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(Guided, Integrated, Yearning Activities) For Learners Second Quarter, Week 3, Day 1-4 Lesson Objectives

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(Guided, Integrated, Yearning Activities)

for Learners
Physical Science 11/12
Second Quarter, Week 3, Day 1-4

Lesson Objectives:
1. Describe how the propagation of light, reflection, and refraction are explained by the wave model and the particle model of
2. Describe how the photon theory of light accounts for atomic spectra.
3. Explain why red light is used in photographic dark rooms.
4. Explain why we get easily sunburned in ultraviolet light but not in visible light.
5. Explain how we see colors.

Written by:

Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level ELEVEN/TWELVE

LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter SECOND
I.OBJECTIVES Unpacked Objective/s:

Describe how the  Describe how the  Explain why we get  PERFORMANCE
propagation of light, photon theory of light easily sunburned in TASK
reflection, and accounts for atomic ultraviolet light but not
refraction are explained spectra. in visible light.
by the wave model and  Explain why red light is  Explain how we see
the particle model of used in photographic colors
light. darkrooms.
WEEK 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
 Light as a wave and a particle
B. Performance The learners should be able to:
 Design and create a useful product for practical purposes that uses mirrors and
C. Learning MELC/CODE:
Competencies /
Code:  Describe how the  Explain how the photon concept and the fact that
propagation of light, the energy of a photon is directly proportional to its
reflection, and frequency can be used to explain why red light is
refraction are explained used in photographic darkrooms, why we get easily
by the wave model and sunburned in ultraviolet light but not in visible light,
the particle model of and how we see colors (S11/12PS-IVf-61)
light (S11/12PS-IVf-59)
Menu of strategies: Menu of strategies:
1. Inquiry-based approach, 1. Inquiry-based approach,
2. Scientific method 2. Scientific method approach,
approach, 3. Differentiated instruction technique
3. Differentiated instruction
II.CONTENT  How light acts as a wave and a particle
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbooks pages
4. Additional  Quipper Reference:  https://chem.libretexts.  https://global.canon/e
Materials pages Unit 20: The Dual org/Bookshelves/Physi n/technology/s_labo/li
from learning Nature of Light, Lesson cal_and_Theoretical_C ght/001/02.html
Resources (LR) 20.3: Dual Nature of hemistry_Textbook_M  https://historyofcolour
portal Light (Part I): aps/Supplemental_Mo s.wordpress.com/201
Corpuscles, Plenum, dules_(Physical_and_ 4/05/08/what-is-
and Aether; Warm-up Theoretical_Chemistry) colour-3/
activity on-page/s 20 to /Quantum_Mechanics/  https://science.nasa.g
21. 09._The_Hydrogen_At ov/ems/09_visiblelight
 Quipper: Unit 20: The om/Atomic_Theory/Ele  http://www.darvill.clar
Dual Nature of Light, ctrons_in_Atoms/Atomi a.net/emag/emaguv.ht
Lesson 20.4 c_Spectra m
 https://commons.wikim  https://www.light-
edia.org/wiki/File:Espe sources.com/blog/lam
ctro_Electromagn ps-for-uv-light-food-
%C3%A9tico.JPG sterilization-
 http://iainballantyne.co equipment/
m/cold-war-under-the-  https://www.livescienc
sea-where-fact-blends- e.com/50326-what-is-
with-fiction/ ultraviolet-light.html
 https://rxaesthetic.en.m  https://www.nei.nih.go
ade-in- v/learn-about-eye-
china.com/product/XKJ health/healthy-
xRAfMTlYt/China-PDT- vision/how-eyes-work
Photon-Therapy-Far-  https://www.officewar
Infrared-Sauna-Cabin- ehouse.com.ph/produ
Solarium-Tanning- ct/015959/
Bed.html  https://www.pantone.c
 https://wonderopolis.or om/color-
g/wonder/do- intelligence/articles/te
photographers-still- chnical/how-do-we-
use-darkrooms see-color
 http://www.goodrichsci  https://www.sciencele
ence.com/6-aa- arn.org.nz/resources/
logitudinal-and- 1304-positive-and-
transverse-waves.html negative-effects-of-uv
 https://www.grandinetti  https://www.studyread
.org/quantum-theory- .com/ultraviolet-light-
light uses/
 https://www.pinterest.p  https://www.tes.com/e
h/pin/49047021566099 n-us/teaching-
3856/ resource/why-do-we-
 https://www.pngwave.c see-colour-12172398
om/png-clip-art-dvroq  https://www.thesuburb
 https://www.sciencefoc an.com/life/health/first
us.com/science/why- -evaluation-of-a-uv-
are-soap-bubbles- disinfection-robot-in-
rainbow-coloured/ canada-
 https://www.slideshare. underway/article_768
net/mushthart/photon- 8ba34-8cc1-11ea-
theory-of-light a065-
 https://www.wonderop afd4e9a8b1d8.html
B. Other Learning
IV.PROCEDURES Inquiry-Based Learning Using 7E Model
A. Reviewing the ELICIT:  What are the seven ELICIT: PERFORMANCE TASK
previous lesson or (7) electromagnetic
