Edited Level of Awareness
Edited Level of Awareness
Edited Level of Awareness
in Partial Fulfilment of
Cerdon, Mae P.
Milambiling, Rea F.
Villa, Joshua
Odfiminina, Justine R.
Savedia, Carlo P.
Asia, Jojie
Research Adviser
Senior High School (SHS) refers to the last two years of the K-to-12 program that has been
implemented by the Department of Education in the Philippines since 2012- namely grade 11
and 12. Students are now required to choose their preferred senior high strand upon their
entrance and to begin studying the subjects that are going to introduce them to the carrer path
One of the most important requirements for college admissions is completing senior
high. It claims that if you are planning on studying a four or five year degree program at the
college of your dreams, finishing senior high school is a must. In addition, finishing senior high
school also allows students to study general education subjects that they would not have
otherwise until their first or second year in college. This gives the students more time to
familliarize themselves with the specialization that they have chosen if they eventually decide to
Senior High school Curriculum is said to be helpful and plays an important role should
student intend to pursue jobs and qualify for employment in countries require a minimum of 16
years of formal education as opposed to the 14 years of education under the old system. It also
claims that it has a big help for the students who wanted to proceed find a job after finishing
Senior high school because this curriculum allows students to have a work even if they not
spent in college. Taking senior high school making them employable and competitive already
who offers Senior high school curriculum. This school is said to have an academic track and
have a large members of students that's why the researcher tend to conduct a study at this
school. As said that the senior high school serves academic benefits to the students who take it,
students surely have a knowledged and aware about this. The aims of this study is to find out
not just the level of the awareness of Grade 10 students towards academic benefits of senior
high school but also to know if there is significant difference in the awareness towards academic
benefits of Senior High School Curriculum between male and female Grade 10 students.
Furthermore, conducting this study will help to give factual information about senior high school
curriculum to the people who are still in stage of adopting the system.
The conceptual model that will be used in this research study is the input- proces- output
model where it show the series of boxes there are connected to each other.
-The researcher will provide Output
•Chosen track of respondents survey questinaires.
The researcher will provide
-General Academic Strand -The survey questionaires flyers to help students be
randomly distributed to more knowledgeable and
-Technical Vocational Livelihood
respondents. aware towards the academic
• The level of awareness among benefits of Senior High
-Answered questionaire will
Grade 10 students towards School Curriculum. Also, to
be process to reached
academic benefits of Señior give factual information
proposed objective according
HighSchool Curriculum in terms about Senior Hogh School
to methodology chosen.
of: Curriculum to the people
-The researcher will analyze who are still in stage of
and interpret the results. adopting the system.
presenting the flow of the study. The researchers’ illustrate the various variables utilize in
obtaining an outcome.
By this paradigm, It begins with the input with the demographic profile of the respondents
by Grade 10 students in terms of gender and age,the chosen track of theirs in terms of General
Academic Strand and Technical Vocational Livelihood. Also the level of awareness among
Grade 10 students towards academic benefits of Senior High School Curriculum in terms of
employment and entrepreneurship and if there is significant difference in the awareness towards
academic benefits of Senior High School Curriculum between male and female Grade 10
For the process, the researchers will provide questionnaire that the respondents will
answer. The researcher will distribute the questionnaire to the respondents and it will be
process to reached proposed objective according to methodology chosen. Then the researcher
Result of the study will be that basis to identify the level of awareness among Grade 10
The aims of this study is to know the level of awareness among Grade 10 Students of Doña
Francisca Alvarez Rejano Integrated School towards academic benefits of Senior High School
Curriculum. Also,of there is significant difference in the awareness towards academic benefits of
Senior high school curriculum between male and female Grade 10 students.Forty (40) Grade 10
students will the respondents of this study. This study was conducted within the intimacy of
The Students, This study will help them at ease with the new system enjoy, it and accept it
since it will uplift their achievements and prepare them for future job, that within their capability
and skills.
The Parents, This study will be beneficial for parents for them to have a wide knowledge and
become aware on why senior high school curriculum implemented and the benefits that their
The Teachers, The teachers can help diffuse the information of the senior high school
curriculum to their immediate locality to strengthen additional factual information about senior
high school curriculum to the people who are still in stage of adopting the system.
The future Researchers, The results of the study is crucial to the neither present on the future
researchers. This study will be a great significance to create a wider awareness, to provide
For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are operationally defined.
Academic- is use to describe things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges, and
universities, especially works which involves, studying and reasoning rather than practical or
technical skills.
Awareness- is the state of being conscious of something. More specifically, it is the ability to
Señior high school curriculum- refers to the last two years of the K to 12 program that has
been implemented by the Department of Education in Philippines since 2012- namely grade 11
John Dewey thought that the program was primarily design to produce graduates who could
cope successfully with the modern world. Curriculum should therefore not be viewed as
completed abstract concepts but should provide perceptions of the individual and should reflect
how the child sees his/her environment . As define how to classify the actions of students,
Dewey uses four urges, or tendencies. According to Dewey the four tendencies are social,
constructive, expressive and artistic curriculum will build a balanced sense the person lives in.
