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All appreciation and thanks to “Almighty Allah” the most Beneficent and the most Merciful, for bestowing upon us
the courage & talent to complete this task.

We are thankful to SIR ADIL FOVAD for his guidance and his cooperation throughout our course. He has polished
our skills and makes us capable of submitting this project. The project he has given us is very helpful in learning
different aspects of branding. We have tried our best to complete this project with our full understanding and effort.

Table of Content


Research Plan……………………………………………………………………………6

Respondents Demographics…………………………………………………………….7


Brand Awareness and Usage…………………………………………………...8


Brand Performance…………………………………………………………….12


Brand Image……………………………………………………………………15


Brand Judgments……………………………………………………………….17


Brand Resonance……………………………………………………………….21

Point of Parity…………………………………………………………………………..23

Point of Difference……………………………………………………………………...24




The project is based on the survey conducted to perform a comparative analysis between the two detergent brands
Surf Excel and Ariel. The purpose of the survey is to analyze the comparison between these two brands on the basis
of points of differences and point of parity and to judge different aspects of the brand which make customers loyal,
associated and in favor of one brand more than the competing one.

Surf Excel

Surf Excel is the product of Unilever. Surf Excel is the oldest detergent brand to be present in Pakistan since 1960.
The company has always believed that dirt is a valuable way to enrich our lives, both young and old. To ensure that
everyone, anywhere in the country, can share in this initiative, company investing heavily in developing a range that
suits the pockets of all income groups. This has included launching affordable packs that not only offer the top-clean
advantages of Surf Excel, but also reduce the time, physical effort and amount of water needed to wash clothes by
hand. Surf introduces innovations that challenge laundry conventions. We believe that by giving consumers more
than what they would expect out of a laundry detergent, we help brighten up their day.


Ariel is the product of P&G. Ariel detergent gives you impeccable cleaning in stain removal. Ariel contains unique
ingredients that cannot be found in other detergents, thus it is designed to remove a multitude of stains better. Ariel
is perfect for your everyday washing needs. The unique formula has been designed to give brilliant cleaning and
long lasting freshness. Clothes will keep that just-washed freshness for longer (for up to 8 hours).

Research Plan

Research Objectives

Following are the objectives that are to be met through this research project.

• Analyzing the brand awareness and usage of the two detergents.

• Analyzing the point of differences created by the two detergents and how much successful they are in
communicating theses differences to the target market.

• Checking the judgments and associations consumers have developed with the brands.
• Checking the customer’s ultimate loyalty with their preferred brand.

• Suggesting recommendations for improvements to the second brand.

Research Technique

In our project we have used a descriptive research technique, to find out the consumer’s evaluation of the attributes
of the one detergent brand versus the attributes of the competing detergent brand.

Research Tool

To conduct a survey the research tool used is questionnaire. Both close ended and open-ended questions are
included in the questionnaire to find out the in detail view of the respondents on the purpose under research.

Research Methodology

Overall survey consists of 320 questionnaires. There are 16 members in the group and 20 questionnaires are
assigned to each group member. After collecting data based on these questionnaires each individual group member
has to write his/her individual analysis and in the end on the bases of these analysis group representative has wrote
her analysis and has suggested suggestions for the improvements.

Respondents Demographics

The demographic sample was carefully chosen to maximize the relevant responses for the survey. After the
completion of survey we got 275 complete valid questionnaires all were Surf Excel and Ariel users. Social class that
we are targeting is upper middle and middle middle class. A huge percentage of the respondents were female. Our
main focus was on female respondents because females in a household usually make decisions about laundry
detergents. Keeping this in mind, we went to households with the perspective of getting the female members to fill
the questionnaires. At the same time, we also got some questionnaires filled from the male population to get a feel
for their responses and their points of view. From out of all these female respondents, another important thing that
had to be kept in mind was whether the women filling out the questionnaires were housewives, or workingwomen.
This information is important to deduce whether the women actually use the products themselves. Housewives are
more likely to actually use the products themselves, and wash their own laundry. On the other hand, workingwomen
are more likely to have their laundry done by servants or maids. This means that these women do not come in direct
contact with the use of these products, and rather base their decisions on the views that they get from the actual users
of the products from their homes.

It can be seen that, in our sample, 82% of the respondents were females, and 18% were males. Also, 87% of the
responding women were housewives. This means that most of the responses that we got were from women who
were actually using the products themselves. 13% of the women in our sample were workingwomen.


Brand Awareness
• In our survey 70 % people said that when thinking of the laundry detergents the two brands that comes in their
minds are Surf excel and Ariel, 15% said Bonus and Surf excel comes to their mind and 5% said Ariel and tide
comes to their mind.

• 65 % of the people said that they are most familiar with surf excel. 20% said that they are most familiar with and
rest of the15% is most familiar with express tide and Brite.

