Financial Management
Financial Management
Unit No. Name of Unit
1.0 Objectives
After completing this unit, you would be able to:
Know the meaning and nature of financial management.
Understand the approaches of financial management.
Know the functions of financial management.
Understand the role of financial manager.
Financial Management
Cost Of Capital
Figure - 1.1
Source: M.R. Agarwal, “Financial Management”
Figure - 1.2
Source: R.V. Badi and N.V. Badi, “Business Ethics”
only basic objectives are being explained as under:
1. Profit Maximization: Earning profit is the main objective of any business.It can be achieved by
maximizing profits.Profit is the reward for risk.It also motivates for better performance. Survival of
any business mainly depends upon its capacity of earning profits. Efficient and effective utilization of
financial funds helps in achieving this goal. This objective was supported under the traditional approach
of the financial management. Profit maximization as an objective of financial management can be
justified on the following grounds:
(a) Earning more profit indicates the economic efficiency of a business wheras loss indicates economic
(b) Profit earning objective provide basis for strategic and tactical decisions. Profit is a premium for
staying in business.
(c) Maximum social welfare activities like more wages, better quality of products at cheaper rate to
customers, timely payment to creditors, more employment to society can be attain through
earning more and more profits.
(d) Profits can be said as major source of incentives in a business. If there is no profit incentives in
a business, then there will be no competition and thus all the development process will be zero.
(e) The objective of profit maximization seems rational because it is a device which stimulates
mankind into channels of useful services.
But like traditional approach it has been also criticized on some grounds which are as follows:
It is narrow concept. It gives stress only on generating higher profits. It is not clear under this
concept as which profit should be focused like gross profit, net profit, profit before tax or profit
after tax.
Earning profits give benefits only to its owners. It does not add much benefit to the society. Social
responsibility is not fulfilled under this concept.
Decisions taken for earning profits sometimes endangers the stability of the long run of business.
The biggest disadvantage of this objective is that it ignores time value of money. Profits generated
today do not have the same value as it is today. Rupee earned today has more value than its value
after one or two years.
This concept registers progress in monetary terms only. It completely ignores qualitative aspect.
Contribution of humans is ignored under this.
The objective of profit maximisation ignores the time value of money. Because profit received today
is not same as it received after 1 or 2 years.
It is vague term as it do not clear that profit increase in short term or long term.
Earning more and more profit may be immoral and leads to corrupt practices.
Profit maximisation objective sometimes degrades human ethical values.
The objective of profit maximisation ignores social responsibility of a business.
(f) Wealth Maximization: The profit maximisation objective is not only a vague term but it also
ignores risk and time value of money. Therefore, the wealth maximisation objective is considered as
basic objective rather than profit maximisation. According to Ezra Soloman, the ultimate objective
of financial management should be maximisation of wealth. It is modern approach of Financial
Management. It is also known as ‘Value maximizing’ or ‘Net worth Maximizing’. Financial
Management helps in effective utilisation of its assets which is viewed in terms of benefits it can
produce.Wealth maximisation objective means maximizing the wealth of the shareholders, by
increasing the value of the firm. Increasing value of the firm means increasing the market price of a
company’s share. The value of the firm is affected by many ways i.e. the firm’s growth, risk acceptable
to the investors, efficiency and effectiveness of the firm, dividend policy etc.
A firm must consider following points to increase market value of shares.
Customer should be managed properly.
Maintain satisfactory dividend policy.
Increase employees satisfaction level.
Enhance information system.
Improve quality of the products.
Increase the market share by launching new products.
Wealth maximizing policy advocates following objectives:-
It ensures long run survival and growth of the business.
It increases the value of shares as high dividends are distributed under this.
Dividend policy is designed in such a way to satisfy shareholders.
A perfect combination of debt and equity mix is carried out.
It reduces risk as projects having positive net present value are selected after careful and
detailed investigation.
Stakeholders are also satisfied as they feel connected with business.
Figure - 1.3
Source: M.R. Agarwal, “Financial Management”
I. Primary Or Executive Function: As the name itself speaks, this function is of executive nature
and requires lot of skills and expert advice. It generally perform activities like preparation of financial
plans, acquiring and allocation of funds, making arrangements for short term and long term
requirements and controlling financial activities. Let us study each activity performed in detail.
a) Financial Planning: This is the basic function under this. As financial plans is of primary nature
and form base for other departments. Finance manager has to draft financial plans for the enterprise.
If the business is new, a sound financial plan should be formulated keeping in mind the present and
future financial requirements. If the enterprise is on going old plans must be reviewed. These plans
should be flexible enough to be changed according to the dynamic environment. After analyzing
need for finance, finance manger plans as to which source should be opted for acquisition of funds.
How much should be borrowed from outside financial institutions and how much from internal
sources. A perfect combination of debt and equity mix is carried out by financial manager which
bears less cost of capital. Financial plans are to be reviewedfrom time to time according to the
market situation and need of the business.
b) Acquisition of Funds: This is the crucial stage of financial planning. Funds are acquired from
various sources which were decided in the primary function. All the formalities of acquiring funds
are one under this. Every source has its own cost which is to be looked upon.
c) Allocating Funds: After acquiring funds, they are allocated to various assets, activities, projects
etc. This is very important function because only after allocating funds project work will get started.
Improper allocation may cause wastage of funds. Financial manager should ensure that none activity
get more funds than they need otherwise resources will not be utilized in optimum way.
d) Financial Control: Financial control over various financial activities is necessary for smooth
execution of activities. It is very important function of financial management. Finance manager make
records, store information and make reports of various activities. This enables to make comparative
statements with past performances and finance manager can take corrective functions if he feels so.
II. Subsidiary Function: After performing primary functions, come subsidiary functions. Details are
as follows:
a) Maintaining Liquidity: Liquidity means firms financial position to meet its current liability. This
is the subsidiary function to maintain adequate liquidity of the business. Business should be strong
enough to meet its short term liabilities. Cash inflows and outflows should be balanced properly to
maintain liquidity.
b) Review of Financial Function: Financial performance should be reviewed and presented in
front of the board. This activity helps in taking corrective measures if require. Such reports made
base for comparison with past performances like inter-firm comparison, trend analysis, ratio analysis,
and cost-volume profit analysis.
c) Co-Ordination with Other Departments: Finance is required in each and every activity. Hence,
finance function is related with every other department. It is the duty of the finance manager to make
a balance between activities of every department. Additional finance required by other departments
is also looked by finance department.
III. Incidental or Routine Function: Finance is also required in day to day routine business. These
functions are necessary or supplementary to other primary or subsidiary functions. Commonly
performed incidental functions are:
Maintaining cash receipts, payments and checking cash balances.
Maintaining accounts and keeping records
Conducting internal audit
Making public relation
Keeping in mind the present governmental regulations.
John J. Hampton has written about the following functions in Handbook for financial decision makers:
(1) Managing funds,
(2) Managing assets,
(3) Liquidity functions
(a) Forecasting cash flows
(b) Raising of funds
(c) Managing the flow of internal funds
(4) Profitability functions
(a) Cost control
(b) Pricing
(c) Forecasting future profits
(d) Measuring cost of capital
1.10 Summary
Financial Management is the most important functional area of business management. It is mainly related
with the acquisition and profitable use of funds. Now a days it is an indispensable and in continous process.
In the changing business scenario, wealth maximisation is considered as the basic objective of financial
management, rather than profit maximisation.Sound financial management is the index of the success of an
enterprise. Financial management includes mainly three types of function viz: primary function, subsidiary
function and incidental function. Primary functions includes acquisition, allocation of funds and financial
planning and controlling. Subsidiary functions are related with review of financial function and co-ordination
with other department. Supplementary functions include maintaining accounts and keeping records. In the
field of business, functions of financial management are becoming very complex because of increasing
competition, entry of foreign institutes, globalization of business, corporate governance, corporate scandals
etc. As a result the chief financial officer has to face many challenges. He has to ensure that company is
staying financially healthy and good governance.
2.0 Objectives
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Understand the meaning of financial statements;
Prepare Income Statement and Balance Sheet;
Identify various types of assets and liabilities;
Explain the importance of financial statements.
2.1 Introduction
Manager of every firm is engaged in the process of planning and decision making. In order to take right
decision at right time, he should have sufficient informations of past and future. Information that is mostly
used by a manager is known as financial information and this is taken from financial statements.
Financial statements contain summarised information about the firm’s financial affairs. It’s main purpose is
to present the firm’s financial situation to the users. The financial statements are the end-product of the
financial accounting process. These statements present financial information in concise and capsule form.
Financial statements are prepared by top management and these should be prepared in a very careful
According to Hampton John J., “A financial statement is an organised collection of data according to logical
and consistent accounting procedures. It’s purpose is to convey an understanding of some financial aspects
of business firm. It may show a position at a moment of time as in the case of a balance sheet, or may reveal
a series of activities over a given period of time, as in the case of an Income Statement”.
Thus, the term ‘financial statements’ generally refer to basic statements prepared for the purpose of external
reporting to owners, investors and creditors are (i) profit and loss or income statement (ii) balance sheet or
statement of financial position.
Two other key financial statements which are usually prepared by corporate firms are:-
(a) Statement of retained earnings
(b) Statement of changes in financial position
Financial Statements
Income Statement Balance Sheet Statement of Retained Earnings Statement of Changes in Financial Position
Figure - 2.1
The meaning, nature, and characteristics of these financial statements are being explained as under:-
1. Income Statement: According to S.N. Maheshwari “The income statement (also termed as profit
and loss account) is normally recognized to be the most useful of all financial statements. The
income statement gives a report of operations over a specified period of time, summarises the
revenue or income and the expenses or costs attributed to that period and indicates the net profit or
loss for a specified period of time. The income statement explains what has happened to a business
as a result of operations between two balance sheet dates. For this purpose it matches the revenue
and costs incurred in the process of earning revenues and shows the net profit earned or loss
suffered during a particular period.
The nature of “Income” which is the focus of the income statement can be well understood if a
business is taken as an organization that uses ‘inputs’ to ‘produce’ output. The outputs are the
goods and services that the business provides to its customers. The values of these outputs are the
amounts paid by the customers for them. These amounts are called ‘revenues’ in accounting. The
inputs are the economic resources used by the business in providing these goods and services.
These are termed as ‘expenses’ in accounting.”
2. Balance Sheet: Balance sheet is the most significant and basic financial statement of any firm. A
firm prepares Balance sheet to present a summary of financial position at a particular moment of
time. In the language of accounting, balance sheet communicates information about assets of the
firm (i.e. the resources of the firm) and the liabilities (i.e. obligations of the firm towards outsiders)
and owner’s equity of the firm as on a specific date. It may be noted that it depicts snapshot of the
financial position of the firm at the close of the firm’s accounting period.
3. Statement of Retained Earnings: It is also known as the Profit and Loss Appropriation A/C.
According to the provisions of the companies Act, 1956 it is not mandatory to prepare this statement
but most of the companies prepare income statement into two parts i.e. first part is income statement
and second part is P.&L. Appropriation A/C. The net profit amount depicted by Profit and Loss
account is transferred to P.&L. Appropriation A/C wherein it will be divided in two parts i.e. dividend
to the shareholders and profit retained in the firm. The Proforma of P.&L. Appropriation A/C is as
Dr. Cr.
4. Statement of Changes in Financial Position: Traditionally balance sheet and income statement
are two common financial statements. As it has been explained earlier that the Balance sheet shows
financial position at a particular moment of time and the income statement discloses the net result of
operations of business over a period of time. But, both these statements do not depict the information
related to the changes in financial position and cash position over the period. For better understanding
of the financial position of the business, it is necessary to know the movement of working capital/
cash of the business. For this purpose, statement of changes in financial position may be prepared.
This statement shows how the firm generated different sources of funds and how these funds were
used during the period. The statement of changes in financial position can be prepared on two bases
which are:-
(i) Working capital basis-Funds Flow Statement
(ii) Cash basis- Cash Flow Statement
The balance sheet can be grouped into two parts: - Assets side and liabilities side.
Main items of Assets side
1. Fixed Assets
2. Investments
3. Current Assets, Loans and Advances
4. Miscellaneous Expenditure
5. Debit balance of Profit and Loss Account
Main items of Liabilities side
1. Share Capital
2. Reserves and Surplus
3. Secured Loans
4. Unsecured Loans
5. Current Liabilities and Provisions
Above terms are being explained here under:
Fixed Assets: Fixed assets include those assets which are purchased for long term. These assets are of
permanent nature and are not usually converted into cash in short period. Fixed assets are shown at historical
cost less depreciation till date. Thus these assets not present their market value or replacement cost.
Fixed assets should be presented in balance sheet in the following (permanence) order:-
1. Goodwill
2. Land
3. Buildings
4. Lease hold property
5. Plant and Machinery
6. Furniture and fittings
7. Development Property
8. Patents and Trademarks
9. Live Stock
10. Vehicle
Investments: In balance sheet, investment means Government securities, shares, debentures, bonds etc.
investments are shown at cost price in balance sheet. In words of Kohler, ‘Investment is an expenditure to
acquire property real or personal, tangible or intangible which yields income or services.’
Current assets, Loans and Advances: Current assets are those liquid assets which are convertible into
cash within a period of one year. Current assets include cash and bank balance, sundry debtors, receivables
(debtors and bills), stock (raw material, work-in progress and finished goods), marketable securities, prepaid
expenses. Loans and advances include bill of exchange, advances recoverable in cash or kind or value to be
Miscellaneous Expenditure: Expenses which are not included in manufacturing, administrative and selling
expenses are knows as miscellaneous expenditure. Preliminary expenses, discount allowed on issue of
shares and debentures, development expenses, commission or brokerage paid on undertaking or subscription
of shares and debentures etc. are included in miscellaneous expenditure.
Share Capital: In liabilities side of balance sheet, share capital is shown as first item. Under the head of
share capital-authorised capital, issued capital, subscribed capital, paid up- capital are shown. Both type of
shares preference and equity shares are also given under this head.
Reserves and Surplus: Under the head of reserves and surplus, various reserves are shown e.g. capital
reserves, capital redemption reserves, proposed addition to reserves, share premium account, sinking fund,
surplus etc.
Secured Loan: Secured Loans are such type of loan against which collateral or other security is held.
Debentures, loans and advances from bank etc. are include in this.
Unsecured Loan: According to kohler, “Unsecured liability is a liability for which the creditor holds no
Short term loans, advances from banks, public loans etc. are included in this head.
Current Liabilities and Provisions: Current liabilities are such liabilities which the firm expects to pay
within a period of one year. Sundry creditors, bank overdraft, advance payments, unclaimed dividend,
acceptance, outstanding expenses etc. are current liabilities. Current liabilities are paid out of the realisations
of current assets. These liabilities are expected to be discharged within an operating cycle of the firm.
Provisions include provision for taxation, dividend etc. Provisions for contingencies are shown as foot note
in the balance sheet.
Activity A:
1. What are the fixed and current assets? Give examples.
2. Profit and Loss Account/Income Statement: The income statement is also known as profit and
loss account, statement of earnings, statement of income and expenditure, statement of profit and
loss etc. Income statement provides the summary of the operating results of the firm of a accounting
period. In this statement revenues are match with the costs and shows the difference between the
two as the net profit/loss for a specific period. In America, the profit or loss is calculated in a
statement form, so it is known as income statement. While in India, the profit or loss calculated in
account form, so, it is known here as profit and loss account. With the help of income statement we
can understand the performance of the firm for a specific period. Income statement is prepared a
particular period, no standard format for income statement is provided by Companies Act, 1956.
Some definitions of income statement are given below;
Accounting to Howard and Upton, “The summary of changes in owners’ claim or equity resulting
from operations of period of time, properly arranged, is called the profit and loss statement.”
According to Robert N. Anthony, “The accounting report which summarises the revenue items, the
expense items and the difference between them (net income) for an accounting period is called the
income statement (or the profit and loss statement, statement of earnings or statement of operations).”
The debit side of profit and loss account includes all business expenses and losses where as credit
side includes all incomes and gains. Difference of both sides is called profit or loss as the case may
As the companies Act, 1956, does not state any standard format of profit and loss account. Different
business firms prepare this account according to the nature and requirement of the business. The
profit and loss account is divided into these four parts:
1. Manufacturing account
2. Trading account
3. Profit and loss account
4. Profit and loss appropriation account
Format of Income Statement: These days, instead of preparing the account form of profit and loss, the
statement form is prepared by the companies. Statement is may be of two types-
I. Single-step Income Statement
II. Multi step Income Statement
R e ve nue Rs Rs
Sa le s l es s re turns …… …… …… .
Ot he r inc o me …… …… …… .
Tot a l R eve nu e
C ost a nd Exp e nse s …… …… ….
Cos t o f sa l es *
Ad min ist rat ion a nd G e ne ra l Exp e nse s …… …… …… .
D ep re c ia t ion …… …… …… .
Int e rest …… …… …… .
…… …… …… .
N on-ope ra ting Expe n ses
Prov isio n for ta x …… …… …… .
Tot a l Co st and Expe ns es …… …… …… .
N e t P rofit (a ft er t a x) … … … … … ...
Propo se d D ivide nd
Inco me R et a ine d i n Bu sin es s … … … … … ..
… … … … … ..
… … … … … ..
*Cost of Sales = opening Stock + Purchases-closing stock
Multi-step Income Statement
……………………. Company Ltd.
Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended ……………………………
Rs Rs
Sales Revenue:
Gross Sales … …… …… …. .
Less: Sales Ret urns and Allo wnces … …… …… …. .
Net Sales …… …… …...
Cost of Goo ds Sold:
Beginn ing inventory
Purchases less Ret urns … …… …… …. .
Go ods Avai lable for sales … …… …… …. .
Less: clos ing invent ory … …… …… …. . …… …… …..
Gros s Profit o n Sales: … …… …… …. . …… …… …...
Op erating Expen ses:
Ad min ist rative and General Exp enses
Pro vis ion fo r Depreciat ion … …… …… …. .
Sellin g Exp enses … …… …… …. . …… …… …..
… …… …… …. .
Operatin g Profit:
Add: ot her Revenue:
Interest, Rent et c. …… …… …..
Less: ot her E xpenses … …… …… …. .
Interest et c. … …… …… …. .
Profit b efore Int erest and Tax
Less: Inco me Tax … …… …… …. . …… …… …..
… …… …… …. .
Net Profit aft er T ax
Disp os itio n of Incom e …… …… …..
Preference Div idend
Equity D ividend …… …… …..
…… …… …...
Activity B:
Give a specimen of multistep income statement using imagining figures.
Illustration 1. The following figures are retated to Mauli Ltd. For the year ending 31st Dec. 2012
Rs. Rs.
Illustration 2. The following data are related to Anshuman Ltd. for the year ending 31st March 2012
Rs. Rs.
Opening stock 220000 Selling and Dist. Exp.
Purchases 1400000 Salaries 36000
Closing stock 280000 Travelli ng 10000
Sales 2000000 Adverti sing 14000
Sales Returns 80000
Admi nistrative Exp: Divi dend receive 36000
Salaries 60000 Loss on sale of shares 6000
Rent 12000
St ationery 4000
Depreciation 20000
Other charges 40000
Prov. for taxation 140000
2.8 Summary
A manager obtains financial information from financial statements to take right decision at right time. Financial
statements are prepared by the top management and present financial information in concise and capsule
form. The term financial statements refer to Profit and Loss Account or Income Statement, Balance sheet,
and sometimes statement of Retained Earning and statement of changes in financial position. The Income
statement gives a report of operations over a specified period of time, summarises the revenue or income
and the expenses or cost attributed to that period and indicates the net profit or loss for a specified period
of time. The Balance sheet presents a summary of financial position at a particular moment of time. The net
profit depicted by Profit and Loss account is transferred to Profit and Loss Appropriation account wherein
it will be divided in two parts i.e. dividends to shareholders and profit retained in the firm. Statement of
changes in Financial Position depicts how the firm generated different sources of funds and how these funds
were used during the period. It comprises Fund Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement.
The financial statements are prepared to communicate with different parties regarding the financial position
of the business and to analyse the operations and performance of the firm for planning. Financial Statements
reflect a combination of recorded facts, accounting conventions, postulates and personal judgements. Financial
statements are important to management, investors, creditors, government and other stakeholders. Financial
statements are only interim reports, depend upon accounting concepts and conventions based on historical
cost. Financial statements disclose only monetary items and affected by personal judgement and knowledge.
Financial statements must be in simple and attractive manner. Irrelevant informations should be ignored.
Various required tables, footnotes, appendices must be given in financial statement.
7. Balance sheet of XYZ Ltd. is given below. You are required to prepare balance sheet in statement
Balance Sheet of XYZ Ltd.
(Rs. i n 000 )
as on 31st March 2012
Li ab ilities Amo unt Assets Am ount
Eq uit y share capi tal 100 0 T rade Invest ment s 4 00
Di v. Equ alisat ion Res. 14 0 Patent s 60
Gen. Res. 22 0 Buil din gs (at cos t) 6 40
P&L A/C 38 0 M ach inery 13 00
6% Deb ent ures 50 0 Bank bal. 1 76
Bank ov erdraft 30 0 Sto ck: Rs.
Staff Pro v. fund 16 0 Materials 180
Cred ito rs 42 0 WIP 120
Unpai d Div idend 20 Fin. Go ods 32 0 6 20
Proposed Divi dend 12 0 Debt ors 4 60
Prov. for T ax 34 0 Less : Provi sio n 16 4 44
Prov. for D ep. 50 0 B/R 60
Staff Pro v. fund invest ment 1 60
Depo sit with cust om Au th. 60
Ad vance fo r purchase of Machin e 1 20
Preliminary E xp. 60
410 0 41 00
2.11 Reference Books
- Financial Management - S.N. Mahaeshwari
- Management Accounting - R.P. Rustagi
- Financial Management - M.R. Agrawal
- Financial Management - M.R. Agrawal and N.P. Agrawal
- Financial Management - I.M. Pandey
Unit - 3 : Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis
Structure of Unit
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Objective of Financial Statement Analysis and Interpretation
3.3 Types of Financial Statement Analysis
3.4 Procedure of Financial Statement Analysis
3.5 Importance of Financial Statement Analysis
3.6 Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis
3.7 Summary
3.8 Key words
3.9 Self Assessment Questions
3.10 Reference Books
3.0 Objectives
After completing this unit, you would be able to:
Understand financial statement analysis
Know the procedure of financial statement analysis
Prepare comparative balance sheet and profit and loss account
Prepare common size financial statements
3.1 Introduction
Financial statements comprising the balance sheet and the profit and loss account donot provide all the
information in relation to the financial operation of a business enterprise, The balance sheet depicts the
financial position on a particular date and the profit and loss account reveals the results of financial activities
during a certain period of time. Merely figures shown in financial statements donot serve the purpose of
decision making for all stakeholders. Analysis and interpretation of financial statements help to diagnosis the
profitability and financial soundness of the business. Analysis and interpretation are two different terms.
S.N. Maheshwari states” the term analysis means methodical classification of data given in the financial
statements. The figures given in the financial statements will not help one unless they are put in a simplified
form. For example, all items relating to current assets are put at one place while all items relating to currant
liabilities’ are put another place. The term ‘Interpretation’ means explaining the meaning and significance of
the data so simplified. According to Metcalf and Titard “ The analysis of financial statements as a process of
evaluating the relationship between component parts of financial statements to obtain a better understanding
of the firm’s position and performance.” The financial analyst selects the information related to the decision
under consideration from total information available in financial statements. Thereafter he arranges the
information in a way to establish significant relationships. The last step is to interpret and to draw inferences
and conclusions. According to Spicer and pegelar” Interpretation of accounts may be defined as the art and
science of translating the figures in such a way as to reveal the financial strength and weakness ofa business
and the causeswhich have contributed therein.”
3.2 Objective of Financial Statement Analysis and Interpretation
The objectives of financial statements analysis and interpretation may differ from the point of view of different
stakeholders. Shareholders are generally interested in earning per share while debentureholders have focus
on capital structure and projected earnings. According to Anthony, Robert N. “The overall objective of a
business is to earn a satisfactory return on the funds invested in it,consistent with maintaining a sound
financial position. Hence the purpose of analysis of financial statement is a detailed cause and effect study of
profitability and financial position. Although analysis of financial statement is not an automatic and authentic
process but it helps in answering the questions of financial analyst. The main objectives of analysis and
interpretation of financial statements are being explained hereunder:
1. To measure profitability and to find out responsible factors in case of declining and improving
profitability ratios.
2. To measure financial soundness with the help of various ratios for corrective actions in case of
adverse position.
3. To measure operating efficiency through comparison of current year’s production, sales, expenses
with last year’s figures of these items.
4. To assessshortterm as well as long term solvency for creditors, debenture holders etc.
5. To show trend of various items of financial statements e.g. sales, purchases, profits, expenses and
to make strategies for future. This information will also help in budgeting and planning.
6. To conduct inter-firm and intra-firm comparison for self evaluation and for operating efficiency to
take corrective actions.
Figure - 3.1
1. According to Material Used:- Financial analysis according to this type can be of two type:
(i) Internal Analysis: Executives and employees of the enterprise conduct internal analysis
because they have access to the books of accounts and all other information related to
business. Therefore, such analysis becomes more reliable and useful to management.
(ii) External Analysis: - An external analysis is done by those who are outsiders for the
business and do not have access to the detailed records of the company. Shareholders,
prospective investors, creditors, bankers, governmental agencies, researchers are outsiders
who conduct such analysis on the basis of published financial statements. Increased
governmental control over companies and governmental regulations have directed companies
to disclose more detailed informations in order to improve analysis.
2. According to Modus Operandi: This type of analysis can be classified in two categories:-
(i) Horizontal Analysis: - when financial statements for a number of years are reviewed and
analysed, it is termed as ‘Horizontal Analysis’.Under this method, figures of two or more
years regarding each items are shown with changes from the base year. Generally, the first
year is assumed as base or standard year. Increase or decrease in each item as compared
to base year is shown in percentage form. For example, creditors shown in the balance
sheet have increased or decreased as compared to the year 2011, and 2012. Horizontal
analysis is used in comparative balance sheet and profit and loss account and in trend
analysis. Area of strength and weakness from considerable insight are given to the
management by this analysis. It is also known as ‘Dynamic Analysis’.
