Organic Aquaculture Dossier
Organic Aquaculture Dossier
Organic Aquaculture Dossier
International Federation of
Organic Agriculture Movements EU Group
Organic Aquaculture
EU Regulations (EC) 834/2007,
(EC) 889/2008, (EC) 710/2009
CO-FINANCED BY Published by
Organic Aquaculture
EU Regulations (EC) 834/2007,
(EC) 889/2008, (EC) 710/2009
Published by:
Andrzej Szeremeta (IFOAM EU Group), Louisa Winkler (IFOAM EU Group), Francis Blake (Soil Association),
Pino Lembo (COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca, ICEA—Institute for Ethics and Environmental Certification)
Brussels, 2010
page 4 - Villy Larsen; pages 6, 10 and 24 - Jan-Widar Finden; page 8 – Udo Censkowsky; pages 12 and 14 - European
Commission,; page 16, 20, 22 and 30 - Naturland e.V.; page 18 - Marc Mössmer; pages 26
and 34 - Birgir Thordarson / Vottunarstofan Tún; page 28 - Norwegian Seafood Export Council; page 32 - Michael Böhm.
• Council regulation (eC) No 967/2008 of 29th september 2008 amending regulation (eC) No 834/2007
on organic production and labelling of organic products
• COmmissiON regulATiON (eC) No 1254/2008 of 15th december 2008 Amending regulation (eC)
No 889/2008 laying down detailed rules for implementation of Council regulation (eC) No 834/2007
on organic production and labelling of organic products with regard to organic production, labelling
and control
• COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 710/2009 of 5th August 2009 Amending Regulation (EC) No
889/2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007,
as regards laying down detailed rules on organic aquaculture animal and seaweed production
(referred to in this publication as “the organic aquaculture implementing rules”)
I COmmissiON regulATiON (eC) No 1235/2008 of 8th december 2008 laying down detailed rules for im-
plementation of Council regulation (eC) No 834/2007 as regards the arrangements for imports of or-
ganic products from third countries
• COmmissiON regulATiON (eC) No 537/2009 of 19th June 2009 Amending regulation (eC) No
1235/2008, as regards the list of third countries from which certain agricultural products obtained by
organic production must originate to be marketed within the Community
refer also to: guidelines on imports of organic products into the european union published by the
european Commission, 15th december 2008
All generally applicable rules on the regulation of the production, processing, marketing, labelling and control
of agricultural products also apply to organic foods.
Inspection and certification systems for aquaculture products under the new rules 27
Fish welfare – a key issue for organic system standards 28
Challenges of the organic standards: what will the future look like for European
organic aquaculture? 31
The IFOAM EU Group, in co-operation with IAMB – Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari, has prepared this
publication to introduce and evaluate the first European regulation on organic aquaculture.
The IFOAM EU Group welcomes this move to regulate the organic aquaculture sector in Europe. Legislation
relevant to the sector now includes general provisions set out in the new Organic Regulation (EC) No 834/2007
and implementing rules in Regulation (EC) No 889/2008, in particular the most recent addition to the latter:
organic aquaculture implementing rules, Regulation (EC) No 710/2009. Together, the regulations represent
an important starting point for the extensive further work that is required to achieve a comprehensive and
fair legislative framework, paving the way for the development of organic aquaculture in Europe; and, since
Europe is a major importer, organic aquaculture worldwide.
Organic aquaculture aims to provide fish and other products that are ecologically, economically and socially
sound. These new regulations will support the sector’s ability to provide an alternative to unsustainable prac-
tices of fisheries and aquaculture worldwide.
Tough negotiations amongst stakeholders contributed to the creation of the new Organic Regulation and the
organic aquaculture implementing rules. Previously, organic aquaculture was not regulated in EU law; private
organisations developed independent standards and national laws were created in some Member States,
but these efforts were fragmented and few international initiatives existed. We hope that new regulations
which establish EU minimum standards will harmonise the EU organic aquaculture sector, while supplemen-
tary efforts by private initiatives with their own standards continue to drive innovation and improvement.
The organic sector expects this evolution to facilitate the expansion and development of the market for organic
aquaculture products.
If preparation of European-level legislation was tough, implementation will be equally so. We can expect
further work on organic aquaculture standards to start almost immediately: a revision with changes coming
into force after July 2013 is already planned. I believe that this can only encourage the pro-active acceptance
and enforcement of legislation, since it provides the opportunity for national administrations, organic aqua-
culture organisations and businesses to work together for productive and sustainable practices. The IFOAM
EU Group will use the time up to the revision to prepare a thorough review and produce concrete suggestions
for further legislative developments.
I hope that the future will bring more organic aquaculture products to our tables.
Christopher Stopes,
IFOAM EU Group President
History of organic aquaculture1 salmon standards, but it was not until 1998 that the
Stefan Bergleiter (Naturland— first standards were published.
Association for Organic Farming e.V.) and
Udo Censkowsky (Organic Services)
The successful launch of organic salmon, first in Germany
and later in the United Kingdom and France, acceler-
Historically, organic aquaculture is rooted in the or- ated the development process of organic aquaculture
ganic agriculture movement, and these roots con- initiatives throughout the world.
tinue to shape the sector in many respects. Organic
farmers and organic farming associations in Austria A further milestone in the history of organic aquacul-
and Germany first started to develop extensive “or- ture was the development of organic shrimp standards.
ganic” carp production systems in the early nineties. Naturland was involved here, too, as well as Sr. Cesar
At that time, although the organic food market was Ruperti, co-owner and manager of the shrimp farm
still a niche market in terms of volume, it already of- Camaronera Bahia, and processing plant Mar Grande,
fered most types of food in organic quality – with both in Ecuador. With support of the German corpo-
the exception of fish. Therefore, it was only a matter ration Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
of time before this gap was filled. The development (GTZ), the standard setting process started in 1998
of organic carp production took place without great with round table discussions taking place in Ecuador,
public attention. Mostly this was due to the fact that and international consultations undertaken through
originally the product was exclusively sold regionally an online forum.
in farmers markets or directly in farm stores.
After the launch of the organic shrimp concept, which
This situation changed with the establishment of the drew attention internationally, a number of European
first organic salmon project in Ireland, in 1995. At that development agencies became interested in spreading
time the German entrepreneur Udo Klütsch (who lam- the initiative to more southern countries. Not only did
entably passed away in 2008), the marine biologist organic shrimp farming promise to solve many of the
and salmon farmer David Baird (Clare Island Sea Farm) environmental problems related to intensive conven-
and the Naturland association of Germany entered tional production (such as deforestation of mangrove
into a development partnership, wherein Naturland areas or abuse of antibiotics leading to residues in the
established what would become the fundamentals of final product), it also offered an alternative business
international organic aquaculture. The objective was model for the shrimp industry, suffering at the time
to develop standards for the salmon project, based from extremely low prices.
on the IFOAM organic farming principles and the first
European Organic Regulation (EEC) No 2092/1991, Additionally, organic shrimp aquaculture was consid-
thus offering an answer to the numerous problem- ered to have the potential to particularly strengthen
atic issues in the prevailing intensive salmon farming. the position of small scale producers typically em-
ploying low-intensity “close-to-organic” systems. Not
Klütsch and Baird were both convinced that the or- surprisingly, the first organic shrimp project focuss-
ganic salmon initiative would not only help reduce ing on small scale producers was in Vietnam, where
the environmental impact of salmon farming, but also small scale shrimp production (farms smaller than
lead to a better price margin for salmon in the mar- one hectare) dominates. The Swiss Import Promotion
ket. This latter was badly needed, since salmon pric- Programme (SIPPO) supported this project, which
es were down at that time and the salmon farming started in 2000 with a workshop on organic shrimp
industry was looking for alternative business mod- production in Ho Chi Minh City.
els to enable it to become economically sustainable
again. In the United Kingdom, the Soil Association With the two lead products – organic salmon and or-
had been asked as early as 1989 to develop organic ganic shrimp – having become more commonly traded
1 Content is based on an extract from Organic Aquaculture 2009—production and markets, ISBN 978-3-00-026707-9
commodities, organic farming of additional finfish Soil Association (Organic Aquaculture Conference:
species started in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. In Organic Salmon—Setting the Standard, 2006, United
continental Europe, organic trout and charr produc- Kingdom), Villa (Organic Aquafarming, 2006, Norway)
tion took off; a big organic Pangasius catfish project and IFOAM (Conference on Organic Aquaculture, 2008,
was started in Vietnam by the Germany-based sea- Italy), illustrating the growing interest in the subject
food company Binca Seafoods; organic tilapia farm- as well as the general move towards organic seafood
ing started in Israel, Ecuador, and Honduras; and in in major market regions.
the Mediterranean, seabass and seabream farms were
converted to organic management. Last but not least, the introduction of detailed pro-
duction rules for organic aquaculture as part of the
In the United States, discussions on organic aquac- EU organic regulation in the first half of 2009 has now
ulture standards started in 1998 within the National opened the door to a broader development of organic
Organic Standards Board. A first National Organic seafood in European Union markets and elsewhere.
Aquaculture Workshop took place in 2000, organ-
ized by the University of Minnesota and the National Global organic aquaculture production
Organic Programme (NOP). However, in 2005 dis- and markets
cussions on organic aquaculture standards became Stefan Bergleiter (Naturland—Association for Organic
more complicated when Californian Governor Arnold Farming e.V.) and Udo Censkowsky (Organic Services)
Schwarzenegger signed a law that prohibited all or-
ganic labelling of farmed seafood until the enforce- The number of certified organic aquaculture operations
ment of a public regulation for such types of product. (including the production of micro algae) amounts to
This law caused a setback for US organic aquaculture 240 in 29 different countries in 2009 (figure below).
production and market development. Until today, it is Most of the operations are located in Europe. However,
still unclear when the US Department of Agriculture it has to be considered that these are often small scale
will introduce the first regulation for organic aquac- carp or trout farms with less than one hectare pond
ulture as part of the National Organic Programme of surface, typically run on a part time basis. In China, 72
the United States. operations have received organic certification under
the national Chinese regulation.
