BGP Lab: Building An Internet Simulator

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SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 1

BGP Lab: Building an Internet Simulator

Copyright © 2020 by Wenliang Du.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, this copyright notice must be left intact, or
reproduced in a way that is reasonable to the medium in which the work is being re-published.

1 Overview
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the standard exterior gateway protocol designed to exchange routing and
reachability information among autonomous systems (AS) on the Internet. It is the “glue” of the Internet,
and is an essential piece of the Internet infrastructure. It is also a primary attack target, because if attackers
can compromise BGP, they can disconnect the Internet and redirect traffics.
Because of the complexity of BGP, it is hard to do everything in a single lab. Therefore, we have
developed a series of labs related to BGP. This lab is the first in the series, and it is the basis for all the other
BGP labs. The goal of this lab is to help students understand how BGP “glues” the Internet together, and
how the Internet is actually connected. In this lab, we guide students to build a small-scale Internet. We call
this Internet the Internet Simulator (or simply Simulator in short). This simulator will be the basis for all
other BGP labs, as well as for some non-BGP labs that depends on the Internet.
In Tasks 1 to 3, we will show students how to build an Internet Simulator step by step. Most of the files
are already provided in these tasks. Once students understand the building process, in Task 4, they will be
asked to expand this simulator by including more autonomous systems, BGP routers, and Internet exchange
points. This lab covers the following topics:

• How the BGP protocol works

• BGP configuration
• Routing
• Internet Exchange Point (IXP)

Videos. Detailed coverage of the BGP protocol can be found in Section 10 of the SEED Lecture at
Udemy, Internet Security: A Hands-on Approach, by Wenliang Du. See details at https://www. The lecture was recorded before this lab was developed; it
focuses mostly on the theory part, i.e., explaining how the BGP protocol works. This lab provides the
practical part.

Lab environment. This lab has been tested on our pre-built Ubuntu 20.04 VM, which can be downloaded
from the SEED website. Since we use containers to set up the lab environment, this lab does not depend too
much on our SEED VM. You can do this lab using other VMs or physical machines.

Customization by instructor. It should be noted that Task 4 requires the instructor to make a random
choice (to deter plagiarism).

Acknowledgment. This lab was developed with the help of Honghao Zeng, a graduate student in the
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University. The SEED project is
funded by the US National Science Foundation.
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 2

2 Conventions
In our Internet setup, we will use a lot of numbers. They are in two categories: autonomous system number
(ASN) and IP address (for both network and host). In the real world, ASN and IP addresses have no
particular relationship, and assignment of these numbers do not have specific patterns. In our setup, in order
to make it easy to remember those numbers, we do use several conventions.

Autonomous System Number assignment. We mainly have four categories of autonomous systems, stub
AS, Internet Exchange, small transit AS , and large transit AS. Here is the convention for the ASN assign-
• 1: Reserved.
• 2 - 19: For large transit ASes.
• 20 - 49: For small transit ASes.
• 50 - 99: Reserved.
• 100 - 149: For Internet Exchange.
• 150 - 254: For stub ASes.

IP prefixes assigned to AS. In the real world, there is no relationship between ASN and IP prefix. In our
simulator, we create an artificial relationship between them, so we can easily find the network address for
any given ASN.
• For AS number X, its network prefix is 10.X.0.0/16.
• If this AS has multiple subnets, the subnet ID will be 10.X.1.0/24, 10.X.2.0/24, and so on.

IP address assigned to machine. When we assign IP addresses to routers and hosts, we use the following
convention on the IP address. We only apply the convention to the last 8 bits of IP address.
• 71 - 99: For normal hosts. The assignment starts from 71.
• 200 - 254: For BGP routers. The assignment starts from 254 and goes backward.

