Speaking & Reading: W S S A e
Speaking & Reading: W S S A e
Speaking & Reading: W S S A e
b Read an interview with Sara Mohr-Pietsch. 1 What time do vou get up when vou're doing the Breakfast show ?
Match the questions and answers.
I get up at 4.45 a.m. and leave the house at 5.20.
A Do you choose what you wear the night
B Do you have anything to eat before you go Yes. I usually set my radio alarm to come on at 4.30 so that I can wake
to work? up slowly as ! listen to the world news. I set my phone alarm for 4.45
and leave it on the other side of the room so I have to get up to turn it off!
C Do you use an alarm clock to wake up?
3_ __
D How do you feel when you wake up?
E How do you get to work? It depends - some mornings I feel rested and awake, but other
mornings it's quite hard to get out of bed . It depends on the season.
F How does this affect your social life?
I find I need much more sleep in the winter.
G What time do you get up when you're doing
the Brealdast show? ----------------------------------------------- - -
H What time do you go to bed when you're If I'm slow to get up, then I wait until I'm in the studio before having
working the next day? breakfast, but most mornings I have a bowl of cereal before I leave the
I Would you like to change your working
That depends on the season too. In the summer I usually wait until the
c C over the answers and look at the questions. morning to decide. But in the winter I often leave clothes out the night
With a partne r remember h er ans wers. before so that I can stay in bed until the last minute!
What social life? I certainly can't go out for a wild night during the
week, but I'm lucky because a lot of my closest friends live near me,
so I can see them in the evenings and still go to bed quite early.