Monyet Kan Baik

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Choose The Correct Option To Complete The Sentences.
1 Technology Is More Interesting That / As / Thangeography. ( THAN)
2 Proton M Is More Old / Oldest / Older Than Arianes. ( OLDER)
3 A Smart Car Is Less Powerful / More Powerful / Powerful Than Alorry ( MORE
4 Electric Engines Are More Better / More Efficient / More Faster Than Petrolones. ( MORE
5 This Old PC Works More Slowly / More Slow / Slower Than My Newlaptop. ( MORE
6 The New Model Faster Goes / Goes Faster / Is Fast Than The Oldone.( IS FAST )
7 Computers Are Very / More / Much Smaller Now Than Thirty Yearsago. ( VERY)
8 The New Operating System Is Much / Much More / Very Expensive Than The Oldone.( MUCH

2 Key Words From The unit

Complete The Sentences With The Words From The List. download
1 Carbon Emissions GLOBAL WARMING . innovations
Cause thrust
2 A Smoke DETECTOR Is A Safety Device. power stations
3 DOWNLOAD The Latest Software From The global warming
website. detector
4 He can HACK Into Any Company’s Intranet.

5 There Seem To Be new INOVATION Every Day

6 China Is Building Lot POWER STATION .
7 THRUST Is Measured In
8 Rockets Are Used For EXPLORATION.
Reading and vocabulary
The purpose of technology is to produce things that improve our lives, our work and our
environment. The people who design, test and make these things are engineers and technologists.
They work in areas such as civil, mechanical, electrical, electronic and marine engineering, and in
information technology (IT). They use scientific knowledge and technological experience in their
work. They often use old technology (e.g. radio waves) to create new things (e.g. mobile phones).
The people who install, work with and maintain technological equipment are technicians. A
technician studies one area of technology like electricity, electronics or mechanics, and works
with equipment in that area. Two examples are an electrician and a car mechanic.
But we all use technology every day. It is all around us and affects every part of our lives.
Here are some examples:
• transport – cars, ships, air travel, spaceexploration
• telecommunications – mobile phones, internet,satellites
• trade – credit and debit cards, bank ATM machines, internettrade
• work efficiency – washing machines, microwave ovens,computer
• software power – heating, lighting, air conditioning equipment
• entertainment – DVDs, satellite TV receivers, digitalcameras
• health – lasers in eye surgery, medicines,biotechnology
• safety and security – ABS brakes and air bags in cars,smoke
• detectors food – farming, processedfood,
• information management – computers, flat-screenmonitors,
• software infrastructure – roads, buildings, watersupply
• manufacturing – machines and robots infactories
Because technology is so important in society, technologists and engineers have to think about its good
points and bad points. Unfortunately, some technology has both positive and negative effects. Oil and coal,
for example, make our lives easier, but they also pollute our environment. Cars and planes allow us to
travel fast, but they also cause accidental deaths and add to global warming. The problem for technology is
how to increase the positive effects on society and reduce thenegative effects.

3 Comprehension
Answer the questions about thetext.
1 What are ‘these things’ in the firstparagraph?
2 Who designs thesethings?
engginers and technologists
3 Which old technology do mobile phonesuse?
4 Who maintains technologicalequipment?
5 Look at the list of technology around us. Find four things that you have usedtoday.
1. car for transfortations 2. Smartphone for comunications 3. Tv for entertaint
and 4. Laptop for do a homework
6 What are two negative effects oftechnology?
1. global warming 2. Accidental death
6Unit 2

4 Words from the text

Find in the text.
The first one is done for you.
1 two subjects endingin-ology technology biotechnology
2 two subjects ending in-ics biostatistics reprographics
3 two jobs ending in-ian comedian politician
4 two gadgets ending in-ers computers engginers
5 two gadgets ending in-ors thermoregulators electroreceptors
6 two nouns ending in -tion or-tions operation operations

5 Further vocabulary practice

Complete the sentences with the correct word.
The first letter is given.
1 Oil is very useful, but it also causes ( global warming)
2 The Airbus A380s ( bigger than) of the Boeing 747 is 397,000kg.
3 It has at ops (more than) of 1,127kph.
4 This car has a verypowerfule( smart car)
5 This new computer has a better monitor and large more powerful than the oldone.
6 Them more( prefer) use industry uses machines to make things in largenumbers.

6 Compare two things
Read this paragraph comparing Airbus A380s and Boeing 747s.
(See pictures on page 6 of the Student’s Book).

Boeing 747s are smaller and lighter than Airbus A380s, so they can go faster. Boeings can also fly
higher. But Airbus A380s can carry larger numbers of people because they are longer and wider.
They have more powerful engines, and they can fly further than Boeings. So which are better?
Boeings are better when speed is important, but Airbuses have better capacity and range.

