IT (402) Class X Part B Unit 04
IT (402) Class X Part B Unit 04
IT (402) Class X Part B Unit 04
SerialKeys is an accessibility feature that allows users to control the computer without using keyboard
and mouse. This accessibility feature helps those users of computer who face challenges in using
keyboard and mouse. This accessibility feature uses
an input device called Sip-and-Puff for providing
input and controlling the computer. Sip-and-Puff is
a mouth-operated input device with one switch that
can control two devices. For using the Sip-and-Puff
device, you need to insert the straw or tube of the
device in your mouth. By sipping (inhaling) the tube
of the device, you can use one device and by puffing
(exhaling), you can use another device. This device
works only when you sip or puff; otherwise, it will
go off. Figure 1 shows the Sip-and-Puff device with
a switch. Figure 1: A Sip-and-Puff Device with a Switch
Internet Terminology
Some common terms related to the Internet are as follows:
Browse: It means to explore, surf, and search information on the Internet.
Web Browser: A Web browser is an application that is used to access or retrieve information or
Bookmarks/Favorites: The bookmarks/favorites are used to store links of the favorite websites.
Download: It means to save something that you required from the Web to your system.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): A simple request protocol that runs under the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) and specifies what kind of messages the clients may send to the servers and
what kind of responses they get back in return.
documents that comprises images, text, links, and other documents for displaying the Web page.
Chatting: The chat service enables two or more users living in different parts of the world to
a Web server can be defined as a package or container that contains a huge amount of information.
Hypertext: It is a Web document that can include text, graphics, images, audio/video, and dynamic
links to related files and documents on the Internet.
Cache: The cache utility is used in browsers which store the information of all the Web pages you
have recently opened.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL): It is a unique address of any kind of Web document and can be
keyed in browsers to open its associated Web page.
Rules and Etiquettes Followed While Chatting
Some rules and etiquettes that need to be followed by anyone during chatting are as follows:
Begin chatting with formal greetings
Ensure that the message should be short and the idea is conveyed
Ensure to match the communication style of the receiver, else the receiver will lose his/her interest
in chatting
Give recipients time to respond
Know about the abbreviation and shortcut used in chatting, such as COS is used for ‘because’ and
KIT is used for ‘keep in touch’
Do not chat with strangers
Be attentive during chatting with multiple persons, else you might miss some important information
Ensure that the person with whom you want to chat is not busy
End chatting with a closing message
Secure Password
Passwords are very important because they protect your computer, smartphones, tablets and personal
information from unauthorized access. The password you use should always be strong and secure
because weak passwords can easily be cracked by hackers. Hence, it is necessary to know how to create
a strong password to ensure the security of your important and sensitive data from hackers and malicious
Ensure that the password should be created with the combination of uppercase, lowercase,
numbers, and symbols.
Do not share the username and password with anyone.
Do not write the username and password on the notebook and papers.
Ensure that the password should not be included in the password dictionaries.
Uses the random password generators available online to create a secure or strong password.
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Update the password within 6 months.
Ensure that the password you create does not match with the one used in the past.
Ensure that the password is not the bike number, mobile number, pet name, favorite color, childhood
name, etc.
Ensure that the different passwords are used for different portals and websites.
Uses Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) at the time of resetting the password.
A cookie is a file that contains small textual information about the activity of a user over the Internet. For
example, it may contain your log-in details of a particular website, details of a shopping cart so that when
you visit the same website again, it retrieves the information about you from the cookie and automatically
fills your log-in details. Different types of cookies store different types of information about a user. The
unauthorized user can easily access the information stored in a cookie by tracking them. Hence, you
need to clear the cookies from the browser to prevent any unauthorized access from them.
Beside cookies, Web browser also saves the user id/username and password of a user when he/she fills
the form at the time of registering and logging into a portal and website. Sometimes, the Web browser
prompts a pop screen to save the username and password at the time of login on a portal and website. It is
not recommended to save credential information on the Web browser of the public or shared computers.
Let us perform the following steps to clear cookies and
data from the Web browser:
1 Launch the Internet Explorer Web browser.
2 Click the Tools icon on the Internet Explorer Web
The Internet Options dialog box appears.
4 Click the Delete button under the Browsing History
The Delete Browsing History dialog box appears
(Figure 2).
Ensure that all the employees or workers know the fire escape plan
Ensure the maintenance of fire safety tools and equipment
Provide training to employees and workers how to deal and treat in fire emergency
Ensure that the workplace is free from hazards caused by fire
Ensure the fire safety signs are clearly visible and placed in many places in the organization
Press alarm button in case of fire and convey the message about fire to other employees in the
Falls and Slips Safety Rules
Some falls and slips safety rules followed at workplace are as follows:
Ensure that the footwear and shoes you wear are suitable and appropriate for the workplace.
Ensure that the floor surface is clean from any type of spillages.
Ensure that the floor surface is not damaged at the workplace.
Ensure that the cupboard, file cabinet, and desk drawers are properly closed when they are not in
Ensure that the power supply is disconnected from the electrical equipment or device while
Ensure that the hands, feet, and body are not wet while handling the electrical equipment.
Wear protective gloves, clothes and shoes, if needed.
Ensure that multiple power cords are not plugged together.
Ensure the outlets are not overloaded.
Repair the faulty or broken cables at the workplace.
Ensure the equipment and tools used for resolving electricity problems are properly working.