Surf Excel

• 70% of the respondents said that they preferably use surf excel.

• Almost 67 % of the respondents who use Surf Excel said that they are using it from more than five years, 17% said
that they are using it from less than 5 years and 15% using it from less than 6 months

• 20% using surf excel said that they use to purchase it every week. 21% said that they use to purchase it on fortnight
and 59% said that they buy detergent once a month.

• 70 % of the Surf Excel respondents said that they would use the liquid detergent if the company will introduce it.
And the remaining 30% said that they will not appreciate co this idea

• Advertisement recall of Surf Excel is also very high 70 % of the people who use Surf Excel clearly recalled the
different ads.


• 30% said that they preferably use Ariel

• Among the Ariel users 50% said that they are using it from more than 5 years and 37% said that they are using it
from less than 5 years. And 13% are using it from less than 6 months

• 12% are purchasing it ever week. 14% use to purchase every fortnight. And 74% purchases it every month.

• 67% of Ariel users will say that they will use the new products liquid detergent if the company will introduce it.
33% said that they would not use it.

• 33% percent of the people who use Ariel recalled its Advertisement.

• 10% of the respondents who use surf excel purchases the 400-gram pack. 38 percent is purchasing 1-kilogram
pack. 65% are purchasing 2kilogram pack. And 7% are using 4.5-kilogram pack.

• 69% of the Surf Excel users have recalled Zubaida Tariq coming in Ariel ad

• Among the Ariel 8% are using 250 gram pack .7% are using 400 gm pack. 38% are using 1kilogram pack.18% are
using 2 kilogram pack. And 29% are using 3 kilogram pack

• 33% of Ariel users have recognized Zubaida Tariq coming in Ad. And rest of them has no idea.


User Preference

According to our survey most of the people are using Surf excel preferably because the awareness of surf excel is
very high among them.

Ad Recall

The promotional campaigns that surf Excel is running are very successful even the Ariel users can easily recognize
various ads of surf excel. On the other hand awareness of Ariel is low mostly people are not using it, this is may be
because the unsuccessful communication campaigns of Ariel even the current Ariel users cannot recognize it’s ads
and also can’t able to recognize the recent ad of Zubaida Tariq.

Usage Pattern
Most of the people no matter which brand they are using, use to purchase their detergents monthly, with maximum
users purchasing the one or two kilogram pack. The prices of Surf Excel and Ariel are almost same but in the case of
small single use pack, Ariel is offering double powder then Surf excel on the same price. But again due to lack of
awareness people are not familiar with this offer. It may be possible that if the Ariel will promote this offer properly
people will change their consumption patterns.

Brand Breadth

Both the Brands Surf Excel and Ariel have Brand breadth people will appreciate if the companies will introduce new
product like liquid detergent for color clothes to maintain their brightness


Following are the associations people have regarding both the brands

Surf Excel

• Stain Removal.

• Power full cleaning.

• Good fragrance.

• Keeps the colors of clothes bright

• Attractive packaging.

• Daag tu acha hota hain.

• Daad nai tu seikhna nai.

Maximum of users focusing on better stain removal.


• Cleanliness.

• Good for white clothes.

• Good Fragrance.

• Just a washing powder.

Responses observed usually vague not much focus on a single attribute.

Brand Performance

Surf Excel


• 30% of the Surf Excel respondents said that company fulfills the claims made in advertisements, 52% said that to
some extent they fulfills claims made in ads. And remaining 18% said that they do not fulfills claims

• 47 % percent of the people who use surf excel said that they are satisfied with the current polyethylene packaging
and the remaining 53% percent said that they are will get more satisfied if the company will introduce container box.

• Almost 47 % of the people who uses surf excel said that if the detergent is not available at one place they will look
for it else where as well and 53% said that they will buy simply buy some other detergent.

• 45% said that company is fulfilling the claims made in advertisements.35 % said to some extent companies claims
are true. 20% said that companies do not fulfills their claims

• 48 % of the people who uses Ariel said that they are satisfied with the current polyethylene packs and 52% percent
said that they would like container box more.

• The Ariel respondents 41 % said that they will look for it elsewhere and 59% said that they would simply buy
another detergent.


Ad Claim

Almost all the companies make different claims in their advertisements regarding the performance of their products.
In case of detergents mostly people thinks that companies are fulfilling claims they make in their ads.

Over here we have found an interesting trend in our survey, which is being classified as follows.

It can be referred from the above graph that working women as compare to housewife more believes that company is
fulfilling the claims made in ads. It is commonly sensed that working women usually do not directly use washing
powders at home so their judgment of the performance of the detergent usually depends on the image they have
created in their minds on the bases of ads shown in televisions.

Same trend has been felt in the case of Ariel users. Working women believes more strongly that company is
fulfilling its claims made in Ads.

