2019-ATS Respiratory Book
2019-ATS Respiratory Book
2019-ATS Respiratory Book
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Mayo Clinic Health System
Mankato, Minnesota
Clinical Instructor
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy and Sleep Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Assistant Clinical Professor
Associate Chief of Inpatient Services
Fellowship Program Director
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine
Department of Medicine
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles
Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical experience broaden our
knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required. The authors and the publisher
of this work have checked with sources believed to be reliable in their efforts to provide
information that is complete and generally in accord with the standards accepted at the time of
publication. However, in view of the possibility of human error or changes in medical
sciences, neither the authors nor the publisher nor any other party who has been involved in
the preparation or publication of this work warrants that the information contained herein is in
every respect accurate or complete, and they disclaim all responsibility for any errors or
omissions or for the results obtained from use of the information contained in this work.
Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. For
example and in particular, readers are advised to check the product information sheet included
in the package of each drug they plan to administer to be certain that the information
contained in this work is accurate and that changes have not been made in the recommended
dose or in the contraindications for administration. This recommendation is of particular
importance in connection with new or infrequently used drugs.
To our families, friends, and loved ones, who encouraged and assisted us in the task of assembling this
Contributing Authors viii
Senior Reviewers x
Preface xii
Acknowledgements xiii
Asthma Bronchiectasis
COPD Basic Science Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Comparison of Asthma and COPD Cystic Fibrosis
Sandeep Sahay, MD
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of
Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine,
University of Texas, Health Science Center at
Diwakar D. Balachandran, MD Alan Fein, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Pulmonary Clinical Professor of Medicine, Hofstra
Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine, Northshore-LIJ School of Medicine, Hempstead,
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer New York; Associate Program Director of
Center, Houston Pulmonary Medicine, Jamaica Hospital Medical
Center, New York
Igor Barjaktarevic, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Dee W. Ford, MD, MSCR
Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of
and Sleep Medicine, Ronald Reagan UCLA Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy, and Sleep
Medical Center, Los Angeles Medicine; Medical Director, Medical Intensive
Care Unit, Medical University of South Carolina,
Tanaya Bhowmick, MD Charleston
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases, Rutgers Robert John T. Huggins, MD
Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine,
New Jersey Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Medical
University of South Carolina, Charleston
Charles R. Cantor, MD
Professor of Clinical Neurology, Associate Sabiha Hussain, MD
Professor of Medicine, Perelman School of Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine,
Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania; Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Medical Director, Penn Sleep Centers, Center Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson
for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology, Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Thanh Huynh, MD
Marina Duran Castillo, MD Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine,
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Case Western Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep
Reserve University, MetroHealth Medical Center Medicine, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical
Cleveland Center, Los Angeles
With this first edition of ATS Review for the Pulmonary Boards, we attempt to provide fellows-in-training
and pulmonologists with the most high-yield and up-to-date preparation guide for the ABIM Pulmonary
Disease Certification exam. This text was written like other publications in the First Aid board review
series and is designed to fill the need for a high-quality, in-depth, conceptually driven study guide for
ABIM Pulmonary Disease Certification exam preparation. This resource is designed to be used either
alone, or in conjunction with other texts.
This book would not have been possible without the help of the many fellows-in-training, physicians, and
faculty members who contributed their feedback and suggestions. We invite you to share your thoughts
and ideas to help us improve ATS Review for the Pulmonary Boards, (see How to Contribute, p. xiv.)
Susan Pasnick, MD
San Francisco
Tisha Wang, MD
Los Angeles
This has been a collaborative project from the start. We gratefully acknowledge the thoughtful comments
and advice of the fellows-in-training, pulmonologists, and faculty who have supported the authors in the
development of ATS Review for the Pulmonary Boards.
Thanks to the American Thoracic Society for their support and the funding necessary to undertake this
project. In particular, we would like to thank Eileen Larsson and Jennifer Siegel-Gasiewski for their
encouragement, organizational assistance, and guidance throughout this process. We thank Drs. Vikas
Bhatara and John C. Williams for their contributions to the text. We also thank Drs. Ariss Derhovanessian,
David Ross, and John Belperio for their image contributions. For outstanding editorial work, we thank
Karla Schroeder, Linda Bradford, Susan Brownstein, and Isabel Nogueira. We thank Louise Petersen for
her project editorial support. A special thanks to Thomson Digital for their excellent illustration work.
Susan Pasnick, MD
San Francisco
Tisha Wang, MD
Los Angeles
To continue to produce a current review source for the ABIM Pulmonary Disease Certification exam, you
are invited to submit any suggestions or corrections. Please send us your suggestions for:
For each entry incorporated into the next edition, you will receive a personal acknowledgment in the next
edition. Also let us know about material in this edition that you feel is low yield and should be deleted.
The preferred way to submit entries, suggestions, or corrections is via our email address:
All submissions become property of the ATS and are subject to editing and reviewing. Please verify all
data and spellings carefully. Include a reference to a standard textbook to facilitate verification of the fact.
Please follow the style, punctuation, and format of this edition if possible.
Flash Card A2
Suprachiasmatic nucleus;
anterior hypothalamus
Flash Card A3
Records physiologic variables during sleep using electroencephalography/-gram
(EEG), electrooculography/-gram (EOG), chin electromyography/-gram (EMG),
Flash Card A4 electrocardiography/-gram (ECG), oxygenation, snoring, respiratory effort, and
Secreted at night; leg (anterior tibialis) EMG (Figure 1-1).
promotes sleep by causing
drowsiness and lowering
body temperature (think of
melatonin as the darkness Indications for PSG
PSG is used for:
Flash Card A5 Diagnosis of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)
She has a delayed sleep Testing efficacy after treatment for SDB with oral appliances or upper airway
phase disorder; should (UA) surgery
receive melatonin early in
the night to help her fall
Positive airway pressure (PAP) titration
asleep earlier. Diagnosis of nonrespiratory sleep disorders:
o Periodic limb movement disorders (PLMDs)
Flash Card A6 o Narcolepsy
He has advanced sleep
o Parasomnias
phase disorder, and he o Nocturnal seizures
should receive melatonin in o Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder
the early morning, after
being cautioned that
melatonin can cause
Figure 1-1. Polysomnography setup where patient lies in bed with EEG, EOG,
chin EMG, ECG, airflow, oxygenation, snoring, respiratory effort, and leg EMG
(some not pictured).
(Reproduced courtesy of the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services.)
Flash Card Q8
How are hormones ghrelin
and leptin affected by sleep
Figure 1-2. One-second sample EEG tracings showing (A) beta, (B) alpha, (C)
theta, and (D) delta waves.
(Reproduced courtesy of Hugo Gamboa, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.)
Figure 1-3. PSG showing wake state. Alpha rhythm with frequency 8−13 Hz
occupies > 50% of epoch (red arrow); high chin EMG tone characteristic of wake
state (black arrow).
Figure 1-4. PSG showing NREM sleep stage N1. Slow rolling eye movements
(red arrow); chin EMG has decreased compared to wake stage (green arrow);
alpha activity diminished or disappeared and replaced by low amplitude (black
arrow), mixed frequency waves (4–7 Hz) that occupy > 50% of epoch.
Figure 1-5. PSG showing NREM sleep stage N2. Sleep spindles diagnostic of
sleep stage N2 (black arrow); K-complex diagnostic of sleep stage N2 (red
Figure 1-6. PSG showing NREM sleep stage N3. Low frequency, high amplitude
delta waves (0.5–2 Hz and > 75 µV) occupying ≥ 20% of epoch (arrow).
Figure 1-7. PSG showing REM sleep. Low amplitude, mixed frequency
(sawtooth) waves (black arrow); rapid eye movements (red arrow); low chin EMG
tone (green arrow).
Flash Card Q9
What characteristic EEG
waveforms define sleep
stage N2?
10 / CHAPTER 1
PSG data are divided into 30-second intervals or epochs, and an epoch is given a
sleep stage based on whichever stage comprises the largest percentage of that
Flash Card A9
K-complex and sleep
Gender: Male subjects (up to age 50 years) and postmenopausal women (risk
between genders similar after menopause)
Ethnicity: Greater risk in African-American, Asian, Hispanic groups
Obstructive UA anatomy
Medical comorbidities: Heart failure, history of cerebrovascular accident,
renal failure
DIAGNOSIS—History and physical exam alone often are nondiagnostic as > 50% Flash Card Q10
of patients do not have daytime sleepiness. Witnessed snoring and apneas have a What are two defining
high positive predictive value of 64%, with witnessed apneas being the best characteristics of
historic predictor. narcolepsy on PSG with
14 / CHAPTER 1
Key Fact In-laboratory PSG and portable home sleep testing are the main methods of
diagnosing OSA.
Sleep apnea is uncommon
as the sole etiology for PSG is the gold standard for the diagnosis of SDB (Figure 1-10).
significant pulmonary Portable sleep studies are used for patients with a high pretest probability for
hypertension; when
present, other etiologies
OSA and without comorbid medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease,
should be considered. stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and hypoventilation
Increases risk of:
o Myocardial infarctions
o Cerebrovascular accidents
o Pulmonary hypertension
o Hypertension
o Sudden death
May worsen diabetes and decrease GH and testosterone secretion
May worsen heart failure
Increases proinflammatory immune mediators CRP, IL-6, TNFα
Causes daytime sleepiness with resultant motor vehicle accidents
May cause neurocognitive deficits and memory and cognitive problems, and
may increase risk of depression and mood disorders
Moderate-to-severe OSA (AHI > 15) regardless of the presence or absence of Key Fact
Increased risk for
Mild OSA (AHI > 5) with symptoms/comorbidities: cardiovascular disease in
o Symptoms/comorbidities are excessive daytime sleepiness, insomnia, the context of OSA is tied
more to degree of oxygen
cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, depression, memory and desaturation than to AHI.
mood problems
Patients with OSA who have other concurrent sleep-related disorders (PLMs,
insomnia, bradycardia, nocturia, etc.) should pursue CPAP therapy first, as Key Fact
these conditions often resolve with treatment of OSA. The Joint National
Committee (JNC)
guidelines now lists OSA
Treatment recommendations are listed in Table 1-3. as a secondary cause of
CPAP use and cardiovascular disease:
CPAP improves left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) modestly in patients
with heart failure.
CPAP reduces blood pressure and may improve mortality in patients with
CPAP compliance:
Defined as use > 4 hours on at least 70% of observed nights.
CPAP compliance is generally in the range of 50–60% when measured
Patients commonly overestimate their subjective compliance.
Compliance patterns are determined early.
Figure 1-11. PSG showing resolution of obstructive apneas from Figure 1-10,
with CPAP use. CPAP pressure (red arrow); presence of nasal flow with CPAP Flash Card Q12
use (black arrow); presence of effort (green arrow).
What is the best historic
predictor of OSA?
First confirm compliance with CPAP
Evaluate for other etiologies of excessive daytime sleepiness that may require
alternative treatment, such as narcolepsy, IH, sleep deprivation, and shift work
Once compliance is confirmed and no other diagnoses are found, consider a
trial of modafinil, which acts as a stimulant by inhibiting dopamine and
hypocretin reuptake
Flash Card Q14
o Occur in about 30% of patients with heart failure, and is associated with
increased morbidity and mortality
o Cycle duration is about 40–90 seconds
o Cycle duration is directly related to blood circulation time, and is inversely
related to LVEF
o Oxygen desaturation and hypercarbia are delayed and occur during
hyperpnea; arousal therefore occurs during peak hyperpnea
o Persistent awakenings related to apneic episodes may result in sleep
fragmentation and excessive daytime sleepiness, though patients often are
o There are limited data on the best therapy for CSR related to heart failure.
o First step in management is to optimize heart failure (i.e., angiotensin-
converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors).
o Adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) has shown promising outcomes in the
treatment of CSA, mainly CSR and complex sleep apnea; ASV adjusts
respiratory rate and tidal volume to target a set minute ventilation, and
reacts to periodic breathing by increasing inspiratory pressure during
periods of apneas or hypopneas.
o Oxygen may improve AHI and oxygen saturation in patients with CSR.
o CANPAP trial: CPAP does not improve survival in patients with heart
failure who have predominantly CSA, but CPAP does have a modest
benefit in improving LVEF.
o Auto-CPAP is not recommended for CSA.
Idiopathic CSA:
Rare, and cause is unknown
Middle aged males are most commonly affected
Mixed Apnea
CSA followed by obstructive apnea (Figure 1-14). Etiology unclear, but may
occur in patients who have CSA whereby loss of ventilatory effort and air flow
results in collapse of the UA and subsequent obstruction. Treatment consists of
management of the CSA, as discussed.
Nocturnal Hypoventilation
Findings in adults:
o Sleep-related oxygen desaturation
o Increase in PaCO2 during sleep to > 45 mmHg, or < 45 mmHg but
increased relative to wake time (during normal sleep, PaCO2 increases 3–5
mmHg as a result of ↓minute ventilation)
Diagnostic studies:
o Arterial PaCO2, end tidal CO2
Treatment of choice for patients with SDB.
Benefits of PAP
Sleep-related changes are systemic changes that occur during sleep and may
precipitate nocturnal asthma symptoms.
Concurrent sleep apnea should be treated, and PAP can improve nocturnal
asthma symptoms, in this setting.
Key Fact Polysomnogram should be used to diagnose sleep apnea in patients with
PSG, and not ambulatory
sleep tests, should be used Overnight oximetry to evaluate for nocturnal hypoxemia is indicated for
for the diagnosis of SDB in COPD patients with daytime hypercapnia, daytime hypoxemia, pulmonary
patients with COPD.
hypertension, concern for right heart failure, or symptoms suggestive of
nocturnal hypoxemia (i.e., fragmented sleep).
Flash Card A18
Medical management per GOLD guidelines
Indications for nocturnal oxygen therapy in patients with signs or symptoms
of nocturnal hypoxemia, such as cognitive impairment, insomnia, and
o PaO2 ≤ 55 mmHg, or
o SaO2 ≤ 88%, or
o Fall of PaO2 > 10 mmHg during sleep, or
o Fall of SaO2 > 5% during sleep
A clinical syndrome characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy,
Key Fact sleep paralysis, and sleep hallucinations. Although all of these symptoms may be
The hallmark of narcolepsy present, hypersomnia is the hallmark of narcolepsy, whereas cataplexy is a very
is daytime sleepiness. If a specific finding. In contrast, sleep paralysis and sleep hallucinations are
patient is not sleepy, the
diagnosis of narcolepsy is nonspecific and can occur in a variety of sleep disorders and even in normal
highly unlikely. individuals.
Human leukocyte antigen DQB1*0602 has been shown to confer
susceptibility in some patients, though it is nonspecific and often also present
in patients without narcolepsy.
In China, there is an increase in the incidence of narcolepsy during the spring,
suggesting a possible association between winter month viral illnesses and an
autoimmune response
Narcoleptic patients also have higher levels of anti-streptolysin O titers,
further raising suspicion of an immune etiology
Excessive daytime sleepiness:
Often severe and unremitting
Some patients may experience some degree of sleepiness throughout their
lives, despite appropriate therapy
Sleep and daytime naps are refreshing, and help to distinguish narcolepsy
from IH, a condition in which sleep is not refreshing
Pathognomonic of narcolepsy in any individual who complains of excessive
daytime sleepiness
Sudden loss of muscle tone, usually triggered by strong emotions
Typically, patients will complain of muscle weakness during laughter; the
episode is usually very brief, and the patient remains completely conscious
Sleep paralysis:
Occurs while the patient is waking from sleep
Although the episodes are brief in duration, they can be terrifying to the
Sleep paralysis is common and nonspecific and can occur in normal Mnemonic
individuals, especially in the setting of sleep deprivation Sleep hallucinations—GO
to sleep. POp awake.
Sleep hallucinations usually occur at sleep onset (hypnagogic) and less HypnoPOmpic
commonly on awakening (hypnopompic), and may be visual, auditory, or tactile.
Sleep fragmentation:
Narcolepsy can be thought of as a discontinuity in wakefulness, with features
of REM sleep intruding into wakefulness
Clinical features of
Cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and sleep hallucinations represent these disruptions narcolepsy—Some
into wake periods Patients Can Fall Hard
Similarly, wakefulness also intrudes into sleep with frequent complaints of Paralysis
sleep fragmentation and poor sleep quality Cataplexy
Fragmentation of sleep
The MSLT should be preceded by an all-night PSG to rule out other sleep
disorders such as OSA (though the two disorders can coexist). Notably, up to 20%
of the general population can have an abnormal MSLT. Furthermore, patients
with severe OSA or sleep deprivation can have a shortened mean sleep latency on
Feature Narcolepsy IH
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) occurs during wakefulness, typically in the evening Flash Card Q20
or at night. It is characterized by uncomfortable sensations in the legs at rest What is the treatment of
which are relieved with movement. Approximately 85% of patients who have choice for IH?
RLS also have PLMs on PSG.
Flash Card Q21
PLMs are interval, stereotypic movements of the lower extremities during sleep.
Decreased levels of which
They are very common and can occur in normal individuals or in SDB. The neurotransmitter is
patient does not feel any noxious sensations, and the PLMs usually do not affect implicated in narcolepsy?
30 / CHAPTER 1
sleep. When PLMs do cause sleep disruption, however, the condition is termed
periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD).
Key Fact
Although RLS and PLMD
are similar, they are two
different conditions. RLS is Epidemiology
a clinical diagnosis and
does not require a PSG.
However, if a PSG is
About 3–15% of the general population suffers from RLS. It typically presents in
performed, PLMs usually the first to third decades of life, but diagnosis is usually delayed until the fifth to
are found. sixth decades. Women are at higher risk.
Key Fact RLS is felt to be related to low CNS iron stores. Iron is a cofactor for tyrosine
RLS is related to low CNS hydroxylase, the rate-limiting step in dopamine synthesis. Low CNS iron is felt
iron stores, which disrupt to disrupt CNS dopamine levels, leading to RLS. Consequently, pharmacologic
dopamine synthesis. enhancement of dopamine levels relieves the condition. Iron supplements may
Dopamine agonists relieve
RLS. also alleviate symptoms but are not as effective as dopamine agonists.
Associations include:
Iron deficiency anemia
End stage renal disease
Medications: Dopamine antagonists (antipsychotics), SSRIs, TCAs
compresses. More severe cases may require short courses of opioids. Folic acid
and iron supplementation may also alleviate symptoms.
A parasomnia is any abnormal or complex body movement during sleep. The Key Fact
most common parasomnias include sleep terrors, sleep walking, sleep talking, and Parasomnias typically
sleep eating. They occur primarily during non-REM sleep (NREM sleep). occur during NREM sleep
and thus are more often
present during the first half
of the night.
Night Terrors
In RBD, the normal muscle atonia of REM sleep is lost. Thus, the patient is
susceptible to act out dreams. This puts the patient at risk for falls and self-harm,
and the bed partner is also susceptible to injury. It occurs primarily in older men
and in contrast to the other parasomnias, the patient is awakened easily and is
rapidly alert (Table 1-7).
Although there are variations (Figure 1-15), most human beings sleep at a similar
hour at night, sleep for a similar duration, and thus wake at similar times in the
morning. Taking into account age, cultural norms, and various other factors, we
can also observe different sleeping patterns i.e., “late sleepers,” “early risers,” etc.
Circadian and metabolic hypotheses are two leading hypotheses describing the
conformity of our sleep patterns.
In the circadian hypothesis, melatonin is released by the pineal gland and sets
the circadian rhythm. Melatonin promotes sleep and its production is inhibited by
light. During the day, natural sunlight inhibits melatonin production, which results
in wakefulness. With less sunlight at night, melatonin levels rise to promote sleep.
Flash Card A22 Therefore, the sleep–wake cycle is entrained by light.
Parkinson disease
For all circadian rhythm disorders, the diagnosis is generally made by history.
Sleep diaries and actigraphy also can assist with the diagnosis.
Because the normal circadian rhythm is not easily reversed, many individuals who
work night shifts find it difficult to stay awake at night. Alternatively, they find it
difficult to sleep or remain asleep during the day. This is termed shift work sleep
disorder (SWSD).
During the day, the patient should wear dark sunglasses while driving home. The
bedroom should be kept dark with conditions conducive to sleep.
In about 40% of blind patients, the circadian rhythm is not entrained by light. The
result is a sleep–wake cycle which is progressively delayed each night.
DIAGNOSIS—Patients typically present complaining of the inability to sleep, Flash Card Q24
daytime sleepiness, or both. Good history taking will reveal limited sleep, daytime A 32-year-old woman
reports sleeping only 3
sleepiness or impairment, and the inability to sleep when time permits. The hours per night for many
history also should eliminate other medical conditions or drugs as the source of years. She reports good
insomnia. A formal sleep study generally is not required unless other sleep sleep quality, denying any
daytime impairment,
disorders are also suspected. sleepiness, or distress.
Does this patient have
36 / CHAPTER 1
Key Fact TREATMENT—Insomnia of short duration (i.e., acute insomnia) can be treated
effectively with sedatives/hypnotics. The gold standard treatment of insomnia of
The gold standard
treatment of insomnia of long duration, such as psychophysiologic insomnia, is CBT. Sleep hygiene should
long duration is CBT. be encouraged in both groups but is insufficient as a primary therapy for insomnia.
Principles of NIPPV
Noninvasive ventilation plays a major role in the respiratory management of most
neuromuscular disorders. Although evidence is lacking to address mode selection,
most clinicians utilize bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP).
The EPAP splints the airway, and the IPAP helps ventilation by providing
pressure support. Typical starting pressures are:
IPAP, 10–12 cm H2O
EPAP, 5–6 cm H2O
Pressures can be adjusted based on the clinical situation. In many cases, overnight
PSG is used to help adjust BPAP pressures.
Minute ventilation decreases in all people during sleep due to a decrease in tidal
Key Fact volume. This physiologic decrease in ventilation can have especially deleterious
Nocturnal NIPPV is the effects in patients with neuromuscular disorders. Furthermore, the accessory
cornerstone of respiratory
management in patients
muscles of respiration are paralyzed normally during REM sleep, which
with neuromuscular compounds respiratory insufficiency at night. Therefore, nocturnal NIPPV is the
disorders. cornerstone of respiratory management in patients with neuromuscular disorders.
ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; CNS, central nervous system; GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome; ; IVIG;
intravenous immunoglobulin; MV, mechanical ventilation; NIPPV, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation;
SCLC, small cell lung cancer
Classically an ascending paralysis starting in the lower extremities Key Fact
Progressive symmetric muscle weakness
Features that distinguish
Can involve only lower extremities, or can ascend to involve all muscles GBS from other
(including respiratory and bulbar muscles) neuromuscular disorders
include neuropathic pain,
Often preceded by an infection, classically Campylobacter jejuni enteritis autonomic dysfunction, and
40–50% have neuropathic pain diminished deep tendon
10–30% will advance to ventilator-dependent respiratory failure reflexes on physical exam.
Dysautonomia occurs in up to 70% of patients (urinary retention, blood
pressure fluctuations, diaphoresis)
Clinical diagnosis:
o Symmetric muscle weakness
o Diminished deep tendon reflexes
Confirmed with lumbar puncture (elevated protein, normal white blood cell
count) and neurophysiologic testing:
o Nerve conduction studies (NCS)
Respiratory failure can occur rapidly
Initial monitoring should include frequent measurements of VC and NIF
Weaning from MV should be guided by VC, NIF, and rapid shallow breathing
Key Fact Respiratory involvement includes bulbar, diaphragm, and accessory muscles.
Signs of upper and lower Asymmetric limb weakness is the most common presentation of ALS (80%).
motor neuron involvement There is also cognitive involvement in a majority of patients; up to 15% have
are very characteristic of overt frontotemporal dementia.
ALS. Spasticity, atrophy,
and fasciculations will help The course is progressive, rather than relapsing/remitting, with a median
distinguish ALS from other survival of 3–5 years.
neuromuscular disorders.
DIAGNOSIS—Mainly by history and physical; EMG and NCS can be helpful also.
Comprehensive supportive care by a multidisciplinary team is necessary
throughout the course of ALS; respiratory management is central to
supportive care
NIPPV increases quality of life in patients with ALS; the optimal patient is
one who has more nocturnal symptoms and minimal bulbar weakness
(allowing for adequate handling of secretions); consider use in patients with:
o Nocturnal hypoxemia or orthopnea
o VC < 50% predicted
o MIP < -60 cm H2O
NIPPV is not an alternative to MV; all patients will progress to respiratory
failure requiring MV; patients who wish to continue treatment require
tracheostomy and MV support; fewer than 10% of ALS patients choose
invasive ventilation.
Flash Card A25 Pharmacologic treatment with riluzole is the only drug treatment shown to
Plasmapheresis or IVIG increase survival.
Myasthenia Gravis
An autoimmune disorder involving the neuromuscular junction (NMJ)
characterized by ocular, bulbar, limb, and respiratory muscle weakness. The
weakness tends to worsen as the day progresses.
Lambert–Eaton Syndrome
A disorder of the NMJ that results in symmetric proximal muscle weakness. The
syndrome is strongly associated with small cell lung cancer and can occur at any Key Fact
point in the course of small cell lung cancer. Lambert–Eaton syndrome
is strongly associated with
In contrast to myasthenia gravis, repetitive nerve stimulation results in increased small cell lung cancer.
amplitude of action potentials. This is mirrored clinically by increasing muscle
strength with mild-to-moderate muscle activity. IVIG is the most common
42 / CHAPTER 1
therapy utilized and treatment of the underlying malignancy can also improve
symptoms of weakness.
Respiratory failure due to muscle weakness tends to occurs late in the course.
Mild respiratory muscle weakness in the earlier stages of the disease can be
managed with NIPPV.
A potentially fatal paralytic illness, caused by a neurotoxin produced by
Clostridium botulinum.
Classically described as a symmetric, descending weakness.
Exposure can result from ingestion of the preformed toxin or from wounds
(most commonly “black tar” injection drug users).
Upon entry into the body via a wound or the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the
toxin spreads hematogenously and irreversibly binds to the presynaptic
membrane of cholinergic synapses.
Symptoms can vary in severity from mild nonspecific GI symptoms to severe
illness and death.
MV: Intubation and MV should be considered for those with worsening
bulbar symptoms, VC < 30% of predicted, or rapidly declining pulmonary
function; a long course of MV should be expected in these patients, often
several months.
Equine serum heptavalent botulism antitoxin (Pharmacologic treatment) is
available through the CDC and should be given in severe illness.
Organophosphate Poisoning
Poisoning occurs most commonly from pesticide exposure. The classic
presentation of acute toxicity is that of cholinergic excess: salivation, lacrimation,
urination, defecation, emesis, bronchospasm, and bradycardia.
Symptoms of
A subset of patients will develop a distinct neuromuscular weakness, sometimes poisoning—SLUDGE
termed intermediate syndrome. It is characterized by proximal muscle weakness, Salivation
respiratory insufficiency, neck flexion weakness, and decreased deep tendon Lacrimation
reflexes. Urination
GI upset
Patients will recover spontaneously, but often require supportive MV for several Emesis
Pectus Excavatum
Anterior chest wall deformity consisting of a concave depression (Figure 1-16.)
The deformity occasionally can limit right ventricular filling, thus limiting cardiac
output. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing may show cardiovascular limitation and
decreased aerobic capacity. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) can be normal or
show mild restriction.
Pectus Carinatum
Supportive care in mild cases
Treat other comorbid lung conditions.
Surgery: Probably of limited value in adults but can be considered in select
Pulmonary rehabilitation
NIPPV, particularly at night to reduce work of breathing and prevent
Persistent hypercapnia despite NIPPV is a predictor of mortality
Severely obese patients tend to breathe at lower tidal volumes. Both chest wall
and lung compliance often are reduced. As weight increases, progressive airway
narrowing at low volumes can result in intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure
and air trapping. Atelectasis occurs at the lung bases.
Mild hypoxia can be seen in the awake, upright patient. Sleep and supine
positions both independently worsen hypoxia. Obese patients tend to be eucapnic
except the subset of patients with OHS.
2 Critical Care
Anthony F. Arredondo, MD, Stephanie Young Clough, MD, Nandita R. Nadig MD,
& Diana H. Yu, MD
See Table 2-1.
See Table 2-2.
48 / CHAPTER 2
Rapid recognition of the type of shock can often be achieved with a bedside
echocardiogram. However, shock is often multifactorial in a given patient.
Distributive shock:
Normal cardiac chambers and contractility
In sepsis, ventricles often dilated to maintain stroke volume
Hypovolemic shock:
Small cardiac chambers and normal to high contractility
Cardiogenic shock:
Large ventricles and poor contractility with ventricular failure
Wall motion abnormalities with ischemia
Mechanical defects: Valvulopathy, ventricular septal defect, ventricular free
wall rupture
Obstructive shock:
o Pericardial effusion with small right and left ventricles
o Dilated inferior vena cava (IVC)
Pulmonary embolism with right ventricular failure
Optimize CO: After hypoxemia and anemia are corrected, CO is the main
determinant of oxygen delivery.
The goal is to achieve adequate CO to maintain tissue perfusion.
Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SVO2):
o Integrates oxygen supply and demand; requires pulmonary artery catheter.
o Used to interpret CO.
o Typically decreased in low-flow states (cardiogenic shock) or anemia.
o Normal to high in distributive shock (normal, 60–80%).
Central venous oxygen saturation (SCVO2) for septic shock:
o Used as a surrogate for SVO2; measured with central venous catheter.
o Reflects O2 saturation of venous blood from upper half of the body.
o Normally, SCVO2 is slightly < SVO2.
o In the critically ill, SCVO2 is often > SVO2.
o A recent article brought into question the efficacy and mortality benefit of
early goal-directed therapy in sepsis using target SCVO2 ≥ 70% in the first 6
Distributive Shock
Distributive shock is characterized by decreased systemic vascular resistance with
a high CO state.
Cardiogenic Shock
Caused by cardiac pump failure characterized as decreased CO and increased
systemic vascular resistance.
Mechanical abnormalities
54 / CHAPTER 2
Post-myocardial infarction ventricular failure:
o Left ventricular failure: Most common cause of post-myocardial infarction
shock; occurs when infarction involves > 40% of left ventricular
o Right ventricular failure: Acute inferior myocardial infarction and
hypotension raises suspicion for right ventricular infarct, with the right
coronary artery the usual culprit. Right-sided electrocardiogram (ECG) is
obtained if suspected.
o 30–50% of inferior myocardial infarctions involve the right ventricle.
o SHOCK Trial: Emergent revascularization (percutaneous coronary
intervention or coronary artery bypass grafting) for post-myocardial
infarction cardiogenic shock improved mortality at 6 and 12 months
compared with stabilization with medical management and intra-aortic
balloon counterpulsation.
Nonischemic cardiomyopathy (alcohol, drugs, viral)
Key Fact Takotsubo cardiomyopathy:
Left ventricular failure is o Stress-induced cardiomyopathy or transient apical ballooning syndrome
the most common cause of o Related to extreme emotional or physical stress (~ 70% of cases)
post-myocardial infarction
shock. o Hyperdynamic cardiac base and akinetic cardiac apex on ultrasound
o Coronary angiography without stenosis to explain cardiomyopathy
Atrial fibrillation and flutter decrease CO by interrupting coordinated atrial
filling of the ventricles.
Ventricular tachycardia: Ventricular fibrillation abolishes CO.
Key Fact Bradyarrhythmias and complete heart block
Hypotension and inferior
myocardial infarction Mechanical abnormalities:
should raise suspicion for Valvular defects:
right ventricular infarct with
associated cardiogenic o Rupture of papillary muscle or chordae tendineae
shock, especially if o Aortic insufficiency from retrograde aortic dissection into aortic valve ring
hypotension occurs after o Critical aortic stenosis
nitroglycerin or
vasodilators. Obtain right- Ventricular septal defects or rupture:
sided ECG. ST elevation > o Post-myocardial infarction bimodal occurrence at 24 hours and 3–5 days
1 mm in lead V4R or V5R is o Pansystolic heart murmur, parasternal thrill, left-to-right intracardiac shunt
specific for right ventricular
infarct. o Treatment: Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, inotropes, afterload
reduction, percutaneous occluding device with definitive surgical repair
within 48 hours
Obstructive Shock
Usually the result of extracardiac forces that lead to cardiogenic shock.
Massive pulmonary embolism: Treat with thrombolytics.
Tension pneumothorax: Treat with needle decompression and/or chest tube.
Cardiac tamponade: Treat with pericardiocentesis.
Severe constrictive pericarditis: Treat underlying cause; often requires
surgical intervention.
Hypovolemic Shock
Mobitz type I
Mobitz type II
Figure 2-5. (A) Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. (B) Torsade de pointes. (C)
Ventricular fibrillation.
Hypertensive Emergency
Key Fact
Severe hypertension is defined as systolic blood pressure > 180 mm Hg and/or Common secondary
diastolic blood pressure > 120 mm Hg. Hypertensive emergency is severe causes of hypertensive
hypertension in the presence of end-organ damage. emergencies: (1) renal
crisis from collagen
vascular disease, (2)
END-ORGAN DAMAGE severe hypertension after
Neurologic: Papilledema, hypertensive encephalopathy, intracerebral renal transplantation, (3)
pheochromocytoma, (4)
hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage cocaine, (5) rebound
Cardiac: Acute aortic dissection, acute myocardial infarction, acute left hypertension, and (6)
ventricular failure preeclampsia/eclampsia.
Acute aortic dissection: Goal systolic blood pressure < 120 mm Hg. Initial
management is blockers (esmolol, labetalol) followed by vasodilators
(nicardipine, nitroprusside).
Acute hemorrhagic stroke: Goal systolic blood pressure < 140 mm Hg.
Reduce expansion of hematoma with nicardipine or labetalol.
Acute ischemic stroke: Goal systolic blood pressure < 220 mm Hg with
permissive hypertension. Manage with nicardipine or labetalol.
Hypertensive encephalopathy: Goal is initial decrease in MAP of 20–25%.
Manage with labetalol, nicardipine, or nitroprusside.
Pre-eclampsia: Goal is diastolic blood pressure < 110 mm Hg. Manage with
magnesium, IV labetalol, nicardipine, or hydralazine. Definitive management
is delivery.
Cardiac Tamponade
Pericardial effusion may develop acutely or gradually and can be complicated by
tamponade. Cardiac tamponade is a clinical diagnosis.
Acute cardiac tamponade can occur as a result of rupture of the heart or aorta
secondary to trauma or procedural complications.
Subacute cardiac tamponade can occur with underlying malignancy,
infections, uremia, or pericarditis.
Signs and symptoms: Dyspnea, chest pain, syncope/presyncope, hypotension,
elevated jugular venous pressure, pulsus paradoxus, pericardial rub, and
ECG: Sinus tachycardia, low QRS voltage, and electrical alternans
Chest x-ray: Possible enlarged cardiac silhouette
Transthoracic echocardiogram: Moderate to large pericardial effusion,
diastolic collapse of right atrium/ventricle, and dilated IVC
Both pericardiocentesis and surgical drainage are effective for relief of symptoms
associated with hemodynamic compromise.
Catheter pericardiocentesis is often preferred over surgical drainage because
of lower complication and mortality rates.
Surgical drainage has the advantage of accessibility for pericardial biopsy.
Colonoscopy is diagnostic and can be therapeutic.
Hemoclips, epinephrine injections, or bipolar coagulation are used for
bleeding vessels.
Persistent bleeding without identifiable lesions may require further diagnostic
modalities such as radionuclide scanning (detects bleeding at rates 0.1–0.5
mL/min) or mesenteric angiography (detects bleeding at rates > 0.5 mL/min).