(ii) Vertical Analysis:- It is a study of quantitative relationship of the various items in the
financial statements on a particular date. It is related to one date or one accounting period.
Therefore, it is termed as ‘Static Analysis’. Common size balance sheet and profit andloss
account are examples of vertical analysis. Totals of financial statements of a particular
accounting period are taken as 100 and then all items related to that statement are converted
into percentage. For example, each item of Balance sheet is stated as a percentage of the
total of the Balance sheet.
B alance She e ts As on De c. 31
Lia bilitie s 2011 2012 As se ts 2011 2012
(R s .) (R s .) (R s .) (R s .)
C apita l 35000 35000 La nd 5000 5000
Reser ves 10000 12250 B uild ing 15000 13500
Secur ed Loa ns 5000 7500 Pla nt 15000 13500
C red itor s 10000 13750 Fur niture 5000 7000
O uts ta nd ing E xpe nse s 5000 7500 C ash 5000 7000
Debtor s 10000 15000
Stock 10000 15000
65000 76000 65000 76000
Solutio n: -
Co m pa rat ive Profit a n d Los s Accoun t
Fo r t he ye ar e nding 2011 a nd 2012
Pa rt ic ula rs 2011 2012 Cha nge in 2012 % Cha nge 2012
(R s .) (R s .) (R s .)
N et Sa les 40000 50000 10000 +25
Less :- C ost o f Good s So ld 30000 37500 7500 +25
Gross P ro fit ( A) 10000 12500 2500 +25
Less : Ge nera l E xpe nses 1000 1000 - -
Selling E xpe ns es 1500 2000 500 +33.3
Tota l E xpe nses (B ) 2500 3000 500 +20
N et Pro fit (A-B ) 7500 9500 2000 +26.7
Co m pa rat ive B alance She e t as on De c.31
2011 2012 Cha nge in 2012 % Cha nge 2012
(R s .) (R s .) (R s .)
La nd 5000 5000 - -
B uild ing 15000 13500 - 1500 - 10
Pla nt 15000 13500 - 1500 - 10
Fur niture 5000 7000 2000 +40
Tota l F ixed Asse ts ( A) 40000 39000 - 1000 - 2.5
C ash 5000 7000 2000 +40
Debtor s 10000 15000 5000 +50
Stock 10000 15000 5000 +50
Tota l C urre nt As sets (B ) 25000 37000 12000 +48
C red itor s 10000 13750 3750 37.5
O uts ta nd ing E xpe nse s 5000 7500 2500 50
Tota l C urre nt L iab ilitie s(C ) 15000 21250 6250 41.7
N et work ing C ap ita l ( B- C ) 10000 15750 5750 57.5
Tota l A ssets (A +B ) 65000 76000 11000 16.9
Interpretation: The net sales has increased by 25% which was coupled with increase in the cost of good
sold which also increased by same 25%. It can be observed that gross profit for the year 2012 has increased
by 25% over the profit of the year 2011. The increase in Net Profit by 26.7% is due to less increase in total
expenses. The comparative balance sheet shows a decrease of 2.5% in fixed assets which is result of
The current assets have increased by 48% and current liabilities have increased by 41.7%. increase in net
working capital by 57.5% shows that the working capital has not been managed properly. Change in
shareholders’ fund by 5% is the result of change in retained profit only because the firm has not raised
capital during the study period. The secured loans have increased by 50%.
The comparative financial statements do not depict the variation in different liabilities or different assets in
relation to total liabilities or total assets for a particular period.
Activity B:
1. Prepare Comparative Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss account with Imaginary figures
Common size Financial Statements: According to S.N. Maheshwari “Common size Financial Statements
are those in which figures reported are converted into percentages to some common base”. The common
size statements are generally called “component percentage” or “100 percent” statements. In common size
balance sheet, the total of assets and liabilities is taken as 100 and other items are expressed as its percentage.
Similarly in common size profit and loss account, sales figure is taken as 100 and each item is stated as
percentage of sales. The common size financial statement is useful for intra-firm comparison as well inter
firm comparison. The following example will help in understanding the procedure of preparation of common
size financial statements.
Illustration 2: Prepare the common size Balance Sheet and common size Profit and Loss account using
data given in Illustration 1-
Common Size Balance Sheet
2011 2012
Amount Common size % Amount Common size %
5000 7.70 5000 6.59
Land 15000 23.07 13500 17.76
Building 15000 23.07 13500 17.76
Plant 5000 7.70 7000 9.21
Furniture 40000 61.54 39000 51.32
Total Fixed Assets (A) 5000 7.70 7000 9.20
Cash 10000 15.38 15000 19.74
Debtors 10000 15.38 15000 19.74
Stock 25000 38.46 37000 48.68
Total Current Assets (B) 65000 100 76000 100
Total Assets (A+B) 35000 53.85 35000 46.05
Capital 10000 15.38 12250 16.12
45000 69.23 47250 62.17
Shareholders’ Fund (C)
Secured Loan 5000 7.70 7500 9.87
Creditors 10000 15.37 13750 18.09
Outstanding Expenses 5000 7.70 7500 9.87
Total Liabilities (D) 20000 30.77 28750 37.83
Total Capital+Liabilities (C+D) 65000 100 76000 100
Common Size Profit and Loss Account
2011 2012
Amount Common size Amount Common size %
Net Sales 40000 100 50000 100
Less:- Cost of Goods sold 30000 75 37500 75
Gross Profit (A) 10000 25 12500 25
Less:- General Expenses 1000 2.5 1000 2.0
Selling Expenses 1500 3.75 2000 4.0
Total operating Expenses(B) 2500 6.25 3000 6.0
Net Profit (A-B) 7500 18.75 9500 19.0
Interpretation: The common size balance sheet shows that proportion of fixed assets has decreased from
61.54% to 51.32% while current assets portion out of total assets has increased from 38.46% to 48.68%.
It indicates that position of current assets is far better than fixed assets. The proportion of shareholders’ fund
has reduced from 69.23% to 62.17% whereas external liabilities proportion has increased from 30.77% to
The common size Profit and Loss account reveals that there is no change in cost of goods sold and gross
profit percentage of sales. The operating expenses has reduced form 6.25% to 6%. It has affected net profit
which has increased from 18.75% to 19%.
The common size Financial Statements are useful to compare financial results and financial position between
two firms for the same period or for two different periods of a firm. It becomes difficult when the period to
be covered is more than two years. The common size Financial Statement is useful in only vertical analysis.
Trend Percentages: Examination of any one year’s account is not sufficient to predict the financial health
of a business. Therefore, it is necessary to study of data of two or more years. The trend percentage is
useful to conduct a comparative study of financial statement for several years. The study of trend will
indicate the direction of movement over a long time. It makes possible a horizontal study of the data. The
method of calculating trend percentage involves the calculation of percentage relationship that each item
bears to the same items in the base year. Any year may be taken as base year but it should generally be the
earliest year.
Each item of the base year is taken as 100 and on that basis the percentage for each of the items of each of
the years are calculated. Trend percentages are generally not computed for all the items given in the financial
statements as the fundamental objective is to make comparison between items having some logical relationship
to one another. The computation of trend percentage is useful to know favourable or unfavourable position
of the business.
The following points should be kept in mind while calculating trend percentages:
1. The consistency regarding accounting policies and practices should be followed for comparability.
2. The care is necessary in selection of base year. The base year must be normal and representative
year. Normally, the initial year is taken as base year but in case representative year may be considered
as base year.
3. Trend percentages should be computed for only those items which have logical relationship with
each other.
4. The figures for different years must be adjusted for variation in price level changes. For example,
increase in sales may be result of increase in selling price not of sales volume. The trend percentages
may give misleading results if price level changes are not adjusted.
Illustration 3: Calculate the trend percentages from the following figures of Manish Ltd., taking 2009 as
base year:
Trend Pe rcentage
Interpretation: It can be observed that the sales have reduced by 5% but cost of goods sold and expenses
have declined by 1.8% and 3% respectively. Net profit has decreased by 12% which shows that the overall
position in2010 is bad. The position was recovered in 2011 and 2012. Although there was 20% and 30%
increase in sales of 2011 and 2012 but increase in net profit by 31.3% and 50.6% in 2011 and 2012 shows
good position of the business.
Note: The remaining techniques of financial Statement analysis have been explained in detail in the following
3.7 Summary
The balance sheet depicts the financial position on a particular date and profit and loss account reveals the
results of financial activities during a certain period of time. Merely figures shown in financial statements do
not serve the purpose of decision making for all stakeholders. Analysis and interpretation of financial statements
help to diagnosis the profitability and soundness of the business. The Financial statement analysis helps to
measure operating efficiency and to assess short term as well as long term solvency of the business. Financial
statement analysis may be categorised on the two main basis viz., Material used and Modus operandi.
Financial analysis according to material used can be of two type (i) internal analysis and (ii) external analysis.
Internal analysis is conducted by executives and employees of the oranisation while external analysis is done
by those who are outsiders for the business. According to modus operandi, the analysis can be horizontal
analysis or vertical analysis. Under horizontal analysis method, figures of two or more years regarding each
items are shown with changes form the base year. Vertical analysis is related to one date or one accounting
period. Total of financial statements of a particular accounting period are taken as 100 and then all items
related to that statement are converted into percentage. The analysis process of financial statements involves
re-arrangement of financial statements, study of financial statements, approximation of figures and classification
of items, comparison by establishing relationship between items, analysis and interpretation and presentation
through report or diagrams. Financial statements analysis helps in comparative study of efficiency and planning
and decision making. It is important to various stakeholders. Comparative Financial Statements, Common
Size Financial Statements, Trend percentages, Ratio Analysis, Fund Flow Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis,
Break Even Analysis are the main financial statement analysis techniques.
7. Prepare a statement of comparative balance sheet from the details given below:-
Balance Sheet of Gaurav Ltd.
as on 31 March, 2011 and 2012
(Rs. in Lakh)
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
2011 2012 2011 2012
Share Capital Fixed Assets 10400 11000
1. Equity Share Capital 1600 1600 Less:- Deperciation 3000 4000
2. Preference Share Net Fixed Assets 7400 7000
Captial 1000 1100 Capital work in-Progress 200 300
Reserve and Surplus Investments 800 800
Long-Term Borrowings 3300 5000 Current Assets:
Current Liabilities & 4000 3400 (i) Stock 1290 2000
Provisions: (ii) Receivable 600 700
(i) Current (iii) Cash and Bank 750 1700
Liabilities Balances
(ii) Provision 900 1000
240 400
11040 12500 11040 12500
8. Prepare a common size Income Statement using figures given in above question no. 6.
9. Prepare a common size balance sheet using figures given in question no. 7.
10. Compute the Trend Percentages from the following data taking 2006 as the base year
Year Sales (Rs.) Stock(Rs.)
2006 400000 40000
2007 520000 50000
2008 640000 60000
2009 620000 56000
2010 640000 54000
2011 600000 58000
2012 480000 52000
4.0 Objectiv1es
After completing this unit, you would be able to:
4.1 Introduction
A basic limitation of the traditional financial statement comprising the balance sheet and the profit and loss
account, provides a summarised view of the financial position and operations of a firm. Different parties are
interested in the financial statement for different purposes and look at them from different angles. For
example. the debentureholders analyse the statements in order to ascertain the ability to pay
interest and maturity amount. The prospective shareholders would like to know whether the business is
profitable and is progressing on sound lines. The management is interested in the operational efficiency as-
well-as financial position of the business. Hence, the main objective of financial analysis is to make detail
study about the cause and effect of the profitability and financial condition of the firm. Hence, ratio analysis
is a tool to predict operational as-well-as financial efficiency of business through analysis & intrepretation of
financial data.
So analysis of financial statement is a process of selection, relation and evaluation. The first task of the
financial analyst is to select the information relevant to the decision under consideration. The second step is
to arrange the information in a way to highlight significant relationships. The final step is interpretation and
drawing of inferences and conclusions.
The present chapter involves an in-depth analysis of financial statements and its use for decision making by
various parties interested in them.
Current Assest
Current Ratio
Current Liabilities
Current assets normally includes cash in hand and at bank, marketable securities, bills receivable, Book
debts excluding provision, inventories, prepaid expenses, current liabilities include items such as outstanding
expenses, sundry creditors, bills payable, bank overdraft, provision for taxation, proposed dividend, income
tax payable, unclaimed dividend etc. Current assets means cash or those assets con vertible or expected to
be converted into cash within the accounting year and current liabilities are those liabilities to be paid within
same time.
Interpretation: It specifies that how much current assets are available to meet current liabilities. Hence
these ratios depicts the payment capacity of the concern. Thus,it is a measure of margin of safety for
creditors. A very high ratio may be indicative of lack management practices, as it may be excessive
inventories poor credit management etc. There should be reasonable current ratio, conventionally, a
current ratio of 2:1 is considered satisfactory in general condition.
Activity A:
1. A very high current ratio indicates that
(ii) Liquidity Ratio, Quick Ratio or Acid-Test Ratio: It indicates whether the firm is in a position to pay
its current liabilities in short period. It is a measure of liquidity of firm, how speedy it is able to repay its
current liabilities.
Current Assest
Current Ratio or Liquidity Ratio
Current Liabilities
Quick assets includes all current assets excluding inventories, prepaid expenses, advance tax and advance
payments, current liabilities means as it defined in current ratio. It is a more rigorous test of liquidity than the
current ratio and, used together with current ratio, it gives a better picture of the short term financial position
of the firm.
(iii) Super Quick Ratio or Absolute Liquidity Ratio: This ratio is calculated to assess the quick ability
to pay liquid liabilities. It is the ratio between absolute liquid assets and liquid liabilities.
This ratio is the most rigorous and conservative test of a firms liquidity position.
Activity B:
1. Current Liabilities Rs. 2,00,000, Bank overdraft Rs. 20,000, Stock Rs. 55,000, Debtors Rs. 50,000,
Cash and Bank Rs. 60,000, Marketable securities, 30,000, Calculate Quick Ratio and super quick
Illustration 1: Calculate liquid ratio, current ratio and super quick ratio from the following data:
Current Assets Rs. 50000
Stock Rs. 10000
Prepaid Expenses Rs. 5000
Working Capital Rs. 30000
Bank overdraft Rs. 5000
Cash balance Rs. 10000
Marketable securities Rs. 5000
Cost of goods sold: opening stock + purchases + direct expenses - closing stock
(or) Cost of production + opening stock of finished goods - closing stock of finished goods
(or) Sales - gross profit
(ii) Debtors Turnover Ratio: It is determined dividing the net credit sales by average debtors, thus:
Average receivable
Average collection period No. of months or days in a year
Net credit sales
Month (or days ) in a year
Debtors Turnover
This ratio is measurement of efficiency of debt collection department of a firm. It refers to quality
measurement of debtors, because this ratio depicts the collection effeciency of the firm.
(iv) Creditors Turnover Ratio:
Average Payables
Creditors payment Period No. of months / Days in a year
Net credit Purchases
This ratio shows that in how much days amount is paid to suppliers.
(vi) Total Assets Turnover Ratio:
Total Assets = Net fixed Assets + Current Assets + Intangible Assets (if there is any realisable value) but
excluding fictitous assets.
(vii) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio:
Capital employed = Fixed Assets + Current Assets - Current Liabilities (excluding fictitous assets and
non-trading assets)
Efficiency and effectiveness of business operations are judged by this ratio. It is a better measurement of
use of capital employed.
(x) Working Capital Turnover Ratio:
It is used to assess the efficient use of working capital in making sales. A high ratio indicates over trading
and a low ratio indicate under trading.
Note: In above ratios always cost of goods sold is taken but if it is not available then “sales” may be
used. If opening balance are not given then only closing balance will be taken for calculation. In the
absence of specific information all sales/purchases is treated as credit, purchase return and sales returns
are also treated as return from credit.)
Activity C:
1. A low stock turnover ratio indicates:
Illustration 2 : From the following balance sheet, calculate turnover ratios :
Sales during the year amounted to Rs. 60000 which yielded a gross profit of 20%. Receivables at the
beginning Rs. 70000 and payables at the end Rs. 60000, Opening stock Rs. 30000.
Solution :
Cost of goods sold = Rs. 160000 - 32000 = 128000
Capital employed = Rs. 150000 + 60000 + 20000 + 40000 + 20000 - (50000 + 20000) = 220000
Average stock = (30000 + 40000) / 2 = Rs. 35000
Gross Pr ofit
(i ) Gross Pr ofit Ratio 100
Net Sales
The higher the ratio, the greater will be the margin and lower the ratio the profit is declining in comparsion to
Operating Cost
(ii ) Operating Ratio 100
Net Sales
Operating Pr ofi
(iii ) Operating Pr ofit Ratio 100
Net Sales
Material consumed
(a ) Material consumed Ratio 100
Net Sales
Finance exp enses
( b) Finance exp enses Ratio 100
Net Sales
(c ) Manufactur ing / Ad min istration / Selling exp enses Ratio
Manufactur ing / Ad min istration / Selling exp enses Ratio
Net Sales
It reveals the managerial efficiency by comparing these ratios over a period of time.
It reveals overall profitability and efficiency of the business. A high ratio means adequate return to the
owners and firms capacity to stand in a competitive market. If the ratio is calculated on before tax profit
it measure the managerial efficiency and if it is calculated by taking after tax then it is used for comparing
two firms or for the owner’s purpose.
(B) Profitability Ratio Based on Capital: Efficiency of an enterprises can be judged by capital
employed also because some times conclusions drawn on the basis of net profit to sales may be
misleading. Such important ratios are:
(a) Return on capital Employed (ROCE) (Return on Investment)
Cost of good sold (+) Selling, Adm. and other expenses Current Assets (-) Current Liabilities
By this management can identify the areas which affect the profit.
Net Profit tax and interst
(b) Return on Net Worth 100
Net worth
Net worth or shareholders fund or owners equity or Proprieters funds =
E. S Capital + P.S. Capital + Securities Premium + reserves and surplus (after adjusting fictitous assets
and losses)
This ratio reveals that amount of earnings for each rupee that the shareholders have invested in the
company. It is useful for inter-firm and intra-firm comparison.
Net Profit tax Preference Dividend
(c) Return on Equity Shareholde rs funds 100
Equity shareholde rs funds
The ratio provides adequate test to evaluate whether a company has earned satisfactory return for its
equity holders or not. Investor can compare the normal rate of return in market with this rate to reach on
investment decision.
Net Profit after tax
(d) Return on total Assets 10
Total Assets excluding fictitous assets
Illustration: 3 From the following balance sheet calculate N.P. Ratio, ROCE, Return on equity
shareholders fund.
950000 950000
Sales 15,00,000
Net Profit tax =Net Profit after tax+Tax = 150000+150000 = Rs. 30000
Capital employed (Total) = Fixed Assets + Current Assets = 700000+230000 = Rs. 930000
Proprietory funds
(2) Proprietory Ratio
Total Assets
It reveals the general financial strength of the business. A higher ratio indicates sound financial position.
Total Debt
(3) Solvency Ratio
Total Assets excluding fictitous assets
If total assets are more than external liabilities, the firm is treated as solvent.
It indicates whether there is proper adjustment between longterm funds and fixed use of capital.
It is very significant for loan providers. A high ratio indicates sufficient interest paying capacity of the firm to
the long term loan providers. Low ratio indicates that the firm is using excessive debt. By this ratio investor
can forecast the financial risk through comparing this ratio from standard ratio of the same business.
Illustration : 4 From the following balance sheet calculate :
Debt-Equity Ratio, Proprietory Ratio, Solvency Ratio, Capital Gearing Ratio and Interest Coverage Ratio.
290000 290000
Reserves and surplus includes current year net profit after tax (50%) and interest Rs. 40000.
Through this ratio profitabilitiy of the firm can be measured from the shareholders point of view. The higher
ratio indicate better performance and greater would be the market price of a company’s share. It is beneficial
for inter-firm and intra - firm comparison for the investors point of view.
It indicates the market opinion of the earning capacity. The comparision of P/E Ratio with another similar
firms can specify whether the share is overvalued or under valued.
Activity D:
1. EPS of X Ltd. is Rs. 20 and MPS Rs. 200. EPS of Similar firm Y Ltd. Rs. 30 and MPS Rs.
240. The shares of X Ltd. are under valued or overvalued and Why?
It represents to what extent the profit has been received by the shareholders.
(4) Dividend yield Ratio 100
It represents to what extent the profits has been received by the shareholders.
Activity F:
1. Face value of a share Rs. 10, whereas market value per share Rs. 200. Dividend distributed @
100% what is dividend yield ratio.
It shows that how much earning is distributed and how much is retained as ploughing back of profits. This
ratio is also useful for inter as-well-as intra firm comparison.
Sales 7200000
Total Assets Turnover 3
Fixed Assets Turnover 5
Current Assets Turnover 7.5
Debtors Turnover 15
Total Assets/Net Worth 2.5
Debt-Equity 1.00
Inventory Turnover 20
Sales 7200000
(1) Total Assets Turnover 3 Rs. 24 Lakh.
Total Assets Total Assets
Sales 7200000
(2) Fixed Assets Turnover 5 Rs.14.40 Lakh.
Fixed Assets Fixed Assets
Sales 7200000
(3) Current Assets Turnover 7. 5 Rs. 9.60 Lakh.
Current Assets Current Assets
Sales 7200000
(4) Inventorie s Turnover 20 Rs. 48 Lakh.
Inventorie s Inventorie s
Sales 7200000
(5) Debtors Turnover 15 Rs. 4.8 Lakh.
Debtors Debtors
Total Assets 2. 5
(6) Total Assets / Net Worth 2.5 Rs. 9.6 Lakh.
Net Worth Net Worth
Debt Debt
(7) Debt Equity 1 Rs. 9.6 Lakh.
Equity 9.6
4.13 Summary
Ratio analysis is a systematic use of ratio to interpret the financial statement so that the strengths and
weaknesses of a firm can judge.
Ratio make the related infomation comparable. A single figure itself has no meaning.
Liquidity ratio measure the ability of a firm to meat its short terms obligations and reflects its short
term financial strength
Longterm solvency is reflected in its ability to assure the long term creditors with regerd to periodic
payment of interest and the repayment of loan on maturity. Such ratios reflects the safety margin to
the long term creditors.
Activity ratios enable the firm to know how effeciently these assets are employed by it. These ratios
indicate the speed with which assets are being converted or turned over into sales.
Profitability ratios enable the firm to know overall managerial efficiency of the firm. It is calculated
on the basis of sales and on the basis of capital.
Du-pont analysis is a barometer of the overall performance of the enterprise. It is a measure of the
earning power of net assets of the business.
Ratio analysis in view of its several limitations should be considered only as a tool for analysis rather
than as an end in itself. The reliability is based on quality of data used. Though ratio analysis is an
important tool for analysis and intrepretation of financial statements.
Rs. Rs.
Net Debtors 12000 Creditors 12000
Inventory 8000 G.P. on Sales 20%
Bills Payable 4000 No. of days in a year 360
Purchases 30000
Sales 60000
8. Calculate EPS, P/E ratio, DPS, Dividend payout ratio and Dividend yield ratio.
Profit after tax Rs. 14.40 Lakh
Tax rate 50%
Proposed Dividend 20%
10% P.S. Capital 50000 shares of Rs. 10 each
E.S. Capital 17500 shares of Rs. 100 each
Reserve at the beginning of the year : Rs. 14 Lakh
Current market price of Equity Shares : Rs. 125
(Ans. EPS = Rs. 79.42, P/E Ratio = ( Rs. 15.74 DPS = Rs. 20)
9. From the following information, complete the balance sheet given below :
Total Debt to net worth 0.5 to 1
Turnover of total Assets (based on sales) 2
Gross Profit 30%
Average collection period (based on 360 days in a year) 40 Days
Inventory Turnover Ratio (based on cost of goods sold) 3 times
Acid-Test ratio 0.75 to 1
5.0 Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will able to:
5.1 Introduction
The main financial statements of business are Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account. These financial
statements show the financial passions as on a particular date and the profit or loss of the particular period.
But these statements do not provide the information about the availability of fund, the sources of fund and
where the funds were utilized during the particular period. It is necessary to management to know about the
availability of fund, sources of fund and uses of fund for the future planning and decision making. Therefore,
a fund flow statement is prepared. Fund flow statement provides the information about availability, sources
and uses of fund.
In India, the institute of Charted Accounts has issued Accounting Standard-3 for preparing the statement on
the basis of working capital called ‘Statement of Change in Financial Position’. But in March, 1997, the
institute of Charted Accounts has issued Accounting Standard-3 (Revised), which is on cash basis and
discard the working capital definition of fund. Now, in India it is not compulsory to prepare fund flow
statement by Indian companies.
5.5 Difference Between Fund Flow Statement and Other Financial Statements
5.5.1 Difference Between Fund Flow Statement and Profit & Loss Account
1. Fund Flow Statement shows the change in sources and applications of fund between two dates
while Profit & loss account shows the results of operations of one organization during the related
2. In Fund Flow Statement funds raised are matched with funds applied disregarding the distinction of
capital and revenue concept while in Profit & Loss Account expenses are matched against income
and capital & revenue concept are predominant.
3. Profit & Loss Account facilitates preparation of the fund flow statement while fund flow statement
does not help in preparation of the Profit & Loss Account.
5.5.2 Difference Between Fund Flow Statement and Balance Sheet
1. Fund Flow Statement shows the changes in working capital between two dates while Balance
Sheet shows the financial position of a business on a particular date.
2. Fund Flow Statement incorporates items casing change in working capital while Balance Sheet
incorporates the balance of real and personal accounts.
3. Fund Flow Statement is basically an analytical tool and therefore, it is very good for decision
making while Balance Sheet is not an analytical tool and it is simply a summary of assets and
liabilities on a particular date.
