Software Requirement Specification: Budget & Procurement Automation
Software Requirement Specification: Budget & Procurement Automation
Software Requirement Specification: Budget & Procurement Automation
Procurement Automation
January 14, 2016
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Table of Contents
1.1 SCOPE ..............................................................................................................................................................6
1.2 REPORTS .........................................................................................................................................................10
1.3 INTEGRATION ...................................................................................................................................................11
1.4 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................11
1.5 ACRONYMS & DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................11
2.1 DEPARTMENT HEAD ..........................................................................................................................................12
2.2 FUNCTIONAL MANAGER .....................................................................................................................................12
2.3 CFO...............................................................................................................................................................12
2.4 PROCUREMENT USER ........................................................................................................................................12
2.5 MANAGEMENT USER.........................................................................................................................................13
3.1 Portal Login 14
3.2 Add Project 14
3.3 Add Activity 15
3.4 BUDGET ..........................................................................................................................................................16
3.4.1 Budget Opening 16
3.4.2 Budget Request 17
3.4.3 Approve/Reject/clarification Request 18
3.4.4 Clarification 19
3.4.5 Re-open Request 20
3.5 PROCUREMENT ................................................................................................................................................21
3.5.1 Procurement 21
3.5.2 Request for indent 22
3.5.3 Recurring/Renewal for indent 23
3.5.4 Service Available/ Reimbursement indent 24
4.1 NEW INDENT ................................................................................................................................................27
4.2 RENEWAL / RECURRING INDENT ..................................................................................................................28
8.1 ASSUMPTIONS..................................................................................................................................................37
8.2 DEPENDENCIES .................................................................................................................................................37
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Revision History
Distribution List
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1 Introduction
The objective of this system requirements specification (SRS) document is to capture the functional and
non-functional requirements for the Tally solution Budget and procurement application Portal
implementation project. The System Requirements Specification is the complete list of the system
requirements for the project and as such it is a key project artefact and shall be used during the Design,
Construction, and rollout phases of this project. This document also outlines the high level details of the
existing architecture as understood during the requirements collection phase.
1.1 Scope
Intranet and mobile compatible web based application system for automating the budget and
procurement module, the overall application is divided into two process
o CFO will enter the budget guidelines details and amount for each department for the
financial year.
o Department Head receives mail alert from system with budget starting and ending date
along with circular. As per configuration in the system by the admin.
o Department Head or user with appropriate rights will click on budget request option,
user will be guide with the guideline entered from CFO for his department.
o Department Head then click for initiation were user will enter the budget for below
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o CFO Logins into the system under the task new item is allocated, below are the action
are available to the CFO.
Approve -> Budget is approved and mail is triggered to the initiated user and
CFO and status of the request is changed to approved.
Reject -> Budget request gets rejected with remarks and mail triggered is sent to
the requested user and CFO and status of the request is changed to reject.
Note: - re-open request can’t be rejected in the system.
Clarification-> User enter the remarks submits a mail triggered and sent to the
requested user and CFO and status of the request is changed to clarification
Cancel-> User is redirected to home page.
o For requested user task is updated to below status as per the action taken by CFO.
Please find below action for the status updated by CFO.
Approve -> user can view but can’t modify and it moved from the task list.
Clarification -> user need to modify the request as per the remarks entered by
CFO status is changed to initiation.
Reject -> User can view details and need to raise a new request for their
o CFO can re-open approved project based on discussion happened outside the system.
o Task is generated for the requested user and user submits the modified request as per
remarks system validate the amount with respect to budget utilized and queued for the
respective request.
o CFO can approve or ask for clarification but can’t reject the request.
o On the closer of financial year all the request status is closed and system will not allow
any modification for the request with respect that financial year.
In procurement process tally as divide the process into main three category as per there current
o Request
o Recurring/Renewal
o Service Availed/Reimbursement
Request for indent
o User with appropriate right will log into the system and raise a request for indent for his
o In Request for indent user will select the project, activity, budget and quarter for indent.
o Mail is triggered for the requestor and Functional head
o Task is generated for the department Function head
o Functional head user logins into the portal and view the details. User can reject or
approve the request.
o On user reject the request gets closed and workflow is close.