Introducing Container Packs

In case of both the detergents there are almost 50 –50 percent people who think that current polyethylene packs are
good and rest said that they would like container packs more. So to avail this opportunity both the companies has to
see whether they should introduce container packs or not. It can be feasible for the company to introduce container
packaging for its large size packs, which are usually bought monthly.

Availability Of Brand

Almost 50 – 50 percent of the people in case of the both the detergents said that if their brand is not available in the
shop they will look for it elsewhere. Mostly these types of situations occur if the detergent is short in the market. So
what ever the performance of the detergent is, it is the need of the customer, which force’s customer to buy.

Brand Image


Surf Excel

• More then 60% of the people using Surf excel made an incorrect recall of the price of the product.

• When asking about their image regarding the price of the product most of the surf excel users said that its price is
greater than Ariel.

• Most of the Surf Excel users associated the product with the cleanliness.


• Similarly in Ariel most of the Ariel users are not aware of the price of the pack they are using.

• Ariel users on the other hand mentioned that the price of their detergent is lower than that of the surf excel.

• In case of Ariel there are variety of responses.

People usually buy detergents in their monthly grocery so mostly they are not aware of the actual price of the
product. They usually have different images in their minds regarding the products and based on those images they
guess prices of the product.

With the views of the respondents it can be stated that the image of the people regarding surf excel is that it’s a high
price detergent because its performance level is high. On the other hand Ariel is a low price detergent with more
bleach content in it. Even the Ariel users mentioned that the price of Surf excel is higher. But the Actual story is that
both the detergents have same prices. But the companies are creating the different images in the mind of the end

It can be seen that the Surf Excel has a strong association in the minds of the customers as a strong agent for the
removal of stubborn stains. Most people dwell on the perception that Surf Excel will efficiently clean their laundry,
and this image is clear in their minds. On the other hand when it comes to the perception of the Ariel, very few
people associated Ariel with efficient and good cleaning powder. The responses of the Ariel users are very diverse,
and hinted towards the poor positioning efforts by the company. This shows that even though both surf Excel and
Ariel follow the emotional appeal, Surf Excel has been able to maintain the presence and importance of their
primary function embedded in the minds of the customers

Brand Judgments

When we asked the respondents to rate their brand of choice on a scale of 1 to 5, on how effective they thought their
detergent is on several criteria, all the customers of both the brands gave same level of importance to each criteria.

Surf excel

• Among the respondents who uses surf excel 72% percent said that they will recommend it to their peers, and 28 %
said that they will not recommend it to their peers.

• 27% who uses surf Excel said that they would give lot of importance to their peer group in making decision. 49%
said that they give little bit importance to their peer group in making this decision. 24% said that they give no
importance to their peers in making this decision.

• 40% of the surf excel users said that the surf Excel’s price should be less than its current price 60 % said that the
price is reasonable.
• 29.5% of the users who uses surf excel said that they would not buy the product if their brand were not available in
the market. 41% said that if the brand were not available in the market they would buy some other brands product.
And 29.5% said that they are not sure what the will do in this situation.


• Among the respondents who uses Ariel 80% percent said that they will recommend it to their peers, and 20% said
that they would not recommend it to their peers.

• 9% who uses Ariel said that they would give lot of importance to their peer group in making decision. 66% said
that they give little bit importance to their peer group in making this decision. 25% said that they give no importance
to their peers in making this decision.

• 39% of the Ariel users said that the Ariel’s price should be less than its current price 61 % said that the price is

• 39% of the users who uses Ariel said that they would not buy the product if their brand were not available in the
market. 37% said that if the brand were not available in the market they would buy some other brands product. And
24% said that they are not sure what they will do in this situation.

• 56 % of the surf excel users said that if the company will increase the price of their preferred brand they will still
use it. And the remaining 44% said that they would switch to some brand.

• 64% said that they will keep using the brand if the company will increase the price of their preferred brand and


Brand Choice

It is noted that all the customers no matter which brand they use, when we ask them on which criteria they choice
their brand they have given same responses by ranking stain removal on top


Keeping this information in mind, if we take a look at both companies we can conclude that surf Excel is following
a proper line for the positioning of their product. Since stain removal is the most important thing in concern for the
customers. Many of its slogans like “DAAG TU ACHA HOTA HAIN” “ DAAG NAI TO SEIKHNA NAI” and “
SURF EXCEL HA NA” also symbolize this.

Users of both the brand said that best feature according to them is the cleanliness, after that stain removal and fabric
protection. Majority of both the users said that they will recommend their detergent to their peers and also they will
them selves not change the detergent they are using under the peer pressure.

Regarding the price of the detergents most of the respondents said that it is reasonably priced.

Peer Opinion

Most of the respondents which ever brand they use they said that they will recommend their detergent to their peers
but on the other hand they said that they themselves don not gives any importance to peer opinion while making
decision regarding their detergent brand.