4. Fund Flow Statement is prepared for the use of internal management; hence its publication is
obligatory while Balance Sheet is prepared for the use of external parties of the business, hence its
publication is mandatory.
(a) Any addition information given about current assets of current account will not be considered,
while preparing such statement.
(b) *If provision for taxation or proposed divided are treated as current assets than they should be
included in this statement.
Illustration 1: Following are summarized Balance Sheets of A Ltd. as on 31st December, 2010 and 2011.
You are required to prepare a statement showing changes in working capital for the year ended 31st
December, 2011:
Statement showing changes in working capital
for the year ended 31st December, 2011
Increase in Decrease
Particulars 2010 2011
W.C. in W.C.
A. Curre nt Assets
Cash 60,000 94,000 34,000
Debtors 2,40,000 2,30,000 10,000
Stock 1,60,000 1,80,000 20,000
4,60,000 5,04,000
B. Curre nt Liabilities
Creditors 1,40,000 90,000 50,000
Working Capital (A-B) 3,20,000 4,14,000
Net increase in Working Capital 94,000 94,000
4,14,000 4,14,000 1,04,000 1,04,000
Fund flow statement focuses on the reasons of changes in working capital. When fund flow statement is
preparing, only non-current assets and non-current liabilities are considered. Fund flow statement shows
the various sources and uses of fund. Such statement is prepared in the following two formats:
The main source of fund is profitable operation. Fund from operation is not necessarily equal to net profit.
Hence, the items of income statement which do not involve working capital should be adjusted to the net
profit. The fund from operation is calculated as follows:
Net income (Loss) of the year XXXX
Add: Non-fund and Non-operating Expenses/Losses:
Depreciation on fixed assets ++++
Goodwill (or patents) written off ++++
Preliminary expenses written off ++++
Discount on issue of shares/debentures written off ++++
Loss on sale of fixed assets or long term investments ++++
Transfer to reserves ++++
Provision for taxation ++++
Proposed dividend ++++
Less: Non-fund and Non-operating Incomes/Gains:
Profit on sale of fixed assets/long-term investments ----
Interest or dividend received ----
Retransfer of excess provision ----
Fund (Loss) from operation ===
Fund (Loss) from operation can also be calculated by preparing adjusted Profit & Loss
Adjusted Profit & Loss A/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Non-fund and Non-operating items By Balance b/d (Opening Balance)
already debited to P&L a/c: By Non-fund and Non-operating
-Depreciation on fixed assets Incomes/Gains:
-Goodwill (or patents) written off -Profit on sale of fixed assets / long-
-Preliminary expenses written off term investments
-Discount on issue of shares/debentures -Interest or dividend received
written off -Retransfer of excess provision
-Loss on sale of fixed assets or long By Funds from operations (Balancing
term investments Figure if any)
-Transfer to reserves
-Provision for taxation
-Proposed dividend
To Balance c/d (Closing Balance)
To Loss from operations (Balancing
Figure if any)
Illustration 2:
Following are the Balance Sheets of X Ltd. as on 31st December, 2010 and 2011. You are required to
prepare a Funds Statement for the year ended 31st December, 2001.
Working Notes:
Calculation of Funds from Ope rations:
Particular Detail Amount
Balance of P&L a/c (2010) 15,300
Add: Non-fund and non-operating items which have already
debited to P&L a/c:
-General reserve 5,000
-Provision for tax 16,500
-Dividends paid 11,500
On Buildings 5,000
On Plant 7,000 45,000
Less: Balance of P&L a/c (2011) 15,250
Funds from Operations 45,050
Plant A/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Balance c/d 75,000 By Depreciation a/c 7,000
To Bank 16,500 By Balance c/d 84,500
91,500 91,500
Goodwill A/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Bank 2,500 By Balance c/d 2,500
2,500 2,500
Illustration 3: From the following Balance Sheets of ABC Ltd. on 31st Dec. 2010 and 2011, you are
required to prepare:
(i) A Schedule of changes in working capital,
(ii) A Funds Flow Statement.
Working Notes:
Provision for Taxation A/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Bank a/c (Bal. Fig.) 34,000 By Balance b/d 32,000
To Balance c/d 36,000 By P&L a/c 38,000
70,000 70,000
Plant A/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Balance b/d 74,000 By Depreciation 8,000
To Bank a/c (Purchase) 6,000 By Balance c/d 72,000
(Bal. Fig.)
80,000 80,000
Buildings A/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Balance b/d 80,000 By Depreciation a/c 8,000
By Balance c/d 72,000
80,000 80,000
Investments A/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Balance b/d 20,000 By Balance c/d 22,000
To Bank a/c (Purchase) 2,000
(Bal. Fig.)
22,000 22,000
Illustration 4: From the following Balance Sheet of X Ltd., as on 31st December, 2000 and 31st December
2001, you are required to prepare a funds | flow statement.
Liabilities 2010 2011 Assets 2010 2011
Share Capital 4,00,000 5,00,000 Land and Buildings 4,00,000 4,80,000
General Reserve 80,000 1,40,000 Machinery 3,60,000 2,60,000
P&L A/c 64,000 78,000 Stock 2,00,000 2,52,000
Bank Loan 3,20,000 80,000 Debtors 1,60,000 1,28,000
Creditors 3,00,000 2,60,000 Cash at Bank 1,04,000 18,000
Provision for
Taxation 60,000 80,000
12,24,000 11,38,000 12,24,000 11,38,000
Additional Information :
(i) During the year ended 31st December 2011 dividend of Rs.84,000 was paid.
(ii) Assets of another company were purchased for a consideration of Rs. 1,00,000 payable by the
issue of shares. The assets included Land and Buildings of Rs.50,000 and stock of Rs.50,000.
(iii) Depreciation written off on machinery is Rs.24,000 and on Land and Buildings is Rs.45,000.
(iv) Income-tax paid during the year was Rs.70,000.
(v) Additions to Buildings were for Rs.75,000.
Funds Flow State ment for the year ending 31st Dec. 2011
Sources Rs. Application Rs.
Issue of Shares 50,000 Purchase Land & Buildings 75,000
Sale of Machinery 76,000 Bank Loan paid 2,40,000
Funds from operations 3,17,000 Dividend paid 84,000
Decrease in Working Capital 26,000 Income-tax paid 70,000
4,69,000 4,69,000
Working Notes:
Adjusted Profit & Loss A/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Machinery 24,000 By Opening Balance 64,000
To Land & Buildings 45,000 By Funds from Operations 3,17,000
To Provision for tax 90,000
To General Reserve 60,000
To Dividends paid 84,000
To Closing balance 78,000
3,81,000 3,81,000
a) Funds flow statement reveals the net result of operations done by the company during the year.
b) In addition to the balance sheet, it serves as an additional reference for many interested parties like
creditors, suppliers, government etc. to look into financial position of the company.
c) It shows how the funds were raised from various sources and also how those funds were put to use
in the business, therefore it is a great tool for management when it wants to know about where and
from funds were raised and also how those funds got utilized into the business.
d) It reveals the causes for the changes in liabilities and assets between the two balance sheet dates
therefore providing a detailed analysis of the balance sheet of the company.
e) Funds flow statement helps the management in deciding its future course of plans and also it acts as
a control tool for the management.
g) Investors are able to measure as to how the company has utilized the funds supplied by them and its
financial strengths with the aid of funds statements.
h) Helps the management of companies to forecast in advance the requirements of additional capital
and plan its capital issue accordingly.
5.9 Summary
In this unit we have tried to develop the idea of flow of funds within the organization. Starting with the funds
requirement for an organisation, we have tried to trace the sources and uses of funds. We tried to study the
important sources of funds, namely, the operations, sale of fixed assets, long-term borrowings and issue of
new capital. Similarly, important uses of funds were traced to acquisition of fixed assets, payment of dividends,
repayment of loans and capital. The whole exercise reveals the areas in which funds are deployed and the
sources from which they are obtained. Finally, we have learned how to go about doing the funds flow
analysis with the help of published accounting information.
7. From the following Balance Sheet, you are required to prepare a schedule of changes in working
capital and a Fund Flow Statement:
8. From the following Balance Sheet and other information of M/s. Ridhi & Sidhi Limited as at March
2011 and 2012, you are required to prepare:
a) A statement showing changes in working capital
b) A Fund Flow Statement
Balance Sheet of M/s. Ridhi& Sidhi Limited
As on 31st March
Liabilities 2011 2012 Assets 2011 2012
Share Capital 2,00,000 2,40,000 Machineries 2,00,000 2,50,000
Retained Earnings 1,25,000 1,60,000 Less: Accumulated
Depreciation (60,000) (80,000)
Debenture 1,50,000 90,000 1,40,000 1,70,000
Trade Creditors 30,000 40,000 Land 1,00,000 80,000
Trade Debtors 75,000 1,00,000
Inventory 1,40,000 1,20,000
Cash Balances 50,000 60,000
5,05,000 5,30,000 5,05,000 5,30,000
Additional Information:
a) Cash dividends of Rs.25,000 has been paid during the year.
b) An old machine costing Rs. 10,000 has been sold for Rs. 7,000. The written down value of
the machine was Rs. 5,500
9. From the following information, prepare a fund flow statement and a schedule of changes in working
Balance Sheet as on 31st December
Additional information:
a) During the year 2011 a part of machinery costing Rs. 7,500 (accumulated depreciation thereon
being Rs. 2,500) was sold for Rs. 3,000.
b) Dividend of Rs. 1,00,000 was paid during the year ended 31st December, 2011.
c) Income tax of Rs. 50,000 was paid during the year 2008.
d) Depreciation for the year 2011 was provided as follows:
Land & Building Rs. 10,000 and Plant &Machinery Rs. 50,000
10. From the following Balance Sheet and additional information, prepare fund flow statement:
6.0 Objectives
After completing this lesson, you will able to:
Recall the meaning of Cash Flow Statement
Know the purpose of preparing Cash flow statement
Prepare Cash flow statement
Identified the various activities which generate cash
Describe the importance and limitation of Cash flow statement
Know the difference between fund flow statement and other financial statement
6.1 Introduction
Company final accounts include Profit and loss account and balance sheet. Profit and loss account present
net profit or loss of specified period and Balance sheet show financial possession of the company. But they
are not present cash inflow or outflow, which effect by the decision based on final account. Cash flow
statement provides information about the cash receipt and payment of the company for specified period.
Cash flow statement is required by Accounting Standard 3 (revised) issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accounts of India in March 1997. Accounting Standard 3 is mandatory in nature in respect of accounting
periods commencing on or after 1.04.2001 for an enterprises whose equity or debt securities are listed on
a recognised stock exchange in India and enterprises that are in the process of issuing equity or debt
securities that will be listed on a recognised stock exchange in India as evidence by the board of director’s
resolution in this regard. And all other commercial, industrial and business reporting enterprises, whose
turnover for the accounting period exceed Rs. 50 corer.
6.6 Difference Between Funds Flow Statement Vs. Cash Flow Statement
Funds flow and cash flow statements both are used in analysis of business transactions particular period.
But there are some differences between these two statements which are given below:
a) Funds flow statements is based on the accrual accounting system but in case of cash flow statements
only those transactions are taken into consideration which affecting the cash or cash equivalents
b) Funds flow statement analysis the sources and application of funds of long-term nature and the net
increase or decrease in long-term funds will be reflected on the working capital of the firm. The cash
flow statement will only consider the increase or decrease in current assets and current’ liabilities in
calculating the cash flow of funds from operations.
c) Funds Flow analysis is more useful for long range financial planning while cash flow analysis is more
useful for identifying and correcting die current liquidity problems of the firm.
d) Funds flow statement analysis is a broader concept, it takes into account both long-term and short-
term funds into account in analysis. But cash flow statement deals with the one of the current assets
on balance sheet assets side only.
e) Funds flow statement tallies the funds generated from various sources with various uses to which
they are put. Cash flow statements start with the opening balance of cash and reach to the closing
balance of cash by proceeding through sources and uses.
6.7 Classification of Cash Flow
Cash flow includes inflow or outflow of cash or cash equivalent. It means the movement of cash into the
company and out of the company. Cash flows can be classified into the following three categories:
Cash Flow from Operating Activities: Operation activities include those activities from which business
income are generated and these are not investing or financing activities. Operation activities are result of the
net profit or loss of the organisation. For example cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of
services, royalties, fees, commission and other receiving. And cash payment to supplier of goods and
provider of services, to employees and to other in behalf of employees and for revenue expenses.
Operating activities include the production, sales and delivery of the company’s product as well as
collecting payment from its customers. This could include purchasing raw materials, building inventory,
advertising and shipping the product etc.
Cash flows from operating activities generally result from the transactions and other events that enter into
the determination of net profit or loss. Examples of cash flows from operating activities are:
a) Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services;
b) Cash receipts from royalties, fees, commissions and other revenue;
c) Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services;
d) Cash payments to and on behalf of employees;
e) Cash receipts and cash payments of an insurance enterprise for premiums and claims, annuities and
other policy benefits;
f) Cash payments or refunds of income taxes unless they can be specifically identified with financing
and investing activities; and
g) Cash receipts and payments relating to futures contracts, forward contracts, option contracts and
swap contracts when the contracts are held for dealing or trading purposes.
Cash Flow from Investing Activities: The separate disclosure of cash flows arising from investing
activities is important because the cash flows represent the extent to which expenditures have been made
for resources intended to generate future income and cash flows. Examples of cash flows arising from
investing activities are:
a) Cash payments to acquire fixed assets (including intangibles);
b) Cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets (including intangibles);
c) Cash payments to acquire investments in shares, warrants or debt instruments of other enterprises;
d) Cash payments to disposal of investments in shares, warrants or debt instruments of other enterprises;
e) Cash advances and loans made to third parties;
f) Cash receipts from the repayment of advances and loans made to third parties;
Cash Flow from Financial Activities: The separate disclosure of cash flows arising from financing
activities is important because it is useful in predicting claims on future cash flows by providers of funds
(both capital and borrowings) to the enterprise. Examples of cash flows arising from financing activities are:
a) Cash receipts from issuing shares;
b) Cash proceeds from issuing debentures, loans, notes, bonds, and other short or long-term borrowings;
c) Cash payment on redemption of preference shares or debentures;
d) Cash repayments of amounts borrowed.
6.8 Techniques of Preparing Cash Flow Statement
The financial statements of the business are prepared on accrual basis of accounting, therefore in order to
calculate the cash flow, some adjustment are made for non cash expenses and incomes. There are two
methods for determine the cash flow: (i) direct method and (ii) indirect method.
The direct method of preparing a cash flow statement results in a more easily understood report. The
indirect method is almost universally used, because AS requires a supplementary report similar to the indirect
method if a company chooses to use the direct method.
6.8.1 Direct Method
The direct method for creating a cash flow statement reports major classes of gross cash receipts and
payments. Under Accounting Standard dividends received may be reported under operating activities or
under investing activities. If taxes paid are directly linked to operating activities, they are reported under
operating activities; if the taxes are directly linked to investing activities or financing activities, they are
reported under investing or financing activities.
Working Note:
Cash receipt from custome rs
Particular Amount
Sales 40,32,000
Add: Debtors at the beginning 2,68,800
Less: Debtors at the end (2,97,600)
Cash receipt from custome rs 40,03,200
Machine ry a/c
Particular Rs. Particular Rs.
To Balance B/d 5,76,000 By Acc. Depreciation a/c 76,800
To Profit & Loss a/c (Profit on By Bank a/c 57,600
sale of machinery) 19,200
To Bank a/c (bal. figure) 4,60,800 To Balance c/d 9,21,600
10,56,000 10,56,000
D etail A mo unt
Pa rtic ula r
(Rs.) (Rs .)
Cash flo ws fro m o pera ting activitie s
Net inco me o f the year XXXX
Add : N o n-fund and no n-operating Expenses/Losse s:
Depreciatio n o n fixed asse ts ++++
Goodwill (or pate nts) written o ff ++++
Preliminary e xpe nses written o ff ++++
Disco unt o n issue o f s hares/debentures written o ff ++++
Loss o n sale o f fixed a ssets or lo ng term investments ++++
Transfer to reserves ++++
Provisio n for taxatio n ++++
Proposed d ivid end ++++
Less: N on F und and No n operating Inco mes/Gains :
Pro fit o n sale o f fixed asse ts/lo ng-term investme nts - ---
Interest or d ivide nd received - ---
Fund/Loss fro m operatio n ====
Add : Decrease in C urrent Assets ++++
Add : Increase in Current Liab ilities ++++
Less: Increase in Current Ass ets - ---
Less: Decrease in C urrent Liab ilities - ---
Less: Tax Paid - ---
Net cash flo w fro m o pera ting activ ities ====
Cash flo ws fro m investing a ctiv ities
Purchases o f fixed assets - ---
Purchases o f Investme nts - ---
Proceeds fro m the sale o f F ixed Assets ++++
Proceeds fro m the sale o f Inves tments ++++
Cash rece ip ts as D ivide nds / Interest o n investments ++++
Net cash flo ws fro m inve sting activities ====
Cash flo ws fro m fina ncing activities
Receip ts fro m issue o f shares ++++
Illustration 2: From the following Balance Sheet and other information of M/s. Ridhi & Sidhi Limited as at
March 2011 and 2012, you are required to prepare cash flow statement following the indirect method:
Balance Sheet of M/s. Ridhi& Sidhi Limited
As on 31st March
Liabilities 2011 2012 Assets 2011 2012
Share Capital 2,00,000 2,40,000 Plant and 2,00,000 2,50,000
Retained Earnings 1,25,000 1,60,000 Less: Accumulated (60,000) (80,000)
Debenture 1,50,000 90,000 1,40,000 1,70,000
Trade Creditors 30,000 40,000 Land 1,00,000 80,000
Trade Debtors 75,000 1,00,000
Inventory 1,40,000 1,20,000
Cash Balances 50,000 60,000
Additional Information: 5,05,000 5,30,000 5,05,000 5,30,000
a) Cash dividends of Rs.25,000 has been paid during the year.
b) An old machine costing Rs. 10,000 has been sold for Rs. 7,000. The written down value of the
machine was Rs. 5,500
Cash Flow Stateme nt
Detail Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
A. Cash Flow From Operating Activities:
Net Profit (Increase in retained earnings) 35,000
Add: Depreciation 24,500
Proposed Dividend 25,000
Less: Profit on sale of Plant and Machinery (1,500)
Fund from operation 84,500
Add: Net Decrease in Inventory 20,000
Net Increase in Creditors 10,000
Less: Net Increase in Debtors (25,000) 88,000
B. Cash Flow From Investing Activities:
Sales of Plant and Machinery 7,000
Sales of Land 20,000
Purchase of Plant and Machinery (60,000) (33,000)
C. Cash Flow From Financing Activities:
Issue of Share Capital 40,000
Redemption of Debentures (60,000)
Dividends Paid (25,000) (45,000)
Net increase in cash (A+B+C) 10,000
Cash Balance at the Beginning of the Period 50,000
Cash Balance at the End of the Period 60,000
Working Note:
Plant and Machinery A/c
Particular Amount Particular Amount
To Balance b/d 2,00,000 By Bank a/c 7,000
To P & L a/c (Profit on sale) 1,500 By Acc. Depreciation a/c 4,500
To Bank a/c (Purchase) By Balance c/d 2,50,000
(Balancing figure) 60,000
2,61,500 2,61,500
Accumulated Depreciation A/c
Particular Amount Particular Amount
To Plant and Machinery a/c 4,500 By Balance b/d 60,000
To Balance c/d 80,000 By P&L a/c (Balancing
figure) 24,500
84,500 84,500
Illustration 3: Use the following data to construct a statement of cash flows using the direct and indirect
Balance Sheet (As on 31st December)
Liability 2011 2010 Assets 2011 2010
Share Capital 88,000 84,000 Fixed assets 316,000 270,000
Retained earnings 59,000 60,500 Accumulated
Depreciation (45,000) (30,000)
Debenture 173,000 160,000 2,71,000 2,40,000
Accounts payable 18,000 16,000 Accounts receivable 25,000 32,500
Wages payable 4,000 7,000 Cash 4,000 14,000
Prepaid insurance 5,000 7,000
Inventory 37,000 34,000
342,000 327,500 342,000 327,500
B alance S he e ts
An old machine has been sold for Rs. 6,000. The written down value of the machine was Rs.
4,500. Dividend Rs. 6,000 has been paid during the year and Rs. 3,000 depreciation has been
6. From the following Balance Sheets of XYZ Ltd. you are required to prepare cash flow statement
using the indirect method:
Additional Information:
(i) Depreciation provided on plant was Rs.8,000 and on Buildings Rs.8,000
(ii) Provision for taxation made during the year Rs.38,000
(iii) Interim dividend paid during the year Rs. 16,000.
9. From the following Balance Sheet of X Ltd., as on 31st December, 2010 and 31st December 2011,
you are required to prepare a funds | flow statement.
Liabilities 2010 2011 Assets 2010 2011
Share Capital 4,00,000 5,00,000 Land and Buildings 4,00,000 4,80,000
P&L A/c 1,44,000 2,18,000 Machinery 3,60,000 2,60,000
Bank Loan 3,20,000 80,000 Stock 2,00,000 2,52,000
Creditors 3,00,000 2,60,000 Debtors 1,60,000 1,28,000
Provision for
Cash at Bank 1,04,000 18,000
Taxation 60,000 80,000
12,24,000 11,38,000 12,24,000 11,38,000
Additional Information :
(i) During the year ended 31st December 2011 dividend of Rs.84,000 was paid.
(ii) Depreciation written off on machinery is Rs.24,000 and on Land and Buildings is Rs.45,000.
(iii) Income-tax paid during the year was Rs.70,000.
(iv) Additions to Buildings were for Rs.75,000.
7.0 Objectives
After completing this unit you will be able to:
to understand concept of Working Capital
to know the types of Working Capital
to understand determinants of Working Capital
to point out advantages and disadvantages due to adequate and excessive Working Capital
to learn the methods of estimation of Working Capital requirements
7.1 Introduction
Working Capital is the part of the firms capital which is required for financing short term or current assets
such as stock, receivables, marketable securities and cash. Money invested in these current assets keep
revolving with relative rapidity and are being constantly converted into cash. This cash flows rotat again in
exchange of other such assets. Working Capital is also called as “short term capital”. “Liquid Capital”,
“Ciculating or revolving capital”, The Working Capital management refers to management of the working
capital or to be more precise the management of current assets and current liabilities. The goal of working
capital management is to manage the firms’ current assets and current liabilities in such a way that a satisfac-
tory level of working capital is maintained. This is so because, if the firm cannot maintain a satisfactory level
of working capital, it is likely to become insolvent and may even be forced into bankruptcy. Each of the
short term sources of financing must be continuously managed to ensure that they are obtained and used in
the best possible way. The current assets should be large enough to cover its current liabilities in order to
ensure a reasonable margin of safety.
7.2 Concept of Working Capital
There is no uninomous decision with the definition of working capital. The word working with reference to
capital refers to circulation of capital from one form to another during day-to-day operations of business.
The word capital refers to the monetary values of all assets of the business. There is lot of difference of
opinions among accountants, enterpreneurs and economists. There are two concepts of working capital:
Gross Working Capital : It referred to as working capital, means the total current assets.
Net working capital : It can be defined in two ways (i) the most common definition of net working capital
is the difference between current assets and current liabilities, and (ii) alternate definition of Net working
capital is that portion of current assets which is financed with long term funds.
Net working capital as a measure of liquidity, is not very useful for comparing the performance of different
firms, but it is quite useful for internal control. The goal of working capital management is to manage the
current assets and liabilities in such a way that an acceptable level of net working capital is maintained.
Another concept is “operating concept.” The duration or time required to complete the sequence of events
right from purchase of raw materials/goods for cash to the realisation of sales in cash is called the operating
cycle or working capital cycle.
Operating Cycle
Credit Sales
Debtors and Bills Receivables Sales
Cash Finished
Raw Working-in
Materials Progress
The net duration of operating cycle is calculated by adding the number of days involved in the different
stages of operation. This concept is more appropriate than others. According to this concept, the neces-
sary liquid funds required by a firm for production, administration and selling can be determined
for the whole year. If cash working capital requirements are known in advance, then non-cash current
assets may be better managed. Now it is an important tool in projecting working capital requirements of an
Activity A:
1. What is operating cycle Concept :
Calculate estimated working capital requirement for 2012-2013 adding 10% per annum for contingecies.
Solution :
2,50,000 3,75,000
(B) Current Liabilities
Sundry Creditors
1,00,000 5% 1,50,000
1,00,000 1,50,000
(C) Net Working Capital (A-B)
Add: 10% for contingencies 2,25,000
y = a+bx
xy = na+b£x
exy = a£x + b£x2
412 = 7a + 1130 b (i)
72280 = 1130a + 197900 b (ii)
Multiplying (i) equation by 1130 & second by 7
465560 = 7910 a + 1276900 b
505960 = 7910 a + 1385300 b
(-) (-) (-)
(-) 40400 = -108400 b
b= .3727
Finding the value of a by multiplying value of b in equation (i)
412 = 7a + 421.14
-7a = 9.1439
a =
a = (-) 1.3062
Hence y = a + bx
y = -1.3062 + 0.3727x
y = -1.3062 + 0.3727 x 275
or = -1.30692 + 102.4925
or = 101.4563
y = Working Capital = Ans. Rs. 101.4563 crores
When sales in Rs. 275 crores the workign capital Rs. 101.4563 crores.
3. Operating Cycle Method : In This Method
following steps are for computation of working capital
1. Calculation of Operating Expenses :
Value of Raw Material Consumed
Op. Stock of Raw Material -
(+) Purchases -
(+) Closing stock of Raw Material - -
Direct Wages
Prime Cost
Add : Manufacturing overhead
Note : 1 Depreciation, non cash items and mortisation of intangible assets should not included. Similarly
capital expenses and appropriation of profits and tax payments should not included.
