Project Title: Consumer Perception Towards Amul Product in Srinagar

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Name: Dawood Zahoor

M.B.A 4th SEM

Reg. No. 19Q1CMD039
Project Title: Consumer Perception Towards Amul
Product in Srinagar


The objectives of the study are as follows:
1. To study the consumer perception towards Amul Products at Srinagar.
2. To identified the brand loyalty of consumer towards Amul Products at Srinagar.
3. To identify the factor that influences the consumer behavior while selecting a particular
brand at Srinagar.



In this research a Questionnaire has been used for Primary data collection. Primary data has been
collected directly from sample respondents through questionnaire and with the help of interview
from the respondents who belong to various sectors of the society. The respondents, includes
business mans, service class people, and students.


The secondary data has been collected from the following modes:

 Data through internet source.

 Through the research paper and books also

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to
the technique or the procedure that researcher would adopt in selecting items from sample.
Sampling plan may as well lay down the member of items to be inched in the sample i.e. the
size of sample. Sampling plan is determined before data are collected.

 Sample Size: 50 respondents

 Sample Area – Srinagar
 Sampling Technique: Convenience Sampling

Limitations of the study:

1. Limited area and time period.

2. Sampling technique is convenience.
3. Some respondent were not willing to give the answer.
4. Sample size is 50 which are very small due to present pandemic situation.
5. Respondent view may be biased.


People have very favorable attitude towards the amul products and they love to consume them
but this project is undertaken to know whether people have favorable attitude towards different
products of amul or not. Different product of amul are available in the market, are they really
being purchased by any customer?

So to know all these things it is necessary to carry out this study.

My research is regarding the Consumer Perception Towards Amul Product , which will help
the company to know about the feeling of the consumers towards their brand ,how much people
consume them and what they think about them, apart from it will tell what people think about
the different factors attached to them like quality, packaging etc . Finally if someone
(manufacturer) wants to enter in this segment whether it is favorable to him/her to enter in this
segment or not, whether it can earn the profits or not, secondly which product manufacturer will
produce so that the there should be maximum profits with customer satisfaction and last but not
least which product should manufacturer produce so that it can be sell in the market without any




Q.1) How long are you aware of the product of amul?

1.) Before 6 month

2.) Before 1 year

3.) Before 2 year

4.) Over 2 years

Q.2) how did you come to know about amul product?

1.) Television 2.)Newspaper

3.) Banners 4.)Friends and others

Q.3) which of the product of amul do you consume?

1.) Amul Butter

2.) Amul milk

3.) Amul powder milk

4.) Amul cheese

5.) Others

Option Very high high average low Very low

1.) Price

2.) Packaging

3.) Availability

4.) Taste

5.) Quality

Q.4) priorities you’re making on the basis of factor which influence by amul product.

Q.5) what is your opinion about amul price?

1.) Very costly

2.) Costly

3.) Cheap

4.) Average

Q.6) what is the quality of amul product?

1.) Good

2.) Average

3.) Poor
Q.7) how do you rate amul comparison with other product?

1) Very poor

2) Poor

3) Average

4) Good

5) Excellent

Q.8) Do you feel amul milk enhance the richness of tea/ coffee?

1.) Yes

2.) No

Q9.) How much are you satisfied with the taste of amul product?

1.) Extremely Dissatisfied

2.) Dissatisfied
3.) Neutral
4.) Satisfied
5.) Extremely Satisfied

Q10.) Rate the following factor with respect to amul product?

1) Very Poor
2) Poor
3) Fair
4) Good
5) Excellent

products 1 2 3 4 5

Amul Butter

Amul milk

Amul powder milk

Amul cheese


Q11.) Which size of packaging do you prefer more?

1.) Very small

2.) Small

3.) Medium

4.) Large

5.) Very large

Q12.) How do you differentiate amul with other brand in term of (mark any one)

1.) Quality

2.) Services provided

3.) Customer relation

4.) Health conscious

5.) Any other

Q13.) At what extent the technology has influenced your buying behavior?

1.) Most

2.) Some what

3.) Don’t know

4.) Not

5.) Not at all

Q14.) Which product comes to your mind when you think of amul?
1.) Amul Butter

2.) Amul milk

3.) Amul powder milk

4.) Amul cheese

5.) Others

Q15) what is the average consumption of milk per day?

1) 1litre
2) 2-4 litre
3) more than 4 litre

Q16) Do the various schemes/ promotional activities affect your purchase plans?

1) Yes

2) No

Q17) which configuration would you decide on while buying an Amul product?

1) Intermediaries

2) Standard

3) Latest/ Advanced

Q18) How often do you buy products of Amul?

1) Daily

2) Monthly

3) Weekly

4) Occasionally

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