Dewey wanted to use jobs to link miniature versions of basic life curriculum events activities.
Dewey's way to accomplish this purpose was also to merge subject areas and materials. By
doing so, Dewey formed relations between the subjects and the existence of the individual.
Dewey is known for the innovative school growth some of which skill currently exist. So, as
perceived of a Senior high school curriculum, this will offer different tracks that may help the
students be prepare and gives more time to familiarise themselves with the specialization that
connected how hatking Senior high school curriculum help to plan, build and secure our future.
John Dewey's curriculum theory overall says that we need to consider the child's lives or how
they saw the views of his or her own world. So to connect to our topic, in order to the Grade 10
students really undestand the senior high school curriculum help them prepared and secure
their future. It also explains that in every student they have their own way of they learn and how
they absorb the knowledge that was given to them. It also explain that Dewey has four tendency
in his Curriculum Theory the School, Expressive and Artistic and it connects to the Senior high
school strands, STEM, ABM, HUMSS, GAS, and TVL, every track has skills and have their
own way to learn and apply to themselves. Theory says that Dewey merge subject areas, and
inthe New Enhanced Curriculum, Department of Education merge every subject in every track
that the student will take. So, student wouldn't have to suffer the subject that they are not
Dewey wanted to produce graduates that could cope up successfully, like how DepEd and
CHED want to make every student's life successful. It explains here that we need to consider
the child's how they want to life their lives because this is the other way that can child easily
It explains here that in order to produce a srudent we need to find a way that they can deal with
all the curriculum easily. And students that are capable to deal with the modern world. As we all
know nowadays, students are gotten use to a very easy work and a lot of students is very
pressured on doing some activities. Other curriculum, they just stick to giving all the works to a
students without enough knowledge of it. We need to consider the child's how they want to life
their lives because this is the other way that can child easily cope up to the subjects that will be
given to them. This is the curriculum which Dewey wants to introduce. So Dewey made some
idea that he will use the subjects and all the material on the activities which a lot students enjoy
to make it easy for the students to learn or to deal with the curriculum. To connect in our topic,
we need to know the level of awareness among Grade 10 students towards the academic
benefits of senior high school curriculum. Creating Education's Curriculum need skills,
knowledge and talents. Every student have their own perspective in future successful and like
how the Dewey's Theory, Senior high school curriculum and its benefits can be a great help. It
simply allows every student to create and lead to their own way of life that bring them in to
Is there significant difference in the awareness towards academic benefits of senior high school
Ho: There is no significant difference in the awareness towards academic benefits of senior
This chapter presents the review of related literatures that helped the researcher in further
understanding the research and give meaning to the results of the study.
Related Literature
enhance learners basic skills, readiness to join the workforce, and preparedness for tertiary
learning. K-12 curriculum in the country drew a positive and negative reactions from the societal
group. Some are in favor yet some of them questioned the capability of the country in terms of
educational standards. There are certain cases that K-12 curriculum are in relation to College
programs. According to Lorenz, et. al. (2017), with their journal entitled “Assessment for the
preparedness of Senior High School students under Academic Strands for College.” The
students who belong to the Academic Strand are the ones who will mostly benefit from the
courses and programs being extracted from college and adopted. Based on their research one
of the advantages of Academic Senior High School students are the broad and diverse subjects.
The Academic Strand were classified as applied and specialized subjects that guide and lead
student on their chosen course for college. The Senior High School program offers core, applied
and specialized subjects that will shape and equip them on their fields of interest that re based
on the strand they are belong to. Senior High School program is being recognized as the pre-
college level wherein it serves as the preparatory stage for students before entering tertiary
level of education. It develops students through the use of higherlevel of teaching together with
actual application of learnings in real life. The Role and Function of Senior High School program
equip learners with skills that will prepare them for college or higher education. There are
Indications or Basis in order to be prepared for College/ Tertiary Level of Education. First is
Field of interest, it serves as the basis and foundation for the student’s upon his/her chosen
course in college. It is being extracted on the different subjects that is being offered by the
According to Veraflor, (n.d). (YEAR) From Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum to the
New College General Education (GEC) Curriculum. One of the features of the K to 12 is the
Senior High School (SHS) program which aims to equip learners with necessary skills to
2015). As a specialized education, students enrolling in Senior High School may choose a
specialization based on their aptitude and interests. Applied track subjects are subjects that use
different content based on their chosen track or strand to develop the same competencies
(DepEd, 2015). For example, an ABM student who is enrolled in Empowerment Technologies
will learn computing using a worksheet while a student of Arts and Design will learn digital
illustration using computer software. CHED Memorandum Order No. 20, 2013 series (CMO 20),
Competencies, provides the new 36 Minimum Standards Units for the All undergraduate
Program for General Education. The new GE program is outcome-oriented, complying with the
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) principle. Students under the new GEC must also required to
take three elective subjects equivalent to nine. These elective courses mustapply “inter- or
cross- disciplinary perspective” and “traverse disciplinary borders”. Apart from the 36-unit
minimum requirements, higher education institutions are still allowed to add courses as long as
the courses are of a liberal nature and are not introductory disciplinary courses. The new
General Education Curriculum should be implemented in all of the country's higher education
institutions. CHED released CHED Memorandum Order No. 10, s with this preceding
development. Of 2017, which categorized students applying HEI’s into three. Students that are
high school graduates who are early Senior High School adopters. If they intend to proceed to
college prior to the implementation before the new GEC is introduced, they will be credited to
With adaptation of K-12 scheme, students are expected to graduate at age a bit older
considered young adults. Hence, they will be more equipped to deal with much higher level of
learning as they enter college education. Readiness to join the workforce, Unlike the old system,
K-12 does not compel each student to take college after completing Senior High School (SHS).
