BUET Definition of Linguistics
BUET Definition of Linguistics
BUET Definition of Linguistics
Vowels: Vowels are those speech sounds which are produced without
any obstruction in the oral cavity or inside the mouth.
For example,
ʊə tour, Europe, cure
ɔɪ boy, voice
Tone: Tone refers to the pitch changes made to affect the meaning of words and
phrases. Pitch is a voice quality produced by vibrations of the vocal folds.
Many learners have a first language that is tonal, i.e. the same word said in a high
pitch may mean something different from when it is said in a low pitch. Examples
of tonal languages are Mandarin Chinese, Swedish and Scottish Gaelic. English is
not a tonal language i.e. pitch changes in words do not change meanings. Patterns
of pitch changes (intonation patterns) are used in English to indicate attitude.
Voiceless Sounds: when the vocal cords are wide apart and the glottis is open, the
air passes through the open glottis and hence the produced sounds are voiceless
sounds. Examples, / p, t,k/,/h/, /s/
Voiced Sounds: When the vocal cords are loosely held together and the glottis is
closed, the air passes through the closed glottis and hence the produced sounds are
voiced sounds.
The vocal cords are brought close to each other and kept loosely together and so
they vibrate and the produced sounds are voiced sounds.
Examples, all vowels are voiced sounds