Cable Sealing Solutions: For Hazardous Areas
Cable Sealing Solutions: For Hazardous Areas
Cable Sealing Solutions: For Hazardous Areas
Non-mining Zone 0 II 1G
Non-mining Zone 1 II 2G or 1G
Non-mining Zone 2 II 3G, 2G or 1G
Non-mining Zone 20 II 1D
Non-mining Zone 21 II 2D or 1D
Non-mining Zone 22 II 3D, 2D or 1D
Roxtec R 100 B Ex frame Highlighted zones = Permitted zones for Roxtec Ex products
Zone classification
Hazardous areas are classified
into zones based on the possibil-
Zone 0 (gases) Flammable material present continuously or for long periods
ity of occurrence of an explosive
Zone 20 (dust)
Zone 1 (gases) Flammable material present occasionally in normal operation
It is the obligation of the owner or
Zone 21 (dust)
the operator of a facility to ensure
that the zone classification is done
Zone 2 (gases) Flammable material present in abnormal conditions only for short periods
by authorized personnel. Zone 22 (dust)
The Roxtec Ex product range Highlighted zones = Permitted zones for Roxtec Ex products
includes a wide variety of seals
to handle different cable sizes
and openings. Our products are
designed and approved for use in
Zone 1 and 2 for gas (incl vapor,
mists) and 21 and 22 for dust.
The ATEX directive
Directive 94/9/EC is commonly national and European legislation Standards
referred to as the ATEX (“Atmos- which covers the same subjects
phères Explosibles”) product as stipulated by the ATEX product Roxtec Ex products are tested,
directive. Its objective is to eliminate directive. approved and certified according
or minimize the risks resulting from to the following standards:
the use of certain products in or in The ATEX product directive applies
relation to a potentially explosive in the countries of the European EN 60079-0:2012
atmosphere. Union as well as in Liechtenstein, EN 60079-7:2007
Iceland and Norway. EN 60079-31:2009
The ATEX product directive is a IEC 60079-0:2011
total harmonization directive. Its IEC 60079-7:2006
provisions replace existing divergent IEC 60079-31:2008
IECEx, International
Certification Scheme
The IECEx certification scheme sim- global acceptance of test reports by
plifies global trade with, as well as the member states.
maintenance of, equipment intended
for use in explosive atmospheres. Certification is based on require-
The IECEx scheme is voluntary. It ments in specific international IEC
is managed by the IEC, a standardi- standards for explosion protected
zation organization, and based on equipment.
Reduction of
risk with Roxtec
The purpose of the Roxtec Ex products is to mini-
mize the risk of an explosion to occur.
f ig
What is an explosion? An explosion is a sudden chemical fire, sparks
from the
or hot
oxygen. In order for an explosion another
to occur, three conditions must be source
1: Flammable material
2: Oxygen
flammable material
3: Ignition source
flammable gas, liquids,
vapor or dust
Risk reduction in general In all situations where there may In practice, however, it is very dif-
be an explosive atmosphere, the ficult to ensure that an explosive
following steps should be taken to atmosphere will never occur.
minimize the risk of explosion:
Elimination of the explosive In these cases the ATEX product
atmosphere around the source directive provides necessary protec-
of ignition tive measures.
Elimination of the source of
Substitute with a non-flammable
Lowering the process temperature
Roxtec Ex marking
1 2 1 5 8
Temp. range
-60 −+ 80ºC
Cable Transit Device, G... 70, 75, 100, 125,
IECEx NEM 12.0015U 127, 150 and 200
2 4 Nemko 12ATEX1279U
IECEx NEM 12.0014X
II2G Ex e IIC Gb
II2G Ex e IIC Gb II2D Ex tb IIIC
3 10
II2D Ex tb IIIC Db Canada: Ex e IIC USA: AEx e IIC Class I, Zone 1
Nemko 12ATEX1278X 4 Rating: 1, 2, 3, 3S, 3R, 4, 4X, 5, 12 and 13. 0470 7
8 0470 7 1. Type of Cable Transit Device. D = Marking for protection against
IP65/IP66/IP67 depending on configuration, 2. NEMKO’s IECEx certificate number. explosive dust.
9 see installation instruction. tb = protection by enclosure, (for EPL Db).
NEM = Name or mark of notified body.
0014, 0015 = Consecutive No. IIIC = Permitted equipment group III or IIIC.
