Group 15 - Cultural Conflict
Group 15 - Cultural Conflict
Group 15 - Cultural Conflict
Class : 8C morning
I realize that in the preparation of this group assignment is still very far from
perfection, therefore we really expect criticism and advice and guidance from lecturers for
improvement in the future, hopefully this group assignment paper is useful for all.
PREFACE ............................................................................................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... ii
I. PRELIMINARY........................................................................................... 1
A. Backgorund and formulation of problem.................................................. 1
II. DISCUSSION................................................................................................ 2
A. Communication and culture ..................................................................... 2
B. Misinterpretation ...................................................................................... 5
C. Etnocentrism ............................................................................................. 6
D. Stereotypes and Prejudice ......................................................................... 7
Suppose that you’re planning to visit a part of the world about which you know very
little-except that it is quite different from your own country. You are sophisticated enough to
expect that the spoken language and probably some gestures will be different. You know, too
that customs will be different, but you are not sure exactly what this will mean. At least there
will be interesting thing to take pictures of or write home about. The climate and food will be
different of course, but these differences are attractions and are not really problems. Such is
the would-be tourist’s view of foreign culture.
From the moment you arrive, your [cultural and personal] background will influence
everything you expect [and] a great deal of what you do and do not do. Most of the people
you meet will be similarly influenced by their own backgrounds, culturally, socially, and
personally. If some of the people you meet think you act a little strangely, they may never
know whether you are peculiar, or whether most people from your country are strange, or
whether all ‘foreigners’ are strange.
Most of what you do [in a foreign country] will be “what comes naturally”-which
means what you have always done or seen others do back home. Most of our behavior is
outside of our awareness so that “normal behavior” means behavior according to norms of
our culture and not what is done everywhere or done “naturally.” Still, to the extend that you
are aware possibilities of different behavior in the land you are visiting, you may be
unusually self-conscious of some or this “normal behavior”.
B. Misinterpretation
Problem and misinterpretations do not result every time members from two cultures
communicate. However, when cultural conflicts do arise, they may be perceived as personal
rather than cultural. In the following example it is a cultural misunderstanding that creates
negative feelings and confusions:
A young woman from one culture is looking out of the window and sees a male
acquaintance from another culture. He signals to her by puckering his lips. She quickly looks
away from the window. Later she ignores him. He is confused and she is angry.
The misunderstanding was due to the woman’s failure to understanding the man’s
nonverbal signal. In her culture, his gesture conveys a sexual advance. According to his
culture, he was only saying (nonverbally “Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.” The
woman’s misinterpretation resulted in her angry reaction and his confusion. If the two had
known more about each other’s nonverbal cues, they could have avoided the cultural conflict.
probably an insult signal meaning “up yours” or “sit on this” when the thumb is
jerked sharply upwards. In Greece, its main meaning is “get stuffed”. In Italy, when
people count from one to five, they use the thumb to mean “one” and the index
finger becomes “two”. In Australia, America, England and Indonesia, people count
“one” on the index finger and two on the middle finger, hence, the thumb will be
number five. In Indonesia, the thumb gesture means good job or response to
someone who has completed an excellent job. It also means “delicious” when we
taste delicious food. In Indonesia, if we want to stop the public transportation to
take us to a certain place, we use the index finger to stop it, not the thumb.
g) The V sign has an “up yours” interpretation in Australia, New Zealand, and Great
Britain. The palm faces towards the speaker for the insult version. In USA, the V
sign means victory but the two fingers and the palm face out. In Indonesia, whether
the palm faces towards the speaker or the palm faces out, the V sign means number
h) Scratching the head can mean a number of things-dandruff, fleas, sweating,
uncertainty, forgetfulness or lying. It depends on the other gestures or the situations
that happen at the same time. If the student scratches his head when he answers the
question given by the teacher, scratching the head can mean that he forgets or he is
not sure about the answer.
i) Someone is sitting at a bus terminal with arms and legs tightly crossed and chin
down and it is raining, it may mean that he feels cold, not defensive. If the person
uses the same gesture while we are sitting across a table from him trying to sell him
an idea or product, it can mean that he is negative or defensive about the situation.
