Data Science and Machine Learning Project Ideas

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The Importance of Data Science and Machine Learning Projects
“Data Science and Machine Learning Projects – A proof of your data science and machine
learning skills.”

A few years ago most of the data science job openings requested a Masters or a Ph.D. in
Mathematics, Statistics, or any of the STEM subjects as a must-have. However, over the last
few years, things have changed.

• The huge data science skills gap and the evolution of data science job roles have
compelled employers to hire people who can deliver value to a business in the fastest
possible time. Only by working with popular data science tools and practicing a
variety of interesting data science projects you can understand how data
infrastructures work in reality.
• Also, as an increasing number of organizations migrate their machine learning
solutions and data to the cloud, it is necessary for data scientists to have an
understanding of diverse tools and technologies related to this to stay up-to-date.
• With the advent of various machine learning frameworks and libraries that epitomize
the complexity behind machine learning algorithms, employers have realized that
applying data science practically requires diverse skills that cannot be acquired
through academic learning alone.
• A data scientist needs to be a Jack of all trades but master of some. Unless you are
working for tech giants like Google or Facebook, you will not be working solely on
modeling the data where you use data pulled by data engineers. Often many
companies lack resources in data science teams so to deliver maximum benefit to the
business you will have to work across the complete end-to-end data science product
development life cycle. Working on end-to-end solved data science projects can make
you win over this situation.
• Plus, data science beginners can add these data science mini projects to their data
science portfolio, making it easier to land a data science job or find lucrative career
opportunities and even negotiate a higher salary based on their exposure to a variety
of interesting data science projects.

To build a successful career as a data scientist or a machine learning engineer, it is a must for
data specialists to work with diverse projects on data science and machine learning to boost
their confidence about the data science and machine learning skills they have learned or
would like to master.

30 Data Science and Machine Learning Projects To

Get You Started

PG. 2
We have collated 30 data science and machine learning project ideas that will help you put
together a fantastic portfolio. Each of these projects will point you to the appropriate
resources on ProjectPro for further understanding and complete solution.

1) Building a Chatbot with Python

Do you remember the last time you spoke to a customer service associate on call or via chat
for an incorrect item delivered to you from Amazon, Flipkart, or Walmart? Most likely you
would have had a conversation with a chatbot instead of a customer service agent. Gartner
estimates that 85% of customer interactions will be handled by chatbots by 2021. So what
exactly is a chatbot? How can you build an intelligent chatbot using Python?

What is a Chatbot?

A chatbot is an AI-based digital assistant that can understand human capabilities and simulate
human conversations in natural language to give prompt answers to their questions just like a
real human would. Chatbots help businesses increase their operational efficiency by
automating customer requests.

How does a Chatbot work?

The most important task of a chatbot is to analyze and understand the intent of a customer
request to extract relevant entities. The bot then delivers an appropriate response to the user
based on the analysis. Natural language processing plays a vital role in text analytics through

PG. 3
chatbots making the interaction between the computer and human feel like a real human
conversation. Every chatbot works by adopting the following three classification methods-

1. Pattern Matching – Makes use of pattern matches to group the text and produce a
2. Natural Language Understanding (NLU) – The process of converting textual
information into a structured data format that a machine can understand.
3. Natural Language Generation (NLG) – The process of transforming the structured
data into text.

How to build your own chatbot?

In this data science project, you will use a leading and powerful Python library NLTK
(Natural Language Toolkit) to work with text data.

• Import the required data science libraries and load the data.
• Use various pre-processing techniques like Tokenization and Lemmatization to pre-
process the textual data.
• Create training and test data.
• Create a simple set of rules to train the chatbot.
• Yay! It’s time to interact with your chatbot.

Are you excited to build a chatbot of your own? Build a conversational chatbot using Python
from Scratch that understands what a customer is talking about and responds appropriately.

