Unit X Universal Ethics
Unit X Universal Ethics
Unit X Universal Ethics
Universal Ethics
• Ethics is a branch of social science. It deals with moral principles and
social values. It helps us to classifying, what is good and what is bad?
It tells us to do good things and avoid doing bad things.
• So, ethics separate, good and bad, right and wrong, fair and unfair,
moral and immoral and proper and improper human action. In short,
ethics means a code of conduct.
• Ethics is a conception of right and wrong behavior, defining for us
when our actions are moral and when immoral.
Business Ethics
• A business is considered to be ethical only if it tries to reach a trade
off between pursuing economic objective and its social obligations.
• In short, business ethics means to conduct business with a human
touch in order to give welfare to the society.
Business Ethics
Definition of Business Ethics
According to Andrew Crane,
“Business ethics is the study of business situations, activities, and
decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed.”
According to Raymond C. Baumhart,
“The ethics of business is the ethics of responsibility. The business man
must promise that he will not harm knowingly.”
Nature of Business Ethics
• Code of conduct : Business ethics is a code of conduct. It tells what to
do and what not to do for the welfare of the society. All businessmen
must follow this code of conduct.
• Based on moral and social values : Business ethics is based on moral
and social values. It contains moral and social principles (rules) for
doing business. This includes self-control, consumer protection and
welfare, service to society, fair treatment to social groups, not to
exploit others, etc.
• Gives protection to social groups : Business ethics give protection to
different social groups such as consumers, employees, small
businessmen, government, shareholders, creditors, etc.
Nature of Business Ethics
• Provides basic framework : Business ethics provide a basic framework for
doing business. It gives the social cultural, economic, legal and other limits
of business. Business must be conducted within these limits.
• Voluntary : Business ethics must be voluntary. The businessmen must
accept business ethics on their own. Business ethics must be like self-
discipline. It must not be enforced by law.
• Requires education and guidance : Businessmen must be given proper
education and guidance before introducing business ethics. The
businessmen must be motivated to use business ethics. They must be
informed about the advantages of using business ethics. Trade Associations
and Chambers of Commerce must also play an active role in this matter.
Nature of Business Ethics
• Relative Term : Business ethics is a relative term. That is, it changes
from one business to another. It also changes from one country to
another. What is considered as good in one country may be taboo in
another country.
• New concept : Business ethics is a newer concept. It is strictly
followed only in developed countries. It is not followed properly in
poor and developing countries.
Role of Ethics in Governance
Ethics in Governance plays an important role:
1. Accountability: Ethical & moral values promotes accountability in governance where citizens
are well informed about decisions taken by govt.
2. Inclusive: While framing any law ,rules & regulations ethics paves the way for preparing such
laws which doesnt leave any marginalised section behind . Decisions are taken irrespective of
caste,creed, gender, race differences.
3. Responsive: Ethical values imbibe the responsiveness in governance where citizens are free to
respond to govt regarding their issues.
4. Ethical values inculcate efficiency such as sustainable exploitation of natural resources
5. Consensus: Decisions are taken by consensus involving all the sections of the society
6. Participative : Ethics inculcate participative governance where govt involves citizens in
important decision making process through asking for suggestions such as recent govt involves
citizens in smart cities mission, putting acts in public domain for recommendations etc.
Thus ethics promotes an inclusive & just society where every section feels empowered , exercise
their freedom & live a respectable life
Professional Ethics
• Professional ethics may be understood as professionally
acknowledged measures of individual and business conduct, values,
and guiding principles.
• Professional ethics is nothing but a code of conduct applicable to
different professions and is set up by the expert members of such
profession or professional organizations.
• The underlying philosophy of having professional ethics is to make the
persons performing in such jobs to follow the sound, uniform ethical
Professional Ethics
• Some of the important components of professional ethics that
professional organizations necessarily include in their code of conduct
are integrity, honesty, transparency, respectfulness towards the job,
confidentiality, objectivity etc.