In fact, this scheme empowers students to make a choice on their own. They may not pursue
college education especially if they have chosen a track other than academic track. The good
thing is SHS graduates will be equipped with skills (through electives) that will make them good
at certain field(s). Skill competency in the global job market K-12 system aims to improve
Filipino students’ mathematical, scientific, and linguistic competence. With the new curriculum,
DepEd promised to offer higher quality education through tracks. Each track will give students
enough time to master a field and enhance their skills. In the end, K-12 graduates will become
globally competitive and are set to obtain spot in the stiff labor market. (Three Practical Benefits
of the Philippines’ K to 12 Curriculum, n.d.). Be sure of your personality and life goals. You must
have a vivid picture of your personality, so you can pick a track to match your taste and
experience. Do your research, like internet which is rich with updated info about the K-12
curriculum. In fact, you’ll find many sources that can help you make the choice from the course
content or outline for each track. Other sources offer personality tests to help you with
Aside from reading on your own, you could interview career people relevant to your chosen
track. This way, you gather honest and practical insight to provide you with better judgments.
Analyze the subjects included in each course. After creating a shortlist of some strands or tracks
from the senior high school curriculum, you must dive deeper into each track’s core. Are you
looking forward to study the subjects listed under your chose track? However, if you do not see
yourself taking its prescribed subjects, take a step back and select other tracks with subjects to
suit your liking.( Steps to Knowing Which Senior High School Track Best Fits You, 2017).By
Universal Kindergarten, every Filipino child now has access to early childhood education.
Children start schooling the age of 5, and are given the means to adjust slowly to formal
education. Children who complete a kindergarten curriculum based on standards are better
prepared for primary schooling. Early childhood education lays the foundations for a child's
lifelong learning and overall development. In kindergarten, through games, songs, and dances,
students learn alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors in their mother tongue. To make the
lessons relevant and easy to understandLocal culture and history are the basis of examples,
activities, poems, illustrations and tales. Through continuity and consistency across all levels
and subjects, students gain in-depth knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. Discussions are
included in the expanded curriculum on topics like Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change
Adaptation, and Information & Communication Technology.Subjects are taught from the
simplest concepts through grade levels in spiral progression to more complicated concepts.
Students gain knowledge in such fields as Biology, Geometry, Earth Science, Chemistry, and
Algebra as early as elementary. Thatensures that knowledge and skills are mastered after each
level.(The Kto12 Basic Education Program, n.d.).
According to Tabora, (2017). “Readiness means being prepared. The new DepEd K+12
curriculum helps to prepare high school students for higher education through one of the four
strands in its academic track: Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and
Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),
and General Academic Strand(GAS) Looking at these strands demonstrates that not only
should students bechoosing whether to prepare oneself for work or college, but also commit to a
particular area or discipline. The first question that comes to mind is whether public schools in
the Philippines have the teachers qualified to teach these subjects. Looking at the strands in
The review of the literature for this study focuses on the educationalsystem of the
Department of Education which is the K to 12 program. The related literature is based on how
effective is K-12, for the student whose preference isto take Maritime strand. As cited in the
study of (Thompsom 2018), he found out that according tothe reported statistics in 2013 from
the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics there is a direct correlation between the levels of
education you achieve with thelevel of finding a job. Based from the study made by the bureau
states that people who are only high school graduate had an unemployment rate of 8.3percent
comparing to a college graduates who have only 4.5 percent ofunemployment rate. Also
( Ramiro, 2016) added that in order to build students’ knowledge and skills in different subject
areas including with those courses thatmake someone employable after graduating from high
school, there must be avery strict compliance and a rigorous implementation of K to 12 Program
andthere must be a use of high standard instructional programs. Additionally, Craddock 2016
cited that a Filipino youngsters will turn intothe main understudies are required to finish grades