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Ensure that the electrical equipment used in an organization is approved on the standard set by
the government.
Always stand away from the electrical equipment that is producing extra heat.
must be strictly followed to avoid unusual circumstances.
The Dos that must be followed while providing first aid are as follows:
Assure victim of immediate help
Use direct pressure to stop bleeding
Keep an eye on victim’s condition
Raise head of the victim if bleeding is in the upper body
Raise feet of the victim if bleeding is in the lower body
Wash burns and wounds with sterile wipes
The Don’ts that must be followed while providing first aid are as follows:
Do not move the victim if it is not required
Do not apply a tourniquet
Do not set fractures, if any (that is, keep victim still)
Do not use any burn ointment unless told by a physician or qualified first aider
An accident is defined as an unfortunate event that happens unpredictably as well as unintentionally, and
may lead to harm and injury to people.
Types of Accidents
Some common types of accidents at workplace are as follows:
An emergency is defined as an unforeseen situation that requires immediate attention and action to
prevent risk of health, life, wealth, or atmosphere. There are various types of emergencies at workplace,
which are as follows:
Fire Transmissible illness
Earthquake Chemical spills
Explosion Civil riots
Floods Workplace violence and harassment
Storm/Cyclone Severe weather
Radiological accidents Terrorism
Emergency and Evacuation Plan
An emergency plan is a set of rules and instructions that describes the course of action employees must
take should an emergency arise at the workplace. On the other hand, an evacuation plan provides a set
of procedures to be used by the occupants of a building in an emergency. General training for employees
on emergency and evacuation plans should address the following:
telephone (right)
machinery in an emergency
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Understanding Hazards
Hazard is defined as a potential source that causes harm to an individual. In an organization, there are
several types of hazards that harm the life and health of an employee or worker. Some common types of
hazards at the workplace are as follows:
Physical hazard: Refers to the hazard that could harm the employee without contacting him/her. The
common sources of physical hazard are slippery floors, excessive noise, poor lighting, fire, fall, etc.
Ergonomic hazard: Refers to the hazard in which the working condition and environment, body
posture, and type of work, etc., put the strain to the body of an employee. The common sources
of ergonomic hazard are bad sitting posture, repetitive and awkward movements, stretching the
body, lifting heavy objects, etc.
Psychological hazard: Refers to the hazard that affects or harms the employee mentally. The
common sources of psychological hazards are extra workload, working shift, harassment, violence at
workplace, work stress, partial judgement of seniors, lack of respect, continuous low-level noise, etc.
Biological hazard: Refers to the hazard which includes viruses, bacteria, insects, animal and bird
droppings, etc., that can cause an adverse impact on the health of an employee. Common sources
of biological hazards are mildew, blood, harmful plants, bodily fluids, sewage, dust, insect bites,
Chemical hazard: Refers to the hazard that harms employees when they prepare a chemical or deal
with any form of chemical, such as solid, liquid, and gas. The sources of chemical hazard are paints,
acids, solvents, vapors, fumes, varnishes, gases, flammable materials, pesticides, etc.
Safety hazard: Refers to the hazard that creates an unsafe working atmosphere. The sources of
safety hazards are unguarded machinery, loose or frayed carpets, hanging cables, faulty cables,
unsafe and malfunctioning equipment, etc.
Healthy Living
A healthy lifestyle helps an individual maintain and improve his health and happiness. You can do a lot
of things to live a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a healthy diet, doing regular exercise, and handling
stress efficiently. Due to today’s complex lifestyle, paying attention to health has become an urgent
need. Nowadays, people are working hard and doing everything except taking care of their health. But,
by changing small things in daily life, we can be healthy because staying healthy is largely in our hands.
The healthy lifestyle of an individual makes a healthy environment at home as well as at the work place.
Do not chat with strangers
2. Vapors, fumes, and pesticides are the sources of
Be attentive during chatting with multiple persons,
else you might miss some important information
a. Physical b. Biological Ensure that the person with whom you want to chat
c. Chemical d. Psychological
is not busy
3. Which of the following is a collection of related Web End chatting with a closing message
pages linked to each other by hyperlinks? 2. What do you mean by hazard? Explain any three
a. Web server b. Websites hazards at the workplace.
c. Bookmark d. Cache Ans. Hazard is defined as a potential source that causes harm
to an individual. In an organization, there are several
ANSWERS types of hazards that can harm the life and health of an
1. a. 2. c. 3. b. employee or worker. Some common types of hazards at
the workplace are as follows:
Physical hazard: Refers to the hazard that could
Short Answer Questions harm the employee without contacting him/her. The
R common source of physical hazard are slippery floors,
1. What do you mean by SerialKeys? excessive noise, poor lighting, fire, fall, etc.
Ans. SerialKeys is an accessibility feature that is used to feed Ergonomic hazard: Refers to the hazard in which the
data in computer instead of using the keyboard and working condition and environment, body posture,
mouse. and type of work, etc. put the strain to the body of
2. Define first aid. an employee. The common sources of ergonomic
Ans. First aid is the initial aid given to an injured or sick person hazard are bad sitting posture, repetitive and awkward
to save his/her life before the arrival of specialized medical movements, stretching the body, lifting heavy objects,
assistance. etc.
harm and injury to people. stress, partial judgement of seniors, lack of respect,
continuous low-level noise, etc.
Long Answer Questions
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