Booth Application
Booth Application
Booth Application
Booth Application
Please turn this application in by April 15th, 2011
The purpose of the Utah Pasifika Festival is to bring together Pacific Islanders
living in Utah County to network and build bridges amongst each other and to
encourage active participation within our community.
I. Booth/Organization Name:___________________________________________________________
V. Guidelines
I hereby submit this application for consideration to participate in the Utah Pasifika Festival 2011.
I acknowledge receipt of the guidelines for participation and agree that those guidelines are expressly
included in this application. I also agree to fully comply with all event rules and regulations as stated
in the guidelines and in this application form.
I understand that neither Utah Pasifika Festival 2011, Moana Nui Utah, the City of Provo, Provo
School District, nor any supporting organization carry accident insurance to cover booths of my
employees/helpers and that participation in Utah Pasifika Festival 2011 is at my own risk.
I agree to hold harmless and indemnify Utah Pasifika Festival 2011, Moana Nui Utah, it’s Board of
Directors, Planning Committee and Volunteers, the City of Provo and any sponsoring and supporting
organizations from any liability, claim or demand due to injury to any person or property which may
arise from my participation in the Utah Pasifika Festival 2011.
Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:________________
(Not valid without signature)
Please return the original signed application form, with payment of total fees, by mail to: