Speaking & Reading: W S S A e

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G word order of phrasal verbs What's the first

V phrasal verbs thing you do when

Plinking you wakeup?


a Answer the ques tions with a pa rtner.

1 What time do you wake up during the week?

2 Do you use an alarm clock t o wake up? If not,
what makes you wake up?
3 Do you get up immediately after you wake up?
4 When you first get up do you feel...?
a awful
b quite sleepy
c awake and energetic

b Read an interview with Sara Mohr-Pietsch. 1 What time do vou get up when vou're doing the Breakfast show ?
Match the questions and answers.
I get up at 4.45 a.m. and leave the house at 5.20.
A Do you choose what you wear the night
B Do you have anything to eat before you go Yes. I usually set my radio alarm to come on at 4.30 so that I can wake
to work? up slowly as ! listen to the world news. I set my phone alarm for 4.45
and leave it on the other side of the room so I have to get up to turn it off!
C Do you use an alarm clock to wake up?
3_ __
D How do you feel when you wake up?
E How do you get to work? It depends - some mornings I feel rested and awake, but other
mornings it's quite hard to get out of bed . It depends on the season.
F How does this affect your social life?
I find I need much more sleep in the winter.
G What time do you get up when you're doing
the Brealdast show? ----------------------------------------------- - -
H What time do you go to bed when you're If I'm slow to get up, then I wait until I'm in the studio before having
working the next day? breakfast, but most mornings I have a bowl of cereal before I leave the
I Would you like to change your working
That depends on the season too. In the summer I usually wait until the
c C over the answers and look at the questions. morning to decide. But in the winter I often leave clothes out the night
With a partne r remember h er ans wers. before so that I can stay in bed until the last minute!

d Answer the questio n s w ith a pa rtner. 6

A car picks me up at 5.20.

Would you like to work the same hours as
the radio presenter? 7
--- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
2 In general a re you a morning or evening In the winter, any time between 8.30 and 9.30 p.m. In the summer,
person? usually more like 9.00 to 10.00 p.m.

What social life? I certainly can't go out for a wild night during the
week, but I'm lucky because a lot of my closest friends live near me,
so I can see them in the evenings and still go to bed quite early.

Sometimes I think I would like to have more normal

working hours, but I love my job so much that
I'd never want to give it up. The buzz of
being 'live' on the radio early in the morning
as people start their days is really wonderful.
2 VOCABULARY phrasal verbs 4 PRONUNCIATION linking
a Look at some sentences from the interview. With a a 5 4 >)) Listen and write the missing words.
partner say wh at the high lighted phrases m ea n. There's a wet rowel on the floor.
Please _ _ _ _ __
'I leave it on the other side of the room so I have to
2 [ ca n't concentrate w ith that music on.
get up to turn it off!'
Please _ _ _ _ __
'A car picks me up at 5.20.'
3 If you don't know what the wo rd
' I love my job so much that I'd never want to give it up.' means, _ _ _ _ _ _ .
4 Why have you taken your coat off? _ _ _ _ _ _ !
5 This book was very expens ive. Please _ _ _ _ _ _ .
)C) Phrasalverbs
Wake up, get up, turn on I off. give up, etc. are common 6 W hy are you wearing your coat in
phrasal verbs (verbs with a preposition or adverb). here? !
Sometimes the meaning of the t wo separate words
can help you guess the meaning of the phrasal verb, b Practise saying the sentences. Try to link the phrasa l
e.g. turn off Sometimes the meaning of the two words verbs a nd prono uns, e.g. pick~ir__..up .
does not help you, e.g. give up.

b Read the info rmatio n box. Can yo u think o f a phrasa l 5 SPEAKING

verb which means ... ? a Read the q uestions in the questi o nna ire a nd think
I to try to find o mething you have lost about your answers.
2 to put o n clothes in a sho p to see if they are t he
right size
b Work in pairs. Inte rv iew your pa rtner w ith t he
questio ns.
3 to have a friendl y relatio nshi p (with so mebo dy)
c ~ p.163 Vocabulary Bank Phrasal verbs.
3 GRAMMAR word order of phrasal verbs QUESTIONNAIRE
• Have you eve r fo rgotten to turn your mobile phone off
a Look at t he picture and underline the object of the
in a concert or the cinema?
phrasa l verb in each sentence.
• Do you throw away old clothes or do you give them to
other people?
• Do you enjoy trying on clothes when you go shopping?
• Do you often go away at the weekend? Where t o?
• Before you go shopping do you usually write down what
you have to buy? Do you only buy what's on the list?
• Do you enjoy looking after small children? Why (not)?
• Have you ever aske d your neighbours to turn the TV or
the mus ic down? What happened?
• What's the first thing you turn on aft er you wake up in
the morning?

b Complete the r ules abo ut sepa rable phrasa l verbs w ith

noun o r pronoun.
l f the object of a phrasa l verb is a , you ca n
put it after t he verb + up, on, etc. OR be tween the
verb and up, on, etc.
2 If the o bject of a phrasal verb is a , you must
put it between t he verb a nd up, on , etc.
c ~ p.146 Grammar Bank 11B. Learn m o re abour the
word ord er o f phrasa l verbs a nd practise it.

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