B-17 Handbook of Operation 1937
B-17 Handbook of Operation 1937
B-17 Handbook of Operation 1937
Contract WS35·ac830ti Specifi cat ion Type 98-201,\, 'I odel 98-:!OI -.\ 2
!I.'OTE: Tht·f.(, inuructiolls afT('ct safety of flying". A copy of thL Technical Order will be placed in lie spee"al
section of the Pi lot's Information Fill', pr('.'Icribed by Air Corps Circular 45-7.
Change Tc('hnical Order No. 011 a ll pagt's not replaced by this revision to T. O. No. Ol.:!OEA.l.
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T. O. lIo.,Ol-20E.!..-1
• •• •• •
20. Heating Equipment
General Instructlonn
40 - 46
1. Pre-Flight Inspection
2. Flight Precautions 40 - 42
• 3. Tire Pressures •
43 - 46
4. Shock Strut Pressures 46
5. Stabilizer Adjus tment 46
IV Special Instructions
1. Precautions in Operating Fuel System When 47
Operating Near The Ground
2. Flying Limitations '17
v Power Plant
1. Engine 48 - 50
2. Ignition 48
3. Carbure tor 4B
4. Engine Con troIs . 48
5. Exhaust System
6. Air Intake System 48
7. Fuel & 011 48
48 - 50
VI Flying Charac teris tics
VII Weight Data
52 - 53
VIII *Curve~
CalJbi.~a A'd ';1 Ae & Gas L
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6/28/2011 1
NASM Technical Orders CollectIon
Boeing B · 17 Ie manual
B-17 SO.60
FLIGHT MANUAL reVISions posted 811612006
7/511937 512011940
TO 01-20EA-1 Cost $16.50
55 pp updated
Location : 810029
,aSIC manual
, $0 .60
-. O. Nc. 1- 'JE-l
T. O. No. 1-20E-l
1 t (" mp et.e'v fl'l. tl\.J .. mpty tank ~! aIr pr ssurn ShfU ..;.
be chI eke _ b ~ re 3~arlng tbe 'nglne ~r anJlng .~~ alrl Ian. b. Controls.
:Ile+arlng valves are p !"ated bv elth~r tl'e pLat'e )1" co-pilot's
3 J adrl t" t1ng a' r to
t .... e r!'skt.: on the f'orwar _ s 1- "oke, and ~. Eogine Contro . . s .• All power p1.ant c.ntr.l! are 1 cat e-
. f? ..::n tho backward slrOK. Du ~o the cO:Ilpres"1bl11ty of alr, the central control stand. The throttles are 51 s"'range !.9.t a..1..I.
sllgr.t lag will be not1c'~able bl ttwen the pl.:dal Dluti:.m and the brak(' four may be operated simultaneously with ooe hand, and ::Ay be
tl-::. F~'r ~h1s reason. ~nc.,t.h _rak a;::pllca~l:ms .lJ.r€ vt'ry securely held in any position by tho adjacent locking _,ver. 3'.. ps
tla.i, and "f'unn!ng" does not hav . ~_J sam5 fJr;'oct as noted In are provided at each throttle to limi t the takeoff manl"cl1. pre a'lre
1 rnkt:" lJi eratian. Rapid decel :-at1on of' an airplane of this The mixture controls, located forward of the throttles, and tre
requirc'" th~' ab5::rpt! -0 or a trl,'mendous amount ,--,r energy ':''1 the constant speed propeller controls, located bel')'W t"'tA t"' .... { t-tlose, k:
s wi tii the c ,nStQuen 4 j'(:V:..l, p-t'n t in the me ta 1 di sc s of '1X trell" - in a similar manner, the latter having stops locat"d t U 1 ngi... e
high t(.'::nperat~r!·s. '!be effect L)f the comparat1voly small contact takeoff R.P . M. A carbur~tor air temperature contro.~ i8 l;,cat;.;d
(tire t) g-rc·l.!!t1:) 1s n t~ceable through th~ ~'aso with which the below the propeller controls. At the top left s116 of th stand Ls
Is slidA. that all thtJ supercharger control with which all impeller gear rati '5 may .IA
avoided. changed simul tantlously.
