My Skills

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I’m looking for an entry-level content writer role in men’s fashion, music production, content

production, non-fiction books, or business services industry where I can --- while learning more about
content marketing from managers in smaller companies where I can work remotely from anywhere in
the world. I want the --- to --- because ---. Ideally, it would be a company with an equal employment
statement that values its worker as unique human beings.

My skills

1. Achieving my goals. I’m very bent on accomplishing what I want to accomplish.

2. Acting on what I have to do. I don’t just think about them.
3. Adapting to different situations.
4. Addresing issues that needs to be fixed.
5. Advising people on what to do.
6. Coaching people on how they can be better at what they do.
7. Communicating in a clear way.
8. Coordinating people.
9. Delivering on my promises.
10. Discovering talents.
11. Distributing work to appropriate people.
12. Drawing manga style art.
13. Evaluating other people’s works as well as my own.
14. Explaining things in easy to understand words.
15. Expressing my feelings without gult of having them in the first place.
16. Following instructions and guidelines.
17. Generating ideas.
18. Having responsibility for my own actions.
19. Helping people with what they need to do.
20. Implementing ideas.
21. Improving on what I can already do.
22. Improvising when I have yet to plan for things.
23. Initiating actions so people would follow.
24. Inspiring others.
25. Innovating new ideas.
26. Leading a team.
27. Learning new things.
28. Listening to other peoples’ words.
29. Managing people.
30. Problem solving in creative ways.
31. Relating to other people.
32. Researching subjects.
33. Singing songs.
34. Speaking in public.
35. Summarizing texts.
36. Taking criticism well.
37. Teaching things to people.
38. Transcribing spoken words.
39. Translating English to Indonesian and vice-versa.
40. Utilizing tools to my advantage.
41. Working hard.
42. Writing content.

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