Surgical intervention (colectomy) may be warranted in patients with rapid
deterioration despite resuscitation.
ACUTE LIVER FAILURE IN THE ICU—Given the poor prognosis, patients with
acute liver failure should be managed in an ICU at a facility with the capability
for liver transplantation.
Drugs and toxins: Acetaminophen, alcohol, Amanita phalloides (mushroom
poisoning), idiosyncratic drug reactions, toxin exposure
Infections: Hepatitis viruses (B, C, D, E), cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus
Hypoperfusion: Ischemic hepatitis, sepsis with shock liver, veno-occlusive
disease, HELLP syndrome, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
Genetic: Wilson disease, autoimmune hepatitis
Infiltration: Malignant infiltration of tumor, typically metastatic
Clinical presentation:
Hepatic encephalopathy:
o Grade I: Mild confusion, slurred speech
o Grade II: Lethargy, moderate confusion
o Grade III: Incoherence, somnolence
o Grade IV: Coma
Cerebral edema: Increased intracranial pressure (ICP), which can cause
hypertension, bradycardia, respiratory depression, and seizures
Laboratory findings: Elevated aminotransferases (with elevated bilirubin and
alkaline phosphatase levels), prolonged prothrombin time (INR ≥ 1.5)
Imaging: Abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI)/magnetic resonance venography (MRV), liver
biopsy in select cases
Supportive care: IV fluids, infection surveillance, and stress ulcer prophylaxis
Treatment of underlying cause:
o N-acetylcysteine for acetaminophen toxicity and other causes of acute
liver failure
o Antiviral therapy for hepatitis B infection
o Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement or surgical
decompression for Budd-Chiari syndrome
Liver transplantation:
o Decision hinges on probability of spontaneous recovery, with significant
emphasis on degree of encephalopathy. Key Fact
o King’s College Criteria are widely used for referral for liver
Hyperventilation for
transplantation: increased ICP is only
Acetaminophen-induced liver failure: Arterial pH < 7.3, regardless of useful if there is a planned
grade of encephalopathy, or grade III/IV encephalopathy, with both intervention within 6–24
hours because it may
prothrombin time > 100 seconds and serum creatinine > 3.4 mg/dL eventually result in
Other causes of liver failure: prothrombin time > 100 or any three of rebound elevation of ICP.
the following criteria (age < 10 or > 40 years; unfavorable etiology
[i.e., non-A or B viral hepatitis, drug reaction, or Wilson disease];
prothrombin time > 50 seconds; serum bilirubin > 18 mg/dL; > 7 days
of jaundice before encephalopathy develops)
Management of complications:
Hepatic encephalopathy: Lactulose is controversial, with no difference in
severity of encephalopathy or overall outcome
Cerebral edema with possible sequelae of elevated ICP, cerebral ischemia, and
brain stem herniation
64 / CHAPTER 2
Acute Pancreatitis
Gallstones and chronic alcohol abuse account for ~ 75% of cases of acute
pancreatitis in the U.S.
Sepsis, trauma, and other causes of critical illness result in a hypercatabolic state,
with subsequent immune dysfunction, skeletal muscle atrophy, peripheral and
central weakness, and nutritional deficiencies.
In patients without contraindications to enteral nutrition, early enteral feeding
(within 48 hours of ICU admission) is recommended.
In patients who are adequately nourished, early parenteral nutrition (within 1
week of ICU admission) is avoided, given increased risks of infection and
prolonged mechanical ventilation.
In patients who are malnourished and have contraindications to enteral
nutrition, parenteral nutrition is considered. However, the timeline for
initiation of parenteral nutrition remains uncertain, given the associated risks.
Contraindications to enteral nutrition:
o Hemodynamic instability in underresuscitated patients who may be
predisposed to bowel ischemia
o Bowel obstruction, bowel ischemia, ileus, upper gastrointestinal bleed,
intractable vomiting, or diarrhea
Contraindications to parenteral nutrition:
o Hyperosmolality, hypervolemia
o Severe hyperglycemia or electrolyte abnormalities
The need for continuous renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury is also
associated with a high in-hospital mortality rate.
Calcium Hypocalcemia Prolonged QT, tetany, seizures, s/p parathyroidectomy, Calcium chloride or gluconate
hypotension, papilledema thyroidectomy, head and neck
Avoid calcium and dialyze if
hyperphosphatemia is the cause (tumor lysis,
rhabdomyolysis, acute kidney injury)
Hypercalcemia Constipation, fatigue, polyuria, Hyperparathyroidism, IV fluids + furosemide, calcitonin,
polydipsia, anorexia, nausea, mood malignancy, milk alkali syndrome bisphosphonates, hemodialysis for severe
changes cases
Phosphate Hypophosphatemia Respiratory muscle weakness Alcoholism, anorexia nervosa, IV phosphate
Magnesium Hypomagnesemia Muscle weakness, ↓ deep tendon Hypokalemia and hypocalcemia IV magnesium
reflexes, nausea, flushing, bradycardia,
tetany, polymorphic ventricular
tachycardia with prolonged QT
Hypermagnesemia Muscle weakness, ↓deep tendon Exogenous intake, renal failure, IV calcium or hemodialysis
reflexes, flushing, bradycardia, heart treatment of eclampsia
block, and paralysis
IV, intravenous; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion; s/p, status post
68 / CHAPTER 2
See Table 2-5.
One third of patients admitted to the ICU have baseline hemoglobin < 10 g/dL. Key Fact
Most patients have anemia by ICU day 3. Anemia and red blood cell transfusions Initial treatment of
are associated with worse ICU outcomes. myxedema coma requires
an IV bolus of T4 and T3.
IV hydrocortisone is also
given for potential
concurrent adrenal
Anemia and Red Blood Cell Transfusion in the ICU insufficiency.
Contains fibrinogen, fibronectin, von Willebrand factor, factor XIII, and factor
Type I: Mild transient thrombocytopenia occurs within the first 2 days of
heparin exposure, with gradual normalization of platelet level. Non-immune-
mediated mechanism has a direct effect of heparin on platelets.
Type II: Immune-mediated mechanism results in thrombosis and
Key Fact
Treatment: Anticoagulation is
Immediate discontinuation of heparin followed by initiation of nonheparin recommended for 4–6
anticoagulant/direct thrombin inhibitor: weeks for patients with
o Argatroban is first-line therapy. Bivalirudin is approved for percutaneous thrombocytopenia without
coronary intervention in patients at increased risk for heparin-induced thrombosis and for at least
thrombocytopenia. 3 months for patients with
thrombosis. Vitamin K
o Fondaparinux is used clinically, but data are limited. antagonists (warfarin) are
avoided because they can
exacerbate the
prothrombotic state.
UREMIC SYNDROME (HUS)—TTP and HUS form a thrombotic
microangiopathy that results from abnormal activation and intravascular
aggregation of platelets accompanied by intravascular hemolysis. Key Fact
Most cases of TTP-HUS
Diagnosis: are idiopathic, but known
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia associations include bloody
diarrhea caused by Shiga
Other clinical features: Acute kidney injury, neurologic symptoms, fever toxin-producing bacteria
Reduced ADAMTS13 (von Willebrand factor–cleaving protease) activity (e.g., Escherichia coli
0157:H7), pregnancy in
patients with congenital or
Treatment: Mortality rate before the use of plasma exchange was ~ 90%. acquired ADAMTS13
Immediate plasma exchange until resolution of thrombocytopenia and deficiency, and drugs
hemolysis (evaluated by lactate dehydrogenase level) (chemotherapy,
72 / CHAPTER 2
Clinical features:
Acute kidney injury
Hepatic dysfunction
Pulmonary hemorrhage
Central nervous system involvement (coma, delirium, focal neurologic deficits)
History of sepsis, trauma, or malignancy
Moderate to severe thrombocytopenia or microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Laboratory evidence of increased thrombin generation (decreased fibrinogen,
prolonged prothrombin time/activated partial thromboplastin time) and
increased fibrinolysis (elevated D-dimer; Table 2-6)
Platelet and fresh-frozen plasma transfusion
Protein C concentrate in patients with homozygous or acquired protein C
Cairo-Bishop definition: Two or more laboratory changes within 3 days
before or 7 days after cytotoxic therapy
Hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia
Aggressive hydration, urinary alkalinization in patients with metabolic
acidosis, and hypouricemic agents (allopurinol, rasburicase)
Correction of electrolyte abnormalities
Rasburicase, loop diuretics, and IV fluids
Emergent dialysis in patients with severe oliguria or anuria, persistent
hyperkalemia, or hyperphosphatemia-induced symptomatic hypocalcemia
Urgent chemotherapy, with or without hematopoietic stem cell transplantation,
in eligible patients
Emergent stabilization of white blood cell count with chemotherapy and
concomitant leukapheresis for symptomatic hyperleukocytosis (unclear
survival benefit, but improves neurologic and pulmonary symptoms)
74 / CHAPTER 2
Infections other than pneumonia and sepsis that commonly require ICU admission
include central nervous system infections, endocarditis, severe Clostridium
difficile, and severe soft tissue infections. Other common infections seen in the
intensive care setting include catheter-related infections.
Lumbar puncture: White blood cell count > 1000 cells/mm3, glucose < 40
mg/dL, protein > 100 mg/dL. Contraindications include intracranial mass with
localized edema or epidural abscess. Before lumbar puncture, head CT should
be obtained in patients with a history of central nervous system disease,
immunosuppressive disorder, seizures, moderate to severe impairment of
consciousness, papilledema, or focal neurologic findings. Antibiotic therapy
should not be delayed to obtain cultures.
Etiology: Table 2-7 shows potential organisms and the associated population.
Treatment: See Table 2-8 for recommendations on empiric antibiotics for certain
clinical situations.
Organism Treatment
Neurosyphilis Penicillin G
Flash Card A1
Bacillus anthracis
Infective endocarditis is infection of the endothelial lining of the heart,
characterized by vegetation.
It usually affects valves but also can affect mural thrombi or heart defects.
Most cases (80%) are caused by Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species.
Enterococci and negative cultures occur 8% of the time. Fungi and HACEK
(Haemophilus, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Cardiobacterium
hominis, Eikenella corrodens, Kingella kingae) occur in ~ 2% of cases.
Prosthetic valves have similar organisms, with slightly higher occurrences of
gram-negative bacilli and fungi.
Major criteria:
Positive blood cultures
o Typical microorganism from two separate blood cultures
o Persistently positive blood culture
o Single blood culture for Coxiella burnetii or antiphase I immunoglobulin
G antibody titer > 1:800
Evidence of endocardial involvement
o Positive findings on echocardiogram
o New valvular regurgitation
78 / CHAPTER 2
Minor criteria:
Predisposition (heart condition, IV drug use)
Vascular phenomena
o Major arterial emboli
o Septic pulmonary infarct
o Mycotic aneurysm
o Intracranial hemorrhage
o Conjunctival hemorrhage
o Janeway lesions
Immunologic phenomena
o Glomerulonephritis
o Osler nodes
o Roth spots
o Rheumatoid factor
Positive blood cultures that do not meet the major criteria
Intravenous antibiotics are given for 4 weeks for infection in native valves and
6 weeks for infection in prosthetic valves (counted from the first day of
negative culture results).
If aortic or mitral valves are involved, serial electrocardiograms are obtained
to look for PR interval prolongation or other conduction abnormalities that
signal invasion of the interventricular septum.
Main indications for valve surgery are heart failure (severe acute regurgitation
with cardiogenic shock), uncontrolled infection (abscess, enlarging vegetation,
dehiscence of prosthetic valve, persistent fever and blood cultures > 7 days),
or prevention of embolic event (vegetation > 15 mm or > 10 mm +
Catheter-Related Infections
Cellulitis or abscess at the site of exit of the catheter
Infection along the tract of the tunneled catheter (tunnel infection)
Catheter-related bacteremia (isolation of the same organism from tip and
The most common organisms that cause line infections are Staphylococcus
aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Enterococcus. Candida is more often
seen in patients who are receiving multiple antibiotics as well as parental
Uncomplicated, with an organism other than S. aureus: 5–10 days after line
Uncomplicated S. aureus bacteremia: 14 days
Complicated cases: Individually tailored
Candidemia: Treatment for 14 days, with recommendation of ophthalmologic
examination because of the risk of endophthalmitis
Maximal sterile barriers during insertion of central catheters
Chlorhexidine at the insertion site for antisepsis
Chlorhexidine-impregnated patch
Catheters coated with antimicrobial agents
Use of dressings at the insertion site
Other recommendations:
Specific site (subclavian > internal jugular > femoral) and use of minimal
amount of ports
Replacement of catheters placed during an emergency within 48 hours
Removal of central lines when no longer necessary
Routinely changing central intravascular catheters and using systemic
antibiotics as prophylaxis have not been shown to reduce infections.
The rate of ICU admission for pregnant or peripartum women is low at < 2%. The
two most common indications are hypertensive disorders and postpartum
End-organ damage:
o Platelets < 100,000/μL
o Serum creatinine doubled or > 1.1 mg/dL
o Liver transaminase twice the normal value
o Pulmonary edema
o Cerebral or visual symptoms
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes, and low
o Prevalence: < 1% of pregnancies; 10–20% in severe preeclampsia
o Elevated indirect bilirubin, low haptoglobin, platelet count < 100,000/μL
o Clinical features: Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and malaise
Risk factors:
Retained placenta
Placenta accreta
Instrumental delivery
Uterine atony (80% of cases)
Trauma (uterine rupture, lacerations)
Coagulopathy (preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, placental abruption)
Management: Early recognition of PPH needed to prevent shock and lethal triad
of hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy
General principles:
In an observational study, an established protocol showed faster resolution of
maternal bleeding, use of fewer blood products, and reduced disseminated
intravascular coagulation.
Standardized massive transfusion protocol is used for labor and delivery.
Fundal massage and intrauterine tamponade are used.
Uterotonic drugs: Oxytocin and misoprostol are given.
Laparotomy, surgical exploration, and hysterectomy should not be delayed in
Flash Card Q2
disseminated intravascular coagulation, severe bleed, or large uterine rupture.
What is the most common
etiology of postpartum
84 / CHAPTER 2
Pulmonary Edema
Flash Card A2
Uterine atony
Subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin is preferred, or subcutaneous or
IV unfractionated heparin may be used:
o Warfarin is teratogenic and contraindicated in pregnancy.
o Anticoagulation is discontinued 24 hours before delivery if possible for
epidural catheter placement and/or cesarean surgery.
o Patients at high risk for recurrent venous thromboembolism may
discontinue subcutaneous low-molecular-weight/unfractionated heparin
and start IV unfractionated heparin until 4–6 hours before delivery.
o Patients with poor cardiopulmonary reserve and pulmonary embolism may
benefit from an IVC filter before delivery. Another option is to deliver
while the patient is fully anticoagulated.
Duration: For venous thromboembolism in pregnancy, therapy is continued
for the duration of pregnancy and for ≥ 6 weeks postpartum (minimum 3–6
months). Flash Card Q3
Systemic thrombolysis is used for massive pulmonary embolism: What is the biggest risk
factor for tocolytic-
o Bleeding risk is highest peripartum, but thrombolysis is used in life- associated pulmonary
threatening massive pulmonary embolism with shock. edema?
86 / CHAPTER 2
Clinical presentation:
Abrupt shock with acute cardiopulmonary collapse
Profound hypoxemia and shortness of breath
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (common and can cause hemorrhage
after surgery)
Pulmonary edema (common)
Coma or seizures
Transthoracic echocardiography:
Severe right ventricular dilation and decreased function (within minutes of
onset of shock)
Left ventricular dysfunction secondary to right ventricular enlargement
Initial management: Placement in the left lateral decubitus position
Flash Card A3 Cardiac, pulmonary, or neurologic deficits: Supportive care and hyperbaric
Prolonged tocolytic therapy oxygen therapy
> 24–48 hours
Ovarian enlargement because of multiple ovarian cysts and acute fluid shifts
out of the intravascular space
Severe cases: Ascites, pleural/pericardial effusions, hypovolemic shock,
venous thromboembolism, disseminated intravascular coagulation and ARDS
Disorders of Consciousness
Delirium and confusional states are among the most common neurologic disorders
in patients in the ICU. Key Fact
Delirium is a risk factor for
DELIRIUM death in the ICU.
Disturbance of consciousness with reduced ability to focus attention:
Changes in cognition or development of perceptual disturbances that fluctuate
throughout the day
Etiology: Mostly multifactorial, although risk increased by:
o Age
o Neurodegenerative disease (stroke, Parkinson’s, sensory impairment)
o Polypharmacy
o Malignancy
o Postoperative setting
o Uncontrolled pain
Treatment: Avoidance of exacerbating factors (including sedation and
benzodiazepines) and treatment of underlying illness. Antipsychotic agents
reduce the severity and duration of episodes, although reduction in incidence
has not been observed.
Status Epilepticus
DEFINITION—No standard definition but often refers to seizures lasting longer
than 5–10 minutes without an intervening period of consciousness.
Brain Death
Irreversible and complete loss of cerebral and brainstem function. In the U.S.,
brain death is equivalent to cardiopulmonary death.
Neurologic examination: Coma, absent brain-originating motor responses
(painful stimuli), absent papillary light reflex/corneal reflexes/oculovestibular
reflexes/jaw jerk/gag reflex.
Drug intoxication or poisoning, metabolic derangements, hypothermia, and
neuromuscular paralysis because of neuropathy or medications must be ruled
Apnea test:
o Performed after all other criteria for brain death are met and cannot have
concurrent hypothermia, hypercapnia, hypotension, or hypoxia
o 8–10 minutes without observable respiratory effort – PaCO2 measured just
before reconnection to ventilator > 60 mm Hg or 20 mm Hg greater than
o Ancillary testing: Applied only when clinical criteria cannot be applied
and includes cerebral angiography, transcranial Doppler, magnetic MRA,
CT angiography, or electrophysiologic tests.
Therapeutic Hypothermia
Rapid onset of serious allergic or hypersensitivity reaction that can be life-
threatening when symptoms progress to respiratory distress (stridor, wheezing,
dyspnea, cyanosis), and cardiovascular collapse.
IM epinephrine: Inject 0.3–0.5 mg intramuscularly. May repeat every 5–15
IV epinephrine continuous infusion for refractory symptoms
Nebulized albuterol for epinephrine refractory bronchospasm
Diphenhydramine 20–50 mg IV with or without methylprednisolone 125 mg
Glucagon 1–5 mg IV for patients taking blockers
Near Drowning
Pulmonary: Fluid aspiration that can result in hypoxemia because of
noncardiogenic pulmonary edema
Neurologic: Cerebral edema and increased ICP.
Cardiovascular: Arrhythmias secondary to hypothermia and hypoxemia
Hemolysis and coagulopathy are rare complications.
In critically ill patients, the therapeutic focus is to reduce the risk of brain injury.
The role of glucocorticoids or prophylactic antibiotics is unclear.
Heat Stroke
Nonexertional heat stroke typically occurs in elderly patients with chronic Key Fact
medical conditions and impaired thermoregulation. Exertional heat stroke occurs Dantrolene,
in healthy, young patients with prolonged exposure to high ambient temperature. acetaminophen, and
aspirin are ineffective and
Managed with adequate fluid resuscitation and cooling measures. are not indicated in the
treatment of heat stroke.
Pulmonary: Hypoxemia caused by noncardiogenic pulmonary edema or
Neurologic: Seizures.
Cardiovascular: Myocardial injury with ST-elevation, heart failure,
Rhabdomyolysis with acute kidney injury Flash Card Q4
Acute liver failure Concomitant use of which
antibiotic with serotonergic
Disseminated intravascular coagulation agents can cause
serotonin syndrome?
92 / CHAPTER 2
Category A: Highest priority agents easily grown in large quantities and
difficult to destruct - anthrax and smallpox
Category B: Second highest priority agents generally less lethal than category
A: Q fever and brucellosis
Category C: Pathogens that can be engineered for mass dissemination:
multiple-drug-resistant tuberculosis, hantavirus.
Bioterrorism-related cutaneous anthrax: Ciprofloxacin or doxycycline.
Adjuvant therapy: Glucocorticoids for meningoencephalitis or extensive
edema involving head/neck; Raxibacumab (human IgG1-gamma monoclonal
antibody against protective antigen).
ARDS was first described in 1967 in a case series of 12 patients. The American-
European Consensus Conference published a definition of ARDS in 1994 that
remained the standard until it was replaced in 2012 by the Berlin definition.
Flash Card A4
PaO2/FiO2 < 200: ARDS Addition of PEEP to definition and severity categories:
Mild: 200 < PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 300 + PEEP/CPAP ≥ 5
Moderate: 100 < PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200 + PEEP/CPAP ≥ 5
Severe: PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 100 + PEEP/CPAP ≥ 5
ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ALI, acute lung injury; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure;
CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure
Since ARDS was first described, the mortality rate has steadily decreased, with
recent reports estimating 30- to 60-day mortality rates of 25–30%. Several studies
have considered factors that predict mortality (Table 2-15).
Key Fact The main strategy of mechanical ventilation is to reduce the mechanisms of
The key in mechanical ventilator-induced lung injury by preventing volutrauma and atelectrauma and
ventilator management of reducing oxygen toxicity. The principle is derived from the static inspiratory
ARDS is to prevent pressure–volume curve of the respiratory system. In ARDS, the curve is a sigmoid
volutrauma, atelectrauma,
and oxygen toxicity. shape with a lower inflection point at lower lung volumes (atelectrauma) and an
upper inflection point at higher lung volumes (volutrauma) (Figure 2-7).
PEEP: The goal is to reduce oxygen toxicity and avoid atelectrauma and
volutrauma while preventing increases in dead space ventilation, barotrauma, and
cardiovascular consequences. The Lung Open Ventilation Study looked at
techniques to “open” collapsed alveoli through recruitment maneuvers and the use
of PEEP.
The ideal PEEP is not yet known. Three large multicenter studies have evaluated
high-PEEP versus low-PEEP strategies that showed no change in mortality rate
among all patients with ARDS. However, in patients with severe ARDS, higher
PEEP may lead to decreased mortality. The studies showed conflicting findings
on whether the high-PEEP group had a reduction in ventilator days, refractory
hypoxia, and the need for rescue therapy. Using esophageal pressures to adjust
PEEP may also lead to improved outcomes, particularly in oxygenation and
respiratory system compliance. Large clinical trials are underway.
Recruitment maneuvers have been postulated to open alveoli and keep them open
with a lower amount of PEEP by applying higher inflation pressures initially for a
certain amount of time. The technique of recruitment (degree and duration of
PEEP) has not been standardized and has not shown mortality benefit.
Volume versus pressure control: The Lung Open Ventilation Study showed that
pressure-controlled ventilation had similar patient outcomes compared with
volume-controlled ventilation.
Varying the fatty acid components of lipids has been studied because metabolites
can promote inflammation. However, the use of enteral feeds containing
eicosapentaenoic acid, gamma-linoleic acid, and antioxidants is not recommended
because the studies had methodologic errors and varying results.
Refractory Hypoxia
Despite initiation of the lung-protective ventilator strategies and application of
PEEP, some patients may continue to have severe hypoxia (refractory hypoxia).
Vasodilators, neuromuscular blockade, prone positioning, high-frequency
oscillatory ventilation, inverse-ratio ventilation, liquid ventilation, and
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation have been considered for the treatment of
ARDS with refractory hypoxia.
The principles behind the use of these modalities are outlined in Table 2-16 along
with specific considerations and recommendations. Most randomized controlled
trials of these modalities found improvements in initial oxygenation with no
change in mortality rate. These modalities can be considered for patients with
severe ARDS and refractory, life-threatening hypoxia. The exception is proning,
with recent studies showing a potential mortality benefit with initiation early in
severe ARDS. With these emerging studies, proning may no longer be considered
only as rescue therapy for refractory hypoxia at appropriate facilities.
Flash Card A6
Tidal volume 6 mL/kg
predicted body weight and
plateau pressure < 30 cm
Mechanisms of Hypoxemia
Hypoxia has five mechanisms:
Decreased inspired oxygen pressure
Alveolar hypoventilation
Impaired diffusion
Ventilation–perfusion mismatch
Initial evaluation:
Chest x-ray
Arterial blood gas
Pulmonary embolus
Obstructive lung disease
Pulmonary contusion
Table 2-18 outlines the indications for intubation; however, this is only a guide.
The physician must consider each situation in the appropriate clinical context.
Indication Examples
Airway patency or Glasgow Coma Scale score < 8
protection Inability to swallow secretions
Upper airway instability after trauma
Depressed airway reflexes
Oxygenation Clinically agitated or restless, cyanosis
PaO2/FiO2 < 200
The LEMON mnemonic has been validated for evaluation of the difficult airway
Mnemonic in the emergency department. It provides information about the risk of difficult
Assessing a difficult intubation under direct laryngoscopy.
Look externally:
Abnormal facie,
abnormal anatomy,
Evaluate 3-3-2 rule (3
fingers mouth opening,
3 fingers along floor of
mandible, 2 fingers
superior to laryngeal
notch): Predicts difficult
visualization for direct
Mallampati score (Figure
2-8): Score of I or II
predicts easy
laryngoscopy, and
score of III or IV
predicts difficultly
Neck mobility: Ideally,
patient should be in the
sniff position for
Mnemonic Predictors for difficulty in bag-mask ventilation have also been studied and are
Predictors of difficult bag- summarized by the mnemonic MOANS.
mask ventilation—MOANS
Mask seal: Abnormal If a difficult airway is anticipated, options include:
anatomy and facial hair Use of direct laryngoscopy
Age > 55 years, loss of Fiberoptic bronchoscopy
elasticity, increased Fiberoptic rigid intubating stylet with topical anesthesia and minimal
incidence of restrictive and procedural sedation
obstructive lung disease
No teeth
Stiffness: Lung conditions If those methods are unsuccessful, intubation with a laryngeal mask, blind
that decrease lung nasotracheal intubation, or cricothyrotomy should be considered (Figure 2-9).
Modes of Ventilation
What initiates the breath (trigger)?
What controls the delivery (target volume or pressure)? Key Fact
What terminates the breath (cycling)? In pressure-targeted
breaths, tidal volume may
vary depending on lung
See Table 2-19 for comparison of volume-targeted versus pressure-targeted compliance (and patient
breaths. assistance) and therefore
will be affected by changes
in clinical state. For
Table 2-19. Volume-Targeted Versus Pressure-Targeted Breaths example, with resolution of
pulmonary edema or
Volume-Targeted Breaths Pressure-Targeted Breaths ARDS, lung compliance
improves and results in
Set tidal volume Set inspiratory pressure larger tidal volume for the
Set inspiratory flow rate (typically 30–80 L/min) Inspiratory time: same set inspiratory
Determined by clinician on mandatory breaths pressure and time.
Higher flow rates: Shorter inspiratory time but
Determined by patient on assisted breaths
higher peak inspiratory pressure
Set pattern of delivery (square, sine, or
decelerating/ramp pattern)
Square pattern: Shorter inspiratory time, but
Flash Card Q7
higher peak inspiratory pressure A patient requires
Decelerating pattern: Longer inspiratory time intubation. He is obese and
and lower peak inspiratory pressure has a Mallampati class IV
airway. Current saturation
Airway pressures vary depending on lung and Tidal volume varies depending on compliance
is 90% on a high-flow
chest wall mechanics
mask. What is the best
next step?
106 / CHAPTER 2
Figure 2-10. Assist control mode. Example of flow and pressure versus time
Figure 2-13. Tracings for pressure control ventilation. Ti, inspiratory time; I:E,
inspiratory/expiratory ratio; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Key Fact
Airway pressure release
ventilation is an option for
patients with refractory
hypoxemia as a result of
ARDS. It is best used in
patients who are breathing
spontaneously and are
without bronchospasms or
copious amounts of
secretions that would put
them at high risk for auto-
Monitoring airway pressure, volume, and flow can help to determine the etiology
of changes in respiratory status. Resistance can be determined by the following
The difference in peak inspiratory pressure and plateau pressures can generate a
specific differential diagnosis for the etiology of respiratory distress (Figure 2-
Flash Card Q8
A patient with a severe
exacerbation of COPD is
having ineffective triggering
because of auto-PEEP.
You increase the applied
PEEP. What parameter
would you follow to
Figure 2-15. Difference in peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) and plateau to aid with determine whether
determination of the etiology of respiratory distress. PEEP, positive end- excessive PEEP is being
expiratory pressure. applied?
112 / CHAPTER 2
Ineffective triggering can occur when the patient does not create sufficient change
in airway pressure or flow to initiate a positive pressure breath (Figure 2-16).
Other causes of ineffective triggering are low respiratory drive, weak inspiratory
muscles, partially blocked endotracheal tube, alkaline pH, high trigger sensitivity,
and expiratory asynchrony with delayed opening of the exhalation valve.
Flash Card A8
A rise in peak pressure. As
long as applied PEEP is
less than auto-PEEP, peak Figure 2-16. Ineffective triggering. Patient inspiratory effort does not trigger a
pressures will not change. breath (arrows).
However, once applied
PEEP is greater than auto-
PEEP, peak and plateau
pressures will increase,
placing the patient at risk
for ventilator-induced lung
Double triggering occurs when two positive pressure breaths occur with a limited
expiratory phase between them that can result in large tidal volumes (Figure 2-
17). Double triggering occurs when ventilator inspiratory time is shorter than the
patient’s inspiratory time. Ventilator adjustments to reduce double triggering
include increasing tidal volume, inspiratory time, or sedation and switching to a
variable flow setting.
Figure 2-17. Double triggering. Two breaths with limited expiration time between
them (arrows).
Inspiratory flow: Asynchrony occurs when the set flow rate is lower than the
patient’s desired flow rate. The pressure–time graphic shows a concave deflection
because the patient creates negative pressure to pull more flow (Figure 2-19).
114 / CHAPTER 2
Key Fact
Figure 2-19. Pressure–time graphic of normal decelerating ramp versus flow
A patient who is receiving
mechanical ventilation starvation showing the concave deflection.
because of ARDS has
increased work of Cycling: Asynchrony occurs when the duration of breath delivered by the
breathing and a concave
deflection on the pressure– ventilator does not match the duration of the patient’s desired breath. If the
time graphic. Increasing duration of breath is longer than the patient desires, an increase in airway pressure
the flow rate improves the is seen on the pressure–time graphic at the end of inspiration, with an increase in
inspiratory flow asynchrony
and relieves the work of expiratory flow on the flow–time graphic (Figure 2-20). Ventilator adjustments to
breathing. correct this cycling asynchrony include shortening inspiratory time and increasing
flow. If the duration of breath is shorter than the patient desires, because of
persistent patient effort, the airway pressure curve is pulled downward and there
is reversal of expiratory flow after breath termination (not pictured). This
persistent effort may trigger a second breath.
PEEP has less of a role in respiratory failure from parenchymal lung disease. FiO2
is increased to treat hypoxemia unless the patient has ineffective triggering as a
consequence of auto-PEEP. In this case, increasing PEEP can help (see earlier
section on ineffective triggering).
Tracheal stenosis Dyspnea within 5 wk of Cuff pressure 18–25 Surgery, stenting, laser
extubation mm Hg therapy
Sedation plays an important role in liberation from the ventilator. Studies have
shown the benefit of daily interruptions of sedation and intermittent sedation over
continuous infusion.
The rapid shallow index has been shown in some studies to delay the weaning
process. Some centers have removed this criterion from the liberation protocol.
Once certain criteria are met, patients are placed on a spontaneous breathing trial
for 30–120 minutes on either CPAP 5 cm H2O, T-tube, or automated tube
compensation (use of pressure support to overcome the resistance of breathing
through an endotracheal tube).
The percentage of cuff leak is determined by giving a breath with a tidal volume Key Fact
of 10 mL/kg of predicted body weight with the cuff inflated and then with the cuff Depending on the clinical
deflated. The optimal timing for
tracheostomy is unknown.
% cuff leak = VT exhaled (cuff inflated) – VT exhaled (cuff deflated)
VT exhaled (cuff inflated)
If cuff leak is < 25%, one study showed a reduction in postextubation stridor (6%
versus 30%) with methylprednisolone 40 mg every 6 h × 4 doses.
NPPV has been studied in multiple populations and was found to be beneficial in
certain circumstances (Table 2-26).
Capnography is noninvasive monitoring of partial pressure of carbon dioxide
(CO2) in exhaled breath and is expressed as CO2 concentration over time
(capnogram). End tidal CO2 (EtCO2) is the CO2 concentration at the end of each
tidal breath. The normal value is 35–45 mm Hg.
Figure 2-23. Comparison of normal capnography wave form and wave form in
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In COPD, a more rounded
ascending phase (phase 2) is seen as well as an upward slope in the alveolar
plateau (blue arrows).
Key Fact
During CPR, the Advanced
Cardiac Life Support
The most important clinical use of capnography is endotracheal intubation. It is a provider can use EtCO2:
reliable indicator for tube placement in the trachea. In addition, the current To evaluate the
Advanced Cardiac Life Support guidelines recommend quantitative capnography effectiveness of CPR,
denoted by an increase in
during chest compressions to assess quality of chest compressions (EtCO2 < 10
EtCO2 (EtCO2 increases
mm Hg, indicating poor quality of CPR). Perfusion is reestablished immediately, with increased cardiac
accompanied by a dramatic increase in EtCO2. output)
To determine resumption
of spontaneous
Hypercapnia and Neuromuscular Disorders circulation, which is
accompanied by a
dramatic increase in
Respiratory muscle weakness causing hypercapnia and leading to mechanical EtCO2 (first indicator
ventilation is a common scenario in the ICU. Common disorders include Guillain- because of increased
cardiac output)
Barré syndrome, myasthenia gravis, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, and EtCO2 < 10 mm Hg
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. indicates poor quality of
No single abnormality is diagnostic of neuromuscular weakness. However,
several objective measures can be used in combination to identify abnormalities.
Maximal inspiratory pressure reflects the strength of the diaphragm and other
inspiratory muscles. It is synonymous with negative inspiratory force and
indicates a high risk of hypercapnia.
Maximal expiratory pressure reflects the strength of the abdominal muscles
and other expiratory muscles and indicates inadequate cough strength and risk
of retention of secretions.
Restrictive pattern is seen on pulmonary function tests.
Reduction is seen in supine forced vital capacity compared with upright
forced vital capacity.
Reduction is seen in maximal voluntary ventilation.
124 / CHAPTER 2
Serial measurements can be used as a rough guideline to predict the need for
elective intubation. However, patients who have severe respiratory distress,
marked blood gas abnormalities, high risk of aspiration, or impaired
consciousness need immediate mechanical ventilation. In most cases, clinical
findings and objective physiologic tests are used together to determine when
mechanical ventilation is indicated.
that interferes with deep breathing, leading to hypoxia. Proven therapies that help
with prevention include chest physiotherapy, incentive spirometry, and CPAP.
Common causes of pleural effusion after cardiac surgery are shown in Table 2-30.
Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Pulmonary infiltrate
Pericardial effusion
Pleural effusion
analysis shows an exudative effusion with normal pH and glucose levels. The cell
count differential shows a predominance of polymorphonuclear cells during the
acute phase and mononuclear cells later in the course. Various trials have
evaluated empiric treatment with aspirin, prednisone, colchicine, and nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory drugs to prevent postpericardiotomy syndrome. However, there
is no consensus and the treatment depends on clinician preference.