In 2000, IFOAM, the world’s umbrella organization
for organic agriculture, published its first draft ba- In Europe, the lead product in organic aquaculture is
sic standards for organic aquaculture, which became Atlantic Salmon, followed by the Mediterranean spe-
fully accepted basic standards five years later. IFOAM cies Seabass and Seabream, freshwater salmonids
subsequently entered into this new field of activities (Rainbow and Brown Trout, and charr species), and
following developments undertaken by some of its carp. In Latin America, there is a strong dominance of
affiliated certification bodies and formed the IFOAM organic western white shrimp operations in Ecuador,
Aquaculture Group in 2003. The latter started to or- Peru and Brazil. Most common in China is carp pro-
ganize lobbying activities (particularly in regard to duction in polyculture, i.e. in combination with crabs,
legal standard setting in United States and European shrimps or other local species; but there are also cer-
Union) as well as to co-ordinate aquaculture stand- tified operations producing turtles or sea cucumbers.
ards development. In other Asian countries, there is an increasing organ-
ic production of Black Tiger Shrimp (e.g. Bangladesh,
More recently, seminars, workshops and even con- India, Thailand, and Vietnam), Pangasius catfish
ferences have been convened by different organiza- (e.g. Vietnam) and micro-algae (e.g. India).
tions involved in organic aquaculture, such as Organic
Services (BioFish Forum 2004ff), FAO/VASEP (Organic
Aquaculture Conference, 2004, Ho Chi Minh City), the
Total organic aquaculture production reached about species (including Atlantic salmon and shrimps). In
53,500 tons in 2009, accounting for about 0.1 percent Asia, too, the market is evolving, though changes are
of aquaculture production worldwide. Further pro- harder to keep track of. China seems to be experienc-
duction increases are foreseen, both through organic ing a strong organic fish production, but fish products
aquaculture producers expanding existing production labelled organic are not readily visible in stores, and
and through new aquaculture producers entering the market data are not available.
organic aquaculture business. With a growing supply
side, the stage is set for market expansion. In the last Except in a few countries, the market for organic seafood
five years market development has been slow because is still in its infancy with all the associated problems of
of a limited number of reliable organic seafood sup- high costs, low sales volumes, little or no competition,
pliers. This situation is changing right now for major and the need to invest in marketing and create con-
products like salmon and shrimps. sumer awareness of products. In countries traditionally
leading sales of organic seafood such as Germany, the
Assuming that 70 percent of organic aquaculture pro- United Kingdom, France and Switzerland, the market
duction is sold under an organic label, the total market already stands at the threshold of the growth phase
value might have reached ¤230 million at the distrib- (at least for salmon, trout and shrimp). Thus, business
utor level in 2009.2 According to experts, the global and sales volumes are scaling up, competition is grow-
market value will increase annually by 40 to 60 percent ing and prices are under pressure.
in the next three years, eventually surpassing a total
value of ¤500 million in 2011. The lion’s share of market The introduction of organic aquaculture production
growth, however, is occurring among a limited number rules in the European Union is expected to support
of countries (including France, Germany, Switzerland further market growth in Europe. Outside of the EU,
and the United Kingdom), market regions and fish sales of organic seafood are observed to be growing
2 Some 30 percent of products produced under organic standards are not, in the end, sold at a premium price.
in new markets where they are introduced as a pre- The Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime
mium gourmet food for distribution through retail Affairs and Fisheries (DG Mare) is responsible for
outlets (such as is the case for organic fish products aquaculture issues and prepared the organic aquacul-
marketed through Hong Kong’s premium supermar- ture implementing rules. It organised a conference in
kets), or through the tourism and gastronomy sectors December 2005 to kick off discussion with the organ-
of their country of origin (such as is the case for or- ic sector. It then held a series of three meetings with
ganic shrimps and oysters in the touristic northeast organic aquaculture experts between October 2007
of Brazil). All in all, the low global market penetra- and May 2008. These experts represented the diver-
tion of organic seafood translates into an opportunity sity of the European organic aquaculture sector; most
for the aquaculture industry. A good example is the of them were also members of the IFOAM EU Group.
United States, the largest single market for organic
food: here, stakeholder discussion on organic aqua- The IFOAM EU Group convened a special expert group
culture production rules is still ongoing, and organic to address the development of the organic aquacul-
fish products cannot yet carry the US Department of ture implementing rules. They actively provided input
Agriculture label for organic food. Sales of organic to the Commission throughout the process, joining DG
seafood are expected to see major growth when this Mare experts’ meetings, preparing several IFOAM EU
situation changes. Group position papers and submitting letters to DG
Mare and DG Agri (Commission’s Directorate-General
While the outlook for the overall global market for for Agriculture and Rural Development).
organic fish seems promising (more and more retail
chains are moving towards sustainable sources of fish With the support of the IFOAM EU Group, DG Agri
and seafood, either certified organic or certified sus- and DG Mare completed the Commission’s first work-
tainable fishery), issues at the production level are ing document on organic aquaculture implementing
problematic. In particular, the economic viability of rules in June 2008. This was then presented to the
organic fish farms with need of external organic feed Standing Committee of Organic Farming (SCOF), a
inputs represents a challenge. In regions with no or committee of national experts under DG Agri.
limited availability of organic feed ingredients impor-
tation might lead to higher production costs, where- The organic aquaculture sector is complex and diverse:
as initiation of organic farm supply projects nearby it covers a vast number of animal and plant species
the aquaculture operation increases start-up costs (more animals, even, than agriculture), a large varie-
for entrepreneurs. ty of national and regional approaches, and a series
of private standards. The sector’s official recognition
The political process of preparing the dates back only to the 1990s, so European-wide re-
implementing rules for organic aquaculture search and evaluation is lacking. These factors, com-
Andrzej Szeremeta (IFOAM EU Group) bined with the short time periods provided for submit-
ting input into Commission processes, caused many
Implementing rules for organic aquaculture have been problems with establishing consensus on a number of
introduced into European regulation as part of the re- issues, especially stocking densities. There was also
vision of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/1991. This revi- heated debate within the SCOF which delayed decision
sion was initiated within the framework of the 2004 making. Originally due to be finalised in 2008, the or-
European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming. ganic aquaculture implementing rules were ultimately
The new Organic Regulation included basic rules on approved by the SCOF in June 2009 and published
organic aquaculture production but lacked detailed as Commission Regulation (EC) No 710/2009 in the
implementing rules which, due to their specific nature, Official Journal of the EU on the 6th August 2009, to
required specialist consideration and development. take effect on the 1st July 2010.
Table: The political process of preparing the implementing rules for organic aquaculture
21st December 2005 Commission publishes its proposal for revision of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/1991
May 2007 European Parliament adopts its report on the revision proposal
28th June 2007 Council adopts the new Organic Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic produc-
tion and labelling of organic products (published in the Official Journal of the EU on
20th July 2007)
18th September 2008 New organic implementing rules are published as Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 in
the Official Journal of the EU following approval by the SCOF in July
October 2007–May DG Mare organises three series of experts’ meetings as a preparation for the de-
velopment of the organic aquaculture implementing rules: 22nd–23rd October 2007;
22nd–24th January 2008 and 28th–29th May 2008
25th June 2008 DG Mare issues its first working document on organic aquaculture implementing rules
1st January 2009 New Organic Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 comes into force together with the im-
plementing rules
27th January 2009 Commission issues draft organic aquaculture implementing rules
6th August 2009 After being adopted by the SCOF in June, the organic aquaculture implementing rules
are published in the Official Journal of the EU as Regulation (EC) No 710/2009 as
amendments to the new organic implementing rules (Regulation (EC) No 889/2009)
1st July 2010 The organic aquaculture implementing rules are applicable.
New EU organic aquaculture rules ten approved private schemes were operating in the
Richard Bates (Unit B.4: Trade and markets, Community, but only a few of these operate across
DG MARE, European Commission) more than one Member State. Denmark was the first
and Maria Fladl (Unit H.3: Organic farming,
DG AGRI, European Commission) Member State to adopt national rules for organic
aquaculture in 2004. France followed suit with very
In 2009, the Commission adopted for the first time comprehensive rules in 2007; these deal with a large
production rules for organic aquaculture: range of species. Ireland had developed draft rules by
2007 but decided to wait for the EU rules to finalise
Commission Regulation (EC) No 710/2009 amending national rules and the Spanish region of Andalucía no-
Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 laying down detailed tified the Commission of its draft rules in 2007.
rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC)
No 834/2007, as regards laying down detailed rules on The situation has been far from satisfactory in terms
organic aquaculture animal and seaweed production. of the single market, as free movement has not been
guaranteed. Producers had to undergo multiple cer-
The new Regulation will apply as from 1 July 2010 to- tifications to access markets in the various Member
gether with obligation to use the EU organic logo on States which is costly and time consuming. Even within
pre-packaged goods. That means operators may also a single country a processing plant handling fish cer-
benefit from using the newly designed EU organic logo. tified organic by one standard-holder has not always
been permitted to process fish certified under anoth-
The Regulation aims to achieve a balance between the er standard, even if no overlap in processing occurs.
existing national rules and private schemes so as to
give a minimum standard for organic aquaculture and How are the rules for organic aquaculture
seaweed products on the Community market, from constructed?
both Community production and imports. The new rules in Regulation (EC) No 710/2009 are part
of the EU organic legislation and cannot be seen as a
Why do we need rules for EU organic aquaculture? “stand-alone” Regulation.
The European Action Plan 2004 for Organic Food and
Farming (COM (2004) 415), urging the revision of the 1) Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007
EU organic farming legislation, advocates actions to
“complete and further harmonise the standards for Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 builds the
organic agriculture by considering the need for ex- foundation of the EU organic legislation by drawing
tending the scope to other areas such as aquaculture” up a set of objectives and principles for organic pro-
(Action 10). Prior to this, the establishing of a common duction of agricultural products, processed agricul-
definition of organic aquaculture with specific norms tural products, feed and seed.
and criteria was one of the action items listed in the
Commission’s Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy pub- Since aquaculture products are considered to be
lished in 2002 (COM (2002) 511f). agriculture products and listed in Annex I of the EU
Treaty, they are covered by the scope of the organic
The EU organic farming standard has been in place for legislation. Consequently the organic objectives and
plants since 1991 and for livestock since 1999. Its revi- principles apply also to aquaculture. Capture fisheries
sion was a major challenge, and expanded its scope are also listed in Annex I, but are excluded from the
to include aquaculture. The inclusion of aquaculture scope of organic legislation just as game is.
took account of the developments on the ground in
this fast growing sector of food production. The same goes for the general rules on production, la-
belling and control, which are applicable to all organic
Up to now organic aquaculture has been regulated agriculture products. For example, the use of GMOs
through a mixture of private schemes and, in a few (genetically modified organisms) or the use of ionis-
Member States, national rules. By mid-2009 some ing radiation are generally prohibited. Furthermore,
all organic agriculture products must be labelled un- seaweed, for which for the detailed production rules
der the same conditions and may bear the EU organ- are designed.
ic logo. Member States—under the supervision of the
Commission—have to establish a specific organic con- For aquaculture animals, certain aquatic plants and
trol system, which comes under the Official Food and micro algae which are not explicitly listed under the
Feed Control system (Regulation (EC) No 882/2004). scope of Regulation (EC) No 710/2009, national rules
or private standards accepted by Member States may
The import of all organic agriculture products from apply (Article 42 of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007).
third countries is governed by the general trade rules
in Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and further detailed The provisions follow the logic/order of the general
in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008. production rules as laid down in the Council Regulation
and provide more specific details:
More specific general production rules are laid down
for seaweed in Article 13 and for aquaculture animals Conditions are set for the aquatic production environ-
in Article 15 of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007. For ment, for impacts on other species of animals, plants
seaweed, the growing areas are clearly defined and and birds, and for separation of organic and non-or-
provisions are made to ensure the sustainable use of ganic aquaculture units (according to the suitability
wild seaweed as well as the environmentally friendly of the aquatic medium). The drawing up and mainte-
cultivation of seaweed. For aquaculture animals, gen- nance of a sustainable management plan should sup-
eral provisions are set up for the sourcing of animals port traceability and transparency of environment-spe-
and for environmentally friendly and high-welfare hus- cific measures which are taken to minimise negative
bandry practices in breeding, feeding and veterinary impacts. Most new production units will be required
treatment. Requirements for growing zones of bivalve to carry out an environmental assessment. Provisions
molluscs are also outlined. also recommend the use of renewable energy sources.
