random and the test shall be carried out on them. The lot shall 2
considered as conforming to the requirements, if no defective is found,

A-3.4 The lot shall be considered as conforming to the requirements of

acceptance tests if A-3.1, 3.2 and A-3.3 are satisfied.

*‘Methods for random sampling.

Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
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*Sales Cffice is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P.O. Princep Street, 271085

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*Sales Office is at ‘F’ Block, Unity Building, Narashimaraja Square, 222 39 71

Printedat : Prabhat Offset Press. New Delhi-2

IS : 2121 ( Part II ) - 1981
( Reaffirmed 1995 )
Indian Standard

( First Revision )

Third Reprint NOVEMBER 1994

UDC 621.315.65:621.315.171


NEW DELHI 110002

Gr 3 August1981
IS : 2121 ( Part II ) - 1981

Indian Standard

( First Revision )

Conductors and Accessoriesfor Overhead Lines Sectional

Committee, ETDC 60

Chairman Repesenting
SBRI R. D. JAIN Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd, New Delhi

Smu G. L. Dna ( Altanats to
Shri R. D. Jain )
ADDITIONAL GENERAL MANAGER Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department, New
(IT) Delhi
E ( Alternate )
SHRI V. K. AQARWAL Tata Hydra-Electric Power Supply Co Ltd,
SHRI P. P. BHI~EY ( Alfcrnatr )
SHRI R. S. ARORA Directorate General of Supplies and Disporala,
New Delhi
Sa~x J. S. PASS1 ( Ahnaie )
SERI S. BHATTACHARYA Indian Cable Co Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI T. SIN~H (Alternate)
SEW R. T. CHAR1 Tag Corporation, Madras
SHRI S. D. DAND Kamani Engineering Corporation Ltd, Bombay
.%a~ R. V. S. MANIAN (Alternate)
DIRECTOR ( TI&WMWSION ) Central Electricity Authority (Transmission
Directorate ), New Delhi
MISSION) ( Alternate )
( Con~inwdon @a;82 )

Q C@@g/~t 1981
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproductioh in whole or ix~part by any meam except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under th’6 raid Act.
IS : 2121 ( Part II ) - 1981

( Continued frompage 1 )
MdCrS Rcprurnfing
DIRECTOR ( T-I ), RDSO Ministry of Railways
JOINT DIRECTOR ( T-I )-I ( Alternate )
SHRI M. M. GOEL Haryana State Electricity Board, Chandigarh
SHRI P. JAYARAX~ Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Madras
SARI M. K. JHUNJEUNWALA Cable and Conductor Manufacturers’ Association
of India, New Delhi
SHRI B. K. AICH ( Alternate )
SHRI I. S. KALRA Bhakra Beas Management Board, Chandigarh
SHRI R. C. K~ANNA Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking, New Delhi
SHRI M. K. AEUJA ( Alfrrnntc )
SERI 0. P. MATHUR Electrical Manufacturing Co Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI S. K. MUXHERJEE National Test House, Calcutta
SERI U. S. VERYA ( Altmaf~)
SHRI V. R. NARASIMHAN Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore
SHRI T. V. GOPALAN ( Alternate)
SBRI H. K. RATHI MaharashtraState Electricity Board, Bombay
SHRI V. N. RIKE U. P. State Electricity Board, Lucknow
SHRI M. B. ALIWBANDANI ( Alternate )
Saar R. D. SKETH Electra-Metal Industries, Bombay
Sxnx D. SK~ASUBRAYA~IAX Aluminium Industries Ltd, Kundara
Sxxr K. M. JACOB (Alternate)
Pxor M. V~WJQOPAL Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
P~oa Y. NABAYANARAO ( Akrnotc )
SHRI S. P. SAOEDEV, Director General, BIS ( Ex-oB;rio Mnnkr )
Director ( Elec tech )
Assistant Director ( Elec tech ), BIS
IS t 2121 ( Part II ) - 1981 .

Indian Standard

( First Revision )

0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part II ) ( First Revision ) was adopted by
the Indian Standards Institution on 21 April 1981, after the draft
finalized by the Conductors and Accessories for Overhead Lines Sectional
Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council..

0.2 The use of ACSR and all aluminium conductors for power transmis-
sion is now well established. As a natural consequence, special types of
fittings are required to be used for such power lines. This standard has
been prepared with a view to ensuring uniform requirements of the
various types of such fittings and providing necessary guidance to the
manufacturers and the buyers.

0.3 Of the fittings that are used in overhead power lines, anchor clamps
and suspension clamps are two which could be considered either as
conductor fittings or insulator fittings. Indian Standard specification on
insulator fittings has been published separately. To avoid duplication,
these two types of fittings have been included in the Indian Standard on
insulator fittings.

0.4 This standard was first published in 1962. This revision has been
undertaken to upgrade many of essential performance requirements for
the fittings used on overhead power lines.
In the revised standard various types of fittings used on overhead
lines have been covered in the following three parts:
Part I Armour rods, binding wires and tapes for conductors;
Part II Mid-span joints and repair sleeves for conductors; and
Part III Accessories for earth wire.

IS : 2121 ( Part II ) - 1981

0.5 If agreed between the purchaser and the supplier the conductor and
earth wire accessories may also be made suitable for application of hot
line techniques.

0.6 In the preparation of this standard assistance has been derived from
B S 3288: Part I: 1973 ‘ Specification for insulator and conductor
fittings for overhead power line : Part I Performance and general
requirements ’ , issued by British Standards Institution.

0.7 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this

standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, express-
ing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.

1.1 This standard ( Part II ) covers the joints normally used for joining
and repairing ACSR, all aluminium or aluminium alloy overhead
conductors. The following types of joints are covered by this
standard :
a) Compression type mid-span joints,
b) Twisting sleeves and repair sleeves,
c) Compression type of repair sleeves, and
d) Crimped joints.

2.1 The definitions given in Part I of this standard shall apply.

3.1 A compression type mid-span joint consists of the following parts:

4 An aluminium tube produced from 99.5 percent pure aluminium

by extrusion process for AAC and ACSR conductors,
b) Aluminium alloy tube for aluminium alloy conductors,
4 A steel tube produced from steel rod and hot dip galvanized for
steel core of ACSR conductors, and
d) Tapered plugs, machined from aluminium rod of 99 percent

‘Rules for roundingoff numerical values ( r.&.wd ).