2) Churn Prediction in Telecom Industry using Logistic Regression

Telecommunication providers lose close to $65 million a month from customer churn. Isn’t
that expensive? With many emerging telecom giants, the competition in the telecom sector is
increasing and the chances of customers discontinuing a service are high. This is often
referred to as Customer Churn in Telecom. Telecommunication providers that focus on
quality service, lower-cost subscription plans, availability of content and features whilst
creating positive customer service experiences have high chances of customer retention. The
good news is that all these factors can be measured with different layers of data about billing
history, subscription plans, cost of content, network/bandwidth utilization, and more to get a
360-degree view of the customer. This 360-degree view of customer data can be leveraged
for predictive analytics to identify patterns and various trends that influence customer
satisfaction and help reduce churn in telecom.

PG. 4
Considering that customer churn in telecom is expensive and inevitable, leveraging analytics
to understand the factors that influence customer attrition, identifying customers that are most
likely to churn, and offering them discounts can be a great way to reduce it. In this data
science project, you will build a logistic regression machine learning model to understand the
correlation between the different variables in the dataset and customer churn. This end-to-end
churn prediction machine learning model using R will tweak the problem of unsatisfied
customers and make the revenue flowing for the telecom company.

3) Market Basket Analysis in Python using Apriori Algorithm

Whenever you visit a retail supermarket, you will find that baby diapers and wipes, bread and
butter, pizza base and cheese, beer, and chips are positioned together in the store for sales.
This is what market basket analysis is all about – analyzing the association among products
bought together by customers. Market basket analysis is a versatile use case in the retail
industry that helps cross-sell products in a physical outlet and also helps e-commerce
businesses recommend products to customers based on product associations. Apriori and FP
growth are the most popular machine learning algorithms used for association learning to
perform market basket analysis.

PG. 5
In this beginner-level data science project, you will perform Market Basket Analysis in
Python using Apriori and FP Growth Algorithm based on association rules to discover hidden
insights on how to improve product recommendations for customers. You will learn to apply
various metrics like Support, Lift, and Confident to evaluate the association rules.

Learn how to anticipate customer behavior in the real-world – Access the Complete Solution
to Python Data Science Project on Market Basket Analysis using Apriori and FP Growth.

4) Building a Resume Parser Using NLP(Spacy) and Machine

Gone are the days when recruiters used to manually screen resumes for a long time. Sifting
through thousands of candidates’ resumes for a job is no more a challenging task- all thanks
to resume parsers. Resume parsers use machine learning technology to help recruiters search
thousands of resumes in an intelligent manner so they can screen the right candidate for a job

What is a Resume Parser?

A resume parser or a CV parser is a program that analyses and extracts CV/ Resume data
according to the job description and returns machine-readable output that is suitable for
storage, manipulation, and reporting by a computer. A resume parser stores the extracted
information for each resume with a unique entry thereby helping recruiters get a list of
relevant candidates for a specific search of keywords and phrases (skills). Resume parsers
help recruiters set a specific criterion for a job, and candidate resumes that do not match the
set criteria are filtered out automatically.

PG. 6
In this data science project, you will build an NLP algorithm that parses a resume and looks
for the words (skills) mentioned in the job description. You will use the Phrase Matcher
feature of the NLP library Spacy that does “word/phrase” matching for the resume
documents. The resume parser then counts the occurrence of words (skills) under various
categories for each resume that helps recruiters screen ideal candidates for a job.

Build a Resume Parser using NLP (Spacy)

5) Modelling Insurance Claim Severity

Filing insurance claims and dealing with all the paperwork with an insurance broker or an
agent is something that nobody wants to drain their time and energy on. To make the
insurance claims process hassle-free, insurance companies across the globe are leveraging
data science and machine learning to make this claims service process easier. This beginner-
level data science project is about how insurance companies are predictive machine learning
models to enhance customer service and make the claims service process smoother and

Whenever a person files an insurance claim, an insurance agent reviews all the paperwork
thoroughly and then decides on the claim amount to be sanctioned. This entire paperwork
process to predict the cost and severity of the claim is time-taking. In this project, you will
build a machine learning model to predict the claim severity based on the input data.

