LucyBook V4
LucyBook V4
LucyBook V4
Killers Moves to
Dominate with
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Introduction 4
1. How you Behave 6
1.1 Facial Expression 7
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Published by
making available via the Internet or any other means, without the express
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Some said confidence is a natural trait, while some said it comes with
In this ebook, we will walk through the essential factors that make a
person appear confident. Under each element, you will find different sub-
factors, tips, and exercises which are useful for you to grasp the concepts
Each chapter will begin with the primary factor, followed by 3 sub-factors.
Exercises are what you can carry out daily. You are encouraged to have
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It is important to know where you start. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is
the space below, and we will check in again by the end of the eBook.
Last but not least, enjoy and have fun during this process!
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1. How you Behave
this: within a few seconds of meeting someone, you have already decided
Perhaps you did not know the reason, but you would say it is because of
the chemistry or the vibe that this person gave. However, when we probe
engage with anyone. Similarly, these factors affect how confident we are
to others.
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1.1 Facial Expression
Not every one of us is aware of how our facial expressions appear during
Lacking awareness and control over your facial expressions can make
you nervous and unconfident. Hence it is the very first thing you need to
Exercise Time!
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Exercise 1.1
common interest. Develop ways to make your interest known. You can
Write down the 1 ACTION that you are going to take in the coming
When: _________________________________
Exercise 1.2
learn how to keep your face open and curious. If you are interested, but
your face shows otherwise, that doesn't help communicate your interest
Let's see how to make sure your face conveys the same message.
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2. you are not interested
as compared to:
practice 4 to 6.
By doing these 2 steps daily, being aware of your facial expressions, you
Weekly Review
On the 7th day of the week, after practising these exercises, spend some
time to reflect.
In what ways?
How confident are you when you are interacting with others now?
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1.2 Body Language
appear confident?
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Let's explore what can you do to bring your use of body language to a
higher level!
Exercise Time!
Paying attention to the way you hold your body when you are in social
situations is the first step to build your awareness about your body
Exercise 1.3
Step 1: You can try standing in front of the mirror, and study different
postures in body language that can make you look more confident.
Step 2: Studying pictures of people who look confident will give you clues
about how to look confident, and you can start learning from those.
Step 3: Once you are getting the hang of it, you can move on to create
your postures.
Step 4: Build at least 3 different postures that display confidence for you.
Weekly Review
On the 7th day of the week, after practising these exercises, spend some
time to reflect.
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What have you discovered about yourself and the use of different
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1.3 Social Skills
Social skills, just like any other sills, can be trained and acquired. It is not
Truth is, we were taught writing skills, maths skills, thinking skills and
expected to get the hang of it from our interactions with people around
But the question is: are these interactions adequate to educate and train
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• Do you feel your social skills are weak, sometimes immature and
• Sometimes are you unsure about what to say, how to say it, and
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are in the right
Something helpful!
Some expert’s help in dealing with the fears and resistance to social
interaction will be useful. Unpleasant experiences from the past could still
You could make use of some treatment or therapy to help overcome any
anxieties or fears that you may have in socialising. You can find the
Once you are ready, find a program to learn how to increase your social
skills and social mingling ability. Getting a coach to work with you to
It’s great if you are pleased with your social ability, and you are always
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that your social success is based on random luck, you are unsure about
what works, read on, and find out how to get better with the following
Exercise time!
Exercise 1.4
A genuine curiosity about your interests and the world around you could
help improve your social skills. Start by paying attention to mastering your
social interaction skills. Answer the following questions can help you get
How can you become more interested in the world and activities around
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What do you plan to do differently for this week to make yourself
Weekly Review
How did your week go by mastering your social interaction skills? Do you
find it too hard? Too easy? Write down your reflection in the space
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2. How you appear
by our presence, which includes our style, clothes, and even feature.
Those who take good care of their appearance tend to get more positive
In this chapter, you will find out more about how to improve your
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2.1 Personal Style
We all have our style, what we call ‘natural’. Our beliefs and habits about
grooming affect how we look. Your style compliments you, have no effect
Grooming and taking care of yourself is not just about making you look
pretty, regardless of what being pretty means for you. When you invest
more time and effort in taking care of yourself and your appearance, it
changes your look and your relationship with yourself and your presence.
social requirements?
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• Do you tend to avoid places that require some kind of dress code?
perceive you.
Something helpful!
others feel comfortable when interacting with you. This will start to
Step 2: Have a reality check and find out what people think of you in
your style.
On the other hand, do you feel that you already have a good sense of
grooming and taking care of yourself? You have done an adequate job to
look good and pleasant. You know how to pick up certain clothes that
compliment you, but you feel that your wardrobe still consists of a few
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Exercise Time!
Exercise 2.1
You can start taking care of yourself daily. Set some time aside, like 30
care of your appearance. It could be taking care of your skin, hair or body,
anything that makes you appear better to others. Write down a start date
for this exercise, and what do you want to do to make yourself look
Action: _____________________________________
and others. Try working out, improving your body or your appearance, or
make you feel proud of yourself. Similarly, write down the action and
Action: _____________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Finally, enjoy the process of spending more quality time with yourself.
