Bus 39195-13. RES - TS - 3.02.07 - I1
Bus 39195-13. RES - TS - 3.02.07 - I1
Bus 39195-13. RES - TS - 3.02.07 - I1
NGG and NGET or their agents, servants or contractors do not accept any liability for any losses arising under or in connection
with this information. This limit on liability applies to all and any claims in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation
(excluding fraudulent misrepresentation), breach of statutory duty or otherwise. This limit on liability does not exclude or restrict
liability where prohibited by the law nor does it supersede the express terms of any related agreements."
This specification is applicable to bushings intended for use on alternating current systems only.
Bushings which are intended for use in high voltage direct current systems are covered by a separate
Bushings shall comply with the performance requirements of BS EN 60137 according to the
relevant rating requirements detailed in TS 1 (RES), and TS 2.2 (RES).
During the Temperature Rise Test the thermal time constant shall be determined on raising
and lowering the temperature.
An oil sample for DGA shall be taken from all oil filled bushings, before and after the
dielectric type tests. Acceptance criteria for the dissolved gas levels in oil will be agreed
between the user and the bushing supplier. There shall be no change in the dissolved gas
levels before and after type tests.
Bushings for all switchgear applications shall have chopped impulse tests similar to those
specified for transformer bushings in BS EN 60137. The bushings shall be subjected to 5
impulses of negative polarity, chopping of the impulse being made by means of an air
insulated gap. The peak voltage level shall be 100% of the rated BIL. The time to sparkover
of the chopping gap shall be between 1 μs and 6 μs.
Bushings for gas insulated switchgear shall also be subjected to 30 impulses of both positive
and negative polarities with a chopping gap immersed in SF6 and located adjacent to the
SF6 end of the bushing. The peak voltage level shall be 60% of the rated BIL. The time to
sparkover of the chopping gap shall be between 1 μs and 6 μs.
Routine tests shall be performed before and after all type tests.
An oil sample for DGA shall be taken not less than 24 hours after the final routine electrical
testing has been performed. The results shall be included in the routine test report.
Not applicable.
The definitions used in TS 1 (RES) and TS 2.2 (RES) are applicable to this specification.
This document makes reference to or should be read in conjunction with the documents
listed below. Where a Standard has been harmonised into a Euronorm, only this latter
reference is given. The issue and date of the documents detailed below shall be that
applicable at the time of issue of this specification unless a specific issue date is given.
TS 1 (RES) Ratings and General Requirements for Plant, Equipment, Apparatus and
Services for use on and Direct Connections to the National Grid Transmission System
TS 2.2 (RES) Switchgear for use on, and at connection points to, the National Grid System
“© 2014 Copyright owned by National Grid Electricity Transmission plc, all rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying and restoring in any
medium or electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally) without the written permission of
National Grid Electricity Transmission plc, except:
1. To the extent that any party who is required to comply (or is exempt from complying) with the provisions
under the Electricity Act 1989 reasonably needs to reproduce this publication to undertake its licence or
statutory duties within Great Britain (or any agent appointed so as to act on that party’s behalf); and
2. In accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Design’s and Patents Act 1988.