Write a paragraph comparing desktop computers and

notebook computers. You can use the words from the list.

Notebook computers are smaller and cheaper than desktop lighter
computers,notebook computer is lighter so we can carry easily . but carry easily
i prefer desktop computer because more powerfull faster with cheaper
bigger screen and keyboard. faster
bigger screens
I prefer

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 A Is the prototype ready? B Yes, it does / ’s /is. ( it does)
2 A Where was this designed? B Yes / In Madrid / No, itwasn’t. ( in madrid)
3 Does the design look / Is the design look / Look the design nattractive? ( is the design look)
4 Which manufacturer does make / do make / makes these tables?( makes)
5 A Does he design cars? B No, he doesn’t / not /don’t.( he doesnt)
6 How many templates will need you / will you need / you will need? ( will you need)
7 Do you can / Can you / You can mass-produce these? ( do you can)
8 Who / Who designer / Which created the Mini? ( who)

2 Key words from the unit

Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
1 I (sketch) my ideas in pencil. mass-produce
2 We (brief) a variety of possible solutions. evaluate
3 The (mass produce) should list all there quirements. manufacturer
4 Test the (prototype) as much as you can. brief
5 The function will make the product. costings
6 It can be difficult to calculate the (costings) . sketch
7 This simple design will be easy to (manufacturer) .
8 What’ s the (evaluate) of this object?
Reading and vocabulary
Design is at the heart of technology. This is why most technology courses include
design. Look at any manufactured product, and you can see that someone has
designed it: they have tried to make it look good and workwell.
The design process has several stages. It starts when someone notices a need
or problem. It ends when a product which meets that need or solves that
problem is manufactured.
These are the stages of the design process:
• Notice a need or a problem For example, when a cooking pot is heated, the handle
becomes too hot to touch. The designer may have to design a new product or change the
product to improveit.
• Write a design brief This is a simple, clear statement of what is needed. Forexample,
design a handle that stays cool when the pot is heated.
• Investigate and research The designer asks questions and looks for information:
use this product? What will it do? How will it look? What materials can I use? What will the
materials cost? Do they have the right properties (such as light weight and
durability)? How will the product be made? Will it be safe?
• Develop alternative solutions The designer thinks of various different ideas. He or she
will then draw sketches (simple drawings), of these different designs.
• Choose the best solution The designer chooses the best design. He or she also
cost, time and whether it can be manufactured easily.
• Make a model or prototype (also called the realization stage, when a design is made
a real object) First, a detailed drawing is made, probably using CAD software. Then a
prototype (a first working model) is produced. Or a computer simulation may be used.
• TestandevaluateTheprototypeisphysicallytestedtomakesureitworksandthatit is strong
enough. Then it is evaluated: How well does it meet the design brief? Can it be improved?
• Decide whether to manufacture If the final evaluation is positive, the company may
decide to manufacture the product.

3 Comprehension
Answer the questions about the text.
1 What does this text describe?
Namely design is the heart of technology

2 What usually causes the design process to start?

There are stages in the design stages. Pay attention to needs or problems, write summaries, investigate
and research designers ask questions and seek information, develop solutions, choose the best solutions,
create models or prototypes, test and evaluate and decide whether to produce if the evaluations is

3 What does the designer do before developing solutions?

Namely investigating and researching the desigh of asking questions and seeking information.

4 What things are produced at the realization stage?

Making detailed drawing is possible using CAD software, then a prototype (the fist working medel ) was

5 How does the designer know whether the product will work out?
By testing and evaluating the prototype physically

6 Think about this question and give your opinion.

What can the company can do if the evaluation is negative?
If the evalution carried out by a company is negative or bad, it will have an impact on its
production result and also the name of the company will be slightly bad.
4 Words from the text
Find words with these meanings. The first letter of each word is given.
1 finds a solutions
2 the steps in a processs
3 make betteri
4 made hotter h
5 different but also possiblea
6 a thing that is producedp

5 Further vocsssabulary practice

Complete the sentence with an adjective ending in -al or –able, or a
verb ending in -ate. The first letter of each word is given.
1 At the realization stage, the designer producesdetailedt drawings.
2 Hard chairs usually havealmostv backs.
3 Soft chairs aremorec than hardchairs.
4 This product will last a long time; it’sveryd .

5 Before designing a new product, designers ask questions and look for answers. In other words,they
i .
6 You should use non-specialist languagetoc withcustomers.

