Concrete Technology Notes

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Definition of Concrete

Concrete is a mixture of cement (11%), fine aggregates (26%),

coarse aggregates (41%) and water (16%) and air (6%).

Cement Powder
Cement + Water Cement Paste
Cement Paste + Fine Aggregate (FA) Mortar
Mortar + Coarse Aggregate (CA) Concrete

Portland cement, water, sand, and coarse aggregate are

proportioned and mixed to produce concrete suited to the
particular job for which it is intended.

Definition of Cement

Portland cements are hydraulic cements, meaning they react and

harden chemically with the addition of water. Cement contains
limestone, clay , cement rock and iron ore blended and heated to
1200 to 1500 C°. The resulting product "clinker" is then ground
to the consistency of powder. Gypsum is added to control
setting time.
Definition of Fine Aggregate
Normally called sand, this component can be natural sand or
crushed stone, and represents particles smaller than 3/8".
Generally accounts for 30%-35% of the mixture.

Definition of Coarse Aggregate

May be either gravel or crushed stone. Makes up 40%-45% of
the mixture, comprised of particles greater than 1/4".

Definition of Chemical Admixtures

Materials added to alter the properties of concrete including:

Air entrainment

Set accelerators

Set retarders

Water reducers

Air entraining admixtures add microscopic air bubbles to the

concrete, enhancing its resistance to freeze/thaw cycles and
makes the concrete easier to finish.

Set accelerators speed the set-time of the mixture, enabling

finishing operations to begin sooner, useful during cold weather
Set retarders have the opposite effect, slowing the set and
enabling delivery to distant sites and finishing during hot

Water reducers are used to reduce the amount of water required

to produce a given slump. They also provide a ball bearing
effect, making the concrete easier to finish, and produce better
cement hydration. By reducing the amount of water required,
cement amounts can be reduced because concrete strength is
directly related to the water/cement ratio.

Definition of Mineral Admixtures

Mineral admixtures include fly ash, hydrated lime, silica fume
and ground blast furnace slag. Many of these materials have
cement-like properties, augmenting the strength and density of
the finished concrete. They generally improve the workability,
density and long-term strength of concrete, at the expense of set
time and early strengths.

Definition of Synthetic Fibres

These are thin polypropylene fibres used as secondary
reinforcement. They help control shrinkage cracking and
provide some impact resistance.
Definition of Grout
Grout is a mixture of cement, water and (most generally) fine
aggregate. It is mixed to a pourable consistency and used to fill
spaces within block walls, or other cavities. They generally
contain large amounts of cement.

Definition of Flowable Fill

Flowable fill is a self-leveling, self-compacting backfill
material. Can be produced in structural and excavatable (by
hand or machine) forms, making it ideal for use around utilities
that may need to be uncovered at a later date. When calculated
against labor costs, flowable fill provides an economical
alternative to granular backfill.

Definition of Yield
Yield is the volume of fresh concrete produced from known
quantities of component materials, generally expressed in cubic
yards or cubic meters.

Advantages of Concrete

Concrete has many environmental advantages, including

durability, longevity, heat storage capability, and chemical
Ability to be Cast

Fire resistant

On-site fabrication

Aesthetic properties.

The raw materials used in cement production are widely

available in great quantities.

Needs little or no finish or final treatments.

Chemically inert concrete doesn't require paint to achieve

a given colour; natural -mineral pigments and colouring
agents can be added at the mixing to provide a rainbow of

Low maintenance.

Can be reused or recycled.

Concrete can be reused with bituminous asphalt as road

base materials, can be recycled and reused by crushing into
aggregates for new concrete or as fill material for road
beds or site works.

Limitations of Concrete
Low tensile strength

Low ductility

Volume instability
Low strength-to-weight ratio

Progress in Concrete Technology

Lightweight Concrete

High-Strength Concrete

High Workability or Flowing Concrete

Shrinkage Compensating Concrete

Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Concrete Containing polymers

Heavyweight Concrete

Mass Concrete

Roller-Compacted Concrete
The History of Concrete

Cement has been around for at least 12 million years. When the earth itself was
undergoing intense geologic changes natural cement was being created. It was this
natural cement that humans first put to use. Eventually, they discovered how to make
cement from other materials.

12,000,000 BC Reactions between limestone and oil shale during spontaneous

combustion occurred in Palestine to form a natural deposit of cement
compounds. The deposits were characterized by the geologists in the
1960's and 70's.
3000 BC Used mud mixed with straw to bind dried bricks. They also used
Egyptians gypsum mortars and mortars of lime in the pyramids.
Chinese Used cementitious materials to hold bamboo together in their boats
and in the Great Wall.
800 BC
Used lime mortars which were much harder than later Roman
Greeks, Crete &
300 BC
Babylonians & As Used bitumen to bind stones and bricks.
The quality of cementing materials deteriorated. The use of burning
1200 - 1500
lime and pozzolan (admixture) was lost, but reintroduced in the
The Middle Ages
James Frost of England prepared artificial hydraulic lime like
Vicat's and called it British Cement.
Joseph Aspdin of England invented portland cement by burning
finely ground chalk with finely divided clay in a lime kiln until
1824 carbon dioxide was driven off. The sintered product was then ground
and he called it portland cement named after the high quality
building stones quarried at Portland, England.
I. K. Brunel is credited with the first engineering application of
1828 portland cement, which was used to fill a breach in the Thames
The first production of lime and hydraulic cement took place in
The first systematic tests of tensile and compressive strength took
place in Germany.
Isaac Johnson claims to have burned the raw materials of portland
cement to clinkering temperatures.
Pettenkofer & Fuches performed the first accurate chemical analysis
of portland cement.
1860 The beginning of the era of portland cements of modern composition.
The first rotary kiln was introduced in England to replace the
vertical shaft kilns.
1889 The first concrete reinforced bridge is built.
The addition of gypsum when grinding clinker to act as a retardant
to the setting of concrete was introduced in the USA. Vertical shaft
kilns were replaced with rotary kilns and ball mills were used for
grinding cement.
George Bartholomew placed the first concrete street in the USA in
Bellefontaine, OH. It still exists today!
1900 Basic cement tests were standardized.
Air entraining agents were introduced to improve concrete's
resistance to freeze/thaw damage.
First concrete domed sport structure, the Assembly Hall, was
constructed at The University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign.
1970's Fiber reinforcement in concrete was introduced.
1980's Superplasticizers were introduced as admixtures.
Silica fume was introduced as a pozzolanic additive. The "highest
1985 strength" concrete was used in building the Union Plaza constructed in
Seattle, Washington.
Chapter 2: Portland Cement
Cement is a pulverized material that develops binding
forces due to a reaction with water.

Hydraulic Cement Stable under water

Nonhydraulic Cement Products of hydration are
not resistant to water (i.e. limestone)
Hydraulic cements

Cements that harden by reaction with water and

form a water-resistant product.

Portland Cement (P.C.)

Portland cement is a hydraulic cement capable of setting,
hardening and remains stable under water. It is composed
of calcium silicates and some amount of gypsum.

Blended Portland Cements

Blended cement, as defined in ASTM C 595, is a mixture

of portland cement and blast furnace slag (BFS) or a
"mixture of portland cement and a pozzolan (most
commonly fly ash)."

The use of blended cements in concrete reduces mixing

water and bleeding, improves finishability and workability,
enhances sulfate resistance, inhibits the alkali-aggregate
reaction, and lessens heat evolution during hydration,
thus moderating the chances for thermal cracking on
Modified Portland Cement (Expansive
Expansive cement, as well as expansive components, is a
cement containing hydraulic calcium silicates (such as
those characteristic of portland cement) that, upon being
mixed with water, forms a paste, that during the early
hydrating period occurring after setting, increases in
volume significantly more than does portland cement

Expansive cement is used to compensate for volume

decrease due to shrinkage and to induce tensile stress in

Expansive cement concrete used to minimize cracking

caused by drying shrinkage in concrete slabs, pavements,
and structures is termed shrinkage-compensating

Self-stressing concrete is another expansive cement

concrete in which the expansion, if restrained, will induce
a compressive stress high enough to result in a significant
residual compression in the concrete after drying
shrinkage has occurred.
Manufacturing of Portland Cement
Calcium silicates are the primary constituents of
portland cement.

Raw material for P.C. is Calcium & Silica

Calcium: Limestone, chalk, etc (CaO+CO2)
Silica: Clays and shales (SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3+H2O)

Process Flow Chart

Manufacturing Process

1. Crushing and Proportioning

Limestone rock is the principal raw material, the first step after
quarrying in the processes is the primary crushing. Mountains of
rock are fed through crushers capable of handling pieces as large
as an oil drum. The first crushing reduces the rock to a
maximum size of about 15 cm (6 po). The rock then goes to
secondary crushers or hammer mills for reduction to about 7.5
cm or smaller.