11 and 12 because they areat the main stage of a note worthy training change exertion that will
bring the Philippines essential and optional instruction frameworks into arrangements with
global standards . This was the reason why K to 12 curriculum was born in our country
Philippines because of the drastic influence that other advancedcountries have in terms with
their educational framework. With this program the Filipinos who are a graduate of the said
curriculum could now be globally competitive.If we have to compare the Philippines educational
system with that ofIndia which is one of the most developed in the entire world. The researchers
do believe and agree with the UK Essay, 2016 that cited “People need higher Education for a
better future”. Hence, an on-going change in the Philippines instructive framework was executed
beginning in 2011. The K to 12 educational modules was marked into law in 2013, adding three
years to the nation’s essential instruction educational modules. The new K to 12 educational
programs manage requires every single Filipino under study to have one year of Kindergarten,
six years of rudimentary tutoring (grades 1 to 6), four years of middle school ( grades 7 to 10),
theeducational standard of our country subject areas were increased. The use of Mother is one
of the subjects added in grades I-III. Reasearches/ implementers of the curriculum hoped that
and it aims to help every Filipino child to have wideunderstanding on the skills to be developed
According to Ogahayon, 2014 “states that “after implementing k-12 ourgovernment see
how effective and how K-12 program become a big help to many Filipino students. Also, based
from the Philippine Basic Education 2014, cited that “ Anefficient system is one that achieves so
much even with quite limited resources. A recent report attempts to assess the efficiency of
school systems worldwide by considering teacher salaries and pupil to teacher ratio as
indicators of input andtest scores in an international standardized test score as a gauge for the
output.In addition as what ( Gulliver & Doumbia 2014) mentioned that higher education serves
many purposes but only some of which are emphasized in our culture but it is so sad to think
that some members of our society don’t acknowledge the full span of reasons for pursuing
education after high school, some young people may think it’s not for them and therefore miss
out on many of the potential benefits that such an educational experience provides. Also, having
higher Education gives people a knowledge of the world around them andchanges it into
something better. It helps people build opinions and have pointsof view on things in life.We the
researchers have found out that according to The K-12 SchoolEffectiveness Framework (2014):
A support for school improvement and student success identifies evidence-based indicators of
samples of evidence, assist educators in building coherence and aligning practices across an
entire school. Furthermore as cited by Roland (2014) this k-12 curriculum is going to harnessthe
innovative spirit of incoming students who already have the coding skills tocreate these
products, institutions may want to consider interdisciplinary coursesthat bring together lower-
The culminating project could be an app that solves a real-world problem. To ensure that
students receive the credits appropriate to their level in school, it maybe necessary to have two
Hence education empowers people and strengthens nation. It capacity to enhance one's
economic and social status, particularly in the Philippines, cannot be questioned. Recently, this
capacity will be put to test following the legislation of the K to 12 program. The Department of
Education (DepEd), when it push the adoption of the K to 12 program sees improve academic
competencies and labor opportunities for the Filipino graduates (Du, 2014)
Advances education enhances person's personal satisfaction. Studies demonstrates that,
better dietary and wellbeing rehearses more prominent network administration and initiative,
more charitable effort, more - self assurance, and less criminal action and imprisonment (Allen,
flagship program of the Department of Education inits desires to offer a curriculum which is
attuned to the 21st century. This is in the pursuance ofthe reform thrusts of the Basic Education
Sector Reform Agenda, a p beackage of policy reforms that seeks to systematically improve
critical regulatory, institutional, structural, financial, physical, cultural and information conditions
effecting basic education provision access anddelivery on the ground. The department seeks to
create basic education sector that’s capable ofattainting the country’s Education for all
Objectives and the Millennium Development Goals bythe year 2015 and President Noynoy
Aquino’s 10-point Basic Education Agenda by 2016. This policy reforms are expected to
introduce critical changes necessary to further accelerate, broaden, deepen and sustain the
department’s effort in improving the quality of basic education.(Esther & Ethel, 2012) The K-12
education system is the public education system that most people are familiar with today.