This project will make use of the Allstate Claims dataset that consists of 116 categorical
variables and 14 continuous features, with over 300,000 rows of masked and anonymous data
where each row represents an insurance claim.

Access the End-To-End Solution for this beginner Data Science Project on Predicting
Insurance Claim Severity

6) Pairwise Reviews Ranking- Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews

Product reviews from users are the key for businesses to make strategic decisions as they give
an in-depth understanding of what the users actually want for a better experience. Today,
almost all businesses have reviews and rating section on their website to understand if a
user’s experience has been positive, negative, or neutral. With an overload of puzzling
reviews and feedback on the product, it is not possible to read each of those reviews
manually. Not only this, most of the time the feedback has many shorthand words and
spelling mistakes that could be difficult to decipher. This is where sentiment analysis comes
to the rescue.

PG. 7
In this data science project, you will use a natural language processing technique to pre-
process and extract relevant features from the reviews and rating dataset. Use semi-
supervised learning methodology to apply the pairwise ranking approach to rank reviews and
also further segregate them to perform sentiment analysis. The developed model will help
businesses maximize user satisfaction efficiently by prioritizing product updates that are
likely to have the most positive impact. Access the end-to-end Data Science Project Solution
for Pairwise Ranking of Product Reviews

7) Loan Default Prediction Project using Gradient Booster

Loans are the core revenue generators for banks as a major part of the profit for banks comes
directly from the interest of these loans. However, the loan approval process is intensive with
so much validation and verification based on multiple factors. And even after so much
verification, banks still are not assured if a person will be able to repay the loan without any
difficulties. Today, almost all banks use machine learning to automate the loan eligibility
process in real-time based on various factors like Credit Score, Marital and Job Status,
Gender, Existing Loans, Total Number of Dependents, Income, and Expenses, and others.

This is an interesting data science project in the financial domain where you will build a
predictive model to automate the process of targeting the right applicants for loans. This data
science problem is a classification problem where you use the information about a loan
applicant to predict if they will be able to repay the loan or not. You will begin by
exploratory data analysis, followed by pre-processing, and finally testing the developed
model. On completion of this project, you will develop a solid understanding of solving
classification problems using machine learning.

Build a Loan Default Prediction Model Now

8) Sales Forecasting using Walmart Dataset

PG. 8
Sales forecasting is one of the most common use cases of machine learning for identifying
factors that affect the sales of a product and estimating future sales volume. This machine
learning project makes use of the Walmart dataset that has sales data for 98 products across
45 outlets. The dataset contains sales per store, per department on weekly basis. The goal of
this machine learning project is to forecast sales for each department in each outlet to help
them make better data-driven decisions for channel optimization and inventory
planning. The challenging aspect of working with the Walmart dataset is that it contains
selected markdown events that affect sales and should be taken into consideration.

This is one of the most simple and cool machine learning projects where you will build a
predictive model using the Walmart dataset to estimate the number of sales they are going to
make in the future and here's how -

• Import the Data and Explore it to understand the structure and values within the data -
Begin by importing a CSV file and performing basic Exploratory Data Analysis
• Prepare the Data for Modelling- Merge multiple datasets and apply group by function
to analyze data.
• Plot a time-series graph and analyze it.
• Fit the developed sales forecasting models to the training data- Create an ARIMA
Model for Time Series forecasting
• Compare the developed models on the test data.
• Optimize the sales forecasting models by choosing important features to improve the
accuracy score.
• Make use of the best machine learning model to predict next year's sales.

After working on this project you will understand how powerful machine learning models
can make the overall sales forecasting process simple. Re-use these end-to-end sales
forecasting machine learning models in production to forecast sales for any department or
retail store.