2. Raw milling & Blending

The next step in the process is to grind the above particles to a
size of 90 microns or less which is done in a raw mill, a closed
circuit ball mill equipped with high efficiency separator. After
achieving the 90 microns size the fine grinded material also
known as raw meal is sent to the continuous blending silos
(CFC) for homogenization & extracted by means of load cell
hopper for the next step which is feeding to the kiln pre heaters.

3. Pyro processing
The raw material is heated to exceeding 1,450 °C (2,700 degrees
F) in huge cylindrical steel rotary kilns lined with special
firebrick. Kilns are frequently as much as 3.7 M (12 pi) in
diameter, large enough to accommodate an automobile and
longer in many instances than the height of a 40-story building.
Kilns are mounted with the axis inclined slightly from the
horizontal. The finely ground raw material or the slurry is fed
into the higher end. At the lower end is a roaring blast of flame,
produced by precisely controlled burning of powdered coal, oil
or gas under forced draft.
4. Burning and cooling
As the material moves through the kiln, certain elements are
driven off in the form of gases. The remaining elements unite to
form a new substance with new physical and chemical
characteristics. The new substance, called clinker, is formed in
pieces about the size of marbles.

Clinker is discharged red-hot from the lower end of the kiln and
generally is brought down to handling temperature in various
types of coolers. The heated air from the coolers is returned to
the kilns, a process that saves fuel and increases burning

5. Cement milling, Storage & Packing

Portland cement, the basic ingredient of concrete, is a closely

controlled chemical combination of calcium, silicon, aluminum,
iron and small amounts of other ingredients to which gypsum is
added in the final grinding process to regulate the setting time of
the concrete. Lime and silica make up about 85% of the mass.
Common among the materials used in its manufacture are
limestone, shells, and chalk or marl combined with shale, clay,
slate or blast furnace slag, silica sand, and iron ore. The above
Cement Chemistry
In cement chemistry, the individual oxides and clincker
compounds are expressed by their abbreviations

Short Hand Notation

C (CaO, calcium oxide)
A (Al2O3, alumina)
S (SiO2, silica)
S (SO3, sulfate)
H (H20, water)

Reactive Compounds
C3S (tricalcium silicate)
C2S (dicalcium silicate)
C3A (tricalcium aluminate)
CSH2 (gypsm)
C4AF (tetra-calcium alumino ferrite)

Compounds of Portland Cement

Other Compounds
Magnesium Oxide, MgO

Calcium Oxide, Lime, CaO

Alkali, Na2O, K2O

equivalent Na2O=(Na2O+0.46 K2O) limited to about

Chapter 2: Portland Cement (cont.)

Cement Chemistry
In cement chemistry, the individual oxides and clincker
compounds are expressed by their abbreviations
Short Hand Notation
C (CaO, calcium oxide)
A (Al2O3, alumina)
S (SiO2, silica)
S (SO3, sulfate)
H (H20, water)
Reactive Compounds
C3S (tricalcium silicate)
C2S (dicalcium silicate)
C3A (tricalcium aluminate)
CSH2 (gypsm)
C4AF (tetra-calcium alumino ferrite)
Compounds of Portland Cement
Other Compounds
Magnesium Oxide, MgO

Calcium Oxide, Lime, CaO

Alkali, Na2O, K2O

equivalent Na2O=(Na2O+0.46 K2O) limited to about

Types of Portland Cement

ASTM C 150, Standard Specifications for Portland


Type I: General purpose. For use when the special

properties specified for any other types are not required.

Type II: For general use, more specially when moderate

sulphate resistance or moderate heat of hydration is

Type III: For use when high early strength is desired.

(limit the C3A content of the cement to maximum 15%)

Type IV: For use when low heat of hydration is desired.

Type V: For use when high sulfate resistance is desired.

(Maximum limit of 5% on C3A)
Other specification (AASHTO M85)
Heat of hydration is the heat generated when cement and
water react. The amount of heat generated is dependent
chiefly upon the chemical composition of the cement, with C3A
and C3S being the compounds primarily responsible for high
heat evolution.

Characteristics of Hydration of the Cement

Hydration of Portland Cement
Strength development
An inert silicious material which, in the presence of water, will
combine with lime to produce a cementitious matter with
excellent structural properties.

Advantages of Pozzolans
Improved Workability


Reduced Alkali-aggregate Reaction

Increased Sulphate Resistance

Chapter 2: Portland Cement (cont.)

Tests on Portland Cement

The relative quantities of each of these phases affects:

setting time
rate of strength development
overall strength

It is important, then, to know the composition of the


Chemical Properties of Portland Cement

T Chemical analysis
Compound composition
Chemical limits

& Hydraulic Cements Tests on Portland, Blended & Hydraulic Cements

Physical Properties of Portland Cement
Setting time
False set and flash set
Compressive strength
Heat of hydration
Loss on ignition
Bulk density
Sulfate expansion


Fineness of cement is also important; it affects:

rate of hydration
rate of setting
rate of hardening
durability (ASR)
rate of carbonation during storage
rate of gypsum addition

However, later strength is not directly affected.

Chapter 3: Mixing Water for Concrete

The requirements of mixing water for concrete

Almost any natural water that is drinkable and has

no pronounced taste or odor can be used as mixing
water for making concrete.

Drinkable Water is good for making concrete

Some waters that are not fit for drinking may be suitable
for concrete making provided that they satisfy the
acceptance criteria laid by ASTM C 94 (Tables 3.1)

Table 3.1 Acceptance Criteria for Questionable Water

Supplies (ASTM C 94)

Limits Test method

Compressive Strength,
ASTM C 109 or T
minimum percentage 90
of control at 7 days
From 1:00
Time of set, deviation ASTM C 191 or T
earlier to 1:30
from control, hr:min 131

Effects of Impurities in Mixing Water

Excessive impurities in mixing water affect setting
time and concrete strength and also cause
efflorescence (deposits of white salts on the surface
of concrete), staining, corrosion of reinforcement,
volume changes, and reduced durability

Impurity Effects

1. Alkali carbonate Acceleration or retardation of setting

and bicarbonate time. Reduction in strength

2. Chloride Corrosion of steel in concrete

Expansive reactions and

3. Sulfate deterioration of concrete. Mild effect
on corrosion of steel in concrete

4. Iron salts Reduction in strength

5. Miscellaneous
Reduction in strength and large
inorganic salts (zinc,
variations in setting time
copper, lead, etc)
6. Organic Reduction in strength and large
substances variations in setting time
Severely retards the setting of
7. Sugar
8. Silt or suspended
Reduction in strength

9. Oils Reduction in strength

Use of Questionable Waters as Mixing Water

Sea Water

Seawater containing up to 35,000 ppm of dissolved

salts is generally suitable as mixing water for plain

Seawater is not suitable for use in making steel

reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete due to
high risk of steel corrosion

Acid Waters

Acid waters may be accepted as mixing water on

the basis of their pH values.
Use of acid waters with pH values less than 3.0
should be avoided.
Organic acids, such as tannic acid can have
significant effect on strength at higher

Alkaline Waters

Waters with sodium hydroxide concentrations up to

0.5 % and potassium hydroxide in concentrations up
to 1.2 % by weight of cement has no significant
effect on strength.
The possibility for increased alkali-aggregate
reactivity should be considered before using the
alkaline water as mixing water.
Tannic acid can have significant effect on strength
at higher concentrations.

Wash Waters
Wash waters may be reused as mixing water in
concrete if they satisfy the limits in Tables 3.1 and

Table 3.2 Chemical Limits for Wash Water used as Mixing

water (ASTM C 94)
Chemical or type of Maximum
Test Method
construction concentration, ppm

Chloride, as Cl ASTM D 512

concrete or
concrete in bridge
Other reinforced
Sulfate, SO4 3,000 ASTM D 516
Alkalies, as
(Na2O+0.658 600
Total solids 50,000 AASHTO T 26

Industrial Wastewaters
Industrial wastewaters may be used as mixing water
in concrete as long as they only cause a very small
reduction in compressive strength, generally not
greater than 10 % to 15 %.
Wastewaters from paint factories, coke plants, and
chemical and galvanizing plants may contain
harmful impurities. Thus such wastewaters should
not be used as mixing water without testing.

Sanitary Sewage

The sanitary sewage may be safely used as mixing

water after treatment or dilution of the organic
Chapter 5: Aggregates For Concrete

Aggregate is a rock like material which used

in many civil engineering and construction
applications including:

Portland cement concrete

Asphalt concrete
Base materials for roads
Ballast for railroads
Plaster, mortar, grout, filter materials, etc.