2. Calculation of Operating Cycle Period : Total number of days involved in the different stages of
operation as materials storage period, conversion period, finished goods storage period, debtors collection
period and creditors payments period. It is a total period involved in different stages of operations, which
may be calculated as follows :
Operating Cycle Period : Material storage period + conversion period + finished goods storage period +
debtors collection period - creditors payment period. The calculation of each are as follows:
(a) Material Storage Period : It is the period for which raw material will remain in stores before
they are issued for production. It is calculated by following formula :
Note : Raw material consumed = Op. stock of raw material + Purchases - closing stock of raw
(b) Conversion Period (Work-in-Progress Period) : The time which is taken in converting the
raw material into finisheed goods. It is calculated by following formula :
Note : Total cost of goods sold : Cost of Production (excluding depreciation) + opening stock of
finished goods - closing stock of finished goods. It does not include adm. expenses and selling and
distribution expenses.
(d) Debtors Collection Period :It is the time lag in payments by debtors. It is calculated as
(Opening Debtors & B/R Closing Debtors & B/R /2)
Total credit sales/365
(e) Creditors Payment Period : It is the length of credit period available from trade creditors. It
is calculated as follows :
(Opening Creditors & B/R Closing Creditors & B/R /2)
Total credit purchases/ 365
Note :
(1) In the absence of any information, total purchases and total sales be treated as credit.
(2) There is no hard and fast rule and for taking 365 days as number of days in a year,
However, sometimes even 360 days may be considered.
(3) If, opening values of stock, debtors or creditors are not available then closing bal
ances of these items should be taken.
3. Number of Operating Cycles : The number of operating cycles in a year are determined by the
following formula :
365 / 360
No. Operating cycle
Operating cycle period
4. Calculation of amount of Working Capital : The amount of actual Working Capital required is calcu-
lated by dividing the total operating expenses for the period by the number of operating cycles in that
period. It is expressed as follows : Operating Expenses
Working Capital
No. Operating cycle
(i) No. of operating cycle per year
Net operating cycle period
(ii) Total operating expenses. Rs.
Cost of goods sold (as above) 49000
Add: Adm. expenses 12000
Add: Selling & distribution expenses 13000
7.8 Summary
Working Capital is that part of the total Assets of the business that changes from one form to
another form in the ordinary course of business operations.
Gross working capital means the sum of the current assets of the business.
Net working capital is the difference between current assets and current liabilities of the business.
The time required to complete the sequence of business events starting from cash raw material
work-in-process finished goods debtors cash is called as operating cycle or working capital cycle.
As per Balance-Sheet concept Working Capital is classified as Gross Working Capital and Net
Working Capital.
Inadequate working capital as-well-as excessive working capital is disastrous for the business.
A Corporation can preserve its image with meeting all the expenses and liabilities promptly and take
care for emergency needs, if its hold adequate working capital.
Return on investment will reduce if a Corporation have excessive or redundant working capital.
There are so many factors which should be considered for determination of working capital.
Most popular method for estimating Working Capital requirement is forecasting Net Current
Assets Method
7. Compute operating cycle period from the following informations, taking 365 days in a year.
Average Stocks :
Raw Materials 30000
Work-in-progress 36000
Finished goods 25000
Total production cost (excluding depreciation Rs. 10000) 960000
Raw Material consumption 400000
Average debtors 45000
Total Cost of sales (excluding depreciation Rs. 10000) 1100000
Sales 1600000
Average period allowed by Suppliers : 15 days
8. You are required to calculate estimated working capital from the following information:
1. Level of activity 5000 units
2. Elements of cost
Raw Materials Rs. 8 per Unit
Direct wages Rs. 2 per Unit
Overheads (excluding dep.) Rs. 6 per Unit
Selling price Rs. 20 per Unit
3. Raw materials are in stock on an average one month.
4. Credit allowed by creditors is one month.
5. Materials are in process, on an average half a month.
6. Credit allowed to debtors is 3 months.
7. Lag in payment of wages in one week.
8. Assume 52 weeks in a year and 4 weeks in a month.
9. Expected bank balance required to Rs. 7000.
10. It is assumed that the production is carried on evenly during the year, wages and
overheads accrue similarly.
9. Calculate working capital requirements by using operating cycle method:
Stocks: Opening Clo sing
Rs . Rs.
Raw Material 2000 0 26 000
Work-in -p roces s 1200 0 16 000
2000 0
Finished go od s 24 000
Purchases (all credit) 140 000
Cost of goo ds s old 200 000
Sales (all Cred it) 240 000
Debto rs 40 000
16 000
Cred ito rs
8.0 Objectives
After Studying this unit you should be able to:
Understand the concept of inventory management.
List out various objectives for holding inventories.
Identify the factors affecting investment level in inventory.
Pin point risk and cost associated with holding inventory.
Explain re-ordering, physical verification systems of inventory management.
Determine stock levels, reorder point and economic order quantity.
Use selective inventory management techniques like ABC,VED etc.
8.1 Introduction
The role of capital is crucial in this increased pace of industrialization. The capital raised by a firm is invested
in fixed assets and current assets for carrying on its activities. Inventory constitutes the largest portion of
current assets. As such, inventories are a vital element in the efforts of the firm to achieve desired goals.
The concept of inventory management has been one of the many analytical aspects of management. It
involves optimization of resources available for holding stock of various materials. Excessive inventory
leads to unnecessarily blockage of funds, resulting decreased profit. On the other hand, lack of inventory
not only impairs the profitability but also results in interruption in production and causes inefficiencies. Often
one is inclined to agree with the observation that "when you need money, look at your inventories, before
you look at your banker.' Even, if there is no shortage of funds in a business the financial manager has to
participate actively in the formulation of inventory policies with a view to speeding inventory turnover ratio
and maximising return on investment.
(b) Inventory Turnover Ratio: This ratio indicates the movement of average stock holding of
each item of material in relation to its consumption during the accounting period
Danger Level:- Danger level of stock is fixed below the minimum stock level and if stock reaches
below this level, urgent action for replenishment of stock should be taken to prevent stock out
Danger Stock level= Minimum rate of consumption x Minimum re-order period.
Illustration 1: In a factory components A and B are used weekly as follows:
Normal Usage 50 units
Maximum Usage 75 units
Minimum Usage 25 units
Re-order Quantity A= 300 units
B= 500 units
Re- order Period A= 4 to 6 weeks
B= 2 to 4 weeks
Calculate for each component:
(i) Re-order Level
(ii) Maximum Stock Level
(iii) Minimum Stock Level
Solution: Calculation of various stock levels
(1) Re- Order Level = ( Max. Usage x Max. re-order period)
Component A = (6 x 75) = 450 units
Component B = (4 x 75) = 300 units
(2) Maximum Stock Level = (Re-order level + Re-order quantity) - (Minimum
consumption rate x Minimum re-order period)
Component A = (450+300) - (25 x 4)= 650 units
Component B = (300+500) - (25 x 2) =750 units
(3) Minimum Stock Level = Re-order level - ( Normal Usage x Normal re-order period)
Component A = 450 - (50 x 5) = 200 units
Component B = 300 - (50 x 3) = 150 units
6. Economic Order Quantity:- The economic order quantity refers to the order size that will result is
the lowest total of order and carrying costs for an item of inventory. If a firm places unnecessary
orders, it will incur unneeded ordering cost. If it places too few orders, it must maintain large stocks
of goods and will have excessive carrying cost. So it is clear that there is negative co-relation
between ordering cost and carrying cost. By calculating an economic order quantity, the firm identifies
the number of units to order that results in the lowest total of these two costs.
Assumption of economic order quantity:
The rate of demand is known and sales occur at a constant rate.
Lead time is constant and known.
Stock holding costs not changes with time factor and are known.
There is no price discount.
Lead time is constant and known.
Ordering costs are in proportion to number of orders.
The replenishment is made instantaneously.
Economic order quantity can be determined by
(i) Algebraic method
(ii) Graphic method
(1) Algebraic Method:- Economic order quantity can be computed by using the following formula:
EOQ = √ 2AB/ CS
Here, EOQ = Economic order quantity
A= Annual consumption
B = Buying or ordering cost per order
C = Cost per unit
S = Storage or inventory carrying cost
Illustration 2: The annual usage of a refrigerator manufacturing company is 1,60,000 units of a certain
component. The order placing cost is Rs. 100 per order and the cost of carrying one unit for a year is 10%
of the cost per unit which is Rs. 80. Calculate the economic order quantity.
EOQ = √ 2AB/ CS
= √2 x 1,60,000 x 100 /10% of Rs. 80
= 2,000 units
Illustration 3: From the following information find out economic order quantity-
1. Annual usage = 3,200 units
2. Price per unit : Rs. 30
3. Cost of placing an order : Rs. 100
4. Cost of working capital : 10 % per annum
5. Cost of rent, insurance, tax etc. per unit per annum: Re. 1
= √2 x 3,200 x 100 /4
= 400 units
Note:- Inventory carrying cost = Cost of rent, insurance etc.+ Interest
= 1+30*10%
= 1+3 = Rs. 4 per unit
(2) Graphic Method: The EOQ can also be calculated by graphic method. While using this method
various costs related to inventory like stock holding cost, ordering cost and total cost are plotted on Y axis,
while order size is plotted on X axis. The point at which total cost is minimum is EOQ. Total cost is minimum
at that point where the line of ordering cost intersects the line of carrying cost. The graphical presentation of
the behaviour of ordering cost and carrying cost can be illustrated as follows:
EOQ with Quantity Discount:- A particularly unrealistic assumption with the basic EOQ calculation is that
the price per item remains constant. Usually some form of discount can be obtained by ordering large
quantities. When a quantity discount is offered, three things can happen:-
(i) Reduction in the yearly acquisition cost of the item.
(ii) Increase in the cost of holding inventory as now a larger average inventory will have to be carried.
(iii) Decrease in ordering cost as now less orders will have to be initiated.
If the increase in carrying cost is less than, the savings due to ordering cost and quantity discount offered, the
order of large quantity ( more than EOQ) should be given.
Illustration 4: For one of the A class item the purchase manager spents Rs. 500 in procuring 1,000 units in
a single lot in a year and thereby avails a discount of 5% on the price of Rs. 10 per unit. No discount will be
given for any other order quantity. Inventory carrying charges work out to 40%. If he follows EOQ policy
what would be the gain or loss to the organisation?
(a) = √2AB/CS
= √2 x 1,000 x 500 /4
= 500 units
Note:- No. of orders per year = 1,000/500 = 2 orders
(b) If 5% discount is availed
No. of orders = 1 order
product price = 10 - 5% of 10 = Rs. 9.5
Inventory carrying cost = 9.5 x 40/100
= Rs. 3.80
W ithout di scount Wi th 5 % discount
E OQ un its 50 0 1,00 0
O rd ering cost 2 x 500 = 1,00 0 1 x 500 = 5 00
carrying cost 0 (50 0/2) x 4 = 1,0 00 (1,00 0/2) x 3.8 = 1, 900
M aterial Purchase cost 1, 000 x 10 = 1 0,000 1,00 0 x 9 .5 = 9,5 00
T ot al co st 12 ,000 11,9 00
Suggestion: - If he follows EOQ, organization will bear a loss of Rs. 100 (12,000 - 11,900), so 5%
discount were be beneficial for the organisation.
7. Selective Inventory Control Techniques:- Effective inventory management requires understanding
and knowledge of the inventories and to gain this understanding some analysis and classification ofinventory
is required. Main selective inventory control techniques are as follow:
(a) ABC analysis: ABC analysis is a basic analytical management tool which enables top
management to place the effort where the result will be greatest. This is a rational approach for
determining the degree of control that should be exercised on each item of inventory. The technique
tries to analyse the distribution of any characteristics by stock value of importance in order to
determine its priority. This is also known as ' Always Better Control' techniques. Under this technique
the items in inventory are classified in three categories:
Category A: In this category such items are selected which are comparatively costly and are
substantial in the cost structure. Number of such items is very small, but these items represent the
major portion of the total value of materials. Items selected in this group are very sensitive in nature.
Category B: In this category those items of material are included which are less important and
less costly as compared to those included in group 'A'. Capital needed for purchase of these items
is neither too large nor too small.
Category C: Items of the material in the store which have very low cost are included in this
category. Number of such items is large, but these represent a very small fraction of the total cost of
material. As the purchase of these items requires only a small capital, such items are purchased in
large quantity at a time.
Obviously, 'A' class items should be subject to strict management control under either continuous review or
periodic review with short review cycles. Constant attention is paid by purchases and stores management
i.e. no or very low safety stock is maintained, centralised and frequent purchase system is followed, rigorous
value analysis is done, efforts for minimisation of wastage are done etc. 'C' class items require little attention
and can be relegated down the line for periodic review. Control over 'B' class items should be somewhere
in between.
Clas sificati on of Invento ry
Category % of % of Co ntro l Requ ired Su perv isio n
item s v al ue
A 10% t o 5 0% to Strict con trol s ystem Top manag ement
15% 7 0%
B 25% 2 5% to Co ntinuou s watch o ver Midd le man agem ent
to 30% 3 0% invent ory
C 60% t o 1 0% to General co ntrol Lower management
65% 1 5%
Note: The number ( percentage) are just indicative and actual break up can vary from situation to situation.
In inventory management, this technique has been applied in those areas which need selective control, such
as criticality of items, obsolete stocks, purchasing orders, receipts of materials, inspection, store keeping
and verification of bills. This approach helps the material manager to exercise selective control and focus his
attention only on a few items when he is confronted with lakhs of stores items. Many organisations those
adopted this technique have claimed that ABC analysis has helped in reducing the clerical costs and resulted
in better planning and improved inventory turnover.
Limitations: Though, ABC analysis is a powerful scientific and systematic approach in the direction of cost
reduction and saving time as it helps to control items with a selective approach. Some items though negligible
in monetary value, may be vital for smooth functioning of plant and constant attention is needed. For example
diesel, oil is categorised in class 'C' items in most of the manufacturing firms, will become the most high value
item during power crises. So, the results of ABC analysis have to be periodically reviewed and updated.
(b) VED Classification: This type of classification divides items into three categories in the decending
order of their criticality. Here 'V' stands for Vital items and their stock analysis requires more
attention, because out of stock situation will result in stoppage of production for example, needle
for the machine. Thus, 'V' items must be stored adequately to ensure smooth operation of the plant.
'E' means Essential items. Such items are considered essential for efficient running but without these
items the system would not fail but production capacity will be affected. Example, lubricant oil for
machine. Care must be taken to see that they are always in stock. 'D' stands for Desirable items
which do not affect the production immediately but availability of such items will lead to more
efficiency and less fatigue.
This technique is mainly used in the storage of spare parts and more suitable method for automobile
(c) FSND Classification: FSND classification divides the items into four categories according to
their material turnover ratio:
(i) F = Fast moving items. Stocks of such items are consumed in a short span of time.
(ii) N = Normal moving items. Normally such items are exhausted over a period of a year or so.
(iii) S = Slow moving items. Though moves slowly but it is still expected to be used up.
(iv) D = Dead items. The material which is dormant and obsolete covered under this category.
Stock of fast moving items must be observed continuously and replenishment orders be placed in
time to avoid stock out situations. The reorder level and quantities of slow moving items should be
based on estimate of future demand to minimize the risks of surplus stock. For dead items, efforts
must be made to find alternative uses. Otherwise, it must be disposed of.
(d) Just In Time (JIT) Approach: Under this technique, the material is purchased only when it is
required. The basic principle of this philosophy is to produce at each manufacturing stage, only the
necessary products at the necessary time in the necessary quantity to hold the successive in
manufacturing stages together. Thus efforts are made to maintain the stock at zero level. This technique
is also called as 'Zero Inventory Production System' or 'Material As Needed System'. The purpose
behind the technique is to eliminate waste not only the conventional form of waste such as scrap,
rework and equipment down time but also excess lead time over production and poor space
(e) Value Analysis: This technique was developed by Lawrence D. Miles, to obtain optimum benefit
from materials. Value analysis investigation of material is usually carried out every year in order to-
(i) Minimize consumption.
(ii) Maximize the utilization.
(iii) Substitute indigenous materials for imported ones without sacrificing quality or
(iv) Substitute it with cheaper material. Value analysis aims at assessing the value of an items
and then enhancing it systematically.
(f) Other Techniques-
(i) HML Classification: To control purchases the material is classified into High, Medium
and Low value items depending on the unit price of material.
(ii) SDE Analysis: Materials can be classified according to their availability at the time of
procurement in Scarce, Difficult and Easy to obtain category. Lead time analysis and special
purchasing strategies can be used for scarcely available items.
(iii) Statistical Techniques: Operation Research (OR), Linear Programming (LP),
Programme Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) can be used by the manager for the
purpose of planning and control of inventory.
(iv) Application of Computers: The scope of application of computers in inventory
management is really immense. With the basic issues and receipts, documents billing, inventory
planning, material budgeting, inventory valuation, fixation of inventory levels can be efficiently
computerized. Moreover, if the manual and mechanized system has been properly designed,
the implementation of a computerized system will not pose any problem.
8.8 Summary
Inventory represents the major portion of the total current assets in most of the concerns. Every business
concern maintains some level of inventory, therefore it is important to manage and control the inventory for
smooth functioning of business. The basic problem of inventory management is to strike a balance between
the operating efficiency and the cost of investment and other costs associated with large inventories.
The greater the efficiency with which the firm manages its inventory, the lower the required investment in
inventory. The financial officer should pay attention to the following aspects of inventory management (a)
Action taken against imbalances of raw material and work in progress inventory that may limit the utility of
stocks of that item which is in shortest supply. (b) Production schedules as far as possible, should be firmly
adhered to for reducing inventory of raw materials and in progress goods. Any change should get early
notification. (c) Continuous efforts should be made to shorten the production cycle. (d) There should be
reasonable procurement lead time assumptions and safety stock levels. (e) There should be an efficient
system to dispose of goods that are unusable or obsolete for production. (f) Special pricing policy may be
required to move extremely slow moving finished items. Various techniques like two bin system, setting of
reorder point, fixation of stock levels, determination of economic order quantity, selective inventory
management techniques (ABC, VED, SDE, FSND etc.) can be used to maintain optimum level and control
of inventory. Thus inventory management helps to reduce inventory without any adverse effect on production
and sale.
9.0 Objectives
The main objectives to study this unit are:
To explain the reasons of holding cash.
To describe the meaning and objectives of cash management.
To explain the factors which affect the cash requirement.
To discuss the techniques of cash planning and control.
To focus on the management of cash collection and disbursement.
To highlight the need for investing surplus cash in marketable securities.
To understand cash management models to determine the optimum cash balance.
9.1 Introduction
Since cash is the medium of exchange, it is the most important component of working capital. Cash is the
basic input required to keep the organisation running on a continuous basis and the ultimate output expected
to be realised by selling goods and services. It can be compared to the blood in the human body which gives
life and strength to the body. Similarly, Cash keeps the organisation as a vital entity. The firm should keep
sufficient cash, neither more nor less. Cash shortage will disrupt the firm’s manufacturing operations while
excessive cash remaining idle will increase the cost without contributing anything towards the profitability of
the organisation and since cash is the most sensitive and fraud prone asset, there will be high chances of
embezzlement. Therefore, for smooth functioning and for higher profitability effective cash management is of
paramount importance. Apart from the fact that it is the most liquid current asset, it is the commondenominator
to which all current assets get converted eventually. This underlines the significance of cash management.
9.2 Meaning of Cash
Cash in the money which a firm can disburse immediately without any restriction. In cash management, the
term cash is used in both narrow and broad senses. In narrow sense, it includes coins, currency, cheques,
drafts held by the firm and demand deposits in its bank accounts.
In broader sense, it also covers near cash assets, i.e. marketable securities and time deposits in banks and
other financial institution. The word ‘cash management’ is, generally used for cash and near cash assets i.e.
for both type of assets.
Cash has the following characteristics : -
1. Cash itself does not produce goods or services. Interest can be earned by depositing or lending it
but it does not earn any profit like other assets. So it is called an unproductive asset. Shortage of
cash is likely to harm the operations of a firm.
2. Every business needs to show a minimum cash to carry its business activities. If busines does not
show sufficient cash balance, it will not be able to pay its creditors on time. This may be called
critical level of cash.
3. Cash is a medium of exchange and plays an important role as most of the transactions involve flow
of cash funds.
4. Deploying extra funds always involves opportunity cost. Therefore, excess cash should be invested
in a profitable way to yield something in the form of interest and dividend rather than remaining idle.
It coordinates the timings of cash needs. It identifies the period(s) when there might either be a
shortage of cash or remain an abnormally large balance.
It also helps to pinpoint period(s) when there is likely to be excess cash to take advantage like cash
discounts on its accounts payable, capital expenditure decision etc.
Lastly it helps to plan/arrange adequately needed funds (avoiding excess/shortage of cash) on
favorable terms.
There are three methods to prepare the cash budget:
Receipt and Payment Method.
Point of Minimum
Total Cost t
To t Co
tal s ty
Co ni
Cost (Rs.)
p or
Transaction Costs
Level of Cash
Figure - 9.1
It is clear from the above diagram that if the firm maintains large cash balances, its transaction cost will
decline but opportunity cost will increase or vice-versa. At point P the sum of the two costs i.e. total cost is
the minimum. This is the point of optimal cash balance which a firm should seek to achieve.
9.6.4 Optimum investment of surplus cash
Cash kept by the firm in excess of its normal need is called the surplus cash. Due to changing working
capital needs or unpredictable requirements the finance manager is required to consider the minimum cash
balance that the firm should keep to avoid the cost of running out of funds. This minimum level may be
termed as’Safety level of Cash’. Formula’s used for this level are :-
a) During Normal Periods: Safety level of cash = Desired days of cash x Average daily cash outflows.
b) During Peak Periods:Safety level of cash = Desired days of cash at the peak period x Average of
highest daily cash outflows Firm can breakup its surplus into these categories:
i) Surplus which is made available for meeting unforeseen disbursements should be invested in
assets which can be immediately sold without much loss.
ii) Surplus which is made available for some specific payments like dividend, capital expenditure
should be invested in securities whose maturities coincide with the date of payments.
iii) Surplus which is not required for any specific purpose like general reserve, can be invested in
securities with long term maturity and thus firm can earn more return. Having determined both the
temporary and permanent cash surplus and after considering the following factors, the finance manager
should decide the channels of investment : -
a) Safety: Safety in investment means absence of risk. The risk associated with a loss in
value of principal amount invested in marketable securities is the most important aspect of
selection process. Therefore, the firm should select those securities which have no risk of
default of interest or recovery of principal. The rule of selction of marketable securities is to
invest in less risky securities and be prepared to sacrifice extra return for the sake of safety.
b) Liquidy: Liquidy refers to the abiliy to transform a security into cash. To ensure liquidity,
the money should be invested in marketable (short term) securities including Government
treasury bills and short term fixed deposits with banks.
c) Maturity: Maturity refers to the time period over which interest and principal are to be
paid. The price of long-term securities fluctuates more widely with the interest rate changes
than the price of short term securities. Hence, long-term securities are relatively more risky.
Therefore, for safety reasons, the firm prefers to invest excess cash in short-term securities.
CASH (Rs.)
Figure - 9.2
For preparing the above diagram it is assumed that the demand of cash is steady for a given period
of time. During this period the firm can recover cash after selling the investments. Suppose opening cash
balance with firm is C and as and when this balance is spent on various expenses, the firm sells the investment
hence when cash balance becomes zero, the funds are transferred from investment to cash.
This optimum cash balance according to this model will be at that point, where these two costs are
The formula for determining optimum cash balance is : -
Solution : C=
2 x 1260000 x 20
= Rs. 25100
Limitation of Baumol’s Model: The assumptions do not fit in practical environment. Practically cash
disbursements are found to be variable and uncertain and variance will be there in cash receipts and
disbursements during each month or days in a month. Transaction and opportunity cost also varies over
9.7.2 Miller-Orr Model
Miller-Orr (MO) Model helps in determining the optimum level of cash when the demand for cash is not
steady and cannot be known in advance. MO model deals with cash management problem under the
assumption of random cash flows by laying down control limits for cash balances. These limits comprise of
(i) upper limit, (ii) lower limit, and (iii) return point. Setting of the control limits depend upon the fixed cost
associated with a securities transaction, the opportunity cost of holding cash and the degree of likely fluctuations
in cash balances. These limits satisfy the demands for cash at the lowest possible cost. The following
diagram illustrates the Miller-Orr Model :
CASH (Rs.)
Figure - 9.3
The MO Model is more realistic as it allows variations in cash balance within lower and upper limits.
Recent developments in Cash Management: Both technological advancement and desire to reduce
cost of operations has led to some innovative techniques in managing cash. Some of them are : -
a) Electronic Fund Transfer
b) Zero Balance Account
c) Petty Cash Imprest System
d) Virtual Banking
9.9 Summary
Management of cash and marketable securities is one of the key areas of working capital management.
Cash is required to meet a firm’s transaction and precautionary needs. A firm needs cash to make payments
for acquisition of resources and services for the normal conduct of business. It keeps additional funds to
meet any emergency situation. Some firms may also maintain cash for taking advantages of speculative
changes in prices of input and output.
The aim of finance manager in cash management is to minimize the investments in cash and at the same time
ensure that the firm has sufficient liquidity.
The main objective of cash management is to trade-off liquidity and profitability in order to maximise the
firm’s value. Credit standing of the firm, relations with bank, management policies regarding holding inventory,
liquidity preference etc. effects cash requirement of a firm. The finance manager can formulate strategies of
cash management by (i) determining optimum level of cash (ii) cash planning and control (iii) managing the
cash flows (iv) investing surplus cash. Cash budget is probably the most important tool of cash management.
The basic strategies that can be employed to minimise the operating cash balance are (a) Accelerating cash
collection - Concentration banking, Lock box system deserve specific mention as principal methods of
establishing a decentralised collection network. (b) Slowing disbursements - Centralised disbursement centre,
Avoidance of early payments and Playing the float are the important techniques for slowing disbursement,
but this slow down should not impair the credit rating or reputation of the firm.