Want to work with Walmart Dataset? Access the Complete Solution To This awesome
machine learning project Here – Walmart Store Sales Forecasting Machine Learning Project

9) Plant Identification using TensorFlow (Image Classifier)

Image classification is a fantastic application of deep learning where the objective is to
classify all the pixels of an image into one of the defined classes. Plant image identification
using deep learning is one of the most promising solutions towards bridging the gap between
computer vision and botanical taxonomy. If you want to take your first step into the amazing
world of computer vision, then this is definitely an interesting data science project idea to get

Build an Image Classifier for Plant Species Identification

PG. 9
10) BigMart Sales Prediction ML Project – Learn about
Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms
BigMart sales dataset consists of 2013 sales data for 1559 products across 10 different outlets
in different cities. The goal of the BigMart sales prediction ML project is to build a
regression model to predict the sales of each of 1559 products for the following year in each
of the 10 different BigMart outlets. The BigMart sales dataset also consists of certain
attributes for each product and store. This model helps BigMart understand the properties of
products and stores that play an important role in increasing their overall sales.

Access the complete solution to this ML Project Here – BigMart Sales Prediction Machine
Learning Project Solution

11) PUBG FINISH Placement Prediction

With millions of active players and over 50 million copies sold- Player Unknown’s
Battlegrounds enjoys huge popularity across the globe and is among the top five best-selling
games of all time. PUBG is a game where n different number of people play with n different
strategies and predicting the finish placement is definitely a challenging task.In this data
science project, you will basically develop a winning formula i.e. build a model to predict the
finishing placement of a player against without a player playing the game.

Let’s Play and Build PUBG Finish Placement Prediction Model

12) Music Recommendation System Project

This is one of the most popular machine learning projects and can be used across different
domains. You might be very familiar with a recommendation system if you've used any E-
commerce site or Movie/Music website. In most E-commerce sites like Amazon, at the time
of checkout, the system will recommend products that can be added to your cart. Similarly on
Netflix or Spotify, based on the movies you've liked, it will show similar movies or songs
that you may like. How does the system do this? This is a classic example where Machine
Learning can be applied.

In this project, we use the dataset from Asia's leading music streaming service to build a
better music recommendation system. We will try to determine which new song or which
new artist a listener might like based on their previous choices. The primary task is to predict
the chances of a user listening to a song repetitively within a time frame. In the dataset, the
prediction is marked as 1 if the user has listened to the same song within a month. The dataset
consists of which song has been heard by which user and at what time.

Do you want to build a Recommendation system - check out this solved ML project here
– Music Recommendation Machine Learning Project

13) Price Recommendation for Online Sellers

PG. 10
e-commerce platforms today are extensively driven by machine learning algorithms, right
from quality checking and inventory management to sales demographics and product
recommendations, all use machine learning. One more interesting business use case that e-
commerce apps and websites are trying to solve is to eliminate human interference in
providing price suggestions to the sellers on their marketplace to speed up the efficiency of
the shopping website or app. That’s when price recommendation using machine learning
comes to play.

In this data science project, you will build a machine learning model that will automatically
suggest the right product prices to online sellers as accurately as possible. This is a
challenging data science problem since similar products that have very slight differences like
additional specifications, different brand names, the demand for the product can have
different product prices. Price prediction modeling becomes even more challenging when
there are lakhs of products, which is the case with most of the eCommerce platforms.

Build a Price Recommendation Model using Machine Learning Regression

14) Retail Price Optimization ML Project – Dynamic Pricing Machine

Learning Model for a Dynamic Market

Pricing races are growing non-stop across every industry vertical and optimizing the prices is
the key to manage profits efficiently for any business. Identifying a reasonable price range
and making an adjustment to the pricing of products to increase sales while keeping the profit
margins optimal has always been a major challenge in the retail industry. The fastest way
retailers can ensure the highest ROI today whilst optimizing the pricing is to leverage the
power of machine learning to build effective pricing solutions. Ecommerce giant Amazon
was one of the earliest adopters of machine learning in retail price optimization that
contributed to its stellar growth from 30 billion in 2008 to approximately 1 trillion in 2019.