j) If a boy is introduced to a pretty and charming girl and he winks one of his eyes, it
can be interpreted that the boy likes her or the boy is interested in further
relationship with her.
k) If we feel disappointed, we usually put our fist under our chin.
l) If we want to get the attention of a pretty or charming girl who passes in front of us
(a group of boys), we can whistle.
m) In USA, beckoning people to come with the palm up is common or acceptable,
however, in the Philiphines, Korea, and parts of Latin America as well as other
countries the same gesture is considered rude. In some countries, only an animal
which can be beckoned with the palm up. In Indonesia, when we want to beckon
someone we extend one arm in front of us and, with the palm down, wave to the
person to come.
n) Eye contact is important because it shows intimacy, attention, and influence. In
general, Indonesian makes less eye contact with strangers in big cities than in small
towns. In Indonesian small town, it usual for two strangers walking each other to
make eye contact, smile and perhaps say “Hi !”, “Good Morning” or even “Where
are you going”.
C. Ethnocentrism
In the following example, Rosamine and Merita demonstrate that they can not
understand each other’s point of view. Rosamine and Merita are talking to each other about
relationship between children and parent. In Rosamine’s culture children live with their
parent untill marriage because dependece on parents is considered positive. In Merita’s
culture children leave home when they are eighteen because independence and self-reliance
are considered positive.
ROSAMINE :I think it’s terrible that in your country children leave their parents
when they’re so young. Something that shock me even more is that many parents want their
children leave home. I can’t understand why children and parent don’t like each other in your
MERITA : In your country parent don’t allow their children to become independent.
Parents keep their children protected until that children get married. How are people in your
country supposed to learn about life that way?
Both women are insensitive to each other’s values concerning family life. They have
been raised and conditioned according to cultural norms. Therefore, each has different view
of what is right.
Sometimes negative reactions do not result from actual interaction but rather from the
fixed, preconceived beliefs we have other people. This over generalized beliefs or
“stereotypes” frequently shape people’s perception of each other.
Stereotypes originate and develop from numerous sources such as jokes, textbooks,
movie, and televison. Movies about cowboys and Indians portray cowboys as “civilized’ and
Indians as wild and ‘primitive”. A child who knows about the American Indian only through
watching these movies will have distorted and false image of this group of people.
Stereotypes perpetuate inaccuracies about religious, racial, and cultural groups.
Stereotypical beliefs prevent us from seeing as individuals with unique characteristics.
Negatives stereotypes lead to prejudice suspicion, intolerance, or hatred of other cultural
groups. The close relationship between prejudice and stereotypes is illustrated in the
following example.
Mr. Bias...
Ambitious applicant. Later , he discovers that this applicant is from the country of
levadel ( a rictitious nation). Since he thinks that all levadelians are stupid and lazy, he
decides to select someone else for the position.
Unfortunately there was nothing that this applicant could have done to prove that he
was indeed qualified for the job. Rejected on the basis of his nationality, the applicant was a
victim of an irrational belief.
Stereotypical remarks can be made casually in daily conversations and may or may
not have serious consequences. Nevertheless, people’s initial impulse is to become angry
rather than to clarify the distortion. Educating others is one way to try to correct
misperceptions. At the same time, individuals need to become fully aware of their own
preconceptions. Establishing personal relationship with individuals from different religions,
cultures, or races may be the best way to break down stereotypes and prejudice.
A. Conclusion
We can make a little conclusion, cultural conflict occur as a result misinterpretations,
ethnocentrism, stereotypes, and prejudice. Preventing these conflicts is possible with
increased awareness of our own attitudes as well as sensitivity to cross cultural differences.
Developing intercultural sensitivity does not mean we need to lost our cultural identities but
rather that we recognize cultural influences within ourselves and within others.
B. Suggestion
We are aware of this paper is still far from perfection, so from that advice and
constructive criticism so we still expect our next order of writing paper to make it better.
Porter, Richard, and Larry Samovar, eds. Intercultural Communication A Reader 2end ed.
Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth,1976.1981
Samovar, L.R. Porter, and Nemi Jain, Understanding Intercultural Communication. Belmont,
Calif.: Wadsworth, 1981