at Interval~ of
3 t- all w for the normal cc ling of the brake .£.F11ght Controls.- The dual wheel-column etir~up ay'3':.61
• which controls this airplane during flight 1s cor~AntlJna in
operat1on. The elevators, ailerons, and rudder operat-e l' t'"'!e
(4) Par'king Brake.- The parking brake lever l.)cated at the normal manner and may be locked in thtt parking posi tlc'~ by m 8.!':B <..f
t at' the (~~-pil}tI8 in3trument panel engagd8 a 11 ck on the pedal the control handle located on the floor to the rear ~f the engl~e
3m, and h-::ld.s t1~e L'rake9 jn a conventional I:l8nn0r . LIcking control stand. Adjustablo tabs are useu to trim the ~lrplane 1n
brakes immediately after extended taxi1ng when the .q1scs are hot f11ght, with controls located as follows: elevat ra, each aide uf
be avoided 31nc p thl r':oIl1blna t1 m of hea t and pro.!3surl :!lay control stand; rudder, project1ng through floo::." ~\.:."1':. aft contr-o 1
stiCking. Tht..: d-" Bca are . asily replacp.sbl·' and "3huuld be stand; aileron, on floor panel at pilot's left. P~9'tlo~ 1nd1~lt.r8
ted f'reqUl;ntly. which show the tab pos1tions and directions of ~oti)r. requlre1 0
secure desired trim conditions are mounted adj&cAnt t earh c ~tr)~.
Tall ~eel Lock.- To facilitate braking after landing,
(5) The landing flap is controlled by a swi tch on e-,e cent-~.~ eub-~anel.
wheel should always be in its locked position. An electric- About ten seconds are required for complete 60° travel of t'e flap;
tout will prevent rp.tractlon of the unit l.i.Oloss locked, and an indicator on the cent9r instrument panel shaWl its p a~t~ ~ at
it cannot be centered in flight, it becomes n~cessary to all times.
the l:)cking pin berore taking off'. A warning ligh t on the
panel indicates the position of' the locking pin. The lock
st be released before taxiing it' no side load is imposed upon
wheel, consequently it may be found adviseable to bring_the
.sne to a complete atop berorb unlocking the pin or attempting
I JA'.M I' d1fllull {Jr,Jott. (,l,UHr,tlrm ItI/W)t! 11 1
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fl.,. UI f', "" e t.. & t, f:l1 "' .... t A' ,.".ntflll&i 1n
pe,..,' • The tv f any • IJtU''6' ,. .... 7 lJQ c ~'1r9d 0'1
.., ~,..q,. .}lft t. t. adJ_ en"" ) the y 1 .mel~r.
A t t-r 'lot. roe 1r &J.t rnat1 « (: 'ror , Whlcil 1. rurtJtHhel.i; .t1J'" l!II'j' t IJ
by a t r ] I .'ltd 2" th,., '~11 ' LUo AI rp 'lOIll. '''tin cS)7l'WiOlur t'1 fl .wi l' t, I
Ar 8 .. ' t , J. atAJ4 flit t pl Qt'8 lort, wl IO,;..ftrllll Dlo)Y whun
t""-" lJIIIe fg-lt-l .wft.'t fa.ll A IWft.,h"" t"eting OPl:r 1.
1 c.t.e.J near the 'ynAI .It- r. l'tda .witch en reiE e tho -1)",4Dlot.(JIo .. ,,11
permlt-. porat'or: '.. r tt!O Aut ern l.,,,\.r-umon t • WI n tnf.J' n;8ote,. II'.1,tt1IJ1j
.w1 t .ci 1. rt}.(;'2 rr
1'1] to..
illo fJJ..,otrlc&l .,.8t.em 1t1 r!J."d tr.. r.. ,.r.. \.do t, Utf)
wit-WI!. ~-'---lhtlJl.. ~l',n,r ell tJet; loC'ulJotl. 1a Jl;1V'1D fm tt", (.I,o "r
or th .par_ ru,~ and 11ght c, 1 ,l'!oteIJJfl !..tV" ,'tJT)tt. .lft", vr t),tJ
ra1 L~ n p.,.tsn' f rtlo t 1. "fI" 1. Wflr'1l1"KI.l~it,.