6 Write a summary
Look at the reading and vocabulary text in this unit and write a short
summary of the design process. Begin like this:
The design process has several stages. First, someone notices a problem or need. So a design brief
is written for a new product. Then the designer investigates and researches things like materials and
costs. After that,…
3. Technology in sport

1 Grammar
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Urethane is used to make / used to making / used make golf ballcovers.
2 Composites is used for / are used for / are used to constructing modernequipment.
3 I am used to / used to / used for working withfibreglass.
4 Does is made / Is it made / It made of plasticlaminates?
5 The body is made to / from / for a variety ofcomponents.
6 The racket is used to / made of / made for graphitecomposites.
7 What is a football made for / made of / usedof?
8 An alloy is made to / for / from a combination of differentmetals.

2 Key words from theunit

Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
1 This aluminium plywood is light and aerodynamic
strong. bearings
2 There are steel strecht in the wheels. flexible alloy
3 The paint will protect against wear . stretch
4 If it is elastic, you can flexible it. wear
5 The skateboard deck is made of aerodynamic .
6 The design is very alloy .
7 Kevlar is resistant to bearings .
8 It bends without damage it’s corrosion .
Reading andvocabulary
When you play a sport, your equipment must be strong enough for the sport. If it isn’t, powerful forces
will break or damage it. When a racket hits a ball, for example, there is sudden compression (=
squeezing) and tension (= stretching). The racket may also bend (= compression + tension). Clothing
wears away with frequent use. Even strong metal bicycle pedals may break if they are turned the
same way repeatedly. Water may cause corrosion of metal parts.
Sports materials must have properties to resist these forces. Equipment must be strong,
corrosion-resistant, and tough, so that it’s difficult to break. Clothing must be wear-resistant, fit
the body tightly and be aerodynamic. Some materials should be flexible (able to bend) or elastic
(able to bend, stretch or change shape and return to their first shape). Some equipment must be
hard – able to cut, but not be cut by other materials. For many sports, especially fast sports, the
equipment needs to have a high strength-to-weight ratio.
Special materials are used for making modern sports equipment and clothing:
• plastics – these are light and can be moulded into shape – examples: polycarbonate (used
for bike helmets), polyurethane (footballs) and polystyrene (inside bikehelmets)
• fibres – materials such as lycra, nylon and Kevlar are used for sports clothing because
of their strength, lightness andelasticity
• composites – these mix fibres and plastic and have a good strength-to-weight ratio –
examples: fibreglass (boats and vaulting poles), graphite and carbon-fibre (ski poles and
expensive lightweight bicycleframes)
• laminates – these are formed from two or more layers of plastic or composite
(boats andsnowboards)
• metals such as titanium and aluminium, and alloys (mixtures) such as aluminiumalloys,
combine lightness, strength andcorrosion-resistance

3 Comprehension
Answer the questions about the text.
1 What does If it isn’t mean in the first paragraph?
So, if you dont prepear yourself to play games in sport it will have bad consequence.

2 Give two examples of forces that can damage equipment.

warm up and be ready while doing it.

3 How can water damage metal?

Corrosion is the transformation of metals into compunds, especially in an air-containing environment, or the
oxidation of a metal by oxygen gas in the air. A metal will experience corrosin if there ia a layer on its surface that
acts as an anode and another layer as acathode.
4 What is the difference between elastic and flexible?
- Flexible can also be interpreted to a new environment
-Elastic is a homonym because the meanings have the same spelling and prronunciation but different meaning.
5 What properties do lycra, nylon and Kevlar have?
Sports clothing

6 What is the advantage of titanium and aluminium?

Aluminium is very stiff and ligh because it has a low density. Titanium has half the strenght of iron and half the
stiffness of aluminium, it is also light weight, titanium is highly corrosion resistant.
4 Words from thetext
Find words in the text to complete the table.

adjective noun
1 hardness
2 elastic
3 strong
4 light
5 toughness
6 corrosion-resistant

5 Further vocabularypractice
Choose the correct word in italics to complete the sentences.
1 Cheap bicycles have steel / wood / rubber / titaniumframes.
2 Tough / Brittle / Strong / Elastic materials breakeasily.
3 Safety is important, so I’d do / be / go / get for a good helmet.
4 A tennis racket must be light but it must not hit / turn / fit /bend.
5 The frame and the wheels are the largest properties / forces / components / materials of abicycle.
6 Thick tyres are good for riding on rough surfaces / wheels / plastic /boards.

6 Properties and uses of materials
Study the information in the table. Then write about nylon and sports equipment.
Begin like this:
Sports equipment is often made of nylon because nylon is very strong but not hard, heavy or
expensive. It is also tough, wear-resistant ...
properties uses
strong hard, heavy, expensive sports equipment
tough, wear-resistant, elastic sports clothing, e.g. cycling shorts
stronger than steel, flexible, light fishing lines, ropes, tennis racket strings
tough, durable, easy to carry, cheap sports bags and camping equipment, e.g. tents

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