Aggregates Types


Naturally occurring, water born pieces of

rock, in buried or current stream beds.

Normally rounded with smooth surfaces,

other properties dependent on parent

Crushed gravel is larger gravel particles that

have been reduced in size by a crusher.

May be washed to remove undesirable

May be screened to divide into desired
size groupings.

Naturally occurring, water or wind born

pieces of rock in buried or current stream
beds or dunes.

Often rounded with smooth surfaces, other

properties dependent on parent rock.

May be washed to remove undesirable


May be screened to divide into desired size


Classification of Natural Aggregates

Rocks are classified according to origin into three

major groups:

1. Natural Mineral Aggregates - Sand, gravel, and crushed

rock derived from natural sources.
(a) Igneous Rocks - formed on cooling of the
(molten rock matter).
Granite, basalt: hard, tough, strong
(b) Sedimentary Rocks - Stratified rocks (cost
effective– near the surface; about 80% of
aggregates; Natural sand and gravel)
Limestone, sandstone Excellent to poor
(c) Metamorphic Rocks - Igneous or sedimentary
rocks that have changed their original texture,
structure, or mineralogy composition due to
and chemical conditions below the earth’s surface.
Marble, schist, slate Excellent to poor
2. Synthetic Aggregates
Thermally processed materials, i.e. expanded
clays and shale.
Aggregates made from industrial by-products,
i.e. blast-furnace slag & fly ash.
3. Recycled Aggregates
Made from municipal wastes and recycled
concrete from demolished buildings and
Problems: Cost of crushing, grading, dust control,
and separation of undesirable constituents.

Normal Weight

Gravels, Sands, Normal Crushed Stone, Bulk

Specific Gravity - 2.4 to 2.9, Bulk Density (of Bulk
Unit Weight) - 1520 to 1680 kg/m3, Most
commonly used.

Light Weight

Manufactured or Natural, Bulk Density Less than

1120 kg/m3. Most commonly used in lightweight
concrete, many must be screened to get the
desired size distribution, and some must be

Heavy Weight

Aggregates weighing more than 2080 Kg/m3 are

called heavyweight.
Concrete Aggregates
It is economical to put as much aggregate into a
concrete mix as possible while not sacrificing other

However, Economy is not the only reason for using

aggregate; it also confers greater volume stability
and better durability than cement paste alone.

Concrete Aggregates Influences dimensional stability,

elastic modulus, durability, workability, and cost of

Coarse Aggregate (CA)
Size: 4.75 mm (3/16 in.) to 50 mm (2 in.) (retained on
No. 4 sieve)
Fine Aggregate (FA)
Size: <4.75 mm; >75 m (0.003 in.) (retained on No.
200 sieve)
Mass concrete may contain up to 150-mm ( 6
coarse aggregate.

Aggregate Characteristics Affecting Concrete


1. Characteristics controlled by porosity

A. Density
I) Apparent specific gravity: Density of the
material including the internal pores.
II) Bulk density (dry-rodded unit weight) weight of
aggregate that would fill a unit volume; affects the
following concrete behavior: mix design, workability,
and unit weight.
Free Moisture and Absorption of Aggregates
The moisture content and absorption of aggregates
are important in calculating the proportions of
concrete mixes since any excess water in the
aggregates will be incorporated in the cement paste
and give it a higher water/cement ratio than

All moisture conditions are expressed in terms of

oven dry unit weight.
B. Absorption and Surface Moisture

Moisture conditions of aggregates:

Oven-dry Condition: All free moisture, whether

external surface moisture or internal moisture,
driven off by heat.

Air dry: No surface moisture, but some internal

moisture remains.

Saturated-surface dry condition (SSD):

Aggregates are said to be SSD when their moisture
states are such that during mixing they will neither
absorb any of the mixing water added; nor will they
contribute any of their contained water to the mix.
Note that aggregates in SSD condition may possess
“bound water” (water held by physical chemical
bonds at the surface) on their surfaces since this
water cannot be easily removed from the aggregate.
Damp or Wet condition: Aggregate containing
moisture in excess of the SSD condition.

The Free Water, which will become part of

the mixing water, is in excess of the SSD
condition of the aggregate.
Absorption and surface moisture affects the following
concrete behaviors: mix-design, strength (pages 122,
123, 124 and 125 of the text book).

Note: Study well pages 132, 133 and 134 in the text
book for more details.

Chapter 5: Aggregates For Concrete (cont.)

Aggregate Characteristics Affecting Concrete Behaviour

2. Characteristics dependent on prior

exposure and processing factors

A. Aggregate Size distribution

Fineness Modulus (FM)

Index of fineness of an aggregate.

The fineness modulus of the fine aggregate is
required for mix design since sand gradation has the
largest effect on workability. A fine sand (low FM)
has much higher effect paste requirements for good
The FM of the coarse aggregate is not required for
mix design purposes.

It is computed by adding the cumulative percentages

of aggregate retained on each of the specified series
of sieves, and dividing the sum by 100 [smallest size
sieve: No. 100 (150 m)].

For concrete sand, FM range is 2.3 to 3.1

Note: The higher the FM, the coarser the aggregate.

It is important to note that the fineness modulus is

just one number which only characterizes the
average size of the aggregate, and different grading
may have the same fineness modulus.

Maximum Aggregate Size (MSA)

Definition (ASTM): It is the smallest sieve opening
through which the entire sample passes (or in
practice only 5% retained on this sieve.

MSA < 1/5 of the narrowest dimension of the

form in which concrete is to be placed.
Also: MSA < 3/4 of the minimum clear
distance between the re-bars

Nominal Max Size – the largest size particle present

significantly to affect concrete properties.

It affects the paste requirements, optimum grading

depends on MSA and nominal max. size. The higher
MSA, the lower the paste requirements for the mix.

Aggregate size affects the following concrete properties:

water demand, cement content, microcracking (strength).

B. Shape and Surface Texture

Rough-textured and elongated particles require
more cement paste to produce workable concrete
mixtures, thus increasing the cost.

Round - loosing edges and corners.
Angular - well defined edges and corners.
Elongated- when length is considerably larger than
the other two dimensions.
Flaky or flat- when thickness is small relative to two
other dimensions.

Surface Texture
The degree to which the aggregate surface is
smooth or rough- (based on visual judgement).
Depends on: rock hardness, grain size, porosity,
previous exposure.
Aggregate shape and texture affect the workability of
fresh concrete through their influence on cement paste

Sufficient paste is required to coat the aggregates and to

provide lubrication to decrease interactions between
aggregate particles during mixing.

Ideal particle is one close to spherical in shape (well

rounded and compact) with a relatively smooth surfaces
(natural sands and gravels come close to this ideal).

More angular shapes - rough surfaces – interfere with

the movement of adjacent particles (less workable) –
They also have a higher surface –to –volume ratio –
more paste.

Flat or elongated aggregates should be avoided.

Rough surface requires more lubrication for movement

(crushed stone).

Shape can influence strength by increasing surface area

available for bonding with the paste.

Rough surfaces –improve mechanical bond.

Irregular aggregates (angulars) –higher internal stress

concentrations –easier bond failure.

What is Gap grading? How it is important for concrete?

Where you can use it? Get more details from your text

What is meant by Grading curves?

C. Soundness
Aggregate is considered unsound when volume changes
in the aggregate induced by weather, such as alternate
cycles of wetting and drying or freezing and thawing,
result in concrete deterioration.

It Depends on: porosity and contaminants.

Pumice- (10% absorption) - no problem with

freezing and thawing.

Limestone - breaks: use smaller aggregates (critical

size) (critical aggregate size: size below which
high internal stresses capable of cracking the
particle will not occur)

Durability of Aggregates

Any lack of durability of the aggregate will have

disastrous consequences for the concrete.
Durability can be divided into physical and chemical
Physical durability – exposure to freezing and
thawing, wetting and drying, physical wear.
Chemical durability –various forms of cement –
aggregate reactions (alkali –silica attack).
Physical Durability
Soundness: if volume changes accompanied with
environmental changes lead to the deterioration
of concrete –unsoundness.
Volume changes: alternate freezing and thawing,
repeated wetting and drying –internal stresses –
volume increase.
Wear resistance: resistance to surface abrasion
and wear.
Chemical Durability
It results from a reaction between reactive silica
in aggregates and alkalis compounds contained
in the cement –alkali-aggregate reaction.
Tests on Aggregates
Bulk Density (ASTM C 29)
Defined as the weight of the aggregate particles that
would fill a unit volume. The term bulk is used
since the volume is occupied by both the aggregates
and voids. The typical bulk density used in making
normal concrete ranges from 1200 to 1750 kg/m3.

