Voltage Regulator

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Voltage Regulator

Voltage Regulator

A voltage regulator generates a fixed output voltage of a preset

magnitude that remains constant regardless of changes to its input
voltage or load conditions

A voltage regulator is a combination of elements designed to

ensure that the output voltage of the supply remains constant
Types of Regulator
Types of Voltage Regulators
A device which maintains the output voltage of an ordinary power supply constant
irrespective of load variations or changes in input AC voltage is known as a voltage
There are basic two types of regulators: series voltage regulator and shunt voltage
The series regulator is placed in series with the load as shown in fig (i). On the other
hand, the shunt regulator is placed in parallel with the load as shown in Fig.(ii).
Each type of regulator provides an output voltage that remains constant even if the
input voltage varies or the load current changes.
Transistor Series Voltage Regulator
Fig shows a simple series voltage regulator using a transistor and a Zener diode.
The circuit is called a series voltage regulator because the load current passes through
the series transistor Q1 as shown in the fig.
The unregulated DC supply is fed to the input terminals and the regulated output is
obtained across the load. The Zener diode provides the reference voltage.
The base voltage of transistor Q1 is held to a relatively constant voltage across the zener
For example, if 8V Zener (i.e. VZ= 8V) is used, the base voltage of Q1 will remain
approximately 8V.
Referring to fig Vout = Vz – VBE
When Vin ↑ Vout ↑ VBE ↓ IL ↓ Vout ↓

Vin ↓ Vout ↓ VBE ↑ IL ↑ Vout ↑

Transistor Series Voltage Regulator

1. If the output voltage decreases, the increased base-emitted voltage causes transistor
Q1 to conduct more, thereby raising the output voltage. As a result, the output voltage
is maintained at a constant level.
2. If the output voltage increases, the decreased base-emitter voltage causes transistor Q1
to conduct less, thereby reducing the output voltage. Consequently, the output voltage
is maintained at a constant level.
The advantage of this circuit is that the changes in zener current are reduced by a factor β.
Therefore the effect of zener impedance is greatly reduced and much more stabilized
output is obtained.

1. Although the changes in zener current are
much reduced, yet the output is not
absolutely constant. It is because both VBE
and Vz decrease with the increase in room
2. The output voltage cannot be changed
easily as no such means is provided.
Working :Transistor Shunt Voltage Regulator

When Vi ↑ Vout ↑ VBE ↑ IB & IC ↑ IL ↓ Vout ↓

Vi ↓ Vout ↓ VBE ↓ IB & IC ↓ IL ↑ Vout ↑

Transistor Shunt Voltage Regulator
A shunt voltage regulator provides regulation by shunting current away from the load
to regulate the output voltage. Fig shows the circuit of shunt voltage regulator.
The voltage drop across series resistance depends upon the current supplied to the load
RL. The output voltage is equal to the sum of zener voltage (Vz) and transistor base-
emitter voltage (VBE) i.e. Vout = Vz +VBE

If the RL decreases, the current

through base of transistor decreases.
As a result, less collector current is
shunted. Therefore, the load current
becomes larger, thereby maintaining
the regulated voltage across the load.
Reverse happens should the load
resistance increase.

1. A large portion of the total current through Rs flow through transistor rather than to
the load.

2. There is considerable power loss in Rs .

3. There are problems of overvoltage protection in this circuit.

For these reasons, a series voltage regulator is preferred over the shunt voltage
Voltage Regulation
The d.c. voltage available across the output terminals of a given power supply depends
upon load current.

If the load current Idc is increased by decreasing RL , there is greater voltage drop in the
power supply and hence smaller d.c. output voltage will be available.

Reverse will happen if the load current decreases.

The variation of output voltage with respect to the amount of load current drawn from the
power supply is known as voltage regulation and is expressed by the following relation
In a well designed power supply, the full-load voltage is only slightly less than no-load
voltage. i.e, voltage regulation approaches zero.

Therefore, lower the voltage regulation, the lesser the difference between full-load and
no-load voltages and better is the power supply.

Power supplies used in practice have a voltage regulation of 1% i.e. fill-load voltage is
within 1% of the no-load voltage.

Fig shows the change of d.c. output

voltage with load current. This is known as
voltage regulation curve
Line regulation

Line regulation is defined in percentage and percentage per volt (%/V).

To define Line regulation in percentage, it is the ratio of change in output voltage to

change in the input line

Line voltage can be explained in percentage per volt (%/V)

Load regulation

Load regulation can be defined as the percentage change in output voltage for a given
change in load current or load resistance

It is also expressed as a percentage change in output voltage [from no-load (NL) to

full-load(FL)] for the full-load voltage

For good power supply load regulation should be less


If the d.c. output voltage is 400V with no-load attached to power supply but
decreases to 300V at full-load ,find the % voltage regulation

A power supply has a voltage regulation of 1%. If the no-load voltage is 30V,what is
the full-load voltage?


Two power supplies A & B are available in the market. Power supply A has no-load and
full-load voltages of 30V and 25V respectively whereas these values are 30V and 29V
for power supply B. Which is better power supply?

Therefore, power supply B is better than power supply A

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