presenting the new JUMBLED LETTERS waves? ACTIVITY: Title: Instructions:
lesson. Directions: Arrange the a. Radio waves. Radio Human Eye! (offline) 1. Make a simple
ELICIT letters to form words/s or is used primarily for smartphone projector
names of the scientists communications Problem: What is the lens out of the
that studied the behavior including voice, data, role of light to sight? following materials:
of light. Write your answer and entertainment Hypothesis: without magnifying glass,
on the spaces provided. media. light, there would be no cutter, cardboard,
b. Microwaves. sight. The visual ability of glue gun, Elmer’s
1. Netwon ---- Newton Microwaves are used humans and other glue, paper tape or
2. Dscearset ---Descartes for high-bandwidth animals is the result of double-sided tape,
3. Hgensuy --- Huygens communications, the complex interaction pencil, ruler,
4. Eitnsein --- Einstein radar, and as a heat of light, eyes, and brain. smartphone, or
5. Yungo --- Young source for microwave We can see because mobile phone, and a
ovens and industrial light from an object can shoebox.
applications. move through space and 2. Using the saw tool,
c. Infrared. IR light is reach our eyes. cut the handle of a
invisible to human Materials: magnifying glass.
eyes, but we can feel it • Worksheet and Pen Grab your shoebox,
as heat if the intensity Procedure: this will be used as
is sufficient.  1. Observe the illustration the housing for our
d. Visible light below. project. Using
More generally, visible 2. Identify the parts of the Elmer’s glue, open
light is defined as the eye using the given the flaps of the box
wavelengths that are functions and write it and also the other
visible to most human inside the provided shape side, then reinforce it
eyes. below. with lots of glue, this
e. Ultraviolet 3. Answer the following will prevent it from
UV light is a guide questions. wobbling later on
component of sunlight; after we cut a huge
however, it is invisible hole for the
to the human eye. It projector’s lens.
has numerous medical 3. Use your finger to
forget to
and industrial easily spread out the
applications, but it can glue, then close back
damage living tissue. the flaps of the box.
f. X-rays 4. After the glue dries,
X-rays are produced position the
by accelerating magnifying glass at
electrons, while the center and use a
gamma rays are pencil to trace
produced by atomic around it, and cut it
nuclei. using a cutter. Place
g. Gamma-rays the magnifying glass
Gamma radiation Eye muscle to the hole, and use
causes damage to Optic Nerve a glue gun to mount
living tissue, which Iris the glass on the
makes it useful for Lens shoebox. Use the
killing cancer cells Cornea cover of the shoebox,
when applied in Pupil then place the
carefully measured Retina previous cut out
doses to small regions. (circle and act as a
Uncontrolled lid) to the glass and
exposure, though, is trace, then cut it just
extremely dangerous to make it a perfect
to humans. circle. Using
cardboard and a glue
gun, make a stand
(perpendicularly) that
will hold the phone
for the projector,
Answer Key:
make sure it fits
perfectly inside the
Eye muscle
box. You can do so
by adjusting the
distance either near
or farther from the
magnifying glass or
lens. Use double-
Optic nerve
sided tape and cut it
into strips, and place
Guide Questions:
at the back of the
1. How does the human
phone and put it on
eye work? the perpendicular-
Light rays enter the eye stand-holder, make
through the cornea, the sure it places
clear front “window” of correctly, and align to
the eye. The cornea’s the magnifying glass
refractive power bends or projector lens. Set
the light rays in such a your phone to the
way that they pass freely highest brightness
through the pupil the and play a video in
opening in the center of an up-side-down.
the iris through which The science behind
light enters the eye. this is the lens will
The iris works as a invert the image that
shutter in a camera. It will be projected on
can enlarge and shrink, the wall. For better
depending on how much viewing, you can use
light is entering the eye. this simple projector
After passing through the in a dim or a dark
iris, the light rays pass room.
thru the eye’s natural 5. Submit your output
crystalline lens. This together with this
clear, flexible structure module.
works like the lens in a
camera, shortening and RUBRICS
lengthening its width to
focus light rays properly.
Light rays pass through a
dense, transparent gel-
like substance, called the
vitreous that fills the
globe of the eyeball and
helps the eye hold its
spherical shape.
2. What is the role of
light to sight?
Without light, there would
be no sight. The visual
ability of humans and
other animals is the
result of the complex
interaction of light, eyes,
and brain. We can see
because light from an
object can move through
space and reach our