th" Ituill f'l.lru/ll'nt. 'Pt,,., llv.ht. lrH~"t.ed on" IIJ 11 .. 1 !'.Lft.Ol
c. r··Ut. n-e A } d".tl l~t. I&l"e
,OCh.1,.orj 1r. I.h" r(Jll(,w1r,~
I".., .. t"JAr't Ilre J.,,4 rot" WfIrl.'r)! "'U.n.,, •••
Utb '
OJ It''1 c atro} "".'fj.
at tt,o plAot', .,.ert., 'm .. tJ"'j,~kl't 4t
~1 ot'. r*gtt. on t.n, wurr~'n~ .ltf),t IIIl"O) 'LbovIJ th" o-r,p'1',1J
r: .. f. t,. 1 .tand, :'l" "'''"egl!Jt (:.bo-'/~ th~ t h,1:'" rlA'ln, on th#1 tJflmIJ'I"', )lli.,l rr".I'lI,,.,,.
~"~ • • Ul"~ drrl(Ja JftYCltIIIi t 11- lb·
;lIt, "lr-cJ t 11 ''In,.a Wr'n tt~ fUI!I 1
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"fJrv. 1z1n v. !,.l,h wh1 f." l1v1,t. . t It ptlJ''!'rt.
r?tJlt.·,. 'lifo d'·M .lehh I.I.t"e loc'it.t]~. ono fa'"
I~ th" " '-, 11"1'7
.n' .... .... d .':If', 8 is Jrg or '.h rlet.t .1de ! ttl' t'JII~l.u.,,') tlt,l)ytj tI,t;
. er' • • , .... ' It'n. '.1) l1,etJt. arf.l c' ntrolle4
ho pllot-'. ,IJAt '1..lJt) rt, and -r.e on the t'JmtJoJ"" c'.Introl
tw·) ~ 'II~y awitch-lB',
(,i,I) VII.' '~1.I1'II.
Ttl_ "f'll"" 1..:m elrCult 1, olo •• t1 When '-hit
b"Tljlif ; Inc}". I,r m,. ll'J cr the I.V 'Je '041 a.Wl',
... a:,e,. A~' AIght.-, l.,.tAdec1 in U.O ltAp '-'~llJy' h,t', tho C(l.tJl" U,l,Ie er,.,rglzJ"t! ttl" grotto JlglJ' ... t. tt,,, lett.
frQG t:he tr, b
at too
t." 1. I!ODtrc lea br t-"W,.) , ""'-'1 aw1t }"'" 01," ]'j"n.t.1
r1g1 t- ,( •• h ~'O'MfIl,7 1JIlt.e1"lnF. th" DLalt. hay. A drlllllJ 111911. (,) tA'VtSfif (lou,r. 'nw f''1Ci J. 4Jfll~ E'-'''I' UlI1!t WII.rr.. if
&11)' _t ... ) t ••:w , J'ul '1 1fJw1tred lit. '.h. tl~1f .'1), lhrQtt. • II C!ole4.
w1th ,wi 1/.:;-, fll .lOCAtMd. ,,1. 4 h .11' or 'hlJ r "1.l~~!J 'n UtIl V"O I.lr
ttt. bomb 1;;"1 "'.1-"remAltj 1ni! domlJ J! P,tIt.a ",.. ~n(l6-tAld, "1"1') "b"vI) the
(If) "'ml,t1,,· IH,OllI.l •• 'nil. ,urlbfJIr J1f!)lt " \,8.,/1 . . . . all
r IJr )t',""'Irl'}I"', -!US OMJ Ijt ttv ~llj entru,I-:r 10t),..
·'W,I$I r"',tD Ur'11J4JllItf,,", • .,O(t,. . 10 tr. ttl,., "rJlllre)l tlJ.btn.
~ "II ,ric w.o., h ln~f V1({1l-bJ.
tho lit/JeT. rr~Lt.J, wTI!ch MrfJ lc.'·uwd "'.