Any change or amendment of the Council Regulation The Chapter for aquaculture animals requires animal
requires the agreement of the Council and the European welfare conditions in husbandry and slaughter to be
Parliament. addressed (including maximum stocking densities). It
specifies that biodiversity should be respected, and
2) Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 and does not allow the use of induced spawning by arti-
Commission Regulation (EC) No 710/2009 ficial hormones. Organic feeds should be used where
they are available, and there are provisions for fish
The Council Regulation is supplemented by Commission feeds to be derived from sustainably managed fish-
Regulation (EC) No 889/2008, which lays down de- eries. Special provisions are made for bivalve mollusc
tailed implementing rules for production, control and production and for seaweed. The final Annex lists pro-
labelling of organic agriculture products. It is ad- duction requirements including maximum density by
dressing mainly operators and control bodies/con- species grouping and type of farming.
trol authorities.
Beside the two Chapters and the Annex on specific
Embedded in this Regulation are the new specific production rules, a number of Articles of Regulation
aquaculture production rules, Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 are amended or completed with
(EC) No 710/2009, published in the Official Journal L aquaculture-relevant provisions. This was done for
204 on 6 August 2009. This Regulation contributes the list of definitions, the processing rules in respect
two new chapters to the organic implementing rules, of seaweed, the transport of live fish, the conversion
a smaller one for seaweed (both wild and cultivated) rules, the specific control requirements and statistics.
and a comprehensive one – separated into seven sec-
tions—for aquaculture animals. Each of them lays down A specific transition rule should help existing organic
the scope for the specific species, be they animal or aquaculture operators to smoothly move to the new
rules by 2013. However, the EU organic logo can only Setting up EU-wide harmonized rules for the aqua-
be used when the operator fully complies with the culture sector is an important achievement. It is ex-
new EU aquaculture rules. pected that it will contribute to the facilitation of the
single market.
It goes without saying that other detailed provisions
in Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 as regards labelling A consolidated version of the implementing rules will
(Title III), control (Title IV) and exchange of informa- be available in the internet in due time (by mid July
tion apply to aquaculture production as to any other 2010) under the hyperlink of EURLEX:
organic agriculture products.
In 2007 the EU agreed a new regulation on organic Both the organic aquaculture implementing rules and
production and labelling (Council Regulation (EC) No labelling requirements in the new Organic Regulation
834/2007 of 28th June 2007) which for the first time take effect from 1st July 2010. For this reason, organic
included aquaculture. The Commission needed to aquaculture products are expected from that day on-
adopt implementing rules to lay down detailed pro- wards to be in fulfilment of all labelling requirements
duction rules before Member States could translate laid down in Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, Articles
this regulation into practice. These were adopted for 23, 24, 25 and 26; and Regulation (EC) No 889/2008,
agriculture in 2008 (Commission Regulation (EC) No Articles 57 and 58.
889/2008) and came into force on 1 January 2009.
The Commission agreed in 2009 on a Regulation set- The labelling requirements introduce some new ele-
ting out a common standard with obligations for var- ments into the labelling regime:
ious groups of aquaculture products (Commission
Regulation (EC) No 710/2009). II Mandatory indication of organic ingredients in
the ingredients list
The new Regulation resulted from negotiation between
the Commission and the EU Member States meet- II Mandatory display of the EU organic logo
ing in the Standing Committee on Organic Farming
which finally gave a favourable opinion on 29th June II Mandatory indication of product origin
2009 having discussed the issue on a number of oc-
casions over the previous year. The original draft text II Mandatory display of new EU-standardised code
was drawn up the DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in numbers
close cooperation with DG Agriculture following inten-
sive discussions with a representative group of experts Organic products—“the 95 percent rule”
which met for seven days in all starting in late 2007. The existing rule that ingredients of agricultural ori-
gin must be at least 95 percent organic for use of the
organic label to be permitted continues to apply in
the same way as it did under old Organic Regulation. Labelling of products derived from hunting and fishing
Meanwhile, labels must also incorporate the new el- The new organic regulations have established specific
ements mentioned above. The example below dem- labelling requirements for products derived from hunt-
onstrates how an organic fish product label may look ing and fishing where these are mixed with organic in-
in practice. gredients. Only with these may there be reference to
organic ingredients in the product title. In other words,
Sample label: although the same recipe may have been used, with
Organic Salmon Wrapped in Organic Dill the same additional organic ingredient(s), ‘organic’
may only appear in the product title where the main
Ingredients: Salmon*1, dill*, vegetable oil*, salt, ingredient is wild fish or game, e.g. ‘Herring Fillets in
smoke Organic Olive Oil’. If the herring were conventionally
*organic farmed, it would simply be labelled ‘Herring Fillets in
Olive Oil’, with a reference to organic made in the in-
[EU logo] gredients list. Meanwhile, standard requirements of
EU agriculture the new regulations apply in full to the preparation
process, including to additives and processing aids. In
UK—organic—000XX [code must be clearly visible] the ingredients list the percentage of organic ingredi-
ents must be mentioned; and neither use of the logo
Labelling of products with less than 95 percent nor indication of origin is permitted. Finally, the code
organic ingredients number of the control body must appear on the label.
For products with less than 95 percent organic in-
gredients, the “ingredients rule” applies. This means Sample label:
that organic ingredients may be indicated as such in Herring Fillets in Organic Olive Oil
the ingredients list, but labelling of the whole prod-
uct as an ‘organic product’ or ‘made with x% organic Ingredients: wild herring, organic olive oil,* salt
ingredients’ is not permitted; neither is use of the EU
organic logo or an indication of origin. *15% of the agricultural ingredients derive from
organic cultivation
It is important to note that for even a single ingredi-
ent to be labelled organic, the entire product must be IR—organic—000XX [code must be clearly visible]
processed according to additive and processing aid
requirements of the new Organic Regulation. In the
ingredients list, the percentage of the whole ingredi-
ent constituted by organic material must be indicat-
ed. Finally, the code number of the control body must
appear on the label.
Sample label:
Herbal salt
Table: Regulations for the production of organic fish and seafood (including marine macro algae)
in Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and its implementing rules, Regulation (EC) No 889/2008
Scope, Title I
principles Title I–III Articles 1–2
and definitions (Articles 1–11) Title II
Articles 3–4
The carp pond system relevant for carp pond systems. It is clearly stated
A multi-species farming system based on green that reproduction induced by hormones and hormone
water production with moderately warm derivates, as well as “artificial induction of polyploi-
temperatures dy, artificial hybridisation, cloning and production of
Marc Mossmer (ARGE Biofisch) monosex strains” (Article 15.1c.i) are all practices in-
compatible with organic production.
Carp ponds are drainable reservoirs or lakes with a
bottom of natural earth, fed by rain or freshwater in- Production system and husbandry practices
flow to fill up or replace losses by evaporation. They Environmental concerns and the physiological and
can reach temperatures up to 25–30°C. They are behavioural needs of animals should all be factored
drained for control, harvest, sorting and restocking, into the design of husbandry practices and contain-
mostly once a year. ment systems. For carp and the other species pro-
duced together with it in polycultures, the containment
There are generally many fish species present in carp system is a fishpond or lake with a bottom of natural
ponds, because carp are often produced in polycultures. earth; this is according to provisions described in the
The leading species is the carp family (Cyprinidae), new Organic Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, Article
and others may be perch, pike, catfish, coregonids 15. The design and management of biological proc-
and sturgeon. Pike Perch (Zander) and eel are also esses in these systems are governed by principles set
commonly present, but are omitted from Regulation down in Article 4.
(EC) No 889/2008.
According to animal welfare and health considera-
Organic Origin tions, the organic aquaculture implementing rules
As reproduction of carp and other species in carp limit annual biomass gain to a maximum harvest of
ponds is mainly managed naturally and not in hatch- 1,500 kg per hectare per year, or a maximum density
eries, rules applying to organic breeding in hatcher- of 1.5 kg per m3.
ies are more relevant to intensive farming systems like
those of salmonids or marine and other warm water Biodiversity requirements for (1) the aquatic ecosys-
species. However, the organic aquaculture implement- tem (Recital 12 of Regulation (EC) No 710/2009), and
ing rules do contain both general and species-specific (2) the vegetation in and around production systems
stipulations which carp pond operators should note. (Annex XIIIa, Section 6; also Article 25g.1b) are both
relevant to carp pond operators and should be easy
On the origin of aquaculture animals, the organic to fulfil.
aquaculture implementing rules state that locally-
grown species are preferred, and breeding should be Meanwhile, new operations applying for organic pro-
oriented towards improving adaptation to “farming duction with an output of more than 20 tons of aqua-
conditions, good health and good utilisation of feed culture products per year require “an environmental
resources” (Article 25d.1). assessment to ascertain the conditions of the produc-
tion unit and its immediate environment and likely ef-
Stock should come from organic broodstock and from fects of its operation” (Article 6b.2 of Regulation (EC)
organic farms, but until 2015, non-organic fish can be No 889/2008).
introduced under certain conditions and labelled or-
ganic as long as at least the latter two-thirds of their Clean water provision is discussed in Annex XIIIa,
life is spent under organic management. Section 6. While closed recirculation facilities are
not permitted (Article 25g), oxygen aeration may be
The general requirement in new Organic Regulation used for animal health requirements and in transport
(EC) No 834/2007 that “species-specific conditions (Article 25h).
for broodstock management, breeding and juvenile
production shall be established” (Article 15.1c.iii) is
(Salvelinus alpinus) — Grayling (Thymallus thymal- populations if they manage to spawn. The organic ap-
lus) — American Lake Trout or Grey Trout (Salvelinus proach minimizes these risks in sea cage aquaculture,
namaycush) — Huchen (Hucho hucho) but producers must make efforts with good feed con-
trol and breeding for later spawning.
Seawater: Salmon (Salmo salar) — Brown trout (Salmo
trutta) — Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Slaughter
Article 25h.5 of the organic aquaculture implementing
Origin of broodstock rules decree that, “Slaughter techniques shall render
The organic aquaculture implementing rules require fish immediately unconscious and insensible to pain.”
stock to come from organic broodstock and organic For salmonids, there is no doubt that “the optimal
holdings. Until 2015, conventional juveniles that have slaughter method” to achieve this should be electro-
spent the last two thirds of their life under organic cution or a blow to the head rather than the use of
management may also be certified as organic. Yet carbon dioxide and ice slurry.
in salmon and trout aquaculture today, a very few
breeding companies deliver roe to many hatcheries, Predators
and organic roe is rare (the situation is very similar to Fish are susceptible to attack by different predators
that of organic chicken production). For this reason, both on land and at sea. Measures against predators
organic hatcheries are permitted to use conventional are to be recorded under the new rules (Article 25b.2),
roe up to 2015. and must be chosen in consideration of the species
involved. In sea cages nets are placed on top and on
Another challenge at this early stage of the aquacul- the sides of the cages to prevent diving birds from
ture sector is the limitation placed by new regulations attacking fish. Seals are to be scared away manually
on supplementary oxygen in nursery tanks. Oxygen is or mechanically.
generally supplemented for animal welfare purposes.
Husbandry practices Salmonids are carnivores, entailing precautions when
The new regulations decree that freshwater fish must increasing the proportion of vegetable material in their
have containment systems with a bottom “as close as diet. In the conventional industry, fish meal and fish oil
possible to natural conditions,” i.e. stones and similar. are respectively replaced by products from vegeta-
This gives the fish the feeling of being in nature, but ble sources, largely due to cost and availability con-
also makes it more difficult for the farmer to main- siderations around marine sources. Under Article 25k
tain optimal water quality, adjusting the feed and wa- of the organic aquaculture implementing rules, fish-
ter supply. based feed must itself be a product of organic aqua-
culture, or must be derived from sustainable exploi-
Most salmonid production today comes from fish tation of wild stocks, defined in the 2002 regulation
smoltified in freshwater tanks with ongrowing at sea. on fisheries (Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002) as “the
Sea cages can be up to 180m in circumference and exploitation of a stock in such a way that the future
60m in diameter, with a depth of 35m, giving the fish exploitation of the stock will not be prejudiced and
a feeling of free swimming and shoaling which is im- that it does not have a negative impact on the ma-
portant for these species. rine eco-systems.” However, the scarcity of certified
sustainable fish meal and oil represents at present a
Environmental impact major problem.
Closed recirculation systems are forbidden under the
organic aquaculture rules. Production of salmonids in Fish oil and meal is rich in fat, and oxidizes easily. In
sea cages causes a number of problems: faeces and conventional production, synthetic antioxidants such
lost feed affect the sea floor; medication and lost feed as Etoxyquin and BHT are added to delay the proc-
affect wild fish populations, along with diseases and ess. The organic solution is to use vitamin E or other
the multiplication of parasites in farmed populations; natural antioxidants (Annex VI).
and escaped fish can have a genetic impact on wild
Wild salmonids also feed on crustaceans, giving rise to technical equipment, and is to be updated annually
the red coloring of their meat. In conventional aquac- to reduce the risk of incidents involving escape of fish
ulture, consumer demands and physiological needs of and pollution.
the animal require the use of astaxhantin, which is an
important antioxidant supplied from synthetic sourc- Fish can be produced on land in ponds and tanks, but
es. In organic production, astaxhantin should come closed containment systems with recirculation of wa-
from natural sources such as organic shrimp produc- ter are not permitted at present in organic aquacul-
tion, the yeast Phaffia, or certain bacteria; the organic ture; while such a system enables control of the en-
aquaculture implementing rules specify these items, vironmental impact, it is thought to be unnatural and
but it may be problematic for producers that the limit to compromise the welfare of the animals.
of animals’ physiological needs and therefore the ac-
cepted usage levels are not specified. In sea cages, as well as on land, the difficulty is to de-
fine the distance at which organic units are safe from
Medical treatment the impact of conventional units. The organic aqua-
A big problem in salmon production in sea cages to- culture implementing rules delegate this decision to
day is the infection of sea lice. Lice on farmed fish can Member State authorities, which may result in differ-
easily produce many larvae in the spring, infecting ent decisions in different Member States.
and killing the smolt of wild salmon and trout passing
from rivers on their way out into the fjords and the sea. Until 2015, the organic aquaculture implementing
Normally, farmed fish are treated with different medi- rules also permit the use of copper on the nets as an
cations, but increasing problems with resistant lice is antifouling measure.
necessitating a search for alternative solutions. The
organic strategy is to use Cleaner Fish together with Tropical fish species
the salmon in the cages. It is, however, a challenge for Omri Lev (Geva Organic aquaculture) and Hagai Raban
the skilled farmer to handle the Cleaner Fish correctly. (freelance consultant on organic production)
The number of Cleaners must be adjusted to lice and
other feeding material on the nets. This article deals with tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) and
pangasius, or Siamese Catfish (Pangasius spp.), clas-
Siting and environmental issues sified as Tropical Fish as per Annex XIIIa of Regulation
Many critics of aquaculture point to the sector’s heavy (EC) No 889/2008.
environmental impact. It is stated in the Organic
Regulation that organic agriculture, on principle, “re- General Industry overview
spects nature’s systems and cycles and sustains and At present, conventional tilapia and pangasius produc-
enhances the health of soil, water, plants and animals tion are the fastest growing sectors in world aquacul-
and the balance between them” (Regulation (EC) No ture. The production area of pangasius increased by
834/2007, Title II, Article 3). The Regulation (EC) No 15 percent during 2009. The growth of this industry
710/2009 in Recital 5 notes the need for environmen- is fuelled by increasing consumer demand for low-
tal sensitivity in aquaculture and refer readers to the cost fish protein with light flesh, light taste and light
environmental legislation which governs their activity. colour. The western markets’ demand for pangasius
is supplied from ever-increasing production areas in
Environmental assessments must be carried out by the Mekong Delta, and recently from other rivers in
new operations using Council Directive 85/337/EEC south east Asia. Tilapia are produced in a wider range
or equivalent to help producers define the quality of habitats and climates, but the present world pro-
of the site for intended production (Regulation (EC) duction leader is China. In light of current industry
889/2008, Article 6b.3). Based on the assessment, growth surrounding these species, the new organic
producers are to establish a management plan in- regulations represent an important opportunity to in-
volving measures to reduce the negative environmen- crease consumer confidence in the organic label, and
tal impact of the unit. The plan should also address thus increase the shift to organic production methods.
surveillance, environmental monitoring and repair of
The challenge of sustainable standards takes place in large clusters of neighboring farms in
The invasive nature of the tilapia, coupled with increas- rivers and lakes. Absence of distance specification may
ing pressure on natural habitats as result of produc- cause difficulties for positioning organic production
tion growth, poses considerable environmental chal- units in such areas, hindering conversion to organic
lenges of regional and of global scales. In the past of existing units in areas already exploited for aqua-
year, several new schemes were launched within the culture. In addition, conditions for sea cage produc-
aquaculture industry aiming to create frameworks tion set out in Article 25g.3 should also be adapted
for certified sustainable production of these species. to apply also to production of tilapia and pangasius
Two main schemes are those of GlobalGap Integrated in river and lake containment systems.
Aquaculture Assurance and the WWF. Along with
those, private schemes have been developed by re- Aeration: Artificial aeration is a common practice in
tailers such as Wholefoods. It is therefore reasonable ponds and dam systems, and is widely used in tilapia
to assume that the organic offerings for these spe- production. Reliance on artificial aeration is an indi-
cies will face stiff competition on the market from the cator for pond/cage stocking conditions and stability.
newly introduced sustainable labels. Increased aeration may allow for stocking densities
that are high for the carrying capacity of a system.
The new Organic Regulation in light of the aquac- Practice of aeration should be restricted. Reliance on
ulture industry today aeration as a normal practice is dangerous, as there
Organic production of pangasius and tilapia has been may be no safety margin in emergency cases.
developing since the early 2000s in Vietnam, Central
America and Israel. Annual organic pangasius pro- Prohibition of hormones: Article 25i of Regulation
duction capacity is at present around 4000 tons and (EC) No 889/2008 associates the use of hormones
that of tilapia around 1000 tons. Production is being with breeding practices, and thus its applicability may
regulated by private standards – those of Naturland, be interpreted as only for hatcheries. In conventional
Bio Suisse and Agrior. tilapia production, however, male hormones (testo-
sterone) are used in the early post-hatchery stages
The organic aquaculture implementing rules cover all for reversing sex to achieve all-male populations; it
relevant and significant aspects of organic production is presumed that Article 25i applies equally to this.
and farm management, and facilitate a wide range of
environmental considerations (see, for example, Articles Fish meal and oil: Articles 25k and 25l set out provi-
6b.1-5 and 25b.1). They also regulate parallel manage- sions for use of these inputs from organic, non-organic
ment of organic and non-organic production on the and sustainable sources. The use of these inputs for
same farm. This is important to permit certain new pangasius is limited to 10 percent of the diet, where-
farms an economically sustainable conversion phase. as no specification is given for tilapia (an omnivorous
Nonetheless, the new rules are not focused enough species). Currently, in the production of organic tila-
regarding some specific points critical to distinguish pia, fish meal and oil from certified sustainable sources
organic from non-organic management systems and generally constitutes up to 30 percent of the diet. To
to support safe conversion; tilapia and pangasius are compensate for absence of these inputs in an organic
fish requiring very specific organic management prac- tilapia diet, producers would have to look for alterna-
tices which are somewhat overlooked. tive protein sources from terrestrial and marine plants;
efficient solutions of this nature are yet to be devel-
Overview of some critical points for organic tropi- oped. How to supply a balanced diet to this species
cal fish management without fish protein is an open question.