IS : 2121 ( Part UI) - 1981

3.2 Twisting joint sleeves shall be manufactured from high quality

aluminium alloy.

3.3 Repair sleeves shall be manufactured from 99.5 percent pure

aluminium by extrusion process.

3.4 The crimping sleeves for ACSR conductors requires the use of special
aluminium alloy to obtain the required strength and other properties.


4.1 The dimensional details of the aluminium and steel tubes shall be in
accordance with Table 1. The sizes of the aluminium and steel tubes
vary with the conductor size and their construction. While the outside
diameter of the tubes has been designed to cover a range of conductor
sizes, the inside diameter shall be made to suit the specific size.
Table 1 gives the outside diameters of the tubes covering range of

4.2 ACSR conductor require steel tube to join steel core and aluminium
tube to join the aluminium strands. In case of all aluminium. and
aluminium alloy conductors, the steel tubes shall not be used.

4.3 The aluminium tube and steel tube when compressed into hexagonal
shape shall have the dimensions ( across flats and corner) as given in
Table 1.

4.4 The tension joints shall be SO designed that they ensure satisfactory
and trouble free life of the conductor. They shall be designed, manufac-
tured and finished so as to avoid sharp radii of curvature, ridges and
excrescences which might lead to localized pressure on or damage to the
conductor in service. The fitting shall have sufficient contact surface to
minimize damage due to fault currents.

4.5 The size of.the crimping sleeves and number of crimps required for
a particular size of conductor shall be agreed upon between the
purchaser and the supplier.

4.6 Repair sleeves shall be designed to make good a conductor of which

not more than one-sixth of the strands in the outermost layer have been

( C1ause.r4.1 and 4.3 j

A11 dimensions in millimetres.

I>I.\ RANCH A~vsrxh~~nc TUBE STEEL Tmm
~-~-*__.___-.~ r--- A- ---__ -_-7
OD Dimensions .4ftcr Compression OD Dimensions After Compression
---h----T ,~.-~-w--.---~
Across Flat Across Across Flat Acrws
Corners Comers

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

34-28.96 54 46 53 24 20.2 23.4

30.15-25.88 48 40 46 20.8 175 20.2

26.7 -23.45 43 36 41 19.2 16’1 105

23.54-19.53 38 32 37 IS.0 151 17.4

18.13-16.52 33 23 32.6 15’2 12‘2 14.7

15.86-1415 30 25 29.4 iQ’2 10.1 11.7

NOTE 1 -For conductors having intermediate diameters, select the joint of higher size.
NOTE 2 - For conductor sizes, overlapping in the range, select the higher size joint for the higher strength
I6 : 2121 ( Part lx ) - 1981


5.1 Fittings may also be marked with the Statidard Mark,

5.2 The -use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of

Bureau of Indian Standards Act, I986 and the Rules and Regulations tnade
thereunder. The details of conditions under which the liccnce for the use of
Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers nlay be obtained
front the Bureau of Indian Standards.


6.1 Classification of Tests

6.1.1 IJ~JC Trsts - The following shall constitute the type tests:

a) Visual examination ( see 6.2 );

b) Dimensional verific;ltion ( see 6.3 );
c) Failing load test ( see 6.4 );
d) Electrical resistance test ( ste 6.5 );
el Heating cycle test ( see 6.6 );
f ) Galvanizing test ( SPC6.7 );
g) Radio interference voltage test ( SE<6.8 ); and
h) Corona test ( SW 6.9 ).

6.1.2 _~lssr?~~hly
for the Test on R+ir Sleetles - A length o*f conductor of
the size and type with which the sleeves is to be used~shall be taken and
a number of adjacent strands in the outermost layer shall be severed.
The number of severed strands shall be the nearest whole number of
one-sixth of total number of strands in the outermost layer. The severed
strands shall be marked so that they can easily be identified on both
sides of the repair sleeve after it has been fitted up. The repair sleeve
shall then be assembled to make good the damaged conductor, in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

6.1.3 .+rq~/nt~c Tests - The following shall constitute the acceptance


a) \‘isual examination ( see 6.2 );

Ii) Dimensional verification ( see 6.3 );
c) Failing load test ( see 6.4 ); and
d) Galvanizing test ( see 6.7 ).

IS : 2121 ( Part II ) - 1981 Electrical resistance test ( see 6.5 ) may also be carried out as
acceptance test if agreed between the purchaser and the supplier. The sampling procedure and criteria of acceptance shall be
subject to agreement between the supplier and the purchaser. In the
absence of such an agreement, the sampling’ procedure detailed in
Appendix A may be followed.

6.1.4 Routine Test - The following tests shall be carried out on each
a) Visual examination ( spe6.2 ), and
b) Dimensional verification ( see 6.3 ).

6.2 Visual Examination--All fittings shall be checked visually for

good workmanship and smooth finish.

6.3 Dimensional Verification - The dimensions shall be checked as

per the approved drawings and the requirements given in 4.1.

6.4 Failing Load Test - A tensile load of about 50 percent of ihe

breaking load of the conductor shall be applied and the conductor shall
be marked in such a way that movement relative to the fitting can easily
be detected. Without any subsequent adjustment of the fitting, the load
shall be steadily increased to 95 percent of the breaking load and
then reduced to 90 percent of the breaking load and maintained for
one minute. There shall be no movement of the conductor relative td
the fitting during this one minute period and no failure of the fittings.
For the purpose of this test ~the breaking load of the conductor shall be
taken as the value given in the appropriate part of IS : 398
( Parts I to IV )*.
NOIYE-T~S~ shall be conducted after the compression joint has cooled to
ambient temperature.

6.5 Electrical Resistance Test

6.5.1 The measurement for resistance shall be carried out to an
accuracy of one part in thousand by means of a suitable method of test.
6.5.2 The test may be made with dc or ac at any. convenient power
frequency. The electrical connections shall be so made that gffective
contact is made with all those strands of the conductor which would be
taken into account in calculating its equivalent resistance.