PG. 11
Image Credit: spd. group

The retail price optimization machine learning problem solution requires training a machine
learning model capable of automatically pricing products the way it would be priced by
humans. Retail price optimization machine learning models take in historical sales data,
various characteristics of the products, and other unstructured data like images and textual
information to learn the pricing rules without human intervention helping retailers adapt to a
dynamic pricing environment to maximize revenue without losing on profit margins. Retail
price optimization machine learning algorithm processes an infinite number of pricing
scenarios to select the optimal price for a product in real-time by considering thousands of
latent relationships within a product.

Check this cool machine learning project on retail price optimization for a deep dive into
real-life sales data analysis for a Café where you will build an end-to-end machine learning
solution that automatically suggests the right product prices.

15) Credit Card Fraud Detection as a Classification Problem

This is an interesting data science problem for data scientists, who want to get out of their
comfort zone by tackling classification problems by having a large imbalance in the size of
the target groups. Credit Card Fraud Detection is usually viewed as a classification problem
with the objective of classifying the transactions made on a particular credit card as
fraudulent or legitimate. There are not enough credit card transaction datasets available for
practice as banks do not want to reveal their customer data due to privacy concerns.

Problem Statement

This data science project aims to help data scientists develop an intelligent credit card fraud
detection model for identifying fraudulent credit card transactions from highly imbalanced
and anonymous credit card transactional datasets. To solve this project related to data
science, the popular Kaggle dataset containing credit card transactions made in September
2013 by European cardholders. This credit card transactional dataset consists of 284,807
transactions of which 492 (0.172%) transactions were fraudulent. It is a highly unbalanced
dataset as the positive class i.e. the number of frauds accounts only for 0.172% of all the
credit card transactions in the dataset. There are 28 anonymized features in the dataset that
are obtained by feature normalization using principal component analysis. There are two
additional features in the dataset that have not been anonymized – the time when the
transaction was made and the amount in dollars. This will help detect the overall cost of

Objectives of the Data Science Project Using Credit Card Dataset

• Identify the number of fraudulent transactions in the dataset.

• Predict the accuracy of the model developed.

What will you learn from this data science project?

• Learn to handle imbalanced data.

PG. 12
• Implement a classifier model using Python or R programming language.
• Compare the accuracy of the model.

Access the Solved Project - Credit Card Fraud Detection

16) Walmart Store’s Sales Forecasting

Ecommerce & Retail use big data and data science to optimize business processes and for
profitable decision making. Various tasks like predicting sales, offering product
recommendations to customers, inventory management, etc. are elegantly managed with the
use of data science techniques. Walmart has used data science techniques to make precise
forecasts across their 11,500 generating revenue of $482.13 billion in 2016. As it is clear
from the name of this data science project, you will work on Walmart store dataset that
consists of 143 weeks of transaction records of sales across 45 Walmart stores and their 99

Problem Statement

This is an interesting data science problem that involves forecasting future sales across
various departments within different Walmart outlets. The challenging aspect of this data
science project is to forecast the sales on 4 major holidays – Labor Day, Christmas,
Thanksgiving and Super Bowl. The selected holiday markdown events are the ones when
Walmart makes highest sales and by forecasting sales for these events they want to ensure
that there is sufficient product supply to meet the demand. The dataset contains various
details like markdown discounts, consumer price index, whether the week was a holiday,
temperature, store size, store type and unemployment rate.

Objectives of the Data Science Project Using Walmart Dataset

• Forecast Walmart store sales across various departments using the historical Walmart
• Predict which departments are affected with the holiday markdown events and the
extent of impact.

What will you learn from this data science project?

• Learn about the various data types, control structures and looping concepts in R
programming language.
• Learn to explore and manipulate data with R language
• Learn about popular R packages – forecast, plyr, reshape.
• Learn about Time Series analysis.

Access the Solution to this Data Science Challenge -Walmart Store Sales Forecasting

17) Building a Recommender System -Expedia Hotel

Everybody wants their products to be personalized and behave the way they want them to be.
A recommender system aims to model the preference of a product for a particular user. This

PG. 13
data science project aims to study the Expedia Online Hotel Booking System by
recommending hotels to users based on their preferences. Expedia dataset was made available
as a data science challenge on Kaggle to contextualize customer data and predict the
probability of a customer likely to stay at 100 different hotel groups.