Position of production units: Article 6b of Regulation
(EC) No 889/2008 requires positioning of organic pro- Stocking densities: The definitions given in Section
duction units in a way that will prevent their exposure 9, of the Annex XIIIa (Regulation (EC) No 889/2008)
to prohibited substances, but does not specify dis- for pangasius in cage culture are in line with cur-
tances. Tilapia and pangasius production commonly rent practices of organic production, but there are
no definitions for tilapia. Tilapia culture is more com- located amongst mangrove forests, have often been
mon in earth ponds than in cages. Density provisions accused of heavily contributing to mangrove destruc-
should be developed for such systems. Tilapia is suit- tion. Any meaningful certification of shrimp farms must
ed to polyculture systems, which can be argued to be therefore be robust about mangrove protection and,
more compatible with organic production principles where applicable, reforestation.
than monoculture systems. Provisions of Section 6 can
be viewed as applicable for tilapia in polyculture, with The organic aquaculture implementing rules state
densities significantly lower than permissible limits. that “Mangrove destruction is not permitted”. In re-
ality, there is little destruction carried out by existing
Conclusions farms; in any case, most countries consider mangrove
Organic aquaculture of tilapia and pangasius is in the destruction illegal. Typically, the control body will en-
early stages of development. Current consumption counter a situation where the mangrove on the farm
growth for these species can be seen as opportuni- area has been destroyed in the past, either by the cur-
ty for the organic sector. The existing requirements rent owner or previously. For this situation, private
provide a basic framework, but perhaps more detail certifiers have developed protocols for mangrove re-
is needed in certain parts to provide for the wide di- forestation, giving percentages and time frames to
versity of production systems in tropical aquaculture. provide a base for inspection and certification. This
is challenging and costly, requiring the evaluation of
Penaeid shrimp and freshwater prawns historical maps and aerial photographs to define the
areas to be reforested (sometimes requiring ponds to
Stefan Bergleiter (Naturland— be taken out of production) and a big financial outlay
Association for Organic Farming e.V.) for material and labour.
Shrimp farming is economically important in many It seems that Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 offers an
tropical areas, contributing to employment and gener- “easier deal” on mangrove issues than private stand-
ating foreign earnings. However, contemporary shrimp ards, at the expense of relevance and credibility. There
aquaculture has been criticized for causing negative appears to have been little or no input from environ-
impacts on the environment and the livelihood of mental NGOs, and it remains to be seen if major criti-
other parts of coastal society. The significance of or- cism will be raised from this quarter. A future revision
ganic shrimp aquaculture, therefore, lies in its ability will have to deal in more detail with mangrove con-
to overcome these problems and to offer sustainable servation issues.
methods of production.
Use of conventional medicine and antibiotics
Private standards for organic shrimp farming have op- Mortalities in farmed shrimp are typically caused by
erated since the late 1990s. Now, the organic aquacul- virus manifestations (e.g. WSSV) triggered by stress
ture implementing rules provide general rules for aqua- from factors such as high stocking densities, poor wa-
culture and in Annex XIIa, Section 7 for shrimp farming ter quality, or drop in temperature. Even though it is
specifically. This article highlights three central aspects generally recognised that (1) it is not adequate to treat
of organic shrimp farming and how they are addressed virus-borne diseases with antibiotics, and (2) the large
in the organic aquaculture implementing rules. size and open character of shrimp ponds and farms
are not appropriate for large scale application of con-
Mangrove protection ventional drugs, there have been significant scandals
Mangrove forests are an extremely important element about drug residues (particularly Chloramphenicol)
of coastal ecosystems in the tropics, forming a nurs- in farmed shrimp.
ery ground for many marine species, a natural shield
against wave action and erosion, and a base for tra- Private standards typically prohibit application of con-
ditional fishery and wild collection activities (of mus- ventional medicine in shrimp, taking into account that
sels or firewood, for example). Shrimp farms, typically they are short-lived (ca. 100-day production cycle)
invertebrates in close-to-nature pond environments The matter is complex, and the organic aquaculture
with hundreds of different microorganisms. implementing rules have set limits for stocking den-
sities at 22 postlarvae per m2, for fish meal in the
The organic aquaculture implementing rules, however, shrimp feed ratio at less than 10 percent, and for the
permit the use of allopathic treatments (Article 25t), “maximum instantaneous biomass” at less than 240
though they set a limit of one treatment per year, the grammes per m2 (which equates to relatively high
shrimp production cycle being shorter than one year. figures of ca. 4.8t/ha/y). Private standards are gen-
Until now, the prohibition of conventional drugs in erally stricter than this, coming to a more equal “fish
organic shrimp farming has greatly contributed to in : shrimp out” ratio, but also addressing total pro-
its standing, and has been widely applauded by mar- tein and feed conversion rate. The latter is important,
kets and the aquaculture sector itself. It remains to since it addresses the absolute quantities consumed
be seen if the more permissive approach adopted for in producing a certain amount of shrimp, not only the
EU organic legislation will be equally well accepted. qualitative composition of a typically compound feed.
A future revision might do well to distinguish more
between finfish and shellfish with respect to conven- In the organic aquaculture implementing rules, there
tional treatments. is an imbalance between being very strict on the fish
meal percentage, and not making clear provisions for
Density and intensity of shrimp farming other feeding aspects. At least in theory, the limita-
Shrimp are mainly omnivorous feeders, living on a tion of fish meal to not more than 10 percent creates
wide range of microorganisms, aquatic invertebrates pressure to substitute more certified organic vege-
and algae, particularly diatoms. In extensive shrimp table feedstuff. And experience has shown that this
farming with yields below 1 ton per hectare per year feed component, often imported, is the greatest cost
(t/ha/y), the shrimps can thrive exclusively on the factor for organic shrimp farms. It may be claimed
natural feed growing on the nutrient load of incom- that this requirement therefore discriminates unfairly
ing water, which may be moderately enhanced by against “Southern” shrimp (and similarly tilapia and
organic fertilizers. Increasing stocking densities cre- pangasius catfish) versus “Northern” finfish species,
ates the need for external feed, typically consisting for which any amount of fishmeal and oil is permit-
of fish meal plus whatever available vegetable source ted in organic diets.
of carbohydrates (e.g. wheat, corn, rice, cassava). Up
to a yield of around 3t/ha/y, it is feasible to achieve These organic shrimp rules represent a first attempt to
a ratio of “fish in” to “shrimp out” (both calculated regulate this complex aquaculture sector, addressing
by fresh weight) of 1:1, meaning that there is no net not only the issues discussed above, but also animal
loss of marine protein from the system. Any system welfare in hatchery/breeding techniques, bio-safety of
more intensive than this becomes a net consumer of livestock, chemical processing additives, on-farm biodi-
marine protein (or at least of highly elaborated veg- versity and others. As the above examples show, there
etable protein feed). Furthermore, with such a high is a definite need for future revisions in several areas.
consumption of feed, the farm begins to release nu-
trients into the environment, causing eutrophication Molluscs
of adjacent water bodies. Tor Kristian Stevik (Norwegian
University of Life Sciences)
Organic shrimp schemes have had, of course, the
objective of defining an adequate farming intensity Bivalve molluscs filter algae and organic particles as
limit, balancing the farmer’s interest in producing vi- food from the surrounding water. Molluscs can there-
able quantities out of an—often expensive and limit- fore have a positive effect on water quality in coastal
ed—farm area, and the organic principle of adjusting areas and are well-suited to polyculture (co-production
livestock to the capacity of an area and to the recy- with other organisms). Since the animals are not arti-
cling of nutrients. ficially fed, mollusc production may be undertaken in
areas which would otherwise not normally be suitable
for aquaculture species because of potential pollution In order to be able to carry out organic production
problems. The uptake of food from the surrounding of bivalve molluscs, strict requirements should ap-
water represents a challenge since its quality cannot ply, particularly in relation to environmental toxins. It
be controlled. Care should therefore be exercised in the should be established as a future goal to limit organic
localisation of production facilities to avoid the pos- production to ‘status A’ areas.
sibility of uptake of harmful substances. Water qual-
ity data should be collected over a longer period of Sourcing of seed
time in areas intended for the production of molluscs. Large parts of mollusc production are based on the
collection of spawn from wild populations. The spawn
Molluscs are mainly produced in one of two ways: ei- can be either on the seabed or pelagic. In bottom cul-
ther by bottom culture on the seabed, where they are ture, it is not unusual to collect spawn from one geo-
lying freely, attached to lines, or in closed units (such graphical area and grow the molluscs to market size
as nets and cages), or by hanging culture, i.e. attached at another. However, in hanging culture production it
to a material which is held afloat by buoyancy aids on is more normal that spawn is collected and grown in
the sea surface such as long-lines or floats. Additionally, the same area. In some areas, spawn is an important
a limited amount of production occurs on poles (bou- source of food for birds. Article 25o ought to make it
chot) placed in the intertidal zone. clear that harvesting of spawn should not be permit-
ted if it leads to negative impacts in areas where bird
Bottom culture production of molluscs has limited species depend on spawn for food. However, seed
negative impacts if the density is not too high. The from non-organic bivalve shellfish hatcheries maybe
main challenge for production on the seabed is har- introduced to the organic production until 2015.
vesting molluscs which lie freely. Normally, trawling
equipment is used to scrape the seabed, or pumps Management
are used to draw up the molluscs, together with ma- The production density of molluscs means, in bottom
terial from the seabed, to the surface. These types of culture production, the number of individual organisms
equipment have a considerable mechanical impact on or kilograms of biomass per square metre of seabed,
the upper centimetres of the seabed. This is undesir- or in an installation standing on the seabed. In hanging
able since the seabed provides an important growing culture installations the density relates to the number
environment for marine organisms. The seabed fauna of individual organisms per metre of core material.
should be disturbed as little as possible in order to
avoid changes as a result of mollusc production. The Density is an important consideration for animal wel-
following comments refer to Articles 25n to 25r of fare and product quality, but it is also important in
Regulation (EC) 889/2008. terms of the farm’s effect on the surrounding envi-
ronment, including animal life on the seabed. It is im-
Growing area portant that organic production does not negative-
For molluscs, which are filter feeders, the area of pro- ly impact biodiversity around the farm. A maximum
duction is a key consideration. Molluscs are complete- value for density should be set out before negative
ly dependent on the nutrients suspended in water impacts are registered. Article 25p gives no specific
currents. Therefore, the quality of sediments on the details about density of organic mollusc production
seabed as well as emission sources within a certain other than that it should not exceed that for non-or-
radius of the production area should be verified. In ganic production in the area.
addition, it would be advantageous to map currents
in the location. Cultivation rules
All known production methods, like long-lines, rafts,
The organic aquaculture implementing rules are mainly bottom culture, net bags, cages, trays, lantern bets,
focused on polyculture, the need for clear marking of bouchot poles and other containment systems, are
areas for organic bivalve mollusc production; and lim- suitable for organic mollusc production. Only in the
iting the risks for protected species and diving birds. case of bottom culture are general restrictions given
relating to environmental impact. A superficial regula- European stakeholders with regard to either water
tion of this type will undermine confidence in organic quality or harvesting and collecting methods.