The void contents range between 30% to 45% for

coarse aggregate and 40% to 50% for fine
aggregate. Void content increases with angularity
and decreases with well graded aggregate.

Relative Density (Specific Gravity)

The relative density of an aggregate (ASTM C 127
and C 128) is defined is the ratio of its mass to the
mass of an equal absolute of water. It is used in
certain computations for mixture proportioning and
control. Most natural aggregates have relative
densities between 2.4 and 2.9 (2400 and 2900 kg/

The density of aggregate used in mixture

proportioning computations (not including the voids
between particles) is determined by multiplying the
relative density of the aggregate times the density of
water (1000 kg/m3).
Absorption and Surface Moisture
The absorption and surface moisture of aggregates
should be determined using ASTM C 70, C127, C128,
and C 566 so that the total water content of the concrete
can be controlled and the batch weights determined. The
moisture conditions of aggregates are:
1. Oven dry
2. Air dry
3. Saturated surface dry (SSD)
4. Damp or wet

Absorption levels

Moisture content Free-water

at SSD (%) content (%)

Coarse 0.2-4 0.5-2

Fine 0.2-2 2-6

Wetting and Drying

Alternate wetting and drying can develop sever strain in
some aggregates, and with certain types of aggregate this
can cause a permanent increase in volume of concrete
and eventual breakdown. Clay lumps and other friable
particles can degrade when subjected to wetting and
drying cycles. Also, moisture swelling of clay and shales
can cause popouts in concrete.
Abrasion and Skid Resistance (ASTM C 131)
Abrasion resistance of an aggregate is used as a
general index of its quality. This characteristic is
important when concrete is going to be subjected to
abrasion, as in heavy duty floors or pavements.
Low abrasion resistance may increase the quantity
of fines in the concrete during mixing; and hence
increases the water requirement and require an
adjustment in w/c ratio.
Los Angeles abrasion test as per ASTM C 131 is the
most common test for abrasion test.

Resistance to Acid and other Corrosive

Acid solutions (pH less than 6.0) attack the calcium
compounds of the cement paste, the rate of attack
depends on the acidity of the solution. Siliceous
aggregates may not be attacked by acidic solutions,
however, calcareous aggregates often reacts with
acids resulting in reduction of the solution acidity.
Other gases and salts may attack and disintegrate
concrete. Therefore, concrete structures subjected
to harsh conditions should be protected and
aggressive agents should be prevented from coming
into contact with the concrete by using protective
Fire Resistance and Thermal Properties
The fire resistance and thermal properties of
concrete depend on the mineral constituents of the
aggregates. Lightweight aggregates are more fire
resistance than normal weight aggregates due to
their insulation properties.
Concrete containing calcareous coarse aggregates
performs better under fire exposure than siliceous
aggregate (granite or quartz).

Potentially Harmful Materials

Aggregates are potentially harmful if they contain
compounds known to react chemically with
Portland cement and produce:
Volume change of the paste, aggregates, or
Affect the normal hydration of cement.
Harmful byproducts.
Harmful materials present in aggregates are listed in
the below Table.
Chapter 6: Admixtures for Concrete

A material other than water, aggregates and
hydraulic cement that is used as an ingredient in
concrete or mortar and is added to the batch
immediately before or during its mixing (ASTM

Reasons for using Admixtures

reduce cost of concrete construction.
Achieve certain properties more effectively
than by other means.
Ensure quality of concrete during stages of
mixing, transporting, placing and curing in
adverse conditions.
Overcome certain emergencies during
Improve or modify some or several properties
of portland cement concrete.
Compensate for some deficiencies.
Note: Admixtures are not a solution for poor mix
design nor sloppy concrete practice. They are aimed
at providing a more economical solution and
enhanced concrete properties.

General Groupings of admixtures

Air-entraining agents:
There are used primarily to improve freeze-thaw durability.

Chemical Admixtures: There are water soluble

compounds added primarily to control setting and early
hardening of fresh concrete or to reduce the water

Mineral admixtures:
There are finely divided solids to improve workability,
durability, or provide additional cementing properties. (i.e.
slags, silica fume, fly ash, and pozzolans).

Miscellaneous admixtures: Those admixtures that don't

fall under the above categories.

Precautions in use of admixtures:

1. Require admixtures to conform to relevant ASTM
specifications, where applicable. Tech. data should
a. main effect of admixture.
b. any additional influences admixture may
c. physical properties of the material.
d. concentration of active ingredient.
e. presence of any potentially detrimental
substances such as chlorides, sulphates etc.
f. pH
g. potential occupational hazards for users.
h. conditions for storage and shelf life.
i. instructions for preparation of admixture
and procedures for introducing it into the
concrete mix.
j. recommended dosage under identified
conditions, max permissible dosage, and
effects of over-dosage.
2. Follow recommended dosage, but run relevant tests
to confirm effects with the same materials as will be
used in the field.
3. Ensure reliable procedures are established for
accurate batching of the admixture, especially with
chemical admixtures which may have dosages
below 0.1% by weight of cement. (Overdoses can
easily occur with disastrous results)
4. Be aware of the effects the admixture can have on
other concrete properties as most affect several
concrete properties.
Chemical Admixtures
Type A: Water-reducing (WR)
Type B: Set retarding (SR)
Type C: Set accelerating (SA)
Type D: WR + SR
Type E: WR + SA
Type F: High-range water-reducing (HRWR)
Type G: HRWR + SR
Mineral Admixtures
Raw or calcined pozzolans
Fly ash produced from burning bituminous coal
Fly ash normally produced from burning lignite
(subbituminous) coal. (both pozzolanic and

Air Entraining Admixtures

Air entrainment refers to the introduction of large
quantities of tiny air bubbles in the concrete
matrix. The main reason for air entrainment is to
improve the durability of the concrete to freeze-
thaw degradation.

The Air-Void System

As un-reacted water freezes it expands 9 % by volume on
phase change. This internal volume expansion causes
internal stresses in the matrix. It can generate cracks in the
concrete, which may allow water to infiltrate and the process
can get progressively worse. It can lead to significant
degradation of the concrete.

The formation of ice in the pore spaces generates pressure

on any remaining unfrozen water. Introducing a large
quantity of air bubbles provides a place for this water to
move in to relieving the internal pressure. What is desired is
to generate very many small air bubbles well distributed
throughout the matrix rather than a smaller number of
larger bubbles.

It's been determined that the optimum air content for frost
protection is about 9% by volume of the mortar fraction.
With respect to the concrete volume, the air content should
be in the range of 4-8% by volume. The concrete normally
has entrained air, the admixture increases the total volume
of the air voids by 3-4% of the concrete volume.

Total air content is only a part of the formula for frost

resistance. The nature of the entrained air is equally
important. The critical parameter of the air-entrained paste
is the spacing factor (max distance from any point in the
paste to the edge of a void). It should not exceed 0.2 mm; the
smaller the spacing factor the more durable the concrete.

The air bubbles themselves should be in the range of 0.05 –

1.25 mm in diameter.

Air Entraining Materials

What is needed is an agent that causes the water to foam into a
very small matrix of very small bubbles. The admixtures are of
the same family as household detergents, but these do not
generate small enough bubbles and are not stable enough.

Air entraining agents contain surface-active agents or

surfactants. These lower the water surface tension so bubbles
can form, and stabilize the bubbles once they are formed.

Increasing the admixture dosage will increase air content,

decrease bubble size, and decrease spacing factor. Thus
decreasing the total strength of the concrete.
Effect of Air on Other Concrete Properties
Increase workability and cohesiveness of fresh
Considerable reduction in bleeding and segregation.
Decreased strength (10-20% for most air entrained
Increased durability (up to ~7% air; SEE FIG 7.6
If a lower w/c ratio is used to account for the
increased slump, some of the strength reduction will
be offset.
In addition, the lower w/c ratio that can be used and
the better compaction
characteristics results in more impermeable
concrete and a better overall resistance to
aggressive agents (i.e. sulfates).

Chemical Admixtures
Water-Reducing Admixtures
These admixtures lower the water required to attain a given
slump, thus lowering the w/c ratio. This will:
Improve the strength
Improve the water tightness
Improve durability.
Alternately it may be used to maintain the same w/c ratio but
increase workability for difficult placement.

Typical reductions in water requirements are 5-10%

There are admixtures called "superplasticizers" or "high-

range water reducers" which can reduce water contents by 15-

The water reducers reduce the electronegative charges on the

fine cement particles allowing them to disperse more readily in
the water. (Similar to the use of Calgon in hydrometer tests).
This reduces the tendency for flocculation of the cement
particles in the paste.