3 Task 1. Building Containers for Autonomous Systems

To build an Internet simulator, we need to run many machines, some serving as routers and some as hosts.
We will use Docker container to achieve that, running each machine as a container. In this task, we will
create two autonomous systems, AS150 and AS151. Inside each AS, we will create a network, a BGP
router, and a normal host. Their IP addresses are specified in the following. We will use the container
technology to do this. All the files needed for this task can be found in the Base Images and Task1 AS
BGP router:

BGP router:
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 3

3.1 The Base Container Images

The docker images in this lab are all based on two base images, one for the host and the other for the router.
Both images are pretty much the same, except the host image comes with the nginx web server, while
the router image comes with the bird BGP server. We have already built the base images and made them
available from the Docker Hub.
Host: handsonsecurity/seed-server:nginx
BGP: handsonsecurity/seed-server:bgp

Although we can directly build our container images using the above base image from the Docker Hub,
to reduce the number of access to the Docker Hub (the company puts a limit on how many accesses one can
make during a six-hour time window), we first build a local base image using the one from Docker Hub, and
then use the local base image to build the rest of the container images in this lab.

3.2 Containers for Host

The following is the content of the Dockerfile for host container. It is built upon the base image de-
scribed above: seed base host refers to the base image. This is the name given in the docker compose
file, which will be discussed later. When building the image, we copy a web page file (index.html) to
the web folder.
FROM seed_base_host

COPY index.html /var/www/html/

CMD ip route change default via ${DEFAULT_ROUTER} dev eth0 \

&& service nginx start \
&& tail -f /dev/null

The CMD entry specifies the command that will be executed when the container starts. We have included
three commands. The first one sets the default route based on the DEFAULT ROUTER environment variable,
which will be passed to the container when we will run it. The second command starts the nginx web
server. The third command (tail) will block, preventing the command from finishing. If the command
finishes, the container will be immediately shut down.

3.3 Containers for BGP Router

The Dockerfile for the BGP router is built on the seed base router base image built previously. It
copies the bird configuration file to the container. We are using this same folder to build different docker
images, each with a different bird configuration file. All the configuration files are stored inside the folder,
but which one is copied depends on the value of the BIRD CONF argument. The value will be set in the
Compose file discussed later.
FROM seed_base_router

# Copy the bird configuration file

COPY ${BIRD_CONF} /etc/bird/bird.conf

# Delete the default routing entry and start BGP server

CMD ip route del default ; mkdir -p /run/bird && bird -d
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3.4 Docker Compose

In this task, we only have four containers, so manually managing and running them is doable. However,
as we get to the later tasks, the number of containers will significantly increase. For a more complicated
setup, having 20 to 30 containers is not uncommon. In addition to these containers, we also have to create
a number of networks, and assign IP addresses to each container. Manually managing all of these will be
quite difficult.
Docker provides a tool called Compose, which is for defining and running multi-container Docker ap-
plications. With Compose, we use a YAML file to configure our containers, such as creating networks,
assigning IP address to containers, configuring containers, etc. Then, with a single command, we can create
and start all the containers from our configuration.

The docker-compose.yml file. There are two main sections in a compose file. The services
section lists all the containers that we want to build, while the networks section lists all the networks
that we need to create. The following example lists the two networks needed in this task, while the service
entries are omitted.
version: "3"

... (omitted, will be discussed later) ...

- subnet:
name: seed-as150-net

- subnet:
name: seed-as151-net

The base image. The first two service entries are the base container images that we want to build first.
They are the bases for the other containers. The image entry specifies the name of the image. These names
are already built into the FROM entry in the Dockerfile of each container, so if we change the names
here, we need to change all of the Dockerfile files. These two containers do not play any role in the lab,
and they will immediately exit after starting. Only their images are used as the basis for the other containers.
As we mentioned before, we do this to avoid doing too many image pulls from the Docker Hub, which has
set limits for users.
build: ../Base_Images/router
image: seed_base_router
container_name: seed-base-router
command: " echo ’exiting ...’ " Ù The container exits immediately
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 5

build: ../Base_Images/host
image: seed_base_host
container_name: seed-base-host
command: " echo ’exiting ...’ " Ù The container exits immediately

Host container. We place one host in each autonomous system. The following service entry specifies the
host container for AS150.
build: ./host
image: seed-as-common-host Ù Name of the image
container_name: as150-host- Ù Name of the container
DEFAULT_ROUTER: Ù Used in Dockerfile’s CMD entry

We provide some further explanation in the following:

• build: <folder name>: This entry indicates the container’s folder name, and will use the
Dockerfile inside the folder to build the container.

