Need For A Payment System Act
Need For A Payment System Act
Need For A Payment System Act
Published : Saturday, 10 July, 2021 at 12:00 AM C
M S Siddiqui
Bangladesh Bank's FE Circular No. 44, dated December 28, 2017 and its
subsequent circulars in terms of which Authorized Dealers (ADs) are allowed
to repatriate remittances through Online Payment Gateway Service Providers
(OPGSPs) against small value service exports for which ADs can enter into
standing arrangements with internationally recognized OPGSPs. Bangladesh
Bank recently has issued another draft circular widen the facilities of opening
of notional account with bank branches have authorised dealer license. The
circular is under heading of "Repatriation of export proceeds through Online
Payment Gateway Service Providers" seeking opinions of different
stakeholders by 15th July 2021.
The circular elaborate that OPGSP Services means, the services use to
provide online payment gateway service provider in association with an AD
Category-1 Bank which (i) enable the service exporters to receive Export
Payments from Buyers located in any Approved Jurisdictions; and (ii)
facilitate the provision of foreign exchange services, bulk payment services
and profit repatriation services from any Nostro Collection Account to the
Customer Bank Account. The ADs will repatriate the balances held in the
Nostro collection account and arrange to credit the respective exporter's
account with the bank in Bangladesh after being confirmed that the export
proceeds have been swept and pooled into the Nostro collection account from
exporter notional account.
The domestic payment system automation has been started with Bangladesh
Automated Clearing House (BACH) includes: Bangladesh Automated
Cheque Processing System (BACPS) and Bangladesh Electronic Funds
Transfer Network (BEFTN). The land mark Mobile Financial Services
(MFS) Offered by the commercial banks in collaboration with Telcos and
other partner(s)/agent(s) and Bangladesh Post Office. The M-Commerce also
offering Railway ticket sales and Sales of cricket match tickets etc.
E-Commerce also picking up with the online payments for online shopping
using cards to merchants who maintains a digital shop/Web-store to sell the
products and services through a secure web interface and online utility bill
payment to the service providers by their clients. National Payment Switch
Bangladesh (NPSB) also facilitating electronic payments originating from
different delivery channels e.g. ATM, POS, Internet, Mobile, etc to ensure
interoperability. They are Facilitating the expansion of the card based
payment networks substantially and promote e-commerce/m-commerce/e-
payment gateway throughout the country.
In view of the growing role of the services provided by the Online Payment
Gateway Service Providers (OPGSPs), it has been decided to allow the
Authorized Dealers (ADs) to offer the facility of repatriation of remittances
against small value service exports in non-physical form such as data
entry/data process, off-shore IT service, business process outsourcing etc.
Under this initiative, the exporters of the above services will be able to
receive their overseas payments through the OPGSPs such as Paypal,
Moneybookers, Best Payment Gateway and Virtual Pay online platforms.
Service exporters availing of this facility are, among others, allowed to open
notional accounts with only those OPGSPs having arrangements with bank
branches having designated Authorised Dealers (Ads) license in Bangladesh.
ADs for repatriation of service income deposited in their nostro accounts by
OPGSPs with whom service exporters maintain notional accounts.
Accordingly ADs may allow their service exporter customers to maintain
such accounts with internationally recognized OPGSPs regardless of
arrangements under certain conditions and compliance with Foreign
Exchange Regulation Act, 1947.
The service exporter and online ICT service providers were demanding for
facilitating of remittance of export proceeds and service charges. Although
late but the initiative will facilitate the service export. The service of online
gateways has some challenges. Bangladesh yet to pass a draft Payment
System Act. Due to lack of an appropriate law, the central bank may lack of
proper oversight and governance. The dispute resolution is another challenge
due to absence of a comprehensive law. The regulator and bankers also
lacking knowledge and experience.
The overseas service providers will get hold of most of the information of
remitters and recipients. Furthermore, any disclosure or misuse of these data
should be under regulation and they may be made to any governmental
agency, body or department that exercises regulatory or supervisory
authority. In many countries, the service providers are required to open
branch office to enter into the business.