Midterm Test Reference-Introduction To Law
Midterm Test Reference-Introduction To Law
Midterm Test Reference-Introduction To Law
a. plaitiff
b. defendant
c. respondent
d. claimant
a. judges must follw earlier decisions of their fellow judges from the same courts
b. judges must fillow decisions of overseas courts to increase their legal knowledge
c. earlier decisions of lower courts are binding upon higher courts (in the same court hierarchy) where
there are casces with similar/identical facts.
d. earlier decisions of higher courts are binding upon lower courts ( in the same court hierarchy) where
there are cases with similar/identical facts.
7) The standard of proof required in a criminal matter is:
a. Beyond reasonnable doubt
b. Beyond the balance of possibilities
c. Unanimous
d. On the balance of probabilities
8) A minimum number of members provided for by the Civil code 2005 is:
a. 2 members
b. 3 members
c. 4 members
d. 5 members
9) The standard of proof required in a civil matter is:
a. beyond reasonable doubt
b. Beyond the balance of possibilities
c. Unanimous
d. On the balance of probilities
10) In Vietnam, a Minister has right to issue:
a. Decrees
b. Circulars
c. Ordinances
d. Decisions
II.Short answers.
1. Please indicate the component of legal norm:Unless otherwise agreed, and where the contrct only
provides for a time limit for deliver of goods and does not tetermine a specific time for delivery of
goods, and the seller delivers goods before the expiration of such time but in insufficient quantity or
goods not appropriate to the contract, the seller may still deliver the deficit quantity of goods or
provide substitute goods which are appporpriate to the contract or remedy the inappropriateness of the
goods within the remaining duration”
2. A karaoke refuses to stop receiving gusets after 11 pm because A claims thahta a has the freedom to
do business as stipulated in the civil Code 2005. Is what A claims correct?
3. In remote areas, people used to name their children udly in order that their children shall be ignored
by bad evils. When their children have grown up, ugly names have shown negative effects on their life.
Is it able for them to change their name legally?
4. Imagine s 22 of the TAPE Education Act 2002 in your jurisdiction makes it an offence “ to bring any
concealed notes, sketches, books or aids relevant to the examination into an examination room”. What
are your opinion for the following situations:
a. Mr. a is caught in an exam room receiving instructions over a mini radio hidden in his shirt
b. Ms. B writes down some not during an exam, She finishes early and leaves the notes on her desk.
Loy, another exam candidate, is caught reading them.
-The end-