The Help of Mass Media New

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Jan Eryssan B. Bustamante

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


Mass media plays a very important role in organizing public opinion. They
influence the way people look at the world and make them change. Mass media is a
technology that is intended to reach large audience through communication. The most
common platforms for mass media are radio, newspaper, and television and it has three
key functions: educating, advocating, and public relation. The purpose of this mass
media is to share information, concepts, and ideas to both general and specific
audiences. They are important tools in advancing public health. Mass media are
capable of facilitating short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term effects on
audiences. They can fulfill the shortcomings of education as they are able to give factual

COVID-19 is a global infectious disease that emerged from Wuhan in Hubei

province of China in December 2019. It has spread to 219 countries throughout the
world. The speedy spread of this infection globally became a source of public worry and
several unknowns regarding this new pathogen created a state of panic. Mass media
became the major source of information about the Coronavirus. In this review, the
researcher analyzed the help of mass media as it played a worldwide role in
coronavirus disease tracking live updates dashboard.

As well as, the media allowed for timely interventions by Center for Disease
Control and Prevention and World Health Organization (WHO), enabling a rapid and
widespread reach of public health communications. And trend a promotion about health
and hygiene practices worldwide by adaption of safe health practices such as increase
of hand washing, use face mask, and social distancing.
Statement of the Problem

Generally, this research study aims to know what help of mass media is in times
of COVID-19 pandemic.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the help of mass media in the times of Covid-19 pandemic?
2. Do mass media have negative effect?

Significance of the Study

Getting to know the help of mass media in times of COVID-19 pandemic

would be beneficial to students as it provides an important information or details
about the said virus. This study will also benefit and help the future researcher as
their guide and reference to their research study. This may also help the other
students all over the country by knowing the help of mass media in times of

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is limited only to Colegio De Los Baños attending senior high
education, school year 2020-2021 for “The Help of the Mass Media in times of
COVID-19 Pandemic”.

The data in this study is limited because the researcher relied only on the
gathered data from the respondents and from the facts that the school allowed
them to access.

The study only limited between the students and teachers on Colegio de
Los Baños.
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

The discussion in this chapter includes the findings of several studies with regards to

this study from local and foreign authors. There are already few researchers that are

related to this study.

Foreign Studies

According to Araz Ramazan Ahmad and Hersh Rasool Murad (2020), with the

course of the COVID-19 outbreak, it has fabricated a health crisis globally. At this time

mass media plays an important role by covering the news on COVID-19 and diverse

steps taken by the Indian government to combat with the crisis, which creates a

remarkable effect on the daily life of citizens that, is accountable for giving rise to threat

`and disruption in prolongation of life among Indian population.

On the study of Ayesha Anwar, Meryem Malik and Anjum Anwar (2020), Mass

media became the major source of information about the novel coronavirus with media

it help to track the disease and through live updates. And also through media it

promotes health and hygiene practices worldwide by an adaption of safe heath

practices such as increased hand washing. Use face coverings, and social distancing.

Media also promote illness-preventing guidelines daily, and people were encouraged to

meet their healthcare needs. The role of media and public health communications must

be understood and explored further as they will be an essential tool for combating

COVID-19 ad further outbreaks.

According to Martha Powell (2010), The media have been following every step of

COVID-19 pandemic journey and the journalist have faced many challenges during

COVID-19 outbreak and how the media can play a role in containing COVID-19 and,

potentially, Saving lives.

Local Studies

Based on Cora Llamas (2020), the issues that media practitioners themselves

brought out about the critical role they played in covering the COVID-19 pandemic In an

online dialogue held with the Department of Health (DOH),journalist, communication

specialists, and health experts gave insights on how reportage can more effectively help

the watching public digest and respond the information they need cope with crisis.

From the study of Jan Michael Alexandre C. Bernadas (2020), in the initial

insights from critical analysis of media and public health to suggest that reporting in the

country during the pandemic can be connected to journalistic practices. For journalism

to advance public health, it needs to contend with the pandemic and the context into

which it is uniquely situated-both of which are moving targets and difficult to predict.

Critical but seldom discussed are the challenges of the journalism in making sense of

the rapid spread and devastating impact of COVID-19 in the Philippines and how the

pandemic is also gradually transforming journalism in the country .

According to Vernise Tantuco (2020), journalists have been working to get

accurate information on the COVID-19 pandemic out to the public. Some have been

writing their stories in isolation. They watch press conferences via livestream, conduct

through the phone just get a information.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined on how they used in this study:

COVID-19 – A new virus that is from China

Pandemic- An occurring worldwide and that affects a large number of people.

Media- Is the communication outlets or tools use to share some information’s or data.

Outbreak- A sudden increase in numbers of a harmful organism with the particular


Prolongation- Extension of duration of something.

Social Distancing- Is a practice a physical distancing, at least ! or 2 meter apart.





Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, the sampling

technique to be used, methods of data collection, and statistical treatment of the study

Research Design

The researcher chose a descriptive research design as it is best serve to

describe the situation or case under the research study. It will help the researcher to

better understand what is needed on the research topic. The researcher chose this

research design because this type of research design is a present condition with the

purpose of finding the new truth which may have different form such as increase insight,

into factors which are operating and the discovery of new casual relations or more

accurate information of the phenomena that needed to be solved using the survey

research method. In order to analyze and interpret the data that will gathered from the

survey, the researcher use this method.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the people that are using a mass media and

that are surely affected by the virus. Specifically, the respondents of the study are the

friends of the researcher on her social media.

Sampling Technique

The sampling technique that the researcher will use is a Random Sampling. In

order to determine how many respondents will be, the researcher will use Sloven’s


Research Methodology

The researcher assured that in this research process is a part of Descriptive

Research because of the researcher exactly has an enough count of respondents in

researcher’s study plan on Los Baños.

Instruments of the Study

The researcher provided an online survey questionnaire that will serve as a tool

to gather data. The researcher assure that the questions from the survey is easy to

understand by the respondents

Validation of Instrument

The researcher proceeds to survey questionnaires where these respondents are

using mass media. To be continues cooperation and participation with my proctor in my

study in Colegio de Los Baños so the researchers can validity my study as to reliable to

the researchers and to the respondents, as to my previous date phenomenon.

Data Collecton Procedure

The researcher will use survey questionnaire to gather data from the

respondents. To reach out the number of respondents, the researcher will use Sloven’s


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