Is your hypothesis
correct? Why or why not?
What is your conclusion
Answers may vary just
compare their
conclusions to the
hypothesis provided.
B. Establishing a  Describe how the  Describe how the  Explain why we get
purpose for the propagation of light, photon theory of light easily sunburned in
lesson. reflection, and accounts for atomic ultraviolet light but not
ENGAGE refraction are explained spectra. in visible light.
by the wave model and  Explain why red light is  Explain how we see
the particle model of used in photographic colors
light. darkrooms
C. Presenting Activity 1: Title: Wave ACTIVITY 1: Title: ACTIVITY 1: Title: Why
examples/instances Challenge (offline) Electromagnetic Waves is that so? (offline)
of the new lesson. (offline)
ENGAGE In this activity, students Problem: How can you Problem: How light
will observe refraction and describe the energy and enters our eyes?
relate it to the views of frequency of the wave as Hypothesis: First, light
different the wavelength’s passes through the
scientists. decreasing? cornea and bends light to
Problem: What is Hypothesis: As the help the eye focus. Some
refraction? wavelength decreasing, of this light enters the

Hypothesis: Refraction is the energy and frequency eye through an opening
the change in direction of of the wave are called the pupil. The iris
a wave passing from one increasing. controls how much light
medium to another or from Materials: the pupil lets in. Next,
a gradual change in the  Worksheet and Pen light passes through the
medium.  Procedure: lens. The lens works
Materials: 1. Read the first table on together with the cornea
● colored stick the right side. to focus light correctly on
● transparent drinking 2. Select the answers from the retina. When light hits
glass the given table and write it the retina, special cells
● water (to fill half of the on the box provided called photoreceptors
glass) below. Write in a particular turn the light into
Procedure: order in terms of electrical signals. These
1. Half-fill the glass with decreasing wavelength. electrical signals travel
water. 3. Answer the following from the retina through
2. Submerge half of the guide questions. the optic nerve to the
colored stick in the water brain. Then the brain
contained in a glass. turns the signals into the
3. Observe what happens images you see.
to the colored stick. Materials:
Observe.  Worksheet and Pen
Guide Questions: Procedure:
1. What happened to the 1. Observe the illustration
colored stick when it below.
was submerged in the Answer Key:
water? Note: In particular Order
The colored stick appears From left to right:
bent.  Radio waves-
2. What behavior of light Television
was exhibited in the  Microwaves- Guide Questions:
activity? Microwave oven 1. How do we see the
This activity showed  Infrared rays-mobile color of an apple?
refraction of light. phone When we look at a red
3. If you have no idea  Visible light- apple, it’s absorbing
about how light behaves, Incandescent Lamp colors from the sunlight.
how will you explain the  Ultraviolet rays-Money It absorbs all the colors
the phenomenon of the rainbow—except
observed in the activity? Detector for red. The red light
When light moves from  X-rays-Airport Security reflects off the apple and
one medium (like  Gamma rays-cancer our brain and eyes work
air/colored stick) to treatment together to let us know
another medium (like what color we are seeing.
water) it will change Guide Questions: 2. Explain why some
directions. This is a "wave-1. Which is the shortest colors were absorbed
like" behavior and is calledwavelength? Which is and others were
refraction. the Longest? reflected?
4. What is refraction? Gamma-ray is the Objects appear in
Refraction is the change shortest wavelength while different colors because
in direction of a wave Radio wave is the longest they absorb some colors
passing from one medium wavelength. (wavelengths) and
to another or from a 2. How is the energy and reflected or transmit
gradual change in the frequency of the shorter other colors. The colors
medium.  wavelength compared to we see are the
the longer wavelength? wavelengths that are
The shorter the reflected or transmitted.
Conclusion: wavelength the higher the
Is your hypothesis correct? frequency and energy, For example, a redshirt
Why or why not? What is while the longer the looks red because the
your conclusion then? wavelength the lower the dye molecules in the
Therefore, I conclude that frequency and energy. fabric have absorbed the
refraction is the change in 3. How can you describe wavelengths of light from
direction of a wave the energy and the violet/blue end of the
passing from one medium frequency of the wave spectrum. Red light is the
to another or from a as the wavelength’s only light that is reflected
gradual change in the decreasing? from the shirt. If the only
medium.  As the wavelength blue light is shone onto a
decreasing, the energy red shirt, the shirt would
and frequency of the wave appear black, because
are increasing. the blue would be
absorbed and there
Conclusion: would be no red light to
Is your hypothesis be reflected.
correct? Why or why not?
White objects appear
What is your conclusion white because they
then? Answers may vary reflect all colors. Black
just compare their objects absorb all colors
conclusions to the so no light is reflected.
hypothesis provided. 3. How light enters our
First, light passes
through the cornea and
bends light to help the
eye focus. Some of this
light enters the eye
through an opening
called the pupil. The iris
controls how much light
the pupil lets in. Next,
light passes through the
lens. The lens works
together with the cornea
to focus light correctly on
the retina. When light hits
the retina, special cells
called photoreceptors
turn the light into
electrical signals. These
electrical signals travel
from the retina through
the optic nerve to the
brain. Then the brain
turns the signals into the
images you see.