Comprised of 13 grades, kindergarten through 12th, it refers tothe public school system in all of
the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and parts of Europe as well. It is difficult to
pinpoint the exact history of education, as it has been occurringin some form for centuries in all
parts of the world. The K12 Program has been initiated by theAquino administration where
students will have to undergo a new system of education. The Enhanced K-12 Basic Education
Program is a DepEd program that will improve the standard ofeducation and give more
opportunities for graduating students. Last school year 2012, Philippine education officially
implemented the K12 curriculum. Everyone knows the country (in public schools preferably) is
drastically left behind in terms of curriculum adjustments. Grade 1 entrantsin SY 2012– 2013
are the first batch to fully undergo the program, and current 1st year JuniorHigh School students
(or Grade 7) are the first to undergo the enhanced secondary education program. (Kynemarie,
2013) Nolledo (1992) Article XIV of the constitution which focused on education in which section
I states that “the state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all
levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all”. The K – 12
Program “We are the last country in Asia and one of only three countries in the world with a 10-
year pre-university program” (SEAMEO, 2011) The Department of Education has formally
launched its K - 12 Program, which adds 2 years to basic education in the country. This means
that aside from kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, and 4years of high school, students will
MLE) as part of our K-12 reform. This is not a purely pedagogicalstrategy for language but a
learner-centered approach.By using the language students are comfortable with, the MTB-MLE
in the enhanced curriculumhelps them develop the language skills they need to learn the
fundamentals of various subjects from kindergarten to third grade, and to move seamlessly from
home to school. Children clearlylearn best when we use the language they understand,
shown that language skills masteredwith the mother tongue can enable students to learn a
second and subsequent language faster. The program has the following twin objectives: To give
curriculum that is rational and focus on excellence;Produce a pool of highly qualified and
Science and English at all levels; Produce graduates who are globally competitive and whose
credential are recognized internationally; To change public perception that high school
education is just a preparation for college; rather, it should allow one to take advantage of
opportunities for gainful career or employment and/or self-employment in arapidly changing and
increasingly globalized environment; produce graduates who possess skill sand competencies
that will allow them to be productive members of the society or pursue higher education; through
coordination between the academic and business sectors, to change industry hiring practices
into account the enhance skills and competencies of K - 12 graduates (DepEd,2010). The goal
of implementing the K - 12 Basic Education Program is to create a functional basic system that
will produce productive and responsible citizens equipped with the essentiallearning and
employment. This is in line with the agenda of the President Aquino of having quality education
as a long term solution to poverty. The K - 12 Education vision from the Department of
Education (DepEd, 2010) every graduate of the Enhanced K - 12 Basic Education Program is
an empowered individual who has learned through a program that is rooted on sound principles
of Education is a great help toevery students. But, some which has a noble purpose for every
Pilipino pupil or student. Fromtheir own point of view or perspective this is another burden on
the part of the students and parents. It will add to the financial problem of the individual family,
and the advantage ofimplementing this program are for the people who wants to continue
studying or work abroad because the curriculum is almost parallel to another country. This is
some of the problems thatthis study is going to focus on and to hear the sentiments of the
parents regarding theimplementation of K - 12 program (Jennilyn, 2013). One of the aims of the
educationalreforms of the government must also focus into the mastery of English as the
second language.
Such attempt will greatly help to harness the productive capacity of the country’s human
participants,the setting and the purpose of interaction. It is the ability to use and respond to
language appropriately, given the setting, the topic, and the relationships among the people
communicating, particularly the lingua franca of the educational society and community, in
itsvarious contexts and dimensions relatively guarantees the teachers competitive advantage in
thecomplex society like the Philippines (Alatis, 2009). Education Secretary Armin A.
Luistro(2011) says the additional 2 years will help students decide what course they will take in
college.It will also help high school students to be given a chance to specialize in science
andtechnology, music and arts, agriculture, fisheries, sports, business entrepreneurship, and
others.K - 12 Program aims to make basic education sufficient enough so that anyone who
graduatescan be gainfully employed and have a productive life. K– 12 Program will look at the
possibilityof specialized education such as a high school or community, which will focus on the
arts oragriculture. Bro. Armin said that the proposal will make high school graduates
Education toadd two more years to basic education drew mixed reactions in the Senate.
he agrees with the proposal because the country needs to increase its competitiveness at the
international level, hesaid: We are underrated by other countries, our educational system. It is
education that serves their interests, equips them with specialized skills and knowledgeand
makes them at par with their global counterparts. According to the Department of Education
(DepEd), graduates from SHS may have greater employment options, including opportunities
forentrepreneurial activities. Students are also expected to be better prepared for higher
education,with middle-level skills that can be further enhanced to improve job opportunities. The
training.Specialization in the two tracks is facilitated through subjects with special focus on
every trackand strand. The curriculum offers three types of subjects. First, “Core” subjects are
given to all students regardless of chosen track and strand. Such subjects include Language,
Students diverge as they take “Applied Track” subjects, which are given to develop standard
competencies among students, albeit implemented in the context of chosen track and strand.
Third, the “SpecializedTrack” subjects, which also set students apart, cover different contents,
developing different sets of competencies among students.In the FGDs, students expressed
varied opinions about their SHS experience, whichcovers their thoughts about the subjects they
had taken, the implementation of SHS curriculum,and effectiveness of the two-year program vis-
à-vis its objectives. Most of the time, studentswould assess importance of subjects depending
on their relevance to the track and strand theywere enrolled. Aside from the specialized
subjects, both the Academic and TVL students foundthe following subjects to be very useful:
Entrepreneurship, Oral Communication, and WorkImmersion. Students also tend to enjoy and
excel in subjects that were related to their area ofspecialization, especially in the case of most
TVL students, who preferred subjects that enhancetheir practical skills. This is the reason why
they believed that Math and Science subjects may be less relevant compared to the specialized
subjects10. Interest of students, which may not belimited only to their area of specialization,
somehow influenced the extent of their appreciationof the subject. On the other hand, there
were also subjects which appeared to be challenging formost of the students. Research, in
particular, was the most difficult for many of the students. Thechallenge came from the required
rigor and time in finishing research outputs, working ingroups. Others also highlighted burden
from research costs (e.g. computer and internet rental, printing).Despite challenges in the
implementation of the new curriculum, students, in general, thoughtthat senior high school
allowed them to be trained further in their chosen area of specialization.Most of the students,
apart from specialized knowledge and skills, have likewise developed softskills such as
communication, people skills, critical thinking, positive attitude, teamwork andwork ethic. And
although there were a few who felt that the additional two years of schoolingcould already be
spent for working, most still realized the value of SHS in their preparation fortertiary education
and in developing their competencies that could help should they decide to jointhe workforce.
