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a b c d REMARKS

Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of outdoor 33 kV, 800 A,

31.5 kA,1sec outdoor kisok type vacuum circuit breaker along with power
pack for DC/ aux supply, feeder differential protection, multi function
meters (MFM), metering & numerical relays and all other accessories like
lifting truck, earthing truck etc., as per EIL specification No. 6-51-0010,
1 SET 2
job specification, data sheets and other codes and standards attached or
referred. Including commisioning spares & special tools and tackles,
mandatory spares,tranportation, all labour and materials, as per approved
drawings, Specifications of the tender and directions of Engineer-in-
Charge, complete in all respects.


Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of transformers of following

ratings complete with all accessories, as per EIL standard specification No. 6-
51-0041, approved drawings,specifications of this tender and and other codes
and standards attached or referred. This includes transportation, topping up
2 with oil, filtaration by stream line filtering machine provided by contractor for
improving the insulation of oil to the required strength and testing of oil with
contractor's own test equipment, including all labour and materials required
specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge, complete
in all respect. Excluding civil foundation.

33/11KV, 16/20 MVA ONAN/ONAF outdoor transformer with OLTC &

2.1 SET 4
RTCC and with online monitoring system.
11/0.433KV, 2 MVA, Energy Efficient Level 3 ONAN outdoor transformer
2.2 SET 3
with off circuit tap changer as per IS 1180 with Online Monitoring System

Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 33KV, 31.5 KA, 1 sec

rated indoor type metal enclosed HV Switch Board with copper bus bar
incorporating following EDO vacuum circuit breaker feeders complete with
feeder differential, bus bar differential protection, CTs ,PTs, MD Meter, multi
function meters (MFM),summation CT 0.5 Class, metering & numerical
relays with feeders and all other accessories, all commissioning spares,
mandatory spares, special tools and tackles & special equipment &
documentation, as per Tender Specification specification, datasheet A367-000-
16- 50-0091 & 0064 for SS-01 (Item tag no: HT-1101), other codes and
standards attached or referred, all labour and materials, as per approved
drawings and directions of Engineer-in- Charge, including with provision for
3 interconnecting with data concentrator & HMI transportation, labour and SET 1
materials complete in all respects.
i. 33 KV, 800A, 31.5 kA for 1 sec. Incomer with line PT: 2 No.
ii. 33 KV, 800A, 31ns of Engineer-in- Charge, Complete in all
respects. eer-in- Charge, Complete in all respects. 1 sec plant feeder : 8 No.
v. 11 KV, 1250A, 40 kA for 1 sec Transformer feeder : 10 No.
vi. 11 KV, 1250A, 40 kA for 1 sec Capacitor feeder: 4 No.
vii. Lifting Truck with all accessories for withdrawal : 2 No.
of CB if Cassette design.
viii. Bus Side, Cable Side Earthing Truck with all : 2 No.
as per datasheet A367-000-16- 50-0061 & 62 and tender specification.


Supply & Laying of 33 KV (UE) grade, 3C, 240 Sq. mm, Cu Conductor,
XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, copper sheath, GI round
4 armoured, PVC overall ST2 sheathed, FRLS cables with as per EIL M 12000
standard specification No. 6-51-0051, data sheets, specifications of this
tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

Supply and making of outdoor type end terminations for above 33 KV

(UE) grade, 3C, 240 Sq. mm, Cu conductor, XLPE insulated & PVC
5 sheathed FRLS cables with heat shrinkable cable joint kit, copper crimping NOS 22
type lugs, all accessories as required for completion of termination in all

Supply and making of indoor type end terminations for above 33 KV (UE)
grade, 3C, 240 Sq. mm, Cu conductor, XLPE insulated & PVC sheathed
6 armoured FRLS cables with heat shrinkable cable joint kit, copper crimping NOS 16
type lugs, all accessories as required for completion of termination in all

Supply and making of Straight Through joints for above 33 KV (UE) grade,
3C, 240 Sq. mm, Cu conductor, XLPE insulated & PVC sheathed armoured
7 NOS 30
FRLS cables with heat shrinkable cable joint kits, copper lugs and other
accessories as required for completion of joint in all respects


Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 11KV, 600A for 10 sec,
10.58 W neutral grounding resistor with all accessories, special tools and
tackles, documentation as tender specification, instructions to vendors, data
8 NOS 4
sheets etc. and other codes and standards attached or referred and directions
of Engineer-in- Charge. This including tranportation, labour and materails ,
complete in all respects. Excluding foundation.


Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 11 KV, 1250A, 40 kA for

1 sec, Phase Segregated type Copper Bus Duct as per enclosed datasheet
A367-000-16-50-DS-0018 for SS-01 (tag no. 01-BD-0201A/B and 01-BD-
0202A/B)installation with all horizontal and vertical bends, copper flexibles
etc. as required, including transportation, breaking of walls and making good
of the same etc., (but excluding structural supports), all labour and materials,
as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of
Engineer-in-Charge, complete in all respects.