Three General Categories
1. salts and derivatives of lignosulfonates.
2. salts and derivatives of hydroxycarboxylic acids.
3. polymeric materials.
These are linear polymers containing sulfonic acid
Two major commercial formulations
1. sulfonated melamine-formaldehyde condensate; and
2. naphthalene sulfonate-formaldehyde condensate

Effect on Other Concrete Properties

Fresh Concrete
Improved workability of fresh concrete (flowing
concrete with use of superplasticizers, SP)
Some types may increase bleeding
(hydroxycarboxylic acids).
They tend to increase air entrainment (so less air
entraining admixture can be used)
Tend to retard set times.
Rate of slump loss increases with normal-range
water reducers about same for superplasticizers.
Hardened Concrete
Increased compressive strength due to ability to
reduce w/c ratio and better dispersion of cement in
Increased durability due to lower w/c ratio.
SP Rapid strength gain without increased heat
SP used for high strength concrete.
Chapter 6: Admixtures for Concrete

Retarding Admixtures
Generaly used for:
1. offset effects of high temperature which can
decrease setting time.
2. avoid complications when unavoidable delays may
occur between mixing and placing.
3. Resist cracking of recently poured concrete due to
form deflection during successive pours.
The retarders slow the rate of early hydration of C3S
by extending the length of the dormant period. They
also tend to retard the hydration of C3A phases.

Delaying the introduction of the retarders until the

concrete has been mixed (up to about 10 min) can
enhance its performance. This is because some of the
hydration reactions have already occurred and this allows
the more of the retarder to react with the C3S.

Subsequent hydration may be more rapid, however,

so strength development may not be slower than the
unretarded mix. However overdosing may stop C3S
hydration completely and the paste will never set.

The degree of effect of retarders can depend on the

composition of the particular cement being used. It
depends on the aluminate/sulfate ratio in the cement, and
possibly the alkali oxides content.
1. salts and derivatives of lignosulfonates.
2. salts and derivatives of hydroxycarboxylic acids.
3. sugars and their derivatives (a bag of sugar mixed in a
truck of concrete can stop the set in case of emergency!).
4. inorganic salts.
Note 1&2 are also water reducers.
Effects on Concrete Properties
1. Delay the set of the concrete.
2. Because some are water reducers, they may increase the
amount of entrained air.
3. Increase slump.
4. They may increase the rate of slump loss though the set
has been retarded thus decreasing the time available for

Accelerating Admixtures
These are used to increase the rate of strength gain of
the concrete.

They are used to speed construction permitting

earlier removal of formwork, earlier finishing of
surfaces, or earlier load carrying capacity.

These also include admixtures for quick-setting

applications, in a few minutes (like shotcreting,
plugging leaks and emergency repairs).
They can also be beneficial for cold-weather
There are 2 general Groups:
1. soluble inorganic salts (CaCl, carbonates,
aluminates, fluorides, and ferric salts)
2. soluble organic compounds (triethanolamine,
calcium formate, calcium acetate)

Calcium chloride is the most popular choice due to low

cost and high rate of acceleration for a given dosage.

Sodium carbonate and sodium aluminates are the most

common for shotcreting.

The organic accelerators are most commonly used with

water-reducers to offset the
retarding affects.
Effect on Concrete Properties:

They have the exact opposite effect of retarders; they

increase the rate of hydration of C3S by shortening the
dormant period and also may increase the rate of hydration
later on.
Organic accelerators are believed to increase the rate of
hydration of the C3A.
Quick-setting admixtures are believed to cause flash
setting of C3A.
Expect little effect on air entrainment (though trial batches
should be done)
Less time for placing and handling will result.
Higher 1- and possibly 7-say strengths will be realized
There may be a reduction in 28-day strength
Use of CaCl reduces concrete resistance to sulfate attack
and aggravates alkali aggregate reaction
Quick-setting admixtures will reduce durability
CaCl may increase the rate of corrosion of reinforcing
steel, though the levels of allowable CaCl has not been
agreed upon.
Typically up to 2% CaCl by wt of dry cement have been
used in reinforced concrete if adequate cover of dense
concrete in provided.
General agreement that CaCl should not be used in pre-
stressed applications.
Products by Category: High Range Water Reducers

High Range Water Reducers

High Range Water Reducers

Sikament 686

Technical Data

Sikament 686 is a high range water reducer utilizing Sika’s ViscoCrete Technology. It’s unique formulation is based on
polycarboxylate technology. Sikament 686 meets the requirements for ASTM C-494 Types A and F.

Sikament 711

Technical Data

Sikament 711 is a high range water reducing and superplasticizing admixturefor use in concretes and mortars formulated
to provide superior finishability. It is based on Sika’s patented ‘ViscoCrete’ polycarboxylate polymer technology. Sikament
711 meets the requirements for ASTM C-494 Types A and F.

Sika ViscoCrete 2100

Technical Data

Sika ViscoCrete 2100 is a high range water reducing and superplasticizing admixture utilizing Sika’s ‘ViscoCrete’
polycarboxylate polymer technology. Sika ViscoCrete 2100 meets the requirements for ASTM C-494 Types A and F.

Sika ViscoCrete 2110

Technical Data

Sika ViscoCrete 2110 is a high range water reducer and superplasticizer utilizing Sika’s ViscoCrete’ polycarboxylate
polymer technology. Sika ViscoCrete 2110 meets the requirements for ASTMC-494 Types A and F and AASHTO M-194
Types A and F.

Sika ViscoCrete 4100

Technical Data

Sika ViscoCrete 4100 is a high range water reducing and superplasticizing admixture utilizing Sika's 'ViscoCrete'
polycarboxylate polymer technology. Sika ViscoCrete 4100 meets the requirements for ASTMC-494 Types A and F.

Sika ViscoCrete 6100

Technical Data

Sika ViscoCrete 6100 is a high range water reducing and superplasticizing admixture utilizing Sika’s ‘ViscoCrete’
polycarboxylate polymer technology. Sika ViscoCrete 6100 meets the requirements for ASTMC-494 Types A and F.
Chapter 6

Mixing, Handling, Placing, and compacting

Batching of aggregates and cements is best done by
weight since dispensing of solids on a volume basis can
lead to gross errors.

The objective of mixing which is done either by rotation
or stirring, is to coat the surface of all the aggregate
particles with cement paste, and to blend all the
ingredients of concrete to a uniform mass.

Mixing time:
The optimum mixing time depends on the type and size
of mixer, on the speed of rotation, and on the quality of
blending of ingredients during charging the mixer.
Concretes made with rounded gravels need less mixing
time than those made with angular aggregates.

A good rule of thumb is 1min of mixing time for

1m3 of concrete plus 1/4 min for each additional

charging the Mixer:

10% of the mixing water is added before the
aggregates are added.

The water is added uniformly during the whole

time the solid ingredients are added, leaving
about 10% to be added at the end.

The cement should enter the mixer after about

10% of the aggregates have been charged.

Mineral admixtures are generally added to the


Water-soluble admixtures should be dissolved in

the mixing water.
Prolonged Mixing:-
If mixing is done over a long period of time.
Evaporation of water form the mix can occur.
Decreasing the workability while at the same
time increasing the strength of the mix.
Prolonged mixing reduces the air content of the
mix, which is a disadvantage in case of air-
entrained concrete (freeze and thaw resistant).

The usual type of mixer is a batch mixer, which means
that one batch of concrete is mixed and discharged
before any more materials are put into the mixer.

There are four types of batch mixers:

a. Tilting drums mixer: are common used for small
jobs, are also available in large sizes. and have
an arrangement of interior fixed blades to
ensure end-to-end exchange of material during
b. Pan-type mixers: are particularly good for
mixing lean and dry mixers. They are commonly
used in precast concrete plants, where their
greater bulk and less convenient discharge are
not necessarily disadvantages.

c. Continuous mixer: the materials are fed into a

mixing trough by means of conveyors. The
concrete is mixed by a spiral blade as it passes
through the trough to the discharge end.

Ready Mixed concrete:

It is delivered for placing form a central plant.
close quality control.
Elimination of materials storage on building site.

use of truck mixers ensures care in transportation,

thus preventing segregation and maintaining

convenient when small quantities of concrete or

intermittent placing is required.
The cost of ready-mixed concrete, since it is a bought
commodity, is some what higher than that mixed at the
site, but this is often offset by savings in site organization,
in supervising staff, and in cement content.

Mixing methods:-
There are several ways in which concrete from central
batching plants can be handled.