12 = Year of certification. Db = equipment for explosive dust
Canada: Ex e IIC USA: AEx e IIC,
10 U = Marking to indicate that the equipment atmospheres, having a “high” level of
Class I, Zone 1
is an Ex component. protection, which is not a source of ignition
System environmental rating:
X = Marking to indicate that special in normal operation or during expected
1, 2, 3, 3S, 3R, 4, 4X, 5, 12 and 13.
conditions for safe use apply for the malfunctions.
certification of the product. 4. NEMKO’s ATEX certificate number.
3. =Ex Trademark. Nemko = Name or mark of notified body.
II2G=Electrical equipment of Group II is 12 = Year of certification.
intended for use in places with an explosive 1278, 1279 = Consecutive No.
gas atmosphere other than mines U = Marking to indicate that the equipment
susceptible to firedamp. is an Ex component.
2 = Equipment category. X = Marking to indicate that special
G = Marking for protection against potential conditions for safe use apply for the
explosive gases. certification of the product.
Ex = The symbol to indicate that the 5. Type designation for the certified Cable
electical apparatus corresponds with one Transit Device.
or more explosion protection techniques.
6. For cable glands certified as apparatus
e = The symbol for the protection Increased
according to the ATEX directive, the CE
mark is also applied.
IIC = Permitted equipment group II or IIC.
Gb = equipment for explosive gas 7. 0470 = Serial number of notified body.
atmospheres, having a “high” level of 8. Minimum/maximum ambient temperature.
protection, which is not a source of ignition
in normal operation or during expected 9. Level of Ingress Protection.
malfunctions. 10. Ex marking for US/Canada.
II2D = Electrical equipment of Group II is
intended for use in places with an explosive
dust atmosphere other than mines
susceptible to firedamp.
Roxtec Ex
sealing system
The ingenious features of the Roxtec products
provide our customers with numerous benefits
including safety and cost-efficiency.
RM Ex modules CM Ex modules
Rectangular frames
Round frames/seals
Assembly parts
Roxtec Ex frames/seals are marked II 2G Ex e IIC Gb/II2D Ex tb IIIC Db. Ingress protection is from IP66 to IP68 depending on the
product. Temperature range -60º C — +80º C or -40º C — +80º C depending on the product.
For Ex frames/seals suitable for EMC, please contact your local Roxtec supplier or send an e-mail to for guidance.
We support
you globally
Argentina, INGIAR Representaciones SRL
Australia, Roxtec Australia Ltd
Belgium, Roxtec b.v.b.a/s.p.r.l
Brazil, Roxtec Latin América Ltda
Chile, FACOR Ltda
China, Roxtec Sealing System (Shanghai) Co. Ltd
Croatia, Roxtec d.o.o.
Czech Republic, Roxtec CZ s.r.o
Roxtec is the world-leading provider Hungary, Glob-Prot Trade and Service Ltd
of flexible sealing solutions for cable India, Roxtec India Pvt Ltd
and pipe penetrations. Our adaptability Israel, C&P Co. Ltd
solution, Multidiameter™, is based Italy, Roxtec Italia S.r.l
on modules with removable layers.
Japan, Roxtec Japan K.K
It seals perfectly, regardless of the
dimension of the cable or pipe. We are
present all over the world in order to Mexico, Roxtec de México, S.A. de C.V
Roxtec ® and Multidiameter ® are registered trademarks of Roxtec in Sweden and/or other countries.
ensure product availability as well as Nigeria, Structured Resource Business Ltd
quick support and supply. The Netherlands, Roxtec BV
Norway, Roxtec AS
Peru, Synixtor S.A.C
Poland, Pionet Sp.zo.o
Russia, Roxtec RU
Romania, Roxtec RO s.r.l.
Singapore/Indonesia, Roxtec Singapore PTE Ltd
South Africa, Roxtec Africa (PTY) Ltd
South Korea, Roxtec Korea Ltd
Spain, Roxtec Sistemas Pasamuros S.L
Switzerland, Agro AG
Turkey, Roxtec Yalıtım Çözümleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
UAE, Roxtec Middle East F.Z.E
UK/Ireland, Roxtec Ltd,
USA/Canada, Roxtec Inc
Venezuela, Groupo ES Escorihuela Sornes, C.A
Roxtec International AB
Box 540, 371 23 Karlskrona, SWEDEN
PHONE +46 455 36 67 00, FAX +46 455 820 12