Is your hypothesis
correct? Why or why not?
What is your conclusion
Answers may vary just
compare their
conclusions to the
hypothesis provided.
Teacher’s Notes
The response of the
D. Discussing new Guided Practice Activity ACTIVITY 2: Title: Introduce the fact that
learners on the
concepts and Incomplete! (offline) radiations are around us.
activity can be used
practicing new skills Activity 2: Title:
later on in this lesson
#1. Remember me this way! Problem: How photon is ACTIVITY 2: Title:
to allow
EXPLORE (offline) related to light? Waves Formation
the students to critic
Hypothesis: A photon is (offline)
their ideas regarding
Problem: What are the the smallest discrete
the behavior of these
views of Descartes, amount or quantum of Problem: How are the
Newton, and Huygens on electromagnetic radiation. colors of a rainbow
the nature of light? It is the basic unit of all formed?
Descartes explained the light and travels at a Hypothesis: Rainbows
wave nature of light using constant speed to all appear in seven colors
the concept of the plenum. observers of 2.998 x 108 because water droplets
Newton proposed the m/s. break sunlight into the
corpuscular theory of light, Materials: seven colors of the
which states that light is  Worksheet and Pen spectrum. You get the
composed of tiny particles Procedure: same result when
called corpuscles. 1. Answer the incomplete sunlight passes through
Huygens explained that statement below on some a prism. The water
light travels as a wave properties of photon. Then droplets in the
through the aether, which Answer the guide question atmosphere act as
encompasses all space as follows. prisms, though the traces
unoccupied by matter. of light are very complex.
Materials: When light meets a water
 Pen and Activity droplet, it is refracted at
Sheets the boundary of air and
Procedures: water and enters the
1. Read and understand droplet, where the light is
the statement below. dispersed into the seven
2. Answer the following colors. The rainbow
questions. effect occurs because
the light is then reflected
Answer Key: inside the droplet and
A. Descartes explained  They move at a finally refracted out again
the wave nature of light constant speed of into the air.
using the concept of 300000000 m/s Materials:
the plenum. Descartes  They are massless • Worksheet and Pen
explained that the  They carry energy and Procedure:
rotational speed of momentum 1. Observe the illustration
spherical  They have no charge below.
particles in plenum like a neutron. 2. Answer the following
changes when they guide questions
passed through the prism Guide Questions:
and 1. Why photon travels at
encountered a slit on the a constant speed similar
edge. to the speed of light?
B. Newton proposed the Guide Questions:
The speed of light is
corpuscular theory of light, 1. Which of the
constant and all photons,
which states that following colors
of any energy, travel at
light is composed of tiny have the highest
the same speed. Higher
particles called corpuscles. frequency and
energy photons have
Newton explained energy? Why?
smaller wavelengths (or,
refraction using the The higher the
equivalently, higher
presence of a force at the frequency, the faster the
frequency) but not a
interface of two media, oscillations, and thus the
different speed. Generally
wherein this force is higher the energy.
speaking, we say that light
always directed toward the Therefore, the highest-
travels in waves, and all
medium with a higher frequency ultra-violet
electromagnetic radiation
refractive index. He light (or the lowest
travels at the same speed
explained reflection as the wavelength) is violet.
which is about 3.0 * 108
bouncing of light However, the highest-
meters per second
corpuscles on a surface frequency visible light
through a vacuum. We
similar to a ball. would have to be roughly
call this the "speed of
C. Huygens explained blue
light"; nothing can move
that light travels as a wave 2. Explain the
faster than the speed of
through the aether, which difference between the
encompasses all space red color into violet
2. How photon is related
unoccupied by matter. color in terms of
to light?
Huygens described frequency, energy, and
refraction as the difference A photon is the smallest speed?
in the speed of a discrete amount or The lower the frequency
wave in two different quantum of is, the less energy in the
media while reflection was electromagnetic radiation. wave. Following the
the bouncing of light on a It is the basic unit of all above examples, gamma
reflecting surface or a light and travels at a rays have very high
material it cannot pass constant speed to all energy and radio waves
through. observers of 2.998 x 108 are low-energy. When it
Guide Questions: m/s. comes to light waves,
1. What are the views of violet is the highest
Descartes, Newton, Conclusion: energy color and red is
and Huygens on the Is your hypothesis the lowest energy color.
nature of light? correct? Why or why not? Related to the energy
Descartes explained What is your conclusion and frequency is the
the wave nature of light then? wavelength or the
using the concept of Answers may vary just distance between
the plenum. Newton compare their conclusions corresponding points on
proposed the to the hypothesis subsequent waves. You
corpuscular theory of provided. can measure wavelength
light, which states that from peak to peak or
light is composed of from trough to trough.
tiny particles called Shorter waves move
corpuscles. Huygens faster and have more
explained that light energy, and longer
travels as a wave waves travel more slowly
through the aether, and have less energy.
which encompasses all 3. How are the colors of
space unoccupied by a rainbow formed?
matter. Rainbows appear in
2. How did these three seven colors because
scientists explain water droplets break
behaviors of light sunlight into the seven
such as reflection colors of the spectrum.
and refraction? You get the same result
Descartes explained when sunlight passes
that the rotational through a prism. The
speed of spherical water droplets in the
particles in plenum atmosphere act as
changes when they prisms, though the traces
passed through the of light are very complex.
prism and encountered When light meets a water
a slit on the edge. droplet, it is refracted at
Newton explained the boundary of air and
refraction using the water and enters the
presence of a force at droplet, where the light is
the interface of two dispersed into the seven
media, wherein this colors. The rainbow
force is always effect occurs because
directed toward the the light is then reflected
medium with a higher inside the droplet and
refractive index. He finally refracted out again
explained reflection as into the air.
the bouncing of light
corpuscles on a Conclusion:
surface similar to a Is your hypothesis
ball. Huygens correct? Why or why not?
described refraction as What is your conclusion
the difference in the then?
speed of a wave in two Answers may vary just
different media while compare their
reflection was the conclusions to the
bouncing of light on a
hypothesis provided.
reflecting surface or a
material it cannot pass

Is your hypothesis correct?
Why or why not? What is
your conclusion then?
Therefore, I conclude that
Rene Descartes and
Christian Huygens
proposed the wave nature
of light.
E. Discussing new  What are the proofs  A photon is a tiny  The visible light
concepts and presented by Isaac particle that comprises spectrum is the
practicing new skills Newton? waves of segment of the
#2 Used the argument electromagnetic electromagnetic
EXPLORE about shadows that radiation. spectrum that the
light behaves as a  The atoms, molecules, human eye can view.
particle. He proposed and fundamental More simply, this
the idea that shadows electron and proton range of wavelengths
are formed due to the charges are all is called visible light.
stream of straight- examples of physical Typically, the human
moving particles entities that are eye can detect
blocked by an object. quantized- that is, they wavelengths from 380
This is because he appear only in certain to 700 nanometers.
observed that shadows discrete values and do  All electromagnetic
are either the same not have every radiation is light, but
size or larger than the conceivable value. we can only see a
object. Quantized is the small portion of this
 Who among the three opposite of continuous. radiation—the portion
scientists believes When atoms are we call visible light.
that light behaves as excited, they emit light Cone-shaped cells in
a wave? of certain wavelengths our eyes act as
Rene Descartes and which correspond to receivers tuned to the
Christian Huygens different colors. The wavelengths in this
both believed that light emitted light can be narrow band of the
behaves as a wave observed as a series of spectrum. Other
according to their colored lines with dark portions of the
experiments done and spaces in between; spectrum have
studied. this series of colored wavelengths too large
lines is called a line or or too small and
atomic spectra. Each energetic for the
Definition of terms: element produces a biological limitations
 Reflection – Is the unique set of spectral of our perception.
bouncing of light when lines. Since no two
it reaches a reflecting elements emit the As the full spectrum of
surface or the same spectral lines, visible light travels

