Dsa Cheatsheet: Code Library
Dsa Cheatsheet: Code Library
Dsa Cheatsheet: Code Library
DSA CheatSheet
1) Learn a Language--
C++ :
R1 = http://bit.ly/3nOdZZD
R2 = http://bit.ly/38FifE6
Java :
R1 = http://bit.ly/3heJQA8
R2 = http://bit.ly/3mQ7IuX
2) Data Structures--
1️⃣ Arrays
2️⃣ String
3️⃣ Time & Space Complexity
4️⃣ Searching (Linear/Binary)
5️⃣ Sorting (Selection/Bubble/Insertion/Merge/Quick/Heap Sort)
6️⃣ Stack
7️⃣ Queue
8️⃣ Linked List (Single/Doubly)
9️⃣ Hashing
1️⃣0️⃣ Recursion
1️⃣1️⃣ Backtracking
1️⃣2️⃣ STL for C++ or Java collections for Java
1️⃣3️⃣ Tree & Binary Search Tree
1️⃣4️⃣ Heap/ priority queue
1️⃣5️⃣ Graph
1️⃣6️⃣ Dynamic programming
R1 = http://bit.ly/3hhe4m1
3) A) C++ STL--
1) Vector
2) Stack
3) Set
4) Map
5) unordered_set
6) unordered_map
7) pair
8) queue
9) deque
10) list
11) Binary Search/lower_bound/upper_bound
11) Custom Comparator
R1 = http://bit.ly/3aICELu
R2 = http://bit.ly/3mVoiKc
R3 = https://bit.ly/2JpGmOQ
B) Java Collections--
R1 = http://bit.ly/3hi1Utd
4) Algorithms--
1) Number Theory--
a) Fibonacci Series/Number
b) Prime
c) Sieve of Eratosthenes
d) Segmented Seive
e) GCD & Euclid's Algorithm
f) Fast Modulo Exponentiation
g) multiplicative modulo inverse
h) fermat's little theorem
2) Sorting Algorithms--
a) Selection Sort
b) Bubble Sort
c) Insertion Sort
d) Quick Sort
e) Merge Sort
f) Heap Sort
3) Searching--
a) Linear Search
b) Binary Search
5) Greedy
6) Graph Algorithms--
a) BFS
b) DFS
c) Directed Graph
d) Undirected Graph
e) Disjoint Set Union
f) Minimum Spanning Tree (kruskal's Algo, Prim's Algo)
g) Shortest Path (Dijkstra's Algo, Bellman Ford,
h) Cycle Detection
i) Topological Sort / DAG
j) Kosaraju’s Algo
k) Connected components / Strongly Connected Comp
l) Eular Tour
m) Articulation Point and Bridge
n) LCA
7) DP--
R1 = http://bit.ly/3rs78XV
Algorithm Resources--
R1 = http://bit.ly/3aGKGUV
R2 = http://bit.ly/3hgkGkF
5) Problem Solving Skills--
1) LeetCode = https://leetcode.com/
2) GFG Practice Site = http://bit.ly/2KEp2WJ
3) A2OJ = http://bit.ly/38yRgua
4) Hackerrank = http://bit.ly/3rvG0XQ