Bronchopleural Fistula
Bronchopleural fistula is a patent sinus tract between the bronchus and the pleural
space that may result from a variety of causes:
Necrotizing pneumonia/empyema
Lung neoplasm
Blunt and penetrating chest injury
Complication of a procedure (lung biopsy, chest tube drainage,
thoracocentesis, pneumonectomy)
Complication of radiation therapy
Risk factors:
Right-sided procedure
Large bronchial stump
Residual tumor
Radiation therapy
Age > 60 years
Prolonged postoperative mechanical ventilation
Fiber optic bronchoscopy with selective instillation of methylene blue into the
segmental bronchi, with its subsequent appearance in the chest drainage, can
confirm the location of a bronchopleural fistula.
Management/Procedure Comments
Flail chest occurs in when three or more consecutive ribs are fractured in two or
more places, creating a floating segment in the chest wall. It occurs as a
complication of trauma and is seen in ~ 10% of patients with chest wall injury.
Flail chest is clinically diagnosed by paradoxical motion of the chest wall. The
detached segment of the chest wall is pulled into the chest cavity during
inspiration and pushed outward during expiration. This abnormal motion
increases the work of breathing and compromises respiratory function.
Hemothorax is diagnosed when pleural fluid hematocrit is > 50% of total body
hematocrit. Causes include aortic rupture, myocardial rupture, and injury to the
intercostal or mammary blood vessels postsurgery. Hemothorax is treated with
Intervention Comments
Airway Bleeding side down
management Double-lumen endotracheal tube placement vs. selective main stem
Bronchoscopy Flexible bronchoscopy to evaluate source of bleeding
Rigid bronchoscopy also can be done
Application of iced saline, epinephrine 1:20,000, and thrombin
Single-lumen endotracheal tube placement under flexible bronchoscopy
Use of a bronchial blocker or balloon catheter
If lesion identified: Laser therapy, argon plasma coagulation, electrocautery,
and cryotherapy
Arteriography Bronchial arteries: First vessels studied because they are most common
source of bleeding
Complication: Paraplegia (anterior spinal artery may arise from bronchial
Bronchial wall necrosis
Surgery Unilateral, uncontrollable bleeding: Evaluation by thoracic surgeon early in
the course of presentation
Emergent surgery for massive hemoptysis: Mortality rate of ~ 20% and
surgical morbidity rate of 25–50%
Contraindications to surgery: Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH), multiple
arteriovenous malformations, multifocal bronchiectasis, poor baseline lung
o The most characteristic cell of allergic asthma.
o Attracted to the bronchial walls by IL-3, IL-5, and granulocytemonocyte
colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) secreted by the Th2 cells.
o Release a large number of proinflammatory mediators, including
leukotrienes and basic proteins (Figure 3-1).
o Clinical significance: Corticosteroids decrease number of eosinophils in
circulation, decrease their penetration in the bronchial walls, and prevent
activation of eosinophils that have entered the bronchial walls.
T helper cells:
o Th2 cells infiltrating the airways secrete IL-3, Il-4, IL-5, IL-13, and GM-
o Th1 cells cause tissue inflammation and remodeling through release of
interferon (IFN) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF).
o Th17 cells secrete IL-17 and are associated with neutrophilic inflammation
during acute exacerbation and with tissue remodeling
Flash Card Q1
What are the primary T
lymphocytes involved in
the pathogenesis of
134 / CHAPTER 3
Flash Card A1
Th2 CD4+ T lymphocytes
Nonimmune-Related Asthma
Not all airway hyperresponsiveness is mediated by immune responses.
Nonimmune-related asthma can be seen in reactive airway dysfunction syndrome
(RADS), a subtype of occupational asthma. In RADS, a single exposure to an
irritant renders the patient sensitive to subsequent exposures to similar compounds.
This sensitivity may last for years.
Airway Remodeling
The age-adjusted prevalence of asthma in the United States increased from 7.3 to
8.2 percent between 2001 and 2009. Higher prevalence and death rates in blacks
than in whites have been attributed to socioeconomic factors and differences in
access to medical care. Genetic polymorphisms may also play a role.
Genetic Susceptibility
Several asthma-related genes and genetic variations have been identified using
linkage analysis in families with asthma, case-control or family-based association
studies, and animal models of asthma traits. However, as of yet, there is no
established clinical utility for these findings.
Clinical Features
However, the absence of any of these findings does not exclude the possibility of
severe airflow obstruction during an exacerbation.
Bronchodilator response:
o If airflow obstruction is present on baseline spirometry, bronchodilator
response is assessed by administering 2–4 puffs of a short-acting
bronchodilator, then repeating the tests after 10–15 minutes.
o A positive bronchodilator response is defined as an increase in FEV1 or
FVC by 12% or more (Figure 3-6A), along with an absolute increase in
FEV1 or FVC by at least 200 mL (Figure 3-6B).
Figure 3-6. (A) Positive bronchodilator response. The dotted blue line shows the
expiratory loop at baseline (the slight concavity is suggestive of obstruction); the
solid red line shows the expiratory loop 10 minutes after administration of
bronchodilators. (B) Positive bronchodilator response. The dotted blue line shows
FEV1 of 2.3 L at baseline; the solid red line shows FEV1 increasing to 3.2 L, 10
minutes after administration of bronchodilators.
Bronchoprovocation testing:
o Used in patients with high strong clinical suspicion of asthma and normal
spirometry; or in patients with unexplained respiratory symptoms,
particularly cough or nocturnal awakening; or for individuals who require
an asthma screening test for occupational reasons. Test results should be
interpreted in the context of clinical history (Table 3-4).
Table 3-4. Interpretation of Bronchoprovocation Challenge Testing Absolute contraindications
to bronchoprovocation
History Not Suggestive of testing—SMUK:
Test Result History Suggestive of Asthma
Positive Diagnosis of asthma confirmed Up to 10% of nonatopic, nonasthmatic Severe airflow limitation
subjects (26% of all smokers) have (FEV1 < 50% predicted
reactive airways but are asymptomatic or < 1 L)
Negative Atopic patient with seasonal asthma Diagnosis of asthma ruled out Myocardial infarction or
symptoms tested “out of season” stroke in last 3 months
Uncontrolled hypertension
Patient with occupational asthma (systolic blood pressure
tested long after exposure to the > 200 mm Hg or diastolic
etiologic agent blood pressure > 100
Recent glucocorticoid use mm Hg)
Other conditions mimicking asthma Known aortic aneurysm
such as vocal cord dysfunction and
central airway obstruction
142 / CHAPTER 3
Specialized provocation tests can be used for the evaluation of asthma variants
such as exercise-induced asthma (measuring lung function before and after
exercise) and occupational asthma (measuring FEV1 or PEF before and after the
work shift).
Chest radiograph is recommended to rule out other conditions that can mimic
Patients with uncomplicated asthma generally have unremarkable imaging
Hyperinflation seen less commonly in patients with asthma compared to
patients with more chronic obstructive lung disease.
Figure 3-9. (A) Flow-volume loop in fixed upper airway obstruction; note the
flattening during inspiration and expiration. (B) Flow-volume loop in variable
intrathoracic obstruction; note the flattening during expiration (red line) and
normal inspiration. Blue line denotes a normal flow-volume loop. (C) Flow-volume
loop in variable extrathoracic obstruction; note the flattening during inspiration
(red line) and normal expiration. Blue line denotes a normal flow-volume loop.
(Figure A reproduced, with permission, from Dr. Hinesh Upadhyay and Dr. Khalid Sehrani.)
Other findings that Elevated eosinophil count (usually > 500 mL) on peripheral blood
support the diagnosis smear
Presence of patchy, fleeting infiltrates on chest radiograph
Worsening cough with brown mucoid sputum production
Positive sputum culture for A fumigatus
Imaging studies showing bronchi filled with mucus
ABPA, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis; HRCT, high-resolution computed tomography; Ig,
Exercise-Induced Asthma
Many patients with asthma experience worsening symptoms with exercise.
However, a subset of patients experience only post-exercise asthma symptoms
and are asymptomatic at other times. Inhalation of large volumes of relatively
cool, dry air during vigorous exercise is thought to trigger changes in airway
physiology, resulting in exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.
Flash Card A3
Allergic bronchopulmonary
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS—Patients typically experience cough, chest
aspergillosis. tightness, and shortness of breath after an episode of exercise or during prolonged
A skin-prick test checking exercise. During the first 6–8 minutes of exercise, patients experience
reactivity to Aspergillus
fumigatus should be
bronchodilation. This is followed by bronchoconstriction that peaks 10–15
performed. minutes after onset of exercise. Symptoms generally resolve 60 minutes after
Work-Related Asthma
Occupational exposures can cause or exacerbate asthma symptoms. Work-related
asthma is divided into several categories depending on the type and timeline of
exposures and symptoms (Table 3-10).
Nocturnal Asthma
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS —Many patients with asthma experience
worsening of their symptoms at night. However, some patients present with
asthma-like symptoms only at night. This condition is thought to be due to
circadian variations in lung function that contribute to increased airway
inflammation at night, including changes in neurohormonal activation, changes in
lung volume, airway inflammation, blood volume of the pulmonary capillaries,
glucocorticoid receptor affinity, and ß2-adrenergic receptor function.
Cough-Variant Asthma
For some patients, cough is the only presenting manifestation of asthma. Most
such patients eventually develop wheezing, dyspnea, and other asthma-like
The diagnostic approach, evaluation, and management of such patients are similar
to that of patients with general asthma. However, other causes of cough, such as
medication use (ACE inhibitors), GERD, upper airway cough syndrome,
bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, COPD, lung cancer, acute infections, and
chronic aspiration, should be ruled out. For patients with severe disabling cough,
a 1–2 week course of oral glucocorticoids results in marked improvement.
156 / CHAPTER 3
Leukotriene-modifying agents (LTMAs) reduce the pulmonary manifestations
after exposure to aspirin/NSAIDs but do not impact the nasal and ocular
In patients with poor asthma control, systemic glucocorticoids can be used
before the test to optimize asthma control.
Confounding factors that need to be ruled out before making the diagnosis of
GRA include:
Non-compliance to medications
Continued exposure to trigger or stimulus including medications like aspirin
Inappropriate/wrong diagnosis of asthma
Undiagnosed or inappropriately treated concomitant conditions like COPD,
congestive heart failure, GERD, and OSA
Every possible effort should be made to identify and address the factors that
contribute to a patient’s noncompliance.
The classification of asthma severity and initiation of treatment in adults with the
stepwise approach are outlined in Figure 3-11 and Figure 3-12, respectively.
Bronchial Thermoplasty
Technique of applying heat energy to the airways during bronchoscopy using a
specialized catheter. Three separate bronchoscopies are performed over 3 weeks
under moderate sedation. The procedure is associated with a modest degree of
improvement and lacks data on long-term benefits and effects on airway
morphology. It can also result in acute exacerbation requiring hospitalization.
Performed only at specialized centers.
Progressively worsening breathlessness, wheezing, cough, and chest tightness
Decreased exercise tolerance and fatigue
Figure 3-10. Asthma action plan. The patient's normal PEFR value can be used
to construct a personalized asthma action plan.
(Reproduced courtesy of The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of
Clinical findings:
The presence of tachypnea, tachycardia (>120 bpm), use of accessory muscles of
inspiration, diaphoresis, inability to speak full phrases, inability to lie supine due
to breathlessness, and pulsus paradoxus are all suggestive of a severe
Findings can be present alone or in combination.
These findings lack sensitivity and might be absent in patients with severe
Imaging studies:
Presence of hyperinflation is a sign of severe obstruction and air trapping.
170 / CHAPTER 3
Onset of action:
Clinically evident ~6 hours after administration.
Early administration recommended.
Optimal dose:
Unknown for acute asthma exacerbation.
Based on expert opinion, patients with life-threatening exacerbations should be
given initial dose of 60–80 mg methylprednisolone every 6–12 hours.
Route of administration:
At comparable doses, the efficacy of systemic steroids administered by oral and
IV route remains the same.
IV steroids should be used in patients who are unable to tolerate oral steroids or
who are acutely sick with impending or actual respiratory failure.
In acutely sick patients, once patient can tolerate and absorb oral medications,
transition can be made from IV to oral route.
Duration of therapy:
The optimal duration of systemic steroid therapy is unknown.
Routinely, 10–14 days of systemic therapy is recommended.
Patients can be advised to stop oral therapy earlier if marked improvement in
symptoms is noted with improvement in peak flow values (peak expiratory flow
> 70% of baseline).
Tapering steroid therapy is not needed if the total duration of systemic therapy is
< 3 weeks.
However, patients should be placed on inhaled glucocorticoid therapy for
Ventilation settings:
Goal is to adequately oxygenate and ventilate the patient, minimizing the
increased airway pressures at the same time.
Severe bronchoconstriction reduces airflow during expiration; the ventilator
settings should provide adequate time for expiration.
Adequate time for expiration can be achieved by using high inspiratory flow
rates (80–100 L/min), low tidal volumes (6–8 mL/kg), and low respiratory rates
(10–14 breaths/min).
One third of patients show improvement in their asthma during pregnancy.
One third of patients show worsening of their asthma during pregnancy.
The remaining one third show no change.
Exacerbations usually occur during the middle trimester.
Gestational asthma is associated with perinatal mortality, pre-eclampsia, and
preterm delivery.
CXC, CXC chemokine; CXCL, CXC chemokine ligand; IL, interleukin; MMP, metalloproteases; TNF, tumor
necrosis factor; TGF, transforming growth factor.
Flash Card Q4
What are the primary
lymphocytes involved in
pathogenesis of COPD?
176 / CHAPTER 3
Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress due to cigarette smoke and reactive oxygen species produced by
inflammatory cells can further accentuate inflammation and protease-antiprotease
imbalance, thereby accelerating lung destruction.
Neutrophil elastase and MMP released by the inflammatory cells lead to
destruction of alveolar wall and capillaries. In patients with α1-antitrypsin
deficiency, loss of α1-antitrypsin leads to unopposed breakdown of elastin by
elastase (which is released by neutrophils).
Chronic Bronchitis
Both asthma and COPD are characterized by airway inflammation. Table 3-23
Flash Card A4 gives a broad overview of pathogenesis of both the diseases.
A: CD8+ cytotoxic T cells
Major cell types Epithelial cells, Th2 cells Th1 and TC1 cells (CD8+)
(CD4+) Neutrophils, macrophages
Mast cells, eosinophils
Mediators IL-4, IL5, IL-13 LTB4, TNFα, IL-8
Airflow limitation
The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) defines
COPD as a common, preventable, and treatable disease characterized by
persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive. It associated with an
enhanced chronic inflammatory response in the airways and the lung to noxious
particles or gases.
178 / CHAPTER 3
Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are often used to describe subtypes of COPD
but should not be considered COPD unless there is associated airflow obstruction.
Figure 3-14 shows the mechanisms of underlying airflow limitation.
Burden of COPD
COPD is a global disease with significant morbidity and mortality causing both a
social and economic burden. The estimated direct costs of COPD in 2010 were
$29.5 billion (largely related to COPD exacerbations), with indirect costs of $20.4
billion (lost earnings for patients and caregivers) in the US alone.
Figure 3-15. Prevalence of COPD from 1998–2009 in the U.S. was significantly
higher among women than men.
(Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/ National Center for Health Statistics Health
Data Interactive, National Hospital Discharge Survey, and National Vital Statistics System.)
Figure 3-17. Hospitalization and death rates in the U.S. for COPD, 1997–2007.
(Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/ National Center for Health Statistics, Health Data
Interactive, National Hospital Discharge Survey, and National Vital Statistics System.)
182 / CHAPTER 3
Risk Comment
Occupational exposures Coal miners, hard-rock miners, tunnel workers, cement workers,
cotton workers (Table 3-25)
Genetic susceptibility α1-antitrypsin deficiency with > 90% caused by homozygous PiZZ
phenotype; cutis laxa (emphysema in children); metalloproteinase-
12 gene mutation
Asthma/bronchial Chronic asthma and hyperreactivity can lead to FEV1 decline and
hyperreactivity fixed obstruction in nonsmokers
Biomass smoke Indoor burning of wood, animal dung, crop residue, and coal in
poorly ventilated dwellings (primarily affects women)
Poverty Strong risk factor but unclear if related to combination of poor
nutrition, air pollution, etc.
Poor lung development Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (neonatal chronic lung disease), low
birth weight
Infections Childhood infections, tuberculosis, HIV (accelerated emphysema
in smokers)
Air pollution Outdoor pollution has been shown to be an independent risk factor
for decline in FEV1
FEV1, 1-second forced expiratory volume; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
Occupation Irritant
MM (normal) No increase
Conventional COPD management, including smoking cessation with
nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapy, based on GOLD guidelines
Intravenous α1-antitrypsin therapy (augmentation) is available for high-risk
Key Fact phenotype patients, typically PiZZ:
AAT deficiency should be
o Increases serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid levels
suspected in young (<45 o Eligible patients: nonsmokers, FEV1 25–80%, plasma AAT level < 11
years), white nonsmokers
with emphysema and mol/L, other therapy optimized
imaging showing bullous o Modest effect in slowing lung function decline, but no effect in preventing
disease at the lung bases.
o Not recommended for emphysema unrelated to AAT deficiency or
patients with normal lung function
A diagnosis of COPD should be suspected in any patient with dyspnea, chronic
cough or sputum production, and a history of exposure to known risk factors.
Symptom onset is usually in the fifth decade of life or later and often brought to
light by respiratory infections.
Physical Exam
Chest wall hyperinflation; limited diaphragmatic motion on auscultation
Decreased intensity of breath and/or heart sounds
Wheezing and prolonged expiratory time
Pursed-lip breathing and use of accessory respiratory muscles
Key Fact Positional relief of dyspnea: leaning forward, arms outstretched with palms or
elbows used to bear weight
Digital clubbing is not
typical in COPD and may Cyanosis
reflect other disease Digital clubbing is not typical in COPD and may reflect other disease
processes such as lung processes (e.g., lung cancer)
cancer or interstitial lung
disease. Lower extremity edema may occur with or without cor pulmonale
Asterixis rare but can be seen with severe hypercapnia
The lower limit of normal (LLN) for FEV1/FVC is also used to identify airflow
limitation but is not part of the GOLD criteria. Using the LLN is dependent upon
the choice of valid reference equations but can help with avoiding overdiagnosis
of COPD in the elderly. The fixed FEV1/FVC threshold can also lead to
underdiagnosis in younger patients with COPD.
CHEST X-RAY—Although not useful in the diagnosis of COPD, the chest x-ray
can be used to evaluate for other diseases that have similar symptoms (e.g.,
pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis).
Many patients with COPD will also meet criteria for lung cancer screening with
low-dose CT given their older age and extensive smoking histories (see Chapter
Comorbidities can occur at any stage of disease and directly influence mortality
and hospitalization rates. COPD increases the risk of lung cancer, fractures,
cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and respiratory infections (Figure 3-22).
Cardiovascular disease: The most frequent coexisting disease and the second
most common cause of death in patients with mild-to-moderate COPD.
o Cardioselective ß blockers should not be discontinued, even in severe
Lung cancer: The most frequent cause of death in patients with mild COPD.
Osteoporosis, anxiety/depression, metabolic syndrome: Associated with
poor health status and prognosis.
190 / CHAPTER 3
Severity of Disease
SYMPTOMS—There are multiple validated questionnaires to assess symptoms
in COPD. GOLD recommends using the Modified British Medical Research
Council (mMRC) questionnaire (Figure 3-23) or the COPD Assessment Test
Severity FEV1/FVC FEV1 (% Predicted)
Key Fact The frequency and intensity of exacerbations are variable among individuals.
GOLD classification uses Patients are considered high risk for exacerbations if they have more than two
three ways to identify high- exacerbations within the prior year, have been hospitalized for an
risk patients when
categorizing COPD exacerbation, or have GOLD III or IV airflow limitation.
patients: 1) FEV1 < 50% GOLD recommends a combined COPD assessment scheme that incorporates
(GOLD III/IV), 2) >2
exacerbations within the airflow limitation, symptoms, and exacerbation risk (Figure 3-24).
previous 12 months, and 3)
one or more
hospitalizations for COPD
Predictor of survival in
Diagnosis Features
Onset in midlife.
Symptoms slowly progressive.
Strong association with tobacco smoking.
Largely irreversible airflow limitation.
Childhood onset typical but can also present in adulthood.
Symptoms may vary from day to day.
Symptoms may worsen at night/early morning.
Allergy, rhinitis, and/or eczema may also be present.
Normalization of airflow limitation after bronchodilator is diagnostic.
Positive methacholine challenge is suggestive of asthma.
Basilar crackles on auscultation.
Congestive heart Chest radiograph shows dilated heart, pulmonary edema.
failure Pulmonary function tests show restriction, not airflow limitation.
Elevated BNP.
Large volumes of purulent sputum.
Commonly associated with bacterial infections.
Imaging shows bronchial dilation, bronchial wall thickening.
Clubbing can be seen.
Onset in all ages.
Chest radiograph shows lung infiltrate or cavitary lesion.
Microbiologic confirmation.
Risk factors: endemic areas, incarceration.
Often associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
Inhalation of dusts, fumes, or toxins.
Chronic graft-versus-host disease of the lung seen after allogeneic
Obliterative hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
Chronic lung transplant rejection.
Expiratory HRCT shows mosaicism with hypodense areas representing
“trapped” air. Flash Card Q5
Most patients are male nonsmokers of Japanese descent. A 56-year-old female with
Almost all have chronic sinusitis. COPD describes dyspnea
Diffuse when hurrying on level
Chest radiograph and CT show diffuse small centrilobular nodular opacities
panbronchiolitis ground. Post-
and hyperinflation.
Improves with macrolide therapy. bronchodilator FEV1 is 45%
predicted with no history of
BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CT, computed tomography; exacerbations within the
HRCT, high-resolution computed tomography. past year. What is the
GOLD combined
assessment of this patient?
194 / CHAPTER 3
Asthma COPD
Key Indicators Wheezing (especially in Progressive dyspnea or “air hunger”
children) Chronic sputum production
Risk factors: tobacco smoke, occupational
dusts and chemicals, or smoke from home
cooking and heating fuels
Other Factors Onset generally early in life Highest prevalence rates in adults ≥ 55
Intermittent symptoms years old
Flash Card A5
C. She is GOLD III based
on her FEV1 and scores 1
on the mMRC without a
history of exacerbations.
Smoking Cessation
Smoking cessation will slow FEV1 decline more than any pharmacologic therapy.
SAMA: Longer lasting than SABA with effects Bitter metallic taste
Ipratropium up to 8 hours Acute glaucoma (when used
Oxitropium Blocks M2 and M3 receptors via facemask)
LAMA: Tiotropium works via inhibition of the Dry mouth, constipation, and
Tiotropium M3 muscarinic receptors urinary retention (often in the
Aclidinium bromide Tiotropium reduces exacerbations and setting of concurrent BPH)
Glycopyrronium hospitalizations
Improves symptoms as well as
effectiveness of pulmonary
rehabilitation Flash Card Q6
Combination Combination SABA/SAMA improves Same as ß2 agonists and The TORCH trial revealed
bronchodilators FEV1 and symptoms better than either anticholinergics all the following findings
one alone except:
A. Salmeterol reduced
Combination LABA/LAMA exacerbations
Ex: indacaterol/glycopyrronium B. Salmeterol-fluticasone
combination reduced
ICS Improves symptoms, lung function, Oral candidiasis, hoarseness, exacerbations
QOL, and reduces exacerbations in easy bruising C. Salmeterol-fluticasone
patients with FEV1 < 60% Pneumonia combination reduced
Only approved at fixed doses with mortality
LABA D. Pneumonia was more
likely in patients taking
Combination In moderate to very severe COPD, Pneumonia and as above fluticasone
ICS/bronchodilators ICS/LABA therapy improves lung
function and reduces exacerbations
Meta-analysis has shown a mortality Flash Card Q7
benefit, but a large prospective trial
The UPLIFT trial revealed
(TORCH) did not reach statistical
that tiotropium was
associated with all the
ICS/LABA + tiotropium improves lung following outcomes except:
function and QOL A. Reduction in
BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CV, cardiovascular; FEV1, 1- exacerbations
second forced expiratory volume; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; LABA, long-acting ß agonist; LAMA, long-acting B. Reduction in the rate
muscarinic antagonist; QOL, quality of life; SABA, short-acting ß agonist; SAMA, short-acting muscarinic of FEV1 decline
antagonist. C. Reduction in
hospitalizations related to
D. Improved quality of life
198 / CHAPTER 3
Other Pharmacotherapy
METHYLXANTHINES—Theophylline is considered second-line therapy at low
doses. Proposed mechanisms of action include acting as a nonselective
phosphodiesterase inhibitor or a nonselective adenosine receptor antagonist.
Other findings:
No mortality benefit.
No benefit in the rate of exacerbations requiring hospitalization.
The treatment group exhibited increased hearing loss.
FDA has placed a warning for azithromycin causing fatal arrhythmias (QTc
prolongation) in patients at risk for cardiovascular death.
Key Fact
ANTITUSSIVES AND VASODILATORS—Not recommended for routine use. The following inhaled
therapies reduce COPD
exacerbations: LABA,
Nonpharmacologic Therapies
Flash Card Q9
Pulmonary rehabilitation
improves all of the
following except:
A. Dyspnea,
B. Quality of life,
D. 6-minute walk distance
200 / CHAPTER 3
Mnemonic Oxygen Benefit: Long-term oxygen therapy Determination of oxygen therapy must
(>15 hours/day) improves survival and use resting blood gas or pulse
Benefits of pulmonary exercise tolerance oximetry confirmed twice over 3-week
rehabilitation—BREATH(e) period
EASY Patient 1: PaO2 < 55 mmHg or SaO2 <
88% +/- hypercapnia Exercise tolerance can improve even
Breathlessness reduction Patient 2: PaO2 56–59 mmHg or SaO2 in less severe hypoxemia (PaO2 ~70
Recovery after < 89% with evidence of pulmonary mmHg)
exacerbation hypertension or erythrocytosis
Exercise capacity (6-
minute walk, shuttle Noninvasive Benefit: Improves hypercapnia, and in COPD + OSA (overlap syndrome):
walk) ventilation overlap syndrome, CPAP improves one disease does not predispose to
Anxiety and depression survival and decreases the other
reduction hospitalizations < 15% of COPD patients have OSA
Training of respiratory Patient 1: severe daytime hypercapnia
Hospitalization frequency Patient 2: COPD + concurrent OSA
and days in hospital (overlap syndrome)
decreased LVRS Benefit: Improves survival, exercise, Improves elastic recoil, expiratory
and QOL in selected patients airflow, and mechanical function of
Enhanced efficacy of long-
Patient 1: Upper lobe-predominant diaphragm
acting bronchodilators
Arm function improvement emphysema and poor exercise Contraindications to LVRS: FEV1 <
and endurance training capacity (<40 W in men, <25 W in 20%, DLCO < 20%, or
of upper limbs women) after pulmonary rehabilitation diffuse/homogeneous emphysema on
Survival (possible mortality Patient 2: Upper lobe-predominant CT
benefit) emphysema and high exercise Combination of diffuse emphysema
Your quality of life capacity have no survival benefit but and high exercise capacity also has
improvement improve QOL and exercise capacity increased mortality with LVRS
BLVRS Benefit: Modest improvement in lung BLVRS may increase COPD
function, exercise tolerance, and exacerbations, pneumonia, and
symptoms hemoptysis after implantation
Patient: severe airflow limitation (FEV1 More data needed to define optimal
15–45% predicted), heterogeneous technique and ideal patient population
emphysema, and hyperinflation with
air trapping (TLC > 100% and RV >
Bullectomy Benefit: Potential improvement in Highest risk: FEV1 < 40%, PaCO2 >
dyspnea, FEV1, hypoxemia, and 45 mmHg, pulmonary hypertension
exercise tolerance Contraindications: multiple small
Patient: select patients with giant bullae, diffuse emphysema, tobacco
bullae occupying 30–50% of use
BLVRS, bronchoscopic lung volume reduction surgery; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CPAP,
continuous positive airway pressure; CT, computed tomography; DLCO, diffusion lung capacity for carbon
monoxide; FEV1, 1-second forced expiratory volume; LVRS, lung volume reduction surgery; OSA, obstructive
sleep apnea; QOL, quality of life; RV, residual volume; TLC, total lung capacity.
Flash Card A8
C; smoking cessation
Flash Card A9
Pharmacologic Treatment
After assessing symptoms and risk, patients will fall under four GOLD
classifications that determine pharmacologic therapy. Pharmacologic therapy is
used to reduce symptoms, reduce frequency and severity of exacerbations, and
improve exercise tolerance (Table 3-33).
Laboratory findings:
Arterial blood gas (in hospital): PaO2 < 60 mmHg with or without PaCO2 > 50
mmHg on room air constitutes respiratory failure
Complete blood count: Identifies polycythemia, anemia, or leukocytosis
Sputum (often purulent):
o Empiric antibiotics should be initiated
o H influenzae, S pneumoniae, and M catarrhalis are the most common
bacteria implicated in acute exacerbations
o Pseudomonas becomes more common in GOLD III and IV COPD (FEV1
< 50%)
Chemistry: Identifies electrolyte abnormalities, diabetes, and poor nutrition
204 / CHAPTER 3
The etiology of bronchiectasis is generally divided into infectious and
noninfectious causes. Causative factors are summarized in Table 3-35.
206 / CHAPTER 3
Infections Bacterial (e.g., Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Mycoplasma)
Mycobacterial (Mycobacterium tuberculosis, MAC)
Immune deficiency Hypogammaglobulinemia
IgG subclass deficiency
Mucociliary clearance PCD
defects Cystic fibrosis
Young’s syndrome (bronchiectasis, sinusitis, obstructive azoospermia)
Bronchial obstruction Endobronchial tumor
Bronchial compression by lymph node
Foreign body
Autoimmune disease Sjögren’s disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammatory bowel disease
Relapsing polychondritis
Congenital disorders Bronchial atresia
α1-antitrypsin deficiency (e.g., in emphysema with liver disease)
Williams-Campbell syndrome (congenital deficiency of the bronchial
Mounier-Kuhn syndrome (congenital tracheobronchomegaly)
Tracheal-esophageal fistula
Yellow nail syndrome
Other ABPA
Post radiation
Post transplant
Traction bronchiectasis
Graft-versus-host disease
ABPA, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; Ig, immunoglobulin; MAC,
Mycobacterium avium complex; PCD, primary ciliary dyskinesia; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
The inflammatory response to foreign material and bacteria in the airway causes
tissue damage, resulting in bronchiectasis. This condition produces abnormal
mucous clearance and further bacterial colonization and inflammation (Figure 3-
Neutrophil Destruction and
Inflammation Distortion
(Proteases) (Bronchiectasis)
Bacterial Mucus
Colonization Clearance
The diagnosis of bronchiectasis is based on a combination of clinical signs and
symptoms, radiological features, and laboratory investigations.
Clinical Manifestations
All patients suspected of having bronchiectasis should undergo a chest CT. High-
resolution computed tomography (HRCT) from thoracic inlet to hemidiaphragms
should be performed without contrast, taking 1-mm slices at 10-mm intervals with
the patient holding a deep breath. Three distinct radiographic patterns of
bronchiectasis have been recognized.
Tram-track sign: Bronchi have a uniform caliber with parallel walls and lack
of bronchial tapering (Figure 3-27).
Signet-ring appearance: In the axial plane, bronchus is markedly dilated with a
diameter at least 1–1.5 times that of the adjacent pulmonary vessel (i.e.,
bronchoarterial ratio > 1–1.5 (Figure 3-28).
Figure 3-28. CT scan showing signet-ring sign and other radiographic signs of
bronchiectasis. (A) Bronchus terminating in a cyst. (B) Lack of bronchial tapering
as it travels to the periphery of the lung. (C) Signet-ring sign (bronchus is larger
than the accompanying vessel). (D) Mucus plug (mucus completely filling the
airway lumen).
(Reproduced, with permission, from McShane PJ et al. Non–Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 2013;188:647-656. doi:10.1164/rccm.201303-0411CI)
Endobronchial neoplasm
Focal bronchiectasis Foreign body
Congenital bronchial atresia
Mucus plugging
Cystic fibrosis
Upper lung Sarcoidosis
Post-tuberculosis bronchiectasis
Central lung ABPA
Other Investigations
Once a clinic history and imaging have been obtained, additional investigations
are geared towards the suspected underlying etiology (Table 3-37).
Antibiotics are the cornerstone of treatment. Patients with bronchiectasis are
generally colonized with multiple organisms. Common pathogens include
Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Additional therapies:
Postural drainage/airway clearance: Perform twice daily.
Bronchodilators may be useful for underlying asthma, COPD, CF, ABPA.
Corticosteroids and antifungal medications for underlying ABPA
Treatment of underlying diseases such as Mycobacterium avium complex
(MAC) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB).
Figure 3-32. Chest radiograph with dextrocardia situs inversus showing the
cardiac apex facing toward the right.
(Reproduced courtesy of Nevit, Wikimedia Commons, permission granted per the GNU Free Documentation
License Version 1.2.)
CFTR mutations are categorized into six classes as follows (Figure 3-33):
Class I: Absent protein synthesis
Class II: Abnormal processing or transport of the protein to the cell membrane
Class III: Abnormal regulation of CFTR function, inhibiting chloride channel
Class IV: Defective chloride conductance or channel gating
Class V: Reduced synthesis of fully active CFTR due to promoter or splicing
Class VI: Decreased stability of fully processed and functional CFTR
All states in the U.S. perform newborn screening for CF by IRT (immunoreactive
trypsinogen) and/or DNA analysis for common CFTR mutations.
Laboratory evidence of an abnormality in the CFTR gene or protein (abnormal sweat
chloride or presence of CF disease-causing mutation in each copy of the CFTR gene)
Patients with physical findings suggestive of CF, a sibling with CF, or a positive
newborn-screening test should have further diagnostic testing starting with sweat
chloride testing at 2–4 weeks of life (Figure 3-35).
Figure 3-35. The CF diagnostic process for newborns with positive screening
Pulmonary Manifestations
Extrapulmonary Manifestations
Airway clearance therapy is recommended for all patients with CF for clearance
Flash Card A14 of sputum, maintenance of lung function, and improved quality of life.
Ivacaftor, a recently
approved CFTR-
modulating therapy, targets
the G551D CFTR mutation
(a class III mutation), found
in only about 4% of all CF
Key Fact
Given to patients with evidence of bronchoreactivity and should be administered
Order of inhaled
prior to inhalation of hypertonic saline or DNase and chest physiotherapy. medications:
bronchodilator →
hypertonic saline →
dornase alfa → airway
Antibiotics clearance → aerosolized
Ivacaftor is a drug approved for CF patients with at least one G551D CFTR
mutation. Ivacaftor is a potentiator that activates defective CFTR at the cell
surface and increases chloride transport across the cell. Only a small percentage
of CF patients have the G551D mutation, but ivacaftor is an important
breakthrough as it is the first commercially available, targeted CF therapy. Flash Card Q15
In patients with CF, chronic
infections with what
pathogens are associated
with accelerated decline in
lung functions?
220 / CHAPTER 3
Acute Exacerbations of CF
Diffuse parenchymal lung disease refers to a group of lung disorders affecting the
interstitium. The parenchyma of the lung includes the pulmonary alveolar and
capillary endothelium and the spaces between these structures as well as the
tissues within the septa comprising the perivascular and perilymphatic tissues.
More centrally, it includes the peribronchiolar and peribronchial tissues. Table 4-1
classifies the idiopathic interstitial pneumonias.
Table 4-2 shows the lung pathology pattern associated with the individual clinical
diagnosis of interstitial lung disease (ILD).