• container name: This entry specifies the name for the container. For convenience, we include the
IP address of the container in the name, so we can easily know a container’s IP address from its name.

• environment: We specify a environment variable called DEFAULT ROUTER. As we have dis-

cussed before, this environment variable is used by the CMD entry of the Dockerfile.

• cap add: this entry assigns capabilities to container. In our setup, we assign ALL the capabilities
to the containers. This is because we need to conduct some operations inside container that are
privileged. The root account inside a container does not have the same privilege as the root in the host
machine. Granting all the capabilities to a container gives most of the real-root’s privileges to the root
inside the container.1

• The networks entry: It specifies the name of the networks that this container is attached to, along
with the IP address assigned to the container. You can attach multiple networks to a container. In
Tasks 2 and 3, you will find out that we attach two networks to the router containers (not for this task).

Router. In this task, for each autonomous system, we provide one BGP router. The following is the BGP
router container for AS150.
context: ./router
BIRD_CONF: as150_bird.conf Ù Used in Dockerfile
There are still something that the container-root cannot do, such as changing the sysctl parameters.
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 6

image: as150-router
container_name: as150-router-
- net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 Ù Enable IP forwarding

Most of entries are the same as those in the host container. We provide some further explanation in the

• The args entry: In this entry, we define an argument called BIRD CONF. This argument is used in
the Dockerfile, it specifies which of the bird configuration files should be copied into the container

• The sysctls entry: Since this container is used as a router, we need to enable its IP forwarding;
otherwise, it will not forward packets.

3.5 Running and Testing the Simulator

We can use the following commands to build the containers first, and then use the up command to start all
the containers. To stop and delete all the running containers, we can use the down command. Run these
command inside the same folder where you put docker-compose.yml, because by default, they will
look for this configuration file in the current folder.
// Build the containers
$ docker-compose build

// Start all the containers

$ docker-compose up

// Stop all the containers

$ docker-compose down

All the containers will run in the background. If we need to run some commands in a container, we just
need to first find out this container’s ID using the "docker ps" command, and then use the "docker
exec" command to run a bash shell inside the container. If we use the -it option, we will get the
interactive shell (a root shell). See the following.
$ docker ps
55ffedc5cc37 as150-router- ...
06d1693ad45f as151-host- ...
debedefdfe18 as151-router- ...
265c098a6e19 as150-host- ...

$ docker exec -it 265 /bin/bash

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For convenience. The printout of the "docker ps" command is quite long. Most of the information
in the printout is not very useful to us. We can use the --format option to limit the fields in the printout.
That will make the command quite long. Since we are going to use this command very frequently, we have
created the following alias in .bashrc in the SEED VM. Moreover, we are also going to run "docker
exec" very frequently, so we also want to create an alias for this command. Since it needs to take an
argument, we add a shell function definition in the .bashrc file.
alias dockps=’docker ps --format "{{.ID}} {{.Names}}" | sort -k 2’
docksh() { docker exec -it $1 /bin/bash; }

The "sort -k 2" command will sort the output based on the 2nd column. With the above alias and
function, we can simply do the following to list all the running containers.
$ dockps
265c098a6e19 as150-host-
55ffedc5cc37 as150-router-
06d1693ad45f as151-host-
debedefdfe18 as151-router-

With the IDs, we can now use the docksh function to run bash on a selected container. There is no
need to type the entire ID string; just type the first few characters, as long as they are unique.
$ docksh 26

Testing (Your Task). Please get into the host in AS150. Try to ping the router in the same AS, and also
ping the host in AS151. Please provide your observation (screenshots are required).
# ping
# ping

4 Task 2. Internet Exchange Point and Peering

From the previous task, we can see that although the containers can reach the machine within the same
autonomous system, they cannot reach the machine in the other autonomous system. This is because we
have not connected these two ASes yet. In this lab, we will connect them, so they can reach each other.