products. In order for production to be correctly de-
scribed as organic, better guidelines should be cre- Growing areas
ated for each production form. As an example, the The regulation of appropriate growing areas for sea-
following could be considered in relation to specific weed was a case in point: stakeholders struggled to
production methods: find a standard that could satisfy all. Ultimately, the
II Buoys used in long-line equipment should have approach adopted by legislators has been to define
the same colour and form water quality according to the EC’s Water Framework
Directive and to conventional shellfish production stand-
II The size of equipment placed on the seabed should ards. The relevant wording is to be found in Article 13
not be large enough to significantly prevent the of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, which requires that
movement of bottom dwelling organisms seaweed growing areas be situated in zones of “high
ecological quality” as defined by the Water Framework
II Bouchot-poles should not be placed so densely Directive (2000/60/EC), and that they be “of a qual-
that they lead to significant changes in sea currents ity equivalent to designated waters under Directive
2006/113/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Conclusions Council of 12 December 2006 on the quality required
The most important omission from the organic aqua- of shellfish waters”. Shellfish are not a hundred per-
culture implementing rules is the lack of a descrip- cent relevant to seaweed, but were thought to be a
tion of the equipment for the harvesting of molluscs good enough provisional indicator.
grown in bottom cultures. Current techniques involve
the use of trawling equipment or pumps, both of which The main problem with the reference to these two
can have serious negative impacts on the seabed. For Directives in the legislation is that they have not yet
trawling equipment and pumps to be approved, envi- been transposed into national law by all Member
ronmental impacts will need to be documented and States, and this will cause some problems with imple-
guidelines drawn up for their use. mentation. In theory, areas of high ecological quality
should have been defined by all Member States by 22nd
Mollusc production, due to its being quite natural and of December 2009 within River Basin Management
ecologically friendly, can be described as “organic by Plans (RBMPs), but in practice this has not happened.
default”. The specific regulations for molluscs in the Meanwhile, there are also Member States which have
new aquaculture rules lack detail and make it difficult no areas at all qualifying as of “high ecological qual-
to distinguish an organic and a conventional product. ity.” In these two cases, Member State authorities are
Time will tell whether they and stricter private rules will instructed to use criteria defined in Regulations (EC)
be enough to develop production of and market for No 854/2004 (see its Annex II) on specific rules for
organic molluscs and justify an eventual price premium. the organisation of official controls on products of
animal origin intended for human consumption and
Seaweed Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 on setting maximum
Erwan Jestin (Tonnerre de Brest) and levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs; but these
Michael Böhm (Inter Bio Bretagne) criteria were created for molluscs and are not felt
widely to be appropriate for seaweed. Overall, water
The new Organic Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 in- quality criteria are stricter for seaweed than for other
troduces principles for the production of organic forms of aquaculture production, which has caused
seaweed. Since this production area had not former- some dissatisfaction in the sector.
ly come within the scope of EU organic law, a legal
framework had to be created afresh for it. The proc- Since the Organic Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 al-
ess was complicated: EU-level negotiations revealed ready imposes requirements for site selection, the or-
that there is little consensus between the different ganic aquaculture implementing rules do not go into
additional detail, stating only that “Operations shall evidence of sustainable management and of no long-
be situated in locations that are not subject to con- term impact on the harvesting areas.”
tamination by products or substances not authorised
for organic production, or pollutants that would com- Even if this wording is not very detailed and open to
promise the organic nature of the products” (Article some degree of interpretation, it is much more restric-
6b.1), and “Member State authorities may designate tive than the equivalent articles for terrestrial organic
locations or areas which they consider to be unsuit- wild collection. Indeed, for terrestrial wild collection,
able for organic aquaculture or seaweed harvesting control bodies have much more freedom and respon-
and may also set up minimum separation distances sibility in defining “sustainable management” of a col-
between organic and non-organic production units” lecting site. They generally rely on documents such as
(Article 6b.2). good practice handbooks created by the private sector.
A case study: application of the new Organic Therefore, it would be helpful to give guidelines to
Regulation to growing areas in France control bodies so that they can refer to scientific evi-
Seaweed grows in sea water; of course, the quality of dence to support their decision making on issues such
seaweed therefore depends a lot on the quality of the as biomass estimation or main harvesting seasons.
water. In France, the authorities have been working to- The process of creating the new Organic Regulation
wards establishing tough criteria for classifying seawa- and its implementing rules has brought into focus the
ter quality, and for improving seawater to meet those need for research into optimum harvesting methods
criteria. All operators whose activities have an impact and creation of a strong basis for robust guidelines.
on water quality have been involved in these efforts. Inter Bio Bretagne is one agency that has started such
research, having launched a programme that aims to
Currently, criteria are being prepared for approval; their undertake constant monitoring of approaches applied
initial public release is set for the first half of 2010. Only in different European regions with regard to the sus-
a small number of ocean zones will meet the criteria tainable collection of wild seaweed and the manage-
right away; for others, it will take years, and the work ment tools set up by different stakeholders.
hitherto undertaken by the authorities will provide a
useful foundation. In the meantime, the Ministries of Ideally, the following issues should be treated sepa-
Ecology and Agriculture will probably permit organic rately for each of the main seaweed species falling
seaweed harvesting in ocean sites which meet the cri- within organic definitions:
teria for oyster and seashell production. This is only a II A description of the global and seasonal life cycles
temporary measure, and seaweed operators must be- and identification of the proper harvesting season
gin to prepare for the tougher criteria to come.
II A description of the management frameworks,
Harvesting methods tools, methods and fallows applied in practice
The implementing rules for the new Organic Regulation by harvesters
define appropriate seaweed harvesting techniques
in broad terms. Article 6c.2–4 of Regulation (EC) No II Identification and evaluation of the impact of
889/2008 states that, “Harvesting shall be carried once-off biomass on target and non-target spe-
out in such a way that the amounts harvested do not cies as well as on biodiversity
cause a significant impact on the state of the aquatic
environment. Measures shall be taken to ensure that II Establishment of a means to determine “sustain-
seaweed can regenerate, such as harvest technique, able annual yields” for each harvesting site.
minimum sizes, ages, reproductive cycles or size of
remaining seaweed. If seaweed is harvested from a The answers to these questions should provide the
shared or common harvest area, documentary evi- competent authorities and control bodies with con-
dence shall be available that the total harvest complies crete tools for the verification of whether practices are
with this Regulation […] These records must provide in line with Organic Regulation requirements.
Inspection and certification systems for on the certification system has been ignored, a fact
aquaculture products under the new rules which could well jeopardise the integrity of organic
Jörn Steffen Gieseler aquaculture.
(IMO—Institute for Marketecology)
The new Organic Regulation specifies that organic con-
For the first time in organic history, European reg- trol bodies must be accredited according to DIN EN
ulations will include requirements for aquaculture 45011 or ISO Guide 65. This highlights the increased
products. The organic aquaculture implementing responsibility that is assigned to control bodies and
rules aim to harmonise certification and inspection the control system. Since aquaculture is a new tech-
by establishing common production rules across the nical scope within the regulations, most accreditation
EU. Their implementation has caused some confusion bodies request formerly EU-accredited control bod-
among the competent authorities, accreditation and ies to apply for an aquaculture scope extension. This
certification bodies applying different approaches in obligatory procedure is not defined by the new regu-
different states; truly successful harmonisation will de- lations` legal framework, but is specified in the ISO/
pend on effective oversight and control of competent IEC 17011, point 7.12 on Extending Accreditation (the
authorities by the Commission itself. ISO/IEC 17011 describes the general requirements for
accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assess-
The new development will certainly harmonise all or- ment bodies).
ganic aquaculture producers on the same minimum
production level (after a fairly extended transitional Qualification of inspection and certification
period during which competent authorities may allow personnel
continued use of existing private or national stand- The organic aquaculture implementing rules have not
ards; see below). Bringing aquaculture fully under the imposed additional requirements on the organic in-
new Organic Regulation should also help to combat spection and certification personnel. Therefore, it is at
fraudulent use of the term “organic” on aquaculture the discretion of the competent authorities to define
products. Thus it should reduce unfair competition additional requirements if felt necessary. There is a risk
and increase consumer confidence. that this will result in diversified requirements for the
qualification of these personnel in different countries,
On the other hand, implications have arisen for aquac- which might therefore cause unequal frameworks and
ulture producers operating under previously accepted unfair competition. The fact that control bodies have
organic rules (e.g. private label standards or nation- different levels of knowledge and experience of aqua-
al requirements), whether those standards are either culture production and its specific requirements both
below or above the new minimum production level. highlights and exacerbates the above mentioned risk.
status while adapting to the rules of this Regulation.” A general problem that came up was the cross-border
Thus aquaculture operators that already produce un- implementation of the new organic regulations, em-
der nationally accepted organic rules have the possi- phasizing the urgent need for action to harmonise
bility of applying for a transition period. Aquaculture the procedures and implementation in regard to or-
operators that have not been certified according to ganic aquaculture.
nationally accepted organic rules prior to 8th August
2009 have to comply with the new organic regulations Since Regulation (EC) No 710/2009 entered into force,
from the time of their first certification. the situation has generally improved. Over time, the
sector has gained more experience and communica-
On the one hand this may result in several inequalities tion between the stakeholders and understanding of
for organic aquaculture operations until 1st July 2013, the specific requirements will quickly improve.
but on the other hand it seems to be a feasible way
to make progress regarding the new organic regula- Procedures in non-EU countries
tions’ implementation, considering the diverse nature The situation in third countries (non-EU states) is more
of organic aquaculture operations worldwide. complicated. Where aquaculture operators had to un-
dergo inspection and certification according to the
After 1st July 2013, operators will have to adapt their import rules requiring “equivalent” standards, each
production systems where they fall below the new accredited certification body designed its own equiv-
minimum requirements, and some of these adapta- alence standard for the Commission’s approval. Thus
tions could be significant. Equally, where existing pri- the risk is high that there will be many different cri-
vate label standards are above the minimum require- teria and methodologies applied and called “equiva-
ments, the organisations will have to decide how to lent”, pushing products on the market that might be
respond, either adopting the lower implementing rules produced in questionable ways. Nonetheless, despite
or maintaining their own standards. this problematic situation the mechanism does pro-
vide the opportunity to implement the requirements
Due to the fact that private label certification will of the organic aquaculture implementing rules in
likely continue to be requested besides the obligato- non-EU Member States in a way that is possible and
ry inspection and certification according to the new feasible. And this, in turn, allows these producers to
Organic Regulation, it has to be highlighted that pri- provide certified aquaculture products for the EU and
vate label certifications are going to become more world markets.