Readiness for College, Career and Life: The Purpose of K-12 Public Education Today
The current design of our K-12 public education system delivers the followingresults:
After decades of policy reforms and targeted improvementstrategies, the on-time graduation
rate has inched up to 82%, with statesranging from 61% to 91%. Yet, Alaska Natives, students
much lower rates: 55, 64, 70, 73 and 76%, respectively. Amongthose students who do graduate
high school, nearly 25% of them, from allsocioeconomic groups, require remedial courses in
college, costing them andtheir families $1.5 billion a year. Graduates who enter the world of
workdirectly after high school fare no better, with 62% of employers by one account indicating
that “high schools aren’t doing enough to prepare theirgraduates to meet the expectations of the
workplace.” Students are not fully prepared for civic engagement to ensure a functioning
democracy (only 30% of today’s young people believe it is “essential” to live in a country that
isgoverned democratically). These results are evidence that students are notgetting what they
need, and the implications ripple through their lives, theirfamilies, communities and our
economy. We will explore why the traditionalsystem is designed to produce these results. First,
let’s consider what resultswe want instead.So, what is the purpose of public education today
and what are the resultswe want it to deliver? The purpose of public education has
evolvedsignificantly since the first public school, Boston Latin School, wasestablished in the
17th century to educate white males in, among other things, “religion, Latin and classical
literature.” Today, states and districts define the purpose of education in variety of different
ways. Increasingly that purpose is stated as “college and career readiness,” or a variation
thereof. But what does it really mean to be college and career ready?
Although the terminology and details may vary, almost all states and districts continue to
accountability exams to measure learning. Forthe majority of states, these elements prioritize
content knowledge ratherthan skills, with a focus upon a narrow set of areas— math and
outcome for students. Students who are able to articulate avision for their futures, exercise
agency in pursuing that vision andeffectively navigate their own paths is commonly expressed
as the goal forstudents in competency-based districts and schools. That vision is one that
ismade available to all students, not simply those on a particular path or froma limited set of
backgrounds. While college and career readiness areabsolutely central to any educational
system, the definition used in moststates today is more limited than the vision of educational
upon lifelong skills such as growth mindset,metacognition, learning how to learn, problem-
share a belief that the current purpose of K-12 education is tofacilitate a process through which
all students graduate high school with theacademic and lifelong learning skills to be leaders in
their communities, andagents of their own success— whether in college, career, or navigating
theopportunities and challenges they will encounter in their lives. While eachcommunity
expresses its own values and goals in the choices it makesaround curriculum, pedagogy and
school rituals, this core purpose is sharedby districts leading the way in competency-based
achieving this educational purpose. However, realizing this purpose forall students requires
attention to issues of equity and quality, meetingstudents where they are, and policies that
create the conditions for success.This clear articulation and understanding of purpose sets us
various societal groups. Since 2011, critics have been veryvocal on their primary concerns.
They insist thatthe government isn’t yet ready for this new system and that this is more of
additional burden tostudents and their parents.Despite calls to suspend the program, the
government remained firm sayingthis new educational system offers opportunities for Filipino
students andthe national economy.For its part, the Department of Education (DepEd) stresses
that the countryis prepared for a big shift in education system. In fact, it has worked to fulfillthe
gaps on the number of classrooms, teachers, and textbooks. Also, it hasfinished the planning
phases along with stakeholders.But what does K-12 scheme really have to offer to students?To
prove that K-12 system is more than just adding two more years to highschool, below are three
– With adaptation of K-12 scheme,students are expected to graduate at age a bit older than
young adults. Hence, they will be more equippedto deal with much higher level of learning as
– Unlike the old system, K-12 doesnot compel each student to take college after completing
Senior HighSchool (SHS). In fact, this scheme empowers students to make achoice on their
own. They may not pursue college educationespecially if they have chosen a track other than
academic track. Thegood thing is SHS graduates will be equipped with skills (throughelectives)
linguisticcompetence. With the new curriculum, DepEd promised to offerhigher quality education
through tracks. Each track will give studentsenough time to master a field and enhance their
skills. In the end, K-12 graduates will become globally competitive and are set to obtainspot in
The government believes that K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines will putFilipino students at
par with the rest of the world. Truly, investing ineducation is the key toward reaching national
This chapter presents relevant literature and research findings thatsupport the consistency and
Work immersion
Mendoza (2017) stated that the acquired skills of the senior high schoolstudents gained after
adding two years to basic education through the K to 12Curriculum, the Department of
Education (DepEd) has released the guidelinesfor the conduct of work immersion activities for
SHS students in the country. According to DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones, the work
immersion is a key feature in the senior high school curriculum. It can be conducted in different
ways depending on the purposes and needs of the learners. It was stated in the guidelines that
work immersion will help develop among learners life and career skills, and will prepare them to
make decisions on postsecondary education oremployment gearing towards the four exits
envisioned for SHS graduates tochoose from --- employment, entrepreneurship, further skills
training throughTESDA and college education.Contained in the enclosure of Deped Order No.