222 / CHAPTER 4
In most idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, a stepwise approach is key to
establishing the diagnosis, as shown in Figure 4-1.
IPF is a type of chronic interstitial pneumonia with a characteristic histologic
pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). However, UIP is not pathognomic
of IPF because it can also be seen in other ILDs (connective tissue diseases,
asbestosis, drug-induced lung disease, and environmental and occupational
Clinical Features
IPF is the most common cause of ILD.
It affects men in the fifth to sixth decade (male-to-female ratio 2:1).
Dry cough and dyspnea are the presenting features.
Cough can be disabling, especially in late-stage disease, causing profound
desaturation during a coughing spell.
Lung auscultation shows dry bibasilar crackles, known as Velcro crackles.
Digital clubbing can be present.
Median survival after diagnosis is 3–5 years.
Key Fact
Basilar and peripheral fibrosis (Figure 4-2)
Temporal heterogeneity is
Microscopic subpleural and paraseptal fibrosis the cardinal feature
Subpleural microscopic honeycombing distinguishing UIP from
other idiopathic interstitial
Fibroblastic foci (Figure 4-3) pneumonias.
Interspersed normal areas of lung (temporal heterogeneity)
Chest x-ray: Bilateral basal predominant interstitial infiltrates (Figure 4-4).
HRCT (Figure 4-5):
o Peripheral reticular opacities
o Geographic/patchy pattern of subpleural involvement
o Apicobasal gradient
o Honeycombing without associated traction bronchiectasis
Figure 4-4. Bilateral reticular opacities are more predominant in peripheral and
lower lobes.
(Image courtesy of Puneet Garcha, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation.)
BIOPSY—HRCT is replacing SLB as the diagnostic test of choice. However, Key Fact
video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery is the gold standard to diagnose UIP. SLB is not needed to
establish the diagnosis of
UIP if HRCT shows
PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS characteristic findings
Restrictive lung defect (subpleural site, basal
Decreased diffusion lung capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) predominance, reticular
Exercise-induced desaturation honeycombing, and
absence of features
inconsistent with UIP).
The exact cause of IPF is unknown. The initial insult in IPF may occur as a
repetitive injury to alveolar epithelial cells and the subepithelial basement
membrane. Alveolar epithelial cell injury leads to an intense fibroblastic response
that results in abnormal wound healing with excessive deposition of collagen and
extracellular matrix. The familial variant of IPF occurs in fewer than 5% of cases.
No treatment stops the progression of IPF. However, there have been promising
results from pirfenidone (an antifibrotic agent) in slowing the decline of FVC in
patients with mild to moderate forms of the disease.
Clinical Features
Most common symptoms are dyspnea on exertion and cough.
Bibasilar crackles are noted.
Idiopathic NSIP is common in women (nonsmokers) in the fourth or fifth
NSIP is classified into cellular and fibrotic types based on histology (Table 4-
Temporal uniformity is a key feature distinguishing NSIP from UIP.
Patients with cellular NSIP (Figure 4-6) have a higher rate of steroid
responsiveness and a better prognosis.
Mild to moderate interstitial chronic Dense or loose interstitial fibrosis with uniform
inflammation appearance
Flash Card A1
Mutations in hTERT and
hTR are risk factors for
pulmonary fibrosis
underlying the inheritance
in 8–15% of familial cases.
In these families, IPF is
inherited as an autosomal
dominant trait with age-
dependent penetrance.
Immunosuppressive agents form the mainstay of therapy (Table 4-5).
Corticosteroids are usually first-line agents. Steroid-sparing cytotoxic agents are
used to avoid the significant adverse effects of corticosteroids.
Mycophenolate mofetil Gastrointestinal upset, abnormal liver function test results, leukopenia
The overall prognosis for NSIP is believed to be better than that for UIP, based on
a retrospective cohort of studies.
Clinical Features
Occurs in the fourth and fifth decades.
Affects men and women equally.
More common in nonsmokers.
Subacute onset of dry cough is typical.
Dyspnea occurs.
Patients have fever, weight loss, and malaise.
Sparse crackles are noted on lung auscultation.
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia is believed to follow an inciting injury that
causes lung inflammation that leads to the production of characteristic buds of
intra-alveolar granulation tissue. There seems to be an exaggerated response to the
inflammatory or injurious stimuli. There is an acute alveolar epithelial injury with
cell death and denudation of the basal laminae. The next step is organization into
myofibroblasts and fibroinflammatory buds with a loose deposition of matrix
(mainly composed of collagen and fibronectin). Progressive fibrosis with
concentric layers of myofibroblasts and connective tissues occurs, leading to the
characteristic appearance of intra-alveolar buds. The alveolar architecture is well
The classic histologic feature is the presence of intra-alveolar buds of
granulation tissue made of myofibroblasts, fibroblasts, and loose connective
tissue (Figure 4-9). Multinucleated giant cells are seen in approximately 20%
of cases.
Foamy macrophages are conspicuous in empty alveoli.
All lesions appear to be of similar age.
Chest x-ray: Multiple, migratory patchy alveolar infiltrates are usually
peripheral and bilateral in distribution. The size is variable, ranging from a
few centimeters to involving the whole lobe.
HRCT: Density of the infiltrates can vary from ground glass to consolidation.
The consolidated areas may have an air bronchogram as well (Figure 4-10).
BAL shows a characteristic mixed pattern with increased lymphocytes (20–
40%), neutrophils (10%), and eosinophils (5%), with some plasma/mast cells.
The CD4/CD8 ratio is decreased.
Corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment.
Optimal dose and duration of treatment are not known.
Usually, a long course of steroids is required (6–12 months). Monitor for
relapse as steroids are tapered.
Remarkable clinical improvement occurs in 1 week, but radiologic infiltrates
take several weeks to show resolution.
Cytotoxic agents can be used in patients who are intolerant of steroids or have
disease progression despite steroid therapy.
Clinical Features
No sex predilection is noted.
There is no relationship to smoking.
Patients have acute onset of cough and dyspnea that progresses rapidly to
respiratory failure, requiring mechanical ventilation.
Fever can be present. Up to 50% of patients have a preceding viral prodrome.
Rapid progression to respiratory failure is key.
Overall clinical picture is similar to adult respiratory distress syndrome, but
unlike adult respiratory distress syndrome, there is no known cause.
Lung biopsy shows diffuse alveolar damage. Two phases are seen: acute and
organizing. The acute (exudative) phase is characterized by edema, hyaline
membranes, and microvascular thrombi. The organizing phase shows loose
organizing fibrosis within alveolar septa and type II pneumocyte.
IMAGING—Bilateral patchy alveolar opacities are seen, with regions of ground
glass along with consolidation (Figure 4-11).
236 / CHAPTER 4
There is no proven treatment.
High doses of corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents (cyclophosphamide) are
often used.
Figure 4-12. Pigmented alveolar macrophages filling the lumen of the respiratory
bronchiole and the surrounding airspaces.
(Image courtesy of Joseph F. Tomashefski, Jr., MD, Department of Pathology, MetroHealth Medical Center,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.)
Chest x-ray: Bilateral fine reticular or reticulonodular opacities
HRCT (Figure 4-13):
o Bronchial wall thickening
o Fine centrilobular nodules
o Bilateral, patchy ground-glass opacities in both the upper and lower lung
o Possible emphysematous changes
238 / CHAPTER 4
Figure 4-13. Patchy ground-glass opacities, fine nodules, and bronchial wall
(Image courtesy of Joseph Parambil, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation.)
Respiratory bronchiolitis-ILD has a good prognosis and mortality is rare.
Clinical Features
Occurs predominantly in smokers.
Nonspecific symptoms include cough and dyspnea.
Crackles are noted on auscultation.
Digital clubbing is seen in up to 50% of patients.
Alveolar spaces are filled with pigment-laden macrophages called smoker’s
macrophages because they are associated with smoking and contain a light brown
pigment. This occurs in a homogenous pattern, with preserved alveolar
architecture and minimal fibrosis or honeycombing (Figure 4-14).
Chest x-ray: Patchy haziness or interstitial patterns with lower lung
HRCT (Figure 4-15):
o Peripheral ground-glass opacities involving bilateral lower lung zones
o No honeycombing
o Possible small lung cysts and emphysematous changes
240 / CHAPTER 4
Smoking cessation is mandatory.
Most patients receive corticosteroids; however, there are no data showing
their effectiveness.
In patients with progressive disease, lung transplantation is an option.
However, desquamative interstitial pneumonia can recur in the transplanted
Overall prognosis is good, with > 90% of patients surviving for > 5 years.
Clinical Features
Can be idiopathic or secondary to lymphoproliferative disorders and immune
deficiency states, such as Sjögren syndrome (25% of cases), HIV/AIDS, and
common variable immunodeficiency (CVID).
Most patients are women (2:1 ratio), usually in the fifth decade.
Cough, dyspnea, fever, and weight loss occur.
Crackles are noted on lung auscultation.
The clinical course can vary from resolution without treatment to progressive
respiratory failure and death.
Up to 50% of patients die within 5 years of diagnosis.
In 5% of cases, the disease transforms to lymphoma.
Interstitial and bronchovascular infiltrate of small lymphocytes and plasma
cells is seen (Figure 4-16).
Poorly formed nonnecrotizing granulomas with multinucleated giant cells are
seen in some cases.
Figure 4-16. Diffuse and dense alveolar septal infiltrate consisting of Flash Card Q2
lymphocytes, plasma cells, plasmacytoid cells, and histiocytes.
(Image courtesy of Joseph F. Tomashefski, Jr., MD, Department of Pathology, MetroHealth Medical Center, Which ILDs are most
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.) commonly associated with
242 / CHAPTER 4
Chest x-ray: Bilateral lower lobe reticular or reticulonodular opacities are seen.
HRCT: Bilateral ground-glass opacities, centrilobular nodules, patchy
bronchovascular bundle thickening, interlobular septal thickening, and thin-
walled cysts are seen. Ground-glass opacities can be diffuse or may occur
predominantly in the lower lobe (Figure 4-17).
TBBx: Occasional lymphocytic infiltration seen
SLB: Required for definitive diagnosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Pulmonary disease in rheumatoid arthritis can present as ILD, obstructive airways
disease, rheumatoid lung nodules, or pleural involvement. Rheumatoid nodules
can occur in the lung and pleura (Figure 4-18). They should be distinguished from
granulomatous infection and granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Rheumatoid
arthritis-ILD is generally diagnosed in patients with long-standing rheumatoid
arthritis, but sometimes ILD is present before the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
Cough, progressive dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, digital clubbing, and dry
crackles (known as Velcro crackles) at the lung bases
Pulmonary hypertension in advanced disease
Restrictive lung defect and reduced DLCO on pulmonary function tests
PATHOLOGY—Histopathologic patterns:
UIP (most common)
Organizing pneumonia
Follicular bronchiolitis
Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia
Diffuse alveolar damage
Cytotoxic drugs (azathioprine, mycophenolate, cyclosporine,
Biologics: tumor necrosis factor- inhibitors
Lung transplantation
Key Fact
Pulmonary arterial
hypertension develops in >
15% of patients with
systemic sclerosis/
scleroderma. It can be an
isolated complication or
secondary to ILD. These
patients have a high
mortality rate. Elevated
levels of endothelin-1
cause enhanced
vasoconstriction, vascular
endothelial cell
proliferation, smooth
muscle hypertrophy, and
irreversible vascular Figure 4-19. Arterial remodeling of systemic sclerosis because of elevated levels
remodeling in the lungs, as
shown in Figure 4-19.
of endothelin-1.
(Image courtesy of Joseph F. Tomashefski, Jr., MD. Department of Pathology, MetroHealth Medical Center,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.)
Imaging: NSIP pattern is common on HRCT. Ground-glass opacities on initial
CT scan indicate a progressive pattern.
Pulmonary function tests: Restrictive lung defect and reduced DLCO are seen.
Corticosteroids: Low-dose therapy is used. High-dose steroids cannot be used
because of concern about scleroderma renal crisis.
Cytotoxic drugs: Cyclophosphamide is the most commonly used agent.
Azathioprine and mycophenolate are alternatives.
Lung transplantation: Particular attention is paid to esophageal involvement
before lung transplant. Gastroesophageal reflux disease caused by esophageal
dysmotility can lead to allograft dysfunction.
Inflammatory Myopathy
Multiple types of inflammatory myopathy are associated with ILD, including
polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and anti-synthetase syndrome.
NSIP is the most common histopathologic pattern.
Other patterns seen are usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP), organizing
pneumonia (OP), diffuse alveolar damage (DAD).
SLB usually is not required to establish the diagnosis.
Pulmonary function testing:
o Restrictive ventilatory defect and reduced DLCO.
o Respiratory muscle insufficiency with reduction in forced vital capacity
and total lung capacity (TLC).
Imaging: HRCT findings are similar to those for other connective tissue
disease–associated ILDs. Abnormalities usually seen are ground-glass
opacities, reticulation, and alveolar airspace opacities.
Despite lack of randomized controlled studies, corticosteroids remain the
therapy of choice.
Azathioprine is the most commonly used cytotoxic agent.
Cyclophosphamide is reserved for severe, life-threatening disease.
Mycophenolate, cyclosporine, methotrexate, intravenous immunoglobulin,
and rituximab are also used.
Lung transplantation is an option for progressive or refractory disease.
248 / CHAPTER 4
Sjögren Syndrome
Sjögren syndrome can be primary or secondary. Secondary Sjögren syndrome is
associated with other connective tissue disease–associated ILDs.
Affects middle-aged women.
Autoantibodies to Ro (anti-SSA) and/or La (anti-SSB) are seen.
Cough, dyspnea, wheezing, chest pain, and sicca symptoms (ocular and oral
dryness) occur.
Crackles are noted on auscultation.
DIAGNOSIS—HRCT can show multiple abnormalities, such as large airways and small
airways disease or ILD. Thin-walled cysts suggest lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia.
Nonresolving consolidation, nodules larger than 1 cm, and lymphadenopathy can suggest
lymphoma. These patients should undergo SLB.
Manifestation Features
Treat with empiric antibiotics. After infection is ruled out, empiric high-dose
steroids are used.
Clinical Features
White, younger adults (third or fourth decade)
No sex predilection
Strong association with smoking
Dry cough and dyspnea
Spontaneous pneumothorax in 10–15% of patients
Constitutional symptoms, including fever, weight loss, malaise, and anorexia
Pulmonary hypertension in severe disease, reflecting pulmonary vascular
Good prognosis in patients who abstain from smoking
Believed to be induced by exposure to cigarette smoke.
There is accumulation of Langerhans cells in lungs. Approximately 15% of
patients have involvement of extrathoracic organ systems.
250 / CHAPTER 4
Predominantly bronchiolocentric stellate lesions with central scarring
Abundant Langerhans cells in the early phase of disease identified by
immunohistochemical staining for CD1a antigen and S-100 protein
Intracellular inclusions termed Birbeck granules in Langerhans cells identified
by electron microscopy
Extensive eosinophilic infiltration in the early phase of disease
Chest x-ray: Reticulonodular opacities predominantly in the upper and mid
lung zones, with sparing of costophrenic angles
HRCT: Combination of nodules and cysts seen in the upper lung zones, with
relative sparing of lung bases (Figure 4-21)
Smoking cessation leads to stabilization of clinical and radiologic
Corticosteroids are indicated for patients with severe or progressive disease.
Associated complications (pneumothorax, pulmonary hypertension, and
respiratory failure) must be managed.
Lung transplantation is an option for patients with advanced disease who do
not respond to the other treatment modalities.
Exclusively affects premenopausal women and is characterized by hamartomatous
proliferation of atypical smooth muscles along lymphatics in the lung, thorax,
abdomen, and pelvis. Key Fact
LAM is associated with
tuberous sclerosis
Clinical Features complex, which is a
multisystem genetic
disorder caused by
Affects women in the third and fourth decades. mutation of the TSC1 or
Dyspnea occurs. TSC2 gene.
Recurrent pneumothorax is common (50–80% of patients).
Hemoptysis is noted.
Chyloptysis occurs.
Chylous effusion is noted.
Most cases progress to end-stage respiratory failure.
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis is exclusively a disease of premenopausal women.
Estrogen is postulated to play a key role in its pathogenesis. Estrogen (exogenous
or endogenous) accelerates disease progression. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis cells
are of two types: myofibroblast-like spindle-shaped cells and epithelioid-like
polygonal cells. Both cells express melanoma-associated proteins HMB-45 and
CD63. Spindle-shaped cells express smooth muscle-specific proteins smooth
Flash Card Q3
muscle actin, vimentin, and desmin.
Which cells are
pathognomic of pulmonary
Langerhans cell
histiocytosis on
bronchoalveolar lavage?
252 / CHAPTER 4
The finding of multiple lung cysts in the absence of nodule or interstitial fibrosis
is pathognomic.
Chest x-ray:
o Findings may be normal early in the disease course.
o Hyperinflated lung fields can be seen with progression of airflow
o Pneumothorax, cystic or reticulonodular opacities, and pleural effusions
may occur.
o Multiple thin-walled cysts of varying sizes and shapes are seen. Cysts are
scattered throughout the lung zones without predilection for central or
peripheral regions. Nodules and interstitial fibrosis are not seen (Figure 4-
o Abdominal CT scan can show angiomyolipomas in the kidney, spleen, or
pelvic organs or retrocrural or para-aortic lymphadenopathy.
Ventilation-perfusion lung scan: Speckled pattern may be seen on ventilation
lung scan.
Flash Card A3
BAL showing > 5% CD1a-
positive cells is virtually
diagnostic of pulmonary Figure 4-22. Multiple cysts of varying sizes and shapes.
Langerhans cell (Image courtesy of Puneet Garcha, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation.)
Women should be advised against pregnancy or use of exogenous estrogen.
Corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents have no role in treatment.
Sirolimus (mTor inhibitor) suppresses smooth muscle proliferation and DNA
synthesis of lymphangioleiomyomatosis cells. In patients with mild to
moderate disease, sirolimus decreases the decline in lung function and
improves the quality of life. Lung transplantation is an option for patients with
end-stage respiratory failure due to lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
Clinical Features
Multiple risk factors have been identified, including drugs, infections
(parasites), heavy metals, toxin inhalation, and cigarette smoking.
Usually affects men 20–40 years of age.
Usually presents as acute febrile illness lasting 7–14 days. Can be confused
with community-acquired pneumonia or adult respiratory distress syndrome.
Fever, myalgia, and pleuritic chest pain occur.
Hypoxic respiratory failure may be seen.
Prognosis is excellent once the diagnosis is made and therapy is instituted.
Most patients have no long-term sequelae.
Acute cigarette smoke exposure along with other proallergic exposures may
facilitate the generation of inflammatory cytokines, leading to massive
recruitment and activation of eosinophils in lungs.
254 / CHAPTER 4
Chest x-ray: Bilateral alveolar opacities with small pleural effusions are seen.
HRCT: Patchy alveolar ground-glass and/or consolidative opacities,
interlobular septal thickening, and pleural effusions are seen (Figure 4-23).
Smoking cessation and high doses of corticosteroids usually result in dramatic
improvement in 24–48 hours. Total duration of therapy is usually 2–4 weeks.
Clinical Features
Chest x-ray: Bilateral diffuse peripheral infiltrates are seen. This pattern has
been described as the photographic negative of pulmonary edema.
HRCT: Peripheral infiltrates are seen in all affected lobes.
Corticosteroids are given with a slow taper because relapse can occur.
256 / CHAPTER 4
Mimic Comment
Clinical Presentation
Table 4-10 reveals clinical patterns associated with sarcoidosis.
Clinical Findings
Hypercalcemia occurs in 1–4% of cases, and hypercalciuria occurs in 15–40%.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme levels are nonspecific for diagnosis, may be
used for disease monitoring.
o Findings may be normal in active disease.
BAL shows lymphocytosis in > 80% of patients.
BAL showing CD4/CD8 ratio > 3.5 has sensitivity of 53%, specificity of 94%,
positive predictive value of 76%, and negative predictive value of 85%.
Chest x-ray findings other than bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy are relatively
Typical chest CT scan findings can vary. Classic findings (Figure 4-25):
o Widespread small nodules with a bronchovascular and subpleural
o Thickened interlobular septae
o Architectural distortion
o Conglomerate masses
Radionuclide and positron emission tomography scans are used to evaluate
territory of disease.
Echocardiogram is performed to evaluate cardiac involvement from
sarcoidosis or secondary pulmonary hypertension
Flash Card Q6
What exposures can mimic
260 / CHAPTER 4
Spontaneous remissions occur and prognosis is based on the initial radiographic
55–90% of patients with Stage I disease
40–70% with Stage II disease
10–20% with Stage III disease
0% with Stage IV disease
The course of the disease is usually dictated within 18–24 months of onset.
Flash Card A4
Patients with worsening symptoms, worsening forced vital capacity and/or
CD4/CD8 ratio 1.5–2.0 = DLCO, or worsening lung fibrosis should receive therapy. Extrathoracic
CD4/CD8 ratio >3.5 =
abnormalities also play a role in deciding whether treatment should be initiated.
suggestive of sarcoidosis Table 4-11 reveals the most commonly used therapeutic options.
Overall, respiratory failure is the most common cause of mortality. The directly
Flash Card A5 attributable mortality from sarcoidosis is < 5%.
CD4/CD8 ratio 1.5–2.0 =
CD4/CD8 ratio >3.5 =
suggestive of sarcoidosis
Flash Card A6
Nearly identical clinical and
pathologic features can be
seen in berylliosis, so a
detailed exposure history is
Treatment Comments
None Monitor symptoms, labs, and pulmonary function tests.
Spontaneous remission occurs in up to 40% of patients within
the first 6 mo and in 80% within the first 2 y.
Corticosteroids: prednisone/ Cornerstone of therapy; 4–6-wk initial burst with maintenance
prednisolone doses for ~6 mo.
Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine Typically used for skin and central nervous system disease;
may stabilize lung function with concurrent steroid use.
Requires yearly eye exams because of toxicity.
Infliximab Used in refractory disease and extrapulmonary
manifestations. Limited evidence.
Flash Card Q7
What causes acquired
pulmonary alveolar
262 / CHAPTER 4
Type Comments
Congenital Autosomal recessive; caused by mutations on genes for surfactant B, C, or
the beta-c chain of the receptor for GM-CSF
Clinical Presentation
Typical symptoms include cough and progressive dyspnea. Patients typically
present within 10 months of symptom onset. Some patients present with infection.
Lung examination shows crackles and occasionally cyanosis and clubbing.
Chest x-ray: Patchy and asymmetrical consolidation is seen and is more
prominent in the perihilar region bilaterally (batwing appearance).
Chest CT scan: Patchy ground-glass opacities or consolidation, with
thickening of interlobular septae, resulting in a crazy paving pattern (Figure 4-
Flash Card A7
Antibodies against GM-
The diagnosis is made via bronchoscopy with BAL. Figure 4-28A shows return of
milky effluent that shows granular, acellular, eosinophilic, proteinaceous material
with foamy macrophages. The finding of lamellar bodies (concentrically
laminated phospholipid structures) on electron microscopy is confirmatory.
Flash Card Q8
What imaging pattern is
strongly suggestive of
pulmonary alveolar
264 / CHAPTER 4
Figure 4-28. (A) Milky findings on bronchoscopy. (B) Periodic acid-Schiff stain in
pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.
(Figure A reproduced, with permission, from Garfied JM, Kim V. Dry cough and clubbing in a 45-year-old
woman. ATS Clinical Cases. Available at http://www.thoracic.org/clinical/ats-clinical-cases/pages/dry-cough-
and-clubbing-in-a-45-year-old-woman.php. Figure B reproduced, with permission, from Dr. Joseph F.
Tomashefski, Jr., MetroHealth Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University.)
Flash Card A8
Crazy paving pattern
Therapies to reduce the development of proteinaceous material were historically
lacking, and management was geared toward clearance. More recently, GM-CSF
has been used (Table 4-13).
Clinical Presentation
The disease may present systemically or may be limited to the lungs.
The two most common types of amyloidosis are primary and secondary:
Primary type is more common and is often associated with multiple myeloma.
Secondary type is less common and is associated with chronic
inflammatory/infectious disorders.
Any organ may be affected. Pulmonary manifestations may be the first sign of
disease. Each pattern of pulmonary disease tends to occur independently, and
overlap is rare. Table 4-14 shows these patterns of disease.
Location Findings
Chest x-ray: Pulmonary nodules are seen with a diffuse interstitial pattern.
Chest CT scan: Three different patterns are seen:
o Bilateral reticulonodular or nodular pattern may occur with mediastinal
o Parenchymal nodules may be cavitated.
o Diffuse alveolar or tracheobronchial nodules with calcifications (Figure 4-
Figure 4-30. Congo red staining (A). Diffuse alveolar septal amyloid (B). Flash Card Q9
(Reproduced, with permission, from Dr. Joseph F. Tomashefski, Jr., MetroHealth Medical Center,
Case Western Reserve University.) Is tracheobronchopathia
associated with amyloid
268 / CHAPTER 4
Treatment is centered on therapy for the underlying plasma cell dyscrasia. Focal
stenosis within the tracheobronchial tree can be treated with laser therapy.
Bevacizumab is used to treat pleural effusions in primary systemic amyloidosis.
Median survival is 16 months. Nodular-only disease has a benign course.
Flash Card A9
No, tracheobronchial Figure 4-31. Fibrofolliculomas.
amyloid is its own disease (Reproduced courtesy of Thomas Habif, Dermnet.com, CC BY-SA 3.0.)
entity but can present very
similarly. Submucosal
involvement (posterior wall)
is seen only with
tracheobronchial amyloid
Clinical Presentation
Features include intraparenchymal air-filled spaces surrounded by normal
parenchyma or a thin wall.
Diagnosis is made by open lung biopsy. Biopsy specimens may help to exclude
lymphangioleiomyomatosis, lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, Langerhans cell
histiocytosis, and rare forms of malignancy.
No specific treatment exists. Usual care is provided for pneumothorax. Family
members should be genetically screened. Patients require routine screening for
renal malignancy.
Exogenous lipoid pneumonia is far more commonly reported in the literature than
the endogenous form. Table 4-15 shows the differences between endogenous and
exogenous lipoid pneumonia.
Type Comments
Exogenous Classically seen in chronic laxative users (mineral oil). Also associated with
old nasal sprays, aspiration, and bronchography (rarely used today).
Clinical Presentation
Cough, wheezing, and dyspnea are common.
Chest x-ray: Consolidations are seen.
Chest CT scan: Consolidations are seen, with or without surrounding ground-
glass opacities, airspace nodules, and occasional crazy paving pattern when
associated with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Finding of negative
Hounsfield units is diagnostic.
New lesions show lipid-laden macrophages in alveolar spaces. With advanced
disease, associated inflammatory cell invasion may occur. Over time, these
inflammatory cells may cause cell wall destruction and fibrosis.
Staining with Sudan black (Figure 4-32) and oil red O can show lipid-filled
vacuoles. Sometimes these are seen with hematoxylin-eosin staining (Figure 4-33).
The goal of treatment is to avoid reintroduction of exogenous substance. Focal
BAL to the site can be attempted and repeated, however little evidence exists to
its efficacy.
Drug-induced lung disease encompasses a wide spectrum of disease.
Certain classes of medications have repeatedly been found to cause lung disease.
As a whole, drug-induced lung disease should always be included in the
Flash Card A11 differential diagnosis for pulmonary diseases. Unfortunately, the dose and length
CT scan shows fewer
of exposure do not follow a clear pattern.
Hounsfeld units compared
with typical infectious
Clinical Presentation
Table 4-16 shows the clinical presentation of drug-associated lung disease and the
associated drugs.
Table 4-17 shows drugs known to cause lung disease. Figure 4-37 shows common
lung toxicities.
Figure 4-34. Common lung toxicities. (A) Amiodarone toxicity. (B) Bleomycin
toxicity. (C) Inhaled cellulose particulate: polarized.
(Reproduced, with permission, from Dr. Joseph F. Tomashefski, Jr., MetroHealth Medical Center, Case
Western Reserve University.)
Clinical Findings
Examination findings, labs, pulmonary function test results, and imaging assist
with the diagnosis, but the findings are not diagnostic. A high index of suspicion
arises with a thorough review of medication exposure history.
Treatment is focused on drug discontinuation. Often, this alone leads to resolution
of symptoms. Steroids are rarely efficacious.
276 / CHAPTER 4
These diseases are related to mineral dust exposure and are summarized in Table 4-18.
Silicosis includes a spectrum of lung disease caused by inhalation of free
crystalline silica (silicon dioxide). It is characterized by progressive development
of parenchymal nodules and fibrosis (Figures 4-35 and 4-36) and is the most
prevalent chronic occupational lung disease worldwide.
Silicosis increases the risk of several conditions and may be complicated by:
Mycobacterial and fungal infection, which is suspected if cavitation develops
Lung cancer, which has been associated with bronchogenic carcinoma
Chronic bronchitis and airflow obstruction due to airway narrowing and
distortion from nodules
Connective tissue diseases, including scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis,
which are the most common, and also vasculitis
Figure 4-36. Chest x-ray of a patient with progressive massive fibrosis caused by
silicosis showing coalescence of lung nodules, hilar retraction (arrow), and low
lung volumes.
(Image courtesy of James Ravenel, MD, Medical University of South Carolina.)
Figure 4-37. Histologic section of a silicotic nodule showing dense collagen Flash Card Q14
(black arrow) and several hyaline centers (red arrow).
(Reproduced courtesy of Yale Rosen, flikr.com, CC BY-SA 2.0) Which pneumoconiosis is
associated with
280 / CHAPTER 4
Figure 4-40. Asbestos (ferruginous) bodies. Notice the large size and the coating
with iron.
(Reproduced courtesy of the Ospedale San Polo, Monfalcone, Italy, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.)
Figure 4-43. Computed tomography scan of a sheet metal worker showing a left
pleural-based mass consistent with rounded atelectasis (red arrow). Notice the
self-invagination and trapping of lung parenchyma as well as the hilum or “comet
tail” (yellow arrow).
(Reproduced, with permission, from American Thoracic Society. Diagnosis and initial management of
nonmalignant diseases related to asbestos. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004; 170: 694. doi:
Beryllium Disease
Beryllium is a light metal used in many high-technology industries. Exposure
causes granulomatous lung disease (Figure 4-44). Beryllium lung disease induces
a cell-mediated or delayed hypersensitivity reaction that leads to granulomatous
inflammation. Pathologically, chronic beryllium disease and sarcoidosis are
almost indistinguishable. Documenting exposure to beryllium is an important clue
to distinguish between the two.
286 / CHAPTER 4
Talcosis results from exposure to hydrated magnesium silicate. Talc is used in the
cosmetic, ceramic, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. Major exposures
occur after inhalation of heavy amounts of baby powder or in drug users who
inject or inhale crushed tablets.
Chest x-ray may show fibrosis, nodular lung disease, and lower lobe emphysema.
Talc granulomas, characterized by multinucleated giant cells, may occur in the
interstitium and pulmonary arteries in intravenous drug users. These granulomas
may produce pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale and show birefringent
talc crystals (Figure 4-45).
Key Fact
Giant odd-appearing
multinucleated cells (i.e.,
cannibalistic cells) can be
seen in patients exposed to
cobalt. This is also known
as giant cell interstitial
pneumonitis (Figure 4-49).
Inhalation of gases, certain organic antigens, and fumes can result in immediate
(hyperacute) cytokine release without consequent lung injury, acute irritant lung
injury with or without alveolar damage, or subacute lung parenchymal disease.
Exposure to these gases and fumes does not result in hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
A summary of these toxic gases and fumes based on mechanism of action is
shown in Table 4-23.
Flash Card A16
Cellular bronchiolitis or
Table 4-23. Toxic Gases and Fumes
inflammation, an interstitial Mechanism Agent(s) Related Presentation Radiology
mononuclear cell infiltrate, exposure
and small, poorly formed
nonnecrotizing Cytokine- Metal fume fever Welding 4–8 h after No radiographic
granulomas. Conditions mediated (zinc oxide) (galvanization), intense changes
that may appear similar on reaction with no brass work inhalation; flu-
biopsy include sarcoidosis lung injury like symptoms
Organic dust Contaminated
(well-formed granulomas), (massive (fevers, chills,
toxic syndrome, grains, moldy
other granulomatous inhalation) malaise,
thermophilic hay, silage,
infections (i.e., headache,
bacteria, and flour, textile
tuberculosis, fungal myalgias),
fungal spores materials, wood
diseases), UIP, fibrosing dyspnea and
NSIP, organizing cough; self-
pneumonia, and drug- limited; resolves
induced lung disease. in 12–48 h
Occupational Asthma
Occupational asthma is de novo asthma or recurrence of previously quiescent
Flash Card A17 asthma induced by sensitization to a specific substance or chemical at work
Water solubility, duration of (sensitizer-induced asthma) or by exposure to an inhaled irritant at work (irritant-
exposure, and depth of
inhalation. For example,
induced asthma). Table 4-24 shows the characteristics that distinguish sensitizer-
more water-soluble gases induced occupational asthma from irritant-induced occupational asthma.
such as chlorine cause
more upper-airway irritation
and symptoms than less
water-soluble agents such
as nitrogen dioxide, which
cause more small airways
disease and alveolar
Work-Exacerbated Asthma
Work-exacerbated asthma is triggered by various work-related factors in those
with known preexisting or concurrent asthma.
High Altitude
With high altitude, barometric pressure and partial pressure of inspired oxygen
decrease. Acclimatization is the compensatory response to high altitude and low
inspired oxygen that occurs in different organ systems to minimize the effects of
The most important acclimatization changes in the body at high altitude are
shown in Table 4-25.
Air Travel
Figure 4-51 shows normal cabin pressure and usual flying altitudes for
commercial aircraft. At the usual cabin pressure, the fraction of inspired oxygen is
equivalent to 15.1% of the value at sea level.
Table 4-27 shows the most common complications of diving. Figure 4-51 shows
the complications of barotrauma, nitrogen narcosis, oxygen toxicity, and
decompression sickness.
Barotrauma is the most common diving-related injury. It occurs when air-filled
cavities within the body do not equilibrate their pressure with the environment
after changes in ambient pressure. It can occur during both descent and ascent.
Nitrogen Narcosis
Nitrogen narcosis results from the increased partial pressure of nitrogen in
nervous system tissue, occurring at depths > 100 ft (30.5 m). Alcohol, hypercarbia,
hypothermia as a result of cold water, and fatigue increase the risk of nitrogen
narcosis. Descent to depths > 300 feet (91 m) can result in loss of consciousness.
Ear and sinus Barotrauma (during descent) Ear (“squeeze”): Topical and systemic Middle ear pressure
barotrauma Ear: Eustachian tube occlusion Pain and pressure, hearing loss, decongestants, analgesics, equalization
leading to failure of the middle tympanic membrane rupture leading to antihistamines maneuvers: Yawn,
ear to equilibrate pressure vertigo, nausea, and disorientation swallow, jaw thrust,
head tilt
Sinus: Mucosal engorgement Sinus: Headache, epistaxis, sinus
and edema leading to blocked pain; pneumocephalus if occurs during
sinus ostia ascent
Hyperbaric medicine includes hyperbaric oxygen therapy and its uses to treat
different conditions. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is inhalation of 100% oxygen
intermittently within a pressure treatment chamber where the pressure is increased
to > 1 atmosphere absolute.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy:
Increases oxygen delivery by increasing its dissolution in plasma (Henry’s
Reduces the volume of gas bubbles (Boyle’s law)
Replaces nitrogen within bubbles with oxygen, promoting their metabolism
within tissues
Decreases the half-life of carboxyhemoglobin
Promotes vasoconstriction, ameliorates ischemia-reperfusion inflammation,
facilitates angiogenesis and fibroblast proliferation, and increases neutrophil
bactericidal activity
Used to treat:
Carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning
Decompression sickness and air embolism
Acute traumatic or thermal injury
Radiation injury
Nonhealing ulcers, skin grafts, and wounds
Clostridial myositis or myonecrosis
Table 4-28. Carbon Monoxide, Methemoglobinemia, Thermal Injury, Cyanide, Oxygen, and Radiation Toxicity
Table 4-28. Carbon Monoxide, Methemoglobinemia, Thermal Injury, Cyanide, Oxygen, and Radiation Toxicity, continued
Collaborative process among physicians, patients, and surrogates that serves as
the comprehensive ideal for end-of-life care and decisions. The purpose is to
focus on shared decision-making rather than the paternalistic approach of
unilateral physician decision-making.
