Aggregates: Essential Questions

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In this unit the general principles of statics will be introduced.

Essential Questions:
• What are the classifications of aggregates and its characteristics?
• How to determine the density, relative density, and absorption of
coarse aggregate?
• How to determine the particle size distribution of coarse aggregate?
• How to determine the fineness modulus and the average size of the
Learning Outcomes:
• Understand the characteristics of different aggregates in terms of
specific weight, water absorption, abrasion, density, and uniformity

Define the following:
1. Coarse aggregate
2. Fine aggregate
3. Bone dry condition of aggregates
4. Saturated surface-dry condition of aggregates
5. Absorption of aggregates
6. Free water on aggregates
7. Dry rodded unit weight
8. Gradation
9. Sieving
10. Fineness modulus


There are two main uses of aggregates in civil engineering: as an
underlying material for foundations and pavements, and as ingredients in
Portland cement and asphalt concretes. The term aggregate means a mass
of crushed stone, gravel sand, etc., predominantly composed of individual
particles, but in some cases including clays and silts. The largest particle size
in aggregates may have a diameter as large as 150 mm, and the smallest
particle can be as fine as 5 to 10 microns. Due to the differences in the size
of the aggregate particles, four terms are defined to facilitate the discussion
of the general size characteristics of aggregates:
Coarse Aggregates Aggregate particles that are retained on a 4.75 mm
(a) sieve (No. 4), Fig. 2-1a.
Aggregate particles that are pass a 4.75 mm sieve (No. 4),
Fig. 2-1b.
The smallest sieve through which 100 percent of
the aggregates pass.
The largest sieve that retains any of the
aggregate, but generally not more than 10 percent.
These are the traditional definitions for the maximum and nominal
maximum aggregate sizes. The other problem with these definitions is the
possibility that the maximum aggregate size may be two or more standard
sieve sizes larger than the nominal maximum aggregate size. To overcome
these problems, these terms were redefined when Superpave mix design
method was introduced in the 1990s. The Superpave definitions are:
Fine Aggregates One sieve size larger than the nominal maximum
(b) aggregate size.

Fig. 2-1 One sieve size larger than the first sieve
to retain more than 10 percent of the aggregates.
The traditional and Superpave definitions usually yield the same
results, but on occasion the differences in the definitions will result in
Angular different size classifications of an aggregate stockpile.


The shape and texture of the individual aggregate particles determine

how the material will pack into a dense configuration and also determines
Flaky the mobility of the stones within a mix. There are two considerations in the
shape of the material: angularity and flakiness. Fig. 2-2 show the different
shapes of coarse aggregates: angular, rounded, flaky, elongated, and flaky
and elongated.
Elongated These shapes result from the crushing equipment employed and the
aggregate mineralogy. Extreme angularity and elongation increase the
amount of cement required to give strength, difficulty in finishing, and effort
to pump the concrete. Flat and elongated particles also increase the amount
of required mixing water. The better aggregate in terms of shape is rounded
Flaky and Elongated and angular.
The roughness of the aggregate surface plays an important role in
the way the aggregate compacts and bonds with the binder material.
Particle Shapes Aggregates with a rough texture are more difficult to compact into a dense
Fig. 2-2 configuration than smooth aggregates.


The ability of aggregate to withstand weathering is defined as

soundness or durability. Aggregates used in various civil engineering Permeable
applications must be sound and durable, particularly if the structure is voids Impermeable
subjected to severe climatic conditions. voids
The soundness test (ASTM C88) simulates weathering by soaking the
aggregates in either a sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate. These sulfates
cause crystals to grow in the aggregates, simulating the effect of freezing. Solid
The test starts with an oven-dry sample separated into different sized
fractions. The sample is subjected to cycles of soaking in the sulfate for 16 Bone dry
hours, followed by drying. Typically, the samples are subjected to five
cycles. Afterwards, the aggregates are washed and dried, each size is
weighed, and the weighted average percentage loss for the entire sample is Moisture
computed. This result is compared with allowable limits to determine
whether the aggregate is acceptable. This is an empirical screening
procedure for new aggregate sources when no service records are available.

The ability of aggregate to resist the damaging effect of loads is Air dry
related to the hardness of the aggregate particles and is described as the
toughness or abrasion resistance.
The Los Angeles abrasion test (ASTM C131, C535) evaluates the
aggregates toughness and abrasion resistance. In this test, aggregates
blended to a fixed size distribution are placed in a large steel drum with
standard sized steel balls that act as an abrasive charge. The drum is
rotated, typically for 500 revolutions. The material is recovered from the
machine and passed through a sieve that retains all of the original material.
The percentage weight loss is the LA abrasion number. This is an empirical
Saturated surface-dry
test; that is, the test results do not have a scientific basis and are meaningful
only when local experience defines the acceptance criteria.

