Articol Turcia 2009
Articol Turcia 2009
Articol Turcia 2009
by a favorable global environment; structural
The Turkish economy witnessed a boom and reforms implemented thanks to the International
bust cycle in the last decade. The “home Monetary Fund (IMF) program; and the
grown” economic crisis of 2001, which had ongoing EU process will be analyzed. Finally,
devastating repercussions for the economy, the paper will speculate about the current
was followed by a prolonged period of growth global crisis and its implications for the Turkish
and stability. The honeymoon, unfortunately, economy.
did not last too long. It appears that the Turkish
economy is headed toward another period of The paper will conclude with an assessment of
slow growth; this time, as a result of the global the likely repercussions of the current crisis on
financial crisis ignited by the mortgage crisis in the future of the Turkish economy and the
the US. domestic political scene in light of the
upcoming local elections. The impact of the
economic crisis on Turkish foreign policy, with a
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Abdullah Akyüz is special reference to Turkey’s “soft power” in its
the Washington permanent representative region will also be addressed.
of TUSIAD, the Turkish Industrialists’ and
Businessmen’s Association. DOMESTIC CRISIS OF 2001
The views expressed in this paper are the 1. The making of the crisis
author’s and do not necessarily represent
the opinions of TUSIAD. In December 1999 the Turkish government of
the time launched a comprehensive belt –
tightening program with the help of an IMF-
This paper deals with the political economy of supported three-year agreement in order to
Turkey from the domestic crisis of 2001 to the bring down inflation and reduce the already
global crisis of 2008. It will first focus on the unsustainable level of public debt. The
domestic economic crisis of 2001 and explore program appeared to be on course until fall
its roots, its effects on the economy, and finally, 2000 and enjoyed wide public support.
the cure that was implemented. The political However, in November the overall mood
implications of the crisis will also be highlighted. rapidly deteriorated with the emergence of a
Then, the period of rapid recovery, characterized serious crisis. In a matter of days interest rates
The primary cause of the crisis was in fact the One of the major consequences of the twin
weakness in the banking system and its heavy crises was the rapid erosion in credibility for the
exposure to government debt. Because the governing coalition parties, which held a clear
government needed to finance its debt, majority in the parliament and were already
private banks were heavily borrowing short- troubled by deteriorating support caused by
term and lending to the government long- their perceived inability to govern as well as
term. The circumstances were also highly corrupt practices. In the summer of 2002, at a
complicated for state banks, which were time when the program had yielded some
chronically in the red and were thus heavily positive results, the coalition government risked
dependent on short-term borrowed funds to calling for early elections. Kemal Dervis, who
keep the flow of payments. Finally, one should soon after taking office became the rising star
note that the banking system’s fragility was of Turkish politics, failed to lead a political
essentially driven by the high public sector movement despite the strong winds behind
debt. This debt, in turn, created a massive him. He decided to join the opposition
public sector borrowing requirement. The Republican People’s Party (CHP).
budget deficits were therefore primarily Subsequently, the Justice and Development
financed through issuance of debt securities, Party (AKP), a party established just a year
mainly in the form of treasury bonds. earlier and led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a
former mayor of Istanbul, won the elections in
2. The impact of the crisis and the revision of November 2002, yielding AKP an overwhelming
the IMF program majority in the parliament.
The global economic environment remained Turkey took major strides to combat high,
highly favorable throughout the period 2002- chronic inflation and brought it down from 70%
2007. The key characteristic of this period was to a single digit level within a short time span.
the very low level of interest rates in most This was possible with the implementation of
industrial countries. Real interest rates also sound economic policies such as tight
remained low in this period because inflation monetary and fiscal policies. Also, the new
rates were kept under control to a great independence of the Central Bank helped that
extent. One of the implications of low interest institution break the inflationary cycles of the
rates was that borrowing costs for emerging past, and brought credibility to the overall
markets were slashed considerably, and this policy framework. These new dynamics played
led to a substantial surge in the financial flows a crucial role in bringing Turkish inflation down
to emerging markets. This ease in external to historically low levels.
funding led Turkish borrowers, mainly
corporations, to borrow from international The economy grew strongly out of the slump.
markets. The Turkish lira also appreciated The average growth rate was 6.8% from 2002
considerably during this period, making and 2007, well above Turkey’s long-term
external borrowing even more attractive. Total average of 4.5%. Recovery and growth
external borrowing surged three fold, from $33 processes were driven mainly by the flexibility
billion in 2002 to $97 billion in 2007. The other and dynamism of the Turkish economy, as well
implication of low interest rates over such a as the tangible improvement in confidence
long period in industrialized economies was the and expectations. Export growth, in particular,
constant rise in equities and real estate, which responded well to this realignment process.
eventually created the bubble that led to the Over just five years, Turkey’s exports grew from
mortgage crisis in the US. $36 billion in 2002 to $107 billion in 2007, an
average annual growth of 15%.
Moreover, high global growth rates, rapidly
increasing international trade and investments,