'if' r'.Ill"".,
t(~h.e. ",.~ uII9d r('.Ir 0,,"1"" t.I "1/
(,'.11 ()VlJf' ~J"J ('... ) Gli.llI f 'rlt L1Cd.. 'nllf lll')lt. 1 .... gr •• ,. bl1nk.,r
navtp;&t.J}r'. tAbJ." ObI 'JVI"" ttl!; r&.dlo OpOrl1t'I,"1I t.!1.hl', WI'.} tHJfJVtf f·o:.'lh~t;Lf)rt 11, •• ,.1". l'J" Itmlh,r Jlv,)"_ lit Uu, 'q.,r.. , &'1(\ 1.
u-~ ,"tHO (J1.t'~n) tl'IUJlm1tt,fH, k./u1 f)I,., If.t,f)"'J thlJ Dl4p tAl/J'1 in (IJJ~Nlt,"r1 tJy !JIlt lt1l.lil.VIl.'{)JI!~tl ".
ttl', c'm'r()] "fib!". I- 'in.6' D I.f "7l"n,J0(, U~-rd.. 111 4.0e"';,,, lit U,f1
r'eht r..f tt--,!,,# th Ihl" • • tAUotJ.
• •
T. O. No. 01-20E-l
10. Instruments
2 and 3 operate the gyro 1nstruments and the gyro p110t. The
f'a11ure of' e1 ther pump w111 cause the suction to drop slightly
but will in no w~y h1nder the normal operation of the system. '
E· Automatic P11ot.- A high pressure oil pUlllp on engine
No. 2 operates the gyro pilot servo, and its proper operation 1s
indica ted when the oil pressure gage below the pilot nn1 t shows
125 Ibs. per sq. in. A by-paBB valve (at the left of the pilot)
1s nOl~ally open but may be cloBed in the event of a serious
leakage in the system. Speed control valves (below the gyro pilot)
are used to obtain the des1red BenBitivity of control. To place
the gyro pilot in operat10n the turn, climb, and bank knobB are
rotated to align the follow-up pointers, and with the Bpeed control
.valves 1n the half open ios1tion, the engaging lever (at left of the
p11ot) is tul'ned to the ON" pod tion. The automatic tul'll control
(below the gyro uni t) iB uBed when a continuous turn iB deBired.
The proper amount of bank must be set on the bank knob to prevent
skidding. Also see T. O. No. 05-45-1 for complete operation.
c. • - The engine instruments are conventional
except the tor and the Cambridge mixture ind1ca~or.
Their use is explained under Engine Operation. Cylinder head
- temperatures are indicated by the thermocouple indicator on the
center panel. The f'011 r position switch enables the operator to
select the desired engine and determine the head temperature of' one
cylinder on that engine.
d. Tanding gear, tall Wheel, and
f'lap-posl on the center panel. The pilot
dlrector, marker, and radio compass indlcators are located
a t the left; or the gyro pllot. Three rheostats on the center
sub-panel the Intensity of the Instrument lllumination. A
compass, tel', and clock are located overhead on the small
panel • An all' brake supply pressure gage is
located lef't of' the pilot IS panel. Tbe bomber's
CQ.nv8.ntiojla1 and include a bomb door poa!
1"1 ,-I
-f o
~ z
I M o
-I I
;0 -
NASM Technical Orders Collection 612812011
Boeing 8-17 oS manual
8·17 SO 60
FLIGHT MANUAL revi IOn$ posted
7/511937 512011940 811612006
TO 01-20EA-l Cost $16.50
KlS1C manual
, $ 060
811 '3!''1997
O. N •• 0..1- CE-
TO. NO.OI-20E-1
ere ~ own ~, ~hr "ha" ..,s -l.
D _
)-at-e i n th6 1
1 - Z-INCE THE :. .I.'RENGTH _F '.BE AIIPI...A.NI. 'S n r"'"RB I
:tAr, K:l •
'11.- Tyr ..,. 1 A r-"'-'lIb ,,--l~nt. A.C.
b"mh c ntr·>_ h:'lnd'p"! 'In Ow", r , , -,
! boml er'~ ct):";,3rt n
behind the
., 1
r1'>I)11 t
1ndica t rlq1~T nt
• l 1n t~
I'U. •
b tt .-•
t 1
", • 'r
- rod: '" cmpr~, ~cy t
\ (5) A f· "'k
:;0 the 1 oPt a~.de cf' thE b mb l.,ay "pal" WQ . . .L
edg0!'l of t!19 h mb bay fac. ttatl th f.l ~ ::"
N:l a..