So this shows that though customers recommend their brands to others but they don’t bother each other opinion
regarding their detergents. This shows that they have their own judgment criteria not effected by other

Price Decisions

In case of both the detergents the most of the people said that the price of the detergent is reasonable but they
comment that they will appreciate if the company will reduce the price of the product

In the case of both the detergents most of customers said that they will buy same detergent if the company will
increase the price which shows that mostly customers think that there is no option for them and they will not find the
one better than theirs and also they do not want to take risks.

Brand Resonance

Surf Excel


• 56 % of the surf excel users said that if the company will increase the price of their preferred brand they will still
use it. And the remaining 44% said that they would switch to some brand.

• Among surf excel users 40% are highly satisfied with their brand 57% are just satisfied with the detergent and only
3% respondents are looking for some other option.

• Almost 68 % of the respondents who use Surf Excel said that they are using it from more than five years, 17% said
that they are using it from less than 5 years and 15% using it from less than 6 months

• 64% said that they would keep using the brand if the company will increase the price of their preferred brand and
36% said that they will switch to some other brand.

• Among the Ariel users 46% are highly satisfied and 54% just satisfied.

• Among the Ariel users 50% said that they are using it from more than 5 years and 37% said that they are using it
from less than 5 years. And 13% are using it from less than 6 months


Most of the people who use both of the detergents mentioned that if the company will increase the price of the
product they will still use it, because according to some of them there is no other option, some of the Surf Excel
users made the comment that if the price of their product will increase they will might try Ariel and will decide
whether to continue with the previous one or to switch to the new one.

Satisfaction level

When we measured the satisfaction level of the respondents no matter which brand they use majority gave the
positive response that they are just satisfied or highly satisfied with their brands there are very few in negligible
amount which said that they will change their brand.

So this shows that it is not an easy task for one detergent brand to capture the market of other detergent brand.

Ultimate Loyalty

Most of the people who use the brand said that they are using it from more than five years, which shows that people
are loyal to their brand, they are not interested in switching their brands.

Point of Parity Among two Brands

Stain Removal

Both Ariel and Surf Excel are focusing on the stain removal

Emotional appeal

Both companies following emotional appeal

 Ariel

Focusing on mothers and cause marketing for charity by hiring celebrities but not focusing on product and

 Surf Excel

Focusing on kids and their learning process and to highlight the basic performance (stain removal) of their product.

Whiteness and shine

Both the detergent companies are focusing on the shine and whiteness of the detergents.

Packaging & sizes

Both the detergents are available in same sizes and packaging.

Point of Differences Among to Brands

Bleach Content

Ariel has a larger content of bleach in its formula that is better for cleaning of white fabric ultimately giving it a
more shiny and clean look. According to Customer perception:

• High bleach content in Ariel

 Harmful for fabric fibers

 Harmful for skin

• Surf Excel is milder but strong

Active ingredients

Surf Excel is formulated with high quality phosphate builders and multi-active surfactant system to deliver superior
cleaning in addition this formulation is further fortified with color safe bleach system and enzymes for superior stain
removal in washing machines.

Whereas Ariel came up with their enzimax short for cleaning enzymes similar to that of surf excel but positioned
differently thereby utilizing half the water as compared to other detergents as advertised in their ads

Surf has become a generic name

Surf excel has a psychological advantage over any of its competitors as surf has achieved the level where surf has
become a generic name for detergents category, thereby creating association in mind of its consumer.


Make the product more prominent than the celebrity

Ariel tried to enhance its image by using emotional appealing programs like “maa”, one more social campaign of
Anwar Maqsood and by different celebrity endorsements but these campaigns did not work to enhance the image of
the detergent itself.

Highlight the PODs

To become more competitive Ariel should focus on creating difference on some strong features from its respective

Position as a competitive brand to surf Excel than positioning it cheaper

Ariel ads always remain focused towards lower middle class but their price is similar to that of Surf Excel and out of
reach for lower middle class where other detergents like Brite , bonus and express etc are more famous and likeable
because of affordability so Ariel should focus on positioning itself in comparison with Surf Excel by targeting and
focusing its proper potential market.

Consistency or continuity in tagline for better recall like Surf Excel

Slogans of Surf Excel always have some continuity and attractiveness to appeal its customers. All the slogans of
Surf Excel must have the word “daag” in it, which make some continuity and help people recognize and remember
it, so Ariel should focus to come up with new and attractive taglines and slogans.

Liquid Detergent Introduction

Both Surf Excel and Ariel if introduce liquid detergent than it will be more favorable among customers because
people think that powder detergent is not good for hands



Revised Questionnaire

Questionnaire needs revision and questions need to be rephrased , so that they can be easily understand by the target

Quality of Data

Some of the questionnaire collected are not up to the requirements, because of which some flaws occurs in the over
all analysis

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