9.1 11 KV, 1250A, 40 kA for 1 sec Bus Duct for outdoor installation M 32

9.2 11 KV, 1250A, 40 kA for 1 sec Bus Duct for indoor installation M 40

Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 11 KV, 40 KA, 1 sec rated
indoor type metal enclosed HV Switch Board with copper bus bar
incorporating following EDO vacuum circuit breaker feeders complete with
feeder differential, bus bar differential protection, CTs ,PTs, multi function
meters (MFM), metering & numerical relays with feeders and all other
accessories like lifting truck, earthing truck etc., all commissioning spares,
mandatory spares, special tools and tackles & special equipment &
documentation,As per A367-000-16- 50-0092,Tender Specification
specification, datasheets, other codes and standards attached or referred,
approved drawings and directions of Engineer-in- Charge,with provision for
interconnecting with data concentrator & HMI transportation, labour and
materials complete in all respects.
10 SET 2
11 KV, 1250A, 40 kA for 1 sec HV Switch Board with following feeders:
i. 11 KV, 1250A, 40 kA for 1 sec incomer with line PT : 2 No.
ii. 11 KV, 1250A, 40 kA for 1 secspecifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in- Charge, Complete in all respects. 1 sec plant feeder
: 8 No.
v. 11 KV, 1250A, 40 kA for 1 sec Transformer feeder : 10 No.
vi. 11 KV, 1250A, 40 kA for 1 sec Capacitor feeder: 4 No.
vii. Lifting Truck with all accessories for withdrawal : 2 No.
of CB if Cassette design.
viii. Bus Side, Cable Side Earthing Truck with all : 2 No.
as per datasheet A367-000-16- 50-0061 & 62 and tender specification.


Supply & Laying of 11 KV (UE) grade, 3C x 185 Sq. mm, Al
Conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, copper sheath,
11 GI wire armoured, PVC overall ST2 sheathed, FRLS cables with as per EIL M 600
standard specification No. 6-51-0051, data sheets, specifications of this
tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

Supply and making of outdoor type end terminations for above 11 KV

(UE) grade, 3C x 185 Sq. mm, XLPE insulated & PVC sheathed armoured
12 aluminium conductor FRLS cables with heat shrinkable cable joint kit, copper NOS 10
crimping type lugs, all accessories as required for completion of termination
in all respects

Supply and making of indoor type end terminations for above 11 KV (UE)
grade, 3C, 185 Sq. mm, XLPE insulated & PVC sheathed armoured
13 aluminium conductor FRLS cables with heat shrinkable cable joint kit, copper NOS 21
crimping type lugs, all accessories as required for completion of termination
in all respects


Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of following 11kV, 3 phase,

550 KVAR, outdoor type, star connected, star point isolated, shunt capacitor
banks H.V. capacitor banks complete with insulators, discharge devices,
inter connecting bus link, series reactor, residual voltage transformer, series
14 reactor and RVT including supply of all special tools and tackles & LOT 2
documentation, supply of two years operation and maintenance spares,
supporting structure, transportation all labour and materials, as per approved
drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge,
complete with all respects. Excluding civil foundations.

415 V Bus Ducts

Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 415V, 3200A,50kA(1sec),
Sandwich type Busduct complete with all horizontal and vertical bends,
copper flexible etc. as required including transportation breaking of walls and
making good of the same etc., (but excluding structural supports), including
all labour and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this
tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge, complete in all respects.

15.1 415V, 3200 A,50kA(1sec), Bus Duct for outdoor installation M 24

15.2 415V, 3200 A,50kA(1sec), Bus Duct for indoor installation M 15
415 V Switch Boards

Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 415V TPN, indoor type

metal enclosed switchboardss with following feeders complete with multi
function meters, metering and numerical relays, busducts, CTs, PTs etc.
including supply of all commissioning spares, mandatory spares, special tools
and tackles & special equipment & documentation As per Tender
Specification specification, datasheet, other codes and standards attached or
referred,as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in- Charge, with provision for interconnecting with
data concentrator & HMI transportation, labour and materials complete in
all respects. complete in all respects.
415V, 3200 A, 50kA for 1 Sec siwtch board with following EDO feeders
i. 415 V, 3200A, 50 kA for 1 sec ACB incomer : 3 No.
ii. 415 V, 3200A, 50 kA for 1 sec ACB Bus coupler : 2 No.
16.1 iii. 415V, Bus PT : 3 No. SET 1
iv. 415 V, 800A, 50 kA for 1 sec ACB outgoing feeders : 19 No
v. 415 V, 1000A, 50 kA for 1 sec ACB outgoing feeders : 5 No
as per datasheet A367-000-16- 50-DS- 1023 and tender specification.

415V, 800A, 50kA for 1 Sec siwtch board with auto/manual changeover
facility having following feeders
i. 415 V, 800A, ACB incomer with line PT: 2 No.
ii. 415 V BUS PT : 2 No.
16.2 ii. 415 V, 800A, ACB Bus coupler : 1 No. SET 1
iii. 415V, 400A, MCCB outgoing feeders : 2 No.
iv. 415 V, 250 A, MCCB Feeder : 6 No

as per datasheet A367-000-16- 50-1024 and tender specification.

