Resume of Dr. Md. Al-Amin Mridha

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Resume of Dr. Md.

Al-Amin Mridha

Dr Md Al-Amin Mridha Contact:

MBBS, MCPS, FCPS, MD Mobile No 008801711178126 (BD)
Specialist, Paediatrics Mobile No. 00966551820048 (KSA)
Al Mowassam General Hospital
Gizan, KSA

Date of First joining at Govt. Service : 26th January 1991

BCS : 9th BCS, SL No. 346
Gradation No. : 5397 (on 30/10/2000)
Service Regular Sl No. : 4479 (on 7/4/1997)
Fellowship No. : 1706
ID No. : 107810 (Bangladesh)
Service Code No. : 39333 (Bangladesh)
Computer Code No. : 7314729 (KSA)
Specialist No. : 2179/62 (KSA)

Personal Information:

Father’s name : Late Harunor Rashid Mridha

Mother’s name : Mst Abjan Bewa
Spouse name : Mosammat Jesmin Akhtar
Mailing Address : Dr Md Al-Amin Mridha
Specialist, Paediatrics
Al Mowassam General Hospital
Gizan, KSA

Contact number : 00966551820048

Permanent Address : Dr Md Al-Amin Mridha

‘Mridha Villa’
Village and Post: Bandai Khara
Thana: Atrai, Dist: Naogaon-6597

Date of birth : July 29, 1963

Nationality : Bangladeshi
Religion : Islam
Spouse name : Mosammat Jesmin Akhtar
Spouse occupation : House wife
Marital status : Married
Number of Children : 2 (M A Nakib & M A Naeem)
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Educational qualifications:

Degree Board/ University Year Division/Pass

SSC Rajshahi board 1979 First
HSC Rajshahi board 1981 First
MBBS Rajshahi University 1987, May Pass, 8th position
MCPS (Paediatrics) Bangladesh College of 2000, Pass
Physicians and Surgeons, Dhaka January
MD (Paediatrics) Dhaka University 2002, Pass
FCPS (Paediatrics) Bangladesh College of 2005 Pass
Physicians and Surgeons, Dhaka January

Language known:
Speaking Reading Writing Listening
Bangla - Native Native Native Native
English- Good Good Good Good
Arabic - Average Average Average

Reading, Traveling, Computer, Spending time with Family Members

Experience (In ascending order):

26.01.91 to 21.07.91 Medical officer Upazila Health complex

Shaghata, Gaibandha.

28.07.91 to 04.08.94 Medical officer Nandanali subcentre

Atrai, Naogaon

06.08.94 to 07.09.94 Medical officer Thana Health complex

Atrai, Naogaon.

13.09.94 to 21.01.97 Assistant registrar, Paed. M A G Osmani medical college

hospital, Sylhet.

23.01.97 to 03.04.01 Officer in special duty DG Health, Mohakhali (Deputation:

Dhaka Shishu hospital), Dhaka.

07.04.01 to 11.12.02 Medical officer Upazila Health complex

(Against the post of medicine specialist) Mirjapur, Tangail.

14.12.02 to 17.04.05 Registrar Paediatrics Deputate to-Institute of child and mother

health, Matuail, Dhaka-1362.

19.04.05 to till date Specialist, Paediatrics Al Mowassam General Hospital,

(lien) KSA.

Working experience in the field of Paediatrics (In ascending order):

13.09.94 to 21.01.97 Asstt registrar, Paediatrics. M A G Osmani medical college

hospital, Sylhet.

23.01.97 to 03.04.01 Officer in special duty DGHS, Mohakhali (Deputation:

Dhaka Shishu hospital), Dhaka.

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07.04.01 to 11.12.02 Medical officer Upazila Health complex
(Against the post of medicine specialist) Mirjapur, Tangail.

14.12.02 to 17.04.05 Registrar, Paediatrics Institute of child and mother health

Matuail, Dhaka-1362.

19.04.05 to till date Specialist, Paediatrics Al Mowassam General Hospital,

(lien) KSA.

Special Subject of interest and experiences in paediatric pulmonology:

Thesis in MD (paediatrics) was on Peak Expiratoy Flow Rate in normal school children aged 5-15

Study on Asthma, Atopic eczema and allergic rhino-conjunctivitis of school children using ISAAC

Working in Respiratory Care unit and fibre-optic bronchoscopy at ICMH, Dhaka from 14.12.2002
to till date.

Two publications in the field of paediatric pulmonology in recent past year.

Member of executive committee of Bangladesh paediatric pulmonology forum.

Working Experience as Facilitators/Contributors:

From 14.12.2002 to Till date-

Facilitator Training of trainers (TOT) ESP advanced clinical skills

courses on Child Health Care for Doctors

Course coordinator and Facilitator Need based advanced clinical skills training in child
development, childhood intervention and integrated case
management for medical officers of urban primary health
care project.

Facilitator TOT training for skilled birth attendant, Reproductive

health, Early childhood development, Essential newborn
care and Breast feeding counseling.

Contributor National Asthma management guide line for medical

practitioners, asthma Associations, Bangladesh.

Contributor Participant Manual of Essential Newborn Care for


Contributor Curriculum for ESD advanced clinical skills course

on child health care.

Facilitator National IMCI training courses for doctors, held in Dhaka

(ICMH), Bangladesh.