Central-mixed concrete, is completely mixed at the plant,

and the truck mixer is only used as an agitating

Transit-mixed concrete, is partially or completely mixed

during the time the concrete is being transported to the
job site.

Shrink-mixed concrete, is partially mixed at the plant to

shrink or reduce the overall volume, and mixing is
completed in the truck mixer.

Truck- mixed concrete, is completely mixed within the

mobile mixer after it has been charged at the central
plant. The advantages of truck mixing is that the water
can been kept separate from the solid materials and
mixed just prior to placement at the construction.
Problems of delays in transportation or placement are
3. Transporting:-

After being mixed, concrete is transported to the site

in such away to prevent segregation and to keep the
mix uniform.

On small jobs two wheeled carts are used for

transporting concrete.

On large projects cable cars, covey or belts, towers,

and pumps may be used.

Any method of transportation should protect the

concrete from the effect of weather.

Buckets should be designed so that discharge can

be properly regulated so that segregation does not
occur during discharge.

The bucket should slope down to the exit gate and

the concrete should be released vertically.

4. Pumping:-
Nowadays, large quantities of concrete can be transported
by means of pumping through pipelines over quite large
distances which are not accessible by other means. (up to
450m horizontally and 150m vertically).

The pumping system consists of a hopper into which

concrete is discharged from the mixer, a concrete pump,
and the pipes through which the concrete is pumped.
pump types:-

A. Piston pumps:- concrete is forced using a piston

and inlet and outlet valves. (up to 60m3 per hour
through a 22m diameter pipe up to 450m
horizontally or 40m vertically).

B. Pneumatic pumps:- concrete is forced through line

by means of compressed air.

C. Squeeze pumps:- concrete is forced through the

line by means of rollers. (up to 90m hori3ontally &
30m vertically).

General Notes:-

The pipe diameter must be at least three times the

maximum aggregate size.

A slump of between 4cm and 10cm is generally

recommended for the mix to be pumped.

The optimum situation is when there is a minimum

frictional resistance against the pipe walls, and a
minimum content of voids within the mix (continuous
aggregate grading).

The requirements of consistency are necessary to

avoid excessive frictional resistance in the pipe with
too-dry mixes, or segregation with too-wet mixes.

Concrete pipelines can be made either of rigid pipe

or heavy-duty flexible hose-long flexible hoses are
difficult to hand compared with the rigid ones.
Couplings between pipe sections should be water-
tight, strong enough to withstand stresses from
misalignment or poor pipes support, present no
obstruction to concrete, and can be easily connected
or disconnected.

Pumping distances:

The distance concrete can be pumped depends

on many factors, including the capacity of the
pump, the size of the pipelines, the number of
obstructions to uniform flow, the velocity of
pumping, and the characteristics of the concrete.

The pump must supply enough force to

overcome frictional losses resulting from: surface
friction on the walls of the pipelines, bends in the
line, and decreases in diameter.

When concrete is pumped vertically, extra force

in needed to overcome gravity.

5. Placing:-
As far as placing is concerned, the main objective is to
deposit the concrete as close as possible to its final
position so that segregation is avoided and the concrete
can be fully compacted.

The following principles are to be followed:

1. Hand shoveling and moving concrete by pocker
vibrators should be avoided.

2. Concrete is to be placed in uniform layers, not

in large heaps or sloping layers.
3. The thickness of a layer should be compatible
with the method of vibration so that entrained
can be removed from the bottom of each layer.

4. The rates of placing and compacting should be


5. Each layer should be fully compacted before

placing the next one, and each subsequent
layer should be placed whilst the underlying
layer is still plastic so that the monolithic
construction is achieved.

6. Collision between concrete and formwork or

reinforcement should be avoided.

7. Concrete should be placed in a vertical plane.

8. When placing in horizontal or sloping forms, the

concrete should be placed vertically against, and
not away from the previously placed concrete.
Thus if any segregation has occurred during
transporting the concrete or during placing.

9. Concrete should not be allowed free fall for long


10. In deep narrow forms, placing concrete by

pump and hose is an advantage. Otherwise,
concrete can be placed in the lower part of the
form through opening specially made for this
Chapter 6:

Mixing, Handling, Placing, and compacting


Special placement:
In this section, casting in lifts, slip forming, preplaced
aggregate, shorcreting, tremie concreting and underwater
placement will be covered.

1. Casting in lifts:
Deep placement should be cast in successive
horizontal layers or lifts.

Adjacent lifts should be knitted together by ensuring

that the internal vibrators pass into the lower lifts.

Successive lifts should not be more than 60cm thick,

and should be a lot less than that when external
vibrators are used.

When the concrete in a lift hardens before the next

lift can be placed, a construction joint will result,
since the two layers can be no longer consolidated

2. Slip forming:
It is a continuous process of placing and
compacting low workability concrete.
Both horizontal and vertical slip forming is
possible, vertical slip forming is lower, requiring
formwork until sufficient strength has been
gained to support the new concrete and the form
It is used in the construction of silos, chimneys,
monolithic tunnel linings, and high-rise
This arrangement will decrease the construction
time as there is no need for stripping and re-
Slip forms are in general built up of sections
which could be raised or lowered by the help of
jacks or screws.
This is done by means of arranging guiding rails
as which steel rods or pipes, well braced together
to carry the forms continuously in the required
Surfaces of forms (internal) are to be oiled before
concreting to prevent sticking or dragging of
concrete during moving the forms.

3. Preplaced aggregates:

This type of placing is used in locations not

accessible by, or suitable for ordinary concreting
Coarse aggregate is placed and compacted in the
forms, and then the voids forming about 33% of
the overall volume, are injected with mortar)gap
graded aggregates).
The mortar is pumped under pressure slotted
pipes, usually about 3.5cm in diameter and placed
at 2cm center-to-center.
The pipes are gradually withdraw as the mortar
level rises.
No internal vibration is needed but external
vibration at the level of the top of the mortar may
improve the exposed surfaces.
4. Shortcreting :
Concrete is applied pneumatically at high velocity
from a nozzle.
It is used for thin lightly reinforced sections, such
as shells or folded plate roofs.
It is also used for repairing deteriorated concrete,
in stabilizing rock slops, and in encasing steel for
fire roofing.
The force of the jet compacting on the surface
compacts the material so that it can support itself
without sagging even on a vertical face or
Shortcrete is sprayed on backup surface and then
gradually built up to thicknesses of up to 10 cm,
only one side of formwork is needed.
On the other hand, the cement content of
shortcrete is high and the necessary equipment
and mode of placing are more expensive than in
the case of conventional concrete.

5. Tremie Placing:

It is particularly suited for deep forms, where

compaction by the usual methods is not possible
and for underwater concreting.
High workability concrete is fed by gravity
through a vertical pipe which is gradually raised.
The method is advantageous where minimal
surfaces disturbance is needed, especially when a
concrete water interface exists.(see fig11.11
The mix should be cohesive, without segregation
or bleeding, and usually has a high cement
content, a high proportion of fines (40-50%), and
contains a workability aid(admixture).
The slump of such a mix should range between
15 and 25cm.
For successful tremie placement, a steady
uninterrupted flow of concrete through the tremie
pipe should be maintained.

6. Underwater placement:

Special dump buckets have been designed for underwater

placement. Such a bucket has skirts which are lowered
while the concrete is discharged to protect it from the
surrounding water.

6. Compacting:
o Concrete should be worked to eliminate the voids
and entrapped air to consolidate the concrete into
the corners of the forms and around the
reinforcing steel.
o Nowadays, compacting or consolidating concrete
is done by vibration proper vibration allows the
use of stiffer mixes, leads to better consolidation,
and gives a better finish.
o With the use of vibration as a compaction
method, slump as little as one-third of those
consolidated by hand can be used.
o Vibration is needed for proper compaction of
concrete with less than 5cm slump.
o Over consolidation brings excess paste to the
surface, leading to extra bleeding, and causes
loss of entrained air.
o The time of vibration for proper consolidation is
Chapter 6: Concrete Construction Practices

The production of high-quality concrete does not rest

solely on proper proportioning. The concrete placed
in a structure must be of uniform quality, free of
voids and discontinuities and adequately cured.

Lack of sufficient attention to mixing, handling, and

placing can result in poor concrete from a well-
designed mix.

Batching and mixing


Batching of aggregates and cements is best done by

weight, since dispensing of solids on a volume basis
can lead to gross errors. Only water and liquid
admixtures can be measured accurately by volume.

Look at Figure 11.1 of your text book for handling

and string aggregates, figure 11.2 for methods of


Thorough mixing is essential for the complete

blending of the materials that are required for the
production of homogeneous, uniform concrete. Not
only does inadequate mixing result in lower strengths,
but also in greater batch-to-batch and within-batch
variations. However, overly long mixing times do not
improve the quality of concrete and may severely
limit the output of the batching plant.

