m11 Multimedia Video Lesson Idea Template
m11 Multimedia Video Lesson Idea Template
m11 Multimedia Video Lesson Idea Template
☒ Integration Level: We would like to see ALL lessons/activities reach this level. The project is student-
driven. Students have “Voice and Choice” in the activities, selecting the topic of study and determining the
technology tool to demonstrate mastery of the standard. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator.
☐ Expansion Level: The projects created are shared outside of the classroom, publishing student work and
promoting authorship. This could be reached by showcasing the project on the school’s morning
newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, or publishing via an outside source.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) In this lesson, students will create their own video where they teach one
of the methods for solving systems of equations. The students are allowed to pick whichever method they
most enjoy or works best for them. They are also allowed to pick whatever video-production software they
would like. Giving students an autonomy over their learning helps abide by the UDL principles. The software
the students choose to use also allow them to include photos, video, audio, and text to their projects, so they
have multiple forms of representation for the content. Students are engaged because they are the ones
making the decisions and creating the product. The requirements for the finished product can be made more
or less complicated depending on the learner and his or her goals.
Lesson idea implementation: This lesson will be used as a culminating project for students once they learn
about solving systems of equations. Students will be put into pairs or small groups. They will be tasked with
creating their own short video that teaches other students how to solve systems of equations via a method of
their choosing. Students will also be allowed to pick what video-production software they want to use. The
video will have a series of requirements such as they must include an example and how to work it out. They
must also include some practice questions at the end of the video, as well as solutions to those practice
questions. The video will not be to exceed 5 minutes long. Students will have a class day to brainstorm and
get started on their video. Anything after that will be completed at home through collaboration or an
assignment of responsibility determined by each group.
SBooker, 2020
MultiMedia Tools: Video
Student learning will be assessed by their adherence to the list of qualifications and if the examples/practice
they included were correct. The final product could be used to inform learning because the videos could be
collected via class website or Google Classroom for reference during later units/exams. Feedback will be
provided via comments/rubric attached to these submissions. The project could be differentiated by giving
different video requirements to different groups as necessary. For example, with gifted students, students
may be asked to analyze/evaluate when each method would be most appropriate to solve a system. Students
that may need more support can plan to have short conferences with the instructor. Students will be allowed
to conference with other groups too to get more ideas or if they need help. At the conclusion of this lesson,
students will be asked to rate their work in the group and whether they better understand the method of
their choosing.
Importance of technology: A multimedia authoring tool is critical to the project because through the creation
of their own material, students must think about their own understanding of the material. They have to
decide what’s important to include and in what order to present the content. Without the use of video-
production technology, this project would be impossible. Students could technically still plan a short lesson,
but it would not have the permanence that a video does. Students would be unable to access the lessons at a
later date, and it would be unhelpful for review or studying. This project will require the use of other websites
and technologies such as Pixabay or Creative Commons. Students may choose to add photo, video, or audio,
which they may want to create themselves too. They may have to use other software to assist them in the
production of such pieces.
Inspiration (optional):
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Some possible issues surrounding Internet safety and student privacy
while the implementation of this project could include the information students use what creating accounts
for video-production software and the content students include in their video. I could minimize risk, alleviate
fears, and follow Acceptable Use Policies by first ensuring that all students had turned in district policy papers
allowing them to share their information with websites as necessary. I could make sure that any of the video-
production software used had terms of use applicable to my students. I could also give students a list of safe
places/things to look for when deciding what content to include in their videos. I would make sure I explain to
students why it’s important to only use pictures, videos, and audio that is licensed for free use and what it
means to attribute pieces to their creators. In my requirements for the project, I could have students include
a credits slide which assists in fair use.
Reflective Practice: This activity would be useful to reteach students about solving systems of equations.
Systems fo equations is a topic that is found on many, if not all, secondary mathematics exams such as the
ACT, SAT, and GRE. It is especially important that students have a conceptual understanding of this topic if
they are to be successful in future math classes. This project could be extended to include all three methods
to give students practice explaining each method. Students could also be asked to determine when their
method of solution is best used. Other forms of technology that could further enhance this project would be
technologies that allow students to share their videos with others, outside the classroom.
SBooker, 2020