boundary between two elements can be through a prism, the
media. identified by their line wavelengths separate
spectrum. into the colors of the
rainbow because
The ray of light that
 When atoms are each color is a
hits the reflecting different wavelength.
excited, they emit light
surface or boundary is of certain wavelengths Violet has the shortest
called the incident which correspond to wavelength, at around
ray. different colors. The 380 nanometers, and
 Refraction – Is the emitted light can be red has the longest
bending of light due observed as a series of wavelength, at around
colored lines with dark 700 nanometers.
to the change in its
spaces in between;
speed when it this series of colored  Newton observed that
obliquely passes two lines is called a line or color is not inherent in
different media. atomic spectra. Each objects. Rather, the
element produces a surface of an object
When light travels from unique set of spectral reflects some colors
a medium with a low lines. Since no two and absorbs all the
elements emit the others. We perceive
refractive index to a
same spectral lines, only the reflected
medium with a higher elements can be colors.
refractive index, it identified by their line
slows down and spectrum. Thus, red is not "in"
refracts closer to the an apple. The surface
normal line.  Electromagnetic of the apple is
Radiation and the reflecting the
Wave-Particle Duality. wavelengths we see
Energy can travel as red and absorbing
Rene Descartes and the through a vacuum or all the rest. An object
Wave Nature of Light matter as appears white when it
electromagnetic reflects all
Rene Descartes (1596 – radiation. wavelengths and
1650) studied and Electromagnetic black when it absorbs
explained the concept of radiation is a them all.
refraction with the transverse wave with
Color is made up of
assumption that light is a magnetic and electric red, green, and blue
wave. In one of his components that light Red, green, and
experiments, he produced oscillate perpendicular blue are the additive
to each other. The primary colors of the
a rainbow by using a
electromagnetic color spectrum.
water-filled glass sphere spectrum is the range Combining balanced
and sunlight. He of all possible amounts of red,
explained that the wavelengths and green, and blue lights
refraction of light caused frequencies of also produces pure
the formation of rainbows. electromagnetic white. By varying the
Descartes explained the radiation including amount of red, green,
visible light. and blue light, all of
wave nature of light using
 According to the wave- the colors in the
the concept of a plenum, visible spectrum can
particle duality
an invisible substance concept, although be produced.
occupying all space not electromagnetic
occupied by matter. radiation is often  Considered to be part
considered to be a of the brain itself, the
Isaac Newton and wave, it also behaves retina is covered by
Particle Nature of Light like a particle. In 1900, millions of light-
while studying black sensitive cells, some
Isaac Newton (1643- body radiation, Max shaped like rods and
1727) proposed the Planck discovered that some like cones.
corpuscular theory of light, energy was limited to These receptors
which states the light was certain values and was process the light into
not continuous as nerve impulses and
composed of tiny particles
assumed in classical pass them along to
called corpuscles that physics. This means the cortex of the brain
travel in a straight line and that when energy via the optic nerve.
can travel through a increases, it does so  A single photon of
vacuum. Corpuscles by tiny jumps called ultraviolet light has
traveling side-by-side quanta (quantum in the enough energy to
would hit the reflecting singular). In other temporarily liberate
words, a quantum of electrons completely
surface at different times,
energy is to the total from a molecule.
causing a reversal in the energy of a system as When that happens to
image. an atom is to the total
In an experiment that mass of a system. In an atom, it is called an
involves prism, he 1905, Albert Einstein ion. When it happens
observed that the red light proposed that energy to a molecule, a bond
was bundled into may be broken and
refracted the least,
packets, which you may get an ion
whereas the violet light became known as and a new molecule
refracted the most. photons. The discovery or you may get a free
of photons explained radical or two. When
Christian Huygens and why energy increased this happens, the
the Wave Nature of Light in small jumps. If radical may
energy was bundled recombine in new
Christian Huygens into tiny packets, each ways. In some cases,
(1629-1695) proposed a additional packet you may get
wave model that was would contribute a tiny crosslinked bonds.
different from that of amount of energy
Descartes. Huygens’s causing the total The net result is that
light is that of a amount of energy to the molecules get
jump by a tiny amount, changed and the skin
longitudinal wave in which
rather than increase is damaged.
the medium moves in the smoothly as assumed Sometimes this is
same line as the wave. in classical physics. described as DNA
He also proposed that light damage. The body
travels through the aether,  Photographic paper has to try to remove
which, like plenum, also reacts to light to the damaged tissue.
encompasses all space produce the image Some of the tissue
taken by a camera and dies because it is not
unoccupied by any other
stored on film. Since viable in the new
particle. According to photographic paper form.
Huygens, an aether allows reacts to light, pictures
light to pass through. using camera film need Some of the tissue is
to be produced (a viable but not
Thomas Young was an process called compatible with the
English scientist, developing) in a room original skin.
polymath, and physician. that is completely dark. Fortunately, that is
He used his experiment to rare. Your immune
These special rooms system tries to kill this
demonstrate the wave
used to develop film new tissue. If it is not
nature of light. were called darkrooms. killed, it can become
Darkrooms used red skin cancer.
James Clark Maxwell lighting to allow
was a Scottish physicist photographers to
best known for his control light carefully
formulation of the so that light-sensitive
photographic paper
electromagnetic theory.
would not become
He concluded that light is overexposed and ruin
an electromagnetic wave. the pictures during the
developing process.
Albert Einstein was a
German-born theoretical Because of the
physicist who developed popularity of digital
the special and general photography today,
theories of relativity and darkrooms are not as
won the Nobel Prize for popular or necessary
as they once were.
Physics in 1921 for his
You can still find them,
explanation of the though, in professional
photoelectric effect. He photo studios,
shifted back the colleges, and
argument to the particle photography schools.
model of light.
 The photographic
film captures the
image formed
by light reflecting from
the surface being
photographed. The
sensitive elements in
the film are crystals of,
most often, silver
halide which can
change their structure
when excited
by light (photons).
 In
a periscope, light fro
m an object strikes the
top mirror at 45° and
bounces off at the
same angle. This
sends light directly
down the tube and
onto the lower mirror.
 Tanning
lamps (sometimes
called tanning bulbs in
the United States
or tanning tubes in
Europe) are part of a
tanning bed, booth, or
another tanning device
produces ultraviolet
light responsible
for indoor tanning. 

