B 2011-02-15 Zoning Analysis Chart
B 2011-02-15 Zoning Analysis Chart
B 2011-02-15 Zoning Analysis Chart
842 - Rear Yard Above 20 ft. height, 2.5 in. per ft. of height at Minimum of 2.5 in. per ft. of height at the
the rear of the structure, but at least 12 ft. rear of the structure, but at least 12 ft.
844 - Open Courts 2.5 in. wide per ft. of height, but at least 6 ft. Minimum of 2.5 in. wide per ft. of height, but
at least 6 ft.
845 - Roof Structures - Maximum height of 18.5 ft. - Maximum height of 18.5 ft.
- Set back from all exterior walls at least 1/1. - Minimum set back from all exterior walls at
2101 - Parking - Auto Retail - above 3,000 sq. ft., one space for Retail - above 3,000 sq. ft., at least one space
each additional 300 sq. ft. of gross and cellar for each additional 300 sq. ft. of gross and
floor area – total of 1,322 required. cellar floor area - total of 1,388 provided.
2119 - Bicycle Parking Minimum of 5% of total amount of required At least 5% of total amount of required auto
auto parking parking - total of 67 provided
2201 - Loading - retail use above 100,000 sq. (1) 30 ft. berth; (2) 55 ft. berths; (1) 100 sq. (3) 85 ft. berths; (4) 65 ft. berths; (1) 55 ft.
ft. of gross floor area ft. platform; (2) 200 sq. ft. platforms; and (1) berth; (1) 45 ft. berth; (2) 30 ft. berths; (1)
20 ft. service/delivery loading space 500 sq. ft. platform; (1) 450 sq. ft. platform;
(4) 300 sq. ft. platforms; (1) 40 ft.
delivery/loading space
*Individual Theoretical Lot FAR Breakdown