Learning Web Design
Learning Web Design
Learning Web Design
- UX designer takes a holistic view of the design process-ensuring the entire experience with the site is
favorable. According to Donald Norman (who coined the term - người đặt ra thuật ngữ này) UX design
includes “all aspects of the user’s interaction with the product: how it is perceived, learned and used.”
For a website or application, that includes the visual design, the user interface, the quality and
message of the content, and even the overall site performance. The experience must be in line with
the organization’s brand and business goals in order to be successful.
- IxD has the goal to make the site as easy, efficient and delightful to use as possible.
- UX Design is closely related to IxD. UX Design tends to be more narrowly focused on the functional
organiztion of the page as well as the specific tools (buttons, links, menus,..) that users use to navigate
content or accomplist tasks.
Frontend Development
Frontend Development includes the following web technologies:
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
- Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
- JavaScript and DOM scripting, including AJAX and JavaScript - based frameworks.
Backend Development
The following technologies are typically in the domain of the backend developer:
- Server software (Apache, Microsoft IIS)
- Web application languages (PHP, Ruby, Python, JSP, ASP.NET)
- Database software (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server)
Other Roles
- Product Manager: who guides the site’s design and development in a way that meets
business goals. PM delevops the overall strategy for the site from a marketing perspective, including
how and when it gets released.
- Project Manager: who coordinates the designers, developers and everyone else who is
working on the site. They manage things like timelines, development approaches, deliverables,..
- SEO specialist: Search Engine Optimization is a discipline focused on tweaking the site
structure and code in a way that increase the chances it will be highly ranked in search results.
- Multimedia Producers.
Skills Every Web Designers Needs
- Excellent communication skills.
- Flexibility.
- Critical thinking and good judgment.
- A good attitude.
Test Yourself
a. Graphic designers: “Look and feel” deliverables.
b. Production department: HTML and CSS documents.
c. UX designer: Storyboards.
d. Backend programmer: PHP scripts.
2. W3C: The ongoing development of web technologies is overseen by the World Wide Web
a. HTML: identifies text as a second-level heading.
b. CSS: Makes all second-level headings blue.
c. JS: Checks a form field for a valid entry.
d. Ruby: Creates a custom server-side web application.
Part 2. How the Web works
- The computers “serve up” documents upon request are known as servers.
- The role of server software is to wait for a request for information and then retrieve and send that
information back as quickly as possible.
- Web servers are also called HTTP servers.
- The 2 most popular server software options are Apache (open source software) and Microsoft
Internet Information Services (IIS).
- Open source software is developed as a collaborative effort with the intent to make its source code
available to other programmers for use and modification. Open source programs are usually free to
- “IP” stands for “Internet Protocol”.
- Every page and resource on the web has its own special address called a URL, which stands for
Uniform Resource Locator.
1. HTML: the markup language used to describe web content
2. W3C: the organization that monitors web technologies.
3. CERN: particle physics lab where the web was born.
4. CSS: the language used to instruct how web content looks.
5. HTTP: protocol for transferring web documents on the internet.
6. IP: Internet Protocol
7. URL: the location of a web document or resource.
8. NCSA: home of Mosaic, the first graphical browser.
9. DNS: matches domain names with numeric IP addresses.
10. FTP: a protocol for file transfer.
Naming Conventions
- Use proper suffixes for your files.
- Never use characters spaces within filenames. Use “_” or “-” instead.
- Avoid special characters such as ?,%,#,..
- Filenames may be case-sensitive. Consistently using all lowsercase letters in filenames is one way to
make your filenames easier to manage.
- Keep filenames short.
- Self-impossed conventions.