Fig. 2-3 demonstrates four moisture condition states for an aggregate

particle. Bone dry means the aggregate contains no moisture; this requires
drying the aggregate in an oven to a constant mass. In an air dry condition,
the aggregate may have some moisture but the saturation state is not
quantified. In a saturated surface–dry (SSD) condition, the aggregate’s voids
are filled with moisture but the main surface area of the aggregate particles Moist
is dry. Absorption is defined as the moisture content in the SSD condition.
Moist aggregates have moisture content in excess of the SSD condition. Free Voids and moisture absorption of aggregates
moisture is the difference between the actual moisture content of the Fig. 2-3
aggregate and the moisture content in the SSD condition.

A sample of sand has the following properties:

Moist mass = 625.2 g Dry mass = 589.9 g Absorption = 1.6%
Determine: (a) total moisture content, and (b) free moisture content

Using Eq. 1-6,



It is defined as the difference between the actual

moisture content of the aggregate and the moisture content in the SSD
ωF = 5.98% - 1.6% = 4.38% Ans.

The weight–volume characteristics of aggregates are not an

important indicator of aggregate quality, but they are important for
concrete mix design. Density could be used for these calculations. However,
specific gravity (Gs) is more commonly used. Four types of specific gravity
are defined based on how voids in the aggregate particles are considered.
These are defined as





Wd = dry weight
Wp = weight of water in the permeable voids when the aggregate is in the
SSD condition
Vs = volume of solids
Vi = volume of water impermeable voids
Vp = volume of water permeable voids
Vc = volume of voids not filled with asphalt cement
γw = unit weight of water
The specific gravity and absorption of coarse aggregates are
determined in accordance with ASTM C127. In this procedure, a
representative sample of aggregate is soaked for 24 hours and weighed
suspended in water. The sample is then dried to the SSD condition and
weighed. Finally, the sample is dried to a constant weight and weighed. The
specific gravity and absorption are determined by





A = dry weight
B = SSD weight
C = submerged weight


The bulk unit weight of aggregate is needed for the proportioning of

portland cement concrete mixtures. According to ASTM C29 procedure, a
rigid container of known volume is filled with aggregate, which is
compacted either by rodding, jigging, or shoveling. The bulk unit weight of
aggregate is determined as


where Wagg is the weight of aggregate (stone) and V is the volume of th

If the bulk dry specific gravity of the aggregate (Gsb) (ASTM C127) is
known, the percentage of voids between aggregate particles can be
determined as follows:


%Voids = 100 - %VS (2-11)

Vagg = volume of aggregate
γb = bulk unit weight of aggregate
γw = unit weight of water
Gsb = bulk dry specific gravity of the aggregate

Coarse aggregate is placed in a rigid bucket and rodded with a

tamping rod to determine its unit weight. The following data are obtained:
Volume of bucket = 1/3 ft3
Weight of empty bucket = 18.5 lb
Weight of bucket filled with dry rodded coarse aggregate = 55.9 lb
a. Calculate the dry-rodded unit weight.
b. If the bulk dry specific gravity of the aggregate is 2.630, calculate the
percent voids in the aggregate.


Percent volume of particles = 68.368%

Percent voids = 100 - 68.368 = 31.632% Ans.


Gradation describes the particle size distribution of the aggregate.

The particle size distribution is an important attribute of the aggregates.
Large aggregates are economically advantageous in Portland cement and
asphalt concrete, as they have less surface area and, therefore, require less
binder, However, large aggregate mixes, whether asphalt or portland
cement concrete, are harsher, and more difficult to work into place.
Gradation is evaluated by passing the aggregates through a series of
sieves, as shown in Figure 2-4 (ASTM C136, E11). The sieve retains
particles larger than the opening, while smaller ones pass through.
Gradation results are described by the cumulative percentage of aggregates
that either pass through or are retained by a specific sieve size and then for
result analysis, it is plotted on a semi-log aggregate gradation chart, particle
size distribution curve (Fig. 2-4).
Aggregates are usually classified by size as coarse aggregates, fine
aggregates, and mineral fillers (fines). ASTM defines coarse aggregate as
particles retained on the 4.75 mm (No.4) sieve, fine aggregate as those
passing the 4.75 mm sieve, and mineral filler as mostly passing the 0.75 mm
(No. 200) sieve.

A sieve analysis test was performed on a sample of fine aggregate and

produced the following results. Calculate the percent passing each sieve and
plot on the particle size distribution curve.