415V, 800A, 50kA for 1 Sec siwtch board with following feeders
i. 415 V, 800A, ACB incomer : 1 No.
ii. 415 V, 400A, MCCB Feeder : 2 No
16.3 iii. 415 V, 250A, MCCB Feeder : 3No SET 1
iv. 415 V, 160A, MCCB Feeder : 4 No.
v. 415V, 125A, MCCB Feeder : 8 No.
as per datasheet A367-000-16- 50-1030 and tender specification.
415V, 400A, 50 kA for 1 Sec siwtch board with following feeders
i. 415 V, 400 A, MCCB incomer : 1 No.
ii. 415 V, 250A, MCCB Feeder : 1 No.
16.4 iii. 415 V, 125A, MCCB Feeder : 2 No. SET 1
iv. 415 V, 63A, MCCB Feeder : 10 No.
as per datasheet A367-000-16- 50-1029 and tender specification.

415V, 400A, 25 kA for 1 Sec siwtch board with following feeders

i. 415 V, 400A, Switch incomer : 2 No.
ii. 415 V, 400A, Switch Bus Coupler : 1 No.
16.5 iii. 415V, 63A, SFU Feeder: 10 No. SET 1
iv. 415 V, 125A, MCCB with E/F relay :6 No.
v. 415V, 63A SFU With contactor & ELCB Feeder : 4No.
as per datasheet A367-000-16- 50-1025 and tender specification.

415V, 400A, 25 kA for 1 Sec siwtch board with following feeders

i. 415 V, 400A, Switch incomer : 2 No.
ii. 415 V, 400A, Switch Bus Coupler : 1 No.
16.6 iii. 415V, 63A, SFU with ELCB Feeder: 10No. SET 1
iv. 415 V, 125A, MCCB with E/F relay : 4 No.
v. 415V, 63A SFU With contactor & ELCB Feeder : 6 No.
as per datasheet A367-000-16- 50-1026 and tender specification.

415V, 400A, 25 kA for 1 Sec siwtch board with following feeders

i. 415 V, 400A, Switch incomer : 2 No.
ii. 415 V, 400A, Switch Bus Coupler : 1 No.
16.7 SET 1
iii. 415V, 63A, SFU : 18 No.
iv. 415V, 63A SFU With contactor & ELCB Feeder : 4 No.
as per datasheet A367-000-16- 50-1027 and tender specification.

Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Ni-Cd Battery and

Battery Charger (For S/S-01) as per datasheets as follows:

i. 110 V,200 Ah (min.), Ni-Cd Battery - 2 set

ii. 125 A (min.), battery charger- 1set
iii. 80 A (min.), 12 V, cell booster -1 no
iv. Accessories for battery set- 1 set
v. 110 V, 150 A (min.), DCDB with 34 no. of 32A
17 LOT 1
SFU feeders - 1 set

This includes supply of all special tools and tackles & documentation, supply
of two years operation and maintenance spares, filling with electrolyte,
grouting, assembly of battery racks, fixing of inter-cell connectors etc.,
transportation, all labour and materials, as per approved drawings,
specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in- Charge, Complete
in all respects.
Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 110V DC system
including Ni-Cd Battery and Battery Charger for lighting (in S/S-01) as per
datasheets as follows:

i. 110 V, 2 x 175 Ah (min.), Ni-Cd Battery - 1 set

ii. 120 A (min.), battery charger- 1set
iii. 30 A (min.), 12 V, cell booster -1 no
iv. Accessories for battery set- 1 set
18 v. 110 V, 150 A (min.), DCDB with 25 no. of 32A LOT 1
SFU feeders - 1 set

This includes supply of all special tools and tackles & documentation, supply
of two years operation and maintenance spares, filling with electrolyte,
grouting, assembly of battery racks, fixing of inter-cell connectors etc.,
transportation, all labour and materials, as per approved drawings,
specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in- Charge, Complete
in all respects.


Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Data Concentrator , HMI,

UPS,printer, software(including licences) & other intergrating Hardware,
associated inter connecting cable from numerical relays of 33KV HV switch
boards in MRSS (SS-01) and other equipment to dataconcentrator panel etc.
19 accordingly, all equipments required for testing & commissioning of these LOT 1
items and complete furniture such as PC & printer tables as required chairs ,
UPS rack trolley etc . are included, transportation, all labour and materials,
as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of
Engineer-in- Charge, Complete in all respects. . complete in all respects.
Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Data Concentrator , HMI,
UPS,printer, software(including licences) & other intergrating Hardware,
associated inter connecting cable from numerical relays of 11KV HV switch
boards in MRSS (SS-01) and other equipment to dataconcentrator panel etc.
20 accordingly, all equipments required for testing & commissioning of these LOT 1
items and complete furniture such as PC & printer tables as required chairs ,
UPS rack trolley etc . are included, transportation, all labour and materials,
as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of
Engineer-in- Charge, Complete in all respects.