Treatments are defined as futile only when they will not accomplish their intended
Patient has the right to make an informed and uncoerced decision on medical
Legally, adequate disclosure includes information on
o Diagnosis
o Nature and purpose of treatment
o Risk of treatment
o Treatment alternatives
Decision has to be legal
o If patient requests euthanasia, the right to autonomy is denied, as
euthanasia is against the law
Patient must have capacity to make informed decisions
o Must be able to communicate, understand relevant information, appreciate
situation and consequences, and rationally manipulate information
o Capacity may be gained or lost, requiring reevaluations as appropriate
Flash Card A4
Refers to the fair distribution of limited health resources. As the physician’s
obligation is to advocate for the patient, the principle of distributive justice often
Flash Card A5 does not apply to bedside decision-making.
Quality improvement is the scientific discipline that focuses on the structures, Key Fact
processes, and outcomes of health care delivery. Critical care medicine poses Studies suggest that
patients managed in a
unique challenges to effective health care delivery and thus is an ideal setting for closed ICU by physicians
implementing the discipline of quality improvement. with critical care training
have better outcomes than
patients managed in open
ICUs by generalists without
Understanding Quality in Health Care critical care training.
Quality health care is defined as care that is safe, timely, effective, efficient,
equitable and patient-centered. Three classic quality-of-care components—
structure, process, and outcome—serve as a useful framework for understanding
and improving the quality of health care.
Flash Card Q7
Medical errors result in significant health care costs and deaths. The goal of
checklists is to reduce the frequency of errors. Error reduction correlates directly Obtaining informed
consent prior to a
with improvements in patient outcomes, patient safety, and efficacy of resource procedure is respecting
utilization. which of the four basic
principles of medical
Flash Card Q8
What is The Belmont
310 / CHAPTER 5
Patient Outcome
This was in contrast to previous studies showing that ICUs with low-intensity or
non-intensivist daytime physician staffing benefited from in-hospital intensivists
at night.
312 / CHAPTER 5
The supervising attending physician is responsible and liable for the patient care
provided by physician extenders, such as nurse practitioners, physician assistants,
and resident physicians.
Research Studies
Favorable prognoses for substance-impaired physicians with early diagnosis
and intervention
Certain risk factors, such as family history of substance abuse, and opioid use
with concurrent diagnosis of another psychiatric disease, may predict higher
rates of relapse
In a survey conducted among 3000 American resident physicians with a 60%
response rate, heavy substance use patterns were not observed. However,
higher rates of alcohol and benzodiazepine use were reported compared to the
general population; these were associated with impairment at later stages in
the physician’s career
A cross-sectional mail survey of 1000 randomly selected practicing physicians
in the U.S. revealed that physicians would be more likely to report physicians
involved in substance abuse than to report those who were emotionally or
cognitively impaired
Clinical Epidemiology
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; OR, odds ration; RR, relative risk
Example: No. of elderly > 75 years of age with asthma/no. of elderly > 75
years at a specified time
Key Fact
Typically derived from cross-sectional surveys
Prevalence = incidence ×
duration. Describes the burden of illness in a population
Can be used to gather information about the impact of a disease in a
population and help in resource allocation
Prevalence and incidence are related: Prevalence = incidence ×duration;
Key Fact
higher incidence and or longer duration of disease results in higher
Higher prevalence does prevalence (Table 6-2)
not necessarily imply an
increased risk of the health o Example: Upper respiratory tract infection has high incidence but short
event or outcome, but
rather it may indicate long
duration thus has low prevalence, whereas chronic lung disease has
duration of disease. low incidence, long duration, and high prevalence
INDICES OF MORTALITY— Annual mortality rate from all causes (per 1000
population) = d × 1000/N, where d = total number of deaths from all causes in
Key Fact
1 year and N = number of persons in the population at midyear.
Mortality rate approximates
Cause-specific mortality rate (per 1000 population) = deaths from a particular incidence rate when CFR
disease in a given year × 1000/population at midyear is high and or duration of
the diseases is short (e.g.,
Example: Annual mortality from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease H1N1).
(COPD) (per 100 population) = no. of deaths from COPD in 1 year ×
1000/no. of persons in the population at midyear
CFR (%) = no. of individuals dying after disease onset or diagnosis during a
specified period × 100/no. of individuals with specified disease
Low-dose computed tomography (CT) scans for detection of lung cancer
are screening tests
Positron emission tomography (PET) CT scans to screen for metastatic
disease are also screening tests
Mediastinoscopy or fine-needle aspiration with endobronchial ultrasound
performed after screening imaging are diagnostic tests Flash Card Q1
In a population of 1000
A gold standard test is the best available method, procedure, or measurement people in which 50 are sick
that confirms the presence or absence of disease. The performance of a new with H1NI flu illness and 25
die from H1NI in 1 year,
what is the mortality rate?
318 / CHAPTER 6
test is compared to the gold standard test to determine the sensitivity and
specificity of the new test.
Both sensitivity and specificity are fixed characteristics of a test, but changing
the positive cutoff value for a test will yield different sensitivities and
specificities. Decreasing the cutoff value increases sensitivity (true positives)
but also creates more false positives. Increasing the cutoff decreases
sensitivity but increases specificity (true negatives) and also results in more
false negatives.
Flash Card A1
Mortality rate from H1NI in
that year = 25/1000
= 0.025 or 2.5%; case rate
for H1NI disease = 25/50 =
0.5 or 50%
Predictive Values
Key points:
High disease prevalence increases the PPV of a test
Low disease prevalence increases the NPV of a test
Increasing the specificity of a test increases the PPV and NPV of the test Key Fact
Changing the sensitivity of a test (assuming no change in the specificity) Sensitivity, specificity,
PPV, and NPV as well as
does not impact the predictive values disease prevalence are
expressed as percentages.
Likelihood Ratios
Likelihood ratio is the likelihood that given test result would be expected in a
patient with the target disorder compared with likelihood that a same result
would be expected in a patient without the target disorder.
Figure 6-2. Hypothetical ROC curves representing the diagnostic accuracy of
the gold standard. Line A, AUC = 1; curve B, AUC = 0.85; and a diagonal line
corresponding to random chance (line C, AUC = 0.5). As diagnostic test
accuracy improves, the ROC curve moves toward A, and the AUC
approaches 1.
Screening tends to
detect more indolent
For example, lung cancer screening may detect lung nodules that would never
cause clinical disease.
Study Designs
Two main types of study design are used to determine whether there is an
association between an exposure and an outcome (i.e., observational studies
and experimental studies). The basic principles and classification of types of
clinical study design are shown in Figure 6-6.
The main types of study designs and advantages and disadvantages of each are
given in Table 6-4.
324 / CHAPTER 6
Figure 6-6. The basic principles and classification of types of clinical study
design. RCT, randomized controlled trial
Certain outcome or disease (cases) and controls (without the outcome or
disease) are selected; then information is collected backward to see who
has been exposed to the risk factor
Example: Veterans with and without lung cancer are selected, then data
for prior exposure to agent orange are collected
Considered gold standard in observational epidemiology
326 / CHAPTER 6
Group of subjects exposed to a risk factor and not exposed to the same
risk factor are followed over time; researcher does not allocate the
Example: A group of fellows enrolled in 2010 are followed to see if there
is a reduction in central line complications by using ultrasound for line
placement; Framingham Heart Study and Nurses’ Health Study are
cohort studies
Exposure and outcomes are measured at the same time in a defined
Example: A sample of nonsmoking veterans (population) are asked if they
were exposed to burn pits (exposure) and have been diagnosed with
obstructive lung disease (outcome)
Types of RCTs:
Cluster randomized trial: Randomize entire groups rather than individual
subjects to treatment
o Example: A randomize hospitals and intervene with antibiotic cycling
to study outcomes of health care–associated infection
Factorial randomized design: Randomize two or more treatments/
interventions simultaneously in all possible combinations
o Example: Effect of salmeterol + fluticasone vs. tiotropium +
salmeterol + fluticasone vs. salmeterol alone on COPD exacerbations
Crossover design:
o Randomly allocate each patient to a sequence that includes each
treatment so that each patient can act as their own control for treatment
o Two or more treatments are given consecutively
o Can be limited by the potential for carryover of pharmacologic effect
that may alter the response to next treatment
o The washout period may be lengthy and crossover cannot be used for
treatments with permanent effects
studies. The meta-analysis has greater statistical power than any single study
due to increased sample size and greater diversity among subjects. The results
are more generalizable but can be flawed by heterogeneity of study population
and skewness of study results secondary to publication bias. Forest plots are
diagrammatic representations of meta-analyses.
Key Fact
In observational studies
nothing is done to alter the
exposure, whereas
experimental studies entail
manipulation of exposure
and randomization of
subjects to treatment
The distribution with an asymmetric tail extending to the right and a central
location to the left is referred to as positively skewed or skewed to the right,
whereas a distribution with an asymmetric tail extending to the left and central
location to the right is referred to as negatively skewed or skewed to the left.
MEDIAN—Middle value among the ordered values above and below which
50% of the observations fall. Used for a continuous variable when the
distribution is not normal. Not affected by extreme values so it is robust. If the
number of values is odd number, the middle is the median, whereas in even
number of values, the median is the average of the middle two numbers.
MODE—Most frequent observation in the data set. Used for discrete variable.
Mode is also robust to outliers.
Variable Types
Variables are measurable quantities that vary among individuals and can be
quantitative (numeric) or qualitative (categoric) in nature.
RR and OR
RR (Table 6-5)
Ratio of risks
Calculated by risk in exposed divided by risk in nonexposed, or ratio of
risk in the treated group to the risk in the control group
Used in cohort study
RR = (a∕a + b)/(c/c + d)
RR = 1 means no association
RR > 1 means positive association, meaning risk in exposed is greater than
in nonexposed
o Example: Smokers are at high risk of developing lung cancer (harm,
causation, association)
RR < 1 means risk in exposed is less than that in nonexposed
o Example: Daily exercise protects against heart disease (protective)
OR (Table 6-5)
Ratio of odds of disease in the exposed group to the odds of disease in
nonexposed group
Used for both cohort and case-control studies
Odds of disease in exposed = a/b
Odds of disease in not exposed = c/d
OR of disease in exposed = a/b/c/d = ad/bc
OR of exposure in diseased = a/c/b/d = ad/cb
OR = 1 means no association of exposure with disease or disease with
OR > 1 means exposure or disease is positively related (e.g., odds of
developing lung cancer is higher in smokers or odds of smoking exposure
is higher in lung cancer patients) (harm , causation , association)
OR < 1 means exposure or disease is negatively related 9 (e.g., odds of
developing heart disease is lower in individuals who perform daily
exercise) (protective)
OR approximates RR if:
The cases and controls are representative of the general population
(sampled population) with regard to disease and history of the exposure
If the disease under study is rare and incidence of the disease is low
CI—Range within which the true value of a parameter lies. Key Fact
CI is constructed around a parameter that has a specified probability of
Precision of CI depends on
including the true population value of that parameter sample size and variation
The specified probability is usually set at 95% and is called the confidence (larger sample sizes and
level; a 95% CI indicates 95% certainty that the interval contains the true less variation will have
narrower CIs, indicating
value of the expected outcome in the entire population more precision in results
CIs can be built across many summary statistical estimates like means, and vice versa).
proportions, and ORs
Precision of CI depends on sample size and variation (larger sample sizes
and less variation will have narrower CIs, indicating more precision in
results and vice versa)
The outcomes of hypothesis testing have a chance to fall into two types of
errors which depends on the power of the study.
POWER—Probability of finding a true difference when the difference really Key Fact
exists or the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis when it is Power is directly
false proportional to sample
Calculation: 1 - the probability of a type II error size. Smaller sample size
lead to type II errors.
o Example: If the probability of a type II error in a study is 5%, the
statistical power of the study is 95%
80% to 90% power is considered good
The association of a risk factor could be direct or indirect, and may or may not
have cause–effect relationships. The observed results could be influenced by
chance, bias, and confounding.
334 / CHAPTER 6
The Bradford-Hill criteria were detailed by Sir Austin Bradford Hill in 1965
to assess evidence of causation.
to the assigned group, even if the study subject never received the treatment. It
provides a measure of effectiveness and not the efficacy.
Number of patients who need to be treated in order to prevent one clinical
outcome of interest or one adverse event.
Calculated as the inverse of the absolute risk reduction; that is, NNT =
1/ARR = 1/CER - EER, where absolute risk reduction is ARR, control
event rate is CER, and experimental event rate is EER.
Flash Card A2
The absolute risk reduction
(ARR) of 49.5%–41.4% =
8.1%. NNT with
(rather than salmeterol
alone) to prevent one
additional patient from
experiencing an
exacerbation in 44 weeks =
1/0.081 = 12.3.
Bronchopulmonary segments describe the anatomic, functional, and surgical units Mnemonic
of the lung (Figure 7-1). They divide the first subdivisions of the lobes on each Right lung—A PALM Seed
side into 10 segments, each with its own tertiary bronchus and pulmonary artery Makes Another Little Palm
(separated by connective tissue that contains the pulmonary veins and lymphatics). Anterior
Left lung—All Attendings
Sat In Sun And Praised
The secondary lobule of Miller is the smallest anatomic unit that is delineated by
connective tissue septa (Figure 7-2). It measures about 10–25 mm and can be
described as having three primary components, as summarized in Table 7-1.
The alveolar–capillary unit is the site of gas exchange in the lung (Figure 7- 3). It
is composed of several important structural elements, as summarized in Table 7-2.
connective tissue
Formed by type II pneumocytes and functions to keep alveoli open, dry, and
clean. Without surfactant to reduce surface tension, smaller alveoli will always
have higher tension (and pressures) than larger alveoli. leading to their collapse as
described by the law of Laplace (pressure = [2 × tension]/radius). The
composition of surfactant and its properties are summarized in Table 7-3.
Surfactant also has a significant role in the development and maintenance of lung
integrity and in pulmonary dysfunction. Several pulmonary disorders relating to
surfactant dysfunction have been identified in various age groups and are
summarized in Table 7-4.
Key Fact
Autoimmune pulmonary Table 7-4. Surfactant Dysfunction Disorders
alveolar proteinosis is
almost universally found in Age Group Mechanism Clinical Presentation
adults. Antibodies directed
against granulocyte– Neonatal/infantile Preterm delivery (rare mutations in SP-B, SP-C, Respiratory distress
macrophage colony– ABCA3, TTF-1) syndrome
stimulating factor are
present in about 90% of Children/adults Genetic mutations (rare, mutations in SP-B, SP- Pulmonary alveolar
the cases. C, ABCA3, TTF-1) proteinosis
Acquired forms—autoimmune response
(antibodies against GM-CSF found in 90% of the
ABCA3, ATP-binding cassette subfamily A member 3; GM-CSF, granulocyte–macrophage colony–stimulating
factor; SP, surface protein TTF-1 thyroid transcription factor 1
The airways undergo more than 23 generations of dichotomous branching from
the trachea to the alveoli, and can be divided up into three zones.
As the airways branch, they go through several changes to their wall structures
(summarized in Table 7-5). Due to the close relationship between structure and
function of the respiratory system, changes to the airway by disease states affect
the airway resistance.
Airway Resistance
To simplify the flow of air through the lung, we assume the airways are rigid
tubes with columns of air with laminar flow, and use the law of Poiseuille to
describe its behavior. According to this law, small changes in the radius can have
profound effects on the resistance to air flow.
342 / CHAPTER 7
Key Fact In general, the greater the velocity of air flow and the larger the diameter of the
Heliox has the same
airway, the higher the likelihood that air flow will be turbulent (Reynolds number
viscosity of air but has a exceeds 2000). Because of this, the air flow in the larger upper airways is usually
much lower density. This turbulent or mixed, and it is laminar in the smallest airways in normal physiologic
results in lowering the
Reynolds number, and it
increases the likelihood of
laminar flow. This also will In the setting of turbulent air flow, a greater driving pressure is needed to move
increase the speed of
sound through air, and will
the same amount of air; as a result, the resistance to air flow becomes influenced
make you sound like a more by the density than viscosity of the gas. Under these circumstances, the
talking chipmunk. resistive work of breathing can be decreased with the use of heliox (80% helium,
20% oxygen). Heliox has the same viscosity of air but a much lower density, and
increases the probability of laminar flow.
Pulmonary Vessels
The lung receives blood from two vascular systems: the pulmonary circulation
and the bronchial circulation. A small portion of the bronchial circulation drains
into the pulmonary veins and is part of the natural anatomic right-to-left shunt.
Compared to the systemic circulation, the pressures within the pulmonary
circulation are very low.
The PVR cannot be directly measured, but the law of Poiseuille can be applied to
estimate its value.
R = Δpress/flow
For pulmonary circulation: PVR = (MPAP – MLAP)/PBF
MLAP = mean left arterial pressure, MPAP = mean pulmonary artery pressure,
PBF = pulmonary blood flow
CO2 is removed by the respiratory ventilation at the same rate it is produced. The
relationship is inversely proportional:
PaCO2 = VCO2/VA × K
The VA cannot be measured directly but can be calculated if we subtract the dead
space ventilation (VD) from the minute ventilation (VE).
VA = VE - VD
VDCO2 = physiologic dead space for CO2, PECO2 = end-tidal CO2 ~ alveolar PCO2
DO2 = CaO2 × CO
CaO2 = arterial oxygen content, CO2 = cardiac output (stroke volume × heart rate)
Qs/Qt is the shunt fraction, CcO2 is the end capillary oxygen content, CaO2 is the
arterial oxygen content, and CvO2 is the mixed venous oxygen content. CaO2 and
CvO2 are calculated from arterial and mixed venous blood gas measurements,
respectively. CcO2 is estimated from the PAO2.
To calculate areas of true anatomic shunt, 100% FiO2 should be applied to the
patient for 20 to 30 minutes to saturate the hemoglobin with oxygen in areas that
have very low ventilation/perfusion ratios and to eliminate their potential Flash Card Q1
contribution in an estimate.
A patient has a hemoglobin
(Hgb) of 6, O2 saturation of
LUNG ZONES—Ventilation/perfusion mismatches also can result from the 95%, PaO2 of 80, and a CO
effects of gravity, and as a result, this creates pressure differences between the of 3 L. Would an increase
in the Hgb to 8 or an
alveolar, arterial, and venous systems of the lung. Experimentally, this has led to increase in the PaO2 to 100
the identification of regional pressure relationships based on gravity, known as lead to a larger increase in
lung zones. the delivery of oxygen to
the tissues?
346 / CHAPTER 7
The boundaries between the lung zones can be altered by body position and lung
volume. When dealing with pulmonary artery catheter placement, the catheter tip
is theoretically desired to be located in zone 3 to obtain accurate assessment of
left atrial pressures at end expiration.
The diffusion of gas through the alveolar–capillary membrane is described by the
Fick law of diffusion. The factors that limit gas transfer are based mainly on the
diffusion coefficient, alveolar capillary membrane surface area, and the partial
pressure of the gas across the membrane.
Under normal resting conditions, the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide is
perfusion-limited; however, in disease states (i.e., pulmonary fibrosis, high
altitude), the transfer can become diffusion-limited.
Flash Card A1 Carbon Monoxide is unique in its properties and is used to determine the ability of
a lung to transfer gas. This is discussed further in Chapter 8.
Increase in the Hgb to 8
would result in a larger
magnitude of increased
oxygen delivery to the
tissues. This can be
determined based on the
equation listed at the op of
page 345
Muscles of Respiration
It is important to note that the diaphragm plays a larger role during inspiration in
the supine position than in the upright posture during normal breathing, and as a
result, early diaphragm dysfunction may present with symptoms in the supine
position. In the setting of a unilateral paralyzed hemidiaphragm, a rapid
inspiratory effort will demonstrate paradoxic movement cephalad of the paralyzed
hemidiaphragm (due to the increased negative intrapleural pressure that develops
during inspiration). This is the basis of the sniff test. Expiration is normally a
passive maneuver, and elastic recoil of the lung causes air to flow out of the lungs.
Lung inflation is the result of a pressure gradient between the airway pressure and
the pleural pressure, and it has to overcome the elastic recoil of the lung and the
airway resistance (discussed earlier in this chapter). Instead of measuring the
elastic recoil of the lung, or elasticity, we describe its inverse, or compliance.
Compliance is defined as the ease with which the lung is expanded.
Compliance = ∆volume/∆pressure
Lung Volumes
The interactions of the lung, chest wall, and muscles of respiration determine the
standard lung volumes and capacities, which are summarized in Table 7-7 and
shown in Figure 7-7. Capacities are composed of two or more volumes. The
methods of measuring lung volumes and their patterns in respiratory diseases are
discussed in Chapter 8. It is important to note that all lung volumes are affected
by height, age, race, and sex.
348 / CHAPTER 7
Key Fact
Figure 7-6. Effects of hypercapnia on VA. Both the central and
peripheral chemoreceptors
respond to changes in pH
and PCO2; however, only
the peripheral
chemoreceptors respond to
changes in the PO2. In the
setting of eucapnia, PO2
can drop to levels as low
as 40 mm Hg before VA is
Peripheral chemoreceptors (carotid
significantly affected.
>> aortic) mediate ventilator
response to hypoxia.
This equation forms the basis of blood gas interpretation. A six step approach to
acid–base problems is recommended.
STEP 1—Assess internal validity using a modified version of the above equation.
We take advantage of the linear relationship that exists between the hydrogen ion
(H+) and pH (holds true within pH ranges of 7.2 to 7.5).
If there is a discrepancy between the calculated H+ and the measured pH, the test
may be invalid. Additional errors that may occur can be due to collection methods
(venous blood, air in sample, sample > 30 minutes, and not iced) and measuring
errors (calibration, leukocyte larceny).
STEP 2—Determine the primary disorder; that is acidemia (pH < 7.40) or
alkalemia (pH > 7.40). Generally, a primary disorder can be identified based on
the direction of the CO2 alone, however it is important to note that a disturbance
can still be present even in the setting of a normal pH because of the fixed
relationship between the HCO3 and PaCO2. Table 7-10 summarizes the primary
If the ratio is < 1, there is a larger decrease in the HCO3 that we account for by the
given change in the AG, indicating a concomitant nongap AG metabolic acidosis
must be present.
Flash Card Q2
A ratio > 2 indicates a smaller decrease in the HCO3 that we account for by the Identify the following acid–
given change in the AG; thus, a concomitant metabolic alkalosis must be present. base disorder(s):
A) pH = 7.56,
B) PCO2 = 22 mm Hg
Table 7-11 describes common mixed acid–base disturbances seen in clinical C) PO2 = 90 mm Hg on
practice. 35% FiO2,
D) Na= 127
K= 4.0
Cl= 80
HCO3= 20
BUN= 35
Cr= 1.5
Albumin= 4.0
354 / CHAPTER 7
Flash Card A2
A) Triple disorder is
B) Respiratory alkalosis
C) Metabolic acidosis
(anion gap)
D) Metabolic alkalosis
Common Respiratory
8 Symptoms, Pulmonary
Imaging, & Procedures
Stephanie Young Clough, MD
The onset of dyspnea can give a clue to its cause (Table 8-1).
If considering the listed etiologies does not yield a diagnosis, other considerations
include carbon monoxide exposure, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and
Physical Examination
Figure 8-1. Clubbing. (A) Red line showing the outline of a clubbed nail. (B) Side
view of clubbed fingers. (C) Frontal view of clubbed fingers.
(Figure A, B, and C reproduced from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.)
Key Fact Pulmonary rehabilitation has been shown to improve symptoms in patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Best outcomes appear to be
Pulmonary rehabilitation
improves symptoms. The
achieved with high-intensity endurance exercises. Those who have significant
greatest effect is found dyspnea and cannot tolerate high-intensity exercise can consider interval training
when high-intensity and resistance or strength training of the extremities. Neuromuscular electrical
endurance exercises are
used in patients with
stimulation can be used for severely debilitated patients, with some benefit.
COPD. Inconsistent benefits have been reported with flexibility training, inspiratory
muscle training, and anabolic hormonal supplementation as adjuncts to exercise
The most common cause of acute and subacute cough is viral infection.
Bordetella can cause persistent cough lasting 3–8 weeks. Cough from the
common cold can persist up to 8 weeks because of heightened cough reflex,
which can be treated with first-generation antihistamines and decongestants.
Newer-generation, nonsedating antihistamines are ineffective. Naproxen may also
help in this setting.
Table 8-3 shows the six most common causes of chronic cough and their
Cause Characteristic
Associated with frequent nasal discharge, sensation of
Upper airway cough syndrome liquid dripping into back of throat, frequent throat
Nonproductive cough that occurs after meals or
Gastroesophageal reflux worsens with lying down; may be accompanied by
heartburn, a bitter taste, belching
Nocturnal cough; sputum can be thick and mucoid with
Radiographic findings associated with lobar atelectasis are shown in Table 8-5
and Figure 8-4. Additional general radiographic findings:
Displacement of hilar/mediastinal structures
Elevation of the hemidiaphragm
Decreased distance between ribs
Compensatory overinflation of the remaining lobes
Chest CT scan is helpful in the evaluation of the central airways. Table 8-6
describes pathology of the tracheobronchial tree and associated CT findings.
364 / CHAPTER 8
CT Angiography
High-Resolution CT Scan
Very thin slices (1 mm versus 7–10 mm with conventional CT) are obtained. The
primary indication is identifying interstitial lung disease or bronchiectasis. Table
8-7 shows the various patterns seen on high-resolution CT scan and their
associated diagnoses. Dynamic expiratory CT (imaging after a forced vital
capacity maneuver) can detect subtle air trapping and tracheobronchomalacia.
Lymphangitic spread
Drug toxicity
Represents partial filling of air Typically represents active disease (also can
spaces reflect fibrosis below resolution of high-resolution
computed tomography scan)
Tree-in-bud opacities are a form of centrilobular nodules and represent dilated and impacted distal terminal bronchioles. Their presence indicates endobronchial spread of infection.
(Figures on row 1 and 6vreproduced, with permission, from Dr. Stephanie Clough, MetroHealth Medical Center; figure on row 2 reproduced, with permission, from Travis WD, et al. An
Official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Statement: Update of the International Multidisciplinary Classification of the Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias. Am J
Respir Crit Care Med. 2013; 188: 733-748; figure on row 3 reproduced, with permission, from Dr. Daniel Monroy Chaves, MetroHealth Medical Center. Figures on rows 4-5 rows
reproduced from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.)
Ventilation–Perfusion Scan
Figure 8-5. Ventilation–perfusion scan. (A) After the patient inhaled xenon-133
gas, images were obtained in the posterior projection with uniform ventilation to
the lungs. (B) After intravenous injection of technetium-99m-labeled
macroaggregated albumin, showing decreased activity in the apical segment of
the right upper lobe, the anterior segment of the right upper lobe, the superior
segment of the right lower lobe, the posterior basal segment of the right lower
lobe, the anteromedial basal segment of the left lower lobe, and the lateral basal
segment of the left lower lobe.
(Reproduced from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.)
Figure 8-6. Ultrasound image of the left internal jugular vein (red arrow) and left
carotid artery (white arrow) for ultrasound guidance of needle placement for
venous cannulation.
(Reproduced, with permission, from Sandeep Khosa, MD, MetroHealth Medical Center.)
Pleural line
A lines
B lines Comet tail artifacts that spread all the way to edge of screen
without fading represent interstitial thickening
B lines
Lung point Point where it is possible to see lung sliding and no lung sliding
plus A lines in same view
Flash Card Q2
Hepatization Lung visualized with similar tissue pattern to liver
A patient undergoes a
difficult central line
(Figures on rows 3-5 reproduced, with permission, from Dr. Ziad Shaman, MetroHealth Medical Center. Figure placement. Ultrasound is
on row 6 reproduced, with permission, from Dr. Stephanie Clough, MetroHealth Medical Center.) used to evaluate the lungs
after the procedure. Lung
sliding is absent, with an A-
line-predominant pattern.
Table 8-9 shows common etiologies and their associated ultrasound findings. What is the likely
explanation for the
ultrasound finding?
372 / CHAPTER 8
Pleural effusion
Flash Card A2
Reference Values
ACCEPTABILITY—Determined by:
Good start: Sharp takeoff without hesitation, with extrapolated volume < 5%
or forced vital capacity (FVC) 0.15 L Key Fact
End of test criteria met: Exhalation to residual volume, plateau on volume– Repeatability criteria are
time curve, exhalation time > 6 seconds met if the two largest
Absence of artifact: No cough, glottis closure, air leak, or obstructed values of FEV1 and FVC
are within 0.15 L of each
mouthpiece other.
Lung Volume
Lung volume is measured by nitrogen washout, body plethysmography, and
inhaled inert gas dilution. The definitions of the different lung volumes are
explained in Chapter 7. Table 8-10 compares body plethysmography and gas
dilution techniques.
Diffusing Capacity
The most common method to measure diffusion lung capacity for carbon
monoxide (DLCO) is the single-breath technique. Others include the steady-state,
intrabreath, and rebreathing techniques.
Gas inhaled is a mixture of nitrogen, 0.3% CO, helium, and 19–21% oxygen.
Patient exhales down to the residual volume (exhaled volume is at least 85%
of largest vital capacity), and the valve opens.
Patient rapidly inhales gas to total lung capacity (< 4 seconds).
Patient holds for 10 seconds (± 2 seconds).
Patient exhales rapidly (< 4 seconds), and gas is collected.
Table 8-11. Conditions that Affect Diffusion Lung Capacity For Carbon
Conditions that ↑ DLCO Conditions that ↓ DLCO
Key Fact Evening (↓ by 1–2%/h throughout day)
Conditions that increase
pulmonary capillary blood Premenses (unknown; not related to variation Smoking (related to carboxyhemoglobin)
volume (polycythemia, left- in hemoglobin levels)
to-right shunt, asthma,
Müller’s maneuver, Exercise (secondary to recruitment of After exercise (↓ below pre-exercise levels)
exercise, supine position, capillaries) Postulated to be related to redistribution of
and obesity) increase pulmonary capillary blood volume to peripheral
DLCO. Those that muscles
decrease pulmonary
capillary blood volume Supine position (secondary to increase in Standing
(anemia, pulmonary pulmonary capillary blood volume)
vascular disease, Valsalva Müller’s maneuver (after forced expiration, Valsalva maneuver
maneuver) decrease inspiration is made against closed mouth and
DLCO. nose)
Pulmonary hemorrhage Lung resection
Polycythemia Emphysema
Condition Equation
DLCO can also be corrected for lung volume. However, the clinical utility is
questionable because the relationship between DLCO and lung volume is not
There are no definitive reference ranges, but there is a decrease with age and ~
one-third decrease in women compared with men. MIP < one third of normal
predicts hypercarbic respiratory failure. MEP < 60 cm H2O predicts a weak cough
and difficultly clearing secretions.
Airway Challenge
Testing for airway hyper-responsiveness can be done by direct (methacholine or
histamine) or indirect (exercise, eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation, cold, or
mannitol) methods.
False-negative findings are far less common. Most physicians believe that a
negative test result effectively rules out asthma in a patient presenting with
asthma-like symptoms in the last 2 weeks.
Factors to consider:
If patient is taking intensive anti-inflammatory medications before testing, this
can suppress airway responsiveness.
If symptoms are related to aeroallergens, the season of exposure may have
Occasionally, occupational asthma caused by a single antigen may respond
only when challenged with that specific agent.
Relative contraindications:
Moderate airflow limitation (FEV1 < 60% predicted or < 1.5 L)
Inability to perform acceptable spirometry
Current use of cholinesterase inhibitor medication for myasthenia gravis
PROTOCOL—Work rate, speed, and grade for the different modes are
determined to target a particular ventilation or heart rate for at least 4 minutes
(usually 6–8 minutes total exercise). The primary outcome is FEV1, and values Key Fact
are obtained at postexercise intervals of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes. On an exercise challenge
test, a decrease in FEV1 of
INTERPRETATION—Decrease in FEV1 of 10–15% is abnormal. Positive results 10–15% is considered
abnormal if it occurs during
have been seen in abnormal posterior motion of the arytenoid region or vocal cord postexercise intervals of 5,
dysfunction. Therefore, it is important to examine the flow–volume curve. 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes.
Lung volume TLC ≥ LLN TLC < LLN TLC ≤ LLN Normal
Figure 8-8. Flow-volume loops of upper airway obstructions. (A) Fixed; (B)
variable extrathoracic; and (C) variable intrathoracic.
(Reproduced, with permission, from Pellegrino R, et al. Interpretative strategies for lung function tests. Eur
Respir J. 2005; 26: 948-968. doi: 10.1183/09031936.05.00035205.)
Flash Card A3
Up to 7 days
Table 8-16 shows changes in PFT results during pregnancy. The major change is
the decrease in ERV and residual volume as a result of the enlarging uterus and
diaphragmatic elevation. Key Fact
In pregnancy, ERV,
Table 8-16. Changes in Pulmonary Function Test Results During residual volume, and FRC
are reduced, whereas total
Pregnancy lung capacity is essentially
unchanged. Increases in
Variable Change
minute ventilation occur
Expiratory reserve volume ↓ by 8–40% almost exclusively as a
result of increases in tidal
Residual volume ↓ by 7–22% volume caused by a direct
Functional residual capacity ↓ by 10–25% progesterone-mediated
increase in central
Total lung capacity Mild ↓ respiratory drive and
Inspiratory capacity ↑ enhancement of
hypercapnic ventilatory
Vital capacity No change drive. Tachypnea is an
↑ by 30–50% (likely secondary to progesterone-mediated unusual finding and
Tidal volume
↑ in central respiratory drive) warrants investigation.
Respiratory rate No change or mild ↑
Minute ventilation ↑ by 20–50%
1-second forced expiratory volume No change
Diffusion capacity ↑ initially in first trimester, then ↓
Commonly, cardiopulmonary exercise testing is the final evaluation of
unexplained dyspnea when the methods described earlier do not yield an etiology.
It is helpful in identifying a cardiovascular or respiratory cause for limitation of
Other indications:
Objective assessment of symptoms
Evaluation of severity of impairment
Early detection of disease, assessment of response to therapy Flash Card Q4
Assessment of disability
A 26-year-old woman is
Preoperative risk and transplantation assessment evaluated for dyspnea on
Prognosis in certain diseases exertion. PFTs show FEV1
84%, total lung capacity
96%, ERV 50%, FRC 76%,
and DLCO 119%. These
findings are most
consistent with what
382 / CHAPTER 8
Thrombosis of lower
Uncontrolled asthma
Pulmonary edema
Flash Card A4
Obesity can cause a
reduction in ERV and FRC
and an increase in DLCO.
