Booth Application

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Utah Pasifika Festival

“Enriching the lives of Pacific Islanders”

Saturday, May 14, 2011
9am to 6pm at Bulldog Field in Provo, Utah

Booth Application
Please turn this application in by April 15th, 2011

The purpose of the Utah Pasifika Festival is to bring together Pacific Islanders
living in Utah County to network and build bridges amongst each other and to
encourage active participation within our community.

I. Booth/Organization Name:___________________________________________________________


City:________________________ State:_________________ Zip:_________

Contact Person:_________________________________ Title:_____________________

Business Phone:_________________________ Fax:______________________

Cell Phone:_____________________________ Email:____________________


II. Type of Booth--Check one


III. Description of Booth--Please give us a short description of your booth.

IV. Equipment
Everyone who wants to have a booth needs to provide the following:
1. 10 X 10 Tent
2. Table (1-2)
3. Chairs (1-2)
If you do not have your own tent, you can rent from Diamond Rental in Orem at (801)222-9311

V. Guidelines

Set-up time: 8:00am

Clean-up time: 6:00pm

Food Booth Info: Contact: Masa Fonoimoana 801-616-9861

 Temporary Food Permit from Utah County Health Department (151 S. University Ave. Suite 2600 in
Provo). Contact Jay Stone at (801)851-7525. You need to provide information on menu items, hand
washing, equipment for keeping food hot or cold.
 Food Handler’s Permit from UCHD. At least 1 person with current FH permit needed.
 Temporary Tax License from Utah State Tax Commission, (801)373-8982. They will hand out licenses
just before the festival starts.
 Water source will be provided for your booth.
 Utah Pasifika Festival Committee reserves the right to sell all soda, bottled or canned, and bottled
water sales. Sales of these items are prohibited by any booth.
 Cost: $100
Craft Booth Info: Contact: Keli Lobendahn 801-368-0192
 Temporary Tax License from Utah State Tax Commission, (801)373-8982.
 Cost: $100
Business Booth Info: Contact: Patoa Benioni 801-369-7215
 This type of booth is for advertising your business to our Pacific Island community. Networking is
encouraged and we hope that you will provide business cards, brochures/pamphlets, sign-up sheets and
maybe even job offers.
 If you are going to sell something, you will need to pay a booth fee of $100. If you are not selling
anything, the cost will be $50 and this will be a great opportunity for exposure and advertising.
Health/Wellness Booth Info: Contact: Wayne Latu 801-615-0737
 PIMSA (Pacific Island Medical Student Association) will be there to check vitals and do health
screenings for free.
 If you want to advertise your services (medical, dental, wellness, beauty, etc) and are not going to
make money on that day, your booth fee will be $50. However if you want to charge people for a
service, you will be required to pay the $100 booth fee.
Education Booth Info: Contact: Kalei Kim 801-709-1706
 We want all local educational institutions to have representation at our festival. Please bring
information regarding programs, scholarships, community classes, etc.
 Cultural and Academic education booths are encouraged and all are free of charge.
Application Acknowledgement and Guideline Acceptance

 I hereby submit this application for consideration to participate in the Utah Pasifika Festival 2011.

 I acknowledge receipt of the guidelines for participation and agree that those guidelines are expressly
included in this application. I also agree to fully comply with all event rules and regulations as stated
in the guidelines and in this application form.

 I understand that neither Utah Pasifika Festival 2011, Moana Nui Utah, the City of Provo, Provo
School District, nor any supporting organization carry accident insurance to cover booths of my
employees/helpers and that participation in Utah Pasifika Festival 2011 is at my own risk.

 I agree to hold harmless and indemnify Utah Pasifika Festival 2011, Moana Nui Utah, it’s Board of
Directors, Planning Committee and Volunteers, the City of Provo and any sponsoring and supporting
organizations from any liability, claim or demand due to injury to any person or property which may
arise from my participation in the Utah Pasifika Festival 2011.

Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:________________
(Not valid without signature)

Please return the original signed application form, with payment of total fees, by mail to:

Moana Nui Utah

711 W Columbia Lane
Provo, Utah 84604

Office Use Only Notes:

Fee Paid: Yes No
Date Paid:
Method of Pymt:
Person collecting:

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