*Aluminium,conductors for overhead transmission purposes:

Part I Aluminium stranded conductors ( secondretision).
Part II Aluminium conductors, galvanized steel reinforced ( second revision ).
Part III Aluminium conductors, aluminized steel reinforced (second revision).
Part IV Aluminium alloy stranded conductors (secondrevision ).

XS : 2121 ( Part II ) - 1981

6.5.3 The electrical resistance shall be measured between points on

the conductor on either side and just clear of the Sitting and shall not
exceed 75 percent of the measured resistance of the equivalent length of

6.6 Heating Cycle Test

6.6.1 This test is applicable in the case of compression type of mid-

span joints only. The fitting shall be assembled in accordance with the
,manufacturer’s recommendations on conductor of the size and type with
which it is to be used. The assembly shall be erected indoors so that
the conductor is roughly horizontal. Air shall be freely circulated around
the assembly. No draughts shall be allowed. The minimum length of
conductor on each side of the fitting shall be 2 m.
6.6.2 The test current shall be that power frequency current which
raises the surface temperature of the conductor 40°C above the
anibient temperature and maintains the temperature at a steady value.
The minimum length of conductor used for determining this current
shall be 2 m and the conductor temperature shall be measured near the
centre of the test length.
6.6.3 The test current shall be passed continuously through the
assembly for a period of 30 minutes. The current shall then be inter-
rupted and the assembly shall be allowed to cool to within 5°C above the
ambient temperature. The sequence of operations shall be repeated so
that 250 cycles of heating and cooling are applied. The fitting shall not
be tightened or adjusted during the test.
6.6.4 During the last 5 cycles, the temperature, measured when the
current is flowing, at any point on the surface of the fitting shall not
exceed that of the conductor. At the end of the test, the fitting shall
meet the requirements of the resistance test given in 6.5.3. The fitting
shall afterwards be opened and there shall be no sign of local heating,
burning or fusing of any part of the fitting or of the conductor.

6.7 Galvanizing Test-Galvanized parts shall be tested in accordance

with IS : 2633-1972* for uniformity, and IS : 6745-1972t for weight of
zinc coating, and shall meet the requirements of these standards.

6.8 Radio Interference Voltage Test ( Applicable in the Case of

Transmission Lines at 400 kV and Above ) - The test shall -be
conducted in accordance with IS : 8263-1976: simulating -the maximum

“Method of testing uniformity of coating on zinc coated articles ( fizstr&ion ).

iMethods for determination of mass of zinc coating on zinc coated iron and steel
$Method for radio interference tests on high-voltage insulators.

IS : 2121 ( Part II ) - 1981

surface voltage gradient as o\Jtained on riio line corresponding to

1’1 times the rated phase to ground voltap,e.

6.9 Corona Test ( Applicable in the case of Transmission Lines

at 400 kV and Above ) -- ‘l’he test spccirrren shall IJ~!ed on a bar
lvith diameter equal to conductor dia & 0.2.5 n~m arran@ in h bun~llc
with subconductor spacing as dcsiretl by the purchaser. The sample shall
then be subjected to 50 Hz phase to ground voltage simularing the
maximum surface gradient as obtained on the line corresponding to
80 percent of the rated line voltage. There shall be no evidence of corona
on any part of the test specimen. ‘flrr corresponding corona ilrception
voltage shall also be recorded.

( C/curse 6.1 .3.2 j

A-l. LOT
A-l.1 In a consignment, the conductors fittings of the same type and
size manufactured in the same factory under similar conditions of
production shall be grouped together to constitute a lot.

A-1.2 The number of fittings to be selected from each lot shall depend
upon the size of the lot and shall be in accordance with co1 1 and 2 of
Table 2.


( &uses A- 1.2 nnd A-:!. I )

