Parents Participation Towards The Modular Learning To Grade 11 Students of IACCESS S.Y. 2020-2021

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Parents Participation Towards the Modular

Learning to Grade 11 Students of IACCESS

S.Y. 2020-2021


In a distance learning approach, parents would have to play an active role in

the learning process. They would be the one to facilitate and guide their children

through the modular lessons that would be sent to students while doing remote

learning. The modular situates Filipino students to learn in the comfort of their

homes. Limited contact with teachers will place parents or guardians as the learner’s


Parents are their first teachers in education, they are home facilitators; the

“TAGAPAGDALOY” (Channel), but they will not teach the subject matter. The

parent’s primary role in modular learning is to establish a connection a guide the

child. Parents or Guardians would be responsible for interacting with stake holders to

acquire the various materials and resources needed by the learner.

Parents now have the important task of ensuring that their children receive quality

education without compromising their safety. Although education takes a major hit as

classrooms are forced to close their doors to eager students, count less parents are

stepping up to support their children who are adjusting to the new set up for the

incoming school year.

The researchers choose this topic because as what the people are facing the new

normal, it has a big impact to the world. In order to continue the educational system

of the students with the help of the parent-participation parents-children help each

other to learn. The researcher conducted this topic to know how effective it is to learn

with the participation of the parents towards the education of their children through


Background of the study

With the progress and development of modular learning, the grade 11

students are learning self-learning modules, modular learning is the most preferred

learning system that let you create a variety of knowledge to improve your own

mindset. Modular learning is an emerging trend educational thinking that shifts

traditional method of instruction to an outcome-based learning paradigm.

Modularization is based on the principles of dividing the curriculum into small

discrete modules or units that are independent, nonsequential, and typically short in

duration. design and the management process of the course, and the construction of

activities and organizational structures that lead to a proper environment for distance

learning. Identifying the extent to which online interactions demonstrate meaningful student

learning Moreover, distance learning is not a new fact phenomenon, its popularity has

increased the interest and visibility in distance learning as a new method of research and

learning to enhance the audiences (Gasevic, Kovanovic, Joksimovic & Siemens, 2014). In

addition, the line between distance education and traditional education has become blurred,

as many establishments have incorporated blended learning into their programs and

courses. Some on-campus classes, using a blended approach, also incorporate

opportunities for online discussions so that student conversations can continue beyond the
classroom (Jacobs, Renandya, & Power, 2016). Online learning platforms can potentially

increase student engagement and interactivity, thus contributing toward enhancing

students’ satisfaction with distance learning (Garrison, 2011; Harasim, 2012). The issue to

be explored here is the design and structure of online discussion, and attention also needs

to be given to the course becomes crucial to understanding the learning potential that is

afforded through such things as online discussion forums.

Theoretical Framework

The development of new technologies has promoted an astounding growth in

distance education, both in the number of students enrolling and in the number of

universities adding education at a distance to their curriculum (Garrison, 1990).

While the application of modem technology may glamorize distance education,

literature in the field reveals a conceptually fragmented framework lacking in both

theoretical foundation and programmatic research. Without a strong base in research

and theory, distance education has struggled for recognition by the traditional

academic community. Distance education has been described by some (Garrison,

1990; Hayes, 1990) as no more than a hodgepodge of ideas and practices taken

from traditional classroom settings and imposed on learners who just happen to be

separated physically from an instructor. As distance education struggles to identify

appropriate theoretical frameworks, implementation issues also become important.

These issues involve the learner, the instructor, and the technology. Because of the

very nature of distance education as learner-centered instruction, distance educators

must move ahead to investigate how the learner, the instructor, and the technology

collaborate to generate knowledge. Distance education is a concept that covers the

learning-teaching activities in the cognitive and/or psycho-motor and affective

domains of an individual learner and a supporting organization. It is characterized by

non-contiguous communication and can be carried out anywhere and at any time,

which makes it attractive to adults with professional and social commitments

(Holmberg, 1989, p. 168).

Garrison and Shale (1987) include in their essential criteria for formulation of a

distance education theory the elements of noncontiguous communication, two-way

interactive communication, and the use of technology to mediate the necessary two-

way communication. Moore (1983) developed this theory of distance learning

programs to investigate two variables: students’ autonomy and the distance between

students and teachers (Hanson et al., 1997). Transitional Distance theory mainly

describes the learner and the educator/teacher relationship. The transactional

distance is essential, according to Moore’s understanding, because the perception is

grounded in distance learning within a social structure, not in its traditional form. The

second element of Moore’s theory involves the autonomy of the student, as the

distance between him and his teacher means that the student must adopt

responsibility for his own learning.

Conceptual Framework

On the basis of the principles of constructivism as a learning theory,

constructive alignment and the element of effective learning opportunities as a

conceptual framework was developed to guide education on how to design themes

for modules that would promote transfer of learning

The conceptual framework consists four steps- the activation of existing

knowledge, engagement with now information, demonstration of competences, and

application in real-world practice. (Refer to inner circle Figure 2). Criteria for

successful implement can be identified for each of these steps.( Refer to the four
squares in Figure 2.) These four steps or phrase are dependent on two principles

within a community of learning. The four steps have as their objective the transfer of


Statement of the Problem

1. What are the benefits you get from distance learning or modular learning?

2. How does modular learning affects students?

3. What is the effectiveness of modular learning?

4. What noticeable development did the students get in modular learning?

5. What is the purpose of modular learning?

The null hypothesis in this study were tested 30% margin of error and 70%

level of confidence.

1. Modular classes have a big impact to the students who are working for

their own financial.

