Calibration Charges 2018-01-01
Calibration Charges 2018-01-01
Calibration Charges 2018-01-01
In the derivation of calibration charges a number of factors have been taken into
consideration. These include the following;
1. Personnel Salaries and man-hours for calibration of each Unit under calibration
Computations are based on the basis of 8 working hour per day and 22 working days in a
month, time required to calibrate a UUC (1 – 18 hours), accuracy level factor (1 – 5),
physical effort and difficulty in under taking the calibration factor (0.1 – 5).
Overhead costs and logistics (safari day and night allowances, hire of Labour, dipsticks or
face plates, water-finding pastes, fuel for the vehicle and accessories[crane and pump],
etc. ) are based on prevailing prices and approved allowances. This is computed using
the logistics computation spreadsheet.
Calibration charge = number of hour required to calibrate the UUC x Accuracy factor x
physical effort and difficulty factor x hourly cost.
Accuracy factor is 4,
4 Flow meters
0 50 litres/min 120,000
51 500 litres/min 280,000
501 1000 litres/min 520,000
1001 1500 litres/min 720,000
1501 3000 litres/min 960,000
3001 litres/min 1,400,000
5 Dimensional Measures
(a) measuring tapes 0 5000 mm 80,000
6000 10000 mm 120,000
7 Thermometers
(a) Liquid-in-glass thermometers Celsius 70,000
(b) Temperature-gauges Celsius 120,000
(c) Thermal-couples + indicator Celsius 140,000
(d) Platinum Resistance thermometers Celsius 140,000
8 Electrical measures
Electrical meters Charge per each (W, A, V,
(a) 100,000
parameter requested C, Ω, etc.)
(b) Conductivity meter 120,000
(c) Battery capacity tester A, V 190,000
(e) Moisture meter 120,000
Equipment that do not fall under
(f) any specific lab (alcoholmeters, PH, 130,000
lacto scan, etc
9 Pressure gauges
(a) Blood pressure testing machine bar 60,000
(b) Master gauges bar 140,000
(c) Industrial type bar 100,000
(d) Pressure balance bar 510,000