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Data Concentrator , HMI,

UPS,printer, software (including licences) & other intergrating Hardware,
associated inter connecting cable from numerical relays of 0.433KV MV
switch boards in MRSS (SS-01) and other equipment to dataconcentrator
21 panel etc. accordingly, all equipments required for testing & commissioning LOT 1
of these items and complete furniture such as PC & printer tables as required
chairs , UPS rack trolley etc . are included, transportation, all labour and
materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in- Charge, Complete in all respects.

Laptop PC with all required accessories & cabling, application software

(including licences) compatible with relay & data concentrator, HMI as per
22 NOS 1
specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in- Charge, Complete
in all respects.
Conducting the following type tests as per the relavant IS including required
matrial, instruments, manpower etc. as required complete in all respects.
23.1 Heat run test for 33/11KV, 16/20 MVA ONAN/ONAF Transformer Nos 2

23.2 Impulse test for 33/11KV, 16/20 MVA ONAN/ONAF Transformer Nos 2
23.3 Heat run test on 11 KV, 1250 A, 40 KA, 1sec rated HV Panel Nos 1
23.4 Heat run test on 11 KV, 1250 A, 40 KA, 1sec rated Bus duct Nos 1
23.5 Heat run for the 415 V,3200A, 50 KA, 1sec rated PCC Panel Nos 1
23.6 Heat run test on 415 V,3200A, 50 KA, 1sec rated Bus duct Nos 1
Supply and laying of 1100 V grade, Aluminium Conductor, XLPE insulated
and armoured FRLS cables of following sizes as per EIL standard
24 specification No. 6-51-0051, data sheet, specifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge. including transport, all labour and
materials, complete in all respects.
24.1 2 C x 16 sq mm M 700
24.2 2 C x 50 sq mm M 100
24.3 3.5 C x 50 sq mm M 800
24.4 3.5C x 185 sq mm M 100
24.5 3.5 C x 300 sq. mm M 1000
Supply of 1100 V grade, Copper Conductor, XLPE insulated and armoured,
FRLS cables of following sizes as per EIL standard specification No. 6-51-
25 0051, data sheets, specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-
Charge. including transport, all labour and materials, complete in all
25.1 3 C x 2.5 sq. mm M 2100
25.2 7 C x 2.5 sq. mm M 800
25.3 19 C x 2.5 sq. mm M 5000
Supply and providing end terminations for following sizes of 1.1 KV grade
26 XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed armoured cables with required hard ware
like glands, heavy duty long copper lugs etc complete.
26.1 2 C x 16 sq mm NOS 35
26.2 2 C x 50 sq mm NOS 6
26.3 3.5 C x 50 sq mm NOS 30
26.4 3.5 C x 185 sq mm NOS 4
26.5 3.5 C x 300 sq. mm NOS 40
26.6 3 C x 2.5 sq. mm NOS 100
26.7 7 C x 2.5 sq. mm NOS 15
26.8 19 C x 2.5 sq. mm NOS 25

Supply and installation of prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays,
fabricated out of hot rolled sheet steel with rigid welded construction ladder
27 type with a rung as per std. 7-51-0333, of approved make and cable tray
fittings, including all labour and materials, as per approved drawings,
specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

27.1 300 mm wide Straight run cable tray. M 500

27.2 450 mm wide Straight run cable tray. M 500
27.3 750 mm wide Straight run cable tray. M 2000
Horizontal bends for 300 mm wide tray with 1000 mm
27.4 NOS 5
bending radius.
Horizontal bends for 450 mm wide tray with 1000 mm
27.5 NOS 5
bending radius.
Horizontal bends for 750 mm wide tray with 1000 mm
27.6 NOS 40
bending radius.
Vertical outside bends for 300 mm wide tray with 1000
27.7 NOS 5
mm bending radius
Vertical outside bends for 450 mm wide tray with 1000
27.8 NOS 5
mm bending radius. NOS
Vertical outside bends for 750 mm wide tray with 1000
27.9 NOS 40
mm bending radius.
Vertical inside bends for 750 mm wide tray with 1000 mm
27.10 NOS 20
bending radius.

Supply and installation of 100 mm wide galvanised slotted channel trays

of 2 mm thickness and 50 mm high for supporting cables, including all
28 M 50
labour and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender
and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

Supply, fabrication and installation of 0.91 mm (20 gauge) GI sheet

covers for cable trays, including necessary hardwares, including all labour
29 SQM 100
and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.


Supply & Installation of Industrial, weather proof type Push Button

stations as per EIL specification No. 6-51-0014 With stop push button.,
30 NOS 7
as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge, complete in all respects.


31 Supply & installation of following Tinned Cu conductor PVC Insulated Wire
31.1 1 No. 0.63 mm Twin flat wire M 125
31.2 2 No. 0.63 mm Twin flat wire M 50
31.3 3 No. 0.63 mm Twin flat wire M 50
31.4 4 No. 0.63 mm Twin flat wire M 120
31.5 2 PIN Telephone socket Nos 9
31.6 Telephone Junction box (10 Pair Incoming Cable) Nos 1
31.7 LAN/ Telephone/ Wifi Connection socket Nos 14
Supply, installation, termination, testing and commissioning of flush
mounted CAT-6 UTP JACK (Information Outlets) including supply of all
32 connected materials(i.e Face plates, Surface mount box, patch cord at I/O NOS 7
end), including all labour and materials, as per approved drawings,
specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-charge.