A firm should hold an optimum balance of cash, and invest any temporary excess amount in marketable
securities. In choosing these securities, the firm must keep in mind safety, maturity and liquidityof its investment.
9.10 Key Words
Cash Planning: It is a technique to plan and control the use of cash.
Cash Budget: A cash budget is a summary statement of the firm’s expected cash inflows and
outflows over a projected time period.
Cash Turnover: The number of times the firm’s cash is used during each year.
Transaction Motive: It refers to holding cash to meet anticipated obligations whose timing do not
perfectly coincide with cash inflows.
Precautionary Motive: Holding cash to meet the unpredictable cash obligations of the firm.
Cash Management: It involves the management of cash in such a way that sufficient cash is
always available to meet the obligations of the firm.
Concentration Banking: A mean of accelerating the flow of cash of a firm by establishing strategic
collection centres.
Marketable Securities: Short term money market instruments that can easily be converted into
Mail Float: The time gap between the postage of cheques by the debtors and the receipt of the
same in the firm is called mail float.
Processing Float: Time taken within the firm before depositing the cheque in the bank.
Collection Float: Time difference between depositing the cheques and their actual realisation.
10.0 Objectives
After completing this unit, you would be able to:
10.1 Introduction
The cost of capital is an important factor while planning the capital structure of an organization. The cost of
capital is concerned with what a firm has to pay for the capital it uses to finance new investments. The capital
may be in the form of debt, retained earnings, preference shares and equity shares. Every firm, for its
survival and growth, has to earn a sufficient return to cover its costs of capital and also to have surplus for
its growth. If a firm’s rate of return on its investment exceeds its cost of capital, the wealth ofequity stockholders
is enhanced. It is, because, the firm’s rate of return on its investments is greater than its cost of capital, the
rate of return earned on equity capital (after nearing the costs of other forms of financing) will exceed the
rate of return required by equity stockholders. Hence, the wealth of equity stockholders will increase.
Cost of Loan (before tax) = 100
Net Proceeds
= 100 14.14%
The above cost is before tax. Interest is a deductible expense for the purpose of income tax. Hence,
the cost of loan after tax will be reduced. In the above example, if tax rate is 50%. The cost of loan
after tax will be as follows :
Cost of Loan (after tax) = Before Tax Cost (I-T)
= 14.14% (1-.50)
= 7.07%
(b) Cost of Long Term Debt: According to Weston and Brigham, “The cost of debt is defined
as the rate of return that must be earned on debt financed investment in order to keep unchanged
the earning available to equity shareholders”. Long term debts include bonds, debentures, bank
loan, term loan, public deposits etc. A company must earn minimum return on debt capital to protect
the interest of shareholders. For example. A company issues 12% debentures for Rs. 10 lakhs at
par. It must earn at least Rs. 1,20,000 p.a. to protect the interest of shareholders. If company earns
less than Rs. 1,20,000, the return to shareholders will be affected adversely and the market value,
of share will also decrease.
Cost of Debentures or Bonds: A company borrows capital in order to maximize the profits for its
shareholders i.e., to pay higher dividend to them. It continues to use this source of finance untilthe incremental
return is higher than the incremental cost of debt capital.
According to Sec. 2(12) of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 the term debenture includes debenture stock,
bonds and any other securities of a company whether constituting a charge on assets of the company 01 not
Interest is paid to the debenture holders at a fixed rate. The interest on debentures is payable even if the
company does not earn the profits.
Debentures or Bonds can be issued at par, at premium or at discount. When debentures or bonds are
issued, a company has to incur some issue expenses such as underwriting commission, printing and other
expenses, brokerage etc. These expenses are deducted from issue price while computing net proceeds.
Debentures can be classified into two categories :
(a) Irredeemable Debentures: These are also known as perpetual debentures. Irredeemable
debentures are those whose principal is not repaid to the debenture holders by the company during
its life time.
Computation of Cost of Debentures
(i) When Debentures or Bonds Issued at Par: If debentures or bonds are issued at par, the cost of
debentures or bonds will be :
(i) Cd (before tax) = 100
Cd = Cost of debt
I = Annual Interest Charges
NP = Net Proceeds.
(ii) Cd (after tax) = 100 (I T)
T = Tax rate
Cd (before Tax) (I-T)
Illustration 2: X Ltd. issues 10,000 14% Debentures of Rs. 100 each at par. The underwriting commission
and brokerage are Rs. 25,000. Assuming that tax rate for the company is 50%; calculate the cost of debt of
the company before tax and after tax.
Solution :
(i) Cd (before tax) = 100
Net Pr oceeds
= 100
= 14.36%
(ii) Cd (after tax) = Cd (before Tax) (I-T)
= 14.36% (1-50)
= 7.18%
(ii) When Debentures or Bonds are Issued at Premium or Discount: In case the debentures
or bonds are issued at premium or discount, the cost of debt should be calculated on the basis of net
proceeds realized on account of issue of such debentures or bonds.
Important Points:
(i) It should be noted that interest is always calculated on face value (Paid up) of debentures.
(ii) Net proceeds should be calculated as follows :
(a) When debentures are issued at par:
Net Proceeds = Face Value - Flotation Cost.
(b) When debentures are issued at premium:
Net Proceeds = Face value + Premium on issue of deb –
issue exp. or flotation costs.
(c) When debentures are issued at discount:
Net Proceeds = Face value - Discount on issue –
Issue expenses or flotation cost.
(iii) In the absence of information brokerage, underwriting commission etc. may be calculated on face
value of debentures.
Illustration 3: A Ltd. wants to issue 5,000 9% Irredeemable Debentures of Rs. 100 each and for which
the company will have to incur the following expenses :
Underwriting commission 2%
Brokerage 0.5%
Printing and other expenses Rs. 5,000
Calculate the cost of debt (before as well as after tax) if the Debentures are issued at (i) 5%
discount, and (ii) 10% premium. The tax rate for the company is 45%.
Solution :
(i) In case the Debentures are issued at 5% discount:
Calculation of Net Proceeds:
Fact Value Rs. 100.00
Less : Underwriting commission 2.00
Brokerage (0.5% of Rs. 100) 0.50
Printing (Rs. 5,000 -f 5,000) 1.00
Discount on issue of Debentures 5.00 8.50
Net Proceeds 91.50
(i) Cd (before tax) = 100
= 100 9.84%
(ii) Cd (after tax) = Cd before Tax (I-T)
Cd (after tax) = 9.84% (1-.45)
= 5.41%
(ii) In case the Debentures are issued at 10% premium:
Calculation of Net Proceeds:
Fact Value . 100.00
Add : Premium on issue of debenture 10.00
Rs. 110.00
Less : Underwriting commission 2.00
Brokerage (0.5% of Rs. 100) 0.50
Printing (Rs. 5,000 -f 5,000) 1.00 3.50
Net Proceeds 106.50
(i) Cd (before tax) = 100
= 100 8.45%
(ii) Cd (after tax) = Cd before Tax (I-T)
Cd (after tax) = 8.45% (1-.45)
= 4.65%
(b) Cost of Redeemable Debt: Redeemable debentures provide for the payment of the principal
amount on the expiry of a certain period. Generally, these debentures are redeemed at par or at
premium. If the redeemable debentures are issued by the company, the cost of debentures can be
computed by using the following formula:
n 100
Cd (before tax) = RV NP
Cd = Cost of debt
I = Annual interest charges
RV = Redeemable value or price
NP = Net proceeds
n = Number of years of maturity
Tax Adjustment: When tax payable is computed, the interest paid on debt is deducted from
income. The higher the interest charges, the lower will be the amount of tax payable by the firm, the
cost of debt after tax will be calculated as follows :
Cd (after tax) = Cd before tax (I–T)
T = Tax rate
Illustration 4: (When debentures are issued at par and redeemable at par)
Gaurav Ltd. issued 14% Redeemable Debentures of Rs. 100 each at par for Rs. 10,00,000. The issue
expenses amount to Rs. 40,000, the debentures are to be redeemed after 7 years. Assuming corporate tax
rate at 50%. Calculate cost of debentures before tax and after tax.
Solution: RV NP
n 100
Cd (before tax) =
Rs.100 Rs.96
7 100
= Rs.100 Rs.96
= 100 14.87%
Cd (after tax) = Cd before Tax (I–T)
= 14.87% (1-.50)
= 7.435 %
Illustration 5: (When Debentures are issued at discount and redeemable at par) Rama Ltd. is
considering to issue Rs. 5,00,000 of Rs. 1,000 9% Debentures at a discount of 5%. These debentures are
repayable after 8 years. However the company will pay Rs. 16 per debenture as issue expenses. Assume
50% corporate tax rate.
Calculate the after tax cost of debentures.
n 100
Cd (before tax) = RV NP
Rs.1,000 Rs.934
8 100
= Rs.1,000 Rs.934
Rs.90 Rs.8.25
= 100
= 100 10.16%
Rs.500 Rs.510
10 100
= Rs.500 Rs.510
Rs.60 Rs.1
= 100 11.68%
Cd (after tax) = Cd before Tax (I–T)
= 11.68% (1-.50)
= 5.84 %
(ii) When Debentures are issued at 10% premium:
Calculation of Net Proceeds:
Face value 500
Add : Premium on issue 10% 50
Less : Issue Expenses : (as above) 15
Net Proceeds 535
Calculation of Cost of Debentures:
n 100
Cd (before tax) = RV NP
Rs.500 Rs.535
10 100
= Rs.500 Rs.535
Rs.60 Rs.3.50
= 100 10.92%
Cd (after tax) = Cd (before Tax) (I–T)
= 10.92% (1-.50)
= 5.46 %
Illustration 7: (When Debentures are issued at discount and repayable at premium)
Rajeev Ltd. issued 10,000, 12.5% Debentures of Rs. 100 each at 4% discount. These debentures are
redeemable after 10 years. Under the terms of debenture trust, these debentures are to be redeemed at 5%
premium. The cost of floatation amount to Rs. 30,000.
Calculate before tax and after tax cost of debentures assuming a tax rate of 50%.
n 100
Cd (before tax) = RV NP
Rs.105 Rs.93
10 100
= Rs.105 Rs.93
= 100 13.84%
Cd (after tax) = Cd before Tax (I–T)
= 13.84% (1-.50)
= 6.92 %
Working note:
Calculation of Net Proceeds: Rs.
Face value Rs. 100
Less : Discount on issue of debentures 4
Floatation Exp. (Rs. 30,000 ¸ 10,000) 3 7
Net Proceeds 93
10.3.2 Cost of Preference Share Capital
Preference shares are the fixed cost bearing securities. A fixed rate of dividend is payable on preference
shares. Although, payment of dividend on preference shares is not compulsory but it is generally paid
whenever the company makes sufficient profits. Preference shares can be divided into two parts for the
purpose of computation of cost of capital (i) Irredeemable Preference shares (ii) Redeemable Preference
(i) Cost of Irredeemable Preference Share Capital: Irredeemable preference shares can be
redeemed only when company goes into liquidation, According to the Companies (Amendment)
Act, 1988, no company can issue irredeemable preference shares or shares which are redeemable
after 10 years from the date of their issue. The cost of irredeemable preference share capital is
calculated as follows :
Cp (after tax) = 100
Where, DPS = Divided payable per preference share
NP = Net proceeds per share
Cp = Cost of preference share capital
Tax Adjustment: It should be noted that preference share dividend is paid out of after tax profits.
Hence, the cost of preference share capital is not adjusted for taxes. The cost of preference share
capital is automatically computed on after tax basis. If we want to calculate cost of capital before
tax, the following formula should be used :
Cp After tax
Cp (before tax) = I-T
T = Corporate Tax rate
Illustration 8: Shah Ltd. issues 10,000, 8% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each. Cost of issue is Rs. 3 per
share. Assume tax rate 50%. Calculate after tax cost of preference share capital if these shares are issued :
(a) at par; (b) at a discount of 5%; (c) at a premium of 10%.
(a) When Preference Shares are issued at par:
Net Proceeds = Rs. 100 - Rs. 3 = Rs. 97
Cp (after tax) = 100 8.69%
Cp (after tax) = 100 7.48%
(ii) Cost of Redeemable Preference Share Capital: Redeemable preference shares are those shares
which can be redeemed on maturity date. The cost of redeemable preference share capital can be
calculated as follows :
n 100
Cp (before tax) = RV NP
Rs.105 Rs.97
5 100
= Rs.105 Rs.97
= 100 10.49%
Cp After tax
Cp (before tax) = I-T
= 20.98%
Working Note:
Net Proceeds = Face Value - Issue expenses
= Rs. 100-Rs. 3 = Rs. 97
10.4.3 Cost of Equity Share Capital
Cost of equity share capital is the minimum rate of return that the company must earn on equity financed
portion of its investments in order to leave unchanged the market price of its stock. It is sometime argued
that equity share capital is free of cost. It is, because, it is not legally binding for company to pay dividends
to ordinary shareholders. However, this is not true. In fact, the equity shareholders invest their funds in
shares with the expectation of getting dividend from the company. Thus, equity shares involve a return in
terms of dividend expected by the equity shareholders.
Methods of Computing Cost of Equity Share Capital:
The following methods are used for computing cost of equity share capital :
(i) Dividend Yield Method
(ii) Earnings Yield Method
(iii) Dividend Yield and Growth in Dividend Method
(iv) Realized Yield Method.
(i) Dividend Yield Method: It is also known as dividend price ratio method. According to this
method, the cost of equity share capital is calculated on the basis of a required rate of return in terms
of future dividends to be paid on equity shares for maintaining their present market price. This
method is based on the assumptions that the investors give prime importance to dividends and risk
in the form remains unchanged. This method does not seem to consider the growth in dividend. The
following formula is used for computation of cost of existing equity shares :
Ce (after tax) = 100
Ce = Cost of Equity Share Capital
DPS = Dividend Per Share
MPS = Market Price per Share
Illustration 10: Varsha Ltd. issued 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each at par. The company has been
paying 20% dividend to equity shareholders for the past five years and expects to maintain the same in the
future also. Market price of equity share is Rs. 160.
Calculate the cost of equity share capital.
Ce (after tax) = 100
Ce = 100 12.5%
(ii) Earnings Yield Method: This is also called ‘Earnings Price Ratio’ method. According to this
approach, the earning per share determines the market price of equity shares. Under this method,
the cost of equity share capital is equal to the rate which must be earned on incremental issues of
equity shares so as to maintain the present value of investment. The following formula is used for
computation of cost of equity share capital:
Ce = 100
Rs. 1,80,000
= Rs. 18
(iii) Dividend Yield and Growth in Dividend Method: According to this method, the cost of
equity is determined on the basis of the expected dividend rate plus the rate of growth in dividend.
The rate of growth in dividend is determined on the basis of amount of dividends paid by the
company for the last few years. According to this approach the cost of equity share capital may be
determined by using the following formula :
Ce = 100 G
Ce = Cost of Equity Capital
DPS = Dividend Per Share
MPS = Market Price Per Share
G = Growth rate in dividend
Illustration 12: Mahadev Ltd. has issued 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each ige rate of dividend paid
by the company is 21%. The earnings of the company have recorded a growth rate of 5% per annum. The
current market price of an equity share of company is Rs. 150.
Find out cost of equity share capital.
Ce = 100 G
Rs. 21
= 100 5%
Rs. 150
= 14% + 5% = 19%
(iv) Realised Yield Method: According to this method, the rate of return actually realised by
shareholders forms the basis for determining the cost of equity capital. The advocate of this approach
argue that the rate of earnings as well as the market price of shares are always subject to fluctuations
on account of so many factors. Therefore the return actually realised is a true indicator of the return
expected by the shareholders. The realised return is discounted al the present value factor and then
compared with the value of investment. This approach is based on the following assumptions :
(i) The risks of the company remain same.
(ii) The shareholders continue to expect the same rate of return for bearing the given risk.
(iii) The reinvestment opportunity rate of the shareholders is equal to the realised yield.
Illustration 13: Mr. Rajat purchased 100 shares of Hero Honda Ltd. at a cost of Rs. 428 on 1st January
2000. The face value of share is Rs. 100 each. He held them for 5 years and finally sold them on 31st Dec.
2004 for Rs. 600. The amount of dividend received by him in each of these 5 years was as follows :
Year Dividend Per Share
2000 Rs. 12
2001 Rs. 14
2002 Rs. 15
2003 Rs. 15
2004 Rs. 18
In order to calculate the cost of equity capital, it is necessary to calculate the internal rate of return. It can be
calculated by ‘trial and error’ method.
Year Di vidend Discount facto r Pres ent va lue
a t 10%
Rs. Rs.
2000 12 .9 09 1 0.91
2001 14 .8 26 1 1.56
2002 15 .7 51 1 1.27
2003 15 .6 83 1 0.25
2004 18 .6 21 1 1.18
2004 6 00 (sale .6 21 3 72.6
4 27.7 7
The purchase price of the share is Rs. 428, which is equal to the present value of cash inflows over a period
of 5 years (dividends and capital receipt on sale) at 10%. thus, the cost of equity capital can be taken at
• Cost of Newly Issued Equity Shares: When new equity shares are issued by the company, it
has to incur some expenses such as underwriting commission, brokerage, printing and other expenses.
These expenses are deducted from the issue price or market price (If it is given) and net proceeds
is computed. The cost of equity capital is computed on the basis of net proceeds and dividend per
share and earnings per share.
The following formulae are used to compute the cost of equity capital:
1. Divided Yield Method:
Ce = 100
Ce = 100
Ce = 100 G
Illustration 14: From the following information of Santosh Ltd., calculate the cost of new equity shares of
the company :
(i) Current selling price Rs. 150 per share.
(ii) Flotation cost are expected to be 3% of current selling price.
(iii) The expected dividend on new shares amounts to Rs. 16 per share.
(iv) The following are the dividends paid by the company for the last 5 years.
Year Dividend Per Share
2000 10.50
2001 11.00
2002 12.50
2003 12.75
2004 13.25
(i) Calculation of Growth Rate in Dividend:
The dividend declared by the company have increased from Rs. 10.50 to Rs. 13.25 during the last 4 years
(and not 5 years, since dividends at the end of 2000 are being compared with dividends at the end of 2004).
Rs. 13.25
Compound Factor = 1.262
Rs. 10.50
Compound interest table (See Appendix 3 at the end of this book) suggests that Re 1.00 Compounds to
Rs. 1.262 in 4 years at the compound rate of 6%. Therefore, the growth rate in dividends is 6%.
(ii) Cost of Equity Capital DPS:
Ce = 100 G
Rs. 16
= 100 6%
Rs. 145.50
= 11%+ 6% =17%
Working Note:
Net Proceeds = Market Price Per Share - Floatation Cost Per Share
= Rs. 150 - Rs. 4.50 (3% of Rs. 150)
= Rs. 145.50
Illustration 15: X Ltd. is considering an expenditure of Rs. 6 lakhs for expanding its operations. The
relevant information is as follows :
No of existing equity shares 1 lakh
Market value of existing share Rs. 60
Net earnings after tax Rs. 9 lakhs
Compute the cost of existing share capital and of new equity share capital assuming that new shares will be
issued at a price of Rs. 96 per share (Face value Rs. 100 each). The estimated cost of new issue will be Rs.
3 per share.
(i) Cost of Existing Equity Share Capital :
Ce = 100
= 100 15%
Rs. 9,00,000
= Rs.9
Ce = 100
= Rs.9
100 9.68%
10.4.4 Cost of Retained Earnings
Retained earnings are the profits which have hot been distributed by the company to its shareholders and
have been retained in the company to be used for future expansion. They are represented by the uncommitted
or free reserves and surplus. Retained earnings do not involve any cash cost or out of pocket cost. Therefore,
some people argue that retained earnings are cost free. However, it is not true, Retained earnings involve an
opportunity cost. From shareholder’s point of view, the opportunity cost of retained earnings is the rate of
return that they can obtain by Investing after tax dividend in the similar securities, if earnings are paid to thorn
as dividend in cash. The following adjustments are made while computing cost of retained earnings.
(i) Income Tax: An individual pays income tax on dividend hence he would only be able to invest
the amount remained after paying individual income lax on such earnings. Similarly, an individual
also pays tax on capital gain. Hence, adjustment of income tax is made.
(ii) Brokerage, Commission etc.: When the amount of dividend is invested, some expenses like
brokerage commission etc. are incurred by the investor. These expenses are deducted from invested
The following formulae may be used for computation of cost of retained earnings:
Cr = Ce (I–Tp) (I–B)
DPS (I-Tp) (I-B)
Cr = 100
EPS (I-Tp) (I-B)
Cr = 100
Cr = 100 + G [(1-Tp)(1-B)]
Where :
Cr = Cost of Retained Earnings
DPS = Expected Dividend Per Share
EPS = Earnings Per Share
Tp = Personal tax rate
B = Brokerage Cost
MPS = Market Price Per Share
Ce = Cost of Equity Share Capital
Illustration 16: Sony Ltd. retains Rs. 5 lakhs out of its current earnings. The expected rate of return to the
shareholders, if they had invested the funds elsewhere is 10%. The brokerage is 3% and the shareholders
came in 30% tax bracket. Calculate the cost of retained earnings.
Cr = Ce (I - Tp) (I-B)
Cr = .10(1-30) (1-.03)
= .10 (.70) (.97)
= 0.0679 or 6.79%
Illustration 17: Calculate cost of retained earnings in each of the following cases :
(a) Mr. X holds 500 shares of Rs. 100 each in Vimco Ltd. The company has earned Rs. 18 per
share and distributed Rs. 10 per share as dividend among the shareholders and the balance
is retained. The market price of the share is Rs. 160 each. Personal Income tax applicable
to Mr. X is 30%.
(b) The following information was obtained from Laxmi Ltd.:
Current market price of a share Rs. 140
Cost of floatation/brokerage per share 3% on market price
Growth in expected dividends 5%
Expected dividend per share on new shares Rs. 14
Shareholders marginal/personal income tax 30%
(a) Amount retained on 500 shares @ Rs. 8 per share is Rs. 4,000. New shares to be acquired
out of Rs. 4,000 are 25 @ 160. Earnings on 25 shares @ Rs. 18 per share would be Rs.
Cr = 100
D = Expected dividend
Tp = Personal tax rate
MPS = Market price of shares to be acquired.
Rs.450 (1-.30)
= 100
Rs. 4,000
= 7.875%
Cr = 100
Rs.18 (1-.30)
= 100 = 7.875%
Rs. 160
Here: MPS = Market price per share
EPS = Earnings per share
(b) Cr = MPS 100 g 1-Tp 1-B
= Rs.140 100 5% 1-.30 1-.03
DPS (1-Tp)
Cr = 100
MPS (1-Tc)
D = Expected dividend per share
Tp = Personal tax rate
Tc = Personal capital gain tax rate
MPS = Market price per share
Illustration 18: Find out the cost of retained earnings from the following information :
Dividend per share Rs. 9.00
Personal income tax rate 25%
Personal capital gain tax rate 10%
Market price per share Rs. 100
DPS (1-Tp)
Cr = 100
MPS (1-Tc)
Rs.9(1 0.25)
= 100
Rs.100 (1-0.1)
= 100 7.5%
Cw =
Cw = Weighted average cost of capital
X = Cost of different sources of capital
W = Weights given to different sources of capital
XW = Summation of the product of the specific cost of capital
with the relative proportions.
W = Summation of weights.
Assignment of Weights: The assignment of weight to specific sources of funds is a difficult task. Several
approaches are followed in this regard but two of them are commonly used which are
(i) Book value weights: Book value weights mean the weights according to the values shown in
respect of the different sources of finance in the balance sheet (or in the books of accounts).
(ii) Market value weights: Market value weights mean the weights of different components of
capital, according to the value prevailing in the market. The cost of capital of the market value is
usually higher than it would be if the book value is used. The market value weights are more logical
to be adopted due to the following reasons :
(i) It represents the true value of funds invested by investors.
(ii) Historic book value have no relevance in calculation of real cost of capital.
(iii) It represents near to the opportunity cost of capital.
However, the market value weights suffer from the following limitations :
(i) It is difficult to determine the market values because of frequent fluctuations.
(ii) With the use of market value weights, equity capital gets greater importance.
Illustration 19: The Capital Structure of Gupta Agra Industries Ltd.
Equity Shares (Rs. 9 each) 20,00,000
Retained Earnings 10,00,000
9% Preference Shares (Rs. 100 each) 5,00,000
12% Debentures (Rs. 100 each) 15,00,000
The equity shares of the company sales for Rs. 30. It is expected that company will pay Rs. 3 per share this
year. Corporate tax rate is 50%. Assume 20% as income tax rate of individual shareholder. Compute
weighted average cost of capitnl of existing capital structure.
Calculation of Different Source of Capital (i) Cost of Equity Shares
(i) Cost of Equity Shares:
Ce (after tax) = 100
= 100 10%
(ii) Cost of Retained Earnings:
Cr (after tax) = 100
Rs.3(1 .20)
= 100 8%
(iii) Cost of preference Shares:
Cp (after tax) = 100
= 100 9%
(iv) Cost of Debentures:
Cd (after tax) = 100(1 T)
= 100(1 .50) 6%
Computation of Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Sources (1) Amount (W ) After Tax Cost To ta l after ta x cost
(2) (X) (XW)
(3) (2) x (3) = (4)
Rs. Rs.
Equ ity Sh ares Retained 20,0 0,000 10 % 2,0 0,00 0
Earning s Preference 10,0 0,000 8% 80 ,000
Shares Deben tures 5,00 ,000 9% 45 ,000
15,0 0,000 6% 90 ,000
50,0 0,000 4,1 5,00 0
Illustration 20: Calculate weighted average cost ol capital from the following inhumation :
4,000 Equity shares (Fully paid up) 4,00,000
3,000 6% Debentures 3,00,000
2,000 6% Preference Shares 2,00,000
Retained Earnings 1,00,000
Earnings per equity share has been Rs. 10 during the past years and equity shares are being sold in the
market at par. Assume corporate tax at 50 per cent and shareholder’s tax liability 25 per cent.