4.1 Task 2.1. Connecting the Cable

Two autonomous systems can either connect directly or indirectly (i.e., through another autonomous sys-
tem). In this task, we will connect two ASes directly. That means, their networks need to be physically
connected. This is called peering. Peering can be done privately at a data center where two ASes connects
with each other. Peering can also be done at a public place, which provides facilities for many ASes to
peer with one another. Such a public place is called Internet Exchange Point (IXP) or simply called Internet
Exchange (IX).
Internet Exchange in the real world could be quite complicated, but at its core is just a switch (a LAN).
Autonomous systems who want to peer with others in this facility will connect their BGP routers directly to
this LAN. In this task, we will set up an Internet Exchange in our simulator, and peer AS150 with AS151
inside it.
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To do that, both AS150 and AS151 need to place a BGP router inside the IX. They will be connected
to the LAN provided by the IX. For this IX, the network is These BGP routers also
connect to their own networks, so each of them has two network interfaces and two IP address. They are
specified in the Compose file. For convenience, we list their IP addresses in the following:
Router/Host Interface 1 Interface 2
AS150 Router
AS151 Router

The BGP configuration file for each BGP router is placed inside the ix100 folder. They will be used
when we build the container images for the BGP routers.

Task (Your Task). Run this simulator, and ping the AS151 host from the AS150 host, report your
observation, and provide the screenshots. Use the mtr command to do a traceroute and see where your
packets go.
# mtr -n

4.2 Task 2.2. Peering Directly

You will find out that the hosts inside AS150 and AS151 still cannot reach each other, even though at the
hardware level, their networks are connected via the IX100 internet exchange. Routers in these two ASes
still do not know the networks inside the other AS, or the networks that can be reached via the other AS.
This is because we are still missing the software component of the internet exchange. That is BGP,
which is considered as the “glue” of the Internet. In this task, we will set up BGP, so AS150 and AS151
can exchange information about their networks and the networks that they can reach. The information will
then be used by routers to route packets.
The software that we use for BGP is called BIRD. It already starts in each of the router containers. BIRD
takes the configuration file bird.conf from the /etc/bird/ folder. The following is the content of the
configuration file for AS150’s BGP router.

Listing 1: The bird.conf file for AS150

protocol device {

protocol direct {
interface "eth0";

protocol kernel {
import none;
export all;

To define a routing protocol in BIRD, we use the protocol keyword. BIRD supports many different
routing protocols, like BGP and OSPF. A protocol can import or export routes to the BIRD’s routing
table. For this lab, we will use either all or none. In future BGP labs, we will introduce filters here, so
you can set up rules to decide what routes can be imported or exported.
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 9

• The device protocol is not a real routing protocol. It doesn’t generate any route, nor does it
accept any route. It is only used to get information about the network interfaces from the kernel.
Without the device protocol, BIRD will know nothing about the network interfaces; it will not
even be able to run BGP, as it does not know how to reach BGP peer’s IP address. Therefore, this
block is mandatory.

• The direct protocol is for generating routes for the directly connected networks from a list of
interfaces. In the direct protocol block, the interface keyword is used to generate routes from
an interface. In this case, AS150’s bgp router uses eth0 to connect to AS150’s internal network
( Therefore, this direct protocol block will generate a routing entry for BGP will announce this network prefix to the peers.

• The kernel protocol is not a real routing protocol like BGP or OSPF. Instead of communicating
with other routers in the network, it connects BIRD’s routing table to kernel’s routing table. It is the
kernel’s routing table that is used in the actual routing, not BIRD’s routing table. This protocol is used
to set the kernel routing table using the routes received from BGP peers. Here import none means
BIRD’s routing table will not import anything from the kernel’s routing table; export all means
BIRD’s routing table will export all the routes to the kernel’s routing table. This is how BGP routers
set the routing table using the data collected from the BGP protocol.