Problem Statement

The Expedia dataset consists of 37,670,293 entries in the training set and 2,528,243 entries in
the test set. Expedia Hotel Recommendations dataset has data from 2013 to 2014 as the
training set and the data for 2015 as the test set. The dataset contains details about check-in
and check-out dates, user location, destination details, origin-destination distance, and the
actual bookings made. Also, it has 149 latent features which have been extracted from the
hotel reviews provided by travelers that are dependent on hotel services like proximity to
tourist attractions, cleanliness, laundry service, etc. All the user id’s that present in the test set
is present in the training set.

Objectives of the Data Science Project Using Expedia Dataset

• Predict the likelihood a user will stay at 100 different hotel groups.
• Rank the predictions and returns the top 5 most likely hotel clusters for each user's
search query in the test set.

What will you learn from this data science project?

• Learn to explore the data with Python Pandas library

• Learn to implement a multi-class classification problem
• Learn to build a Recommendation System
• Tackle various challenges posed by the Expedia Dataset – Curse of Dimensionality,
Ranking Requirement, and Missing Data.

Access the Solution to this Data Science Challenge - Expedia Hotel Recommendations

18) Amazon- Employee Access Data Science Challenge

Employees might have to apply for various resources during their career at a company.
Determining various resource access privileges for employees is a popular real-world data
science challenge for many giant companies like Google and Amazon. For companies like
Amazon because of their highly complicated employee and resource situations, earlier this
was done by various human resource administrators. Amazon was interested in automating
the process of providing access to various computer resources to its employees to save money
and time.

Problem Statement

PG. 14
Amazon- Employee Access Data Science Challenge dataset consists of historical data of
2010 -2011 recorded by human resource administrators at Amazon Inc. The training set
consists of 32769 samples and the test set consists of 58922 samples. Every dataset sample
has eight features that indicate a different role or group of an Amazon employee.

The objective of the Amazon-Employee Access Data Science Challenge

Build an employee access control system that will automatically approve or reject employee
resource applications.

What will you learn from this data science project?

• Learn to work with a highly imbalanced dataset.

• Build a random forest model for automatically determining resource access privileges
of employees.
• Learn data exploration with Python Pandas library.
• Explore the usage of Python data science libraries – Sci-Kit and NumPy

Access the Solution to Kaggle Data Science Challenge - Amazon-Employee Access


19) Predict the Survival of Titanic Passengers – Would you survive

the Titanic?

This is one of the popular projects related to data science in the global community for data
science beginners because the solution to this data science problem provides a clear
understanding of what a typical data science project consists of.

Problem Statement

This data science problem involves predicting the fate of passengers aboard the RMS Titanic
that famously sank in the Atlantic Ocean on collision with an iceberg during its voyage from
UK to New York. The aim of this data science project is to predict which passengers would
have survived on the Titanic based on their personal characteristics like age, sex, class of
ticket, etc.

Objectives of the Data Science Project Using RMS Titanic Dataset

• Find out what kind of people were likely to survive.

• Predict which passengers survived the disaster.

What will you learn from this data science project?

• Learn about the various data types, control structures and looping concepts in Python.

PG. 15
• You will learn to apply machine learning libraries in Python to a binary classification
• Usage of Python NumPy Library
• Usage of Python Pandas Library
• Usage of Python Matplotlib Library

Access the Solution to this Data Science Project - Predict the Survial of Titanic Passengers

20) Human Activity Recognition using Smartphone Dataset

The smartphone dataset consists of fitness activity recordings of 30 people captured through
smartphone-enabled with inertial sensors. The goal of this machine learning project is to
build a classification model that can precisely identify human fitness activities. Working on
this machine learning project will help you understand how to solve multi-classification

Get access to this ML projects source code here Human Activity Recognition using
Smartphone Dataset Project