Circuit wiring with following cables for LAN in already laid

surface/concealed conduit from Etherswitch rack onwards to Cat-6 UTP
Jack (Information outlet) including the supply of cables, termination and
connection at both ends (i.e at jack panel end & at the I/O end), including all
labour and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender
and directions of Engineer-in-charge.

33.1 1 no. CAT-6 UTP cable M 100

33.2 2 no. CAT-6 UTP cable M 50

Supply, installation, mounting,testing & commissioing of following

Etherswitches including performance warranty certification(for LAN) of 25
years through OEM,including all labour and materials, as per approved
drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-charge.

34.1 Etherswitch Rack Type-I NOS 1

34.2 Etherswitch Rack Type-III NOS 1
34.3 Etherswitch Rack Type-IV NOS 1
Supply installation, testing and commissioning of .415 kV / .415 kV, 250
kVA dry type transformers with accessories,including nuts and bolts
etc., as per EIL standard specification No. 6-51-0042, including all
35 labour andmaterials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this NOS 6
tender. This includes transportation,all labour and materials required
specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge, complete
in all respect.


Supply installation, testing and commissioning of weatherproof metal clad

415V,63 A, 415 V, 5 pin sockets, TPN, industrial type socket and plug with
heavy duty interlocking switch, with adequately sized cable adaptor box for
36 incoming and outgoing cable terminations, including supply of double NOS 5
compression brass nickel plated cable glands, tinned copper lugs,
including all labours and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications
of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.


Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of following lighting fixtures

and connecting to wiring junction box/marshalling box complete with lamps
and necessary control gear including supply of all connected materials like
flexible conduit, clamps, supports, chains, anchor fastners, bolts, nuts and
washers etc. as required, including supply and fixing of cable glands, lugs,
including all labour and materials, as per approved drawings, data sheet for
lighting fixture schedule, EIL installation standards, specifications of this
tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

Type IND 1T Fixtures : 1 x 36 W T5 Rail type fluorescent lamp similar to

37.1 NOS 200
Philips- TMC 501/136
Type IND 2T Fixtures : 2 x 28 W T5 Rail type fluorescent lamp similar to
37.2 NOS 10
Philips-TMS 122/228HF
Type FLP10 Fixtures : 2x36/40 W Flameproof and weatherproof fluorescent
37.3 lamp fixture suitable 2x36/40W fluorescent lamps with integrated choke box NOS 15
housing mounting clamps etc.

Type IND 4T Fixtures : Industrial type fixture suitable for 2 x28W

37.4 fluorescent T5 lamp made of stove enamel finish MS sheet steel housing and NOS 130
vitreous enameled white reflector. Similar to Philips-TMS 122/228R

Type SFD 12 Fixtures: 1x100 W Ceiling/wall mounting fixture with prismatic

glass cover similar to Crompton IBH-1110BC/PHILIPS FXC101/ Bajaj
37.5 NOS 20

Type RSD 7T Fixtures: Recess mounting luminaries with mirror system

housing and dispersive anodised aluminum reflector for use in areas with strip
37.6 NOS 40
false ceiling type suitable for 4 x14 W fluorescent T5 lamp, similar to Philips-
TBS 869/414HF.
Type RSD 10 Fixtures: Recess mounting down-lighter fixture with 60/100W
incandescent lamp similar to Philips DN 622/Crompton DDLV 10BC/Bajaj
37.7 NOS 10
BJDR 100.

Type CM 4 Fixtures: Chemical resistance fixture suitable for 2x36 W

37.8 fluorescent lamp with reeded light stabilized clear acrylic cover (for use in NOS 20
indoor areas with high humidity and corrosive vapours).

Type CFL 3 Fixtures: Ceiling mounted decorative luminaries, with mirror

37.9 louvers suitable for 2x11 W CFL, similar to Crompton TLE 211/ Philips FCS- NOS 10
518/211/ Bajaj BJMS 211.
Type CFL 4 Fixtures: Recess mounted decorative luminaries, with mirror
37.10 louvers suitable for 2x11W CFL, similar to Crompton TLD 211/ Philips FBS- NOS 10
518/211/ Bajaj BJMR 211.

Type ST 10M Fixtures: Single piece die-cast aluminum body street light
fixture with bowl type Al. reflector and with clear acrylic cover suitable for
37.11 150 W Metal halide Lamp, similar to Philips SRP 501/ Bajaj BGEST 150/ NOS 40
Crompton SSG 1315 IH.

Type FD 6M Fixtures: Flood light fixture of cast aluminum housing and spun
37.12 aluminum reflector heat resistant glass cover and adjusting facility suitable for NOS 10
1x250W Metal Halide lamp.

