Class X - Summer Projects

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1. Make sentences of any 20 proverbs.
2. Write 20 confusingly related words with meanings.
3. Solve ICSE 2020 English Language paper.
1. Write the theme and the summary of the poem “Abou Ben
2. Write the critical appreciation of “My Special Olympic Prize”
1. Write the summary of Act III Scene III
2. Write the character sketch of Anotio and Bassanio
MATHS Slove examples of chapter 1 to 5 along with their chapter tests.
HISTORY Students have to do only one out of these three topics­­­

1.­Civics­ Supreme Court­­

Composition of the Supreme Court and qualifications for the judges of
Supreme Court.
Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court ­ Original jurisdiction, Eppellate

Topic 2 ­ Story­ Gandhi Era

1915 to 1934­­
Introduction of Mahatma Gandhi
Non­cooperation movement and withdrawal of the moment­
Dandi March

Topic 3. Contemporary world

The UNO­­
Objectives of the UN0
Three organs of the UN0.
1.General assembly
2.Security council
3.International Court of Justice
Three agencies of the UN0­­
Write the full forms of these agencies and one function of each on this.
Topics should be arranged with the related pictures in a file for every
GEOGRAPHY Waste management – A project file with the sub­topics primarily focusing
on recycle, re­use and reduce, types, benefits, etc.
PHYSICS Make a project on any of the ‘Unit’ in your text book.
CHEMISTRY 1. Preparation And identification of following gases Carbon di oxide,
hydrogen chloride, ammonia, oxygen and hydrogen
2. Colour and action of ammonium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide
on following cations
Ca2+,NH4+, Pb2+, Zn2+, Fe2+,Fe3+,Cu2
3. Test of following anions
SO4 2­,CH3COO ­, NO3_, CO32­, Cl­,Br ­ S2­,SO3 2­
BIOLOGY Common instructions for writing Biology practical on Biology Practical
Notebook / File.
In Biology practical two main things are involved i.e.,
(i) Writing work of the practical,
(ii) Drawing work.

For drawing work the following important instructions should be

(a) Drawing should be of appropriate size.
(b) It should be in the middle of the sheet.
(c) It should be well – labelled.
(d) The name of the part of the diagram should be written at the nearest
(e) The name of the parts of the diagram should be written from outside
to inside and from top to bottom.
(f) Student should not use ink pen, refill pen, copying pencil, etc., on the
drawing sheet.
(g) The name of the figure should be written in the capital letters either
on the lower side or on the upper side of the figure putting a mark
underline. Labelling work should be done with pencil.

1. Different Stages of Mitosis cell division in an Animal cell [Fig.2.10 ­ Page

2. Explain the Law of dominance by showing actually a Cross between a
Pure Tall and Dwarf Plant of Pea. Do it up to F3 Generation Page No.28.
You can show it by Punnet Square. (You have to give the definition along
with explanation).
3. Experiment on Diffusion [Fig 4.3 ­ Page No.39]
4. Experiment on Osmosis [Fig.4.4 ­ Page No.40]
5. To show the Plasmolysis in Plant Cell. [Fig 4.9 C­F ­ Page No.45]
6. Experiment to show that roots absorb water. [Fig.415 ­ Page No.48]
7. Experiment Conduction of water through xylem. [Fig.4.17 A ­ Page
8. Demonstration of Transpiration Experiment. [Fig.5.1 ­ Page No.55]
9. Experiment to show that Sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis.
[Fig.6.6 ­ Page No.75]
10. Experiment to show that Carbon dioxide is necessary for
photosynthesis. [Fig.6.7 ­ Page No.75]
11. Experiment to show that Oxygen is given out during photosynthesis
by green plant. [Fig.6.8 ­ Page No.75­76]
12. Internal structure of human heart. Write the function of at least six
parts of heart. [Fig.8.7 ­ Page No. 100]
13. The Human urinary system of man and its description. [Fig.9.1 ­ Page
14. Explanation of Reflex Action ­A ­ A simple reflex of withdrawal of hand
on touching a hot iron, brought out by spinal cord. B – Simplified scheme
of the same spinal reflex action. [Fig.10.9 ­ Page No.131]


STEPS. You people have to make practical File.
On plain side you have to make diagram and on ruled sheet you have to
write description.
1. OBJECT of the experiment
2. Method...the experiment is set up as shown in the diagram, (only this
much you have to write in Method)
3. Observation
4. Conclusion
5. The definition of the process
Practical Copy / Practical File make like this.
COMMERCE Prepare a project of 15 to 20 pages on topic “Consumer protection”
ECONOMICS Explain the different forms of market. Explain them with their
characteristics and paste some pictures of their products.
COMPUTER 1. Five programs based on assignment statement
2. Five programs based on passing inputs as parameters
3. Programs to find even numbers, odd numbers, to find multiples of
the entered number
4. Programs to print natural number, to print table of the entered
5. Program to calculate total marks and percentage scored by a
6. Program to calculate area of square, rectangle, circle also to
calculate perimeter
PHYSICAL EDU. 1. Prepare a notebook: ­In which you will write down the answers of
the questions which are given at the end of every chapter in your
work book.
(Which are taught you in online classes)
2. Prepare a project file: ­ in which you will write down the Olympic
history, Olympic movements, volleyball & cricket terminologies,
also make dimensions of the volleyball court and cricket field,
(Don’t forget to mention five fielding positions in cricket).
(Which are taught you in online classes)

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