Adding the BGP protocol to bird.conf. So far, we have shown how routes are generated and how
BIRD’s routing table can be used to set the kernel’s routing table, but we have not told BIRD to run the BGP
protocol. We add the following entry to bird.conf to run the BGP protocol on each BGP router:
protocol bgp {
import all;
export all;

local as 150;

neighbor as 151; Ù BGP peer

The local option in the BGP protocol sets the local IP address and ASN of the BGP session. The
syntax is "local [ip address] as <asn>". The [ip address] part is optional, but it makes
the configuration looks clearer and can prevent selecting the wrong IP address for the BGP session when
there are multiple IP addresses on the router. This IP address should be the one on the IX’s network.
The neighbor option in the BGP protocol sets the neighbor IP address and ASN of the BGP session.
This is the actual peering part. In this example, we set up a BGP session between AS150 and AS151, so
they can exchange route information using the BGP protocol. Similarly, the IP address here should be the
one on the IX’s network.

Testing (Your Task). Please add the "protocol bgp" block to both AS150’s and AS151’s BGP
routers inside IX100, so these two routers can establish a BGP session between themselves, and start ex-
changing route information. Start all the containers, and test whether the hosts inside these two autonomous
systems can reach each other. If you have done everything correctly, they should be able to reach each other.
Please provide screenshots and explanation.
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 10

4.3 Task 2.3. Peering via Route Server

In a public IXP, autonomous systems want to peer with many other autonomous systems. Let’s say we have
N autonomous systems, and they want to peer with one another. If we use the approach from the previous
task, each pair of ASes needs to set up a peering relationship. That will be quite complicated.
Most IXPs provide a mechanism to simplify this. They provide a special server called route server. All
these N autonomous systems will only need to peer with this route server. When the router server receives
a route from a participant over BGP, it re-distributes the routes to all other connected participants. The
route server function pretty much like multicast: any BGP route sent to the router server will be received by
everybody that peers with the route server.
It should be noted that route server is not a real BGP peer, and its behavior is different from a real BGP
peer. Most importantly, it does not add its own ASN to the path, nor does it change the nexthop attribute
of the route. It is transparent to other BGP routers, and will not affect the outcome of the BGP protocol.
Peering via a route server is equivalent to peering directly; its main purpose is solely to make peering among
many BGP routers easier.
In this task, we will modify the peering between AS150 and AS151, so they peer via a route server
provided by IX100. We only need to make one line of change. The route serve’s IP address in IX100 is
neighbor as 100; Ù Peer with the router server

BIRD configuration for router server. The router server needs to specify peers in its BIRD configuration
file. It should have an "protocol bgp" entry for each of its peer. Inside this entry, we added the "rs
client" option, which tells BIRD not to prepend the IX’s own AS number to the AS path, and not to
change the nexthop attribute of the AS path. This way, no information of the router server will be added
to the AS paths exchanged among its peers.
All these "protocol bgp" entries will have the same content, except for the neighbor option. In
the BIRD configuration, we can use template to simplify the configuration. We create a BGP template called
rs peer, and use it as the basis for all the "protocol bgp" entries.
template bgp rs_peer {
import all;
export all;
rs client;
local as 100;

protocol bgp from rs_peer {

neighbor as 150; Ù Peer with AS150

protocol bgp from rs_peer {

neighbor as 151; Ù Peer with AS151

Testing (Your Task). Please modify the "protocol bgp" block to both AS150’s and AS151’s BGP
routers inside IX100. Please also add the corresponding "protocol bgp" block to the router server.
Then start all the containers, do a traceroute from AS150’s host to AS151’s host, and explain your obser-
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 11

vation. More specifically, please compare the result with the one in the previous task, where we peer these
two ASes directly, without using the route server.

5 Task 3. Transit Autonomous System

So far, if two ASes want to connect, they will peer with each other at an Internet exchange point. The
question is how two ASes in two different locations get connected to each other. It is hard for them to find a
common location to peer. To solve this problem, a special type of AS is needed.
This type of AS have BGP routers in many Internet Exchange Points, where they peer with many other
ASes. Once packets get into its networks, they wll be pulled from one IXP to another IXP (typically via
some internal routers), and eventually hand it over to another AS. This type of AS provides the transit service
for other ASes. That is how the hosts in one AS can reach the hosts in another AS, even though these ASes
are not peers with each other. This special of AS is called Transit AS. In this task, we will add a transit AS
to our Internet Simulator.