(Raj. B.Com. 1993)
Calculation of Different Source of Capital Cost of Equity Share Capital:
(i) Cost of Equity Shares Capital:
Ce (after tax) = 100
= 100 10%
(ii) Cost of Debentures:
Cd (after tax) = 100(1 T)
= 100(1 .50)
= 6% ´ .50 = 3%
(iii) Cost of Preference Shares:
Cp (after tax) = 100
= 100 6%
(iv) Cost of Retained Earnings:
Cr (after tax) = 100
Rs.10(1 .25)
= 100 7.5%
Computation of Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Sources Amo unt After Tax To tal after tax
(D (W) Co st (X) cost (XW)
(2) (3 ) (2 )x(3 ) = (4 )
Rs. Rs.
Equi ty Shares Cap ital 4, 00,0 00 10% 40 ,000
Debentures 3, 00,0 00 3% 9 ,000
Preference Shares Cap ital 2, 00,0 00 6% 12 ,000
Ret ained Earning s 1, 00,0 00 7.5% 7 ,500
10, 00,0 00 68 ,500
10.8 Summary
1. Cost of Debt Capital:
(a) Cd (before tax) = 100
Cd = Cost of debt
I = Annual Interest Charges
NP = Net Proceeds.
T = Tax Rate
Cd (after tax) = 100 (I T)
Cd (before Tax) (I-T)
(b) Cost of Redeemable Debt
n 100
Cd (before tax) = RV NP
Cd = Cost of Debt
I = Annual Interest Charges
RV = Redeemable value or Maturity value
NP = Net Proceeds
n = number of years of maturity
Cd (after tax) = Cd (before Tax) (I-T)
T = Tax Rate
2. Cost of Preference Shares:
(a) Cost of Irredeemable Preference Shares
Cp (after tax) = 100
DPS = Divided payable per preference share
NP = Net proceeds per share
Cp = Cost of preference share capital
Cp After tax
Cp (before tax) = I-T
T = Corporate Tax rate
(b) Cost of Redeemable Preference Shares
n 100
Cp (before tax) = RV NP
Cp = Cost of redeemable preference share capital.
n = No. of years in which shares are to be redeemed
RV = Redeemable value or Maturity value
NP = Net Proceeds
DPS = Dividend Per Preference Share.
T = Tax Rate
Cw =
Cw = Weighted average cost of capital
X = Cost of different sources of capital
W = Weights given to different sources of capital
XW = Summation of the product of the specific cost of capital
with the relative proportions.
W = Summation of weights.
11.0 Objectives
After completing this unit, you would be able to:
11.1 Introduction
Capital budgeting is the process of making investment decisions in capital expenditures. A capital expenditure
may be defined as an expenditure the benefit of which are expected to be received over period of time
exceeding one year. Capital budgeting deals exclusively with major investment proposals which are essentially
long term projects and is concerned with the allocation of firm’s scarce financial resources among the
available market opportunities. It is many sided activity which includes a search for new and more profitable
investment proposals and the making of an economic analysis to determine the profit potential of each
investment proposal. Capital budgeting is also known as capital expenditure decisions. Long term investment
decisions, management of fixed assets etc.
Depreciation : Depreciation is an item of non cash cost. There are different methods of charging depreciation
viz. straight line method, diminishing balance method, sum of digits methods etc.
(i) Straight Line Method — Under straight line method equal an of depreciation is charged every
year, under this method depreciation calculated as follows:
S olu t io n:
C alc u la ti on of C as h In flo w s
P roj e c t A P ro j ec t B
N e t E a rn ings Be f or e T a x R s. R s.
Le ss : I nc om e T a x @ 5 0% 24 ,0 00 3 0,0 00
12 ,0 00 1 5,0 00
N e t E a rn ings A ft e r Ta x 12 ,0 00 1 5,0 00
A dd : D e pr e c ia tio n 38 ,0 00 4 5,0 00
A nn u a l C a sh I nf lo w s 50 ,0 00 6 0,0 00
I nit ia l In ve st me nt
P a y Ba c k P e r iod = A n nua l Ca s h In flow s
R s 2 ,0 0,0 0 0
P a y b a ck P erio d f or P r oje c t A = R s 50 ,00 0 = 4 ye a r s
So luti on :
Statement Showing the Cash I nflo ws of Three Machines
Part icu lars Machin e M achi ne Machi ne
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Sales at St an dard Price (i) 1 ,80,0 00 1,6 0,00 0 1,5 0,00 0
Less : Cost of Production :
D irect Material 12,0 00 10,0 00 9, 000
D irect Labour 13,0 00 14,0 00 16, 000
Fact ory Overheads 20,5 00 18,0 00 19, 000
Ad min istrat ion Overhead s 16,0 00 2,5 00 17, 000
D istribution Ov erheads 14,0 00 8,0 00 24, 000
Depreciatio n 19,0 00 22,5 00 24, 000
Total Co st (ii) 94,0 00 95,0 00 1 ,09, 000
Profit befo re Tax (i) - (ii) 86,0 00 65,0 00 41, 000
Les s : Inco me Tax 50 % 43,0 00 32,5 00 20, 500
Profit aft er T ax 43,0 00 32,5 00 20, 500
Add : Dep reciation 19,0 00 22,5 00 24, 000
Annual Cash In flo ws 62,0 00 55,0 00 44, 500
In itial I nvestment
Pay Back Perio d = An nual Cash Inflo ws
Ranking According to Pay back Period Method
Initial Outlay Annual Cash Pay back period Rank
Inflow (2)(3)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
A 25,000 3,000 8.33 years 5
B 3,000 1,000 3 years 1
C 12,000 2,000 6 years 4
D 20,000 5,000 4 years 2
E 40,000 8,000 5 years 3
= 2 + 10,0 00 = 2. 86 years
35,00 0
10, 500
= 3 + 40, 500 = 3. 26 years
According to pay back period project X is better because it has shorter period than project Y.
(ii) Calculation of Post Pay back Profitability :
Post pay back Profit = Total Cash inflows in life - Initial Investment
Project X = Rs. 1,60,000 - Rs. 1,00,000 = Rs. 60,000
Project Y = Rs. 2,10,000 - Rs. 1,00,000 = Rs. 1,10,000
Project Y shows greater post pay back profitability than project X. Hence, it may be preferred.
(ii) Pay back Reciprocal Method : Pay back reciprocal is the time adjusted rate of return on
investment. It is used as a method of evaluating capital expenditure proposals. It gives a rough
approximation of the internal rate of return. It can be expressed as follows :
Annual Cash Inflows
Pay back Reciprocal = x 100
Initial investment
______ 1______ x 100
Pay back Period
This method is used when the project generates even cash inflows and the project has a long
economic life it must be at least twice the pay back period.
Illustration 6 : A project cost Rs. 5,00,000 and generates annual cash inflow Rs.1,25,000. Calculate
pay back period and pay back reciprocals.
Solution ::
Init ial Invest ment
(i) Pay back Period Annual Cash Inflow
Rs. 5,0 0,000 = 4 years
Rs. 1,2 5,000
(c) Average Rate of Return Method: The average rate of return is defined as the ratio of average
profit to average investment. The general aim of investment is to maximize net profit after tax, it is
appropriate to consider net profit after tax for the purpose of accounting rate of return. Average rate
of return method is also known as accounting method, unadjusted rate of return method and return
on investment method. According to this method capital projects are ranked in order of their earnings.
Project which yields the highest earnings is selected The return on investment can be expressed in
two ways :
(i) Rate of Return on Original Investment : Under this method average annual earnings
is divided by original investment. It is expressed in percentage. It can be calculated as
Average Annual Earnings after tax x 100
Original Investment
(ii) Rate of Return on Average Investment : This is most appropriate method of rate of
return on investment. Under this method, average profit after depreciation and tax is divided
by the average investment. The rate of return on average investment can be computed as
ARR = Average Annual Earnings after Tax x 100
Average Investment
Average Annual Earnings: Average annual earnings is computed by adding whole earnings
over the entire economic life of the project and dividing the total by number of years of
economic life of the project. Net earnings or earnings are taken after tax and depreciation.
Average Investment : Average investment is calculated by dividing original investment by
two or by a figure representing the mid point between the original outlay and the salvage
value of the investment. It can be calculated as follows :
Average Investment = Original Investment - Scrap Value
Original Investment
Illustration 7 : Finolex Pipes Ltd. is contemplating an investment of Rs. 1,00,000 in a new plant,
which will provide a salvage value of Rs. 8,000 at the end of its economic life of 5 years. The profits
after depreciation and tax are estimated to be as under:
Year R s.
1 5,00 0
2 7,50 0
3 12,5 00
4 13,0 00
5 8,00 0
Illustration 8 : A project costs Rs. 1,50,000 and has a scrap value of Rs. 30,000. Its streams of
income before depreciation and taxes during first five years is Rs. 30,000; Rs. 36,000; Rs. 42,000;
Rs. 48,000 and Rs. 60,000. Assuming tax rate at 50% and depreciation on straight line basis.
Calculate the average rate of return (ARR) for the project.
Solution :
(i) Computation of Average Net Income after tax
Average Net Income before Depreciation and Tax Rs.
Rs. 30,000 + 36,000 + 42,000 + 48,000 + 60,000 = 43,200
Less: Depreciation (Annual)
Rs. 1,50,000 - Rs. 30,000 24,000
5 ______
Average Net Income before tax 19,200
Less : Income tax 50% 9,600
Average Net Income after tax 9,600
(ii) Computation of Average Investment :
Initial Investment + Scrap Value
= Rs. 1,50,000 + Rs. 30,000 = 90,000
Average Net Income after Tax x 100
Average Investment
Calculate Net Present Value (NPV) of two alternatives assuming depreciation is charged on straight
line basis.
Solution :
(i) Calculation of Cash inflows of Machine X and Machine Y
Machine X Machine Y
Year EAT D epreciati C ash EAT Depreciati Cash
on on
Inflow Inflow
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs
1 30,0 00 20,0 00 50, 000 10,0 00 20,000 30, 000
2 40,0 00 20,0 00 60, 000 20,0 00 20,000 40, 000
3 50,0 00 20,0 00 70, 000 30,0 00 20,000 50, 000
4 35,0 00 20,0 00 55, 000 35,0 00 20,000 55, 000
5 15,0 00 20,0 00 35, 000 40,0 00 20,000 60, 000
Y e ar O u t f low s P .V . F ac t or a t P r es e nt V alu e
1 0°
R s. Rs .
0 1 ,50 ,0 0 0 1.0 0 1 ,5 0, 00 0
1 3 0,0 0 0 0 ,9 0 9 2 7,2 70
1 ,7 7, 27 0
C a lc u la t io n o f P r es en t V a lu e of C a s h In fl o w s
Y e ar C a sh I nf low s P .V . F ac t or a t P re se nt V a lu e
10 %
R s. R s.
1 2 0,0 0 0 .9 0 9 1 8,1 80
2 3 0,0 0 0 .8 2 6 2 4,7 80
3 6 0,0 0 0 .7 5 1 4 5,0 60
4 8 0,0 0 0 .6 8 3 5 4,6 40
5 3 0,0 0 0 .6 2 1 1 8,6 30
5 4 0,0 0 0 .6 2 1 2 4,8 40
( Sa l vag e)
1 ,8 6 ,13 0
Net Present Value (NPV) = Total Present Value - Present value of
Cash Outflows
= Rs. 1,86,130-Rs. 1,77,270
= Rs. 8,860
Merits of Net Present Value Method :
The following are the merits of net present value method :
1. Considers Entire Economic Life : This method takes into account the entire economic
life of an investment and income there from. It gives the true rate of return offered by a new
2. Weightage to Time Factor : it gives due weight to time factor of financing. In the
words of Charles T. Horngren, “Because the discounted cash flow method explicity and
rountenely weights the time value of money, it is the best method to use for long range
3. Suitable Method for Uneven Cash Inflows : It is the most suitable method for
evaluating project where the cash flows are uneven.
4. Maximum Profitability : It takes into consideration the objective of maximum
Demerits of Net Present Value Method :
The following are the demerits of net present value method :
1. Complicated Method : It is difficult and complicated. It involves a large amount of
2. Determination of Discount Rate : It is difficult to determine the exact rate of discount
to be applied. The cost of capital which is commonly used is by it self difficult of assessment.
3. Size of Projects : When projects involve different amounts of investment, the method
may not provide satisfactory answers.
4. Computation of Economic Life of Project : The economic life of an investment is
very difficult to forecast exactly
(c) Profitability Index or Present Value Index (PVl): The profitability index is the relationship that exists
between the present values of net cash inflows and the net present values of cash outflows. To obtain
correct result in comparing projects of unequal size, the calculation of present value can be extended to
compute the ‘Present Value Index’. It can be calculated as follows :
Present Value of Cash Inflows
Present Value Index (PVl) =
Present Value of Cash Outflows
The project is viable if the ratio is equal to or greater than 1. Projects can be ranked on the basis of
profitability index. Highest rank will be assigned to the project with highest profitability index, while the
lowest rank will be given to the project having lowest profitability index.
This method is also known as Benefit Cost ratio because the numerator measures benefits and the denominator
(d) Internal Rate of Return (IRR): Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the rate of discount which equates
the aggregate present value of expected future cash inflows with the aggregate present value of cash outflows
of a project. In other words, it is the rate at which net present value of the project is zero.
It is called internal rate be cause it depends mainly on the outlay and proceeds associated with the project
and not on any rate determined outside the investment. This method is known as Time adjusted rate of
return, Discounted cash flow rate of return method, marginal efficiency of capital etc.
As we have discussed earlier, the present value method in which required earning rate is selected in advance,
but under internal rate of return method, rate of discount or interest is determined.
Computation of Internal Rate of Return
(a) When the annual cash inflows are equal over the life of the asset : In the case of those
projects which result in uniform or even cash inflows the internal rate of return can be calculated by
locating present value factor as follows :
Present Value Factor = Initial Investment
Annual Cash Inflow
After the P.V. Factor is calculated as above, it is located in the annuity table on the line representing
the number of years corresponding to the economic life of the project. In case the factor is in
between two rates, the actual rate of return can be interpolated by applying the following formula:
IRR = LDR + P1 - O (HDR - LDR)
P 1 - P2
IRR = Internal Rate of Return
HDR = Higher discount rate
LDR = Lower discount rate
P1 = Present values of cash inflows at LDR
P2 = Present value of cash inflows at HDR
O = Initial investment or capital outlay
Illustration 15 : A project cost Rs. 50,000 and is expected to generate annual cash inflow of Rs.
12,500. The project has an expected life of 5 years.
Calculate “Internal Rate of Return (IRR).
Solution :
Calculation of Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Firstly, we find present value factor as follows
Initial Investment__
Present value factor - Annual Cash Inflow
= Rs. 50,000 = 4
Rs. 12,500
Now see present value annuity table for 5 years period at present value factor of 4. As we see from
the table at 8% for 5 years period, the present value is 3.993 which is nearly equal to 4. Thus,
internal rate of return (IRR) is 8% approx.
(b) When the annual cash inflows are unequal or uneven over the life of the asset: When
the annual cash inflows are not equal the internal rate of return is calculated by making trial calculations
in an attempt to compute the exact interest rate which equates the present value of cash inflows with
the present value of cash outflows. In the process, cash inflows are to be discounted by a number
of trial rates. The following steps are involved in the process of computation of internal rate of
(i) Determining First Trial Rate : The first trial rate is determined on the basis of present
value factor, which is calculated as follows :
____Initial Investment______
Present Value Factor = Average Annual Cash Inflow
Here Average Annual Cash Inflow = _____Total Cash Inflows___
Economic Life of the Project
After calculating present value factor, use annuity table and find estimated arbitrary internal
rate of return. Thereafter calculate the total present value of cash inflows for different periods.
(ii) Applying Second Trial Rate : After applying the first trial rate, if the Net Present
Value (NPV) is positive, apply higher rate of discount. If the higher discount rate still gives
a positive net present value, increase the discount rate further until the NPV becomes
negative. If the NPV is negative at this higher rate, the internal rate of return must be between
these two rates. To calculate exact internal rate of return (1RR), apply formula given earlier.
Illustration 16 : Project A and Project B cost Rs. 1,00,000 and Rs. 50,000 respectively. Their
cash flows are given below, you are required to find out internal rate of return for each project and
decide on that basis which project is more profitable :
Solution :
The internal rate of return will have to be calculated by trial and error method and interpolation
technique will have to be used in order to get exact internal rate of return, which will equate the
present value of the total cash inflows with the initial cost of each project. Firstly, we calculate
present value factor for both the projects :
____Initial Cost of Project_____
Present Value Factor = Average Annual Cash Inflow
P.V. Factor for Project A = Rs.1,00,000 = 3.125
Rs. 32,000
P.V. Factor for Project B = Rs. 50,000 = 2.5
Rs. 20,000
To determine first trial rate, we see that present value factor for project A for 5 years comes to 18%
(Present value for 5 years is 3.127 which is nearly equal to 3.125).
Similarly, For Project B, It comes to 22% for 4 years period.
Merits of Internal Rate of Return :
The Internal Rate of return method has the following advantages :
1. Considers Time Factor : Like the net present value method, it takes into account
the time value of money and can be usefully applied in situations with even as well as uneven
cash flow at different periods of time.
2. Considers the Entire Economic Life : It considers the profitability of the project for
its entire economic life.
3. Determination of Cost of Capital not Essential : Under this method, the calculation
of the cost of capital is not a perquisites for applying this method of appraisal.
4. More Realistic : The internal rate of return is more realistic and is consistent with the
rate of interest paid on borrowings or the yield from shares.
5. Risk and Uncertainty : This approach provides for risk and uncertainty by
recognizing the time factor. Projects having different degrees of risk can be easily compared.
Demerits of Internal Rate of Return :
The following are the demerits of internal rate of return method
1. Complicated : This method involves a good amount of calculations. In spite of that
computation of IRR is quite tectious and complicated and also difficult to understand.
2. Unjustified Assumption : This method is based upon the assumption that earnings
are reinvested at the internal rate of return for remaining life of the project which is not a
justified assumption.
3. Multiple Rates : It gives multiple rates when the cash flows alternate between positive
and negative. In such cases, in the absence of a single rate of return, it is difficult to evaluate
the project.
12.0 Objectives
After completing this unit, you would be able to understand:
Meaning of Dividend
Meaning of Dividend Policy
Different types of dividends
Determinants of dividend policy
Different dividend models
The value of firm
Computation of value of firm
Characteristics and utility of leverages
12.1 Introduction
When a company makes profit at the end of the year from its operating activities, the management of
company must decide that what to do with those profits. They can decide to retain the profits within
the company or may be decide to partly remain in company and remaining profits distribute to the
shareholders of the company. If they decide to pay profits to the shareholders, then they have to
determine appropriate ratio of distribution and amount retain in the business. The part of profits which
have to be distribute among the owners of the company i.e. shareholders, is called as dividend. For
distribution of dividend, company frame a dividend policy according which company takes decision in
respect of payment of dividend in present and in future. On the basis of dividend policy a company
determines that in what proportion profit should be distribute to the shareholders and to be retained in
the business. The retained portion of the profits in business is use in long term finance.
In simple terms, a company runs its business during any previous year and at the end of the previous year
company’s net result of operating activities is profit. The shareholders are owner of a company so they have
right on such profits. Company may be distributing such profits among the shareholders or may be retained
in the business. If company decides to distribute whole or a part of this profit among the shareholders, such
distributable profit is Dividend. The board of directors declares the dividend. In other words we can say
that the dividend may be defined as divisible profits which are distributed amongst the members of company
in proportion of their share holding in the company. According to ICAI, New Delhi, “a dividend is a
distribution to shareholders out of profits or reserves available for this purpose.”(Source: Guidance
notes on ‘Terms used in Financial Statements’, ICAI) The dividend declared by the board in annual general
meeting (AGM). Quantum of the dividend depends on the company’s financial requirements and also depends
on the availability of the divisible profits.
12.6 Summary
The part of profits which have to be distribute among the owners of the company i.e.
shareholders, is called as dividend.
A dividend policy is a company’s approach to distributing profits back to its owners or stockholders.
In case of inflation a company should rely upon retained earnings as a source of fund to replace
those assets.
Walter’s Formula
P= D
Ke – g
Gorden’ formula
P= E(1-b)
Ke – br
· Modigliani – Miller formula
P0 = D1 + P1
1 + Ke
13.0 Objectives
After completing this unit, you would be able to understand:
Meaning of Leverage
Different types of leverages
Meaning of Operating leverage and degree of Operating leverage
Meaning of Financial leverage and degree of Financial leverage
Meaning of Combined leverage and degree of Combined leverage
Computation of different types of leverages and degree of Leverages
Characteristics and utility of leverages
DOL = Contribution
Illustration 2:
Y Corporations has estimated for a new product that, its BEP is 3000 units, if the items sold at Rs. 14: the
variable cost per unit is Rs. 9 and fixed cost per annum is Rs. 15,000. Calculate the degree of operating
leverage if sales volume is 4000 units and 5000 units.
Computation of Degree of Operating Leverage
Particulars When sales is When sales is
4000 units 5000 units
Sales 56,000 70,000
Less- Variable Cost 36,000 45,000
Contribution 20,000 25,000
Less- Fixed Cost 15,000 15,000
EBIT 5,000 10,000
OL = __C___ 20,000/5,000= 4 25,000/10,000= 2.5
% Change in EBIT - 5,000 x 100 = 100%
% Change in Sales 14,000 x 100 = 25%
In the above illustration it can be observed that the financial leverage of plan X is 2. It means that if EBIT
increases by 1% there will be 2% increase in EBT.
13.3.3 What is Degree of Financial Leverage?
Degree of financial leverage shows a relation between % changes in EBIT to % change in EBT. The DFL
can be measured by using the following formula:
Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL) = % change in EBT
% change in EBIT
% change in EPS
% change in EBIT
EBT = Earnings before taxes
EPS = Earnings per Share
13.3.4 Computation of Degree of Financial Leverage
Illustration 5:
A company’s per year earnings before interest & taxes amount to Rs. 60,000. It has 10% Debentures of
Rs. 50000, 10% Preference Shares of Rs. 30000 and 4000 Equity shares of Rs. 40000. The tax rate is
50%. Assuming that the EBIT being Rs. 96 000 and Rs. 24000. What would be the earning per share
(EPS) and degree of financial leverage?
Particulars Present Assumed situation Assumed situation
situation (i) (ii)
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Earnings before interest & taxes 60000 96000 24000
(EBIT) 5000 5000 5000
Less: Interest 55000 91000 19000
Earnings before taxes (EBT) 27500 45500 9500
Less: Taxes 27500 45500 9500
Earnings after taxes 3000 3000 3000
Less: Preference dividend 24500 42500 6500
Profit for equity shareholders (A) 4000 4000 4000
No. of equity shares (B) Rs. 6.125 Rs. 10.625 Rs. 1.625
Earnings per share (A/B) - +60% -60%
% change in EBIT - 73.46% -73.46%
% change in EPS 73.46/60 = 1.22 73.46/60 = 1.22
DFL = % change in EPS
% change in EBIT
Financial Leverage (FL) = 60000/49000 96000/85000 24000/13000
EBIT = 1.22 = 1.13 = 1.85
Here, EBT has been calculated after deducting grossed up value of Preference share dividend i.e. Rs. 6000
(3000 x 100/50) and interest on debentures from EBIT.
Illustration 6:
The financial manager of Arpit ltd. expects that its earnings before interests & taxes in the current year
would amount to Rs. 1, 00,000. The company has 10% debentures of Rs. 2, 00,000, while the 5% Preference
shares amounting to Rs. 4, 00,000. The company has 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each. What would be
the degree of financial leverage in the case if EBIT being-
(a) Rs. 60,000 (b) Rs. 1, 40,000? The tax rate may be assumed at 50%.
Computation of Degree of Financial Leverage
13.5 Summary
Leverages refers to the ability of a firm in employing long term funds bearing a fixed interest charges,
to enhance returns to the owners.
Operating leverages refers to the effect of fixed charges on the profitability of the firm.
Higher operating leverage shows that the firm has a high business risk and there will be reduction in
profits due to high amount spent on fixed cost.
Financial leverage shows an existence of debt capital in capital structure of the firm.
Financial leverage shows effect of fixed interest charges on profitability of the firm.
If debt capital is in high volume then financial leverage will be high because of a more amount paid
by the company by way of interest on such debts.
Financial leverage refers financial risk of the firm.
Combined leverage refers the potential use of both types of fixed expenses.
Combined leverage indicates the effect of % change in sales on % change in EPS.
7. What is the relationship between financing by fixed cost bearing capital and financial leverage?
8. State the characteristics of operating leverage and financial leverage?
13.7 Reference Books
- Ravi M. Kishore (2005) - “Financial Management”- Taxmenn’s, New Delhi, 6th edition, 2005.
- M. R. Agrwal (2010) – “Financial Management (Principles & practices)”- Garima publications,
Jaipur, 2010.
- Dr. C. P. Jain (2010) – “Prabandh Lekhankan” – Shivam book house (P) Ltd., Jaipur, 2010.
- Dr. M. D. Agrawal & Dr. N. P. Agrawal – “Management Accounting “– Ramesh book depot,
Unit -14 : Capital Structure: Theories
Structure of Unit:
14.0 Objectives
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Meaning and Definition
14.3 Features of Capital Structure
14.4 Equations and Notations
14.5 Theories of Capital Structure
14.5.1 Net Income (NI) Approach
14.5.2 Net Operating Income (NOI) Approach
14.5.3 Traditional Approach
14.5.4 Modigliani-Miller (MM) Approach
14.6 Summary
14.7 Self Assessment Questions
14.8 Reference Books
14.0 Objectives
The purpose of this unit is to introduce the theories of capital structure of a company.