LOT Srm FOR VISUAL Ah’11 ,,I~Il~:X3IO’; \T>

~~~_h~~~~ --7
Sample Size .\cccpta11ce

(1: (2) (3) (4)

up to 100 8 0 2
101 to 300 13 0 3
301 to 500 20 1 ,2
501 to 1 000 32 2 5
1on1 and nbovo 50 3 G

IS : 2121 ( Part II )- 1981

A-1.2.1 These fittings shall be selected from the lot at random. In

order to ensure the randomness of selection, procedures given in
IS : 4905-1968* may be followed.


A-2.1 All the fittings selected at random from the lot shall be subjected
to visual and dimensional verification tests. A fitting failing to satisfy
any of these tests shall be considered as defective. The lot shall be
considered as conforming to requirements of these tests, if the number of
defectives found in the sample is less than or equal to the corresponding
acceptance number given in co1 3 of Table 2, otherwise the lot shall be

A-2.2 The lot which has been found as conforming to the above
requirements shall be subjected to failing bad test and galvanizing test.
For this purpose, the sample size shall be in accordance with co1 1 and 4
of Table 2. The lot shall be considered as conforming to these
requirements, if no defective is found in the sample.

A-2.3 The lot shall be considered as conforming to the requirements of

acceptance tests, if no defective is found in the sample.

*Methods for randomsampling.

Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones: 331~01 31, 331 13 75 Telegrams: Manaks nstha
( Common to all Off4 ces)
Regional Offices: Teledhone
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NEW DELHI 110002 331 13 75
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Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054
Northern : SC0 445-446, Sector 35-C 82 18 43
CHANDIGARH 160036 I 3 16 41
41 24 42
Southern : C. I. T. Campus, MADRAS 600113 41 25 19
1 41 29 16
TWestern : Manakaiaya, E9 MIDC, Mar& Andheri ( East ), 6 32 92 95
BOMBAY 400093
Branch Offices:
#Pushpak’. Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg,!Khanpur, 2 63 48
I\ AHMADABAD 380001 I 2 63 49
SPeenya Industrial Qrea 1st Stage, Bangalore Tumkur Road 38 49 55
BANGALORE 560058 38 49 56
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor. Bhadbhada Road, T. T. Nagar, 667 16
BHCPAL 462003
Plot -No. 82/83. Lewis Road. BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 38 27
53/5. Ward No 29,‘R.G. Barua Road, 5th Byelane, 3 31 77
5-8-56C I. N. Gupta Marg ( Nampally Station Road ), 23 1083
6 34 71
R14 Yudhister Marg, C Schemer, JAIPUR 302005
j 6 98 32
117/418 B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 21 68 76
1 21 82 92
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 6 23 05
T.C. No. 14/l 421. University P.O.. Palayam /6 21 04
’ TRIVANDRUM 695035 16 21 17
lnspaction Offices ( With Sale Point ):
Pushpanjali, First Floor, 205-A West High Court Road, 2 51 71
Shankar Nagar Square, NAGPUR 440010
Institution of Engineers ( India ) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, 5 24 35
PUNE 41?005

*Sales OffEe in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringhea Approach, P, 0. Princep 27 68 00

Str,eet. Calcutta 700072
@ales Office in Bombay is at-.Novelty Chambers, Grant Road. 89 65 28
Bombay 400007
$Sales Office in Bangalore is at Unity Building, Narasimharaja Square, 22 36 71
BangalOre 560002

Reprography Unit, IBIS, New Delhi, India

( Reaffirmed 1997 )

Indian Standard

( First Revision )

UDC 621’316’992 : 621’315’1

@ BIS 1992


NEW DELHI 110002
Muy 1992 Price Group 2
Conductors and Accessories for Overhead Lines Sectional Committee, ETD 37

This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Conductors and Accessories for Overhead Lines Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Electrotechnical Division Council.
Indian Standard Specification for fittings for aluminium and steel cored aluminium conductors for
overhead lines, IS : 212 I was first published in 1962. This revision has been undertaken to upgrade
many of the essential performance requirements for various types of accessories for conductors and
earthwires used on overhead lines. The revised standard on conductors and earthwire accessories
for overherd power lines covers various requirements in the following four parts:
IS 2121 ( Part 1 ) : 1981 Armour rods, binding wires and tapes for conductors (first revision )
IS 212 I ( Part 2 ) : I98 I Mid span joints and repair sleeves for conductors ( first revision )
IS 2121 ( Part 3 ) : 1992 Accessories for earthwire ( first revision )
1s 2 121 ( Part 4 1 : 1992 Non-tension joints (first revision )
In the preparation of this Indian Standard, assistance has been derived from the following standards:
BS 3288 : Pati 1 : 1983 Specification for insulator and conductor fittings for overhead Pobrer
lines - Part I : Performance and general requirements. British Standards Institution.
AS I 154.1 : Part 1 : 1985 Insulator and conductor fittings for overhead power lines - Part 1 :
Performance and general requirements. Standards Association of Australia.
IS 2121 ( Part 3 ) : 1992
Indian Standard

( First Revision )
1 SCOPE IS No. Title
1.1 This standard covers the requirements for 5358 : 1969 Hot dip galvanized coatings
accessories for earthwire for use on overhead on fasteners [ Superseded
power lines and includes: by IS 1367 ( Part 13 ) :
1982 I .
a) earthwire suspension clamp assembly,
6745 : 1972 Methods for determination
b) earthwire tension clamp assembly, of weight of mass of zinc
c) flexible copper bond for earthwire, and coating on zinc coated iron
and steel articles
d) mid span compression joints for earthwire 9567 : 1980 Tin or tin-lead coated
and repair sleeves. copper wire
1.2 Earthwire is a conductor which is earthed and 3 TERMINOLOGY
which is normally situated above the phase
conductors. They are normally used for 3.0 For the purpose of this standard the
transmission line voltages greater than or equal to definitions given in IS 2121 ( Part 1 ) : 1981 and
33 kV. the following shall apply.
1.3 For the purpose of this Indian Standard the 3.1 Anchor and Tension Fittings
terms ‘accessory’ and ‘fitting’ have been
interchangeably used. Fittings capable of anchoring or joining earth
3.2 Earthwire
2.1 The following Indian Standards are necessary
adjuncts to this standard : A new current carrying conductor which is fully
earthed or partly insulated and generally situated
IS No. Title above the phase conductor.
2108 : 1977 Blackheart malleable iron
castings (first revision ) 3.3 Earthwire Fitting
2121 (Part 1 ) : 198 Conductors and earthwire Any component of an assembly for attaching an
accessories for overhead earthwire to a supporting structure other than a
power lines : Part 1 Armour support fitting or anchor fitting.
rods, binding wires and 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
tapes for conductors (first
revision J
4.1 General
2121 ( Part 2 ) : 1981 Conductors and earthwire 4.1.1 The accessories shall be free from defects
accessories for overhead which would likely render them unsatisfactory in
power lines : Part 2 Mid service.
span joints and repair 4.1.2 Accessories which are attached to the earth
sleeves for conductors (first wire, and shall be designed so that the effects of
revision > vibration, both on the conductor and the
2500 ( Part 1 ) : 1973 Sampling inspection tables : accessories itself, are minimized.
Part 1 Inspection by 4.1.3 Accessories intended to connect earth
attributes and by count of wire of two dissimilar metals shall be designed
defects (first revision ) to avoid harmful corrosion when erected
in accordance with the manufacturer’s
2629 : 1985 Recommended practice for
hot-dip galvanizing on iron recommendations.