5.1 Task 3.1. Peering at Multiple Internet Exchange Points

Here is the topology. AS2 is a transit AS. It peers with AS150 at IX100, and with AS152 at IX101. Its
goal is to provide transit services to these two ASes, so they can reach each other through AS2. The peering
relationship of AS150 and AS151 stays the same. The peering relationships are depicted in Figure 1. All
the files for this task can be found from the Task3 Transit folder.

IX100 IX101


AS150 AS151 AS152

Figure 1: Internet Simulator for Task 3

We need two BGP routers for AS2. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that these two routers are
on the same LAN ( . In the real world, that is usually not the case. The network and IP
address assignment are described in the following (information for AS150 and AS151 does not change).
Router/Host Interface 1 Interface 2
AS2’s Router @IX100
AS2’s Router @IX101

AS152’s Router @Ix101

AS152’s Host --
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Testing. Start all the containers. Try to ping 152’s host from AS150’s host, and also run a traceroute
between these two hosts. Please show your observation.
Run the "ip route" command on AS2’s BGP router, and see whether you see the entries to all the
ASes (AS2 connects to all the ASes in our topology). Here is a sample result on AS2’s router inside IX100.
You should show your own results on both AS2’s BGP routers.
# ip route dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth1 proto bird via dev eth1 proto bird

From the above result, you can see that AS2’s BGP router inside IX100 does not know how to route
to AS152’s network, even though AS2 does peer with AS152, but the peering is in a
different IXP. Although AS2 has already laid the cable to connect the BGP routers at these two IXPs, they
are not exchanging information. We are missing an important step.

5.2 Task 3.2. Adding Internal BGP Peering

Just like the peering of BGP routers from different autonomous systems, for the BGP routers in the same
autonomous systems to exchange information, they also need to peer with each other and run the BGP
protocol to exchange information. The BGP protocol conducted by the BGP routers inside the same AS is
called IBGP (Internal BGP).
When we establish a BGP session between two routers with the same ASN, it will be considered as an
IBGP session, and when the session is between two routers with different ASNs, the session is considered
as an EBGP session (External BGP). Therefore, the way to define an IBGP session is the same as defining
an EBGP session.
Let’s add the following peering to AS2’s BGP routers in both IX100 and IX101. In our setup, their
IP addresses are for the router in IX100 and for the router in IX101. The
following example is the entry for the router in IX100. You need to make some changes for the other router.
In the example, we give this BGP session a name called ibgp, but you can use any name.
protocol bgp ibgp {
import all;
export all;

local as 2;
neighbor as 2;

Notes. It should be noted that IBGP session has several different behaviors than the EBGP session.

• In IBGP sessions, when sending routes to peers, routers will not prepend their own ASN in the
AS PATH, and the nexthop attribute will not be altered either. In your lab report, please explain

• BGP routers will not forward the information collected from one IBGP peer to another; otherwise,
there will be a loop. This is because IBGP does not add their own information to the AS path, BGP
routers will not be able to know whether their peers already know the AS path or not. If forwarding is
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 13

enabled, a BGP router will keep forwarding information to their peers, creating loops. Because there
is no forwarding, typically, inside an AS, all IBGP peers will peer with one another.

Testing (Your Task). After making the required changes, run the Internet Simulator. Run the "ip
route" command on AS2’s BGP router, and see whether you see the entry to all the ASes (AS2 con-
nects to all the ASes in our topology). Here is a sample result on AS2’s router inside IX100. You should
show your own results on both AS2’s BGP routers.
# ip route dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth1 proto bird via dev eth1 proto bird
unreachable proto bird