After you have studied this unit, you should be able to:
Appreciate the concept of capital structure and its importance
Understand the features of the capital structure of a firm
Define and explain the various theories of capital structure
Critically examine and distinguish the various approaches to capital structure
Relate the capital structure with the cost of capital and the value of the firm
Calculate the market value of the firm using appropriate formulae
14.1 Introduction
Often corporate officers, professional investors, and analysts discuss a company’s capital structure. The
concept is extremely important because it can influence not only the return a company earns for its
shareholders, but whether or not a firm survives in recession or depression.
Every business enterprise, whether big, medium or small, needs finance to carry on its operations smoothly
and to achieve its targets. Finance is needed for working capital and for permanent investment. Ideally, it
should neither be more or less than required and should gainfully be employed.
Finance is obtained by businesses from various sources of long term and short term funds. Long term funds
comprise of equity and long term borrowings (debt). Equity is in the form of common stock or preferred
stock and long term borrowings (debt) are in the form of debentures or bonds. The profit earned from
operations is owners’ funds which may be retained in the business or distributed to the owners (shareholders)
as dividend. The portion of profits retained in the business is a reinvestment of owners’ funds and hence a
source of long-term funds. Short-term funds are the working capital requirements of the firm. The short-
term borrowings often keep shifting and thus the proportion of the sources for short-term funds cannot be
rigidly laid down. So, the firm follows a flexible approach. A more definite policy is often laid down for the
composition of long-term funds.
The entire composition of these funds constitutes the overall financial structure of the firm.
Cost of Equity= Ke= D1 /Po
Cost of Equity, Ke= Ko+(ko-kd) (D/E)
Over all cost of capital(WACC)= Ko
Ko =Kd[D/(D+E)]+Ke[E/(D+E]
= Kd D + Ke(E) = KdD + KeE = EBIT
The above equations and definitions are valid under any of the capital structure theories. The controversy is
with regard to the behavior of the variables like ke, ko, V etc with leverage.
l ke
tai .1 0
f ko
o kd
.0 5
Figure - 14.1 : The Effect of Leverage on the Cost of Capital Under NI Theory
Illustration 14.1 - NI Theory
Firm A Firm B
Earnings Before Interest and Tax 2,00,000 2,00,000
Interest (I) - 50,000
Equity Earnings (E) 2,00,000 1,50,000
Cost of Equity (Ke) 12% 12%
Cost of Debt (Kd) 10% 10%
Market Value of Equity= E/ Ke 16,66,667 12,50,000
Market Value of Debt =Int/Kd NIL 5,00,000
Total value of Firm (V) 16,66,667 17,50,000
Overall cost of capital (Ko)= EBIT/V 12% 11.43%
Conclusion: Firm B: increasing the debt proportion in its capital structure has increased its market value or
lowered the overall cost of capital (WACC).
14.5.2 Net Operating Income (NOI) Approach
According to this approach the market value of the firm is not affected by the capital structure changes. This
theory, contrary to NI theory, does not accept the idea of increasing the financial leverage. It means change
in the capital structure does not affect the overall cost of capital and the market value of the firm. Thus at
each and every level of capital structure, market value of firm will be same.
The market value of the firm V = (D+E) = EBIT/Ko
V= Value of firm
(D+E)= Debt + Equity
KO = Overall cost of capital
EBIT = Earnings before interest and tax.
The overall capitalisation rate (ko) depends on the business risk of the firm and is independent of financial
mix. Therefore, the market value of firm will be a constant and independent of capital structure changes.
Thus, according to Net Operating Income (NOI) Approach, any capital structure will be optimum.
The critical assumptions of the NOI approach are:
a. The market capitalizes the value of the firm as a whole. Thus the split between debt and
equity is not important.
b. The market uses an overall capitalisation rate to capitalize the net operating income. Overall
cost of capital depends on the business risk. If the business risk is assumed to remain
unchanged, overall cost of capital is a constant.
c. The use of less costly debt funds increases the risk to shareholder. This causes the equity
capitalisation rate to increase. Thus, the advantage of debt is offset exactly by the increase
in the equity-capitalisation rate.
d. The debt capitalisation rate is constant.
e. The corporate income taxes do not exist.
p Ko
ts Kd
Figure - 14.2 : The Effect of Leverage on the Cost of Capital Under NOI theory
Illustration 14.2- NOI Theory
A firm has an EBIT of Rs. 5,00,000 and belongs to a risk class of 10%. What is the cost of Equity if it
employs 8% debt to the extent of 30%, 40% or 50% of the total capital fund of Rs 20,00,000?
30% 40% 50%
Debt 6,00,000 8,00.000 10,00,000
Equity 14,00,000 12,00,000 10,00,000
EBIT 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000
Ko 10% 10% 10%
Value of the firm (V= EBIT/Ko)) 50,00,000 50,00,000 50,00,000
Value of Equity (E=V-D) 44,00.000 42,00,000 40,00,000
Interest @ 6% 36,000 48,000 60,000
Net Profit (EBIT-Int) 4,64,000 4,52,000 4,40,000
Ke (NP/E) 10.545% 10.76% 11%
u ka
(p Stage II
ac Stage III
fo Stage I kd
in Ke
Ke is the required rate of return on equity or cost of equity
Ko is the company unlevered cost of capital (ie assume no leverage).
Kd is the required rate of return on borrowings, or cost of debt
D/E is the debt-to-equity ratio.
A higher debt-to-equity ratio leads to a higher required return on equity, because of the higher risk involved
for equity-holders in a company with debt. The formula is derived from the theory of weighted average cost
of capital (WACC).
)it Ke
(l Ko
ac Kd
Le verage
VL is the value of a levered firm
VU is the value of an unlevered firm
TCD is the tax rate TC x D the value of debt
the term assumes debt is perpetual
Proposition II:
rE= ro+D/E (ro- rd) (1- Tc)
rE is the required rate of return on equity, or cost of levered equity=unlevered equity + financing
ro is the company cost of equity capital with no leverage (unlevered cost of equity, or return on
assets with D/E = 0)
rd is the required rate of return on borrowings, or cost of debt
D/E is the debttoequity ratio
Tc is the tax rate.
Limitations of MM Hypothesis:
1. Investors would find the personal leverage inconvenient.
2. The risk perception of corporate and personal leverage may be different.
3. Arbitrage process cannot be smooth due the institutional restrictions.
4. Arbitrage process would also be affected by the transaction costs.
5. The corporate leverage and personal leverage are not perfect substitutes.
6. Corporate taxes do exist. However, the assumption of “no taxes” has been removed later.
Relaxing MM Assumptions: The scenarios presented by MM are not necessarily reflective of business
reality. Additional factors for consideration include:
Financial Distress: as a firm assumes more debt (i.e. increases its financial leverage), its bankruptcy
risk increases. This increased risk should be factored in to any analysis.
Agency Costs: these are the costs incurred by stockholders to monitor company managers; agency
costs are increased when monitoring mechanisms fail and equity value losses are absorbed.
14.6 Summary
Capital Structure of a firm is a combination of different sources of securities raised by a firm as long-term
finance. It is determined by the mix of debt and equity it uses in financing its operations. The capital structure
should aim at maximizing the returns to the shareholders resulting in the increased market value of the firm.
It should be flexible enough that the firm can alter the debt equity ratio at any point of time and need. It is
important for a firm to plan the capital structure, initially and on continuous basis, as it has a considerable
bearing on its profitability.
Capital structure theories developed under some assumptions show sharp differences in the theoretical
relationship between capital structure, cost of capital and value of the firm.
NI Approach at one extreme argues that leverage always affects the cost of capital and the value of a firm.
Increasing the debt portion in debt- equity mix will decreased the overall cost of capital resulting in maximizing
the firm’s value. The NOI Approach, in contrast, is at the other extreme of the spectrum. According to this
Approach, capital structure is totally irrelevant.
The Traditional Approach strikes a balance between these extremes. A firm can increase its value (V) and
reduce its cost of capital (k0) up to a point, but beyond that point, the use of further debt will lead to a rise
in the weighted average cost of capital. At that point the capital structure is optimum.
Although the empirical testing has been only suggestive with respect to the true relationship between leverage
and cost of capital, the Traditional Approach provides a fairly close approximation of the position. The
optimum capital structure would, of course, vary from case to case.
Modigliani and Miller concur with NOI and provide behavioral support to its basic proposition. However,
the basic premises of the MM Approach are of doubtful validity. As a result, the arbitrage process is
Modigliani and Miller also agree that with corporate taxes debt has a definite advantage over equity as the
interest is tax-deductible and leverage will lower the overall cost of capital. The value of the levered firm is
equal to the value of the unlevered firm plus the interest tax shield which is tax rate times the debt. The
scenarios presented by MM are not necessarily reflective of business reality and thus additional factors like
financial distress, agency costs are to be considered.
Pecking order theory starts with asymmetric information as managers know more about the firm’s prospects,
risks and value than outside investors. Asymmetric information affects the choice between internal and
external financing and between the issue of debt or equity. Therefore there exists a pecking order for the
financing of new projects.
(a) NI approach
7. Two companies A and B are identical except that company A is unlevered while company B has 6
percent Rs 2,00,000 debt outstanding. As per the NI approach, the valuation of the two firms is as
Company A Company B
(Unlevered) (Levered)
Net operating income EBIT 60000 60000
Total cost of debt, kd D 0 12000
Net earnings, NI 60000 48000
Equity capitalization, ke 0.100 0.111
Market value of shares, S 600000 432432
Market value of debt, D 200000
Total value of the firm, V 600000 632432
Mr X holds Rs 2,000 worth of Company B shares. Does Mr X have opportunity for arbitrage and
thereby reduce his outlay to earn same return?
Mr X can reduce his outlay and earn the same return through arbitrage.
1. He can sell shares in company B for Rs 2,000
2. He can then create a personal leverage equal to the share of debt in company B by
borrowing Rs. 926 (=Rs 2,000 *Rs 2,00,000/ Rs 4,32,000)
3. He can then buy Rs 2,778 (=Rs 6,00,000 * Rs 2,000 / Rs 4,32,000) of company A
Return on Company A shares: Rs 2,778*10% Rs 277.80
Less: Interest on Rs 926 *6% Rs 55.56
Net return Rs 222.24
His return from Company B (Levered company) is Rs 2000 *11.1% = Rs 222.22 which is
same as in Company A (unlevered company). However the funds involved in the unlevered
company are Rs 2778 – Rs 926 = Rs 1852 which is less thatn Rs 2000 cash outlay involved
in the levered company.
8. The following are the costs and values for the firms X and Y according to the traditional approach
Rs Rs
Total value of firm, V 100,000 120,000
Market value of debt, D 0 60,000
Market value of equity, E 100,000 60,000
Expected net operating income, X 12,000 12,000
Cost of debt, INT = kd D 0 4,800
Net income, X - kdD 10,000 7,200
Cost of equity, K - (X – kdD/E) 10.00% 12.00%
Debt-equity ratio, D/E 0 0.5
Average cost of capital, ka 12.00% 10.00%
Compute the equilibrium value for Firms A and B in accordance with the M-M thesis. Assume that (i) taxes
do not exist and (ii) the equilibrium value of ka is 9.4 per cent.
The equilibrium values for Firms X and Y is as below
Rs Rs
N e t opera tin g inco me (EBIT ) 1 20 0 0 1 2 00 0
C o st o f De bt, INT = k d *D 0 4 80 0
N e t inco me (N I) 1 20 0 0 7 20 0
A vera ge c os t of capital 9. 50 % 9. 50 %
15.0 Objectives
After you have studied this unit, you should be able to:
Appreciate the need for capital structure planning
Understand the factors determining the capital structure of a firm
Relate the components of capital structure with risk, return and value of the firm
Explain and relate the various approaches of capital structure planning
Critically examine and distinguish between the alternate approaches
Discuss a number of practical considerations in determining a firm’s capital structure
15.1 Introduction
Capital structure planning is very important for survival of the business in long run. Companies which do
not plan their capital structure may prosper in the short-run, but in a long run they may face considerable
difficulties in raising funds to finance their activities. With unplanned capital structure, these companies may
also fail to economize the use of their funds. Consequently, it is being increasingly realized that a company
should plan its capital structure to maximize the use of the funds and to be able to adapt more easily to the
changing conditions.
Capital structure refers to the mix of long-term sources of funds, such as debentures, long-term debt,
preference share capital and equity share capital including reserves and surpluses (i.e. retained earnings).
Planning the capital structure is one of the most complex areas of financial decision making because of the
inter-relationships among components of the capital structure and also its relationship to risk, return and
value of the firm. Two similar companies can have different capital structures if the decision makers differ in
their judgment of the significance of various factors.
The optimum capital structure is obtained when the market value per share is maximum. Theoretically, a
company needs to plan out an optimum capital structure. But in practice, it is difficult to determine an
optimum capital structure as one needs to go beyond theories. The capital structure should be planned
generally keeping in view the interests of the equity shareholders and the financial requirements of a company.
The equity shareholders, being the owners of the company and the providers of risk capital (equity) would
be concerned about the ways of financing a company’s operations. However, the interests of other groups,
such as employees, customers, creditors, society and government, should also be given reasonable
Analysis for Risk and Return: The relationship between EBIT and EPS is plotted for different capital
structures, the investor can analyze the graph, focusing on two key challenges. The level of EBIT where
EPS is zero, called the break-even point, and the graph’s slope, which visually represents the company’s
risk. A steeper slope conveys a higher risk — greater loss per share at lower EBIT level. A steeper slope
also means a higher return, and that the company needs to earn less EBIT to produce greater EPS. The
breakeven point is also important because it tells the business how much EBIT there must be to avoid
losses, and varies at different proportions of debt to equity.
Major Shortcoming of the EBIT-EPS Approach: This approach is one of the most widely used measures
of the company’s performance in practice. As a result of this, in choosing between debt and equity in
practice, sometimes too much attention is paid on EPS, which however, has some serious limitations as a
financing-decision criterion. The fact that this approach fails to explicitly consider risk is the major shortcoming
of this method. As firm obtains more debt (its financial leverage increases), the risk also increases and
shareholders will require higher returns to compensate for the increased financial risk. Therefore, this approach
is not completely appropriate because it does not consider one of the key variables (risk), which is necessary
for maximization of shareholders’ wealth.
Illustration: 15.4.1: Suppose that a firm has an all equity capital structure consisting of 100,000 ordinary
shares of Rs.10 per share. The firm wants to raise Rs.250,000 to finance its investments and is considering
three alternative methods of financing –
(i) to issue 25,000 ordinary shares at Rs.10 each,
(ii) to borrow Rs.2,50,000 at 8 per cent rate of interest,
(iii) to issue 2,500 preference shares of Rs.100 each at an 8 per cent rate of dividend.
If the firm’s earnings before interest and taxes after additional investment are Rs.3,12,500 and the tax rate
is 50 per cent, the effect on the earnings per share under the three financing alternatives will be as follows:
Solution: EPS Under Alternative Financing Favorable EBIT:
Equity Financing Debt Preference
Rs. Financing Financing
Rs. Rs.
EBIT 3,12,500 3,12,550 3,12,550
Less: Interest 0 20,000 0
PBT 3,12,500 2,92,500 3,12,500
Less: Taxes 1,56,250 1,46,250 1,56,250
PAT 1,56,250 1,46,250 1,56,250
Less: Preference dividend 0 0 20,000
Earning available to ordinary shareholders 1,56,250 1,46,250 1,36,250
Shares outstanding 1,25,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
EPS 1.25 1.46 1.36
The firm is able to maximize the earnings per share when it uses debt financing. Though the rate ofpreference
dividend is equal to the rate of interest, EPS is high in case of debt financing because interest charges are tax
deductible while preference dividends are not. With increasing levels of EBIT, EPS will increase at a faster
rate with a high degree of leverage. However if a company is not able to earn a rate of return on its assets
that is higher than the interest rate (or the preference dividend rate), debt (or preference financing) will have
an adverse impact on EPS.
Suppose the firm in illustration above has an EBIT of Rs.75,000/- EPS under different methods will be as
EPS Under Alternative Financing Methods: Unfavorable EBIT:
It is obvious that under unfavorable conditions, i.e. when the rate of return on the total assets is less than the
cost of debt, the earnings per share will fall with the degree of leverage.
15.4.2 Cost of Capital and Valuation Approach
A company should have such a mix of debt and equity that its overall cost of capital is minimum. The overall
cost of capital is minimum when the cost of various sources of funds is minimum. Measuring the costs of
various sources of funds is a complex subject and needs a separate treatment. In order to minimize the cost
of capital, cheaper sources of funds should be preferred, other things remaining the same.
The cost of source of finance is the minimum return expected by its suppliers which depends on the degree
of risk assumed by them. A high degree of risk is assumed by shareholders than debt-holders. This is
because the rate of dividends is not fixed for ordinary shareholders and the board of directors has no legal
obligation to pay dividends even if the company has made profits. Besides, the shareholders will have to
share the residue only when the company is wound up. In the case of debt-holders, the rate of interest is
fixed and the company is legally bound to pay interest whether it makes profits or not. The loan of debt-
holders is returned within a prescribed period. This leads to the conclusion that debt is a cheaper source of
funds than equity. This is generally the case even when taxes are not considered; the tax deductibility of
interest charges further reduces the cost of debt.
The preference share capital is also cheaper than equity capital, but not as cheap as debt. Thus, using the
component or specific cost of capital as a criterion for financing decisions and ignoring risk, a firm would
always like to employ debt since it is the cheapest source of funds.
Pecking Order Hypothesis: The cost of equity includes the cost of new issue of shares and the cost of
retained earnings. The cost of debt is cheaper than the cost of both these sources of equity funds. Between
the cost of new issues and retained earnings, the latter is cheaper. The cost of retained earnings is less than
the cost of new issues because the company does not have to pay personal taxes which have to be paid by
shareholders on distributed earnings, and also because, unlike new issues, no floatation costs are incurred if
the earnings are retained. As a result, between these two sources, retained earnings are preferable. It has
been found in practice that the firms prefer internal finance and if they are not sufficient to meet the investment
outlays, firms go for external finance, issuing the safest security first. They start with debt, then possibly
hybrid securities such as convertible debentures and then equity as a last resort. Myers has called it the
pecking order theory since there is not a well defined debt equity target and there are two kinds of equity:
external and internal, one at the top of pecking order and one at the bottom.
Trade Off Theory: It should be realized that a company cannot go on minimizing its overall cost of capital
by employing debt. A point is reached beyond which debt becomes more expensive because of the increased
risk of excessive debt to creditors as well as to shareholders. When the degree of leverage increases, the
risk to creditors also increases. They may demand a higher interest rate and may not further provide loan to
the company at all once the debt has reached a particular level. Furthermore, the excessive amount of debt
makes the shareholders’ position very risky. This has the effect of increasing the cost of equity. Thus, up to
a point the overall cost of capital decreases with debt, but beyond that point the cost of capital would start
increasing and therefore it would not be advantageous to employ debt further. So there is a combination of
debt and equity, which minimizes that firm’s average cost of capital and maximizes the market value per
share. The trade off between cost of capital and EPS set the maximum limit to the use of debt.
Thus, when we consider the leverage and the cost of capital factors, it appears reasonable that a firm should
employ a large amount of debt provided its earnings do not fluctuate very widely. In fact, debt can be used
to the point where the average cost of capital is minimum. These two factors taken together set the maximum
limit to the use of debt. However, other factors should also be evaluated to determine the appropriate
capital structure for a company.
15.4.3 Cash Flow Approach
Cash flow approach hinges on the principle of conservatism which is related to the fixed charge created by
use of debt or preference capital and the firm’s ability to generate cash to meet these fixed charges. A firm
is considered prudently financed if it is able to service its fixed charges under any normally anticipated
adverse conditions.
The fixed charges of a company include payment of interest, preference dividends and principal and they
depend on the amount of loan securities and the terms of payment. If a company employs large amount of
debt, the fixed charges will naturally be high. Whenever a company plans to raise additional debt, it should
analyze the expected future cash flows to meet the fixed charges. Companies expecting larger and stable
cash inflows in the future can employ larger debt in their capital structure. On the other hand, companies
whose cash inflows are unstable are unpredictable will find it risky to employ large debt.
An important parameter to be examined at the time of capital structure planning is debt servicing ratio which
is the ratio of net cash inflows to fixed charges. Greater the ratio, greater is the amount of debt a company
can use. However, it should also be noted that it is not the average cash inflows but the yearly cash inflows
which are important to determine the debt capacity of a company. Hence companies with predictable and
stable cash inflows can take a higher debt that those with varying inflows. Ultimately, it is desirable to do a
full cash flow analysis over a longer term to ensure that fixed financial obligations are met.
Components of Cash Flows: The cash flows should be analyzed over a long period of time, which can
cover the various adverse phases, for determining the firm’s debt policy. The cash flow analysis can be
carried out by preparing proforma cash flow statements to show the firm’s financial conditions under adverse
conditions such as a recession. The expected cash flows can be categorized into three groups.
Operating Cash Flows refers to the operations of the firm and can be determined from the projected
profit and loss statements. Behavior of sales volume, input and output price over the period of
analysis should be examined and predicted.
Non-Operating Cash Flows include capital expenditures and working capital changes. During
recession period, the firm may have to specially spend for the promotion of the product and such
expenditures as well as unavoidable capital expenditure during adverse conditions should be included
in non operating cash flows.
Financial Flows include contractual financial obligations (interest, lease rentals, repayment of debt
etc) and policy financial obligations (dividends etc).
15.6 Summary
Capital structure planning is very important for survival of the business in long run. Planning the capital
structure is highly complex as the components of capital structure are inter-related and also related to risk,
return and value of the firm. There cannot exist a standard capital structure for all firms since there are lots
of factors significantly influencing the determination of the capital structure. Though the primary objective
while framing the capital structure is to maximize the returns to the share holders, the interests of other
groups, such as employees, customers, creditors, society and government, should also be given reasonable
There are certain approaches for planning an appropriate Capital structure and each of them have advantages
and limitations too. EBIT- EPS approach focuses on finding a capital structure with the highest EPS over
the expected range of EBIT, thus helping the firm to achieve its ultimate objective of maximizing shareholders’
wealth. This approach fails to explicitly consider risk which is one of the key factors in maximizing the
wealth. In Cost of capital and valuation approach, a company should have such a mix of debt and equity
that its overall cost of capital is minimum. Measuring the cost of various sources of funds is complex and in
order to minimize the cost of capital, cheaper sources of funds should be identified and preferred. Cash flow
analysis clearly reveals that a higher debt equity ratio is not risky if the company has ability to generate
substantial cash inflows in the future to meet its financial obligations. There are factors influencing cash flow
and it is difficult to predict all the possible factors.
In practice, the determination of capital structure involves considerations in addition to the EPS, cash flows,
cost of capital and value. Attitudes of managers with regard to financing decisions are quite often influenced
by their desire to maintain control, to maintain operating flexibility, and to have convenient and cheaper
means of raising funds.
15.7 Self Assessment Questions
1. What do you mean by an appropriate capital structure? What are the factors influencing it?
2. Explain the features and limitations of the three approaches to the determination of capital structure.
a) EBIT-EPS approach.
b) Valuation approach.
c) Cash flow approach.
3. If debt is cheaper than equity, why do firms not finance their assets with debt?
4. Write notes on
a. Pecking order theory
b. Trade off theory.
5. What are the practical considerations in determining the capital structure?
6. A company is considering a most desirable capital structure. The cost of debt (after tax) and of
equity capital at various levels of debt equity mix are estimated as follows:
Debt as percentage of Cost of debt Cost of equity
total capital employed (%) (%)
0 10 15
20 10 15
40 12 16
50 13 18
60 14 20
Determine the optimal mix of debt and equity for the company by calculating composite cost of capital?
Solution: For determining the optimal debt equity mix, we have to calculate the composite cost of capital
i.e. Ko which is equal to Kdp1+Kep2
Where Kd = Cost of debt
p1 = Relative proportion of debt in the total capital of the firm
Ke = Cost of equity
p2 = Relative proportion of equity in the total capital of the firm
Before we arrive at any conclusion, it would be desirable to prepare a table showing all necessary
information and calculations.
Calculating Cost of capital
Kd % Ke % p1 p2 Kdp1+kep2= Ko
10 15 0.0 1.00 0.0+15.0=15
10 15 0.2 0.8 2.0+12.0=14
12 16 0.4 0.6 4.8+9.6=14.4
13 18 0.6 0.5 7.8+9.0=16.8
14 20 0.6 0.4 8.4+8.0=16.4
The optimal debt equity mix for the company is at a point where the composite cost of capital is minimum.
It is evident that a mix of 20% debt and 80% equity gives the minimum composite cost of capital of 14%.
Any other mix of debt and equity gives a higher overall cost of capital. The closest to the minimum cost
of capital is a mix of 40% debt and 60% equity where Ko is 14.4%. It can therefore be concluded that
a mix of 20% debt and 80%,equity will make the capital structure optimal.
16.0 Objectives
After completing this unit, you would be able to:
Understand the long term finance and its purpose for raising the fund from the sources of long term.
Comprehend the share capital and its feature, advantages and disadvantages.
Differentiate between the shares and debentures/bonds.
Point out various forms of foreign loans through depository receipts and differentiation between
ADRs and GDRs.
Know about the different forms of Venture Capital and its growth in India.
Learn and appreciate the leasing and hire purchase as a source of long term finance.
Understand the different new long term financial instruments.
16.1 Introduction
The firm has to maintain adequate amount of funds for successful operation of funds. As there should be
adequate blood level in human body, the same is true with finance in business. Long term finance is also
called as long term capital, fixed capital or non-movable capital. The firms require long term fund financing
for purchasing fixed assets, expansion/improvisation, diversification and acquisition & takeovers etc. Long
term finance has two characteristics. I) it is used for fulfilling the long term financial needs ofthe company, II)
they are fixed in nature and these finances can not be encased on will. At the time of inspection of firm fixed
assets like land and building, machines, furniture, fittings, patents are purchased from long term finances.
Long term finance is not liquid. The long term financial sources are Equity shares, preference shares, retained
earnings, debentures and long term debts etc.
