Corona Treatment in Practice
Corona Treatment in Practice
Corona Treatment in Practice
P L A S M A N r. 125 E
o r t
Corona Treatment in Practice
Plastic processing companies, especial- SOFTAL generators are equipped with non-conductive webs. However, for
ly those producing and converting automatic control to eliminate irregu- the power rating of the corona equip-
plastic film, are confronted every day larities in production. This controls the ment it is important to note that the
with the problems of improving adhe- generator output and compensates effect of these electrodes on plastic,
sion, quality, and of increasing the for changes in temperature, electrode for example, is poorer than the effect
economic efficiency of processing gap, type, width and thickness of of metal electrodes. This must be com-
machines. This report illustrates the material and dielectric thickness. It is pensated by increasing the output of
technology behind the corona treat- then possible to have a turn down the generator or by using an addition-
ment equipment, how it operates, and ratio of 10:1 with this system. al dielectric coating on the roller sur-
how it can be applied to the produc- face, which will increase the efficiency
tion processes in these companies. There are two variants of the elec- of this system.
trode system, and their application
High-frequency corona treatment is depends on the properties of the
widely accepted as a process for material web. For non-conductive Electrode systems
improving the adhesion of printing materials, for example plastic or paper,
ink, lacquer, glue and other coatings metal electrodes are used. More than The effect of corona treatment basi-
on plastic film, paper and metal foil. 14 years ago SOFTAL developed the cally depends on the electrode system.
The reasons for its success are the highly effective MM multi-blade elec- The most common electrodes are sin-
good results, controllability and easy trode which has now been patented gle blade electrodes, whose shape and
handling. The techniques and the all over the world. configuration have an important
effectiveness of the process have grad- influence on the efficiency.
ually been improved to keep pace In this system the backing roller is
with the developments of the produc- coated with a dielectric material such Over the past 12 years SOFTAL has
tion machines. as silicone or ceramic, essential to paid a great deal of attention to the
obtain regular, homogeneous corona development of electrodes, as experi-
discharge. ence has shown that increasing gener-
ator output alone, to treat difficult
The second variant of the electrode materials brings disadvantages in most
system must be applied in cases where cases.
Principle of corona equipment conductive materials are to be treated,
such as aluminium, metallized paper, High generator outputs can only be
The central features of the corona plastics, and laminates containing such obtained with a high ignition voltage
equipment are a high-frequency gen- materials. In this case it does not mat- which leads to a separation of the
erator, and an electrode configuration ter whether discharge on to the con- corona discharge into single sparks.
mounted at a nominal distance of 1.5 ductive layer is direct or whether the This not only produces oxidation of
mm from an earthed backing roller, conductive material is in a laminate or the plastic surface but at the same
forming the corona station. on the reverse side of the material time decomposition products are no
web. longer bound to polymer chains, and
The generators are usually equipped adhesion problems occur, which is
with IGBT amplifiers, and, in conjunc- The system for this application consists exactly the opposite effect that corona
tion with a high voltage transformer, of dielectric electrodes, such as the treatment should produce.
produce a sinusoidal output up to 40 SOFTAL KB (MMD) ceramic electrodes
kVpk-pk at frequencies between 20 and filled with a metal conductor. The Our electrode development therefore
50kHz, depending an the type of gen- backing roller does not necessarily concentrated on transferring the
erator. have a dielectric coating, since the entire available load as evenly and
ceramic electrode provides the dielec- gently as possible to the surface of the
The generated energy is discharged tric. material. The aim was to have uniform
from the electrode system to the sur- discharge, avoiding long single sparks
face of the material to be treated, as it While metal electrodes can only be and cooling the surface of the web at
passes through the corona station used for non-conductive materials, it is the same time. This resulted in a com-
between the electrode and the back- possible to use dielectric electrodes for pletely new concept in electrodes, the
ing roller. the treatment of conductive as well as MM multi-blade electrode.
Treating stations with MM or KB
(MMD) electrodes are manufactured
in an open design, which means that
there no enclosure is necessary for cov-
ering the treating station, essential for
conventional treating stations. As a
result, the threading of the web mate-
rial is considerably easier and mainte-
nance is simplified. This is achieved by
covering the electrodes only. The
ozone is extracted through an alu-
minium extraction tube onto which
the insulated electrodes are mounted.
Insulated covers on both sides of the
electrode ensure protection against
touching, efficient ozone extraction,
and good cooling of the electrode sys-
tem. The MM electrode is manufac-
tured in different configurations, from Diagram 1
4 to 10 blades depending on the appli-
cation. By design, the special shape of
the electrode produces a smooth dis- A more important benefit of multi- water wetting (72 dyn/cm), depending
charge which causes no damage to the blade electrodes lies in the fact that on the type of polymer. Evidence
material. higher levels of surface tension can be shows that the design has a positive
obtained than have been possible. As effect on adhesion. It has also been
The advantages of these electrodes diagram 1 shows, the linear increases shown that in the case of pure poly-
are obvious. As can be seen in diagram in surface tension approach limit val- mers, without significant slip addi-
1, less than half of the generator out- ues, meaning that increased generator tives, the surface effects obtained are
put power is required, than with con- output will bring less and less more storage-proof than with conven-
ventional metal electrodes, to obtain a improvement in treatment effect. tional electrode systems (see diagram
surface tension of 42 dyn/cm on, for 2). There is a delay in the drop in sur-
example, polypropylene films which This limitation can only be broken by face tension over the storage period
are difficult to treat. On the other the design of the electrodes. With the and the residual values are higher,
hand, the same surface tension can be multi-blade type, it is possible to have when the film is treated by the multi-
obtained with the same generator surface tension up to the point of blade electrode system.
output at twice the speed. This results
in a considerable economic advan-
tage, both in investment costs and in
operating costs.
Another most important application In addition, it is often necessary to As mentioned earlier, corona treat-
of corona treatment is extrusion coat- treat the plastic coating, usually LDPE, ment has a negative influence on the
ing and laminating. Base materials for further processing. In this case, the sealing strength after heat sealing. For
such as paper, cardboard, aluminium type of cooling cylinder used on the materials which have to be printed
and plastic are used here in various laminator is important for the power and heat sealed on the printed side by
forms. These are laminated together rating. The glossier a chill roll is, the further processing ,a uniform surface
using a plastic melt, or are coated with more specific energy must be calculat- tension which must neither be higher
plastic melt. All materials of the lami- ed for the treatment. nor lower than 37-38 dyne/cm is essen-
nate must be corona treated in-line tial. This surface tension is sufficient
before coating or laminating to For the post treatment of LDPE coated for a good adhesion of printing inks as
achieve an acceptable degree of lami- paper and board the decrease of sur- well as for good sealing strength. A
nating strength. face tension must be taken into con- uniform surface tension can only be
sideration. Due to contamination of achieved by a speed dependent power
In this case, the corona treater is the LDPE coated side by the uncoated control of the generator in order to
installed as close as possible to the paper side the decrease of the surface ensure the same surface tension at dif-
laminator respectively before the tension is much higher than on paper ferent speeds. This power control is an
anchor coating unit. Depending on or board coated on both sides. optional device in all SOFTAL genera-
the material and demand of bond Depending on the period of the stor- tors and can be used where necessary.
strength, in many cases the LDPE coat- age until further processing it might
ing can be carried out without anchor be necessary to carry out a second
coating by use of the corona treat- treatment in-line with the processing
ment with considerably lower costs. machine. Ozone treatment