5 I' a" th
lS t:.
f" b !.
F"lGU~£ 2 IN5T~UMENT PANEL- CONT~OL C4BIN _ ,RONT bllmb ["IUS" nn" b 1"'1'!1 So 3 .... un 11 i" D- ~ "l I! ....
['en-oved. Il
• t
, , n
Bo eing 6 ·17
9-17 ISIC marllJa i
TO 01-20EA-1 7/5/1937 512011940 revlS10ns posted SJ 16f'2.006
,I Cost. $1 6.50
Location: 8[0029 55 pp updated
;asIC manua',
T. O. No. Ol-20E-l
I3SIC manual
, $0.60
IClSC manual
t $0 .60
r. O. 110. 1-20£· 1
nr. ~1 T. O. No. Ol-~OEA-l
(J} See that- &1 ... tr1m tab c Int!'( 1s are 1n the
Dl.rma. ... __ petra Ung post tiona. 2. FIt gh t Precau ti ons
,,k) (j-,te .....he ia.cdlng flaps 4:-hrough their I a.
(\..ll Nlnge.
01 Test the 40terph De 8.!ld lI1terphooft call system.
(. )
PreE ___ 1'_.-
a J • f r e~~n .3 are 1t , ",' tr
Rx:lJ t i i' .r i Fr e cro No. E- - ;
.*" -
See T. B- •
" ;
01 erc> ,-A - are1 0 ngt:- •
'E) Test (perati~n or the exhaust gas analyzer. '>r
-h a r i • :1 •
~vl-·, - RES7RI.":;::-sn
NASM Technical Orders CollectIon 6/28/2011
T. O. No. Ol-20E-l
T. c. ;10. 01-20"8-1
Propeller Operation - check rulJ range of controls
Instruments - check nperatlon. (c) In flight it will 08 found that a sllght
1'a11 Wheel - Im1ock. unbalance 1n the power output of the Clutboard 8n~ine8 tencls to
~~6el Blncks - remove. yaw the airplane, whereas the same unbalance between the inboard
engines to hardly nottceable. "For t is reBSln it \8 quite
essentIal to :(eep the power output of englnes ti, 3. I a:1d 4 eq'..lal
during takooff an~ climb.
w •
P:L!ght C, ntrcl Locke - releaee.
Fuel Cocks - c~eck posItion.
Mixture Cootrols - rull rich .
Propeller-Contr()ls - against loW' pitch stops.
~~) The stalling characteristics of the atrplanf
are entirely Il(.rmal wltl flaps eltiler up or <10W1. .L'hera is no
tendency t-,O drop off (.n oither W!:l· ')ut n.'Je to the 'llt~ wing
Carburetor Afr on cold (down). loading in the overloati cond~ tir.n, C(, s~derabl ~ alt:itu e ",:..11
Tanding Flaps - normally u~. be lost d.l.r nil' reCllvery f'rl')m a cOl":'ple+,e stall.
- ~T1m Tabs - Bet io ooutral.
~.- Engines - run up indIvidually. (e) The norr.lal bR .. Bnce !;;,f" the alrplnn with 4!.S
Tail "dheel - lock whfm in posl tion for take-orr. disposable load-elther on board ,... fully axpe·jded af .. Cs excell-
ent characteristics rOT landine:. Hl"'wever, t.o sec'rf'O t'lo ·,rf!atest
(4) ease of control during landings :-:loade with l i ..:;ht load, i+ 4S
sugcested that the crew members n(r~ally stationed in the rear
compartments remain at their stations during such landi1G ...
~' Tanding Gear - down.