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Weekly Review
Write down your reflection and learning while doing these exercises. How
did they affect your understanding of your style? Did it help improve
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2.2 Fashion Sense
didn’t see the point or bother to figure it out? A convenient way to dress
may not always be the most appropriate way. Taking some time to figure
out more about clothes and style can help you appear more confident
Exercise Time!
Exercise 2.2
quality, is needed.
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• Pay attention to what looks good and what is just passable.
• Pay attention to your dress sense and how you put your outfits
• Start to learn about what messages you are sending with your
or dress magazine to learn more about it, but do not limit yourself
• Pay attention to what makes you look your best in most social
Do you usually look good, but not the fantastic type? There is still room
Exercise 2.3
Step 1: Start to develop your style in conjunction with the best fashion
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Step 2: You can also start paying attention to what constitutes the quality
of the clothes you have, such as fabric, cut and style. This will help you
Step 3: Find out what makes you look the best: what are the essential
elements? What are the details that work and what didn’t work?
Step 4: Start to adjust and improve your unique style while keeping up
Weekly Review
Write down your feelings and impressions of these exercises below. How
experienced this week? What works for you? What doesn’t work? Write
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2.3 Your Feature
We are all unique in our ways. Some features may be perceived as more
While others and social preferences may change from time to time, your
wear it off. It may determine whether you will make time and effort to
Do you have a poor self-image? Do you think that you don’t have
think that you are very dull or even ugly? Did you grow up surrounded by
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Exercise Time!
Exercise 2.4
First thing first, you need to neutralise your negative opinions and build up
positive ideas.
• Start building your positive self-image and stop all negative self-
• Reduce contact with people who judge you negatively about your
know how to make your features stand out well for you.
From there, start adjusting and working on your grooming, clothes, and
styles that compliment you and make your features appear better.
The key is learning to relate well with the best of your features.
Do you belong to the other group? Do you think that your features are
be average and feel that maybe some parts of you can be improved, but
you didn’t make any changes and just let it stay the same?
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Exercise 2.5
Begin to identify what is best about your features. Is it your eyes, your
body shape, your hair, your legs, your skin tone? Once you can discover
those, you can start to find clothes, start grooming or other ways to make
Weekly Review
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3. How you talk
How you talk makes a significant difference in the impression that your
audience has towards you. If you want to appear confident, apart from
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3.1 The Confident way of Talking
opposite your voice is untrained and unpleasant, and doesn’t help you
Vocal quality and control are needed for a pleasant voice. Have you
Do people talk to you because they need to, or they like to? You may be
utility most of the time. More time and effort are needed in developing
your voice.
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Exercise Time!
Exercise 3.1
Even though we are born with the ability to speak, not all of us are
able to find out your style and also the most comfortable way for you to
speak confidently.
start working with a vocal coach to find out more about your
• Singing classes can help to improve the quality of your voice too.
If you feel that your voice is okay, average, not that fantastic but not that
Maybe you felt this wasn’t your priority, and you chose to focus on other
Or do you take your stride with your voice as it is? And you may not think
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Exercise 3.2
No matter what the reasons were, we can start to train your voice from
Step 1: You got to be willing to invest further in your vocal quality. Are you
ready to do so?
Yes / No
Step2: Find a vocal coach who could bring out the best out of your voice.
learn to use them to your advantage. Increase the activities in which you
could make use of your voice, and improve over time, such as public
speeches or presentations.
Step4: Learn how you can use your voice to talk to affect or inspire others
positively. You can start by sharing things that inspire you directly.
Weekly Review
Write down what have you done so far. How did your week go by
investing in your vocal quality? Do you find it too hard? Too easy? Write
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3.2 Manner of Speaking
You may start realising the different aspects of communication and how
they lead to confidence or the lack of confidence. Next up, we are going
Are you often careless or even clumsy with your way of speaking? In the
sense that you could be quite blunt and do not consider much of other
people’s feelings and sensitivities when you talk about certain things. Do
Exercise Time!
Exercise 3.3
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• We can start by eliminating negative mannerisms in your speaking,
bluntness and hurt from the negative talking, and instead, look for
While your mannerism in speaking may not be splendid, you feel that it is
complimenting others isn’t much an issue, but you tend not to take many
Exercise 3.4
Be the one that gives off positive vibes and uplifts the mood of a social
You can look forward to speaking in such a way that brings out the best in
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• Learn to speak well of others in an appropriate way. People tend
• Learn to make people feel good when they talk to you. Encourage
Exercise 3.5
conversation. This makes it easier for them to follow your pace and enjoy
Write down below, what will be some of topics that you can use?
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Weekly Review
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3.3 Use of Language
In our last part, we will discuss the importance of the use of language.
effectiveness of your tools and your way of using them determine the
Are you well versed with your choice of words? Are you often struggling
to find the right things to say? Did some words you used even hurt or
embarrass people?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, your training in the use
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Something helpful!
learning new things, you will discover how much more you can expand
Are you able to use beautiful expressions? Did your expressions just get
the ends but not always continue the conversation? Find out more about
Exercise Time!
Exercise 3.6
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Expand to make your language and expressions more descriptive,
appropriate and even poetic. What can you think of how to help you with
Weekly Review
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