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o On user approve based on amount and configurable workflow amount it moves to CFO
bucket or procurement bucket.
o If request is in CFO bucket mail is triggered for CFO, Functional head, procurement user
and requested user.
o CFO user logins into the portal and click on view of the request from task list, user can
approve, reject and pass the request to management for approval.
o On Approval it goes to procurement team.
o On Reject the request gets closed.
o On seeking the approval from management the request generates task for the
management and mail is triggered to following user.
Requested user
Functional head
o On approval from Functional head, CFO and management when the request is
processed to Procurement team.
o Procurement Team will EDIT the form by filling the vendor details and submits for
review to the functional head.
o If there are any discrepancies then Procurement Team will submit for resubmission to
the Functional Head.
o Once the Functional Head Reviews and approves, it moves to Procurement Team
o Procurement user login into the portal and below are the actionable.
Post Action -> on Post click the system will generate the xml file for the request
and integrate with tally application.
Update the status of the request to different level.
Payment -> on payment the request get closed from the workflow and moved
to completed request.
o Indent amount get deducted from the budget once the request is approve from the
Renewal/Recurring for Indent
o User with appropriate rights will request for the indent, based on the requestor
approval limit the request is updated to the Functional manager or Procurement team.
o In recurring procurement type option for the documents to upload should be enabled
o Pdf and image file can be uploaded with the file size less than 2mb.
o Request for recurring user fills the details and uploads the respective documents and
submits the request.
o Mail is triggered to the functional manager, requestor and the procurement user.
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o FM tasks, FM logins into the portal and below action is taken
Request is moved to procurement bucket and task is generated for the
Request is terminated with the status as rejected and mail is triggered
to the requestor with the reason.
Ask approval from CFO
Request is moved to CFO Bucket and a task is generated for the CFO
o CFO Logins into the portal below are the action that are available for the CFO
Request is moved to procurement bucket and task is generated for the
Request is terminated with the status as rejected
Management Approve
Request is moved to management task a mail is generated to CFO,
Management users, and FM.
o Management user logins into portal below are the actions that are available for the
Request is moved to procurement bucket and task is generated for the
Request is terminated with the status as rejected
o Procurement user logins into portal below are the actions that are available for the
Request data is pushed to tally system for generating of invoice for the
Change the Status
Procurement user will update the status of the request manual for the
activity that are taking offline.
Once the all actions are completed user will close the request manually.
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Service Available/ Reimbursement indent
o User with appropriate rights will request for the service availed request and submits the
o In service availed type option for uploading the document is enabled.
o Pdf and image file can be uploaded with size less than 2mb.
o Mail is triggered to the functional manager, requester and the procurement user.
o FM tasks, FM logins into the portal and below action is taken
o Approve
Request is moved to CFO bucket and task is generated for the CFO.
o Reject
Request is terminated with the status as rejected and mail is triggered to
the requestor with the reason.
o CFO Logins into the portal below are the action that are available for the CFO
o Approve
Request is closed and amount is deducted from budget.
o Reject
Request is terminated with the status as rejected
o Management Approve
Request is moved to management task a mail is generated to CFO,
Management users, and FM.
o Management user logins into portal below are the actions that are available for the user.
o Approve
Request is closed and amount is deducted from budget
o Reject
Request is terminated with the status as rejected.
1.2 Reports
o Report should be available for all functional heads to view the Budgeted amount for the
quarter, Actuals and the remaining amount.
o Every quarter beginning there should be an option for Functional heads to carry forward
un-used Budgeted amount. This option will not be available for next financial year.
1.3 Integration
Budget and Procurement solution will integrate with tally application through REST API, REST
API will be developed by Tally and it will be consumed in BPS.
Totally there will be three REST API for integration.
Master Data Pull REST API
Procurement indent Push REST API
Invoice details Pull RESET API
1.4 References
Requirement Documents
E-mail Conversations,
Telephonic Conversations,
Meetings and Discussions.
