Autosmart Factsheet 16 e

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Learn the facts: Weight affects fuel consumption

What is the issue?
Vehicle weight and engine power are important factors affecting
an automobile’s fuel consumption. Drivers can make choices
that lessen those impacts through awareness of technology
options and by not carrying unnecessary weight.

What do I need to know?

The heavier the vehicle is, the more energy it needs to get
Heavier vehicles have greater inertia and greater rolling
resistance, which both contribute to increased fuel
consumption. Reducing weight is a very effective way to improve
a vehicle’s efficiency (RMI 2011).

Vehicle weight, engine power and fuel consumption trends

tell an interesting story.
Vehicle weight and engine power are two of the most important
parameters that influence a vehicle’s fuel consumption and
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The weight of the average
vehicle decreased from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s and
then increased dramatically until around 2005. In recent years,
the trend has become more stable. Average engine horsepower
has followed a similar trend, doubling since the early 1980s
(see the middle graph in Figure 1).

If all other factors are equal, higher vehicle weight and faster
acceleration performance (e.g. shorter time to accelerate from
0 to 100 km/h) increase fuel consumption. Fortunately, the
dramatic increases in weight and horsepower since the mid-
1980s have not caused dramatic increases in fuel consumption
(see the bottom graph in Figure 1). This effect is the result of
automakers continually developing more efficient vehicle
technologies. From the mid-1980s until the mid-2000s, this
technology innovation was generally used to offset the impacts
of increasing size, weight, power and other performance
attributes of automobiles. Beginning in the mid-2000s,
automakers increasingly shifted their attention and focused Figure 1: Top 2 graphs: Average weight based on U.S.
their efforts on reducing fuel consumption while keeping vehicle production figures. Bottom: Average weight of cars and
weight and power more constant. trucks, with horsepower shown on the right axis (EPA 2012).
Reducing weight reduces fuel consumption.
How can I help?
Increasingly stringent government fuel consumption legislation
and evolving consumer preferences are making a difference. It is You can make a difference by:
increasingly common to see automakers advertising their weight
reduction initiatives. Automakers are achieving weight reduction ÎÎBuying only what you need. 
by substituting lighter materials, such as aluminum and advanced A good assessment of your vehicle needs is one of the most
composites, as well as making vehicle design changes. These important steps in choosing a fuel-efficient vehicle. When
improvements enable additional weight reductions because other possible, choose a smaller vehicle with the smaller, more
vehicle components can then be made smaller, ultimately leading fuel-efficient engine option. Natural Resources Canada’s Fuel
to building smaller engines with no sacrifice in performance – the Consumption Guide is a great resource to help you compare
less weight you have, the less power you need. A recent fuel consumption among vehicles and vehicle types.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology study estimates that ÎÎLightening your load. 
vehicle weight reductions of 35% could be implemented at Don’t carry unneeded items in your trunk. The extra weight
reasonable cost. Their estimates consider the additional weight of increases fuel consumption.
future safety requirements and convenience features. Vehicle
weight reductions of this magnitude could reduce fuel What are the savings and benefits?
consumption by 12 to 20% with no sacrifice in current vehicle When buying a new vehicle, consider the lightest vehicle with the
safety and performance attributes. smallest engine option to meet your needs. For example, the
difference between the combined city/highway fuel consumption
Reducing weight means reducing fuel cost. ratings for the best and worst minivan is approximately
A recent study found that for every 100-kg reduction, the 2.5 L/100 km, with a corresponding difference in curb weight of
combined city/highway fuel consumption could decrease by approximately 490 kg (note: the difference in consumption is not
about 0.4 L/100 km for cars and about 0.5 L/100 km for light solely attributable to weight). At $1.30/L, this translates to fuel
trucks (MIT 2008). Today’s cars and light trucks weigh between cost savings of $6,370 over 200 000 km.
1 000 to 3 800 kg. The corresponding fuel cost savings are
estimated in the following table.
Estimated fuel cost savings
[1] EPA 2012. United States Environmental Protection Agency:
Weight reduction over 200 000 km
Light-Duty Automotive Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and
Cars Trucks Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 Through 2011. (2012).
10 kg $104 $130 [2] MIT 2008. On the Road in 2035: Reducing Transportation’s
25 kg $260 $325 Petroleum Consumption and GHG Emissions. Massachusetts
50 kg $520 $650 Institute of Technology (2008).
100 kg $1,040 $1,300 [3] RMI 2011. Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New
200 kg $2,080 $2,600 Energy Era, Amory Lovins and Rocky Mountain Institute, Chelsea
400 kg $4,160 $5,200 Green Publishing (2011).
1 000 kg $10,400 $13,000

Note: For illustrative purposes, savings are based on a fuel price of $1.30/L
and the average fuel consumption and weight relationship reported by MIT.

For information regarding reproduction rights, please contact Aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Les faits : Le poids du véhicule a une incidence
Natural Resources Canada at: sur la consommation de carburant

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources Canada, 2014

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