Sieve, mm 4.75 2.36 2.00 1.18 0.60 0.30 0.15 0.075 Pan
0 33.2 56.9 83.1 151.4 40.4 72.0 58.3 15.6
retained, g

Amount Percent Percent
Sieve size Retained, g Retained Passing
Retained, g
(a) (c) = (b) × (d) = 100 - (c)

4.75 mm (No. 4) 0 0 0 100

2.36 mm (No. 8) 33.2 33.2 6.498 93.502
2.00 mm (No. 10) 56.9 90.1 17.636 82.364
1.18 mm (No. 16) 83.1 173.2 33.901 66.099
0.60 mm (No. 30) 151.4 324.6 63.535 36.465
0.30 mm (No. 50) 40.4 365 71.443 28.557
0.15 mm (No. 100) 72.0 437 85.535 14.465
0.075 mm (No. 200) 58.3 495.3 96.947 3.053
Pan 15.6 510.9 100 0
Total 510.9


Fig. 2-4

The fineness modulus is a measure of the fine aggregates’ gradation,

and is used primarily for portland cement concrete mix design. It can also be
used as a daily quality control check in the production of concrete. The
fineness modulus is one-hundredth of the sum of the cumulative percentage
weight retained on the sieves except 2.00 and 0.075 mm (No. 10 and 200).

Calculate the fineness modulus of the sieve analysis in sample

problem 2.3.
Sieve size Retained
According to the definition of fineness modulus, sieves 2.00 and 0.075 (c) = (b) ×
mm (No. 10 and 200) are not included. 100/Total

4.75 mm (No. 4) 0
Fineness modulus = (6.498 + 33.901 + 63.535 + 71.443 + 85.535)/100 2.36 mm (No. 8) 6.498
Fineness modulus = 2.609 Ans.
2.00 mm (No. 10) 17.636
1.18 mm (No. 16) 33.901
0.60 mm (No. 30) 63.535
0.30 mm (No. 50) 71.443
0.15 mm (No. 100) 85.535
0.075 mm (No. 200) 96.947
Pan 100


1. Three samples of fine aggregate have the following properties:

Measure A B C
Wet mass (g) 521.0 522.4 523.4
Dry Mass (g) 491.6 491.7 492.7
Absorption (%) 2.5 2.4 2.3

Determine in percentage: (a) total moisture content, and (b) free

moisture content for each sample and the average of the three samples.
2. Samples of coarse aggregate from a stockpile are brought to the
laboratory for determination of specific gravities. The following
weight are found:
Mass of moist aggregate sample as brought to the laboratory:
5,298 grams
Mass of oven dried aggregate: 5,216 g
Mass of aggregates submerged in water: 3,295 g
Mass of SSD (Saturated Surface Dry) Aggregate: 5,227 g
a. The aggregate bulk dry specific gravity
b. The aggregate apparent specific gravity
c. The moisture content of stockpile aggregate (report as a percent)
d. Absorption (report as percent)
3. A sieve analysis test was performed on a sample of coarse aggregate and
produced the following results:

Amount Amount
Sieve Size, mm Sieve Size, mm
Retained, g Retained, g
25 0 1.18 891.5
19 376.7 0.60 712.6
12.5 888.4 0.30 625.2
9.5 506.2 0.15 581.5
4.75 1038.4 0.075 242.9
2.36 900.1 Pan 44.9

Calculate the percent passing through each sieve and fineness modulus.
Plot the percent passing versus sieve size on a semilog gradation chart in
Fig. 2-5.
4. Based on the video provided, fill-out the experiment form.


Fig. 2-5

Experiment Title

ASTM Designation: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Purpose: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Significance and Use: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Apparatus: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Test Specimen: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Test Procedure: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


ASTM International. (2019). ASTM D2216-19, Standard Test Methods for
Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and
Rock by Mass.
ASTM International. (2015). ASTM C127-15, Standard Test Methods for
Relative Density (Specific Gravity) and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate.
ASTM International. (2019). ASTM C136-C136M-19, Standard Test Methods
for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates.
Duggal, S. (2008). Building Materials (3rd Edition). New Age International
(P) Ltd., Publishers.
Jackson N. & Ravindra D. (1996). Civil Engineering Materials (5th Edition).
Kotsmatka, S. & Wilson, M. (2011). Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures
(15th Edition). Portland Cement Association.
Mamlouk, M. & Zaniewski, J. (2011). Materials for Civil and Construction
Engineers (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall.
Merritt, F. & Ricketts, J. (2001). Building Design and Construction Handbook
(6th Edition). McGraw-Hill.

James Lee. (2013, April 19) AASHTO T85 ASTM C127 [Video]. YouTube.

Highway Guide. (2018, November 6) SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND WATER

NCTEL. (2018, November 6) Specific Gravity & Water Absorption of Coarse
Aggregate [Video]. YouTube.


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