This table gives the definitions of key terms used in this document
No Term Definition
1 SRS Software Requirements Specification
4 DH Department Head
5 FM Functional manager
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2 Features
2.3 CFO
Opens Budget for financial year with guidelines and amount for each Department
Provision to open the task generated for CFO
Provision to Approve/reject/clarification/cancel the Budget request
CFO can re-open approved project based on discussion happened outside the system
Provision to give clarification to CIO if required
Provision to Approve/reject the procurement request
Provision to view budget details of last 5 years and top activities among all departments
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2.5 Management User
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3 Use Case Description
Description: This functionality to user login to home page and view the Budget
Normal Flow:
Admin adds all master templates
User login to the portal with appropriate credentials.
DH and FM can view the top 5 activities related to their department
CFO and Management user can view the last 5 years budget details
by quarter, project and department.
Description: This functionality is for adding new project to the master for the Budget
Normal Flow:
Application Admin/FM login to portal
Go to the Projects master and add the new project.
Cannot add a duplicate project in the system
After adding the project, it should visible for users to request for
the budget.
Description: This functionality is for adding new project to the master for the Budget
Post conditions: The new Activity which was added to master should viewable for users
(Mandatory) Login credentials
(Mandatory) Activity name
The new Activity will be added to master and should viewable for users
Normal Flow:
Application Admin/FM login to portal
Go to the Activities master and add the new activity.
Cannot add a duplicate activity in the System
After adding the activity, it should visible for users to request for
the budget.
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3.4 Budget
Actors: CFO
Description: CFO uses this functionality to open a budget for the Financial year for
the duration of configured days
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3.4.2 Budget Request
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3.4.3 Approve/Reject/clarification Request
Actors: CFO
Description: This functionality is to approve the request or reject the request or ask
for clarification on budget request submitted by DH
Post conditions: Requested user (DH) task is updated a status as per the action taken by
(Mandatory) New task
M – Mandatory
Budget request might approved/rejected/ask clarification by CFO
Normal Flow:
CFO opens a new task generated for him.
Verifies the budget request details.
CFO can take below actions.
Approve -> Budget is approved and mail is triggered to
the initiated user and CFO and status of the request is
changed to approved.
Reject -> budget request gets rejected with remarks and
mail triggered is sent to the requested user and CFO
and status of the request is changed to reject.
Note: - re-open request can’t be rejected in the system.
Clarification-> User enter the remarks submits a mail
triggered and sent to the requested user and CFO and
status of the request is changed to clarification.
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3.4.4 Clarification
Actors: Requester(DH/user)
Post conditions: Requester will provides clarification re-submit the request for
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3.4.5 Re-open Request
Actors: CFO
Post conditions: CFO can approve or ask for clarification but can’t reject the request
FM request for modification on budget
Normal Flow:
User can request CFO to re-open the approved budget when user
want some modifications
CFO re-open request
Task is generated for the requested user
User submits the modified request as per remarks system validate
the amount with respect to budget utilized and queued for the
respective request
CFO can approve or ask for clarification but can’t reject the request
On the closer of financial year all the request status is closed and
system will not allow any modification for the request with respect
that financial year.
System automatically generates task for user who requested for re-
Business Rules:
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3.5 Procurement
3.5.1 Procurement
(Mandatory) Department
(Mandatory) Login credentials
M – Mandatory
On payment the request get closed from the workflow and moved
to completed request
Indent amount get deducted from the budget once the request is
approve from the system
Normal Flow: User login to procurement home page with login credentials
User can get three options as 1.Request 2.Recurring 3.Service
Based on the requirement user will select the option and
follow the respective steps.
At any approve stage the amount gets deducted from budget
At any reject stage request gets close
Procurement request number will be generated in the format
of PR/******(6 digits numeric)/Year.
System will generate the xml file for the request and integrate
with tally application.
Procurement user will update the status.
System will generate the xml file for the request and integrate with
Business Rules:
tally application.