OXYGEN PULSE—Ratio of VO2 to heart rate and is normally > 80% predicted. It
is an indirect measure of stroke volume.
Table 8-18 shows normal values and typical response patterns in different
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; HD, heart disease; ILD, interstitial lung disease; PVD,
pulmonary vascular disease;VO2max, maximal oxygen consumption; VE/MVV, ventilatory reserve; VE/VCO2,
ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide; VD/VT, ratio of physiologic dead space to tidal volume; PAO2, alveolar
oxygen pressure.
Figure 8-13 shows the basic strategy for interpretation of cardiopulmonary
exercise test results. Typical responses for different diseases are further explained
Figure 8-13. Basic strategy for interpretation of cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Abnl., abnormal;
AT, anaerobic threshold; CAD, coronary artery disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; HRR, heart rate reserve; HR, heart rate; Hyperven.,
hyperventilation; ILD, interstitial lung disease; PETCO2, end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide;
norm, normal; PFTs, pulmonary function tests; Sao2, arterial oxygen saturation; VE, minute
ventilation; VO2, oxygen uptake; VR, ventilatory reserve.
(Reproduced, with permission, from the ATS/ACCP Statement on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003;
167: 211-277. doi: 10.1164/rccm.167.2.211.)
Key Fact DECONDITIONING—Typically shows low VO2, low or normal AT, reduced O2
The typical pattern of pulse, and no HRR. It is difficult to distinguish from early or mild cardiovascular
cardiovascular disease is
reduced O2 pulse, variable
disease. Although rare, mitochondrial myopathy produces a similar pattern and is
HRR depending on included in the differential diagnosis.
severity, increase in VD/VT
and VE/VCO2, and normal
COPD—Produces a spectrum of patterns, depending on severity. Moderate to
severe disease has distinguishing reduced VR with significant HRR, signifying an
unstressed cardiovascular system. O2 pulse can be reduced secondary to
hypoxemia, deconditioning, or dynamic hyperinflation. Because of increased
dead space ventilation, VD/VT and VE/VCO2 are increased. Decreases in PaO2 and
abnormal widening of PAO2–PaO2 (alveolar-arterial difference for oxygen
Flash Card A5 pressure) are seen in more severe disease.
Congestive heart failure
Key Fact
There is no firm guideline
for the timing of
bronchoscopy after
Indications myocardial infarction.
However, the British
Thoracic Society
Indications include evaluation of the nodule or mass (lung cancer recommends waiting 6
diagnosis/staging), mediastinal/hilar lymphadenopathy, hemoptysis, suspected weeks after myocardial
infarction, if possible.
airway obstruction, persistent atelectasis/infiltrate, recent history of lung
transplantation (rejection or inspection of airway anastomosis), chest trauma, and
inhalation injury.
Absolute Relative
Uncorrectable hypoxemia Severe hypercarbia
Flash Card Q7
When performing TBBx,
how long should Plavix be
392 / CHAPTER 8
Flash Card A7
Plavix should be withheld
5–7 days before TBBx. It is
safe to perform TBBx in a
patient taking aspirin.
9 Lung Transplantation
Tessy Paul, MD
Lung transplantation has become a viable therapeutic option for end-stage lung
disease (ESLD) in the last 25 years. Indications for lung transplantation (Figure 9-
1) include obstructive disease (i.e., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
[COPD], cystic fibrosis [CF], alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, bronchiectasis),
restrictive disease (i.e., idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [IPF] and other interstitial
lung diseases), and less commonly, pulmonary vascular disease (pulmonary
arterial hypertension [PAH]) and congenital diseases. Table 9-1 shows disease-
specific guidelines for lung transplantation in common lung diseases.
COPD and A1AT BODE Index score of at least 7–10 (BODE Index derived from body
mass index, degree of airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise
capacity measured by 6MWT)
or at least one of the following:
Hospitalization for exacerbation with acute PaCO2 > 50 mm Hg
Pulmonary hypertension and/or cor pulmonale despite oxygen
FEV1 < 20% AND either DLCO < 20% or homogenous distribution
of emphysema
Cystic fibrosis FEV1 < 30% or rapid decline, especially in young women
Exacerbation requiring ICU stay
Increased frequency of exacerbations requiring antibiotics
Refractory or recurrent pneumothorax
Recurrent hemoptysis not controlled with embolization
Oxygen-dependent respiratory failure or PaO2 < 55 mm Hg on room
Hypercapnia with PaCO2 > 50 mm Hg
Pulmonary hypertension
Idiopathic pulmonary UIP pattern on CT scan or biopsy with any of the following:
fibrosis 6MWT desaturation (SpO2 < 89%)
Long-term oxygen therapy
> 10% decline in FVC over 6 months
DLCO < 39%
Honeycombing on high-resolution computed tomography scan
(fibrosis score > 2)
Pulmonary arterial Functional class III or IV despite maximal medical therapy (IV
hypertension (including epoprostenol or equivalent)
congenital heart disease Cardiac index < 2 L/min/m
and Eisenmenger
syndrome) Mean RAP > 15 mm Hg
Low (< 350 m) or declining 6MWT
A1AT, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency; 6MWT, 6-minute walk test; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
CT, computer tomography; DLCO, diffusion lung capacity for carbon monoxide; FVC, forced vital capacity; IV,
intravenous; FEV1,1-second forced expiratory volume; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PaO2, partial
pressure of oxygen, arterial; RAP, right atrial pressure; SpO2, oxygen saturation; UIP, usual interstitial
Patients with ESLD should be referred early to transplant centers. Once they are
deemed potential candidates, they undergo multiple studies for additional
assessment for candidacy.
Laboratory Values
Most organs are obtained from brain-dead donors; living donor transplantation is
rarely performed. Living donor transplantation is primarily done in patients with
CF. In this case, two blood group–compatible living donors each provide a lower
lobe to the patient.
Donor Selection
Donor selection criteria:
Age < 55–70 years.
No significant lung disease or pulmonary infection; no purulent secretions on
Limited smoking history.
Clear lung fields on chest x-ray; minimal or no evidence of aspiration.
Adequate gas exchange: PaO2/FiO2 >300 mmHg on 5cm H2O PEEP.
No active infection, including HIV or hepatitis.
No history of malignancy.
Minimal or no chest trauma.
Organ Allocation
Revisions were made to the donor allocation system in 2005. They system is now
based on a benefit- and need-based lung allocation score (LAS).
The LAS is calculated using the transplant benefit measure, which is derived
from the difference between the predicted posttransplant survival measure
(expected days lived during the first posttransplant year) and waiting list
urgency measure (expected days lived during an additional year on the
waiting list).
Each patient receives a normalized score of 0–100. Higher scores represent
greater urgency and greater potential for transplant benefit.
Factors considered in the LAS calculation include diagnosis, age, functional
status, use of assisted ventilation, height and weight, presence of diabetes, use
of supplemental oxygen, percentage of predicted forced vital capacity (FVC),
6MWT distance, serum creatinine, pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure, and arterial or venous Pco2.
Since the implementation of the LAS system, waiting list mortality and
waiting times have improved. However, overall 1-year survival after lung
transplant has not significantly changed.
400 / CHAPTER 9
Donor: age, female sex, African American race, and smoking history
Recipient: PAH and possibly use of cardiopulmonary bypass
Flash Card A6
Yes, PGD grade 3
Figure 9-4. (A) and (B) Aspergillus infection of an anastomosis site (arrows); (C)
bronchoscopic view of Aspergillus infection of an anastomosis site.
(Courtesy of Dr. John A. Belperio, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA)
404 / CHAPTER 9
TIMING—AR typically occurs in the first 3 months after lung transplant and is
rarely seen later than the first year after transplantation.
Pulse steroids with methylprednisolone 10–15 mg/kg/day intravenously × 3
days followed by increased maintenance prednisone to 0.5–1.0 mg/kg/day
with taper over several weeks.
Augmentation/alteration of maintenance immunosuppression in appropriate
Chronic allograft rejection is the leading cause of long-term mortality after lung
transplantation. It is classically characterized by the histopathologic finding of
obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) and its clinical correlate, BOS, which is defined by
a progressive, irreversible obstructive ventilatory defect caused by obliteration
and fibrosis of terminal respiratory bronchioles.
Key Fact
The most important risk POSSIBLE CAUSES/RISK FACTORS—Acute rejection, lymphocytic
factor for chronic rejection bronchiolitis, CMV and other infections, Aspergillus colonization, GERD, PGD,
is acute rejection.
medication noncompliance, HLA mismatch, donor antigen-specific reactivity,
older donor age, and organizing pneumonia.
No established treatment regimen exists for BOS, and conventional
immunosuppressive strategies have been largely unsuccessful.
Strategies include alteration of maintenance immunosuppression, high-dose
glucocorticoids, cytolytic therapy, and extracorporeal photophoresis, possibly
slowing progression of BOS in some cases.
Azithromycin has shown promise in small clinical trials for treatment and
prevention of BOS.
Aggressive therapy for GERD, including fundoplication, may be considered
in patients with confirmed severe refractory GERD.
Retransplantation is considered for some patients, although overall survival is
further reduced compared with first-time transplants.
Hyperacute rejection is a rare form of AMR that occurs within 24 hours of Flash Card Q8
transplant because of pre-existing donor-specific alloantibodies. True or False. BOS can be
diagnosed with
transbronchial biopsies.
408 / CHAPTER 9
Infection rates are higher in patients with lung transplant compared with other
solid organ recipients because of the higher levels of immunosuppression required
and the constant exposure of the lung to the environment. Therefore, infection is a
leading cause of morbidity and mortality and many also be a risk factor for
subsequent chronic rejection. Transplant patients should be given standard
vaccinations, but live vaccines should be avoided.
Bacterial Infections
Up to one fourth of patients have bacterial pneumonia in the first month after
Common organisms include Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus
Although patients are at risk for opportunistic infection throughout their
course, the greatest risk is within the first 6 months.
At most centers, patients are treated with broad-spectrum empiric antibiotics
at the time of transplantation, targeting both donor- and recipient-derived
pathogens. The course and choice of agents are tailored to specific culture
Viral Infections
Viral infections are less common with the use of postoperative prophylactic
antiviral agents (ganciclovir or acyclovir).
Key Fact The most common viral infection in the first 6 months is CMV. The highest
CMV is the most common
risk is in seronegative recipients with seropositive donors (D+/R−). Patients
viral infection after lung may be asymptomatic or may present with pneumonitis or, less commonly,
transplantation. gastroenteritis, hepatitis, and colitis. Diagnosis of CMV pneumonia can be
made with bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy and bronchoalveolar
lavage with CMV polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or findings of pathologic
Flash Card A7 hallmark intranuclear inclusions (“owl’s eye,” as seen in Figure 9-7). Oral
Bronchiolitis obliterans valganciclovir and IV ganciclovir are effective in the treatment and
syndrome prophylaxis of CMV, though resistance has rarely been reported.
Other less commonly seen viral infections include herpes simplex virus,
Flash Card A8
respiratory syncytial virus, influenza, parainfluenza, human metapneumovirus,
and adenovirus.
False. Unlike AR,
transbronchial biopsy has
low sensitivity for
diagnosing BOS and is
used primarily to exclude
other diagnoses.
Fungal Infections
Given their frequent use after lung transplantation, it is important to note the
strong interactions between azoles and other transplant medications. In particular,
therapy with azoles significantly increases levels of cyclosporine and tacrolimus,
uniformly requiring dose reductions for these agents.
Mycobacterial Infections
Flash Card A9
Donor seropositivity and
recipient seronegativity for
Key Fact
Survival after lung transplantation is lower than in other solid organ transplant
recipients. The 5-year survival rate is ~53% and is highest in patients with CF and
The average 5-year
survival rate after lung
lowest in those with IPF, likely because of the confounding effects of age and
transplant is about 50%. accompanying comorbidities.
Table 9-7 shows posttransplant survival over time, and Figure 9-9 shows survival
based on diagnosis according to ISHLT registry data.
Early (< 30 day): most often as a result of PGD.
30 days to 1 year: most often because of infectious complications.
Late (> 1 year): most often because of chronic rejection or BOS.
414 / CHAPTER 9
Vasculitis is the inflammation of blood vessel walls. The Chapel Hill Consensus
Conference in 2012 defined the current classification of vasculitic syndromes as
shown in Table 10-1.
The most common causes
of pulmonary vasculitides
ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (AAV)
are the AAV diseases:
GME ANCA associated vasculitides are characterized by systemic necrotizing small-
vessel vasculitis. This group of diseases includes granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Granulomatosis with
polyangiitis (GPA, (GPA), microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), and eosinophilic granulomatosis with
formerly Wegener’s polyangiitis (EGPA). Frequent occurrence of ANCA is pathognomonic, but not
granulomatosis) required for diagnosis. More than half of patients with these vasculitides have
Microscopic polyangiitis
(MPA) ANCA positivity as well as predominant pulmonary symptoms.
granulomatosis with EPIDEMIOLOGY—AAV can affect patients of any age and gender. GPA is seen
polyangiitis (EGPA,
formerly Churg-Strauss more commonly in whites. EGPA does not show any predilection to any race or
syndrome) ethnicity (Table 10-2).
GPA or MPA: Untreated patients have mortality rate of 90% in 2 years. Major
cause of death is renal or respiratory failure, and less commonly, heart failure.
EGPA: The 5-year survival rate is 70–90%. Most deaths are due to heart
failure or myocardial infarctions.
This group consists of large- and medium-vessel vasculitic conditions that affect
the lungs. Table 10-4 highlights their clinical features.
Determine severity and rate of progression.
Look for other organ involvement.
Check complete blood count (CBC) and serial hemoglobin (Hgb)
determinations; serum creatinine (> 2.5 mg/dL) and blood urea nitrogen
(BUN); urinalysis and urine microscopy. Ruling out coagulopathy is essential.
Look for specific etiology of the DAH. Autoimmune causes of DAH are listed
in Table 10-5. Other causes include bone marrow transplantation, acquired
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and idiopathic rapidly progressive
VTE constitutes the spectrum of disease related to deep venous thrombosis (DVT)
and pulmonary embolism (PE). About 79% of patients who present with PE also
will have concomitant DVT; on the other hand, only ~50% of patients presenting
with DVT will have PE. VTE pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy are discussed
in this chapter.
Flash Card Q2
What is Lane-Hamilton
426 / CHAPTER 10
Thrombosis is related to one or more of the three factors in Virchow’s triad:
1) Disturbed blood flow
2) Endothelial cell injury
3) Hypercoagulability
Thrombophilia Etiology
Diagnosis begins with clinical suspicion. Affected proximal veins include the
popliteal, femoral, and iliac; distal veins are those of the calf muscles. Nearly 90%
of acute PEs originate from proximal DVTs; these clots more often are related to
chronic disease. Workup is therefore geared towards detection of proximal DVT.
For DVT, the clinical signs and symptoms have poor sensitivity and specificity.
Therefore, prior to initiating testing it is important to stratify patients with a
clinical prediction algorithm. The Wells’ prediction rule is presented in Table 10-
Flash Card A2
Association of gluten-
sensitive sprue (celiac
sprue) with idiopathic
pulmonary hemosiderosis.
Only 18 cases are
described in the literature.
All IPH patients should be
screened for sprue with
serologies (antigliadin and
antiendomysial antibodies).
Gluten-free diet seems key
to therapy and prevention
of relapses.
Impedance plethysmography 91%/96% Rarely used, cumbersome.
Misses iliac veins; may
Compression ultrasonography 100%/99% repeat.
Clinical gold standard.
Used when above studies fail,
Contrast venography Reference test
or concern for iliac thrombus.
428 / CHAPTER 10
The evaluation of possible PE begins in a similar fashion to DVT. Like DVT, the
clinical signs and symptoms have poor sensitivity and specificity. Therefore,
before initiating testing, it is important to stratify patients for disease probability
with a clinical prediction algorithm. Both the Wells’ score and Geneva score have
been demonstrated to be efficacious. The Wells’ score is most often cited (and
tested) and hence presented in Table 10-10.
Spiral CTA 83%/96% Evaluate clot burden, cardiac changes. High NPV.
Pulmonary Reference test Morbidity 5%, mortality 2%. Rarely performed.
CTA, computed tomography angiography; DVT, deep venous thrombosis; NPV, negative predictive value; V/Q,
430 / CHAPTER 10
PE is associated with a high risk of postpartum morbidity and mortality and is the
cause of 20% of maternal mortality in the U.S. (Table 10-12). The management
algorithm is shown in Figure 10-6.
RivaroXaban and
ApiXaban are factor Xa
StreptoKinase and
uroKinase are systemic
AltePlase is a targeted
agent (specific ‘plase’)
Figure 10-7. Coagulation cascade with select VTE therapies.
(Reproduced, with permission, from Gallego P, Roldan V, Lip GYH. Conventional and New Oral Anticoagulants
in the Treatment of Chest Disease and Its Complications. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013;188(4):413-21. doi:
Massive PE is defined by the presence of hypotension and shock, not by the size
of the embolism. Submassive PE is less clearly defined in the literature and may
be related to increased risk of complications. Management of submassive PE is no
different than that for standard PE; however, there may be instances where
thrombolytic therapy is considered. Table 10-14 shows mortality rates from PE.
Hypotension 15.2%
Test Comments
Figure 10-8 details the management algorithm in the setting of massive PE.
Thrombolytic therapy carries a significant risk for massive bleeding. Therefore,
its use must be weighed carefully against the risk of complications. Table 10-16
discusses the indications and contraindications for thrombolytic therapy in detail.
434 / CHAPTER 10
Length of Treatment
The length of optimal therapy for PE has been studied extensively. The ACCP
Antithrombotic Guidelines published in 2012 discuss this issue and are
summarized in Table 10-17.
436 / CHAPTER 10
IVC, inferior vena cava; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; VKA, vitamin K antagonists; VTE, venous
Flash Card Q3
How is pulmonary vascular
resistance calculated in
Wood units?
Flash Card Q4
What is the most common
cause of pulmonary
Flash Card Q5
What are common
drugs/toxins implicated in
pulmonary hypertension?
438 / CHAPTER 10
Flash Card A5
Aminorex, fenfluramine,
Figure 10-9. Risk factors that trigger PAH in genetically predisposed individuals.
Flash Card Q6
What are the most
common mutations seen in
heritable PAH?
440 / CHAPTER 10
The vascular changes involve the pulmonary arteriole and are characterized by
vasoconstriction, vascular remodeling with intimal and medial proliferation,
varying degrees of inflammation, the formation of plexiform lesions, and
thrombosis (Figure 10-10). These changes lead to progressive obstruction of flow,
increased pulmonary vascular resistance, and eventually, right heart failure and
Clinical Presentation
SYMPTOMS—Dyspnea on exertion, fatigue, and syncope are common
symptoms. Patients may also present with chest pain. Hemoptysis is rare but may
occur as a consequence of pulmonary vascular rupture. Key Fact
As part of the evaluation of
Disease-specific symptoms are seen in certain patients; for example, Raynaud’s PAH, look for signs and
phenomenon is a frequent finding in PAH associated with scleroderma. symptoms of connective
tissue disease and
stigmata of liver disease.
Loud P2 component of S2, often with a split S2 that is accentuated with
inspiration. A pansystolic left lower sternal border murmur that is louder
during inspiration reflects tricuspid regurgitation.
Flash Card Q7
Jugular venous distension with elevated “a” wave. This finding can be
Which of the following
followed serially to assess volume status. Prominent “v” wave is commonly cellular mechanisms is
seen with significant tricuspid regurgitation. involved in the
Right ventricular (RV) heave development of PAH?
A. Increased prostacyclin
RV S3 can indicate elevated right ventricular end-diastolic filling pressure and synthase
RV failure. RV S4 can indicate stiffened RV and RV hypertrophy. B. Increased NO
C. Increased endothelin
442 / CHAPTER 10
Flash Card A7
C. Increased endothelin
Patients with risk factors, clinical symptoms, and exam findings suspicious for
PAH should be screened. PAH should also be considered in patients with
unexplained reduction in diffusing capacity.
Table 10-21 describes the major pharmacologic agents used in the treatment of
The median duration of survival of patients diagnosed with PAH between 1980–
85 was 2.8 years. Since that time, survival has improved and patients without
evidence of right ventricular failure may survive > 10 years. Responders to
calcium channel blockers have the best prognosis with a 95% 5-year survival rate.
Patients with WHO functional classes III–IV treated with epoprostenol have a 5-
year survival rate that is twice that of matched control subjects. Patients with
evidence of right heart failure have a much lower survival rate. IPAH patients fare
better than patients with PAH associated with scleroderma. Overall, patients with
PAH associated with congenital heart disease have the best prognosis.
Exact incidence is unknown but ranges from 0.5–3.8% of patients after an episode
of acute PE and 10% in patients with recurrent PE. It is unclear why only some
patients develop CTEPH after an episode of PE.
CTEPH is characterized by the obstruction of pulmonary arteries by organizing
thrombi, small vessel arteriopathy, and the development of high pulmonary
vascular resistance (PVR). Microscopic similarities between CTEPH and other
forms of PAH have been demonstrated clearly and with reproducibility on lung
biopsy. Pulmonary hypertensive lesions and plexogenic lesions are seen in
proximal open vessels exposed to high pressures and in vessels distal to Flash Card Q13
obstructed vessels, suggesting that release of cytokines and other endothelin-
Which of these categories
derived factors occurs in response to pulmonary hypertension and may contribute of PAH has the best
to its progression. The progressive nature of pulmonary hypertension in CTEPH prognosis?
patients is related to these resistance changes in small vessels and not necessarily A. PAH associated with
congenital heart
to recurrent pulmonary emboli. disease
B. PAH associated with
C. PAH associated with
D. PAH associated with
liver disease
448 / CHAPTER 10
Clinical Features
Patients with CTEPH have similar clinical presentations to those patients with
PAH. Unexplained dyspnea on exertion, dizziness, syncope, and exertional chest
pain are all common complaints. Examination findings are similar to other PAH
patients: increased jugular venous pressure, loud split S2 with an increased P2
component, RV heave, RV S4 gallop, and tricuspid regurgitation murmur.
Diagnostic algorithm is similar to PAH. All patients suspected to have CTEPH
need right heart catheterization to confirm the presence of pulmonary
hypertension. RHC criteria to diagnose PH are the same as previously discussed
for PAH.
CTEPH is the only cause of PH where surgery (pulmonary endarterectomy) can
be curative. However, surgery is often difficult, only available at selected centers,
and indicated only in carefully selected patients.
Prognosis is dependent on the type of management received. Successful surgical
candidates have excellent prognosis. Experienced centers have a low 30-day
mortality rate of ~4–7%. In patients who have inoperable disease or persistent
disease (CTEPH persisting after surgery), medical management improves exercise
capacity, functional class, hemodynamics, and symptoms.
PVOD accounts for ~10% of PAH cases. The estimated annual incidence of
PVOD is 0.1–0.2 cases per million worldwide, with a male to female ratio of 1:1
(compared to a female predominance in IPAH). PVOD has been reported in a
wide age range, from infants to > 60 years, but it is more commonly seen in
children and young adults.
In PVOD, fibrotic remodeling of the intima of preseptal pulmonary venules and Flash Card Q14
interlobular septal veins causes flow obstruction, often with intraluminal
What gene plays a role in
thrombosis. This is associated with ectasia and proliferation of alveolar the pathogenesis of
capillaries, which become tortuous. These changes can be confused with PVOD?
450 / CHAPTER 10
The etiology of PVOD remains unclear. The rarity of this disease makes to
difficult to identify causes. Nevertheless, associations have been described, many
of which are shared with etiologic associations of PAH in general. These include
bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II (BMPR-2) mutation in familial
cases, connective tissue diseases, sarcoidosis, pulmonary Langerhans cell
histiocytosis, HIV infection, anorexigen exposure, bleomycin and other
chemotherapy agents exposure, tobacco smoking, and hematopoietic stem cell
Clinical Features
Clinical presentation is very similar to that of heart failure and PAH. Most
patients present with exertional dyspnea and fatigue. In late stages, they may
present with syncope, edema, orthopnea, or hemoptysis, along with RV failure.
PVOD requires a diagnosis of PAH. Beyond this, it is very difficult to distinguish
precapillary PAH from PVOD. Findings favoring PVOD over precapillary PAH
include the following:
Chest imaging consistent with pulmonary edema, despite low PCWP
BAL consistent with alveolar hemorrhage
Development of pulmonary edema with initiation of PAH-specific therapy
The above findings are insensitive to diagnose PVOD. The definitive diagnosis of
PVOD requires open lung biopsy, though this procedure may have a high risk for
many patients.
The V/Q scan is usually normal but occasionally patchy areas of hypoperfusion
are seen, which may lead to misclassification of these patients as having CTEPH.
Prognosis of PVOD is significantly worse than that of IPAH. The 1-year mortality
has been reported to be as high as 72%. Time from onset of symptoms to death is
found to average 24 months for PVOD, as compared to 58 months for IPAH.
Most patients with PVOD die within 2 years of diagnosis.
452 / CHAPTER 10
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an autosomal recessive inherited genetic disorder that
produces a myriad of pulmonary complications. Acute chest syndrome and
pulmonary hypertension are the leading causes of mortality in this disease.
Vasoocclusion is the main cause of tissue injury in sickle cell disease (Figure
Hemoglobin SS polymerizes on deoxygenation, assumes a rigid configuration,
and adheres to the microvasculature, which impairs blood flow and leads to
recurrent hemolysis and vasoocclusive episodes.
Figure 10-13. Vicious cycle of vasoocclusive crisis and acute chest syndrome.
(Modified, with permission, from Miller AC, Gladwin MT. Pulmonary Complications of Sickle Cell Disease. Am J
Respir Crit Care Med. 2012;185(11): 1154-1165. Fig. 1.doi:10.1164/rccm.201111-2082CI.)
New pulmonary infiltrate on chest radiograph consistent with consolidation
involving at least one complete lung segment.
Pathogenesis multifactorial:
o Pneumonia or systemic infection Key Fact
o Fat embolism Acute chest syndrome is
o Direct pulmonary infarction from hemoglobin-S (HbS)-containing the leading cause of death
erythrocytes in patients with sickle cell
o Often idiopathic
Most common pathogens identified: Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma
pneumoniae, respiratory viruses
TREATMENT—Largely supportive:
Supplemental oxygen to prevent sickling
Blood transfusion (increases Hb oxygen saturation)
Incentive spirometry
Empiric antibiotics for pneumonia
Inhaled β-agonists for associated bronchospasm
Exchange transfusion in severe or rapidly progressive illness
Pulmonary Hypertension
Lysed red blood cells release arginase and free hemoglobin, leading to NO
dysregulation and vasoconstriction, endothelial dysfunction, and pulmonary
Most patients with pulmonary hypertension from sickle cell disease have mild
disease based on hemodynamic data, but the associated mortality rate is
extremely high.
Large clinical studies are lacking to guide specific therapy of pulmonary
hypertension in sickle cell disease; one trial suggests that sildenafil leads to an
overall increase in pain crises.
Current recommendations focus on primary prevention and control of the
hematological disease (hydroxyurea, transfusions).
Figure 10-14. (A) Normal oxygenation and (B) hypoxia with HPS.
11 Infections
Ariffin Alam, MD, Sugeet K. Jagpal, MD, Jimmy Johannes, MD, & Naresh
Nagella, MD
Self-limited, infectious process in the large and midsized airways not associated
with pneumonia on chest x-ray (CXR).
Generally an inflammatory process, mostly of viral etiology, but 10% of cases are
bacterial, most commonly Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae,
and Bordetella pertussis.
Winter outbreaks are associated with influenza A and B viruses. Other viral
etiologies include parainfluenza virus, coronavirus, rhinovirus, respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV), and human metapneumovirus.
The pathogenesis is related to the direct cytopathic effects of the pathogen and the
immune response of the host (pro-inflammatory cytokine release).
Clinical Features
Nasal congestion, rhinitis, sore throat, malaise, and low-grade fevers are typical Key Fact
initial symptoms, usually occurring in the winter. Shortly thereafter, a dry or
Consider B. pertussis in
productive cough becomes the dominant complaint. It usually lasts < 3 weeks. patients presenting with
Illness severity is affected by factors such as underlying medical conditions, cough of > 4 weeks, even
immune status, age, and smoking. those who have been
458 / CHAPTER 11
Rapid antigen detection can be helpful for RSV in infants and influenza in all age
groups (low sensitivity 40–60%). Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) assay may be needed to identify other viral pathogens.
The goal of treatment is to largely control symptoms: cough, wheezing, and
bronchospasm. The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) does not
recommend routine use of antibiotics for uncomplicated cases in normal persons.
In the absence of pneumonia, patients with bronchitis due to M. pneumoniae or C.
pneumoniae may not benefit from antibiotics.
Influenza should be treated early in its course with neuraminidase inhibitors, such
as oseltamivir, to reduce duration of illness. Oseltamivir also can be used for
prophylaxis in select patients.
The virus replicates in the upper respiratory tract and spreads to the lower tract.
Inflammation of the bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium results in necrosis and
sloughing of the lumen, with subsequent obstruction of the small airways.
Clinical Features/Diagnosis
Upper respiratory tract signs such as fever, cough, and rhinorrhea are common. A
prominent cough, tachypnea/increased work of breathing, wheezing, lethargy, and
poor feeding signal lower respiratory tract involvement. Acute onset of upper
respiratory tract signs followed by lower tract signs in a child < 2 years of age is
diagnostic. Bronchiolitis has a seasonal pattern depending on the geography and
climate. Complications include apnea, aspiration, and recurrent wheezing.
Laboratory evaluation to determine infectious etiology is unnecessary, as it does
not change management.
These bacteria form biofilms that make their eradication difficult for the
following reasons:
Biofilms have zones of anoxia, acidity or nutrient depletion; these can cause
bacteria to enter a dormant phase and become resistant to antibiotics.
Antibiotics do not penetrate biofilms well.
Antibiotics may become inactivated or diluted by the contents of biofilms.
Antibiotic-specific efflux pumps in biofilms can make the antibiotics
Bacteria within biofilms are protected from phagocytosis and host antibodies.
460 / CHAPTER 11
Fungal pathogens include molds and yeasts. Molds primarily cause pulmonary
disease and occasionally involve other organs. In contrast, yeasts typically cause
bloodstream infections and sepsis. Fungal infections are associated with
significant morbidity and mortality, and recognizing risk factors for fungal
disease is crucial for timely management.
Aspergillosis Histoplasmosis
Candidiasis Coccidioidomycosis
Cryptococcosis Blastomycosis
Mucormycosis Paracoccidioidomycosis
Scedosporium species
Key Fact
A false-positive
galactomannan enzyme
immunoassay can occur
from treatment with
piperacillin–tazobactam or
Aspergillus is ubiquitous in the environment and virtually unavoidable. More than
Key Fact 250 species of Aspergillus have been identified, but A. fumigatus causes > 50% of
infections. Other species commonly associated with invasive disease include A.
COPD and critically ill
patients in the ICU have
flavus, A. niger, and A. terreus.
been identified recently as
at-risk groups for invasive Aspergillus species cause a wide spectrum of disease ranging from allergic
pulmonary aspergillosis
despite not having
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) to invasive disease (Figures 11-1, 11-2).
traditional risk factors of The severity of disease often correlates with the degree of immunosuppression.
overt immunocompromise The incidence of aspergillosis has been increasing in recent years paralleling a
such as prolonged
neutropenia or high-dose
rise in the use of immunosuppression for stem cell and solid organ transplants as
steroids. well as other disorders. ABPA is discussed in Chapter 3.
Aspergillus terreus is
terribly resistant to
Figure 11-1. Host factors and degree of immunosuppression are associated with
severity of disease.
ABPA, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
Flash Card Q1
What is the characteristic
branching angle when
Aspergillus is viewed on
histopathologic (potassium
hydroxide, India ink)
Figure 11-2. Chest radiograph shows an aspergilloma (fungus ball) in the upper Flash Card Q2
lobe of the right lung.
(Reproduced from the CDC Public Health Image Library [PHIL]; content provider, M. Renz, ID #3955.) Which antifungal agents
have activity against
464 / CHAPTER 11
CHARACTERISTICS—Candida species cause a wide spectrum of infections
including mucocutaneous infection, invasive disease affecting any organ, and
bloodstream infections. Notably, Candida found in the upper and lower
respiratory tracts is rarely pathogenic and likely a colonizer that does not require
treatment. C. albicans is the predominant species, but C. glabrata and C. krusei
are emerging pathogens. Candidemia is a rising nosocomial pathogen, particularly
in the intensive care unit (ICU). This section focuses on candidemia.
Cryptococcus neoformans
Key Fact
CHARACTERISTICS—Cryptococcus neoformans is budding encapsulated yeast
All immunocompromised
ubiquitously found in the soil, particularly in pigeon excrement. It affects mostly patients with pulmonary
human immunovirus (HIV) and other immunocompromised patients. cryptococcal infection
require work-up for
disseminated disease with
PRESENTATION—Meningoencephalitis is the most commonly diagnosed form serum and CSF
of cryptococcal infection. Pulmonary manifestations range from colonization cryptococcal antigen and
with blood and CSF
(especially in chronic lung disease) to asymptomatic infection to severe cultures.
pneumonia and respiratory failure. Treatment of HIV can induce an immune
reconstitution syndrome (IRIS).
Key Fact
DIAGNOSIS—Meningoencephalitis is diagnosed with serum and cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) cryptococcal antigen and examination of the CSF with India ink. Cryptococcus gattii more
often infects
Pulmonary disease is diagnosed with chest imaging and isolation of organism in immunocompetent hosts
culture, typically in BAL or lung biopsy specimens. Although serum cryptococcal and is found in the
antigen is sensitive and specific in disseminated disease, it has limited sensitivity Northwest United States.
in pulmonary disease (25–56%). Staining of BAL fluid with India ink can reveal a
characteristic halo appearance (Figure 11-4).
Flash Card Q3
Which antifungal is
preferred for treatment of
invasive candidiasis in
pregnant women?
466 / CHAPTER 11
Figure 11-4. Cryptococcus neoformans in India ink. Note the halo from the
polysaccharide capsule.
(Reproduced from the CDC Public Health Image Library [PHIL]; ID #14391.)
Mild or moderate pulmonary disease or asymptomatic immunocompromised
o Fluconazole for prolonged course (6–12 months)
Severe pulmonary disease and/or those with CNS disease:
o Induction: Amphotericin B and flucytosine (2–4 weeks)
o Consolidation: Fluconazole 400–800 mg daily (8 weeks)
o Maintenance: Fluconazole 200 mg daily (6–12 months)
Risk factors:
Immunocompromised state
Antifungal treatment/prophylaxis for Aspergillus (i.e., previous voriconazole
Hyperglycemia/poorly controlled diabetes
Iron overload states
Chest computed tomography (CT):
o Multiple nodules (> 10) favor mucormycosis over invasive pulmonary
aspergillosis (IPA)
o Pleural effusions weakly favor mucormycosis over IPA
o Halo and air-crescent signs are less common in mucormycosis than IPA
Air-crescent sign in perihilar areas can portend risk of pulmonary
artery erosion and massive hemoptysis
Tissue swabs, sputum, or BAL fluid often nondiagnostic and blood cultures
rarely positive
Tissue samples often required for histologic evidence of Mucor species (broad
nonseptate hyphae branching at right angles) and evidence of tissue invasion
(Figure 11-5)
Reversal of underlying predisposing factors if possible
Surgical debridement of affected tissue
Antifungal therapy—No guidelines; limited data:
o Amphotericin B
o Posaconazole—Provides long-term oral treatment option and possibility
for suppressive therapy during continued immunosuppression
468 / CHAPTER 11
Figure 11-5. Mucor pusillus in a heart valve. Notice the 90-degree hyphal
(Reproduced from the CDC Public Health Image Library [PHIL]; content provider, L. Ajello, ID #3955.)