This time, we do see an entry to AS152’s network. That is a progress compared to the previous exper-
iment, but the entry says “unreachable”. Let’s figure out why. Due to the IBGP session, now AS2’s BGP
router at IX100 has received the information about AS152’s networks. That is why we see the entry in the
kernel’s routing table.
In Task 3.5, you will learn a very useful utility birdc. If you run this utility to see the route information
obtained from the IBGP session, you will see the following:
# birdc
bird> show route all
... unreachable [ibgp 18:52:19 from] * (100/-) [AS152i]
Type: BGP unicast univ
BGP.origin: IGP
BGP.as_path: 152 hop:
BGP.local_pref: 100

Pay attention to the next hop attribute. This information comes from the BGP router in a different
IXP. As we mentioned in the note above, in IBGP sessions, routers will not change the next hop attribute
(in EBGP sessions, this attribute will be updated because the next hop changes). This attribute still refers
to the router located inside the IX101 network (, but the BGP router in IX100 is not
connected to that network; it does not know how to reach the network. That’s why it shows
unreachable. It needs to find out which router can help forward packets to this destination network.

5.3 Task 3.4. Adding Internal Routing

Routers inside an autonomous system need to communicate with each other, so they can tell each other what
networks they are connected to, so others can figure out the best path to get to those networks. That is what
was missing in the previous task.
This type of routing protocol is called IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol). There are several IGP protocols,
including OSPF (a link state routing protocol) and RIP (a distance-vector routing protocol). BIRD supports
both of them. In this task, we will only use the OSPF protocol.
Let us add the OSPF protocol to our BIRD configuration file. In the following, we create a "protocol
ospf" block and specify a table called t ospf. That means all the OSPF routing information will be stored
in this table. Inside the "protocol bgp ibgp" block, we tell BIRD to use the t ospf table to resolve
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 14

the nexthop for the route obtained from the internal BGP peers.
table t_ospf; # Define a new table

protocol bgp ibgp {

import all;
export all;

igp table t ospf;

local as 2;
neighbor as 2;

protocol ospf {
table t_ospf; # Without this entry, the "master" table is used.

import all;
export all;

area {
interface "eth0" {};
interface "eth1" { stub; };

Detailed configuration of OSPF can be quite complicated, and it is beyond the scope of this lab. An
area with ID 0 is called a backbone area. All other areas need to be connected to the backbone area. In
our configuration, we put all routes in the backbone area to make things simple. This particular BGP router
(AS2’s router in IX100) is connected to two networks, one through eth0 and the other through eth1.
Information from both networks will be included in the OSPF protocol, so others know how to reach
these two networks. However, while eth0 is connected to the internal network, eth1 is the interface used
by the router to connect to an outside network, the IXP’s network. This network is provided by IXP for
peering purposes. We do need to include this network in the OSPF protocol, so the internal router knows
how to reach this network. However, we will not run OSPF protocol with anybody on this network, because
they do not belong to AS2; they are outsiders. You do not want to leak the internal network information
to the outside; nor do you want the outsider to manipulate your internal routes using OSPF. Therefore, you
should not run the OSPF protocol with the routers on this external network. You only run OSPF with the
internal routers. That is why we use stub, meaning the information from this network will be used in the
OSPF protocol, but we will not run OSPF on this network.

Testing (Your Task). Make changes to the BIRD configuration files in both AS2’s BGP routers, and then
run the simulator. You may need to wait a little bit, because OSPF takes some time to run. Check the routing
table on AS2’s BGP routers, you should be able to see that machines from IX100 can reach the networks
in IX101. Conduct your experiments, provide your results, and explain your observations.
root@26aab6aab5d5:/# ip route
default via dev eth0 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth1 proto bird
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 15 via dev eth1 proto bird via dev eth0 proto bird

