Paper of Curriculum Develpoment and Instruction
Paper of Curriculum Develpoment and Instruction
Paper of Curriculum Develpoment and Instruction
Program : MA/M.ed
AIOU Islamabad
Q.No.1. How National development is linked with curriculum
development in Pakistan? Also discuss problems in curriculum
development process and give probable solutions.
Education plays a vital role in nation building. Federal ministry of education is responsible for
the national cohesion, integration, and preservation of the ideological foundation of states.
In advance socialize; science and education are main development factors. This is on the
grounds that schooling basically animates the nature of human resources on which
depend the fruitful utilization of accessible regular assets and financial capital of a
country. This is why some little countries, which are rather poor in natural resources can
be explained by their development policy, which has promoted science and education,
making their national development priorities.
So in Pakistan, the concerned bodies are trying to develop the science and research so that with
the help of curriculum Pakistan can develop more than anything else. In Pakistan there are
different top ranked universities that are working on science and make a valuable research in
every field of life that I helpful to develop the Pakistan. Out government have started some
educational training by TEVTA.
In Pakistan there are also some good reputed universities that are working in medical field to
develop the Pakistan in good means. There are some good reputed universities are, AGHA
COOOLEGE, these institutes are now working on medical research.
Economical problems:
When a new change makes in curriculum there is need of financial support to get the material for
that change but in Pakistan this facility is not available. Our institutions are working on so old
means of education.
Political interference:
Educations needs to be left freely without any interference of politics, every one that attain
power that uses for his own interest that is seems like the education frustration. If this will
continue in Pakistan curriculum then Pakistan education will get suffer.
Inadequate evaluation:
The overall practice in Pakistan is that educational program is reshaped however the assessment
framework assists the educator with focusing on showing the understudies the assessment
deceives instead of on getting an advantageous change understudies' conduct.
Disapproval of society:
Pakistan acquired its educational program designs from the pilgrim rulers. The same example is
being utilized with minor, changes. As it is conflicting with the cultural requirements it is normal
opposed by the general public.
Education prepares to peoples for their own knowledge and then deliver is to the next generation
Pakistan as socially assorted nation has wide scope of social components. These social
components influence the living style, customs, qualities and standards just as the training. As e-
learning is worldwide method of training so students from various foundations joined up with
learning the board framework. Variety of culture and learning styles should hold under
contemplations while planning e-learning climate. In this examination work e-learning social
variables featured by Bentley et. al are fused to discover the student level. After task of level,
student separate Learning Management System (LMS) is designated to student. The spotlight is
to focus on social factor in e-learning framework. Besides; a model of the proposed framework is
executed for the approval of proposed design.
Our education must provides quality education to our children and youth to enable then to
realized their individual potential and contributes to development of society and nation,
creating a sense of Pakistani nationhood, the concept of tolerance social justice
democracy their regional and social culture and history based on the basic ideology
emaciated in the constitution of the Islamic republic of Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to develop the holistic development in students because that can help the students
potential through creating a sense of personal identity with strong and positive connection with
the community, nature and the world in line with humanitarian values that promote social
cohesion and harmony peace, respect and tolerance.
As we have already discuss that education is key in the development of Pakistan so it should also
remains that education plays also an important role in shaping the lives of peoples and Pakistan
futures citizens.
To play the important role effectively, the intellectual personals, social and educational needs of
students must b addresses at the same time. As Pakistan is developing country so the education
sets the directions and roadmap for the acquisition of requisite knowledge skills, attitudes and
value to provide a concrete foundation to all the learners for participation in the social and
economic affairs of the nation.
Now this is question that how the curriculum can develop in Pakistan? There
are some recommendations for the curriculum development;
Curriculum should be based on the authentic research not based on assumptions and
Some of the professionals should involve in the curriculum development.
The objectives must be spelt in specific behavioral terms.
While settings the objectives equal age or stages must be given on the bases of all
domains like cognitive, effective and psychomotor.
Curriculum should be advance as it meets the all needs of coming years as like those
years are much expected to advance research and technology.
There is being variation in different concepts. They should be vertical and horizontal
Curriculum should be activity based. In some ways the curriculum presents on
assumption base that is not a valid way to express the curriculum.
Curriculum should be clear to understand and provides a high level of understanding,
inductive reasons and application of knowledge in life situation
One guide principle for the designing of curriculum is that keep 7 rules of content
writing always in keep an eye to make standard content. That are self-sufficiency,
significance, validity, interest, utility, lean ability, feasibility. without these standards
any content of education is not standardized and valid.
As the base of the structure of cognitive matter is content is fact. A person can’t do
ready any contact without facts but be assure to beyond the facts and construct an
increasable more richer and concrete base knowledge by working out a process on
conceptual readings and facts.
As a subject or content is basic integration of cognitive, skills and pure elements so
always make that types of content that is easy to understand and skill full. In other
means that should be more practical for students that helps them to be practical and skill
full person also help them to invent new ways via study.
The structure of content matter should be conceptual, based on principles, hypothesis,
theories and laws.
The content should always enhance the thinking power of students it’s mean that this
should be flexible and original thinking content.
It should aligned with the goals and objectives of basic needs of curriculum.
There are different standards that should follow while we are designing the curriculum of
secondary level.
Self sufficiency is the most economical and authentic way for learners. It helps to attain
maximum self sufficiency as it is center guide line principle of subject matter or content
selection. Also this method use less teaching efforts and less use of educational material or
resources. In light of this guideline, I recommend that there ought to be a one-day autonomous
learning action every week for a secondary school educational program or preliminary year. In
any case, this ought to be painstakingly arranged by the educator. Exactly when the understudies
return, they ought to present yields from the activity.
The matter or content of subject should be significant as it is valuable for development of
learner’s activity, skills, process and attitudes. It also develop the three main domains of content
of learning that are namely the cognitive, affectedness, and psychomotor skills and consider the
learners cultural aspects.
Validity alludes to the credibility of the topic or content you chose. Ensure that the points are not
old. For instance, do exclude typing as an expertise to be acquired by understudies. It ought to be
about the PC or Information Technology (IT). Accordingly, there is a need to consistently check
the educational plan's topic or substance and supplant it if vital. Do whatever it takes not to
believe that an extra five years will change it. Consequently, there is a need to consistently check
the educational plan's topic or substance and supplant it if vital. Make an effort not to believe that
an extra five years will change it.
This standard is substantial to the student focused educational program. Understudies learn best
if the topic is intriguing, subsequently makes it significant to them. Be that as it may, if the
educational plan is subject-focused, instructors must choose the option to complete the pacing
plan strictly and just show what is in the book.
Another rule is the handiness of the substance or topic. Understudies believe that a topic or a few
subjects are not important to them. They see it as pointless. Therefore, they don't consider
The topic or content should be inside the construction of the students. It ought to be inside their
encounters. Instructors ought to apply hypotheses in the brain research of figuring out how to
realize how subjects are introduced, sequenced, and coordinated to amplify understudies'
learning limit.
Feasibility implies the full execution of the topic. It ought to think about the school's genuine
circumstance, the public authority, and society overall. Understudies should learn inside the
suitable time and the utilization of assets accessible. Try not to give them a point that is difficult
to wrap up. For instance, you have just a single week left to complete the unit, however the
exercises may require a month for the understudies to finish. Accordingly, this necessity isn't