Presentation: Highly angioinvasive with hemorrhagic infarction of tissue,
disseminated disease, and fungemia; skin involvement suggests disseminated
Pathogenesis: Fusarium species enter the immunocompromised host via the
lungs, paranasal sinuses, skin breaks, and intravascular catheters
Treatment: Susceptibility to antifungals varies by species; response rates to
various antifungal agents limited
Prognosis: Mortality ~ 66% in patients with hematologic malignancy who
have disseminated disease 70% of the time
Presentation: Typically presents as invasive pulmonary disease; at
presentation, ~ 50% of transplant recipients have disseminated disease with
skin, CNS, and bloodstream involvement.
Immunocompetent hosts with the following risk factors can also develop
pulmonary disease:
o Diabetes
o Heavy exposure during trauma
o Near-drowning incidents associated with aspiration pneumonia or lung
Treatment and prognosis: Infections due to Scedosporium species are
difficult to treat and frequently are fatal; voriconazole has shown variable
results, and surgery and reversal of immunosuppression may be the only
effective therapeutic options.
Histoplasmosis and blastomycosis have some geographic overlap and are seen in
the Midwest or the south-central United States. Coccidioidomycosis is seen
mostly in the southwestern U.S.
CHARACTERISTICS—Histoplasma capsulatum is a dimorphic fungus, existing
as a mold in the environment and a yeast in the host. It is endemic in the Midwest
and south-central U.S., in the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys. High
concentrations are found in caves with bat guano, in chicken coops, decaying
trees, and riverbanks.
Urine and serum Histoplasma antigen combined have a sensitivity of > 90% for
Key Fact acute pulmonary histoplasmosis. The specificity of the urine Histoplasma antigen
Urine and serum is nearly 100%. Complement fixation antibodies for Histoplasma remain positive
Histoplasma antigen for years after an acute infection and high titers correlate with severity of disease.
studies each has a
sensitivity of ~60%, but
combined they have a Imaging can show focal (Figure 11-6), diffuse, or multinodular findings which in
sensitivity of >90%. general are larger and better defined compared to miliary tuberculosis (TB)
(Figure 11-7). Mediastinal lymphadenopathy and calcified granulomas are
commonly seen.
Key Fact PRESENTATION/TREATMENT—Disease is typically asymptomatic. In
Given its clinical and symptomatic cases, the disease can manifest as acute, subacute, and chronic
radiographic similarities to
sarcoidosis, histoplasmosis
pulmonary histoplasmosis, as well as disseminated histoplasmosis. The severity
must be excluded prior to of disease depends on the inoculum and host immune status. Treatment varies by
diagnosing sarcoidosis and disease severity.
Figure 11-6. Chest radiograph showing a pulmonary nodule in the left lower lung
field (arrow) from histoplasmosis, characteristic of a coin lesion.
(Reproduced from the CDC Public Health Image Library [PHIL] and Massachusetts General Hospital Case
Records; ID #463.)
Figure 11-7. Chest radiograph shows diffuse pulmonary infiltration due to acute
pulmonary histoplasmosis.
(Reproduced from the CDC Public Health Image Library [PHIL]; ID #3954.)
CHARACTERISTICS—Typically occurs in the southwestern United States.
Coccidioides immitis is most common but Coccidioides posadasii is also virulent.
Key Fact Usually infects construction, agricultural, or field workers with symptoms
Patients of Korean, appearing 1–4 weeks after exposure (valley fever). Coccidioides is listed as a
Filipino, Japanese, select agent for bioterrorism purposes.
Hispanic, and African-
American descent are at
increased risk of PRESENTATION—Primary pulmonary infection can present in a variety of forms.
developing disseminated Localized pneumonia usually heals spontaneously but can rupture into the
coccidioidomycosis, even
in the absence of pleural space
immunosuppression. Diffuse pneumonia occurs after a large exposure and can rarely cause
respiratory failure
Chronic fibrocavitary pneumonia is characterized by pulmonary cavitation
and interstitial fibrosis; more common among diabetics and patients with
underlying lung disease Disseminated disease occurs in < 1% of cases but is
common in immunosuppressed patients, including those with diabetes
mellitus (DM); imaging typically shows diffuse reticulonodular or miliary
infiltrates; the CNS, bone, joints, and skin are common extrapulmonary sites
Flash Card A4 of infection
Splenic and hepatic
calcifications DIAGNOSIS—Affected by the level of exposure, immune status of the patient,
and type of infection.
CHARACTERISTICS—Blastomycosis is the least common of the endemic
mycoses. It is acquired by inhaling soil colonized with Blastomyces dermatitidis,
typically in the central and southeastern U.S. and in the Mississippi and Ohio
River valleys, similar to Histoplasmosis. Like Histoplasma, Blastomyces is a
dimorphic fungus existing as a yeast form in the host.
Sporothrix schenckii
S. schenckii is seen in decaying vegetation and soil. It usually is cutaneously
inoculated and has the classic presentation of the rose gardener who injures his
finger with a thorn.
Mild disease: Itraconazole for 12 months
Severe disease: Amphotericin B with transition to prolonged itraconazole and
consideration of surgery for localized pulmonary disease
HIV-related diseases have caused the deaths of more than 35 million people since
the disease was first recognized in 1981. Heterosexual contact is the predominant
mode of transmission worldwide, whereas injection drug users, men who have sex
with men, and sex workers are at greatest risk in the developed world.
Immunologic Abnormalities
Bacterial: Despite antiretroviral therapy, bacterial pneumonia is still a significant
cause of morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected individuals:
Streptococcus pneumoniae and H. influenzae are the most frequent causes of
bacterial pneumonia in HIV-infected persons
P. aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are the most common causes of
bacterial pneumonia in hospitalized patients; these patients tend to have lower
CD4+ counts
Treatment is the same as that for non-HIV-infected hosts
It is important to vaccinate these patients for S. pneumoniae
< 200 cells/µL Bacterial pneumonia with bacteremia, disseminated TB, Pneumocystis TB,
Cryptococcus neoformans
< 100 cells/µL Bacterial pathogens such as Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, pulmonary
manifestations of Kaposi sarcoma, toxoplasmosis Flash Card Q6
50–100 cells/µL Endemic fungi, CMV, MAC, nonendemic fungi
Name three risk factors for
CMV, cytomegalovirus; MAC, Mycobacterium avium complex; TB, tuberculosis Pneumocystis pneumonia
(PCP) among HIV-infected
Flash Card Q7
Name two alternatives to
478 / CHAPTER 11
Flash Card A6
CD4+ < 200,
oropharyngeal candidiasis,
and a history of PCP
Flash Card A7
CD4+ < 200, Dapsone 100 Figure 11-11. Pneumocystis cysts as seen on BL, stained with toluidine
mg daily, or aerosolized blue.
pentamidine 300 mg once (Reproduced from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Image Library [PHIL].)
per month
HIV patients should be tested for T. gondii antibodies, and those who are negative
for disease should be instructed to avoid raw, uncooked meat and cat feces
Flash Card Q9
What are two treatment
options for excessive
inflammation in immune
reconstitution syndrome?
480 / CHAPTER 11
HIV-associated lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia is striking for its early age
of incidence (children >> adults); diagnosis is confirmed by histology from
transbronchial biopsy.
Nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis has been reported in HIV; its clinical
features are indistinguishable from PCP, although it can occur at higher CD4
IRIS: Paradoxic worsening of clinical status temporally related to recovery of
the immune system following a period of immunosuppression, or after the
initiation of antiretroviral therapy.
o Infections (mycobacterial, fungal, and viral) are often exacerbated by
Pulmonary hypertension:
Flash Card A8 o Rare complication of HIV infection and treatment modalities remain
α1-antitrypsin deficiency, experimental
HIV, connective tissue o Unclear whether antiretroviral therapy improves pulmonary arterial
diseases hypertension
Flash Card A9
antiinflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) and steroids
Evidence-based guidelines from 2013 for the management of HIV and associated
opportunistic infections are summarized here.
HIV-infected patients should be tested for TB with either a skin test or INFy
INFy release assay); those who test positive should be treated for latent TB
after active TB has been excluded via a CXR.
All HIV-infected patients who are Toxoplasma seronegative should be
counseled on how to avoid new infection.
Routine testing for MAC and cryptococcal infections is not recommended but
can be considered in select patients with CD4 counts < 50.
Influenza vaccine should be administered annually.
Pneumococcal vaccine, either heptavalent or tridecavalent, should be
administered to all HIV-infected persons.
Lung abscesses develop after an infection causes necrotic lung tissue to cavitate
(Tables 11-4 and 11-5). Necrotizing pneumonia refers to the formation of multiple Mnemonic
small abscesses. Risk factors include seizures, alcoholism, esophageal
Noninfectious causes of
abnormalities, periodontal disease, and dysphagia. Abscesses commonly are cavitary lung lesions:
caused by aspiration of oral anaerobes—pneumonitis is followed by necrosis in CAVITY
1–2 weeks. The differential diagnosis includes noninfectious causes of cavitary
lung lesions. Autoimmune (Wegener’s,
Vascular (bland or septic
Pathophysiology Infection
Trauma (pneumatocele)
Youth (pulmonary
Small zones of necrosis in consolidated regions of pneumonia form single or sequestration,
multiple abscesses that erode into bronchi, ultimately resulting in fibrosis (Figure bronchogenic cyst,
11-13). congenital pulmonary
airway malformation)
482 / CHAPTER 11
Actinomyces (Figs. 11-14, 11-15): Mass lesion, segmental Cervicofacial osteomyelitis or abscess in PCN is drug of choice but can use
Gram + anaerobe consolidation, adenopathy, an alcoholic or person with poor dental tetracycline, erythromycin,
Forms sulfur granules bronchiectasis, ± pleural thickening hygiene (but otherwise clindamycin, imipenem
Part of normal oral flora or effusions/empyema immunocompetent) with recent dental
6 weeks of IV therapy followed by 6–
GI/vaginal tract procedure; pulmonary manifestations
Suspect if you see air 12 months of oral therapy
(cough, fever, hemoptysis, chest pain)
bronchograms in the mass lesion
are rare, indolent, and occur through
and if it invades or erodes
aspiration or direct extension of disease
through chest wall.
from head, neck, or abdominal cavity
Part of normal flora so sputum/
bronchoscopic studies unhelpful unless
sulfur granules present; may need
transbronchial or open lung biopsy to
Nocardia (Fig. 11-16): Usually cavitary, bilateral multifocal Immunocompromised patient with TMP-SMX is drug of choice: can use
Gram + aerobe pneumonia, masses, nodules, underlying lung disease and subacute minocycline, third-generation
Weakly acid fast effusions/ empyema pulmonary symptoms (most common cephalosporins, linezolid
Found in soil presentation), hematogenous
6–12 months
Can be inhaled, ingested, or metastasis (brain, skin, bone, muscle)
inoculated directly from trauma
Bronchoscopy for diagnosis
Cultures take weeks to grow
GI, gastrointestinal; PCN, penicillin; IV, intravenous; TMP-SMX, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole
Figure 11-14. (A)Patient with actinomycosis on the right side of the face. (B)
Fite–Faraco stain with sulfur granule in the middle of the image. These granules
represent colonies that macroscopically demonstrate a gross yellow color when
(Reproduced from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Image Library [PHIL]. Image A
content provider, Dr. Thomas F. Sellers/Emory University; image B content provider, Dr. Lucille Georg.)
484 / CHAPTER 11
Other bacteria:
o Tuberculous mycobacteria and NTM (see below)
Fungi (see Fungal Infections section):
o Aspergillus species, Cryptococcus neoformans, Blastomyces dermatitidis,
Sporothrix schenckii, Histoplasma, Coccidioides
Key Fact
CXR shows infiltrates
within a cavity, typically in
the parts of the lung that
are dependent in the
recumbent position
(superior segment of the
lower lobe or posterior
segment of the upper
Figure 11-17. Abscess in right lung; cavitary lesion with an air–fluid level and
surrounding consolidation.
(Reproduced courtesy of Yale Rosen, flickr.com, CC BY-SA 2.0.)
Figure 11-18. CT scan of chest shows bilateral pneumonia with abscesses and
pleural effusions.
(Reproduced courtesy of Christaras A, Wikimedia Commons, GFDL1.2)
Before era of antibiotics, 1/3 died, 1/3 recovered, 1/3 developed complications
such as empyema or bronchiectasis. Key Fact
Appropriate therapy results in clinical improvement in 3–4 days; fevers more The mortality for lung
abscess ranges between
than 7–10 days may indicate need for further diagnostic tests; recalcitrant 5–20%. Larger size is a
cases (e.g., large cavities, resistant organisms such as P. aeruginosa, worse prognostic marker.
obstructing neoplasm—massive hemorrhage) may require lobectomy or
Empirically cover anaerobes until etiology identified: Key Fact
o Clindamycin or β-lactam with β-lactamase inhibitor Routine bronchoscopy to
aspirate lung abscesses is
not recommended due to
lack of evidence of benefit
and potential risk of
massive fatal aspiration of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis abscess contents. If it is
performed, requires
experienced operator.
Key Fact
TB can be caused by any of the mycobacterial pathogens in the Mycobacterium Aztreonam, TMP-SMX,
aminoglycosides, and
tuberculosis complex, the most common of which is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. ciprofloxacin do not cover
The World Health Organization has estimated that nearly one third of all the anaerobes.
people in the world are infected with TB. A resurgence of the disease was noted
in the U.S. in the late 1980s and early 1990s because of the epidemic of HIV and
the deterioration of public health systems.
A total of 9945 cases of TB were reported in the U.S. in 2012; the majority (>
60%) of the newly diagnosed cases of TB in U.S. were among foreign-born
persons. Annual rates of TB are especially high in immigrants from sub-Saharan
Africa and Southeast Asia.
SOURCE CASE—Patients with active TB are more likely to transmit the disease
if they have:
A high concentration of acid-fast bacilli in their sputum
Cavitary disease on chest radiograph
Frequent and strong cough
result of early progression from infection to disease or after late progression of
latent infection (Figure 11-19). The course of infection likely depends on the
immune response of the host.
Risk Factors
The risk of developing active TB after exposure is related to the host response to
infection and the dose of bacilli inoculated in the lungs. Other factors that increase
the risk of developing active TB include:
Key Fact Time since exposure: The risk is highest during first year after infection.
In persons with both HIV HIV infection: Impaired cellular immunity renders patients with HIV
and latent TB infection, susceptible to TB infection, although they may be less infectious to others,
antiretroviral therapy and because they are less likely to have cavitary lesions.
prophylactic therapy with
isoniazid substantially Therapies that interfere with cell-mediated immunity, such as TNFα blocking
decrease the risk of drugs (Figure 11-20).
developing active TB.
Silicosis: Risk thought to be mediated by the detrimental effect of silica on
alveolar macrophages.
Age: The incidence in children is many times greater than in adults; however,
there appears to be a second peak in incidence after age 65, perhaps due to
natural decline in host defenses.
In high prevalence countries, vaccination with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Key Fact
Calmette–Guérin (BCG) is routine, although the efficacy has been difficult to
BCG should not be given
document. Vaccination likely protects infants and young children from meningeal to immunocompromised
and military TB. persons, including those
with symptomatic HIV
infection and pregnant
More than 70% of new cases of TB involve only the lungs, and diagnosis is
centered often on pulmonary symptoms and imaging.
Laboratory Findings
Induration Positive in
≥ 15 Everyone
≥ 10 Recent immigrants, high-risk
populations (health care
professionals), IV drug users,
comorbid medical conditions,
exposure to index case
≥5 Immunosuppressed (including
HIV), close contact with active TB,
high clinical suspicion
INF-γ release assays can be used in place of tuberculin skin tests. Like skin
testing, the INFγ release assay cannot distinguish between active and latent
INFγ release assays have some advantages over skin testing: Only one visit,
more specific in the presence of BCG vaccination, less reader variability, and
no recall of waned immunity.
Disadvantages: Must be processed within 12 hours of collection; infection
with some NTMs can cause false-positive results (Mycobacterium szulgai,
Mycobacterium kansasii, Mycobacterium marinum).
Bacteriologic Evaluation
The recommended basic treatment regimen for previously untreated patients with
pulmonary TB consists of an initial phase of rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide,
and ethambutol (also known as RIPE therapy) given for 2 months, followed by a
4-month continuation phase of isoniazid and rifampin.
Routine measurements of hepatic function, renal function, and platelets are not
necessary unless patients have baseline abnormalities or are at increased risk for
hepatotoxicity. However, patients should be monitored clinically throughout
After 3 months of therapy, more than 90% of patients taking isoniazid and
rifampin have negative sputum cultures. If sputum cultures are still positive after
4 months of therapy, a new regimen should be started based on drug susceptibility
Flash Card A11
Contacts of infectious
cases, children younger
than 17 years, pregnant
women, recent immigrants,
and health care workers
should get a skin test or
INFγ assay
Figure 11-23. Treatment algorithms for culture-positive (A) and culture-negative (B) TB. CXR, chest x-
ray; AFB, acid-fast bacillus; EMB, ethambutol; INH, isoniazid; PZA, pyrazinamide; RIF, rifampin; RPT,
rifapentine; Sx, symptoms.
(Reproduced courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Thoracic Society, CDC, and Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Treatment of tuberculosis. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2003; 52(11): 6-7.)
496 / CHAPTER 11
Special Cases
Latent TB
Testing and treatment for latent infection is indicated for patients recently
Key Fact exposed to TB and patients with clinical conditions that increase the risk of
Rifampin can stain urine, progressing from latent infection to active TB. The treatment regimen that is most
saliva, tears, and soft commonly used is isoniazid and/or rifampin daily for 9 months. Another option
contact lenses orange.
for latent TB is rifapentine plus isoniazid for 3 months. Evidence suggests that
this regimen is as effective as 9 months of isoniazid alone and has a higher rate of
treatment completion.
Key Fact Although most commonly seen in the lungs, TB can infect all major organ
systems. Extrapulmonary TB is seen in up to 50% of HIV patients with TB.
Because of the frequency
of extrapulmonary TB in Immunosuppression and young age are also risk factors for extrapulmonary TB.
HIV-infected patients,
diagnostic specimens from
any suspected site of
disease should be cultured Disseminated TB
for mycobacteria.
Figure 11-24. (A) Miliary TB noted on abdominopelvic organs during surgery for
suspected ovarian malignancy. (B) Chronic granulomatous inflammation noted
on histopathology.
(Reproduced, with permission, from Yassaee F, Farzaneh F. Familial tuberculosis mimicking advanced ovarian
cancer. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2009; 2009: 736018. doi: 10.1155/2009/736018.)
Lymphatic TB
Pleural TB
Spinal TB
TB can spread to bones and joints; when it spreads to the spine, it is known as
Pott disease; Figure 11-25 demonstrates severe kyphoscoliosis due to
childhood TB affecting the spine.
Flash Card A12
Adenosine deaminase has
been shown to have high
sensitivity (except in HIV
patients) but variable
specificity in diagnosing TB
pleural effusion
There are about five cases of CAP per 1000 persons per year in the U.S.. The
incidence increases with age. Annual all-cause mortality in CAP patients is up to
In 50% of cases, the etiologic organism responsible for CAP cannot be identified.
In the remaining cases, a variety of causative organisms have been identified
(Tables 11-8−10). The patient’s clinical history can provide clues to the
underlying etiology (Table 11-11).
500 / CHAPTER 11
Organism Details
S. pneumoniae Most common cause (30–60%) of CAP
Common etiology in post-influenza pneumonia
Severe infections seen in those with functional or anatomic asplenia
Vaccination reduces the risk of invasive pneumococcal disease
H. influenzae At risk patients: Those with underlying lung disease (COPD, cystic
Key Fact fibrosis)
Vaccination has decreased the incidence of disease but not for the
nontypeable strains
infiltrates or empyema
S. aureus Accounts for 2–5% of CAP
should raise suspicion for
Staphylococcus aureus. More frequent after influenza
CA-MRSA in the U.S. has been associated with severe necrotizing
pneumonia that has a mortality rate between 29–60%; this may be
mediated by the Panton–Valentine leukocidin gene
Gram-negative bacilli Generally uncommon, but may require ICU admission for CAP
(excluding H. influenzae)
Common organisms: Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter species,
E. coli, Serratia species, Proteus species, Acinetobacter species
Risk factors: Probable aspiration and underlying lung disease
CAP, community acquired pneumonia; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CA-MRSA, community
acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; ICU, intensive care unit
Organism Details
Mycoplasma pneumoniae Most common of the atypicals
Usually affects healthy individuals in their 20s–30s. Key Fact
Person-to-person transmission via respiratory droplets. Atypicals are responsible
for 10–20% of cases of
Prodrome of upper respiratory tract infection followed by community acquired
nonproductive cough and extrapulmonary symptoms such as low- pneumonia and may even
grade fever, diarrhea, myalgia, arthralgia, and rash. Severe cases cause a coinfection with
can result in thrombocytopenia, myocarditis, hemolytic anemia (due other typical organisms.
to cold agglutinins), and transaminitis.
Gram stain is usually negative. Diagnosis can be made by culture,
PCR, serology with IgM and IgG.
CXR usually shows unilateral segmental infiltrate but can have
patchy or bilateral interstitial infiltrates
Legionella species Exposure to aerosols of contaminated water (cooling towers,
showers, grocery store mist machines, whirlpool spas, water
distribution systems)
Cannot be detected by Gram stain
Can be associated with high fever, rapid progression on
radiographic studies, ICU care, transaminitis, renal failure,
GI/neurologic abnormalities
Chlamydophila pneumoniae Minimally symptomatic but recovery may be slow (cough/malaise
(formerly Chlamydia can last weeks to months)
pneumoniae) Associated with COPD or asthma exacerbations
PCR, polymerase chain reaction; Ig, immunoglobulin; CXR, chest x-ray; ICU, intensive care unit; GI,
gastrointestinal; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
HIV infection (late) The pathogens listed for early infection plus Pneumocystis
jirovecii, Cryptococcus, Histoplasma, Aspergillus, atypical
mycobacteria Flash Card Q13
Recently on a cruise ship Legionella species What causative organism
is responsible for
pneumonia associated with
bat droppings? Birds?
Rabbits? Farm animals?
502 / CHAPTER 11
Key Fact
Agents such as Legionella
species, mycobacterial TB, Viral
mycobacterial pneumonia,
C. pneumoniae or C.
psittaci are rarely ever Influenza, RSVs:
colonizers and represent o The most common viral pathogens, but can be difficult to differentiate
true disease. On the other
hand, some organisms are from bacterial pneumonia.
virtually never pathogenic: Parainfluenza, adenovirus, RSV
Candida species,
o Can cause fatal/severe pneumonia in patients who are
Staphylococcus aureus, immunocompromised, including stem cell and solid organ transplant
enterococci, gram-positive recipients.
rods (except Nocardia), H.
parainfluenzae. Coronaviruses:
o Responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (travel to
China, Hong Kong, Singapore; no cases reported since 2004) and Middle
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) (recent travel to Arabian peninsula or
neighboring countries).
Flash Card A13 o Can cause a severe respiratory illness. Associated with travel to
southwestern U.S., causes an ARDS-like picture.
Bat droppings:
Histoplasma capsulatum Varicella pneumonia:
Birds: Chlamydophila o Most frequent complication of varicella infection in healthy adults;
psittaci (if poultry, think fatality rate 10–30%.
avian influenza)
Rabbits: Francisella
Farm animals: Coxiella
burnetii (Q fever).
IMAGING—CXR showing air space consolidation with air bronchograms strongly Key Fact
suggests bacterial pneumonia. Interstitial infiltrates are not seen with usual Follow-up imaging after
bacterial pneumonias. Studies suggest that early CXRs lack sensitivity. In patients treatment may not show
whose presentation is suggestive of pneumonia, it may be reasonable to start resolution for up to 12
weeks in certain patients.
treatment and repeat imaging in 24–48 hours.
Leukocytosis with a left shift; white blood cell count can be depressed in
severe shock or normal in the elderly. Leukopenia portends a poor prognosis.
Sputum cultures optional for outpatients with CAP since they do very well
with empiric treatment. Key Fact
Sputum gram stains
Per IDSA/ATS 2007 guidelines, investigation for specific pathogens should represent lower respiratory
be done when such pathogens are suspected based on clinical and tract secretions when
epidemiologic clues, and the results of such an investigation would change PMNs > 25 and epithelial
cells < 10/lpf.
management (Table 11-12 for indications for extensive diagnostic testing).
Routine serologic testing for Legionella, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and C.
pneumoniae is not recommended.
Blood cultures are positive in < 10% of patients but are recommended in those
ill enough to be hospitalized. Most common isolate is S. pneumoniae.
Procalcitonin (precursor of calcitonin) is elevated in bacterial infections but
decreased in viral infections; a low level (< 0.1 µg) favors a decision to avoid
or stop antibiotics; use as an adjunct to clinical judgment.
Bronchoscopy (BAL, brushing, washing, protected specimen brushing)
usually not done unless the pneumonia is severe, or refractory to antibiotic
504 / CHAPTER 11
Many classification systems exist, two of which are shown in Table 11-13.
Objective scores should not be used as the sole determinant for hospitalization.
Reasons to admit low risk patients: complications of pneumonia, exacerbation of
underlying diseases, inability to take oral medications.
The appropriate treatment regimen depends on the severity of the disease and the
suspicion for particular pathogens (Table 11-15).
Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP): Occurs > 48 hours after admission and not
present at the time of admission.
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP): HAP that occurs > 48–72 hours after
endotracheal intubation.
Common pathogens are aerobic gram-negative bacilli (E. coli, Klebsiella,
Enterobacter, Pseudomonas aeruginosa [PSDA], Acinetobacter) and gram-
positive cocci (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus). Key Fact
Etiology also dependent on risk factors for multidrug-resistance: epidermidis, enterococci,
Recent antibiotics within last 90 days most gram-positive bacilli
Current hospitalization of 5 days or more (except Actinomyces and
Nocardia) are not
High frequency of antibiotic resistance in the community or hospital unit pathogenic.
Risk factors for HCAP (see above), although some studies report that it may
be an overgeneralization to consider all HCAP patients to be at risk for MDR
New/progressive infiltrate on imaging plus two of the following: fever, purulent
sputum, leukocytosis/leukopenia, or increased oxygen requirements.
Initial treatment regimen should be selected based on the risk of drug-resistant
Key Fact pathogens (Table 11-16). It can then be tailored when susceptibility data becomes
Daptomycin does not available. If Staphylococcus aureus or gram-negative bacilli (grow easily in
achieve high culture) are not isolated from good quality sputum specimen, stop coverage for
concentrations in the lung.
these organisms.
Key Fact Duration: Generally 7 days, but up to 15 days if pseudomonas is cultured and up
Ceftaroline is approved by
to 21 days if MRSA is cultured. Duration can be extended based on clinical
FDA for community course and extent of infection.
acquired pneumonia but
not if caused by MRSA; not
to be used for hospital- Table 11-16. Treatment of Nosocomial Pneumonia
pneumonia/ventilator- Scenario Antibiotics Notes
pneumonia/HCAP. No known Ceftriaxone 2 g IV daily; or ampicillin– If concern for resistant GNB based on
MDR risk sulbactam 3 g IV q6h; or levofloxacin 750 institutional data, can start piperacillin–
factors mg IV daily; or moxifloxacin 400 mg IV tazobactam, cefepime, or anti-PSD
daily;. or ertapenem 1 g IV daily carbapenem as monotherapy
Key Fact Known MDR Cefepime (2 g q8h) or ceftazidime (2 g No conclusive evidence to support
Tigecycline has activity risk factors q8h), or combination therapy for gram-negative
against MRSA but is Imipenem, meropenem, or doripenem, or pathogens such as PSD but commonly
associated with an Piperacillin–tazobactam done since MDR pathogens that may be
increased risk of death, resistant to one antibiotic may be
therefore do not use unless susceptible to the other
other agents are not Anti-PSD FQ, or Anti-PSD FQ is preferred if Legionella is
suitable. AG, or likely
AG can be stopped in 5–7 days in those
AND if suspecting MRSA: who respond
Linezolid (600 mg q12h IV or oral), or Colistin may be appropriate if highly
Vancomycin (15–20 mg/kg IV q8-12h resistant PSD species, Acinetobacter
with target trough 15–20 mg/L) species, Enterobacteriaceae family are
suspected or established
AG, aminoglycoside (gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin); anti-PSD FQ, anti-pseudomonal fluoroquinolone,
ciprofloxacin (400 mg IV every 8 h or 750 mg PO BID) or levofloxacin (750 mg IV PO daily)FQ, fluoroquinolone;
IV, intravenous(ly); GNB, gram-negative bacilli; MDR, multidrug resistance; PSD, pseudomonal or
Hydrogen blockers/proton pump inhibitors are associated with increased risk of
HAP. The IDSA recommends avoiding them in patients who are not at high risk
for developing stress ulcer or stress gastritis.
The following interventions may reduce the incidence of VAP but have not been
shown to change patient outcomes.
Digestive tract decontamination with oral antiseptics such as chlorhexidine
Positioning patients in a semirecumbent position with the head of the bed at ≥
30 degrees
Silver-coated endotracheal tubes
More than 140 NTM have been identified, at least 40 of which are associated with
human lung infection. It is difficult to determine the epidemiology of NTM, as
reporting is not mandatory, but it appears that the incidence and prevalence are
NTM is ubiquitous in the environment and can be found in natural and drinking
water, biofilms, soil, and aerosols. Human-to-human transmission has never been
documented. Risk factors for disease include impaired host immunity, impaired
lung immunity, and host demographics.
Single available bronchial wash or 1 positive culture regardless of the results of the AFB
lavage smear
Preventive therapy for MAC is recommended for all HIV patients with CD4+ <
50; azithromycin 1200 mg weekly is the preferred agent.
Mycobacterium kansasii
Tap water is the major reservoir, and there is no recommended prophylaxis for
disseminated disease.
Mycobacterium xenopi
Therapy should be continued for at least 2–4 months, although cure with medical
therapy alone may be difficult to achieve
Prophylaxis should be given to adults with AIDS with CD4 counts < 50;
azithromycin and clarithromycin have proven efficacy.
12 Lung Neoplasms
Sujith V Cherian MD & Fayez Kheir, MD, MSCR
Benign lung tumors are broadly divided into epithelial and nonepithelial tumors.
Types include:
Micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia
Types include:
Solitary fibrous tumors
Most common benign lung neoplasm in adults
More common in men
Generally discovered incidentally in the sixth or seventh decade
Parenchymal or endobronchial (10%) nodules with characteristic popcorn
calcification (Figure 12-3). Figure 12-4 and 5 demonstrate solitary pulmonary
Typically mature hyaline cartilage with fat, fibromyxoid tissue, and/or smooth
muscle cells
Flash Card Q1
A 23-year-old man
presents with cavitary lung
nodules and a vocal polyp.
Figure 12-3. Lung hamartoma with popcorn calcification. He has a history of
(Reproduced, with permission, from Khan, et al. The calcified lung nodule: What does it mean? Ann Thorac
Med. 2010; 5: 67-79.) hoarseness as a child.
What is the diagnosis?
518 / CHAPTER 12
Figure 12-4. Chest x-ray showing a solitary pulmonary nodule (black box) in the
left upper lobe.
(Reproduced from Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
Flash Card A1
Figure 12-5. Chest CT scan showing a solitary pulmonary nodule (arrow).
Recurrent respiratory (Reproduced from Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
papillomatosis with lung license.)
involvement, most likely
squamous cell cancer
Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States (excluding
non-melanoma skin cancers). Although breast and prostate cancer are more
frequently diagnosed, lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related
death in both genders.
NSCLC is the most common form of lung cancer and is divided into the following
Squamous cell carcinoma
Large cell carcinoma
Carcinoid tumors
Common subtypes:
Acinar: Cuboidal/columnar cells that form acini and tubules (Figure 12-8)
Papillary: Malignant cells are arranged on the surface of fibrovascular cores.
Bronchioalveolar carcinoma, now known as adenocarcinoma in situ:
Characterized by slow lepidic growth
Solid with mucin production
Mixed subtype
Figure 12-10. Chest CT scan showing ground-glass opacity, which was shown
on biopsy to be bronchioalveolar carcinoma.
(Reproduced courtesy of Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Unported license.)
Carcinoid Tumors
Pulmonary carcinoid tumors represent about 1–5% of all lung malignancies. They
are mainly of two types, typical and atypical:
Typical carcinoid: < 2 mitoses per 10 high-power fields and absence of
necrosis (Figure 12-11)
Atypical carcinoid: > 2 mitoses per 10 high-power fields or presence of
Usually occur in those who have never smoked.
About 70% of carcinoids develop in the proximal airways and may be
associated with chronic cough, hemoptysis, and bronchial obstruction.
Peripheral carcinoids are generally asymptomatic.
Fewer than 2% of cases are associated with carcinoid syndrome.
Low to moderate activity is seen on PET scan.
Staging of NSCLC
Perhaps the most critical role of the pulmonologist in the management of lung
cancer is the diagnostic and staging evaluation of lung cancer. The lung cancer
staging system is relatively complex, but accurate staging helps the clinician to
estimate prognosis, define the extent of tumor, select treatment options, and report
outcomes (Table 12-1).
Table 12 -1. American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging System for Lung
Stage Tumor Lymph Node Metastases
IA T1a or T1b N0 M0
IB T2a N0 M0
IIA T1a or T1b or T2a N1 M0
T2b N0 M0
IIB T2b N1 M0
T3 N0 M0
IIIA Any T between T1a and T2b N2 M0
T3 N1 or N2 M0
T4 N0 or N1 M0
Any T between T1a N3 M0
and T4
IV Any T Any N M1a or b
Staging of NSCLC
Overall 5-year survival rate is a dismal 14%. Survival curves vary by stage at
diagnosis, with early-stage disease associated with much better survival. In
general, early-stage disease is surgically managed, locally advanced disease is
managed with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and advanced disease is
managed with chemotherapy and supportive care.
Strongest predictors of survival:
o Good performance status (Karnofsky scale)
o Lesser extent of disease
o Younger age
o Absence of weight loss
Other predictors of better survival:
o Smoking cessation
o Standard uptake value of the primary tumor on positron emission
tomography (PET) scan
Histologic subtype not considered a predictor of survival.
Stage IIIA:
Most cases are unresectable. Chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy may be
used. Some tumors are only definitively staged as IIIA during resection. In
these cases, surgery proceeds and is generally followed by adjuvant
Stage IIIB:
Combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy is used.
Stage IV:
Radiation therapy for palliation only
Post-therapy surveillance:
Follow-up in clinic with chest computed tomography (CT) scans every 4–6
months for the first 2 years and annually thereafter.
Superior sulcus tumor with Pancoast syndrome: Pancoast syndrome is a
constellation of symptoms and signs that include shoulder and arm pain along
the distribution of the C8, T1, and T2; Horner’s syndrome; and weakness and
atrophy of the hand. It is seen in one third of patients with superior sulcus
tumors. Because of its location, transthoracic need aspiration is diagnostic in >
90% of cases. If the disease is localized, this is one exception where the
treatment starts with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy
followed by resection.
Superior vena cava syndrome: Superior vena cava syndrome is usually the
result of direct obstruction of the superior vena cava by malignancies.
Bronchogenic carcinoma is the most common cause. It is not a medical
emergency, and a diagnosis should be obtained before treatment is provided.