5.4 Task 3.5. Inspecting BGP

In this task, we will use tools to conduct further investigation on the BGP protocol. BIRD provides a
command-line utility called birdc, which can be used to interact with BIRD, to examine the routes and
sessions. It is quite easy to use. First, just get a shell on a router, and then type birdc. You will be in
BIRD’s interactive shell. A link to the birdc manual is provided on the lab’s website.
In BIRD’s interactive shell, pressing ? on your keyboard anytime, you can get helps related to the
current context. For example, if you type s ?, it will show you all the commands starting with the letter
s. Without the leading letter, it will show you all the commands. In this task, we are only going to use the
show, disable and enable commands.
The show command allows us to see detailed information of protocol and routes. The enable and
disable commands can be used to disable/enable protocols. In the following example, we first list all
the running protocols, and then disable the BGP session bgp1. You can see the differences in routing table
before and after.
bird> show protocol
name proto table state since info
kernel1 Kernel master up 14:22:49
device1 Device master up 14:22:49
direct1 Direct master up 14:22:49
bgp1 BGP master up 14:22:53 Established

bird> show route via on eth1 [bgp1 15:30:16] * (100) [AS2i] via on eth1 [bgp1 15:30:16] * (100) [AS150i] via on eth1 [bgp1 15:30:16] * (100) [AS151i] dev eth0 [direct1 14:22:50] * (240)

bird> disable bgp1

bgp1: disabled
bird> show route dev eth0 [direct1 14:22:50] * (240)

There are several useful options in the show commands. We summarize some of them in the following.
For detailed instructions, please read the manual listed on the lab’s website.

• show route all: print out detailed information about routes.

• show protocol all bgp1: print out detailed information about a BGP session (bgp1).

Sniffing BGP packet. To observe how the BGP protocol works, we can use Wireshark to capture all the
protocol packets. In our simulator, we have created many networks. Our hosting VM is actually attached
to all of these networks; that makes our lives much easy. The IP address assigned to our VM is .1. For
example, on the network created in the simulator, the IP address of our VM is
Therefore, if we want to capture the traffic on any particular network, we just need to select the correspond-
ing interface.
When we select interfaces inside Wireshark, we will see that the interface name cannot tell which net-
work it belongs to. We can run the "docker network ls" command to find the mapping, and then use
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 16

the mapping to select the correct interface in Wireshark.

$ docker network ls
537a85e6dfb8 seed_as2_net bridge local
16ba349d78a7 seed_as150_net bridge local
4f4061c87fcd seed_as151_net bridge local
6ccf69ad6c00 seed_as152_net bridge local

Your Tasks. Using birdc and Wireshark, please finish the following tasks.

• Run "show route" command on AS152 router, and explain what you see.

• Disable an BGP session and then enable it. Capture all the BGP packets using Wireshark, take a closer
look at those packets, and report your findings.

6 Task 4. Enlarging Our Internet Simulator

We have now learned how to build an Internet Simulator. Let us enlarge this simulator by adding more
components to it. We will add an IX (IX102), a new transit AS (AS3), and two stub ASes (AS160 and
AS161). Their peering relationship is depicted in Figure 2.

IX100 IX101 IX102


AS150 AS3 AS3 AS160

AS151 AS152 AS161

Figure 2: Internet Simulator for Task 4

The IP addresses for the BGP routers of the transit systems (AS2 and AS3) are already provided in the
following. They are based on our convention.
Router/Host Interface 1 Interface 2
AS2’s Router @IX100
SEED Labs – BGP Lab: Internet Simulator 17

AS2’s Router @IX101

AS2’s Router @IX102
AS3’s Router @IX101
AS3’s Router @IX102

For the network of other autonomous systems, students should pick some real networks (e.g., a real
company’s or university’s network). For example, belongs to Syracuse University, and
I can pick this network for AS150. Please be noted that students should pick their networks independently.
The chance for two students to pick the identical set of 5 networks is very low. If that does happen, the
instructor should pay a closer attention to the lab reports for potential plagiarism. Moreover, to make it hard
for students to use the work from the previous semesters, the instructor should randomly choose a network
ID for one of the autonomous systems, and change the choice every semester. Students should ask their
professors for the choice.
Please build this simulator, run it, and provide the testing results to show that your Internet Simulator is
functioning as expected. In the lab report, please show all the configuration files or contents that you add to
the BIRD, Docker, and Docker Compose.

7 Submission
You need to submit a detailed lab report, with screenshots, to describe what you have done and what you
have observed. You also need to provide explanation to the observations that are interesting or surprising.
Please also list the important code snippets followed by explanation. Simply attaching code without any
explanation will not receive credits.

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