Indent amount get deducted from the budget once the request is
approve from the system
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3.5.2 Request for indent
Actors: User
Description: This functionality used for users to raise a request for indent for his
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The procurement user will submit as payment done then
request is closed
System will generate the xml file for the request and integrate with
Business Rules:
tally application.
Indent amount get deducted from the budget once the request is
approve from the system
Actors: User
Description: This functionality used for users to submit the invoice, and requesting
user as pre-defined amount for approval.
(Mandatory) Invoice
(Mandatory) file size should not exceed 2mb
M – Mandatory (Mandatory) file type should be pdf/.jpg/.png etc.
Actors: User
Description: This functionality used for users when user is already purchased
goods and need to request.
(Mandatory) Department
(Mandatory) Project
M – Mandatory (Mandatory) Activity
(Mandatory) Login credentials
Normal Flow:
User with appropriate rights will request for the service available
and submits the details.
In service availed type option for uploading the document is
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Pdf and image file can be uploaded with size less than 2mb.
Mail is triggered to the functional manager, requestor and the
procurement user.
FM tasks, FM logins into the portal and approve/reject
CFO Logins into the portal below are the action that are available
for the CFO.
Request is moved to management task a mail is generated to
CFO, Management users, and FM.
Management user logins into portal and approve/reject the
At any approve stage the amount gets deducted from budget
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4 Workflow
Functional head/
Authorised user
goes through the
Guidelines set by
Functional Head /
authorized user will Selects Activity, Project, inputs the
login to system and Budget amount for FY. Break
submits\resubmit down to Quaterly.
the Budget
On Submission a
Functional Head
mail will be sent to
Approves or Edit the
Functional Head and
details and submits
CFO Asks
Management to
Approve or Reject
the budget
Yes No
Mail sent to
Functional head
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Functional Head /
authorized user will
login to system
Selects Activity,
Project, inputs the
NEW INDENT Budget amount for FY.
Break down to
On Submission a
Functional Head mail will be sent to
Approves or Edit the Functional Head and
details and submits Procurement Team /
Within Allocated Procurement Team
Budget? Approves
CFO Asks
Management to
Approve or Reject
the budget
Mail sent to
Functional head
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Functional Head /
authorized user will
login to system
On Submission a
Functional Head mail will be sent to
Approves or Edit the Functional Head and
details and submits Procurement Team /
Within Allocated
A mail is sent to
Approved Rejected
Procurement Team Functional head on
Decision by CFO?
Approves Rejection or the
clarifications asked
Management Approval
CFO Asks
Management to
Approve or Reject
the budget
Yes No
Mail sent to
Functional head
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On Submission a
Procurement Team mail will be sent to
APPROVED Decision by CFO?
Approves Functional Head and
Mail sent to
Functional head
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5 Sample Screen shots
5.2 Budget
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5.3 Budget Approve
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5.5 Department
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5.7 Budget Task
5.8 Procurement
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5.9 Procurement Task
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7 Non Functional Requirements
Below are the some of the points that application should support.
The application must fit into the existing windows machine.
Provide a web-based user interface for the users.
Provide responsive base web pages so that they are compatible with mobile and tab.
Integrate and authentication mechanism with current active directory installation
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8 Assumptions/Dependencies
8.1 Assumptions
8.2 Dependencies
The final acceptance testing will be carried out by the Functional Users. The software will be
treated as accepted if it is determined to meet all the system requirements specified in this
Tally solution should provide the necessary infrastructure for UAT(user Acceptance test)
Tally solution should provide the necessary H/W and S/W during deploying of application.
If there is change in requirement then the effort estimation and planned delivery date may
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9 Acceptance Criteria
Tally needs to provide Acceptance Test Criteria before the commencement of the Design phase
subsequent to which CMS IT Service will be providing Acceptance Test Plan, which has to be
signed by the client and used during the User Acceptance Test Phase.
Any new requirements/enhancements that arise during the Acceptance testing phase will not
be part of the scope and will be estimated separately.
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