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Contributor Curriculum for Basic Health training for field health

Training after graduation:

23.09.1987-22.09.1988 Internship training, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital,


16.08.1988-30.08.1988 Menstrual regulation training program conducted by MR

Training and Services Program, Rajshahi Medical
College Hospital, Rajshahi

16.10.1994-20.10.1994 Campaign for the protection and promotion of breast-

feeding, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

27.11.1994-30.11.1994 Clinical management training course on diarrhoeal

diseases at Diarrhoeal Training unit Sylhet, MAG
Osmani medical college hospital, Sylhet.

02.03.1996-07.03.1996 In-country training course on control of rheumatic fever,

streptococcal infections and heart diseases, National
Centre of Rheumatic Fever and Heart Diseases, Sher-e-
Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.

01.03.2003-06.03.2003 Training of trainers (TOT) ESP advanced clinical skills

course on Child Health Care for Doctors, held at Institute
of Child and Mother Health, Matuail, Dhaka.

24.05.2003-04.06.2003 National IMCI training course for doctors, held in Dhaka

(DMCH), Bangladesh.

14.06.2003-18.06.2003 National IMCI facilitator training, held in Dhaka

(ICDDR, B), Bangladesh.

28.10.2004-10.11.2004 Orientation course of National trainers on skilled Birth

Attendants Training Program held at MCHTI, Azimpur,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Seminar, Conference, workshop:

Participant :XIV-Biennial conference 2002. Bangladesh Paediatric

Association & Indo-Bangla Paediatric Friendship Society
Meet, 20-22 December 2002.

Participant & paper presented :6th worhshop on Asthma & Chest diseases, BCPS auditorium &
Dhaka Sheraton Hotel, Bangladesh. 7-9 May 2002.

Participant :7th worhshop on Asthma & COPD, Asthma Association, NIDCH

Campus, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 6-7 May 2003.

Participant :1st National thalassemia workshop in Bangladesh, 2003,

Jointly organized by- Dhaka Shihu Hospital thalassemia
center & Bangladesh thalassemia society. In collaboration

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Participant :10th Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal mdiseases and Nutrition,
ASCODD 2003, in Dhaka Bangladesh, ICDDR, B 7-9
December 2003.

Participant & paper presented :First National congress and scientific session, Winter
garden, Dhaka Sheraton Hotel, Bangladesh Paediatric
Pulmonology Forum, 17 December, 2003

Participant & Rapportear :2nd Asian regional Conference on Safe Communities & 1st
Bangladesh Conference on Injury Prevention 15-17 February
2004, Dhaka Bangladesh.

Participant : 4th National Conference and Scientific Seminar, Dhaka

Sheraton Hotel, Bangladesh Perinatal Society, 6th April 2004.

Participant : 8th Workshop on Asthma & Chest Diseases Asthma

Association, NIDCH Campus, Mohakhali, Dhaka. 3-4 May 2004

Participant : 4th National conference & scientific seminar. Bangladesh

neonatal forum, BCPS auditorium, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
24th November 2004.

Participant : 16th Biennial conference 2009, Bangladesh Paediatric

Association (BPA). Hotel Radisson and BCPS auditorium 20-21
March 2009.


Chowdhury MMU, Matin MA, Rub MA, Ahmed MA, Mridha MA,
Islam AKMS and Ahmed S. Impact of maternal participation in the
management of neonatal tetanus.

Mridha MA and Ruhulamin M. Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) in normal

school children of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Bangladesh J Child Health
2002; 26(3/4):46-51.

Kabir ARML, Mridha AA. The perception and practice of 245 Health Care Providers (HCPs)
working at district and upazilla level on the management of ARI cases, Research report,
ICMH, 2003

Mridha MA. Need-based advanced skill training in child development, childhood intervention and
integrated case management for medical officer of urban
primary health care project. The Bridge: Newsletter of HRDRH project,
Dhaka April 2004;04(15): 3

Mridha MA. Bronchiolitis. Souvenir, thirteen yearly general meeting, Bangladesh diabetic samity,
Naogaon branch. July 2004 Page: 26-28

Kabir ML, Rahman F, Hassan MQ, Ahmed F, Mridha MA. Asthma, Atopic Eczema and Allergic
Rhino-Conjunctivitis in school Children. Mymensingh Med J 2005 Jan; 14 (1): 41-45.
(indexed in: Index Medicus MEDLINE & PubMed)

Mridha MA, Kabir ARML and Ruhulamin M. Paediatric pulmonary function

test –A review. Bangladesh J Child Health, August 2005.

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Extra curriculum Skills:

 Microsoft Word
 Power point
 Excel
 Driving
 Internet


1. Prof Md Ruhul Amin

MBBS, FCPS Paediatrics
Fellow Paediatric Pulmonology (UK)
Professor of Paediatrics
Bangladesh Institute of Child Health
Dhaka Shishu (children) Hospital
Sher-e-bangla Nagar
Dhaka-1207.. Bangladesh

2. Prof ARM Luthful Kabir

MBBS, FCPS Paediatrics
Fellow Respiratory medicine (Australia)
Professor of Paediatrics and Executive Director
Institute of Child and Mother Health
Matuail, Dhaka-1362, Bangladesh.

3. Prof M A Kader Akanda

MBBS, FCPS ( Medicine), MD (Cardiology)
Faridpur Medical College
Faridpur , Bangladesh.

(Dr. Md. Al-Amin Mridha)

Specialist, Paediatrics
Al Mowassam General Hospital
Gizan, KSA.
Mobile: 00966551820048 (KSA)
Mobile 008801711178126 (BD)

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