and steel ( first revision ) 4.2 Material
2633 : 1986 Methods of testing 4.2.1 Earthwire fittings shall be made of any of
uniformity of coating on the materials specified in 4.3 to 4.6 and shall
zinc coated articles ( second comply with the requirements of the relevant
revision ) Indian Standards.

IS 2121 ( Part 3 ) : 1992

4.3 Earthwire Suspension Clamp Assembly 4.6 Mid Span Compression Joint for Earthwire
Earthwire suspension clamp assembly is used to Mid span compression joints, used for joining two
support the earthwire at suspension towers. lengths of earthwire shall be made of mild steel
It shall be of free-centre type made of malleable which shall be either hot dip galvanized or shall
cast iron conforming to JS 2108 : 1977. The be provided with aluminium sleeve. In the later
keeper and the clamp body are clamped together design, filler aluminium sleeves shall be provided
by two inverted type U-bolts. One limb of one at both ends of the steel sleeve. The aluminium
U-bolt is made long enough to accomodate the lug shall be of at least 99.5 percent purity.
of the flexible copper bond. Standard shackles with
orientations as per the customers requirements, The slip strength of the compression joint shall not
are supplied along with the suspension clamp for be less than 95 percent of the UTS of the earthwire.
attaching to the tower hanger plate. The resistance of the earthwire fitted with the mid
span compression joint shall not exceed 75 percent
The complete assembly shall have a slip strength of the measured resistance of the equivalent length
of not less than 18 percent and not more than of the earthwire.
25 percent of UTS of the earthwire.
4.7 Marking
1 The customer must specify the orientation of eyehooks 4.7.1Each earthwire accessory shall be indelibly
from either of the followings: marked with the following information:
a) Orientation A : Opening of hook perpendicular to a) Indicating the source of manufacture,
the clamp.
b) Minimum failing load,
b) Orientaion R : Opening of hook parailcl to the
clamp. c) Material,
2 Normally U-bolts are not included in suspension d) Year of manufacture, and
clamos and, if required by the customer, these should be
specifically mentioned. e) Country of manufacture.
4.4 Earthwire Tension Clamp Assembly 4.7.2 The accessories for earthwire may also be
Compression type tension clamps are used to hold marked with the Standard Mark.
the earthwire of tension towers. The clamps
( along with jumper tube and plates ) shall be
made of mild steel which is hot dip galvanized or 5.1 Classification of Tests
encased in aluminium sleeve made of 99.5 percent
purity aluminium. In the later design, filler 5.1.1 Type Tests ( see Table 2 )
aluminium sleeves are also provided at the end of
the steel sleeve and at the jumper location. 5.1.2 Acceptance Tests ( see Table 3 )

The slip strength of the tension clamp shall not be 5.1.3 Routine Test
less than 95 percent of the UTS of the earthwire.
The following shall constitute the routine test:
The resistance of the earthwire fitted with the
tension clamp assembly shall not exceed 75 percent a) Visual examination ( see 5.2 ).
of the measured resistance of the equivalent length
of the earthwire. The compression type earth- 5.1.4 Sampling Plan and Criteria for Acceptawe
wire clamp shall have necessary provision for
attaching flexible earthing bond. Lot

4.5 Flexible Copper Bond In a consignment all the earthwire accessories

manufactured from the same material under
The flexible copper bond serves as the earthing similar conditions of production shall be grouped
bond for which provisions are made in the together to constitute a lot.
earthwire, suspension and tension clamps for
attaching with the tower. Sample size and criteria for conformity
The flexible copper bond shall have a circular Unless otherwise agreed to between the supplier
cross section. and the purchaser, the procedure given in IS 2500
( Part 1 ) : 1973 shall be followed for sampling
It shall be laid up as 7 stranded ropes, each rope
inspection for this purpose, a single sampling plan
consisting of a bunch of tinned copper wires. The
with inspection level IV and AQL of 2’5 percent as
tini:ing shall be as per IS 9567 : 1980. Two tinned
given in Tables 1 and 2 of IS 2500 ( Part 1 ) : 1973
copper lugs, each suitable for taking a mild steel
shall be followed for all the acceptance tests.
dip-galvanized bolt, shall be press jointed to either
end of the copper cable. The complete assembly 5.2 Visual Examination and Dimensional
also includes one extra mild steel bolt, hot-dip Verification
galvanized along with nut and lock washer. Dimen-
sional details of the flexible copper bond and All fittings shall be checked visually for good
related accessories shall be as specified in Table 1. workmanship and smooth finish.

IS 2121( Put 3 ) : 1992

Table 1 Dimensional Details of Flexible Copper Bond and Related Accessories

( Clause 4.5 )
No. of Tinned Dia of Tinned Overall Dimensions of Circular Diameters of Dimensions of the Minimum Slip
Copper Wire Copper Wires Copper Bond Consisting of Bolts for Copper Extra Bolt Strength of
per Rope 7 Stranded-Ropes Connecting Lugs Copper Bond
r____h_-__~ r_-h__~r__-h__~
Equ2ra&nh$;pper Le;!;h Dia Dia Dia Length

(A) (B) cc, (D) (E) (FJ (G) (HI

sq mm mm mm (&I)
(1) ;;“, (3) (4) ?5”; ( 6 J ;5”5 f”s”, (9)
37 0’417 35 500 12 16 16 40 30

Table 2 Type Tests

( Clause 5.1.1 )
Sl Test Clause Reference of Test for
No. r----------_----_ A----_-________~
Earthwire Suspension Earthwire Tension Flexible Copper Mid Span Compressioh
Clamp Assembly Clamp Assembly Bond Joint
1. Visual examination and 5’2 5’2 5’2 5’2
dimensional verification
2. Electrical resistance test 5’3 l
5’4 .
3. Slip strength test 5’4 5’4
4. Mechanical strength test 5’5 5’5 * *

5. Chemical composition test 5’8 5’8 5’8 5’8

6. Galvanizing test 5’7 5’7 5’7 5’7
. Test not applicable

Table 3 Acceptance Tests

( czuuse 5.1.2 >
Sl Test Clause Reference of ‘Iest for
No. ~_-____---_----_ h----------_---~
Earthwire Suspension Farthwire Tension Flexible Copper Mid Span Compression
Clamp Assembly Clamp Assembly Bond Joint
1. Visual examination and 5’2 5’2 5’2 5.2
dimensional verification
2. Chemical composition test 5’8 5’8 5’8 5’8
3. Mechanical strength test 5’5 5’5 * l

4. Galvanizing Test 5’7 5’7 * 5‘7

* Test not applicable

The dimensions shall be checked as per the just near to the fitting and shall not exceed 75
approved drawings. percent of the measured resistance of the
equivalent length of the earthwire.
5.3 Electrical Resistance Test
5.3.1 The measurement of resistance shall be 5.4 Slip Strength Test for Clamps
carried out to an accuracy of one part in thousand a) Suspension Clamp - The suspension clamp
by means of a suitable method of test. shall be vertically suspended by means of some
5.3.2 The test may be carried out with dc or ac flexible attachment. A suitable length of the
at any convenient power frequency. The electrical specified earth wire shall be fixed in the clamp
connections shall be so made that effective contact with bolts and nuts tightened with the specified
is made with all those strands of the earthwire torque. A load shall then, be gradually applied
which would be taken into account in calculating at one end of the earthwire and the value of the
its equivalent resistance. load of which the earthwire clamp begins to slip
shall be noted. The earthwire should not slip at
5.3.3 The electrical resistance shall be measured a load less than the maximum working tension to
between points on the earthwire on either side and be specified by the customer.

IS 2121( Part 3 ) : 1992