30, series of 2017released on June 5, the guidelines specify that the said work immersion will
enable students to become familiar with the workplace, experience workplacesimulation and
apply their competencies in areas of specialization. The said workimmersion activity can range
from 80 to 320 hours. DepEd hopes that partnerinstitutions will provide learners with work
organizations tocome up with agreements on work immersion for students and because
thestudents are still minors, work immersion requires parental consent. Because thesafety of
learners is primary to Deped, the department shall ensure that allschools and venues for
learning are conducive to the education and safety of thelearners.This endeavor is in
collaboration with its partners and stakeholders foundnear where the schools are located. The
guidelines further provide that the maximum number of hours spent in the work immersion
venue is 40 hours per week and no more than eight hours per day as provided by law. So as not
toexploit the students who are still minors, DepEd stressed that work immersionshould not be
reduced as a mere recruitment tool for a partner institution, saying that the students should also
gain skills that will enable them to qualify for other job options. Consequently, the schools and
students should not be asked to paythe senior high school partner institution for any work
immersion activityconducted. The guidelines added that fees for work immersion must only be
set after consultation with parents. This Corner hopes that these guidelines will serveits purpose
of providing the students, parents and the stakeholders a documentto refer that will govern the
work immersion and a piece of paper that will realizedthe full potential of our SHS graduates
the Philippines (2015) the word “immersion” as it applies to the K to 12 curriculum is defined in
“Work Immersion refers to the part of the Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum consisting of 80
hours of hands-on experience or work simulationwhich the Grades 11 and 12 students will
undergo to expose them to the actualworkplace setting and to enrich the competencies provided
by the school under the supervision of the School Head and the designated personnel of the
Examples of work immersion venues include offices, factories, shops and project sites.” What
could lead to confusion is that the word “immersion” actually has two meanings in K to 12. The
first meaning refers to a required SHS subject in thecurriculum. The second meaning refers not
to a subject but to a preferred modeof delivery of Tech-Voc subjects. Let us take the first
meaning –immersion as a subject in the curriculum. In the Curriculum Guides posted on the
DepEd website, the word “immersion” occurs in the Specialized Subjects of the tracks
Immersion is only one of four options under “Work Immersion / Research /Career Advocacy /
Culminating Activity.” (Let us call that subject WRCC for convenience.) In the Academic Track,
WRCC is the ninth required specialized subject in the Accountancy, Business and Management
andMathematics (STEM) strands. WRCC is not listed in the General AcademicStrand (GAS),
but since two Electives may be taken from the other strands, itmay be required also by
particular schools.WRCC is a required specialized subject in the Sports Track. In this particular
track, the phrase “Apprenticeship (off -campus)” is added as an example of a WRCC. The use
of this phrase is unfortunate, because the word “apprenticeship” has a legal meaning in RA
with the Apprenticeship Division, which contract provides for not lessthan two thousand hours of
reasonably continuous employment for such worker and for his participation in an approved
of age, has completed the high school course or such course or courses as the Secretary of
Labor may prescribe.” There are two things that show that the word “apprentice” cannot be used
within the Sports track. First, the apprentice must already have finished highschool, and second,
the apprentice must render at least 2,000 hours. Immersion as a subject covers only 80 hours,
or if the student spends all day Monday toFriday, only two weeks out of the school year.
According to Henry (2011) having the immersion was really a good start toexperience how does
it feel to be in a work place. These students provide unique insights into what it’s like to get
acquire a job andpursue a career after we graduate. We aim to gain the skills that we will need
towork in an industry. This is what really sold me on the GET experience. I wasable to go to
work for 40 hours a week, get real, hands on knowledge ofapplications, development, and
corporate culture, as well as earn credit towards my major. The best part was that they treated
me like a full time employee, notan intern. This is what really sold me on the GET experience. I
was able to go to work for 40 hours a week, get real, hands on knowledge of applications,
development, and corporate culture, as well as earn credit towards my major. The best part was
that they treated me like a full time employee, not an in term. According to Ronda (2018) The
Department of Education (DepEd) is banking on the “strong partnerships” it has forged with the
Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) and other industry groups as the Grade
12students under the K-12 basic education curriculum take their work immersioncourse
requirement. Work immersion, according to the DepEd, is a key subjectunder the Senior High
School curriculum that may be conducted in different waysand time frame as needed by SHS
and nation-building. The DepEd noted that the K-12 BasicEducation Program was created to
equip graduates with values, knowledge andskills that communities, businesses and industries
need. The DepEd said it recognized the PCCI’s concern regarding the minimum number of
training hours of SHS graduates, as it maintains its confidence on its partnership with
thebusiness group and continues to foster cooperation with various industry partnersby
addressing concerns that could arise as the work immersion subject isimplemented.Specifically,
DepEd Order No. 30, series of 2017 or Guidelines for Work Immersion provides learners with
access to industry partners’ facilities and employment simulation where they are given
opportunities to apply theircompetencies, gain practical industrial skills and develop good work
ethics andvalues relevant to pursuing further education and/or joining the world of work.Under
the DepEd order, a learner is required to render a minimum of 80 hours forwork immersion.