target market orientated than in the past, depending
upon the private labels’ popularity within the respec- Fish welfare – a key issue for organic
tive countries. system standards
Pino Lembo (COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca, ICEA—
Communication between stakeholders Institute for Ethics and Environmental Certification)
and Walter Zupa (COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca)
Since 1st January 2009 a widespread confusion has
grown among all stakeholders in the aquaculture sec-
tor (control bodies, accreditation services, competent From the public and from governments, there is now-
authorities, organic fish farmers, other affected oper- adays an increasing interest in the welfare of farmed
ators and even consumers) about implementation of fish; among farmers, there is growing awareness that
the new Organic Regulation. Lack of clear definitions good welfare equates to increased success of pro-
and criteria and the general lack of communication duction activities.
have resulted in different procedures in the different
Member States, even to the point that operators who Recital 10 of Regulation (EC) No 710/2009 states,
could not fulfil certain requirements might be sanc- “Organic aquaculture animal production should ensure
tioned in one Member State while the same situation that species-specific needs of animals are met. In this
was approved by authorities in another. regard husbandry practices, management systems and
containment systems should satisfy the welfare needs
of animals. […] To minimise pests and parasites and for Water quality and environmental conditions
reason of high animal welfare and health, maximum Fish biochemistry and behaviour are closely connect-
stocking density should be laid down.” ed to the water in which they live. Changes in water
parameters can reduce growth and cause stress that
Stress and welfare increases the incidence of disease, which is detrimen-
In aquaculture facilities it is important to consider tal for fish welfare and might even be lethal. Water
the animal’s state of health and the amount of stress quality could be influenced by different factors such
it faces; thus, a more comprehensive welfare defini- as the production system, rearing densities and the
tion could comprise the fish’s physiological and psy- amount and quality of food. Water quality refers to
chological capability to cope with its environment. chemical parameters such as concentrations of dis-
Stress responses represent a natural reaction to ad- solved oxygen, carbon dioxide, un-ionized ammonia
verse environmental conditions, so they can be used nitrogen and nitrite-nitrogen. Alkalinity, calcium hard-
as indicators of the impairment of the normal welfare ness, nitrate concentration, pH and chloride levels are
conditions. Notwithstanding, physiological respons- also important. Theoretically, increasing rearing den-
es to stress are not necessarily indicative of suffering sity will decrease water quality because of the oxy-
or of compromised welfare. Stress and its associated gen consumption, metabolite accumulation and the
responses must be regarded, first and foremost, as increased amount of suspended solids. The latter are
an adaptive condition of the organism that has the caused by the greater faecal production and the in-
fundamental function of preserving the individual life. creased fish movement. Thus, the presence of faeces
and food waste are probably the most critical aspects
The welfare indicators of farmed fish selected for of the environment for fish welfare.
Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 include “fin damage,
other injuries, growth rate, behaviour expressed, overall Feeding and food quality
health and the water quality” (Article 25f.2). All these Inappropriate composition and timing of feeding re-
are among the most common indicators (Table below) gimes could cause the impairment of fish welfare. Feed
used to assess impairment of each one of the Five distribution in a small area could generate competi-
Freedoms, which have become an accepted frame- tion and increased aggression among fish that in turn
work for evaluating suffering of land-based animals could lead to growth variations reinforcing dominance
and farmed fish. The framework recognises that ani- hierarchies. Feed composition too is important for pre-
mal welfare is complex, reflected in many physiological serving welfare. Diets lacking in critical micronutrients
and behavioural traits, and therefore that combining impair welfare, causing morphological abnormalities,
different indicators offers a much more useful assess- poor immune function, abnormal behaviour and slow
ment than relying on a single indicator.
Table: The Five Freedoms of animal welfare and the indicators used to assess welfare impairment
Five Freedoms of animal welfare Indicators
1 Freedom from hunger and thirst Feed intake, growth rates, condition factor
Physical damage: fin condition, cataracts, lesions
2 Freedom from discomfort Immune responses (e.g. lysozyme activity, respiratory burst activity,
phagocytic activity)
Environmental monitoring: water quality monitoring (dissolved oxygen,
ammonia, pH, carbon dioxide, suspended solids)
3 Freedom from pain, injury or disease
Targeted sampling of fish: gill condition and checking for parasite
Abnormal behaviour: swimming and feeding behaviour, distribution of
Freedom to express normal
4 behaviour
the fish within a system (eg. clumping around inflows), response of fish
to an approaching farmer
Measuring primary and secondary stress responses: plasma, cortisol,
5 Freedom from fear and distress
glucose, lactate, muscles activity
growth. Insufficient levels of high polyunsaturated fatty Dealing with this last consideration, Regulation (EC)
acids have a negative impact on the immune system No 889/2008 states that stocking density should be
and reproductive functions, and therefore, fish meal set according to species or species group and the
and oil are considered essential components of feed effects of stocking density on the welfare of farmed
used in aquaculture. The problem is that feeding wild fish are monitored considering both the condition
fish to farmed fish puts wild fisheries under unsus- of the fish and the water quality (Article 25f.2). The
tainable pressure. For this reason plant protein and stocking densities indicated in Annex XIIIa represent
oil have been used to partially replace fish meal and an attempt to balance consideration for welfare, high
oil, but over a certain level in the diet, plant sources quality and profitability. If duly justified, a possible re-
often show anti-nutritional factors and/or unsuitable vision of these limits might be introduced after July
content of amino acids and essential fatty acids that 2013, depending on on-farm experiences.
could impair fish welfare.
Disease and parasites
The specific rules on feeds for carnivorous aquacul- When fish live in poor welfare conditions, stress events
ture animals in the organic aquaculture implementing reduce their ability to fight diseases. Indeed, various
rules give first priority to the sustainable exploitation severe health problems are associated with intensive
of fisheries, using ingredients of fish origin derived fish farming, such as cataracts, post-immunisation
from trimmings of fish. Other considerations include peritonitis, skeletal deformities, soft tissue malfor-
“animal health, high product quality, including the nu- mations, viral disease and wound or skin ulcers. The
tritional composition, which shall ensure high quality occurrence of these conditions in aquaculture may
of the final edible product, and low environmental impact the ability of fish to undertake normal respi-
impact” (Article 25j). The most challenging problem ration, feeding and reproductive behaviours, also re-
is, therefore, to find the better trade-off between the sulting in poor production performances. The actual
high quality of the final edible product, a low envi- incidence of several diseases that had been a major
ronmental impact and the amount of trimmings, in problem in aquaculture in the recent past has been to
which content of amino acids and essential fatty ac- some extent reduced by vaccination practices, even if
ids is generally poor. these prevention procedures have also shown to be
stressful to the fish. However, further studies on the
Stocking density effects of handling, transport, and feeding on stress
Fish live and move in a three-dimensional medium that physiology should help to improve welfare standards.
is vital for both their survival and the expression of
their full range of natural behaviours; this makes the Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 states that animal health
concept of minimum space for fish more complex than management should be primarily based on the preven-
for terrestrial animals. Furthermore, among fish, there tion of disease. But when, despite this, health prob-
are many interspecific differences in space needs and lems arise, veterinary treatments may be used with a
tolerance to stocking density. In general, high density limit of two courses of allopathic treatment per year
conditions may increase swimming activity and be- or, in the cases of a production cycle of less than a
havioural interactions between fish, leading to a rise year (i.e. invertebrates), with a limit of one treatment.
in energetic expenditures up to levels that could be In this last point there is the sole significant difference
detrimental for physiological processes. Particularly, with the IFOAM basic standards, which state a prohi-
higher swimming activity can result in a higher use of bition of any treatment for invertebrates.
the anaerobic metabolism, which represents energy
reserves used in a situation of stress. Less availability Pre-slaughter and slaughter
of this reserve might cause reduced ability of the fish An optimal slaughter method should render fish un-
to react to other stresses in their environment. Thus, conscious until death, without avoidable excitement,
stocking density results to be an important factor for pain or suffering prior to killing. Behaviour can be
fish welfare, but cannot be considered in isolation a good and non-invasive indicator of fish welfare at
from other environmental factors. the time of slaughter, because it rapidly responds to
environmental changes. The most frequent behavioural Challenges of the organic standards:
observations are related to the strength and the per- what will the future look like for
sistence of the swimming motility and gill ventilation. European organic aquaculture?
However, it is important to study methods that would Andrzej Szeremeta (IFOAM EU Group),
be useful when the achievement of instantaneous in- Pino Lembo (COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca,
ICEA—Institute for Ethics and Environmental
duction of insensibility is not possible, the objective Certification) and Andreas Stamer (FiBL—
being that the animal should be rendered unconscious Research Institute of Organic Agriculture)
and insensible until death. Furthermore, the biochem-
istry of the muscle post-mortem and the onset of rigor Europe’s organic aquaculture sector has been asking for
are influenced by the method used in pre-slaughter many years to be included in the Organic Regulation.
handling, stunning and killing of fish which, in turn, Since the 1990s, the sector has developed based on
can compromise the organoleptic qualities and mar- private standards, and more recently also national laws
ketability of the final product. which have appeared in a few European countries.