 In the 1970s, Polaroid

created an integral or
“instant" film for use in
special cameras. This
special film allowed a
photographer to see a
picture develop right
before his eyes —
without the need for a
darkroom or special
developing techniques.
F. Developing mastery  What are the proofs  A photon is a tiny  The visible light
(Leads to presented by Isaac particle that comprises spectrum is the
Formative Newton? waves of segment of the

Assessment 3) Used the argument electromagnetic electromagnetic
EXPLAIN about shadows that radiation. spectrum that the
light behaves as a  The atoms, molecules, human eye can view.
particle. He proposed and fundamental More simply, this
the idea that shadows electron and proton range of wavelengths
are formed due to the charges are all is called visible light.
stream of straight- examples of physical Typically, the human
moving particles entities that are eye can detect
blocked by an object. quantized- that is, they wavelengths from 380
This is because he appear only in certain to 700 nanometers.
observed that shadows discrete values and do  All electromagnetic
are either the same not have every radiation is light, but
size or larger than the conceivable value. we can only see a
object. Quantized is the small portion of this
 Who among the three opposite of continuous. radiation—the portion
scientists believes When atoms are we call visible light.
that light behaves as excited, they emit light Cone-shaped cells in
a wave? of certain wavelengths our eyes act as
Rene Descartes and which correspond to receivers tuned to the
Christian Huygens different colors. The wavelengths in this
both believed that light emitted light can be narrow band of the
behaves as a wave observed as a series of spectrum. Other
according to their colored lines with dark portions of the
experiments done and spaces in between; spectrum have
studied. this series of colored wavelengths too large
lines is called a line or or too small and
atomic spectra. Each energetic for the
Definition of terms: element produces a biological limitations
 Reflection – Is the unique set of spectral of our perception.
bouncing of light when lines. Since no two As the full spectrum of
it reaches a reflecting elements emit the visible light travels
surface or the same spectral lines, through a prism, the
elements can be wavelengths separate
boundary between two
identified by their line into the colors of the
media. spectrum. rainbow because
 When atoms are each color is a
The ray of light that different wavelength.
hits the reflecting excited, they emit light Violet has the shortest
surface or boundary is of certain wavelengths wavelength, at around
called the incident which correspond to 380 nanometers, and
different colors. The red has the longest
emitted light can be wavelength, at around
 Refraction – Is the observed as a series of 700 nanometers.
bending of light due colored lines with dark
to the change in its spaces in between;  Newton observed that
speed when it this series of colored color is not inherent in
obliquely passes two lines is called a line or objects. Rather, the
different media. atomic spectra. Each surface of an object
element produces a reflects some colors
unique set of spectral and absorbs all the
When light travels from lines. Since no two others. We perceive
a medium with a low elements emit the only the reflected
refractive index to a same spectral lines, colors.
medium with a higher elements can be
refractive index, it identified by their line Thus, red is not "in"
spectrum. an apple. The surface
slows down and
of the apple is
refracts closer to the
 Electromagnetic reflecting the
normal line. Radiation and the wavelengths we see
Wave-Particle Duality. as red and absorbing
Energy can travel all the rest. An object
Rene Descartes and the through a vacuum or appears white when it
matter as reflects all
Wave Nature of Light electromagnetic wavelengths and
radiation. black when it absorbs
Rene Descartes (1596 –
Electromagnetic them all.
1650) studied and radiation is a Color is made up of
explained the concept of transverse wave with red, green, and blue
refraction with the magnetic and electric light Red, green, and
assumption that light is a components that blue are the additive
wave. In one of his oscillate perpendicular primary colors of the
experiments, he produced to each other. The color spectrum.
electromagnetic Combining balanced
a rainbow by using a
spectrum is the range amounts of red,
water-filled glass sphere of all possible green, and blue lights
and sunlight. He wavelengths and also produces pure
explained that the frequencies of white. By varying the
electromagnetic amount of red, green,
refraction of light caused
radiation including and blue light, all of
the formation of rainbows. visible light. the colors in the
Descartes explained the  According to the wave- visible spectrum can
wave nature of light using particle duality be produced.
the concept of a plenum, concept, although
an invisible substance electromagnetic  Considered to be part
occupying all space not radiation is often of the brain itself, the
occupied by matter. considered to be a retina is covered by
wave, it also behaves millions of light-
Isaac Newton and like a particle. In 1900, sensitive cells, some
while studying black shaped like rods and
Particle Nature of Light
body radiation, Max some like cones.
Isaac Newton (1643- Planck discovered that These receptors
energy was limited to process the light into
1727) proposed the
certain values and was nerve impulses and
corpuscular theory of light, not continuous as pass them along to
which states the light was assumed in classical the cortex of the brain
composed of tiny particles physics. This means via the optic nerve.
called corpuscles that that when energy  A single photon of
travel in a straight line and increases, it does so ultraviolet light has
can travel through a by tiny jumps called enough energy to
quanta (quantum in the temporarily liberate
vacuum. Corpuscles
singular). In other electrons completely
traveling side-by-side words, a quantum of from a molecule.
would hit the reflecting energy is to the total When that happens to
surface at different times, energy of a system as an atom, it is called an
causing a reversal in the an atom is to the total ion. When it happens
image. mass of a system. In to a molecule, a bond
1905, Albert Einstein may be broken and
In an experiment that proposed that energy you may get an ion
involves prism, he was bundled into and a new molecule
observed that the red light packets, which or you may get a free
became known as
refracted the least, photons. The discovery radical or two. When
whereas the violet light of photons explained this happens, the
refracted the most. This why energy increased radical may
in small jumps. If recombine in new
force was directed towards
energy was bundled ways. In some cases,
the medium with a higher into tiny packets, each you may get
refractive index and could additional packet crosslinked bonds.
deflect the path of would contribute a tiny
corpuscles. amount of energy The net result is that
causing the total the molecules get
Christian Huygens and amount of energy to changed and the skin
the Wave Nature of Light jump by a tiny amount, is damaged.
rather than increase Sometimes this is
Christian Huygens smoothly as assumed described as DNA
(1629-1695) proposed a in classical physics. damage. The body
wave model that was  Photographic paper has to try to remove
different from that of reacts to light to the damaged tissue.
produce the image Some of the tissue
Descartes. Huygens’s
taken by a camera and dies because it is not
light is that of a stored on film. Since viable in the new
longitudinal wave in which photographic paper form.
the medium moves in the reacts to light, pictures
same line as the wave. using camera film need Some of the tissue is
He also proposed that light to be produced (a viable but not
travels through the aether, process called compatible with the
developing) in a room original skin.
which, like plenum, also
that is completely dark. Fortunately, that is
encompasses all space rare. Your immune
unoccupied by any other These special rooms system tries to kill this
particle. According to used to develop film new tissue. If it is not
Huygens, an aether allows were called darkrooms. killed, it can become
light to pass through. Darkrooms used red skin cancer.
lighting to allow
Thomas Young was an photographers to
English scientist, control light carefully
polymath, and physician. so that light-sensitive
photographic paper
He used his experiment to would not become
demonstrate the wave overexposed and ruin
nature of light. the pictures during the
developing process.
James Clark Maxwell
was a Scottish physicist Because of the
popularity of digital
best known for his
photography today,
formulation of the darkrooms are not as
electromagnetic theory. popular or necessary
He concluded that light is as they once were.
an electromagnetic wave. You can still find them,
though, in professional
Albert Einstein was a photo studios,
German-born theoretical colleges, and
physicist who developed photography schools.
the special and general  The photographic
theories of relativity and film captures the
won the Nobel Prize for image formed
Physics in 1921 for his by light reflecting from
explanation of the the surface being
photoelectric effect. He photographed. The
shifted back the sensitive elements in
argument to the particle the film are crystals of,
model of light. most often, silver
halide which can
change their structure
when excited
by light (photons).
 In
a periscope, light fro
m an object strikes the
top mirror at 45° and
bounces off at the
same angle. This
sends light directly