Consequently, as provided by law, a child below the age of 18but older than 15 must spend a
maximum of 40 hours per week and no morethan eight hours per day in the work immersion
venue. The same issuance doesnot limit a learner’s practical work experience hours to 80 hours
and offers several delivery models from which schools may choose based on the number of
hours (80 hours, 240 hours, 320 hours), learner’s purpose and needs, school capabilities and
compliance to the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Department
of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and DepEdWork Immersion Guidelines.Schools may also
design their own delivery models as they deem fit for aspecific situation or concern, subject to
the approval the Regional Office. TheK-12 program was crafted in close coordination with the
aims toproduce lifelong learners who are locally and globally competitive, and ready topursue
Instrumentation , Data Gathering and Statistical Treatment and Research Locale .This Present
or explain the procedure ,Which the Researcher had followed in conducting this study.
The study made use of the descriptive-survey method. According to Best and Kahn
(2007), descriptive research employs the process of disciplined inquiry through the gathering
and analysis of empirical data, and each attempts to develop knowledge. To be done
competently, each requires the expertise of the careful and systematic investigator. Salaria
(2012) defines descriptive-survey research as a method of research which concerns itself with
trend invariably.
The researcher decided to choose Doña Francisca Alvarez Rejano Integrated School as
technique ,which was based in choosing individual and samples according to the purpose of the
This study employed the use of quantitative research methodology which is survey
questionnaire. It is composed of two (2) parts. The first part consists the demographic profile
and the chosen track of the respondents. The second part includes two variables: qualifying for
The survey questionnaire were subjected to construct and content validity. The responses
The respondent of this study was the Grade 10 students at Doña Francisca Alvarez
Rejano Integrated School. The student survey questionnaire was the data collection instrument
to investigate the level of awareness among Grade 10 students towards the academic benefits
of Senior High School Curriculum. After the questionnaire was designed by the researchers,it
was presented to the adviser for consultation. Then after redrafting of the instrument,it was
clarified under discussions with the panels of experts follow by providing a letter request that
was given personally to the adviser of Grade 10 and to the principal of Doña Francisca Alvarez
Rejano Integrated School to obtain permission to conduct the study. After the approval was
granted,the data were collected after the respondents answered the questionnaire and analyzed
This is a good research topic, however, it will require more efforts to finish and extract
good results. Nevertheless, I APPROVED THIS ONE.
1. Review your Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Framework. Make sure that the
presentation is aligned with your research topic. Consider your independent and
dependent variables.
3. The output of this research will be an Action Plan for the level of awareness among grade 10
student of DFARIS towards academic benefits of SHS curriculum which will be based on the
findings of this study.
This chapter provides information on the research methods used in this study supporting
the concepts established previously. It gives further details about the methods to be employed in
conducting the research. This part shows and describes all the important considerations and
Research Design
The researchers will use the descriptive survey questionnaire in their study since
information about the interns will be obtained through survey method. It is primarily focused on
the impact of covid-19 pandemic on on-the-job training (OJT) programs of Tayabas Western Academy:
study since it is primarily concentrated on the impact of covid-19 pandemic on on-the-job training
(OJT) programs of Tayabas Western Academy: an input to academic planning. Thirty (30) Interns of
respondents of this study because they are applying the on-the-job training (OJT) as part of
The researchers believe that he will be able to gather reliable and pertinent data if every
The research locale of this study will be the Accountancy in Tayabas Western Academy
will be easier for him to conduct his study and to attain valid result
Research Procedure
The researcher will make first a letter of request to the On-the-job training (OJT) adviser
of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy students before the conduct of the study. Upon
seeking the adviser’s approval, a questionnaire which had been prepared by the researchers will
students to obtain valid results. The students’ responses will be analyzed and will be tabulated
Research Instrument
To obtain validity in this study, data should be gathered accurately. As such, the
researcher prepared a questionnaire focused the level of satisfaction of the continuance of on-the-
job training (OJT) be described in terms of onsite internship and job performance measures.
The researcher will assess the gathered data by tabulating the frequency of the
respondents’ response to each item in the research questionnaire. The statistical treatments to be
1. Frequency will be used in Part 1, Part II and Part V whereas the percentage will be taken by
dividing the number of responses to the item by the number of cases involved in the study.
To illustrate:
P = f x 100
Where: P = percentage
f = frequency
100 = constant
2. Part III and Part IV, however, will utilize weighted mean distribution wherein the percentage
will be taken by dividing the number of responses to the item by the number of cases
To illustrate: WM = 3 + 2 + n
n = number of respondents