2. The following changes are the importance of time management of the

working students.

3. The view of the working students have no significance to the impact of the

modular distance classes.

Significance of the study

This study aims to know why parents participate towards the modular

learning to grade 11 students of IACCESS S.Y. 2020-2021. The findings of this study

will prove beneficial to the following individuals. 

To the student

This study will help the students to know why parents participate on

answering their module. 

To the Parents

This study will help the parents how to facilitate and guide their children

through the modular lessons that would be sent to students while doing remote
learning and understand the effects when they help the students towards their


To the Teachers

As the teachers learn that parents participates on the students modules

and why they do it, they can help the students to lessen their workload and not to be

strict in grading them, considering that some of the students have hard time learning


Scope and Limitation

The study will focus on the modular learning of the grade 11 student.

By doing more explanation, data gathering, analyzing and further study on the topic

the researchers may get the saturated answers on what the grade 11 students

modular learning in IACCESS. The target audience will be those students who are

knowledgeable in our study.

Definition of Terms

Modular learning is said to have a big effect on the grade 11 students from

age 16-17 years old (male or female). This study helps the grade 11 students to be

knowledgeable about the modular learning that our DepEd conducted. To further

more understanding about contents of this research paper, here are some key words

to help you out:

Modular learning- is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning

Modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS)

provided by DepEd

Distance learning - a method of studying in which lectures are broadcast or classes

are conducted by correspondence or over the internet, without the student's needing

to attend a school or college. Also called distance education.

Learning- is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors,

skills, values, attitudes, and preferences.

Students- a person who is studying at a school or college.



Parents have always played a crucial role in their children’s emotional and

intellectual development. They serve as their children’s first teachers, and give them

stepping stones they need to adopt to lie in school. As the coronavirus pandemic

puts face to face learning to a half, parents find themselves of the front liners to

education once more. Parents now have the important task ensuring that their

children receive quality education without compromising their safety. Although

education takes a major hit as classrooms are forced to close their doors to eager

students, countless parents are stepping up to support their children who are

adjusting to the new step-up for the incoming school year. One of the literation’s of

blended learning combines online distance learning and modular distance learning,

when printed modules and other learning materials are set to be delivered by local

government units and schools to the student’s homes. Parents will be guided their

children so that they can complete their lessons at home. When parents and children

collaborate in learning activities, bonding between parents and children increases as

they are able to spend much more time together. Such instances allow parents to

become source of comfort increasing pain and worry and engage in conversation

with their children to help them in alliciating their anxiety. It has been recommended

that parents should be taught interventions on how to provide emotional support to

children at times of uncertainly (Alexander,2019).

Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses self-learning

modules, based on the most uses essential learning competencies, provided by

DepEd. The modules include sections on motivation and essential that serve as a

complete guide of both teacher’s and students desired competencies. The modular

approach situates Filipino students to learn in a comfort of their homes. Limited

contact with the teachers will place parents or guardians as the learner’s model or

the “more knowledgeable other” (Hattie,2020).

According to my group a distance learning approach parents would have to

play an active role in the learning approach. They would be the one to facilitate and

guide their children through the modular lessons that would be sent to students while

doing remote learning.

Distance learning presents incredible challenges and opportunities for

teachers, parents, and students this year’s changing circumstances call for great

flexibility and resilience as learning moves from home to school and back again.

Everyone’s circumstances are different. More focused and independent learning

than others. Even very digitally young people may struggle with educational

technology. While some aspects of an ACS education may not transfer easily to

outline environment, students often learn new skills and develop important personal

and academic competencies in distance learning environments (Garcia, 2021)



This chapter represents the methodology used in the study. The purpose

of this chapter is to give enough information and how the study was done. This

includes the research design, local of the study, and data gathering procedure.

Research Design

This study is a qualitative research; qualitative research is primarily

exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reason,

opinions, and motivation. It also helps to develop ideas of hypothesis, provides

insight to the problem which is the participation towards the modular learning to

grade 11 students of IACCESS S.Y. 2020-2021.

Local of the Study

This study is conducted at Iligan Access is located at 3 rd floor Deleste Bldg.

Corner, Badelles St. Super market, Palao, Iligan City. The researcher conducted the

study in order to help and inform the student or young people what could be the

ways towards the modular learning to grade 11 students of IACCESS S.Y. 2020-

Data Gathering Procedure

In conducting the survey we used some instruments or tools to gather the

information. To conduct the survey the researcher used the social media

connections to communicate to the respondents, we sent some survey questionnaire

using google survey to gather their data and analyze it.

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study are Parents’ Participation Towards the Modular

Learning of Grade 11 students of IACCESS S.Y.2020-2021. The target respondent

are the Parents participation that may affect their academic performance. There are

6 respondents, 3 male and 3 female the respondents are knowledgeable to this

topic. They are 16-17 years old from TVL and ABM strand.

Sampling Procedures

As a researcher we need to know who are the persons that we need to

interview and what places are related to our topic. That’s why in our research which

is the parents’ participation towards the modular learning of grade 11 student of

IACCESS S.Y. 2020-2021 we have asked and interviewed those people that is

knowledgeable to our study. In qualitative research we need to use nonprobability

sampling strategy. We have used a purposive sampling. By using purposive

sampling we need to asked those people that are only knowledgeable through our

Instrument Used

In order to have an interview we need to analyze what are the tools or

instruments that we as the researcher needs. We have used interview guide through

Google survey as our instrument to gather the information of our respondents. In

terms of technology we have used computer, cellphone and internet connection to

collect the answers of those people that we have sent our survey.

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