Bronchoscopy or mediastinoscopy can be safely performed.
Secondary to SCC: Chemotherapy
Secondary to NSCLC: Concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy
mitotic count (Figure 12-12). Staining is usually positive for thyroid transcription
factor-1,CD 56, synaptophysin, and chromogranin.
Up to 98% of patients with SCLC have a history of smoking. The natural history
of SCLC is early metastasis and death. Unlike NSCLC, SCLC is always
considered a systemic disease at diagnosis. Liver, bone, bone marrow, and the
central nervous system are the most commonly affected extrapulmonary organs.
Staging of SCLC
Although TNM staging can be used in SCLC, many clinicians prefer a simpler
two-stage system. This staging system was originally proposed by the Veterans
Administration Lung Study Group and has been found to have prognostic utility:
Limited stage (25–30% of patients): Disease confined to a single radiation
portal or localized to one hemithorax
Extensive stage (70–75% of patients): Any disease outside of the hemithorax
LIMITED DISEASE—Response rate of 70–80% to chemotherapy and thoracic
radiation therapy, with a complete clinical response rate of 50–60%. Concurrent
radiation therapy begins with the first or second cycle of chemotherapy. No
benefit has been shown beyond 4–6 cycles of chemotherapy.
o Watchful waiting for asymptomatic patients
o Surgical excision for localized disease
o Rituximab-based chemotherapy for multifocal or disseminated disease
Fig 12-13. (A) Histopathologic specimen of the biopsy specimen of the infiltrate
showing total replacement of lung parenchyma with lymphocytes (low-power
view). (B) Chest x-ray of a patient with persistent right lower lobe infiltrate that
was found to be primary pulmonary lymphoma on biopsy.
(Image A mage reproduced, with permission, from Dr. Shakuntala H. Mauzo, University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston.)
Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis
CT Scan
All patients with lung cancer should have CT scan imaging through the adrenals,
with contrast, if possible, to help to distinguish vascular structures from lymph
Flash Card Q2
PET Scan
A 36-year-old patient with
unresolving right middle
More accurate than CT scanning for staging of mediastinum in patients with lung lobe pneumonia of 2
cancer. Sensitivity of 74% and specificity of 85% for identifying mediastinal months’ duration presents
metastases. Negative findings on PET scan can obviate the need for invasive for evaluation. Chest CT
scan shows a right middle
lymph node sampling. However, if mediastinal nodes are positive on PET scan, lobe alveolar infiltrate with
invasive sampling is required, given the high false-positive rate. air bronchograms. What is
the next step?
532 / CHAPTER 12
Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy
A combination of brushing, endobronchial biopsy, and washing provides a
diagnosis in 88% of cases of centrally located lesions. In submucosal and
peribronchial lesions, transbronchial needle aspiration has a higher yield (71%)
than endobronchial biopsy (55%). Transbronchial needle aspiration can be used to
sample lymph nodes that appear to be involved based on CT or PET scan.
Endobronchial Ultrasound
Endobronchial ultrasound with transbronchial needle aspiration is indicated for
assessment of mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes and diagnosis of lung and
mediastinal tumors. It is used to access nodes at the following levels (Figure 12-
Highest mediastinal: Station 1
Upper paratracheal: Stations 2R, 2L
Lower paratracheal: Stations 4R, 4L
Subcarinal: Station 7
Flash Card A2 Hilar: Station 10
Interlobar: Station 11
CT-guided lung biopsy.
The biopsy showed
complete replacement of In a patient with a lung mass and lymphadenopathy in the lymph node stations,
lung architecture by endobronchial ultrasound with transbronchial needle aspiration is indicated.
monomorphic small
lymphoid cells with positive
immunohistochemistry for
lymphoid tissue–type
Endoscopic Ultrasound
Used to sample the posterior mediastinum through the esophageal wall.
Sensitivity is 84% and specificity is 99.5%. Can be used to reach lymph nodes
that are not accessible by other techniques (e.g., mediastinoscopy), including the
paraesophageal and para-aortic lymph nodes.
534 / CHAPTER 12
Gold standard for staging the mediastinum in patients with known or suspected
lung cancer. It is often done before thoracotomy and is mainly used to sample
nodes of the paratracheal (station 4) and anterior subcarinal (station 7) regions.
Mediastinoscopy and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery are the only methods
that can access station 5 nodes.
Sensitivity of 78% and specificity of 100% have been reported in nodes that
appear to be involved on imaging studies. However, the procedure requires
general anesthesia, with a morbidity rate of 2% and a mortality rate of 0.08%.
The mediastinum is defined by the pleural cavities laterally, the thoracic inlet
superiorly, and the diaphragm inferiorly (Figure 12-15). Anatomically, it is
divided into anterior, middle, and posterior compartments (Figure 12-16).
Thoracic inlet
Pleural cavity
In adults, more than two thirds of mediastinal tumors are benign. Masses in the
anterior compartment are more likely to be malignant. Patients with symptoms are
more likely to have a malignant neoplasm.
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis of a mediastinal mass is driven by the anatomic
location. Other important factors include patient age, symptoms, and the
radiologic characteristics of the mass.
The anterior mediastinum is located in the retrosternal space, anterior to the heart
and great vessels. It contains the thymus, fat, and lymph nodes and can give rise
to a variety of neoplasms (Table 12-2).
Most common primary neoplasm of the anterior mediastinum (Figure 12-17).
Epidemiology: Usually occurs in patients > 40 years of age.
Presentation: About one third of patients have pressure-induced symptoms.
Diagnosis: Achieved by CT-guided or surgical biopsy.
o Imaging:
Chest x-ray shows well-defined lobulated masses in the anterosuperior
Chest CT scan usually shows homogeneous solid tumors with soft
tissue attenuation and well-demarcated borders. Up to one third may
have necrotic, hemorrhagic, or cystic components. Calcification may
be found in the capsule or throughout the mass.
Parathymic syndromes, such as myasthenia gravis, hypogammaglobulinemia,
and pure red cell aplasia, may develop.
About 30%–50% of patients with a thymoma have myasthenia gravis, and 10–
15% of patients with myasthenia gravis have a thymoma.
Thymectomy can attenuate symptoms of myasthenia, but the benefit is often
delayed for months after surgery.
Figure 12-17. Chest CT scan showing a large necrotic mass in the left anterior
mediastinum marked (red line). Pathology showed thymoma.
(Reproduced, with permission, from Kurukumbi M, et al. Rare association of thymoma, myasthenia gravis and
sarcoidosis : a case report. J Med Case Reports. 2008;2:245. doi:10.1186/1752-1947-2-245.)
Mediastinal lymphoma usually occurs as part of widespread disease. Hodgkin
lymphoma (Figure 12-18) accounts for 50–70% of mediastinal lymphomas,
whereas non-Hodgkin lymphoma represents 15–25%.
Figure 12-18. Chest CT scan showing a soft tissue mass in the anterior right
Flash Card Q3
mediastinum with enlarged nodes. Pathology showed Hodgkin lymphoma.
(Reproduced, with permission, from USMLE-Rx.com.) What neoplastic
syndromes are associated
with thymoma?
540 / CHAPTER 12
o Imaging: Lymphoma appears as a lobulated, homogeneous soft tissue
anterior mediastinal mass with mild to moderate contrast enhancement,
mediastinal lymphadenopathy, and no vascular involvement. Cystic and
necrotic changes may be identified.
o Diagnosis is usually made by core needle or surgical biopsy.
Treatment: Hodgkin lymphoma is treated with radiation with or without
chemotherapy. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is treated with radiation plus
Prognosis: Overall survival is better for Hodgkin than for non-Hodgkin
Thyroid Goiter
Usually euthyroid and found incidentally on physical examination.
Located between the anterior and posterior mediastinum. It contains the heart,
pericardium, ascending and transverse aorta, brachiocephalic veins, trachea,
bronchi, and lymph nodes (Table 12-3).
Bronchogenic Cyst
Figure 12-19. Computed tomography scan of the chest showing a soft tissue
mass (arrow) paratracheally with fluid density compatible with a bronchogenic
(Reproduced, with permission, from Dr. Khalid Alokla.)
Pericardial Cysts
Asymptomatic cysts usually located at the right cardiophrenic angle followed by
the left cardiophrenic angle. CT scan shows unilocular, nonenhancing cysts with
water attenuation.
Extends from the posterior border of the heart and trachea to the posterior aspect
of the vertebral bodies. It includes the descending thoracic aorta, esophagus,
azygous vein, autonomic ganglia and nerves, thoracic lymph nodes, and fat (Table
Neurogenic Tumors
Most common cause of posterior mediastinal tumors.
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
Hematopoiesis occurring outside of the bone marrow.
Cause: Bone marrow replacement (myeloproliferative disorders) or hemolytic
anemia (hemoglobinopathies, chronic anemia)
Presentation: Usually asymptomatic
Diagnosis: Chest x-ray: One or more posterior masses adjacent to the
vertebrae, ribs, or both (Figure 12-20)
544 / CHAPTER 12
Other causes of posterior mediastinal masses:
Diaphragmatic hernia
Paravertebral abscess
The lung is a common site for metastasis of malignant tumors from other organs.
Most of these tumors are asymptomatic because most people have a large degree
of reserve pulmonary function.
Nodules caused by metastases from a solid organ primary tumor vary in size
and location. They have a proclivity for the lung bases and tend to be
The tissue of origin largely dictates treatment of lung metastasis. Curable cancers,
such as germ cell tumors, neuroblastoma, lymphoma, and osteosarcoma with lung
metastasis, should be treated aggressively, mainly with chemotherapy.
Absolute criteria:
Patient is a good candidate for surgery.
Primary tumor is controlled.
No extrapulmonary metastases exist.
Pulmonary metastases are completely resectable.
Relative criteria:
546 / CHAPTER 12
Differential Diagnosis
Radiologic Characteristics
CT images are important for characterizing SPNs. Thin sections with contiguous
1-mm images through nodules are preferred. Both lung and mediastinal windows
should be obtained. Comparison with previous chest x-rays and CT scans is key.
Volumetric doubling of malignant SPNs occurs in 20–400 days and
corresponds to a 26% increase in nodule diameter.
SPNs that double in volume in > 400 days are typically benign, except for
slow-growing lung cancers.
SPNs that double in volume in < 20 days are often caused by an acute
inflammatory process.
In general, a solid SPN with stable volume for 2 years can be considered
Defined by edge characteristics, such as smooth, lobulated, irregular, halo or
Key Fact Smooth edges: Usually benign, but 20–30% of malignant nodules have
Hamartomas: smooth borders.
Benign but can grow
Irregular, lobulated, and spiculated edges often indicate uneven growth and
Fat visible on CT scan in are usually but not exclusively found in malignant tumors.
about 60% SPNs surrounded by a halo of ground-glass opacities can indicate adjacent
Most often found in men hemorrhage or lepidic spread.
> 50 years of age
Popcorn calcification
seen in about 25% LOCATION—Malignant SPNs are more common in the upper lobes compared
with other lobes.
PET-CT Imaging
Indicated for nodules > 8–10 mm in diameter. Lower sensitivity for smaller
High metabolic activity (standard uptake value > 2.5) suggests possible
Sensitivity of 96% and specificity of 79% in differentiating benign from
malignant lesions in nodules larger than 8–10 mm.
SPNs with intermediate pretest probability of malignancy should be evaluated.
Tumors with low metabolic rate, ground-glass nodules, and SPNs < 8–10 mm
have higher false-negative rates. Infectious and inflammatory conditions yield
higher false-positive rates.
Whole-body image can detect extrapulmonary tumors and help in lung cancer
Flash Card Q4
Figure 12-23 summarizes an algorithm for management of SPNs. What is appropriate
management when a
solitary, pure ground-glass
nodule > 5 mm is found on
chest CT scan?
550 / CHAPTER 12
Flash Card A4
Initial follow-up at 3 months
and then annual
surveillance for at least 3
Sensitivity is 90%; specificity is 100%.
Nondiagnostic results are much more common in benign than malignant
Pneumothorax rate is 20–25%, with 4–7% requiring chest tube.
Safe, well-tolerated procedure.
Forceps biopsy improves tissue yield.
Higher accuracy for central versus peripheral lesions.
Higher diagnostic yield if CT scan shows a bronchus leading to the lesion.
Clinical symptoms of hypercalcemia depend on calcium level and acuity of onset:
For patients with mild or moderate hypercalcemia, symptoms include polyuria,
polydipsia, nausea, confusion, vomiting, abdominal pain, and myalgia.
With severe hypercalcemia (serum calcium level > 14.0 mg/dL), symptoms
include mental status changes, coma, bradycardia, arrhythmias, and
Hypercalcemia can also cause severe dehydration and acute renal failure.
Flash Card A5
Small cell lung cancer
Diagnostic evaluation includes assessment of intact parathyroid hormone,
parathyroid hormone-related protein, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 1,25-
dihydroxyvitamin D, calcium, albumin, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Fluid resuscitation and bisphosphonate therapy
Clinical signs and symptoms depend on degree of hyponatremia and acuity of
hypo-osmolality. They range from general weakness, headache, and nausea to
altered mental status, coma, and seizure.
Lab findings:
Urine sodium level > 40 mEq/L
Urine osmolality > 500 mOsm/kg
Serum osmolality < 275 mOsm/kg
Serum uric acid concentration < 4 mg/dL
Management of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion–induced
Free water restriction for asymptomatic mild hyponatremia
Administration of hypertonic 3% saline in life-threatening disease
554 / CHAPTER 12
Clinical manifestations:
Weight gain
Moon facies
Purple striae
Proximal muscle weakness
Peripheral edema
Skin hyperpigmentation
Diagnostic laboratory tests:
High plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone
Nonsuppressed morning cortisol level after high-dose dexamethasone
suppression test
Elevated 24-hour urine free cortisol level
Treat underlying disease. Patients with SCLC and Cushing syndrome have a
worse response to chemotherapy, shorter survival, and a higher rate of surgical
Tumor cells directly activate clotting via tissue factor and cancer procoagulant.
Low-molecular-weight heparin is the preferred treatment.
Flash Card Q6
Which of the following
paraneoplastic syndromes
is appropriately matched
with the corresponding
myasthenia syndrome—
Figure 12-24. Digital clubbing is characterized by enlargement of the terminal Anti-Yo antibodies
segments of the fingers. Cerebellar
(Reproduced courtesy of Desherinka, Wikimedia Commons, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share degeneration—Voltage-
Alike 3.0 Unported license.) gated channel antibodies
Limbic encephalitis—Anti-
Hu antibodies
556 / CHAPTER 12
Anti-Hu Syndrome
Anti-Yo Syndrome
Flash Card A6
Limbic encephalitis—Anti-
Hu antibodies
Figure 12-25. Computed tomography scan of the chest in a patient with left-
sided mesothelioma showing an extensive pleural mass with contraction of the
left hemithorax.
(Reproduced from http://radiopaedia.org/cases/mesothelioma-1, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported license.)
The incidence of MPM is increasing worldwide. There are 2000–3000 new cases
per year in the United States, with a male-to-female ratio of 5:1. The median
survival time after diagnosis is 9–17 months. The 5-year survival rate is < 5%.
MPM is more frequent with advanced age because of the long latency period
between exposure and onset of symptoms.
Asbestos exposure is documented in about 85% of patients with MPM. There is
no synergistic effect between asbestos and cigarette smoke.
Other potential etiologies include simian monkey virus 40, radiation, chemical
carcinogens, erionite (a mineral found in volcanic ash), and chronic pleural
MPM is not believed to arise from pleural plaques, although both are
associated with asbestos exposure.
Diagnosis of MPM requires strong clinical suspicion along with appropriate
information on the exposure history and knowledge of the latency period from
exposure to diagnosis.
Chest x-ray: Large unilateral pleural effusion obscuring an underlying pleural
mass or thickening.
Chest CT scan: Better defines the extent of pleural disease.
MRI scan: Sometimes delineates soft tissue planes.
PET scan: Detects occult metastatic disease in approximately 10% of patients.
Flash Card Q7
Which of the following
Table 12-9. Immunohistochemical Markers statements about MPM is
Carcinoembryonic false?
Vimentin Calretinin Periodic Acid–Schiff Antigen A. There is a synergistic
effect between asbestos
Mesothelioma + + - - exposure and smoking.
B. Serum biomarkers are
not useful as a
Adenocarcinoma - - + + screening tool.
C. There is a long latency
period between
exposure to asbestos
and development of
D. Treatment is rarely
560 / CHAPTER 12
Despite advancement in treating MPM, prognosis remains very poor. Referral to a
specialized center is strongly advised.
Key Fact For symptomatic effusions, optimal palliative therapy is drainage of fluid with
subsequent pleurodesis.
Treatment of MPM is rarely
curative. However, For bulky intrapleural disease, pleurectomy may provide palliative relief of
multimodal treatment symptoms.
regimens combining
surgery, radiation therapy,
Treatment is rarely curative and involves a multimodal approach:
and chemotherapy may o Extrapleural pneumonectomy versus pleurectomy/decortications
offer a significant increase Standard management of surgically resectable patients has yet to be
in survival for subgroups of
patients with
mesothelioma. Surgical intervention might benefit patients with early-stage disease,
good performance status, epithelioid histology, and no mediastinal
lymph node involvement.
o Radiation therapy
o Adjuvant chemotherapy with pemetrexed and cisplatin
Favorable prognostic signs:
Good performance status
Age < 60 years
Platelet count < 400,000
Epithelioid histology
< 5% weight loss
Tumor confined to ipsilateral pleura
Solitary fibrous tumors are rare spindle cell mesenchymal tumors originating from
the pleura (80% visceral and 20% parietal). They account for about 5% of all
pleural tumors. Most solitary fibrous tumors (about 80%) are benign.
Tumors appear as a pleural-based soft tissue masses, with well-defined margins
and no associated rib destruction or chest wall abnormality.
Treatment for both malignant and benign tumors is complete resection. Long-term
follow-up with imaging is needed because of high recurrence rates.
Although surgery is the best curative option for patients with early-stage NSCLC,
careful preoperative assessment of individual risk factors is needed to avoid short-
and long-term operative complications. Preoperative evaluation allows patients to
be counseled appropriately regarding treatment options and risks.
The American College of Chest Physicians has published guidelines for patients
with lung cancer that are being considered for possible curative lung resection.
Evaluation by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a thoracic surgeon, medical
oncologist, radiation oncologist, and pulmonologist is recommended. Smoking
cessation is strongly advised because it is associated with short-term perioperative
and long-term survival benefits.
Smokers and former smokers with lung cancer are at increased risk for
cardiovascular disease. Thus, a preoperative cardiovascular risk assessment is
needed to stratify the risk of major postoperative cardiac complications.
The thoracic revised cardiac risk index (Table 12-10) is a validated tool for
assessing cardiovascular risk factors for patients undergoing lung resection.
Patients with a score > 1.5, any cardiac condition requiring medication, a
newly suspected cardiac condition, or limited exercise tolerance (inability to Flash Card Q8
climb two flights of stairs) should be referred for cardiac consultation. Which of the following
parameters places the
Patients at low risk for cardiovascular disease may proceed for further patient at high risk for
evaluation for possible lung resection (Figure 12-26). surgical complications?
A. 77 years old
Refer to Table 12-11 for calculation of predictive postoperative forced expiratory B. Chronic obstructive
volume in 1 second (FEV1) and diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO). pulmonary disease
with hypercapnia
C. Able to climb three
Refer to Table 12-12 for definition of risk for lung resection. flight of stairs
D. VO2 max 30% of
562 / CHAPTER 12
Figure 12-26. Algorithm for evaluation of lung resection. (Refer to Table 12-11
for calculation of ppo [FEV1 and DLCO]).
FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; VO2 max, maximal
oxygen uptake.
Flash Card A8
D. VO2 max < 35% of
predicted places the
patient at very high risk for
Moderate risk Morbidity and mortality rates may vary according to split lung function,
exercise tolerance, and extent of resection
Risks and benefits of surgery should be thoroughly discussed with patient
High risk Risk of mortality after standard major anatomic resection may be > 10%
Considerable risk of severe cardiopulmonary morbidity and residual
functional loss expected
Patients should be counseled about alternative surgical (minor resection
or minimally invasive surgery) or nonsurgical options
564 / CHAPTER 12
13 Pleural Disease
Jeffrey Albores, MD
A pleural effusion is excess fluid that accumulates between the parietal and
visceral pleura.
Key Fact
One of the first steps to be considered in the management of a patient with a new
pleural effusion. It is a procedure to remove fluid from the pleural space for The normal pleural space
is filled with approximately
diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes (Figure 13-1). 7–14 mL of low-protein
pleural fluid in a normal
adult man and
approximately 0.15 mL/kg
of fluid is produced hourly
by the parietal pleura.
Supporting Tools
ULTRASOUND—Assists with site selection and increases the safety of pleural
Key Fact procedures.
British Thoracic Society
guidelines strongly PLEURAL MANOMETRY—Measurement of pleural pressures that reflects
recommend ultrasound pleural space elastance.
guidance for all pleural
procedures used to remove
pleural fluid. Pleural elastance is the change in pleural pressure relative to the volume of
pleural fluid (PF) removed (∆P/∆V).
Manometry may have clinical applications for the diagnosis of trapped and
entrapped lung. Serial manometry during a large volume thoracentesis may
also be able to predict the development of re-expansion pulmonary edema.
However, there are no guidelines at this time recommending the routine use of
Fluid Removal
AMOUNT OF FLUID TO REMOVE—Fluid removal is stopped at the onset of
chest discomfort or when 1000–1500 mL of PF is aspirated.
Key Fact
The symptom most
associated with significant Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema that occurs after rapid re-expansion of
drops in pleural pressure is atelectatic lung following drainage of a moderate-to-large pleural effusion or
chest discomfort. pneumothorax (Figure 13-2).
The condition is usually self-limited and treatment is mainly supportive.
Light’s Criteria
Light’s criteria characterize PF as a transudate or an exudate that permits
significant narrowing of the differential diagnosis (Table 13-1).
Table 13-2 lists exudative pleural effusions with low pH. Flash Card Q2
Which organism is
associated with a
parapneumonic pleural
effusion that has an
elevated pH?
568 / CHAPTER 13
RA effusion Typically with pH < 7.3 in contrast to the effusions seen with SLE
Hemothorax Grossly bloody with PF hematocrit > 50% of the peripheral blood
Esophageal rupture Severe retching or vomiting followed by chest pain and fever
Usually, left pneumothorax early and left pleural effusion later
Low pH and elevated amylase in effusion
Paragonimiasis Cough, fever, hemoptysis, chronic asymptomatic pleural effusion
Associated with eosinophilia
PF, pleural fluid; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus
Flash Card A2
Proteus. In general, all
other complicated
parapneumonic effusions
will have a low pH.
Approximately 1.5 million pleural effusions are diagnosed in the U.S. each year
(Figure 13-3).
Flash Card Q3
Which pleural effusion
most commonly presents
with dyspnea out of
proportion to pleural
effusion size?
Flash Card Q4
A patient with CHF being
diuresed has an exudative
pleural effusion. What is
the best way to evaluate
whether this is a false
Figure 13-3. Annual incidence of pleural effusion in the U.S. exudate in the setting of
570 / CHAPTER 13
Hepatic Hydrothorax
Ascites in the chest via diaphragmatic defects driven by pressure gradient
from abdomen to pleural space
Presents with signs and symptoms of cirrhosis and ascites
Chest x-ray:
o Unilateral right-sided effusion ~80%
o Unilateral left-sided effusion ~15%
o Bilateral effusions rare
In rare cases, a hydrothorax can exist without ascites due to negative pleural
Can be superinfected (spontaneous bacterial pleuritis) but often remains
o Key to management is optimization of underlying ascites
o Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) or liver transplant
may be considered in severe refractory cases.
o Chest-tube drainage is contraindicated and leads to renal failure, protein
Flash Card A3 loss, and cardiovascular collapse.
Pleural effusion secondary
Diagnosis: Positive PF culture plus neutrophil count > 250 cells/mm3 or > 500
Flash Card A4 cells/mm3 with negative PF cultures, in the absence of pneumonia
Check PF albumin (or
protein) gradient
Nephrotic Syndrome
Decreased oncotic pressure and increased hydrostatic pressure from salt
retention and hypervolemia
o Chest x-ray typically with bilateral pleural effusions
o Albumin < 2.0 g/dL in nephrotic syndrome with effusions
Pulmonary emboli may occur in ~20% of patients with nephrotic syndrome
due to acquired protein S deficiency.
Treatment: Targeted at the underlying protein-losing nephropathy with Key Fact
avoidance of serial thoracenteses to minimize additional protein loss. PF glucose is elevated and
is midway between
dialysate and serum values
in the setting of an effusion
Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) secondary to PD.
Flash Card Q6
A patient with nephrotic
syndrome presents with an
exudative pleural effusion.
What diagnosis should you
572 / CHAPTER 13
Figure 13-4. Pleural elastance curves for normal, entrapped, and trapped lungs
Clinical features:
Typically PF related to the active pleural process is exudative
Endobronchial lesions leading to obstruction and prevention of lung
expansion should be excluded by bronchoscopy if clinically suspected.
Thoracentesis rarely provides significant symptomatic relief unless there is a
significant superimposed process such as a malignant effusion.
Consider an IPC for patients with malignant effusions who improve
symptomatically after a thoracentesis.
Remote pleural inflammatory process
Irreducible pleural space (Figure 13-5):
o Fibrous visceral pleural thickening prevents lung re-expansion, leading to
a trapped lung
o Space between visceral and parietal pleura fills with fluid due to an
imbalance of hydrostatic pressures.
Flash Card A5
Antibiotics (e.g., Clinical features include chronic undiagnosed effusion:
cefotaxime), similar to
treatment of spontaneous Can be asymptomatic and diagnosis is often delayed
bacterial peritonitis Thoracentesis leads to a pneumothorax ex-vacuo due to a lung that does not
re-expand, even with chest-tube drainage of the pleural space.
Flash Card A6
PF typically transudative or borderline exudative
Pulmonary embolus
CABG/cardiac surgery
Post-cardiac injury syndrome (PCIS)
Uremic pleuritis
Rheumatoid pleuritis
Tuberculous pleuritis
Avoid unnecessary thoracic surgery or repeated thoracenteses.
Consideration for surgery (decortication) only if dyspnea clearly is due to
trapped lung
Key Fact
A CT scan after
thoracentesis showing
incomplete lung re-
expansion with a thickened
visceral pleura suggests
either a trapped or an
entrapped lung. Chest-tube
placement in this scenario
is unlikely to lead to lung
Others (Rare)
URINOTHORAX—Presence of urine in the pleural space.
Due to an obstructive uropathy
Key Fact
Pleural creatinine: Serum creatinine ratio > 1
Urinothorax is the only
cause of a low pH
Treatment involves relieving the obstruction
transudative pleural
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak from the subarachnoid space to the pleural space.
Positive pressure of the subarachnoid space drives fluid to lower pressure
pleural space
Mostly due to blunt or penetrating trauma or thoracic spinal surgery
Clear-looking pleural fluid with protein < 1 g/dL
Detection of pleural fluid beta-2 transferrin level is a specific and sensitive
marker to identify CSF leak
No strong consensus for treatment
LDH < 1000 U/L > 1000 U/L Usually not measured
Empiric antibiotics tailored by microbiology, community- vs. hospital-
Therapeutic thoracentesis
Chest tube, with current trend toward smaller-bore tubes (10–14 French
catheter) for complicated parapneumonic effusions and empyemas
Consider intrapleural tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) + deoxyribonuclease
(DNase) (Multicenter Intrapleural Sepsis Trial [MIST]-2)
Surgical consultation if persistent sepsis and/or residual pleural collection
despite drainage and antibiotics
Flash Card Q7
What are the indications for
chest-tube drainage of a
parapneumonic effusion?
576 / CHAPTER 13
Flash Card A7
Frankly purulent or
turbid/cloudy PF, pH < 7.2,
positive Gram stain or
PF markers: Exact role of PF and serum markers remain undetermined
o Soluble mesothelin–related peptide, osteopontin, megakaryocyte
potentiating factor
Cytology yield is generally poor
Immunohistochemistry with calretinin and cytokeratin favors mesothelioma
over adenocarcinoma
Tissue sampling needed (gold standard)
Pulmonary Embolism
Characteristic RA SLE
Clinical Classically in older male patients with Predominantly female in any age
RA and subcutaneous nodules group with SLE
Arthritis precedes pleural effusion Pleuritic chest pain, pleural rub,
fever, cough, dyspnea
PF Low glucose (< 40 mg/dL) Glucose > 60 mg/dL
Low pH (< 7.20) pH > 7.35
High LDH (> 700 IU/L or 2X upper LDH < 500 IU/L or < 2X upper
normal limit) normal limit
High rheumatoid factor titer (> 1:320) Elevated PF ANA (but neither
sensitive nor specific for diagnosis)
Key Fact Chest radiograph Unilateral, small-to-moderate pleural Predominantly small effusions
The most striking effusion occupying < 50% of the ~50% bilateral effusions
characteristics of the hemithorax
rheumatoid pleural effusion ~25% bilateral effusions
are its low glucose and low
pH, helping distinguish it Treatment Treatment of underlying RA; NSAIDs, steroids
from lupus pleuritis. otherwise non-specific
ANA, antinuclear antibodies; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PF,
pleural fluid; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus
Hemothorax is defined as a bloody effusion with a PF hematocrit of at least 50%
of the peripheral blood hematocrit.
BAPE—See Pleural Asbestosis section below.
Key Fact
Pleural plaques serve as a
marker of asbestos
Figure 13-9. CT scan of the chest demonstrates rounded atelectasis with comet-
tail sign (thick arrows).
(Reproduced from Anevlavis S, Bouros D. Images in Pneumonology. PNEUMON 2013, 26(3):276. Fig 4. CC
BY 2.0)
Chest Radiography
First radiographic test for patients with suspected pleural effusion. Different
views are able to visualize varying amounts of fluid:
o Lateral decubitus film, 5–10 mL fluid
o Lateral film shows blunting of costophrenic sulcus, 25–50 mL fluid
o Upright posteroanterior film, > 200 mL fluid
Figure 13-10 demonstrates ultrasonography of pleural effusion with landmarks.
Detection of pneumothorax:
Normal lung:
o Lung sliding on two-dimensional (2-D) mode
o M-mode demonstrates the seashore sign —motionless portion above the
pleural line creating horizontal waves and sliding below it creates granular
sand pattern (Figure 13-11A)
o Absence of lung sliding on 2-D mode
o M-mode demonstrates the stratosphere sign—parallel horizontal lines
above and below the pleural line resembling a barcode (Figure 13-11B)
Figure 13-10. Ultrasound image of pleural effusion (red arrows) and lung (yellow
(Reproduced from Bostantzoglou C, Moschos C, Introduction to transthoracic ultrasound for the pulmonologist. Flash Card Q8
PNEUMON 2013, 26(3):223-228. Fig 4. CC BY 2.0)
What are the signs of a
pneumothorax on
586 / CHAPTER 13
Figure 13-11. Ultrasonography with M-mode of (A) normal lung and (B)
(Image courtesy of Dr. Jeffrey Albores, UCLA Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine)
Flash Card A8
Absence of lung sliding on
2-D mode and presence of
stratosphere or barcode
sign on M-mode
Figure 13-12. Chest radiograph and chest CT demonstrate lung abscess and
pleural empyema: top chest CT shows large lung abscess in right upper lobe with
relatively thick wall; notice acute angle that abscess makes with posterior chest
wall; bottom chest CT shows pleural empyema with enhancement of both
visceral and parietal pleura, sign of pleural inflammation that occurs with
empyema (split-pleura sign); notice obtuse angle that effusion makes with
posterior chest wall.
(Image reproduced from Huang HC, Chen HC, Fang HY, et al. Lung abscess predicts the surgical outcome in
patients with pleural empyema. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010 Oct 20;5:88. doi: 10.1186/1749-8090-5-88. Fig. 2.
CC BY 2.0)
Pleural Biopsy
In a large number of patients, blind pleural biopsies do not provide a definitive
diagnosis for pleural pathology.
588 / CHAPTER 13
Invasive diagnostic test of choice
Indications: Diagnosis of recurrent or refractory exudative pleural effusions,
pleural-based tumors, and pleural thickening
Advantages: Ease of procedure, high diagnostic accuracy, low cost, and
excellent safety record
Low complication rates, but can include chest wall pain, subcutaneous
emphysema, local wound infection, empyema
Only absolute contraindication is lack of pleural space due to severe and dense
pleural adhesions
Key Fact
Surgical options are more
effective than chemical
pleurodesis in
pneumothorax recurrence
Observation may be reasonable in an asymptomatic and stable patient
Small-bore chest-tube placement if symptoms or if expanding/sizeable
pneumothorax; also consider in patients with underlying emphysema who
develop a pneumothorax after transthoracic needle aspiration
Consider bronchopleural fistula in the setting of positive-pressure ventilation
Clinical diagnosis suspected in patients with rapid clinical deterioration, on
mechanical ventilation, or who have undergone a procedure known to cause a
Physical findings are those of any large pneumothorax; additional findings
include enlargement of the involved hemithorax relative to the contralateral
hemithorax with widened costal interspaces, and contralateral tracheal
Valuable time should not be wasted on radiologic studies, as the clinical
situation and physical findings are often sufficient to establish the diagnosis.
Sandeep Khosa, MD
Dr. Khosa has a love for pulmonary physiology and medical education, receiving numerous teaching
awards throughout his training. He is a graduate of Saba University School of Medicine, Netherlands, and
completed his Internal Medicine Residency and Chief Residency at Case Western Reserve University
(MetroHealth) program. He went on to complete his Fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
at MetroHealth, and currently serves as a Consultant for Pulmonology and Intensive Care at the Mayo
Clinic Health System in Mankato, Minnesota. Dr. Khosa has a special interest in Critical Care
Ultrasonography and has served as faculty lecturer and instructor for courses at the American College of
Chest Physicians, Case Western Reserve University (MetroHealth), and Cleveland Clinic. In addition, Dr
Khosa has served as a contributing editor to online resources for quality improvement designed for
healthcare professionals.
Susan Pasnick, MD
Dr. Pasnick earned her medical degree at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and
completed her residency training in internal medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. She
recently completed her fellowship in pulmonary and critical care medicine at UCSF. She has a strong
commitment to medical education and devoted the research portion of her fellowship to educational
scholarship. She is also an alumna of the Harvard Macy Institute Program for Postgraduate Trainees.
Particular interests include procedural teaching and the use of novel technologies to streamline and
customize content delivery. Dr. Pasnick co-directs the critical care ultrasound course at UCSF and
continues her work in postgraduate medical education through the American Thoracic Society.
Tisha Wang, MD
Dr. Wang has a longstanding interest in medical education and board review, and contributed to the
Underground Clinical Vignettes series while going to medical school in Texas. She earned her medical
degree at UTMB Galveston in 2002, and completed her residency training in internal medicine and
fellowship training in pulmonary and critical care at UCLA. Dr. Wang is board certified in internal
medicine, pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine, and has taken a number of leadership roles since
joining the UCLA faculty in 2008 as a clinician educator. In 2011, she became program director of a
growing pulmonary and critical care fellowship program and was instrumental in the creation of a
successful clinician educator track within the training program. In addition, she is director of the liver
transplant intensive care unit at UCLA and as of 2014, Dr. Wang was appointed as the Associate Chief of
Inpatient Services for the UCLA Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine. She regularly
publishes review articles, case reports/series, and book chapters and is actively involved in medical
education through the American Thoracic Society.