Supply, installation, connection, testing and commissioning of following

types of exhaust fans(Safe Area / FLP) including supply of all necessary
supports etc., including fixing of cable glands, lugs, including all labour and
materials and accessories like mounting frame, fixing bolt, wire guard/louvres
etc., as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of
Engineer-in-Charge, complete in all respect

300 mm dia., 1 phase, 900 rpm, Safe Area wall mounting type epoxy painted
38.1 NOS 1
exhaust fan with louvres.
450 mm dia., 1 phase, 900 rpm, FLP Type wall mounting type epoxy painted
38.2 NOS 4
exhaust fan with louvres.
Supply, installation, connection, testing and commissioning of 240 V AC,
1200 mm sweep ceiling fan with regulator (labeled as minimum 5-star by
Bureau of Energy Efficiency) including providing clamp/hook in RCC slab, if
39 NOS 6
necessary, providing, fixing, ceiling, rose, wiring, including all labour and
materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge, complete in all respects.


Supply, installation, connection, testing and commissioning of following

ratings of 240 V, single phase, sockets/receptacles and metallic outlet boxes
40 as described below including supply of all connected materials, including all
labour and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender
and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

40.1 5 A, 5 pin, 240V plate type flush/ surface mounting sockets/receptacles. NOS 10

40.2 15/5 A, 6 pin plate type flush/ surface mounting sockets/receptacles. NOS 20
40.3 4 Nos. 5/15 A sockets, 1 no. 15A switch for computers NOS 10
Supply & installation of 20A SP surface mounted metal clad plug and socket
41 of MDS / Hager / Legrand / Siemens make with 25A DP RCBO along with NOS 30
Supply, installation, connection, testing and commissioning of following 240
V, single phase switches/MCB units, including outlet boxes, regulators,
42 dummies and associated accessories, including all labour and materials, as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-
42.1 5 A, 240V plate type flush/surface mounted swtches. NOS 70
42.2 5 A, 240V two way plate type flush/surface mounted switches. NOS 20
42.3 15 A, plate type flush/surface mounted swtches. NOS 10
Supply & installation of Legrand/Hager/ Siemens make 4 way vertical model,
TPN MCB DB with following components(IP 42) and required
43 accessories,including all labour and materials. NOS 8
a. 63 A RCBO with 100mA sensitivity - 1No (incomer)
b. 10 A SP MCB - 12 Nos
Supply & installation of Legrand/Hager/ Siemens make 8 way vertical
model, TPN MCB DB with following components(IP 42) and required
44 accessories NOS 3
a.63 A RCCB with 300mA sensitivity - 1No (incomer)
b.20 A SP MCB - 12 Nos

Supply and installation of dust and vermin proof G.I. sheet steel (1.6
mm thick) junction box suitable for indoor installation, complete with 15A,
20 terminals, supply and fixing of cable glands for incoming cable and knock
45 NOS 1
outs for conduit entry for outgoing circuits, including all labour and
materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.


Circuit wiring with 660 V grade, (sizes given below) PVC insulated copper
wires in already laid surface/concealed conduit from lighting panel/power
46 panel onwards including the supply of wires, termination and connection,
including all labour and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of
this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

46.1 3 No 1.5 sq. mm M 2500

46.2 3 No. 2.5 sq. mm M 700
46.3 5 No. 1.5 sq. mm M 400
46.4 5 No. 2.5 sq. mm M 200
46.5 7 No. 1.5 sq. mm M 200
46.6 7 No. 2.5 sq. mm M 200
Supply and laying of 25 mm diameter surface type black enamelled steel
conduit of approved make and associated fittings from lighting/power panel,
telephone, LAN junction boxes including supply of G.I. sheet steel junction
47 M 1500
boxes with acrylic cover, pull wire, including all labour and materials, as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-

Supply and installation of 50 mm x 50 mm, (18 SWG) 'METSEC' channel

with removable cover, including supply of all connected hardware, supports,
48 M 500
all labour and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this
tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

Circuit wiring with 660 V grade 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated copper conductor
wires in already installed metsec channel including the supply of wires,
49 termination, connection and harnessing of wires etc., including all labour and M 2500
materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of GI earth electrodes,

complete with earth pit as per std. 7-51-0102 and all necessary materials
including excavation of earth pit, filling with charcoal and salt, back
50 NOS 30
filling, providing necessary brickwork, connections, including all labour and
materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in- Charge. Complete in all respects.
Supply, installation and connection of GI earth plates as per std. 7-51-0103,
including excavation, back filling with charcoal, salt, and bentonite powder
funnel, watering pipe etc, consolidation, construction of masonry chamber,
51 NOS 10
cover, marker, anchor bolts, labour and materials, as per approved
drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in- Charge.
Complete in all respects.