Tall Wheel - locked. (t) It should be borne in ~in~ while operati1g
c Brakes - check aIr preBsur~. this airplane tnat maneuvers must be limited to those p~!rm1tted
d Fuel Cocks - set on ffreserve" lr ruel is low. for bombardment type airplanes. A conslderab!e amO\lnt of reseprc'1
De-leers - turn off. has produced control surfaoes which will enable the operating
Mlxture Controls - rull rich. personnel to accomplish long ran~e 0 1. ssions u:lder a'::l.verse weather
)E Propeller Controls - agalnst low Pitch stops. conditions with a ~inlmum of effort and fattgue. The great power
lAnd1ng Plape - lower as required. of the fll,~t contrcls must not be abused, 8S ~t 1s easll~ possible
H, Trim Tabs - set to maintain glIde.
Landings - not to be made at intervals of less
thAn 12 mlnu tee.
to perform rraneuvers producing loads far in excese )f those for
whlch the strl,lctu"e lias been designed.
(~) 1~e
permissible airspeeds and acceleratiuns in-
') Stopping the &ngine.- See T. O. No. 02-1-.9. dicated by the boundary lines of the "Airspeed Acceleration Diagram"
carried in the Form 1 should never be exceeded.
(6) Miscel~aneoue
All wing tanks shall be filled whenever the air-
(A) EbB rlight controle ar~ very light and are plane Is loaded-in excess of 40.000 pounds.
easIly operated-iO the air. Except ror the add! tiooal controls
requIred by its four engines, the plane flies and handles like a This airplane when overloaded must be nperated
much s~ller two~eng1nB airplane. with extreme care and only from smooth f1elds or runways,
(~) When necessary to obtain the best angle or
ol"'J;;b after take-dOf, the flaps may be lowerod approximately 10 0 •
cn All
speed and acceleration
flight restrictions wl th regard to maximum
resulting from overloads apply as long R. any
Any flJ1'ther e.xtension will increase the drag with a consequent overload remains in the airplane
los:J 1n c11mb. The flape can easil)' be oporated by the co-pilot
at tho command of the pilot who calls out the desired setting. (k) The stalling speed increases considerably with in-
~18 wl11 leave the latter free to operate the englne and flight cresse in load,-therefore, whenever an overload 1s being carried,
c'Jntrl')lD. Complete 60 0 motion ur the flap requires b\.tt 10 BE!conds, the minimum speed at which operation of the Automatic Pilot is per-
eCl 8 little practice ~111 be required to atop the movement,; at the , mitted by T. O. Nfj. 0,) ... 4')-) must be increased accordingl,.
deal red poa! tJ ·Ifl. 0 thtlrw13A the flap ac Uon 1 J en t1 1'01 v nOl"ll.al.
(I)When r lawn as a passeng~r transport this a.irp..i.ane
1s limited tu lev~l flight at ~igh spee~, gradual take-~ft and
climb and normal glIdes and turns.
-44- Revised 11-20-37 -45-
NASM Technical Orders CollectIon
~ rfl3l'1Ua\
Boeing 8-17 $060
8-1' revI$IOI"S posted 61 '\ e.f'2000
71511937 Co.t $1650
TO 01-20EA-l
55 pp updated
Location: Bl0029 .aSIC manual
b. l'a.l1 it'heel Tires - it5 Ibs. • • Precautl~ns
1n vperetlng Fue~ 5rste~ Aben 0r_rat1r.~ R -
Nt.. 8~eclal res tr1e t~ ns are apt-.L.lcable to t:.':"':1 t 7Pe
'. Shock Strut Pressures aIrplane IJt:.har t~lAl.J. th(";8 1ndica "'ed elselfh_ re l.r " !ss :n3 tr •
a.L&ndlng Gear 01eo.- Inflate with sir unt11 the oleo • • Flying L1~ltatl~n3
cylinder 1s extended 9-1/2 inches.
a. _ Speelflc iata n t a all~ba
b. Tall "'bee 1 Oleo. - Infla te wi th air un til the oleo cylinder airplane maneuvere1 beyond ~~aL a~' C 4r4 t ~ ••
1s extended to B. pin center lengtll of 20-3/15 1nches. bombardment type a1rplane.,.
'i. Stabilizer AdJusment b. ~ No eperlal fl,~~g
limits tiona a1rp~ane hay 1
The vertical and horizontal stabilizers are non-adjustable. to date. G~neral fly1Dg .,,11.1 be l' a.... T\ lr • -
of this Handbook.
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