down the tube and
onto the lower mirror.
 Tanning
lamps (sometimes
called tanning bulbs in
the United States
or tanning tubes in
Europe) are part of a
tanning bed, booth, or
another tanning device
produces ultraviolet
light responsible
for indoor tanning. 

 In the 1970s, Polaroid

created an integral or
“instant" film for use in
special cameras. This
special film allowed a
photographer to see a
picture develop right
before his eyes —
without the need for a
darkroom or special
developing techniques.
G. Finding practical Independent Practice ACTIVITY 3: Title: Why ACTIVITY 3: Title: It’s
applications of Activity oh Why! (offline) Uses! (offline)
concepts and skills
in daily living Activity 3: Title: Forming Problem: Why red light is Problem: What are the
ELABORATE a Mirage (offline) used in photographic positive and negative
darkrooms? effects of ultraviolet rays?
Problem: How did this Hypothesis: The human Hypothesis: The
scientist support their eye is less sensitive to positive (beneficial)
claim on the light being a longer wavelengths, so effects of ultraviolet rays
particle or a wave? red light is chosen to are trigger vitamin D,

Hypothesis: The preserve the night vision helps some skin
scientists used of the crew while still conditions, helps moods,
experiments / allowing them to see their helps some animals’
demonstrates and instrument panels. vision, aids some insects’
mathematical equations to Submarines switch to red navigation, and useful for
explain their views on the light when it's dark outside disinfection and
nature of light. and crew members need sterilization. However,
Materials: to use the periscope or go the negative (harmful)
 Cardboard with 2 slits on watch duty. effects of UV rays are
(as thick as the edge of Materials: causes skin cancer,
a 25-centavo coin)  Worksheet and Pen moles and melanoma,
 any small ball Procedure: causes sunburn,
 flashlight 1. Observe the following damages the immune
Procedure: pictures below as a guide. system, damages eyes,
A. Young’s double-slit 2. Answer the guide ages skin, weakens
experiment. questions below. plastics, and fades
1. In a dimmed lightroom, colors.
project the flashlight on Materials:
a wall. What have you  Worksheet and Pen
observed? Record Procedure:
your observation. 1. Observe the following
2. Place the slitted pictures.
Photographic Film 2. Explain the uses of
cardboard at about
Periscope of Submarine ultraviolet rays and write
2cm away from the
flashlight. What have it on the space provided.
you observed on the 3. Answer the following
transcended light on guide questions.
the wall? Record your