16.2 Share Capital
The company has a statutory right to issue shares to raise funds. Funds procured through floatation of
shares are termed as ‘ownership capital’. According to Justice Lindle “Share is the proportional of profit of
which holder is liable to get.” The company can issue two types of shares i.e. Equity shares and Preference
16.2.1 Equity Shares
Equity shares are owner’s equity having no maturity date. It is known as ordinary shares or common shares,
real owners of the company as they have the voting rights and enjoy decision making authority on important
matters related to the company. Without these shares the company cannot procure debt and preference
share capital from investors. The equity shareholders’ return is in the form of dividend depends on the
profits of the company and capital gain/loss at the time of their sale. According to Indian Company’s Act,
any company which issues the shares for the first time must issue it at its par value. However, subsequent
shares can be issued at a premium.
Features of Equity Shares
Maturity: They provide permanent capital to the firm and no maturity date is fixed for such funds.
It is only in the event of liquidation that the shareholders get the profits after meeting all debt obligations.
However, the shareholders are free to sell their shares in the secondary market if they require
liquidation their investments.
Claim on Income: The shareholders are the residual claimant on the income and the assets of the
company. The operating profits are first of all utilized for meeting all the expenses and obligations
and thereafter it is distributed in the form of dividend among the preference shareholders. If the
profit left after meeting all the above then it is distributed among the equity shareholders as dividend.
Claim on Assets: The equity shareholders are having the residual claim on the assets of the company.
When the company goes for winding up, the assets are used to pay all the expenses and outstanding
liabilities. Thereafter, if any assets are left over, then the equity shareholders can claim on them.
Right to Control or Voting Rights: The equity shareholders have the right to vote in annual
general meeting on any resolution placed in it. It is in the proportion of the paid up capital of each
shareholder of the company. The boards of directors are selected by the equity shareholders who
appoint the managers who manage the company. The equity shareholders are having the supreme
and ultimate control on the affairs of the company.
Preemptive Rights: As and when a public limited company wants to issue fresh equity shares,
they are to be offered first to the existing shareholders. This is known as pre-emptive right. The
purpose is to enable the shareholders to continue to have proportionate share of ownership. For
example, if a shareholder has 5% ownership, he has to be offered 5% of the new shares to be
Limited Liability: The liabilities of the equity shareholders are limited to the face value of the
shares. In case the shareholder has paid the full amount of the face value, he is no more liability
exists even if the company goes into liquidation and its liabilities are more than its assets.
Merits of Equity Financing
No Cash Outflow: As the equity financing is a permanent source of capital. The company does
not have the fear of redemption and outflow of cash. The funds are available with the company till
the company goes for liquidation.
Borrowing Base: lenders feel confident while lending to the company on the basis of its capital.
Generally they lend in proportion of the company’s equity capital.
No Compulsion for Payment of Dividend: The equity shareholders are the residual claimant
and it is not essential requirement to pay the dividend compulsorily. The company may suspend the
payment of dividend in the case of financial difficulty.
Real Owners and Gainers: The equity shareholders are having the control on the affairs of the
company hence they are the real owner and in case of profit they are the real gainers by way of
increased dividend as well as appreciation of market price.
Demerits of Equity Financing
Cost of Equity: The cost of equity financing is the highest as compared to other source of financing
because of dividend is not tax deductable. Floatation cost is also incurred which is comparatively
high than the debt. Floatation costs are incurred incidentally by the company at the time of issue of
Trading on Equity: It is possible only when debt is issued along with the equity share and it is not
happen when the total requirement of the company is met through equity share capital alone. Trading
on equity enhances the earnings of equity share.
Risk: The equity is more risky, from the viewpoint of investors, as compared to debt because there
is no certainty of return. Raising the fund through equity is more costly and rather difficult.
Dilution of Earnings: As company go for additional issue of shares and proportionately the
earnings do not increase in that case the earning per share get diluted.
Ownership Dilution: The company issues further equity to existing shareholders in order to
maintain the proportionate ownership. In case of financial difficulty, this existing control is likely to
be lost. This is the threat with closely held company.
Activity A:
1. According to you why equity financing is needed in a company? List out any ten companies who
have their financing through equity shares.
16.2.2 Preference Shares
As the very name suggests, preference shares have certain preferences compared to equity shares. Preference
shareholders enjoy the twin preferences in respect of dividend payment and repayment of principal amount,
in the event of liquidation, compared to equity shareholders. In the real sense, preference share capital is a
hybrid form security, as it carries some of the features of equity share as well as debentures.
Preference shares have gained importance after the Finance bill 1997 as dividend become tax exempted in
the hands of the individual investor and are taxable in the hands of the company as tax is imposed on
distributed profits at a flat rate. At present, a domestic company paying dividend will have to pay dividend
distribution tax @ 12.5% plus surcharge of 10% plus an education cess equaling 2% (Total 14.025%)
Features of Preference Shares
Maturity: Preference shares are perpetual. In the normal course of time, they are not repaid,
similar to equity share. Their money is returned in the event of liquidation, after payment of debenture
holders. But unlike equity it may have a call back arrangement or redemption feature. If it is redeemable
or callable preference shares, then it may be redeemed at the time of maturity.
Claim on Income and Assets: Preference shares are a senior security compared to equity share.
The preference shareholders are having prior claim on the company’s income and repayment of
dividend then the equity holders. In the event of liquidation, the holders of the preference shares are
prior right then the equity holders on the repayment of the amount of their shares.
Nature of Preference Dividends: The dividend on the preference shares are fixed and if company
is having extra earning then no extra dividend are paid to preference share holders. In case the
article of association permits then the unpaid amount of dividend in any year due to loss in any
particular year of the company, it will be carried forward for further period and paid when there is
Convertibility: Sometimes the preferred stock has the feature of convertibility and if so then the
shareholders get a privilege to convert his preference shares into equity shares. The article of association
provides the conversion price clearly.
Controlling Power: Preference shareholders have no voting rights in the management of the
company. However, they have a right to vote in respect of those matters that affect them directly. In
case of dividend is in arrears for two consecutive years, preference shareholders can nominate a
member on the board of the company.
Hybrid form of Security: Preference share capital is a hybrid form security, as it carries some of
the features of equity share as well as debenture. Preference share is similar to equity share, as non-
payment of dividend does not compel the company to go into liquidation. Payment of dividend is
not obligatory. However, dividend paid is not tax deductible. The preference share is similar to
debenture, as fixed rate of dividend is paid, just like a fixed rate of interest. They can not claim a
share in the residual profits of the company.
Not Tax Deductible: Preference dividends are not tax deductible as they are paid after giving the
tax on the company’s income. Unlike preference dividends Interest paid on debt is deducted before
paying tax, hence tax incident is lowered when interest is paid on debt which is known as interest
tax shield. Thus preferred capital is costlier than debt borrowed by the company.
Participation: Sometime Company issues participating preference shares and in that case the
preference shareholders get a right to participate in the balance of extraordinary profits in a stipulated
proportion together with equity shareholders. Thus the preference shareholder gets fixed dividend
and flexible dividend which will depend on the extra earnings of the company i.e. extraordinary
Advantages of Preference Shares
The advantages of Preference shares can be enumerated for both to the company as well as to its investors.
(A) Company’s Point of view: The company has the below explained advantages by issuing preference
Absence of Legal Obligation: The dividend to the preference shareholders are paid only if the
company has the distributable profits. Thus it can be connoted that the company does not have any
legal commitment or financial burden.
Fixed Rate of Dividend: The amount of dividend is specified at the time of issue of preference
shares hence no surplus amount is paid even if the company has handsome profit except in the case
of participating preference shares.
Cost of Capital: The cost incurred on such type of instrument financing capital is less than the
equity shares.
Long term Capital: The outflow of cash is negligible as these are treated as permanent source of
capital. But redeemable preference shares are to be redeemed at the end of specified period or
maturity out of the proceeds of fresh issue of shares or accumulated profits of the company.
Trading on Equity: Raising funds through this source magnifies the earning of the equity shares,
paying fixed rate of dividend to preference shareholders. This is a risk-free leverage advantage with
preference share capital. Even, default in payment of dividend does not force the company into
Enhances Creditworthiness/ Borrowing Ability: It is regarded as a part of net worth hence it
enhances the creditworthiness of the company. The company has ability to get more borrowing
from outside.
Absence of Dilution of Control: The preference shareholders do not have the voting power
except in case where their interests are directly affected. So, there is no threat of dilution of control
from preference shareholders.
Assets are Not Pledged: No specific assets are pledged, while issuing preference shares. So,
company’s mortgage able assets are not disturbed in any manner.
(B) Investors Point of view: The investors enjoy the following benefits
Fixed Rate of Dividend: The cumulative preference shareholders are paid dividend at fixed rate
but in case the company incurs loss in any year then the dividend at fixed rate is paid in the subsequent
year’s profits. In case of non cumulative preference share, this is not the case. Dividend is not paid
for the year of loss.
Treated Superior Security Over Equity Share: Preference share enjoys preference over dividend
and repayment of fund on Equity shares. Hence, investors prefer to invest in preference share.
Right to Vote: Preference shareholder has the right to vote in case when their interest is directly
affected by any resolution.
Disadvantages of Preference Shares: In spite of numerous advantages, it is not free from shortcomings
which is enumerated as below
(A) Company’s Point of View
Cost of Source: The cost of preferred stock & risk is more than the debenture. Hence, from this point, the
debenture is more suitable.
No Tax Advantages: The dividend on preference share is not tax deductible, while the interest on
debenture enjoys tax shield or advantage.
Affects Creditworthiness: The Company does not have any legal obligation to pay dividend on
preference shares but in case of non-payment of dividend affects the creditworthiness of the company.
(B) Investor’s Point of View
At Management Mercy: Normally, the preference shareholders do not have any voting rights,
they remain at the mercy of management for dividend as well as redemption of capital.
Lower Return: When compared with equity shares, the preference shares are having lower return.
No Charge on Assets: The charges on assets are not available to the preference shares as available
on debentures. So, preference share rank after debentures, in case of liquidation of the company.
Activity B:
1. Why preference shares are called as hybrid security? Analyze the situation when preference share
are beneficial in general.
16.3 Debentures/Bonds
A debenture is a long term promissory note for raising loan capital. It may be either secured or unsecured.
Debenture or Bond is a creditor ship security, with a fixed rate of interest and fixed maturity period. Debentures
provide low risk capital to the company. Those who invest in debentures are called debenture holders. An
alternative form of debenture is Bond in India. Public sector companies in India mostly issue bonds. The
interest paid is a charge to the profit and loss account. Debentures are normally secured by a floating charge
on the assets of the company. The bond is secured by specific assets of the company. In USA bonds are
either secured or unsecured and debentures are unsecured bonds. As we know debentures are long term
debts of a company which borrows money on a promise to pay at a later date with specified interest, the
interest rate is usually fixed.
According to Indian Companies Act, Section 2(12) “Debenture includes debenture stock, bonds and any
other securities of a company whether constituting a charge on the assets of a company or not”. As Tophan
has defined “Debenture is a document given by a company as evidence of a debt to the holder usually
arising out of a loan and most commonly secured by charge.”
C.W. Gerstenberg has defined “A corporate bond is a written promise under seal to pay a specified sum of
money at a fixed time in future, usually more than ten years after the promise is made with interest at fixed
rate, payable at specified interest dates.”
Public issue of debentures and private placement to mutual funds now require that the issue be rated by a
credit rating agency like CRISIL (Credit Rating and Information Services of India Ltd.). The credit rating is
given after evaluating factors like track record of the company, profitability, debt servicing capacity, credit
worthiness and the perceived risk of lending.
Features of Debentures/Bonds
Maturity: Debentures are issued for a specific period of time and treated as source of long term finance.
Generally, debentures are issued for a period of 7 to 10 years and are redeemed on the specific date.
Fixed Interest Rate: The interest rate on debenture is fixed and does not change during the tenure
of debenture, irrespective of the profit/loss of the company. Interest is calculated on the face value
of the debenture. Interest is tax deductible and it is the income of the debenture holder and taxable
in the hands of the debenture holders.
Claim on Income: Interest payment is the obligation on the company even if the company incurs
loss. Default in payment of interest empowers the debenture holder to move a petition in a court of
law for the winding up of the company.
Claim on Assets: At the time of liquidation, debenture holders are repaid their claim first before
repayment is made to preference and equity shareholders. Debentures may have a specific charge
or floating charge on the assets of the company. In the event, they are secured creditors. The sale
proceeds of the assets pledged to them go towards repayment of principal and interest to them.
Convertibility: The debentures having a conversion clause are known as convertible debentures.
These debentures can be converted to equity shares after a certain period of time.
Callable Feature: Call feature enables the company to redeem the debentures before the due
date of redemption. Generally, the company can go for it when the interest rate payable is high then
the current interest rate. In order to save costs, the company redeems the debentures before the
due date. Normally, call price is higher than the issue price. It is noteworthy to mention that the
company is gaining, hence, it is not an issue to share some gain with the debenture holders.
Indenture or Trust Deed: It is a legal agreement between the company issuing the debentures on
one hand and the trustees representing debenture holders on the other hand. The trust deed provides
the specific terms in respect of the description of debentures, security available, rights of debenture
holders and of the issuing company and responsibilities of the trustees. The responsibility of the
trustees is to protect the rights of the debenture holders by enforcing the responsibilities of the
company that has issued debentures. Normally, a financial institution or insurance company is
appointed as a trustee.
Controlling Power: A Debenture holder does not have any voting right; therefore, they do not
enjoy the controlling power and can not participate in the management of the company. They have
only prior claim in repayment over equity and preference shareholders.
Benefits of Debentures
Less Costly: The debenture is less costly source of finance than preference and equity shares as
the interest is tax deductible. From the perspective of investor, it is less risky investment and offers
fixed rate of return.
Absence of Dilution: Debenture holder do not enjoy any voting rights, hence, there is not any
question of dilution of ownership or control.
Fixed Interest Rate: The debenture holders are entitled for the fixed rate of interest as specified
in the debenture. They do not have any claim on the extra share in the earnings of the company. So,
cost to the company is fixed.
Beneficial during Inflation: Real interest cost declines during the period of inflation.
Easy to Raise Funds: At the time of depression or low sentiments in the market, the debenture as
a source of finance is easy and comfortable. The investors appreciate the benefits of certainty of
income, with low risk during those periods.
Trading on Equity: In case the return on investment is higher than the cost of debt, it is advantageous
to the company to raise fund through debentures as it can trade on equity and enhances the earnings
to the equity holders.
Flexibility: Debenture provides flexibility in the capital structure of the company as company can
redeem debentures, as and when it has surplus funds and desires to do so. Generally, company
reserves the right in the form of ‘call option’ at the time of issue to take advantage of the falling
interest rates in the market.
Disadvantages of Debentures
Obligatory Payment: The payment of interest is a legal obligation even in the case of company is
incurring loss in any particular year. Redemption of debentures is to be made at the end of maturity.
Default in payment may force the company to go into liquidation.
Financial Risk: If a company is having fluctuating sales and earnings than it enhances the financial
leverage and financial risk.
Stamp Duty: The cost of stamp duty will increases the cost of financing.
Not for All the Companies: Debenture interest is a fixed commitment. This should be noted that
it not desirable for the companies which do not have stable earnings or who deal in products with
elastic demand to issue debentures. The company that cannot offer assets as security cannot use
this source of financing.
Cash Outflows: As debentures are to be redeemed at the end of the maturity period. When it is
redeemed, the cash outflow occurs. Even if a sinking fund is created to meet the redemption outflow,
annual cash outflow occurs.
Restrictive Covenants: The restrictive conditions are contained in the debenture indenture. As a
condition can be incorporated in the indenture that the total borrowing by the company cannot
exceed a specified limit. Hence, the restrictive covenants limit the operating flexibility of the company
in future.
Activity C:
1. How you would able to say that the debenture is cheaper source of finance than the equity or
preference share? Enumerate your view with practical example.
2. “In a period of rising prices, debenture issue is advantageous”. Justify your answer in the context of
above statement.
Activity D:
1. You are required to prepare a comparative chart indicating the risk, return, control and ownership
position in case of equity shares, preference shares and debentures.
16.16 Summary
Long term funds are used for purchasing fixed assets expansion/improvisation programmes, diversification
and acquisition, takeovers & mergers and alliances etc. There are various sources of long term funds like
share capital, debentures, bonds, Retained earnings, foreign loan, Term loans, Venture Capital, leasing etc.
Equity capital is the owners’ capital and remains forever with the company. Preference capital is also
permanent capital but unlike equity shareholders the preference shareholders do not enjoy enough power
and voting rights. Preference shares get a priority to get their share of investment and profits before equity
shareholders. Debentures are long term promissory notes which may be secured or unsecured. The interest
rate is fixed on debentures. Bond holders/Debenture holders have a priority of claim to income over equity
and preference shareholders.
Securitisation is important source of finance and it is a process in which illiquid assets are pooled into
marketable securities that can be sold to investors. Leasing is a very popular source to finance equipments.
It is a contract between the owner and user of the asset over a specified period of time in which the asset is
purchased initially by the lessor (leasing company) and thereafter leased to the user (Lessee Company) who
pays a specified rent at periodical intervals.
Venture capital provides risk capital and skilled to firms which are to invest in ventures of advance technology,
and research and development for commercial production of any item/services.
Every day new creative financial products keep on entering the market. Some of the examples are Deep
Discount Bonds, Option Bonds, and Inflation Bonds etc. To day the businesses are allowed to source funds
from International Market also. Some of important products are ECB, Euro Bonds, American Depository
Receipt etc.
17.0 Objectives
After completing this unit, you would be able to:
Know the short-term finance its characteristic and purpose for raising the fund from the sources of
Portray meaning, benefits and cost of trade credit as a spontaneous source of finance.
Comprehend the different sources of spontaneous sources such as accrued expenses, provisions
and deferred Incomes.
Point out commercial paper, bills of exchange, treasury bills, inter-corporate deposit, and short-
term Un-secured debenture as short-term sources of finance.
Learn about the different negotiated sources from bank to raise short-term funds.
Put forth the innovative source of short-term fund instrument as factoring and its position in India.
Differentiate trade credit and bank credit to understand the concept in more lucid manner.
17.1 Introduction
Short term Finance means availability of funds for a period of one year or less than that period. These
include the financial needs up to one year. Short term finance is the source of working capital. Short term
finances are used to purchase the raw materials, to pay salaries, to pay taxes, rent etc. Generally the short
term sources are trade credit, bank credit, indigenous bankers, public deposits, advances from customers,
personal loans, retained earnings, accrued expenses, and provision for taxation and depreciation fund.
Broadly speaking, the short-term finance may be classified between two categories i.e. spontaneous sources
and negotiated sources. Spontaneous sources of finance are those which naturally arise in the course of
business operations. Trade credit, credit from employees, credit from suppliers of services etc. are some of
the examples which may be quoted in this respect. Negotiated sources, as it is clear from name itself, are
those which have to be specifically negotiated with lenders say commercial banks, financial institutions,
general public etc. The finance manager has to be very careful while selecting a particular source, or a
combination thereof for financing of working capital. Generally the following parameters are suggestive to
consider before arriving on any decisions. These are cost, impact of credit rating, feasibility, reliability,
restrictions and hedging or matching approach i.e. raising the same maturity short-term fund as needed in
the business.
17.13 Factoring
Factoring is a new concept in financing of account receivables. This refers to outright sale of accounts
receivables to a factor or a financial agency. A factor is a firm that acquires the receivables of other firms.
The factoring lays down the conditions of the sale in a factoring agreement. In factoring, three parties are
involved. The supplier of goods (seller), the receiver of goods (buyer), the undertaker of debt (factor).
When some goods are sold on credit and payable after a specified period, the efforts of seller are always to
collect receivable as quickly as possible. To put it in other way, he is to remain busy significantly for such
receivable management. It involves cost, time and efforts on the part of the seller. Instead of making such
internal management of such receivable, he may delegate such job of receivable management i.e. collection
of debtors to a specialized agency. Such an agency is called factor. To put it in a layman’s language, a factor
is an agent who collects the dues of his client for a certain fee. By factoring the seller assigns his right of
collection of debt from the purchaser to the factor. The buyer is advised with this assignment to pay dues
directly to the factor instead of to the seller. Hereafter, it becomes responsibility of factor to collect receivables.
For such service to the seller and also for bearing the risk of non-collection, the factor obviously charges
some fees. In such cases they charge interest for such financing in addition to fee.
Normally, factoring is the arrangement on a non-recourse basis where in the event of default the loss is
borne by this factor. However, in a factoring arrangement with recourse, in such situation, the accounts
receivables will be turned back to the firm by the factor for resolution. To make operative of such service in
India, RBI constituted a Committee in January, 1988. The Committee submitted its report in January, 1989
and RBI accepted its recommendation in principle. SBI commercial and Factoring Services Ltd. is the first
factoring company which is on verge of starting its operation as factoring.
Factoring Services: The factor manages all the accounts, of all the customers of the said firm to make
collections on time. Factor also interferes in the credit policy of the firm and thus advocates the best credit
policy suitable for the firm. It provides all management and administration support from the stage of deciding
credit extension to the customer to the final stage of debt collection. Factor provides financial assistance to
the business firm by giving it advance cash against book debts. Factoring services provided by factors are
purchasing receivables, sales ledger administration, credit management, credit collection, protection against
default and bad debts, financial accommodation against the assigned book debts, assuming the losses which
may arise from bad debts and providing relevant advisory service to the seller.
Factoring Process: The client firm having book debts enters into an agreement with a factoring agency/
institution. The client firm delivers all orders and invoices and the invoice copy to the factor. The factor pays
80% of the invoice value (depends on the type of factoring agreement), in advance. The balance amount is
paid when factor recovers complete amount of money due on customers (debtors of the client) and against
all these services, the factor charges some amount as service charges.
Cost of Factoring: Cost of factoring is very high about 17-18% of the value of receivables. The high cost
of factoring includes the element of risk present de to the chance of book debts becoming bad debts. But
the cost is overcome by the advantages of factoring like immediate liquidity and 100% risk cover. The cost
of factoring service also depends on various factors like credit worthiness of the client, turnover of the client
and the factor, average size of invoices, various costs borne by the factors etc.
Factoring in India: In India factoring services started very late, around 1991. It is still in the initial stages
and supports only the domestic trade and commerce in India. The nationalized banks have been given the
responsibility of nurturing factoring in India. SBI has floated its subsidiary factoring unit i.e. SBI factors and
Commercial Services Ltd. In the Southern region Canara bank has also floated its subsidiary named as
Canbank Factors Ltd. Factoring is very popular in developed countries like USA, UK etc. In USA the
market for factoring services is around $ 33 billion. In India the total factoring service value was around Rs.
1000 crores in 1996-97. The idea of introducing factoring service in India was first floated by working
group committee headed on money market by Mr. N Vaghul in 1987. RBI then formed a study group,
Kalyansundaram, former managing director of SBI, in January 1988 for examining the introduction of
factoring services in India. But still, till today the factoring service in India has not acquired the status of a
separate industry, instead it has been clubbed with NBFCs.
Advantages of Factoring
a) It enhances the liquidity position of the company.
b) The hazardous job of collection from Debtors gets eliminated.
c) The loss of interest because of late collection of Debtor can be arrested. Obviously, the return of
investment improves.
d) The whole attention and energy of the concerned company can be diverted only on the sales/
marketing aspects.
Disadvantages of Factoring
In spite of many services offered by factoring, following are disadvantages of factoring.
a) High cost of factoring compared to other short-term finance.
b) Firms availing factoring services are viewed as weak.
c) Once a buyer defaults in payment, factor takes a tough stance and may not agree to provide credit
against sales made to the same buyer. This action may force the firm to discontinue sales, resulting
in reduced sales.
Difference Between Factoring and Bill Discounting
The difference between factoring and bill discounting can be enumerated as below.
a) Factoring is called as ‘invoice factoring’ whereas bills discounting is known as ‘invoice discounting’.
b) In factoring the parties are known as client, factor and debtor whereas in bills discounting they are
known as Drawer, Drawee and Payee
c) Factoring is a sort of management of book debts whereas bills discounting is a sort of borrowing
from commercial banks.
d) For factoring there is no specific Act, whereas in the case of bills discounting, the Negotiable
Instrument Act is applicable.
Activity I:
1. ‘Factoring services is related to management of debts arising from credit sales. Factor provides
credit against receivables and in this process firm gets funds immediately for credit sales made.’
What is your opinion on this statement? Discuss.
17.14 Eurocurrency Loan
In international trade short term funding is through Eurocurrency loans. Due to individual government
regulations of different nations, on the interest rate, on domestic banks lending changes as one crosses the
national boundary etc. interest on euro dollar loan would be same as interest on domestic dollar loan if the
world is made free of regulations and taxes imposed by the government.
17.15 Summary
Short-term funds can be collected through many sources such as accrued expenses, provisions, trade
credit, bank finance, public deposit, commercial papers, treasury bills, factory and Eurocurrency etc. Trade
credit is one of the important sources of short-term funds. It arises when firm purchases on credit. However,
the firm should also calculate the cost of foregoing cash discount offered by the supplier, if it takes trade
credit. Accrued expenses or deferred payments arise due to delayed payments and liabilities. This gives rise
to additional funds which the firm can utilize by delaying payments.
Banks are principal sources of short term finance. The different forms of bank borrowings are cash credit,
bank overdraft, discounting of bills, short term loans, letter of credit. However, bank finance is given on the
basis of working capital requirement assessed for a particular firm. There are various regulations of RBI
under which bank finance is offered. Commercial paper is an important instrument of money market. The
highly rated, blue chip company issues commercial paper for short-term finance. In India common commercial
papers are of 91 & 180 days maturity.
Factoring is basically selling receivables to factoring providing firms called factors. These firms monitor and
collect receivables on behalf of the firm. They offer around 70-90% of the receivable amount to the firm
even before the money is recovered. There are various types of factoring. In India factoring is still in its
nascent stage.