The optimum mixing time depends on:

1. The type of mixer.
2. The condition of the mixer.
3. The speed of rotation.
4. The size of the charge.
5. The nature of the constituents.
Lean, dry or harsh mixes require more mixing than
those made with rounded gravels.


Placement of Concrete
Chapter 7: Properties of Fresh Concrete

Fresh concrete: from time of mixing to end of time

concrete surface finished in its final location in the

Operations: batching, mixing, transporting, placing,

compacting, surface finishing

Treatment (curing) of in-placed concrete 6-10 hours

after casting (placing) and during first few days of
hardening is important.

Fresh state properties enormously affect

hardened state properties.

The potential strength and durability of

concrete of a given mix proportion is very
dependent on the degree of its

The first 48 hours are very important for

the performance of the concrete structure.

It controls the long-term behavior,

influence f'c (ultimate strength), Fc’
(elastic modulus), creep, and durability.
Main properties of fresh concrete during
mixing, transporting, placing and

• Fluidity or consistency: capability of being

handled and of flowing into formwork and around any
reinforcement, with assistance of compacting

• Compactability: air entrapped during mixing and

handling should be easily removed by compaction
equipment, such as vibrators.

• Stability or cohesiveness: fresh concrete should

remain homogenous and uniform. No segregation of
cement paste from aggregates (especially coarse

Fluidity & compactability known as workability

Higher workability concretes are easier to place and
handle but obtaining higher workability by increasing
water content decreases strength and durability
Compaction of Finishing of Concrete

Effort required to manipulate a concrete

mixture with a minimum of segregation.

The amount of mechanical work or energy

required to produce full compaction of the
concrete without segregation or bleeding.

Workability measurement methods

1. Slump test
2. Compacting factor test
3. Vebe test
4. Flow table test
1. Slump test - simplest and crudest test

Fill concrete into Hand tap Lift cone up.

frustum of a steel concrete Define slump as
cone in three In each layer downward
Movement of the
layers concrete
Segregation and Bleeding
From placing to final set, concrete is in a
plastic, semi-fluid state. Heavier particles
(aggregates) have tendency to move down
(SEGREGATION). Mix water has a tendency to
move up (BLEEDING)

A layer of water (~ 2 % or more of total depth of
concrete) accumulates on surface, later this
water evaporates or re-absorbed into concrete.
Methods of reducing segregation and bleed and
their effects
Chapter 7: Properties of Fresh Concrete

Workability: The amount of mechanical work or

energy required to produce full compaction of the
concrete without segregation or bleeding.

Factors affecting workability

Water content of the mix.
Mix proportions.
Aggregate properties (Max. aggregate size)
Time and temperature.
Cement characteristics.

Water content of the mix

- The most important factor

- Increasing water increase the ease of flows and
Reduce strength and
May lead to segregation and

- mixing water is divided into three parts

1- adsorbed on the particle surfaces
2- filled the spaces between the particles.
3- lubricates the particles by separating them
with a film of
water finer particles require more water.
Aggregate properties

There are two important factors here

1- amount of aggregates.
2- the relative proportions of fine to coarse

- increase of aggregate/cement ratio decreases


- more cement is needed when finer aggregate

grading are used.

- Harsh concrete: deficiency in fine aggregate

resulting in lack of the desired consistency
resulting in segregation.

- Shape and texture of aggregate particles.

- Nearly spherical particles give more workable

concrete. Spherical particles give lower surface –
to –volume ratio, less mortar to coat the particles,
leaving more water to enhance workability.

- The porosity of the aggregates can absorb a

great deal of water and less will be available to
provide workability.

Time and temperature.

Considerable evidence that temperature increase will
decrease workability as higher temperatures will
increase both the evaporation rate and hydration rate.
Very warm weather will require more water to maintain
the same workability.
Cement characteristics.
Less important factor in determining workability than
the aggregate properties.

However, increased fineness of type III (rapid –

hardening 0 cements will reduce workability at a given
w/c ratio.

This factor will be explained later

B) Curing
Curing; protection of concrete from moisture loss
from as soon after placing as possible, and for the
first few days of hardening

Curing methods
Spraying or ponding surface of concrete with

Protecting exposed surfaces from wind and sun

by windbreaks and sunshades

Covering surfaces with wet hessian and/or

polythene sheets

Applying a curing membrane, a spray-applied

resin seal, to the exposed surface to prevent
moisture loss

Effect of curing temperature

Hydration reactions between cement and water
are temperature dependent and rate of reaction
increases with curing temperature

At early ages, rate of strength gain increases

with curing temperature (higher temperatures
increases rate of reaction, thus more C-S-H and
gel is produced at earlier times, achieving a
higher gel/space ratio and thus higher strength)

At later ages, higher strength are obtained from

concrete cured at lower temperatures.

(C-S- H gel is more rapidly produced at higher

temperature and is less uniform and hence weaker
than produced at lower temperatures)

Standard curing temperature is 22 ± 1 º C

Hydration proceeds below 0 º C, stop

completely at -10 º C
Sample collected Slump Cone Filled

Cone Removed and Concrete

Allowed to ‘Slump’ Slump Measured
Chapter 7: Properties of Fresh Concrete

Workability: The amount of mechanical work or

energy required to produce full compaction of the
concrete without segregation or bleeding.

Factors affecting workability

Water content of the mix.
Mix proportions.
Aggregate properties (Max. aggregate size)
Time and temperature.
Cement characteristics.

Water content of the mix

- The most important factor

- Increasing water increase the ease of flows and
Reduce strength and
May lead to segregation and

- mixing water is divided into three parts

1- adsorbed on the particle surfaces
2- filled the spaces between the particles.
3- lubricates the particles by separating them
with a film of
water finer particles require more water.
Aggregate properties

There are two important factors here

1- amount of aggregates.
2- the relative proportions of fine to coarse

- increase of aggregate/cement ratio decreases


- more cement is needed when finer aggregate

grading are used.

- Harsh concrete: deficiency in fine aggregate

resulting in lack of the desired consistency
resulting in segregation.

- Shape and texture of aggregate particles.

- Nearly spherical particles give more workable

concrete. Spherical particles give lower surface –
to –volume ratio, less mortar to coat the particles,
leaving more water to enhance workability.

- The porosity of the aggregates can absorb a

great deal of water and less will be available to
provide workability.

Time and temperature.

Considerable evidence that temperature increase will
decrease workability as higher temperatures will
increase both the evaporation rate and hydration rate.
Very warm weather will require more water to maintain
the same workability.
Cement characteristics.
Less important factor in determining workability than
the aggregate properties.

However, increased fineness of type III (rapid –

hardening 0 cements will reduce workability at a given
w/c ratio.

This factor will be explained later

B) Curing
Curing; protection of concrete from moisture loss
from as soon after placing as possible, and for the
first few days of hardening

Curing methods
Spraying or ponding surface of concrete with

Protecting exposed surfaces from wind and sun

by windbreaks and sunshades

Covering surfaces with wet hessian and/or

polythene sheets

Applying a curing membrane, a spray-applied

resin seal, to the exposed surface to prevent
moisture loss

Effect of curing temperature

Hydration reactions between cement and water
are temperature dependent and rate of reaction
increases with curing temperature

At early ages, rate of strength gain increases

with curing temperature (higher temperatures
increases rate of reaction, thus more C-S-H and
gel is produced at earlier times, achieving a
higher gel/space ratio and thus higher strength)

At later ages, higher strength are obtained from

concrete cured at lower temperatures.

(C-S- H gel is more rapidly produced at higher

temperature and is less uniform and hence weaker
than produced at lower temperatures)

Standard curing temperature is 22 ± 1 º C

Hydration proceeds below 0 º C, stop

completely at -10 º C
Sample collected Slump Cone Filled

Cone Removed and Concrete

Allowed to ‘Slump’ Slump Measured
Chapter 8: Proportioning Concrete Mixes

To determine the most economical and practical
combination of readily available materials to produce
a concrete that will satisfy the performance
requirements under particular conditions of use.

Also, to determine the proportion of ingredients that

would produce a workable concrete mix that is
durable, and of required strength, and at a minimum
Factors to be considered include:
Cohesiveness, slump.
Placement conditions.
Minimize the amount of cement, Minimize w/c
Minimum amount of water, to reduce cement
do not sacrifice the quality.
Principles of Mix Design
- Workable mix.
- Use as little cement as possible.
- Use as little water as possible.
- Gravel and sand to be proportioned to achieve
a dense mix
- Maximum size of aggregates should be as large
as possible, to minimize surface area of
Affect of Water/cement Ratio (w/c ratio)
Water/cement ratio (w/c ratio) theory states that for
a given combination of materials and as long as
workable consistency is obtained, the strength of
concrete at a given age depends on the w/c ratio.