21) Stock Prices Predictor using TimeSeries

This is another interesting machine learning project idea for data scientists/machine learning
engineers working or planning to work with the finance domain. A stock prices predictor is a
system that learns about the performance of a company and predicts future stock prices. The
challenges associated with working with stock price data is that it is very granular, and
moreover there are different types of data like volatility indices, prices, global
macroeconomic indicators, fundamental indicators, and more. One good thing about working
with stock market data is that the financial markets have shorter feedback cycles making it
easier for data experts to validate their predictions on new data. To begin working with stock
market data, you can pick up a simple machine learning problem like predicting 6-month
price movements based on fundamental indicators from an organizations’ quarterly report.
You can download Stock Market datasets from or There are
different time series forecasting methods to forecast stock price, demand, etc.

Check out this machine learning project where you will learn to determine which forecasting
method to be used when and how to apply with time series forecasting example. Stock Prices
Predictor using TimeSeries Project

22) Predicting Wine Quality using Wine Quality Dataset

It’s a known fact that the older the wine, the better the taste. However, there are several
factors other than age that go into wine quality certification which include physiochemical
tests like alcohol quantity, fixed acidity, volatile acidity, determination of density, pH, and
more. The main goal of this machine learning project is to build a machine learning model to
predict the quality of wines by exploring their various chemical properties. The wine quality
dataset consists of 4898 observations with 11 independent and 1 dependent variable.

PG. 16
Get access to the complete solution of this machine learning project here – Wine Quality
Prediction in R

23) MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification

Deep learning and neural networks play a vital role in image recognition, automatic text
generation, and even self-driving cars. To begin working in these areas, you need to begin
with a simple and manageable dataset like the MNIST dataset. It is difficult to work with
image data over flat relational data and as a beginner, we suggest you can pick up and solve
the MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification Challenge. The MNIST dataset is too small to
fit into your PC memory and beginner-friendly. However, handwritten digit recognition will
challenge you.

Make your classic entry into solving image recognition problems by accessing the complete
solution here – MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification Project

24) Customer Churn Prediction Analysis Using Ensemble Techniques

in Machine Learning
Customers are a company’s greatest asset and retaining customers is important for any
business to boost revenue and build a long-lasting meaningful relationship with customers.
Moreover, the cost of acquiring a new customer is five times more than that of retaining an
existing customer. Customer Churn/Attrition is one of the most acknowledged problems in
the business where customers or subscribers stop doing business with a service or a
company. Ideally, they stop being a paid customer. A customer is said to be churned if a
specific amount of time has passed since the customer last interacted with the business.

Identifying if and when a customer will churn and quickly delivering actionable information
aimed at customer retention is critical to reducing churn. It is not possible for our brains to
get ahead of customer churn for millions of customers, this is where machine learning can
help. Machine learning provides effective methods for identifying churn’s underlying factors
and proscriptive tools for addressing it. Machine learning algorithms play a vital role in
proactive churn management as they reveal behavioral patterns of customers who have
already stopped using the services or buying products. Then, the machine learning models
check the behavior of the existing customers against such patterns to identify potential

Image Credit.

PG. 17
But how to start with solving the customer churn rate prediction machine learning problem?
Like any other machine learning problem, data scientists or machine learning engineers need
to collect and prepare the data for processing. For any machine learning approach to be
effective, engineering the data in the right format makes sense. Feature Engineering is the
most creative part of the churn prediction machine learning model where data specialists use
their experience, business context, domain knowledge of the data, and creativity to create
features and tailor the machine learning model to understand why customer churn happens in
a specific business.

Image Credit:

For example, in the Banking industry, two accounts that have the same monthly closing
balance can be difficult to differentiate for churn prediction. But, feature engineering can add
a time dimension to this data so that ML algorithms can differentiate if the monthly closing
balance has deviated from what is usually expected from a customer. Indicators like dormant
accounts, increasing withdrawals, usage trends, net balance outflow over the last few days
can be early warning signs of churn. This internal data combined with external data like
competitor offers can help predict customer churn. Having identified the features, the next
step is to understand why churns occur in a business context and remove the features that are
not strong predictors to reduce dimensionality.