Consequently, the organic aquaculture implementing
Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 affirms that slaughter rules come into being at a time when European aquac-
techniques should render fish immediately unconscious ulture is diversified and fragmented: basic approaches
and insensible to pain, but does not provide specific vary from region to region, and standards differ from
indication of the most suitable techniques. This might and sometimes even conflict with each other.
result in different application of the principle in differ-
ent countries. In any case, scientific and technological While implementation will be a challenge both for op-
understanding in this field should be further expand- erators in the organic sector and for authorities at na-
ed, particularly in terms of on-farm experimentation. tional and EU levels, a European regulation that cre-
ates common basic standards has been welcomed. It
Conclusions has, however, brought up many deeply problematic
Just as do other animals, fish require proper consid- issues which are not yet near resolution.
eration for their welfare in management, and this is re-
flected both in the organic principles and in European Feed sourcing and feed quality have become one of
regulations. To this purpose, organic fish farming pro- the most important challenges for aquaculture and
cedures should consider, as a priority, how to mini- organic aquaculture especially.
mise unnecessary stress and keep under control the
whole life cycle of farmed fish. The improvement of Organic production tries to minimise its environmental
rearing conditions will benefit fish welfare as well as impact as much as possible with respect to feeding
aquaculture profitability. Welfare concerns are inter- systems. The systems most in line with this objective
connected: water quality, stocking density, feeding, are extensive production systems of omnivorous fish
nutritional condition and management procedures species, seaweed and molluscs which can utilise nu-
all have a direct effect on fish stress levels, subse- trients naturally available in the water. Such systems
quent stress tolerance, health and overall welfare, so need little or no external inputs of feed; or, in the words
care for the whole requires conscientious attention of the Regulation, they achieve “nutrient removal” and
to each individual part. “facilitate polyculture” (Recital 7 and 16 of Regulation
(EC) No 710/2009). Examples of species well suited
to self-sufficient polycultures include the carp fami-
ly, tilapia, pangasius, milkfish, shrimp and prawn. The
organic aquaculture implementing rules require all of
these species to feed on material naturally available
in ponds and lakes, and only where natural feed is not
available in sufficient quantity might they be fed with
organic plants or seaweed products. In case of shrimp,
prawn and pangasius, feeding with fish meal or oil up
to 10 percent of the total feed ration is allowed. While human consumption” (Article 25k.1d) are permitted.
for many polyculture systems the complete avoidance Opponents argue that such ingredients are, in essence,
of nutrient inputs should be entirely possible, seaweed conventional feed, with all the associated problems of
fertilisation is sometimes used to introduce nutrients. pollution, contamination, perpetuation of an unsustain-
Such an approach is possible only for limited number able conventional sector and the disappearance of the
of omnivorous fish species. It is common in Asian and distinction between organic and non-organic products.
African aquaculture, but in Europe is so far practiced Even where ‘sustainable’ fisheries are concerned, part
only in small carp ponds and lagoon systems. of the problem is that the concept of sustainability
as defined in European Policy is implemented poorly
In addition to polycultures, multi-trophic systems are in Member States, leaving a significant proportion of
another area for future development. Integrated mul- the organic sector unsatisfied. More radical elements
ti-trophic aquaculture includes organisms from dif- of the sector cannot accept any use at all of ingredi-
ferent trophic levels of an ecosystem, so that the by- ents of fish origin.
products of one become the inputs of another. Such
systems used in conventional aquaculture, and could In a related issue, globalisation of the production and
be of great interest to the organic sector. trade of fish meal has resulted in the transport of
raw materials and final products over long distances
In organic production, the ideal would be to mimic across the globe. This is not addressed at all in the
nature as closely as possible. Consistent with this Regulation. It is felt by many that the organic sector
value, an important goal for aquaculture could be to should devote resources to developing the local pro-
develop self-sustaining natural systems (with perhaps duction of fish meal and plants for feed; feed plants
some additional fertilisation) such as those mentioned can even be grown on site in many cases.
above as the mainstay of the sector. Such systems re-
flect naturally-occurring ecosystems which cycle nu- It is because organic feed sources are not sufficient
trients and self-clean effectively. Ecological impact that the feed provisions described above were made;
would be small, and resilience high. but their opponents argue that the solution should be
to reduce production of resource-intensive carnivorous
The production of carnivorous fish is much more dif- fish rather than compromise organic integrity. This has
ficult to undertake sustainably. Depletion of wild fish made feed one of the more controversial elements of
stocks was one of the incentives for development of the organic aquaculture implementing rules.
aquaculture, but it did not solve the problem as the
majority of the farmed fish require wild fish as a source Supply of nutrients to carnivorous fish will be a subject
of feed. The needs of carnivorous farmed fish are so of attention for the organic aquaculture sector in fu-
great, indeed, that the industry uses not only trim- ture. Fish are more efficient than other animals at con-
mings and bycatch but also fish caught specifically to verting dietary protein into body protein. Nonetheless,
be processed into fishmeal and oil. the production of 1kg farmed fish generally requires
at least 1kg of wild fish. This sort of approach (com-
Of course, the organic aquaculture implementing mon in conventional aquaculture) is not a solution to
rules state that carnivorous fish should preferably be the depletion of wild fish stocks; to the contrary, it
fed with “organic feed products of aquaculture ori- will worsen the problem. Scientific research in the or-
gin” (Article 25k.1a). However, they also permit the use ganic sector aims to reduce the consumption of fish
of “fish meal and fish oil and ingredients of fish ori- meal and oil by replacing them with plant-based in-
gin derived from trimmings of fish already caught for gredients. Scientists, however, face a trade-off, since
human consumption in sustainable fisheries” (Article a more plant-intensive diet reduces the content in fish
25k.1c). Furthermore, there is a transition period (up meat of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. The or-
to 2014) during which the use (up to 30 percent of ganic aquaculture implementing rules have adopted
daily rations) of ingredients “from non-organic aqua- the interim solution of limiting the plant fraction of
culture trimmings, or trimmings of fish caught for carnivorous fish diets at 60 percent (Article 25k.3),
but it is hoped that research into the production of The organic sector with its sustainable approach is
essential fatty acids from algae will produce a better careful about its ecological performance but also about
solution in the future. its economic and social dimensions. This is visible in
private standards, many of which include rules related
The objective of replicating nature in organic produc- to strengthening economic and social performance.
tion is also a theme in the issue of containment sys- The new organic regulations overlook economic and
tems, just as it is in the issue of feeding systems. Closed social aspects of aquaculture production, focussing
recirculation aquaculture facilities are banned by the exclusively on the creation of a market for organic
organic aquaculture implementing rules, with the ex- aquaculture products.
ception of hatcheries and nurseries. While open sys-
tems may help to reduce the ecological footprint of Market accessibility for small producers is one area
organic aquaculture, they could bring many uncertain- where the new rules have fallen short. Looking at
ties and risks: infection by wild stocks of less resistant, both and conventional and organic aquaculture, we
more densely populated farm stocks; interaction with observe that the market is dominated by big produc-
predators; contamination from the drift of conven- tion units. Small producers face many market barriers,
tional feed and fertilising material; and escaping fish. one of which is the burden of control and certifica-
tion costs faced by all organic operators. The organic
The organic aquaculture implementing rules recog- aquaculture implementing rules do not extend special
nise these problems and include measures to mini- opportunities to small, extensive producers, though
mise risks in open aquaculture systems. Nonetheless, doing so could create employment, facilitate devel-
in some cases no perfect solution exists. For exam- opment of rural or costal economies and improve so-
ple, the Regulation suggests that fish stocks could be cial structures. The challenge for the organic sector is
made hardier and more competitive through breed- to allow those small farmers to enter the market and
ing programmes; but as farmed fish improve in this benefit from it.
way, escapes pose an increasing potential risk to wild
stocks and the local ecosystem. Many producers intensify production by increasing the
scale of production, utilising more inputs (feed, energy)
At the same time, many of the measures presented in while complaining of the limitations on stocking den-
the Regulation are somewhat vague, imposing a sub- sities in organic farming. Another challenge faced by
stantial responsibility on producers, control bodies and the organic sector is to strike a balance in the organic
certification bodies to interpret and implement them aquaculture market between producer and consumer
in the best possible way. This has occurred in respect needs and expectations, between economic viability
to siting of aquaculture facilities. The organic aqua- and ecological performance. Time will tell whether
culture implementing rules demand clear distinction the sector can deliver out of this balance a clear dis-
and separation of conventional and organic aquac- tinction between organic and conventional products.
ulture farms and farm-units, but leave a wide margin
for interpretation by competent authorities, opening Organic aquaculture has not yet developed a market
the door to regional differentiation. Power is given for organic production inputs such as brood stock
to Member State authorities to designate locations and feed sources. This makes the sector still recep-
or areas unsuitable for organic aquaculture or sea- tive to compromises.
weed production, and to establish their own minimum
separation distances if desired, and to specify those Europe is big market for organic products, including
distances. Separation distances are controversial for aquaculture products, and the new legislation will
the aquaculture sector, since they are not required in develop it further. Meanwhile, there is huge import of
any other organic production sector. aquaculture products to Europe from distant parts
of the globe, and the organic sector should consider
whether consuming fish with so many food miles is
in line with the organic principles.
There are problems anticipated with the application of sustainable production. Another use would be to en-
the organic aquaculture implementing rules which could rich communication with consumers. The organic cre-
disrupt competition in the market. Vagueness and the do in the aquaculture sector means not only the ab-
room for different interpretations (such as, inter alia, sence of food additives and residues in products, but
the EU’s definition of sustainable fishery practices) is also a proper “egg to plate” product history; it is up
one problem. Another is that the organic aquaculture to the sector to reveal this to consumers.
implementing rules create a confusing and potentially
unfair system for the transitional period expiring on 1st
July 2013: Regulation (EC) No 710/2009 applies fully
to all new producers; exceptional rules can be made
by competent authorities for producers who oper-
ated under nationally accepted organic rules before
the entry into force of the Regulation. The transition
period postpones harmonisation, and delays imple-
mentation of long fought-for standards. Regardless
of these potential complications, however, it is of cru-
cial importance that private labels, with standards
stricter than those of the Regulation and with their
own unique selling points and histories, will continue
to exist, since they clearly benefit the organic market
by preserving diversity and differentiation.
The IFOAM EU Group undertakes activities to promote and advocate for organic farm-
ing in the context of EU policy, regulation and research. One of IFOAM EU’s core roles
is to help shape EU regulations relating to organic farming by transmitting its members’
views and experiences to European institutions. To do this, representatives participate
in the European Commission’s Advisory Groups, expert meetings, hearings and consul-
tations as well as advocating directly amongst Parliament and Commission members.
The new Organic Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and its implementing rules are exam-
ples of legislation on which the IFOAM EU Group has had a strong influence. Another
aspect of the Group’s role is to communicate legislation and its implications to stake-
holders and to provide a platform for discussion and development; this dossier is part
of such a process. By facilitating two-way communication, the IFOAM EU Group hopes
that it can help the organic sector to operate more smoothly, and raise its profile in
EU food and farming.
The project “Promotion of domestic and international demand for organic products –
INTERBIO” is financed in the framework of the Italian Action Plan for Organic Farming
by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MiPAAF) and coor-
dinated by IAMB - Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari. Its main objective is to
promote Italian organic farming both at national and international level.
The project is divided into three main actions pursuing three overall objectives:
1. T
o facilitate the commercial penetration of organic productions into international mar-
kets, addressing and valorising the promotional action of public Institutions and pri-
vate traders and operators at the same time as strengthening their interrelationships.
2. To reinforce relationship networks at domestic and international levels, particularly
in the framework of commercial cooperation, cooperation and development, research
and training activities. A particular focus is given to the Mediterranean area.
3. To facilitate information flow and knowledge exchange on the principles and prac-
tices of organic farming.
The publication of this aquaculture dossier in cooperation with the IFOAM EU Group
contributes, along with other publications, to the third project objective.