In 1918, Duff Abrams established a

water/cement ratio law for the strength of
concrete :

B1.5( w / c )

c compressive strength at some fixed age, A =

empirical constant (96.5 MPa), B= constant that
depends mostly on the cement properties (about 4) ,
and w/c (water/cement ratio by weight).

Advantages of low water/cement ratio:

Increased strength.
Lower permeability.
Increased resistance to weathering.
Better bond between concrete and
Reduced drying shrinkage and cracking.
Less volume change from wetting and drying.
Methods of Mix Proportioning
Absolute volume method
Most commonly used method (ACI mix dsign)
Other methods

ACI 211.1 Standard practice for selecting Normal,

Heavyweight and Mass Concrete.

ACI 211.2 Standard practice for selecting Structural

lightweight concrete.

ACI 211.3 Standard practice for selecting Proportions

for no-slump concrete.

ACI 211.4R Standard practice for selecting high

strength concrete with Portland cement and fly ash.

Designing Concrete Mixtures

Concrete mixture proportions are usually
expressed on the basis of the mass of ingredients
per unit volume.

The unit of volume used is either a cubic yard or a

cubic meter of concrete.
ACI Mix Design
The most common method used which is
established by ACI Recommended Practice 211.1

Any mix design procedure will provide a first

approximation of the proportions and must be
checked by trial batches.

Local characteristics of materials should be


The following sequence of steps should be

(1) determine the following:
the job parameters
aggregate properties
maximum aggregate size
w/c ratio
(2) calculation of batch weight, and
(3) adjustments to batch weights based on trial mix.

The aim of the designer should always be to get

concrete mixtures of optimum strength at
minimum cement content and acceptable

Once the w/c ratio is established and the

workability or consistency needed for the
specific design is chosen, the rest should be
simple manipulation with diagrams and tables
based on large numbers of trial mixes.
The ACI Standard 211.1 is a “Recommended Practice for
Selecting Proportions for Concrete”. The procedure is as
Step 1. Choice of slump
Step 2. Choice of maximum size of aggregate
Step 3. Estimation of mixing water and air
Step 4. Selection of water/cement ratio
Step 5. Calculation of cement content
Step 6. Estimation of coarse aggregate content
Step 7. calculation of Fine Aggregate Content
Step 8. Adjustments for Aggregate Moisture
Step 9. Trial Batch Adjustments

Step 1. Choice of slump

If slump is not specified, a value appropriate for the work can be
selected from the below Table which is reproduced from the
text book below*, (note that the table numbers are given from
the text book rather than the ACI standard).

Type of Construction
(mm) (inches)

Reinforced foundation
25 - 75 1-3
walls and footings
Plain footings, caissons
25 - 75 1-3
and substructure walls
Beams and reinforced
25 - 100 1-4
Building columns 25 - 100 1-4
Pavements and slabs 25 - 75 1-3
Mass concrete 25 - 50 1-2

Step 2. Choice of maximum size of aggregate.

Large maximum sizes of aggregates produce less voids than
smaller sizes. Hence, concretes with the larger-sized aggregates
require less mortar per unit volume of concrete, and of coarse it
is the mortar which contains the most expensive ingredient,
cement. Thus the ACI method is based on the principle that the
In practice the dimensions of the forms or the spacing of the
rebars controls the maximum CA size.
ACI 211.1 states that the maximum CA size should not
one-fifth of the narrowest dimension between sides of
one-third the depth of slabs,
3/4-ths of the minimum clear spacing between individual
reinforcing bars, bundles of bars, or pre-tensioning strands.
• Special Note: When high strength concrete is desired, best
results may be obtained with reduced maximum sizes of
aggregate since these produce higher strengths at a given w/c

Step 3. Estimation of mixing water and air content.

The ACI Method uses past experience to give a first estimate for
the quantity of water per unit volume of concrete required to
produce a given slump.
In general the quantity of water per unit volume of concrete
required to produce a given slump is dependent on the
maximum CA size, the shape and grading of both CA and
FA, as well as the amount of entrained air.
The approximate amount of water required for average
aggregates is given in Table 10.2.
Table 10.2: Approximate Mixing Water and Air Content
for Different Slumps and Maximum Aggregate Sizes.

Mixing Water Quantity in kg/m3 (lb/yd3) for the listed Nominal Maximum
Aggregate Size
9.5 mm 19 mm 37.5
12.5 mm 25 mm 50 mm 75 mm 100 mm
Slump (0.375
(0.5 in.)
(1 in.)
(2 in.) (3 in.) (4 in.)
in.) in.) (1.5 in.)


25 - 50 207 199 190 179 166 154 130 113

(1 - 2) (350) (335) (315) (300) (275) (260) (220) (190)
75 - 100 228 216 205 193 181 169 145 124
(3 - 4) (385) (365) (340) (325) (300) (285) (245) (210)
150 - 175 243 228 216 202 190 178 160
(6 - 7) (410) (385) (360) (340) (315) (300) (270)
entrapped air 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2

25 - 50 181 175 168 160 148 142 122 107

(1 - 2) (305) (295) (280) (270) (250) (240) (205) (180)
75 - 100 202 193 184 175 165 157 133 119
(3 - 4) (340) (325) (305) (295) (275) (265) (225) (200)
150 - 175 216 205 197 184 174 166 154
(6 - 7) (365) (345) (325) (310) (290) (280) (260)
Recommended Air Content (percent)
Mild Exposure 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0
7.5 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0
Step 4. Selection of water/cement ratio.
The required water/cement ratio is determined by strength,
durability and finishability. The appropriate value is chosen
from prior testing of a given system of cement and aggregate or
a value is chosen from Table 10.3 and/or Table 10.4.

Table 10.3: Water-Cement Ratio and Compressive

Strength Relationship

Water-cement ratio by weight

28-Day Compressive
Strength in MPa (psi) Non-Air-
41.4 (6000) 0.41 -
34.5 (5000) 0.48 0.40
27.6 (4000) 0.57 0.48
20.7 (3000) 0.68 0.59
13.8 (2000) 0.82 0.74


Step 5. Calculation of cement content.
The amount of cement is fixed by the determinations made in
Steps 3 and 4 above.

Step 6. Estimation of coarse aggregate content.

The most economical concrete will have as much as possible

space occupied by CA since it will require no cement in the
space filled by CA.

Table 10.5: Volume of Coarse Aggregate per Unit Volume

for Different Fine aggregate Fineness Moduli

Nominal Maximum Fine Aggregate Fineness Modulus

Aggregate Size 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00
9.5 mm (0.375 inches) 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 mm (0.5 inches) 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
19 mm (0.75 inches) 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60
25 mm (1 inches) 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
37.5 mm (1.5 inches) 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
50 mm (2 inches) 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72

1. These values can be increased by up to about 10

percent for pavement applications.
2. Coarse aggregate volumes are based on oven-dry-
rodded weights obtained in accordance with ASTM C 29.

The ACI method is based on large numbers of experiments

which have shown that for properly graded materials, the
finer the sand and the larger the size of the particles in the
CA, the more volume of CA can be used to produce a
concrete of satisfactory workability.

Step 7. Estimation of Fine Aggregate Content.

At the completion of Step 6, all ingredients of the concrete have
been estimated except the fine aggregate. Its quantity can be
determined by difference if the “absolute volume” displaced by
the known ingredients-, (i.e., water, air, cement, and coarse
aggregate), is subtracted from the unit volume of concrete to
obtain the required volume of fine aggregate.

Then once the volumes are know the weights of each ingredient
can be calculated from the specific gravities.

Step 8. Adjustments for Aggregate Moisture.

Aggregate weights. Aggregate volumes are calculated based on

oven dry unit weights, but aggregate is typically batched based
on actual weight. Therefore, any moisture in the aggregate will
increase its weight and stockpiled aggregates almost always
contain some moisture. Without correcting for this, the batched
aggregate volumes will be incorrect.

Amount of mixing water. If the batched aggregate is anything

but saturated surface dry it will absorb water (if oven dry or air
dry) or give up water (if wet) to the cement paste. This causes a
net change in the amount of water available in the mix and must
be compensated for by adjusting the amount of mixing water

Step 9. Trial Batch Adjustments.

The ACI method is written on the basis that a trial batch of
concrete will be prepared in the laboratory, and adjusted to give
the desired slump, freedom from segregation, finishability, unit
weight, air content and strength.
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