Supply, installation and connection of following GI earthing strip along

the cable trenches or cable trays or fixing to walls or structures including
welding at joints, providing anti-corrosive paint or bitumen and jute
covering for welded portion, clamping and necessary hardware for
connecting, etc., including all labour and materials, as per approved
drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

52.1 75 x 10 mm M 1000
52.2 50 x 6 mm M 5000
52.3 20 x 3 mm M 500

Supply and connecting individual equipment to the earth strip or earth

plate with following sizes of G.I. wire / G.I. wire rope including the supply
of G.I. wire /G.I. wire rope, lugs, conductors, connecting to the G.I. strip
or earth plate and necessary hardware for connection, including all labour
and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender
and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

53.1 3/8" dia (10 mm) flexible rope. M 50

53.2 5/8" dia (16 mm) flexible rope. M 30
53.3 8 SWG GI Wire. M 50
Excavation and backfilling of trenches for cables and earth strip etc. in
all types of soil except rock, for a maximum depth of 1.5 m, shoring,
shuttering and dewatering (if necessary) including consolidation and
54 disposal of surplus earth up to a distance of 30 m, including all labour CUM 100
and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender
and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. (Excavated trench dimensions shall
be measured).

Supply and laying of 40 mm size gravel in one layer of 100/150 mm

thick including dressing of soil surface and laying the aggregate in uniform
layer and density, including all labour and materials, as per approved
55 drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in- CUM 130
Charge ( Aggregate will be measured in boxes of size 1.5 m x 1.5 m x 0.5
m which shall be taken as 1 cubic metre, the boxes are to be furnished
by the contractor free of cost for measuring purposes).

Supply and spreading of approved fine river sand/stone dust in cable

56 trenches, including all labour and materials, specifications of this tender and CUM 100
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

Supply and spreading of approved second class bricks of 75 mm thickness

in cable trenches for cable protection, including all labour and materials,
57 SQM 100
as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of
Engineer-in-Charge. (Actual area of laid brick surfaces shall be measured).
Providing and laying plain cement concrete for all depths below and up to
a plinth level in foundations including tamping, ramming, vibrating,
curing, shuttering etc. all as specified in any shape, position, thickness and
finishing the top surface rough or smooth as specified and directed,
58 CUM 10
including supply of all materials and all complete for concrete of M-15
grade with 20 mm and down size graded crushed stone aggregates,
including all labour and materials, as per approved drawings,
specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

Supply, fabrication and installation of 6 mm thick M.S. chequered plate

for covering floor cut- outs/cable trenches etc., including all labour and
59 SQM 150
materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.


Supply and laying of following sizes of G.I. Pipes (medium) in

required length fixed on steel, concrete or similar structure, laid in
trenches, ready to be buried in concrete including cutting, threading,
60 bending and similar works, supply of clamps, small iron structures,
spacers and installation of seats, plugs, bushings etc., small civil works,
including all labour and materials, as per approved drawings, specifications of
this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

60.1 40 mm NB. M 10
60.2 50 mm NB. M 50
60.3 65 mm NB. M 10
60.4 80 mm NB. M 10
60.5 100 mm NB. M 50
60.6 150 mm NB. M 10
Supply, fabrication and installation of MS base frames,supports for
switchgear, and brackets for miscellaneous electrical equipments, cable and
cable tray supports out of rolled MS sections, pipes, plates etc. including
shot blasting, welding, bolting, rivetting, supply of necessary anchor
bolts and grouting etc., supply of paint and applying one coat of anti-
rust primer and two finished coats of approved synthetic enamel paint(as
61 KG 40000
per applicable IS for highly corrosive environment) including breaking
walls, floors etc. for structures as required including supply of all GI
hardware materials, all labour and materials complete as per approved
drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
(Any item weighing up to 1 kg. or less shall neither be measured nor

Fabrication and installation of steel structural work of any type (equipment,

supports, cables trays etc.) fully assembled and erected including
necessary supports, foundation etc. excluding supply of steel but
including shot blasting, supply of paint and applying one coat of anti-
62 rust primer and two finished coats of approved synthetic enamel KG 500
paints(as per applicable IS for highly corrosive environment), all labour
and materials complete as per approved drawings and directions of Engineer-
in-Charge. (Any item weighing up to 1 kg or less shall neither be
measured nor paid).

Supply and installation of the following, including the supply of necessary
clamps, bolts, rawl plugs etc., breaking and making good of walls, if
63 required, mounting, including all labour and materials, complete and as
per applicable standards and Indian Electricity Rules and as per directions of
Shock hazard charts complete with frame and glass in English, Hindi
63.1 and the local language of the district and where Hindi is the local NOS 4
language, in English and Hindi only.
63.2 First Aid Boxes. NOS 2
63.3 9 Kg capacity CO2 type fire extinguishers. NOS 6
63.4 Sand buckets with stand (Each with at least 3 sand buckets). NOS 6

Supply and laying of 900 mm wide safety insulation mats of following grades
required for maintenance of electrical equipment in substation, including
64 cutting to required shape in running length, including all labour and
materials, as per applicable Indian or International standards and Indian
Electricity Rules and as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

