Diffusion in A Catalyst Pellet: Background
Diffusion in A Catalyst Pellet: Background
Diffusion in A Catalyst Pellet: Background
We consider steady state diffusion in a spherical catalyst pellet. We write the species balance within the porous pellet as
“ ÿ Nj = Rj (1)
Here R j represents the rate of production of species j due to heterogeneous reaction and N j is the molar flux of species j. This
form of the species balance can be derived from the volume average form of the point form of the species balance equations- see
notes on averaging.
If we take the process to have azimuthal and polar symmetry, then the species balance in terms of spherical coordinates becomes
Ir2 Njr M = Rj
1 „
r2 „r
For notational convenience we will suppress the subscript r. The molar flux of species j is given by
Nj = Cj vj (3)
vj = v* + uj (4)
where v* is molar average velocity and u is the diffusional velocity. Because of the imposed symmetry we suppress the subscript r
for notational convenience and write the vector quantities as
vj = vjr er ª vj
v* = v*r er ª v* (5)
u = ur er ª uj
Within the pores of the pellet we assume the diffusion in Fickian with a suitable effective diffusivity for species j: j . Thus the
diffusion velocity becomes
uj = -j “ Cj (6)
uj ÿ er = -j “ Cj ÿ er
∂ Cj (7)
ur = -j
Within the catalyst pores we assume that convective effects are unimportant and so the species velocity is approximated by
vj = v* + uj º uj (8)
Invoking the approximation given by Eq. 8 and inserting Eq. 7 into Eq. 2 and taking the effective diffusivity to be constant we get
2 ReactionIsothermalPellets.nb
1 „ „ Cj
-j r2 = Rj (9)
r2 „ r „r
1 „ „ CA
A r2 - k CA = 0 (11)
r2 „ r „r
We will take the following boundary conditions to be imposed on CA
„ CA
BC2 : =0 at r=0
Dimensionless Variables
As our length scale we use the pellet‘s volume to surface ratio
Vp 3
p R3 R
a= = = (13)
SP 4 p r2 3
As our concentration scale we take C0A . Thus our dimensionless variables are
r CA
x= , = (14)
a C0A
In terms of these variables, the diffusion problem becomes
1 „ „
x2 - F2 = 0
x 2 „x „x
BC2 : =0 at x=0
where F= k a2 ë A is called the Thiele modulus and represents the ration of the rate of reaction to the rate of molecular
To solve Eq. 15 we introduce the following transformation
u HxL
HxL = (16)
then our ODE becomes
ReactionIsothermalPellets.nb 3
„2 u
- F2 u = 0 (17)
„ x2
The general solution is
3 Sinh HF xL
HxL =
x Sinh H3 FL
F =0.2
F =0.5
F =2
F =1
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
For large values of F , the reaction rate is large compared with the rate of molecular diffusion, and hence the reactant species is
converted to product before it can penetrate the pellet. For small values of F, the opposite is true. Now the reactant can penetrate
the pellet before it has a chance to react and thus the concentration of is almost uniform across the pellet.
Now ar the surface of the pellet, the rate of production of the reactant within the pellet must be balanced by the flux of reactant
through the outer surface of the pellet. If is the volume of the pellet, then the total rate of production of reactant in a pellet of
radius R is given by
XRAs \ ª ‡ RA HrL 4 p r2 „ r
XRAs \ = -S A
„ CA
„r r=R
XRAs \ = -
3 „ CA
R „r r=R
3 A C0A „
aR „x x=3
4 ReactionIsothermalPellets.nb
„ 3 F Cosh@F xD 3 Sinh@F xD
= -
„x x=3 x Sinh@3 FD x2 Sinh@3 FD x=3
1 1
=F -
Tanh@3 FD 3F
Substituting this result into Eq. 23 gives
XRAs \ = -
9 A C0A 1 1
F - (25)
R 2 Tanh@3 FD 3F
XRAs \ = -
k C0A 1 1
- (26)
F Tanh@3 FD 3F
Limiting Case
Consider the case when FØ 0. Then Tanh@3 FD º 3 F so that
„ 1 1 1
- = - 3 Csch@3 FD2
„x Tanh@3 FD 3F 3 F2 (28)
= 1 as F Ø 0
1 9 F2
3 Csch@3 FD2 º -1+ + O@FD3 as F Ø 0 (29)
3 F2 5
Effectiveness Factor
We define the effectiveness factor for the catalyst to be
XRAs \
XRAs \0
1 1 1
h= = - (31)
F Tanh@3 FD 3F
Thus when h º 1, the entire volume of the catalyst pellet is subject to a reaction rate at the concentration C0A because the reactant is
able to duffuse quickly through the pellet. In contrast when h<<1, only the region near the surface of the pellet achieves the high
reaction rate. In the interior of the pellet, the reactant concentration is effectively zero and is thus the catalyst not being utilized
fully. In short the pellet‘s diffusional resistance is large and this resistance lowers the overall production rate.
ReactionIsothermalPellets.nb 5
Thus when h º 1, the entire volume of the catalyst pellet is subject to a reaction rate at the concentration C0A because the reactant is
able to duffuse quickly through the pellet. In contrast when h<<1, only the region near the surface of the pellet achieves the high
reaction rate. In the interior of the pellet, the reactant concentration is effectively zero and is thus the catalyst not being utilized
fully. In short the pellet‘s diffusional resistance is large and this resistance lowers the overall production rate.
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
In summary when the Thiele Modulus is large, A is small relative to k and therefore the diffusional resistance is large and thus
the pellet is diffusion limited. The catalytic potential of the pellet is not being utilized. When the Thiele modulus is small (k is
small relative to ), the pellet is said to be reaction limited.
are told further that the density of the catalyst pellet is rc = 0.85 g ë cm3 and A = 0.007 cm2 ë s .
where the unit gcat is gram catalyst. Can we determine the production rate for A at T=450 K in a pellet with radius 0.15 cm? We
From the information given we can calculate the molar concentration of the reactant at the surface of the pellet
= -2.125 ä 10-5
cm3 ÿ s
From the definition of the effectiveness factor we have
6 ReactionIsothermalPellets.nb
XRAs \
XRAs \0
1 1 1
= -
F Tanh@3 FD 3F
XRAs \
1 1 1
= -
k C0A F Tanh@3 FD 3F
k = F2 A ë a2 (36)
XRAs \ a2 1 1
=F - (37)
A C0A Tanh@3 FD 3F
1 1
F - = 1.6062 (39)
Tanh@3 FD 3F
A calculation gives F=1.94 and from this value we can determine the rate constant from Eq. 36
k = F2 A ë a2 =
1.942 0.007
= 2.63452 s-1 (40)
If we have a catalyst pellet that is half the radius, then the Thiele modulus will be half as large. The effectiveness factor would be
ê. F Ø 1.94 ê 2
1 1 1
F Tanh@3 FD 3F
Hence by reducing the size of the pellet we get a 60% increase in the production rate. This is possible because the pellet is in the
diffusion limited regime so not all of the pellet‘s catalyst potential is being utilized and thus by reducing the radius of the pellet
one achieves better effectiveness.