Check out this end-to-end machine learning project with source code in Python on Customer
Churn Prediction Analysis using Ensemble Learning to combat churn.

25) Learn to build Recommender Systems with Movielens Dataset

From Netflix to Hulu, the need to build an efficient movie recommender system has gain
importance over time with increasing demand from modern consumers for customized
content. One of the most popular datasets available on the web for beginners to learn building
recommender systems is the Movielens Dataset which contains approximately 1,000,209
movie ratings of 3,900 movies made by 6,040 Movielens users. You can get started working
with this dataset by building a world-cloud visualization of movie titles to build a movie
recommender system.

26) Boston Housing Price Prediction ML Project

PG. 18
Boston House Prices Dataset consists of prices of houses across different places in Boston.
The dataset also consists of information on areas of non-retail business (INDUS), crime rate
(CRIM), age of people who own a house (AGE), and several other attributes (the dataset has
a total of 14 attributes). Boston Housing dataset can be downloaded from the UCI Machine
Learning Repository. The goal of this machine learning project is to predict the selling price
of a new home by applying basic machine learning concepts to the housing prices data. This
dataset is too small with 506 observations and is considered a good start for machine learning
beginners to kick-start their hands-on practice on regression concepts.

27) Social Media Sentiment Analysis using Twitter Dataset

Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit generate huge amounts of
big data that can be mined in various ways to understand trends, public sentiments, and
opinions. Social media data today has become relevant for branding, marketing, and business
as a whole. A sentiment analyzer learns about various sentiments behind a “content
piece” (could be IM, email, tweet, or any other social media post) through machine learning
and predicts the same using AI. Twitter data is considered as a definitive entry point for
beginners to practice sentiment analysis machine learning problems. Using the Twitter
dataset, one can get a captivating blend of tweet contents and other related metadata such as
hashtags, retweets, location, users, and more which pave way for insightful analysis. The
Twitter dataset consists of 31,962 tweets and is 3MB in size. Using Twitter data you can find
out what the world is saying about a topic whether it is movies, sentiments about US
elections, or any other trending topic like predicting who would win the FIFA world cup
2018. Working with the Twitter dataset will help you understand the challenges associated
with social media data mining and also learn about classifiers in depth. The foremost
problem that you can start working on as a beginner is to build a model to classify tweets as
positive or negative.

28) Iris Flowers Classification ML Project– Learn about Supervised

Machine Learning Algorithms
This is one of the most simple machine learning projects with Iris Flowers being the simplest
machine learning datasets in classification literature. This machine learning problem is often
referred to as the “Hello World” of machine learning. The dataset has numeric attributes and
ML beginners need to figure out how to load and handle data. The iris dataset is small which
easily fits into the memory and does not require any special transformations or scaling, to
begin with.

Iris Dataset can be downloaded from UCI ML Repository – Download Iris Flowers Dataset

The goal of this machine learning project is to classify the flowers into among the three
species – virginica, setosa, or versicolor based on length and width of petals and sepals.

29) Bosch Production Line Performance

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The end goal of manufacturing industry is to maximize the production yield. The Bosch
assembly line dataset consists of data for products as they go through each stage of the
manufacturing. The objective of this machine learning project is to build a smarter failure
detection system where the trained predictive model can identify the parts that are most likely
to fail. This will help Bosch salvage such parts to minimize operating expense and maximize
profit margins.

Access the Solution to this Project here – Bosch Production Line Performance ML Project

30) Customer Based Predictive Analytics to Find the Next Best Offer

Sending the right offer to the right customer is the key to successful marketing . This data
science project will use the behavioural attributes and demographics of the customers to
predict what could be the next best personalized offer to maximize the conversion rate for a

Access the solution to this project here – Data Science Project on Personalized Offers

For more interesting data science and machine learning projects ideas , bookmark this page –

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