64.1 11 KV grade. M 400

64.2 33 KV grade. M 200
64.3 1.1 KV grade. M 200
Supply of following items as per applicable Indian standards/Indian
Electricity Rules.
65.1 Rubber hand gloves (11 kV grade). PAIR 4
65.2 Rubber hand gloves (33 kV grade). NOS 8
65.3 Enamelled caution boards. NOS 12
65.4 Discharge rod with earthing facility (upto 11 kV grade). NOS 4
65.5 Discharge rod with earthing facility (Above11 kV & 33kV). NOS 2
65.6 HV fuse puller handle. NOS 2
Fire proofing of cables including supply of all fire proofing paint, including all
labour and material, as per the enclosed specification A367-000-16-50-SP-
66 SQM 10
1012 Rev. A and directions of Engineer in charge (Actual area of surface
panted shall be measured)
Supply & installation of fire proof sealing system including supply &
fabrication of steel frames and other accessories ( Cement, gravel, sand etc.)
including drilling, cutting, welding, surface preparastion, dressing/chipping of
67 CUM 10
concrete, enlargement etc. including all minor masonry & structural works
and repair of all damages in line with enclosed job specification A367-000-16-
50-SP-1011 Rev. A and instructions of Engineer in charge.

Letter painting and marking of all buses of switchboards,all incomers,bus

couplers, outgoings with details of Tag No, feeder rating in
KW/Amp,sending end source, in the front of the panels and bus bar, panel
nos.etc. on the rear side of the panels for all switchboards, all other substation
68 equipment viz.transformers, capacitors, neutral grounding resistors, VFD
panels, other panels, etc for equipment housed in electrical substations
including supply of all material such as stickers,enamel paints, stensil, etc
including supply of all labour,materials as per the specification of this tender
and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

68.1 Each alphabet/character Upto 2 inch in height/length NOS 500

68.2 Each alphabet/character Above 2 inch and Upto 4 inch in height/length NOS 100

68.3 Each alphabet/characterAbove 4 inch and Upto 8 inch in height/length NOS 100

68.4 Each alphabet/characterAbove 8 inch and Upto 12 inch in height/length NOS 100
Letter painting of tag nos., applicable circuit nos. for identification with
red/black/white paint for all outdoor equipment in safe and hazardous areas
viz. light fittings, control gear boxes, lighting/power panels, welding
receptacles, convenience receptacles, local control stations, fire alarm manual
call points, fire alarm detectors, motors, field call stations, loud speakers,
etc.including supply of enamel paint,all hardware as required, supply of all
labour,materials as per the specification of this tender and directions of

69.1 Upto 2 inch in height/length NOS 200

69.2 Above 2 inch and Upto 4 inch in height/length NOS 250
69.3 Above 4 inch and Upto 8 inch in height/length NOS 200
69.4 Above 8 inch and Upto 12 inch in height/length NOS 200
70 Supply and installation of fire stops(breaks) NOS 50
Unit price of the following feeders including the relays, cts, pts, extension of
bus bar , panel body etc. as required completely for addtion or deletion of
71 the feeders at a later date from the different panel covered this tender, if
required. Prices of these items will also be considered for the evoluation of
the bid.
71.1 415V, 800A,50kA, ACB feeder NOS 1
71.2 415V, 400A, 50kA, MCCB with E/F protection feeder NOS 1
71.3 415 V, 160A, 50 kA, MCCB with E/F protection NOS 1
71.4 415V, 63A,25kA SFU feeder NOS 1
72 Supply & Laying of 12 core Single/Mono mode, multitube, jelly filled, M 4200
Optical fiber cables with non metallic armour with following number of
cores, in already laid HDPE conduits for electrical system, plant
communication and fire alarm data highway, feeder differential protection,
etc., including (but not limited to) supply of all hardware, splice connectors,
etc. accessories, pulling through pipes or supported on structures including
supply and fixing of printed stainless steel/ non magnetic non corrosive metal
tags, including transportation from store/yard to site at the place of
installation, unpacking, including all labour and materials, as per approved
drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in- Charge

73 Supply & Laying of HDPE ducts for laying of optical fiber cables between M 4200
various substations, pulling through pipes or supported on structures
including supplying and fixing of GI saddle and saddle bars, including supply
and fixing of printed stainless steel/ non magnetic non corrosive metal tags,
including transportation from store/yard to site at the place of installation,
unpacking, including all labour and materials, as per approved drawings,
specifications of this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge

Termination/splicing of 12 Core Mono mode, multitube, jelly filled, Optical

fiber cable with non-metallic armour including cutting, stripping of cable
insulation, sealing of jacket including (but not limited to) supply of OFC
74 termination kit, hardware, pigtails, splicing kits, LIUs, Pacth cards etc. nos. 4
including all labour and materials, as per approved drawings, specification of
this tender and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
Disconnection and removal of existing 33kV cables (approximately 20M)
from existing 2 Pole structure and handing over the same to the client
including making the existing terminals (in 2 pole structure) suitable for
termination of 3R x 3C x 240 sq mm Cu XLPE cable and terminating
75 incoming feeders at DP Strcuture including supply of ACSR conductor ( Nos 2
apprx. 50m span) as per approved drawings, specification of this tender and
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

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