b) Tension Clamps - Tension clamp shall be A tensile force equal to 50 percent of the specified
held by means of some suitable attachment. A minimum failing load shall be applied and
suitable length of the earthwire shall be fixed in maintained for 1 min. The force shall then be
the clamp with bolts and nuts tightened with the removed and the fitting examined for signs of
specified torque suitably or compressed in permanent distortion. There shall be no permanent
compression clamps. A tensile load of about 50 distortion.
percent of the breaking load of the earthwire
shall be applied and the earthwire shall be marked The assembly shall then be reassembled and
in such a manner that the movement relative to loaded to 50 percent of UTS and the load shall be
the clamp can easily be detected. Without any further increased at a steady rate until failure
subsequent adjustment of the clamp, the load occurs. The eventual failure shall be of a ductile
shall be specially increased to 95 percent of the nature and shall occur at a load not less than the
breaking load of the earthwire and theo reduced specified minimum failing load.
to 90 percent of the breaking load and maintained The load shall then be re-applied and increased at
for one minute. There shall be no movement of a steady rate until failure occurs. The eventual
the conductor relative to the clamp during this failure shall be of a ductile nature and shall occur
one minute period and no failure of clamp. at a load not less than the specified minimum
c) Earthing Bond failing load.

On applying a pull of 300 kg between the two In the event of failure occurring in the test rig
ends of the bond the stranded cable shall not come at a load above the specified minimum failing
out of the connecting lugs and none of its strands load, elongation of the test fitting shall be such as
shall be damaged. After the test, the lugs shall shall indicate that it is manufactured from a
be cut open to ascertain that gripping of cable has ductile material.
not atiected. 5.6 Hardness Test
The earthwire fitting shall be assembled on Where specified by the purchaser, the Brine11
earthwire of the size and type. with which it is to hardness value of the fittings shall be measured
be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s 2 mm under the galvanized surface in an area
recommendations. which has not been unduly stressed and where the
thickness before such stressing is not less than
The assembly shall be mounted in a tensile testing 10 mm.
machine and anchored in such a way that the test
force is applied axially to the earthwire. A tensile 5.7 Galvanizing Test
force of about 50 percent of the specified breaking Galvanized parts shall be tested in accordance
load shall be applied to the earthwire and the with IS 2633 : 1982 for uniformity and IS 6745 :
earthwire shall be marked in such a way that any 1972 for weight of zinc coating, and shall comply
movement relative to the fitting may be detected. with the requirements of these standards.
Without any subsequent adjustment of the fitting, Galvanization of ferrous material shall conform
the load shall be steadily increased to 95 percent to the relevent standards.
of the specified breaking load and maintained for
one minutes. There shall be no movement of the 5.8 Chemical Composition Test
earthwire relative to the fitting during this one The chemical composition of the material
minute period and no failure of the fitting also. shall be tested in accordance with the relevant
5.5 Mechanical Strength Test specification. In case of castings, the test shall be
done on test bar as well as on the sample fitting.
Each earthwire fitting shall be held in a tensile Material shall conform to the requirement
testing machine in a manner approximating as specified in the relevant specification. In case of
nearly as possible the arrangement to be used in fittings which are not castings, the test shall be
service. co-ordinated on the sample fittings.
Standard Mark

The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards
Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on products
covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with
the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection, testing and quality
control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the producer. Standard marked
products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to that standard as a further safe-
guard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted
to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bureau of Indian Standards

RIS is a statutory institution established under the Bruerru oflndiun Sttrrrthrds Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in
the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or
grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ).

Revision of Indian Standards

Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments, if any,
are issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession
of the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to BIS giving
the following reference:
Dot : No. ETD 37 ( 3297 )

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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Printed at Progresive Printers, Shahdara Delhi, India

IS 2121 ( Part 4 ) : 1991
( Reaffirmed 1996 )


UDC 621’315’171 : 621’315’65

0 BIS 1991


NEW DELHI 110002~

May 1991 Price Group 2

Conductors and Accessories for Overhead Lines Sectional Committee, ETD 37


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Conductors and Accessories for Overhead Lines Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Electrotechnical Division Council.

The use cf ACSR and all aluminium conductors for power transmission is now well established.
As a natural consequence, special type of fittings are required to be used for such power lines.
This standard has been prepared with a view to ensure uniform requirements of the various types
of fittings and to provide necessary guidance to the manufacturers and the buyers.

The fittings that are used in overhead power lines are anchor clamps and suspension clamps
which could be considered either as conductor fittings or insulator fittings. Indian Standard
specification on insulator fittings has been published separately. To avoid duplication, these two
types of fittings have been included in the Indian Standard on insulator fittings.

For the revision of IS 2121 : 1962, it was decided to prepare four parts covering the individual
accessories used in overhead power lines as follows:

Specification for conductors and earthwire accessories for overhead power lines:

Part 1 Armour rods, bending wires and tapes for conductors;

Port 2 Mid-span joints and repair sleeves for conductors;
Part 3 Accessories for earth wire ( under preparation ); and
Part 4 Non-tension joints ( for example tee joints, parallel groove clamps, etc )

Opportunity has also been taken to upgrade many of the essential performance requirements of
these accessories in the light of present day International practices.

Parallel groove connectors

for use in the substations and generating stations are covered in
IS 5561 : 1470 ‘Electric power connectors’. This standard has been prepared to cover the require-
ments of parallel groove lamps intended to be used on overhead transmission lines.
NOTE-At present, dimensions and materials of accessories are not covered in the standard. Details are,
therefore, solicited on these two aspects with a view to cover them in the standard

If agreed between the purchaser and the supplier, the conductor and earthwire accessories may
also be made suitable for application of hot line techniques.

In the preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from the following standards :

AS 1154. 1 : 1965 Insulator and conductor fittings for overhead power lines : Part 1 Performance
and general requirements. Standards Association of Australia ; and

BS 3288 Part 1 : 1973 Insulator and conductors fittings for overhead power lines : Part 1 Perfor-
mance and general requirements. British Standards Institution.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified
value in this standard.
JS 2121( Part 4 ) : 1991

Indian Standard

1 SCOPE 3.5 Acceptance Tests

1.1 This standard ( Part 4 ) covers performance Tests carried out on samples taken from a lot
and general requirements for non-tension joints for the purpose of acceptance of the lot.
for joining ACSR, all aluminium and aluminium
alloy conductors. 3.6 Routine Tests
Tests carried out’on each fitting to check the
2 REFERENCES requirements which are likely to vary during
2.1 The following Indian Standards are necessary production.
adjuncts to this standard:

2121 Conductors and earthwires 4.1 Non-tension joints ( including tee joints )
( Part 1 ) : 1988 accessories for overhead shall be designed so that they meet the appro-
power lines: Part 1 Armour priate requirements specified in this standard.
rods, binding wires and The manufacturer may assign a rated curre@ tc
tapes for conductors ( first a joint, which shall then be the basis for the
revision ) electrical type test [see 1. Other-
wise, the joint shall be tested as specified
2633 : 1986 Method of testing uniformity in
of coating on zinc coated
articles ( second revision ) 4.1.1 Fitting intended to connect conductors of
two dissimilar metals shall be designed to avoid
6745 : 1972 Methods for determination
of mass of zinc coating on harmful bimetallic corrosion when erected in
zinc coated iron and steel accordance with the manufacturer’s recom-
articles mendations.
4.2 The following information shall be specified
3 TERMINOLOGY by the purchaser or, if not, declared by the
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the
definitions given in IS 2121 ( Part 1 ) : 1981, and a) Conductor size, type, breaking load and
the following shall apply. appropriate standard;
b) Whether conductor is ungreased, partly
3.1 Non-Tension Joint greased or wholly greased;
A joint for electrical connection not subjected c) Material or materials from which the non-
to line tension. tension fitting is made;
d) The dimension of dies to be used if a
3.2 Parallel Groove Clamp compression type non-tension fitting is
specified; and
A connector designed for the purpose of
connecting two or more conductors whose axes e) The recommended bolt tightening torque
ar’e parallel to each other. if bolted type fitting is specified.

NOTE - Any other requirements such as corona,

3.3 Tee Connector radio influence voltage, vibration performance and
corrosion resistance, are to be specified by the
A connector designed for the purpose of purchaser.
connecting two conductors whose faxes are per-
pendicular to each other. 4.3 Materials

3.4 Type Tests Fittings may be made from any material or

combination of materials acceptable to the pur-
Tests intended to prove that the quality and chaser which enables the fittings to reach its
design of a given type of article are in accord- specified capability. Components shall be com-
ance with the specification. patible with other components and the conductor

Is 2121‘(
Part4): 1991

with which they will be in contact. The pur- General

chaser shall give due regard to any relevant
statutory regulations governing the nominated When specified by the purchaser, non-tension
holding tensions, failing load and nominated joints other than the joints shall comply with the
conductor tension. requirements of the following test.
Plastic materials shall be adequately protected Test assembly
from the effects of exposure to solar radiation.
The joint shall be assembled in accordance with
5 MARKING the manufacturer’s recommendations on con-
ducters of the sizes and types with which it is
5.1 The fittings may also be marked with the to be used. The assembly shall be mounted in
Standard Mark. a tensile testing machine and anchored in such
a way that the test force is applied along the
6 TESTS axis of the conductor.
6.1 Classification of Tests Procedure
6.1.1 Type Tests The procedure shall be as follows:
The following shall constitute the type tests: a) Conductors less than 12 kN breaking load
a) Visual examination ( see 6.2), When breaking load is less than 12 kN,
b) Verification of dimensions ( see 6.3 ), a tensile force of about 5 percent of the
breaking load shall be applied and the
c) Mechanical tests on joints other than tee conductor shall be marked in such a way
joints ( see 6.4 ), that movement relative to the fitting can
d) Mechanical tests on tee joints where dy. w
applicable ( see 6.5 ), sequent adjustment of the fitting, the force
shall be steadily increased to 10 percent
e) Electrical test ( see 6.6 ), and of the breaking load. This force shall be
f) Galvanizing test where applicable mainlained for 1 minute; and
( see 6.7 ).
b) Conductors 12 kN or more breaking load
6.1.2 Acceptance Tests Where the breaking load is 12 kN or
The following shall constitute the acceptance more, a tensile force of 0’6 kN shall be
tests: applied and the conductor shall be marked
in such a way that movement relative to
a) Visual examination ( see 6.2 ), the fitting can be detected easily. Without
b) Verification of dimensions ( see 6.3 ), any subsequent adjustment of the fitting,
the force shall be steadily increased to
c) Mechanical tests ( see 6.4 and 6.5 ), 1’2 kN. This force shall be maintained
d) Electrical tests ( see 6.6 ), for 1 minute.
NO’FE - For the purpose of acceptance test, the Requirement
mechanical and electrical tests shall not be made
on non-tension joint except by special agreement There shall be no movement of the conductor
between the purchaser and the supplier. When relative to the fitting due to slip during the
required such tests shall be same as the type tests l-minute period and no failure of the fitting.
specified in 6.4 to 6.6; and

e) Galvanizing test ( see 6.7 ). 6.5 Mechanical Tests on Tee points

6.1.3 Routine Test 6.5.1 Tensile and Slip Test
Visual examination ( see 6.2 ). General

6.2 Visual Examination When specified by the purchaser, non-tension

tee joints shall comply with the requirements of
All fittings shall be checked visually for good this test.
workmanship and smooth finish. Test assembly
6.3 Verification of Dimensions The tee joint shall be assembled on a tee
conductor of the size and type with which it is
The dimensions shall be checked as per the to be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
approved drawings. recommendation.
6.4 Mechanical Tests The assembly shall be mounted in a tensile
testing machine and anchored in such a way
6.4.1 Mechanical Tests on Joints Other Than Tee that the test force is applied axially to the tee
Joints conductor.

IS 2121 ( Pari. 4 ) : 1991

6S.i.3 Procedure ductors of the size and type with which it is to

be used. When measured from the outlet of
a) Tee conductors less than 12 kN breaking the fitting, the length of each conductor shall
load be not less than 50 times the diameter of the
Where the breaking load of the tee con- conductor.
ductor is less than 12 kN, a tensile force The assembly shall be erected indoor so that air
of about 5 percent of the breaking load may circulate freely around it. It shall not be
shall be applied to the conductor and the exposed to draughts. The conductor(s) shall be
conductor marked in such a way that any approximately horizontal and tensioned by a
movement relative to the fitting may be force of approximately 2’5 percent of the
detected. Without further adjustment of breaking load.
the fitting, the force shall be gradually
increased to 10 percent of the breaking NOTE - A space is considered draught-free if the
load and maintained for 1 minute; and conductor temperature is WC! to 80°C above
ambieot temperature at the end of the each heatmg
b) ca5 conductors 12 kN or TmFe breaking period.

Where the breaking load of the conductor Current connections made to the conductors
is 12 kN or more, a tensile force of shall make effective contact with all those strands
0’6 kN shall be applied by the conductor of the conductors which would be taken
and the conductor marked in such a way into account in calculating their equivalent
that any movement relative to the fitting resistances.
may be detected. Test current
outfurther The test current shall be determined as follows:
force shall be gradually increased to 1’2 kN and
maintained for 1 minute. a>Test current of fittings to which a rated
current has been assigned Requirement The test current for fittings to which a
There shall be no movement of the tee con- rated current has been assigned shall be
ductor relative to the fitting during the l-minute rated current multiplied by fl. For
period. tee fittings the test current shall be the
rated currect multiplied by 1*12/y
6.6 Electrical Type Test ( 1.55).
6.6.1 General b) Test current for fitting to which no rated
current has been assigned
Electrical type tests shall be carried out on all
types of non-tensioned fittings, including tee The test current for fittings to which no
joints and shall comprise the heating-cycle test rated current has been assigned, shall be
specified in 6.6.2 and the short-time current test that current which raised the surface
specified in 6.6.3, using the test assembly of temperature of the reference conductor/
fitting and conductors specified in The connector 40°C above the ambient tem-
tests shall be made with alternating current at perature and maintains that temperature
power frequency. at a steady level.
6.6.2 Heating Cycle Test The reference conductor connector shall
be that one of the conductors associated General with the fitting in the test which reaches
the highest temperature when carrying
The heating-cycle test shall be carried out on an the same test current. The minimum
assembly of conductor(s) and fitting(s), assembled length of conductor used for determining
in accordance with the manufacturer’s recom- this current shall be 50 times the diameter
mendations and heated by passing a current of the conductor and the temperature
through the assembly. Assessment of the fitting
shall be measured near the centre of this
is made by reference to measurements of resis-
test length.
tance taken both before and after the heating-
cycle test and by visual examination of the Procedure
opened fitting(s) after the test.
The procedure shall be as follows:
NOTE - Some fittings are intended to be used in
groups of two or more. In such cases, the heating a) Electrical resistance
cycle test should be made on a complete assembly,
as used in service. The test certificate should show i) Method - The resistance of the assem-
clearly the arrangement used in the test. bly shall be measured between points Test assembly on the conductor either side and just
clear of the fitting and this measure-
The fitting shall be assembled in accordance with ment recorded. The measurement may
the manufacturer’s recommendations on con- be made with direct current or with

IS 2121( Part 4 ) : 1991

alternating current at any convenient tance shall not exceed 130 percent of the initial
frequency or by any other suitable value.
means; and
The fitting shall then be opened and there shall
ii) Requirement - The resistance measured be no sign of local heating, burning or fusing of
shall not exceed 75 percent of the any part of the fitting or of the conductor.
measured resistance of the equivalent
length of conductor. For a tee fitting, 6.6.3 Short-Time Current Test
this shall be the resistance of the equi- Test assembly
valent length of the tee conductor.
Fitting(s) and conductors shall be assembled as
b) Heating cycle specified in and erected indoors with the
The test current(s) shall be passed through conductors approximately horizontal.
the assembly continuously for a period Procedure
of 30 min.
The test current shall then be interrupted The short-time current shall be passed through
and the assembly allowed to cool to 5°C the assembly using the conductors that are not
above the ambient temperature. continuous, for example for a tee fitting the
current shall flow through the main conductor
This sequence of operation shall be repeat- and the tee conductor.
ed for 250 cycles of heating and cooling.
The short-time current shall be maintained for
The fitting shall not be tightened or a period of 2 seconds.
adjusted during the test; and
NOTE -See Annex A for calculation of short-
4 Fitting temperature time current rating.
During the last five temperature cycles,
the temperature of the fitting shall be
measured while the test current is flowing. Following the test, the fitting shall be opened
and there shall be no sign of local heating, Requirement burning or fusing of any part of the fitting or
During the last five temperature cycles, the the conductor. .
maximum temperature at any point on the
surface of the fitting, shall not exceed that of the 6.7 Galvanizing Test
conductor, or for a tee fitting the conductor with Galvanized parts shaJ1 be tested in accordance
the higher temperature. with IS 2633 : 1986 for uniformity, and IS 6745 :
At the end of the test, the resistance shall be 1972 for weight of zinc coating, and shall meet
measured again as in (a), and this resis- the requirements of these standards.

( Clause )

A-l To obtain the test current in amperes, genous conductors, the whole cross-sectional
multiply the appropriate cross-sectional area area should be used. For ACSR conductors,
expressed in square millimetres of the conductor the cross-sectional area of the aluminium strands
by the constant given in Table 1. For homo- only should be used.

Table 1 Conductor Type and Multiplier Constant

Conductor Type Multiplier Constant

for Test Current
(1) (2)
Hard-drawn copper 104
SC/AC 70
Ali aluminium AA 62
All aluminium alloy AAA 61
6/l ACSR
617 ACSR
3017 ACSR
5417 ACSR

NOTE - The conductor cross-sectional area is calculated from the number of strands multiplied by the
area of each wire. that is. it is not the equivalent aluminium area.
Standard Mark

The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 2986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the pro-
ducer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to
that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use
of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from
the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bnreas of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in
the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or
grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publication ), BPS.

Revision of Indian Standards

Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments, if any,
are issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in
possession of the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent
to BIS giving the following reference :

Dot : No. ETD 37 ( 3044 )

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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