B. Einstein’s shadow
1. Position the ball and
the flashlight such that
the light will form a
shadow behind the A. If you have been
ball. Photon Therapy Solarium shopping around for a bill
2. Turn on the flashlight. Tanning Bed counter or a counterfeit
What have you money detector, you
observed on the ball have probably come
shadows? across the phrase UV or
Guide Questions: ultraviolet. UV detection
1. What happens to the is an important part of
transcended light in verifying the authenticity
Activity A? of a bill. UV scanners are
Interference patterns Guide Questions: commonly used to detect
are observed on the 1. Is there any color counterfeit banknotes.
wall. used in the darkroom The way UV detectors
2. What happens to the other than red? Support work is simple, yet very
shadow of the ball in your answer? clever. Ultraviolet (UV)
Activity B? Red lights are used for counterfeit detectors
A shadow is formed, processing paper, not film. come in all shapes and
which depending on Photographic black and sizes. Some of them are
the position of the white paper are portable and require the
flashlight is either the deliberately made to be operator to visually
same size or larger insensitive to red light, for confirm the stripe, where
than the ball. convenience in handling others simply pull in the
3. Which experiment in dark rooms. bills and use a sensor to
exhibits light as a The film is sensitive to red scan them. While UV
wave? As a particle? light, as is color paper. counterfeit detection isn’t
Why? They cannot be handled 100% effective, it catches
Young’s experiment with a red light—a red most counterfeit bills.
demonstrates that light darkroom safelight will
behaves as a wave. ruin them. On the other
After passing through hand, Darkrooms used
the two slits, light red lighting to allow
spreads and interfere photographers to control
with each other light carefully so that light-
forming dark and light sensitive photographic
fringes, on the wall. paper would not become B. Ultraviolet rays can be
The formation of overexposed and ruin the used to kill microbes.
shadows was used by pictures during the Hospitals use UV lamps
Newton as an
argument to prove that developing process. to sterilize surgical
light behaves as a 2. Choose one equipment. The use of
particle. He said that application of red light ultraviolet light systems is
shadows are formed from the given pictures becoming more widely
due to the stream of above and explain how used in healthcare
straight moving this light works? facilities for disinfecting
particles blocked by The pThe photographic patient and operating
the object. However, film captures the image rooms.
this was refuted by the formed by light reflecting
experiment of Thomas from the surface being
Young. photographed. The
4. How did this scientist sensitive elements in
support their claim the film are crystals of,
on the light being a most often, silver halide
particle or a wave? which can change their
The scientists used structure when excited
experiments / by light (photons).
C. Phototherapy.
demonstrates and In
Phototherapy is
mathematical a periscope, light from
treatment with a special
equations to explain an object strikes the top
type of light (not
their views on the mirror at 45° and bounces
sunlight). It's sometimes
nature of light. off at the same angle.
used to treat newborn
This sends light directly
jaundice by lowering the
Conclusion: down the tube and onto
bilirubin levels in your
Is your hypothesis correct? the lower mirror.
baby's blood through a
Why or why not? What is Tanning
process called photo-
your conclusion then? lamps (sometimes
Yes, it is correct because called tanning bulbs in
they used experiments/ the United States
demonstrates or tanning tubes in
mathematical equations to Europe) are part of a
explain their views on the tanning bed, booth, or
nature of light. I, therefore, another tanning device
conclude that there are that produces ultraviolet
many views of scientists light responsible
that prove the nature of for indoor tanning.  D. Irradiation with
light. 3. From the visible ultraviolet (UV) light can
spectrum (ROYGBIV) be used as a disinfection
explain the energy and treatment to reduce the
frequency of red color? microbial load in food.
Red light in a visible UV light is used for a
spectrum is the same as large variety of
radio waves. Thus, the applications in the food
longer the wavelength the industry. With high-
shorter the frequency and performance UV light
energy. sources and equipment,
4. Why red light is used water, air, and surfaces
in photographic can be reliably
darkrooms? disinfected, cleaned, and
The human eye is less treated.
sensitive to longer Guide Questions:
wavelengths, so red light 1. What are the positive
is chosen to preserve the and negative effects of
night vision of the crew ultraviolet rays?
while still allowing them to The positive (beneficial)
see their instrument effects of ultraviolet rays
panels. Submarines trigger vitamin D, helps
switch to red light when some skin conditions,
it's dark outside and crew helps moods, helps some
members need to use the animals’ vision, aids
periscope or go on watch some insects’ navigation,
duty. and useful for disinfection
and sterilization.
Conclusion: However, the negative
Is your hypothesis (harmful) effects of UV
correct? Why or why not? rays are causes skin
What is your conclusion cancer, moles and
then? melanoma, causes
Answers may vary just sunburn, damages the
compare their conclusion immune system,
to the hypothesis damages eyes, ages
provided. skin, weakens plastics,
and fades colors.
Teacher’s Notes
The observations in Conclusion:
this warm-up activity Is your hypothesis
can be used as correct? Why or why not?
examples later on in What is your conclusion
the lesson while then?
discussing the Answers may vary just
application of the compare their
electromagnetic conclusions to the
spectrum. hypothesis provided.

H. Making Generalization:  A photon is a tiny  The visible light

generalization and particle that comprises spectrum is the
abstractions about Light behaves like a wave waves of segment of the
the lesson because it undergoes electromagnetic electromagnetic
ELABORATE reflection, refraction, and radiation. spectrum that the
diffraction just like any  The atoms, molecules, human eye can view.
wave would. Yet there is and fundamental More simply, this
electron and proton range of wavelengths
still more reason to believe
charges are all is called visible light.
in the wavelike nature of examples of physical Typically, the human
light. Light behaves both entities that are eye can detect
as a particle and as a quantized- that is, they wavelengths from 380
wave. Since the days of appear only in certain to 700 nanometers.
Einstein, scientists have discrete values and do  All electromagnetic
been trying to directly not have every radiation is light, but
conceivable value. we can only see a
observe both of these
Quantized is the small portion of this
aspects of light at the opposite of continuous. radiation—the portion
same time. When atoms are we call visible light.
excited, they emit light Cone-shaped cells in
Definition of terms: of certain wavelengths our eyes act as
 Reflection – Is the which correspond to receivers tuned to the
bouncing of light when different colors. The wavelengths in this

it reaches a reflecting emitted light can be narrow band of the
surface or the observed as a series of spectrum. Other
boundary between two colored lines with dark portions of the
spaces in between; spectrum have
this series of colored wavelengths too large
The ray of light that lines is called a line or or too small and
hits the reflecting atomic spectra. Each energetic for the
surface or boundary is element produces a biological limitations
called the incident unique set of spectral of our perception.
ray. lines. Since no two
 Refraction – Is the elements emit the As the full spectrum of
same spectral lines, visible light travels
bending of light due
elements can be through a prism, the
to the change in its identified by their line wavelengths separate
speed when it spectrum. into the colors of the
obliquely passes two  When atoms are rainbow because
different media. excited, they emit light each color is a
of certain wavelengths different wavelength.
which correspond to Violet has the shortest
When light travels from
different colors. The wavelength, at around
a medium with a low 380 nanometers, and
emitted light can be
refractive index to a observed as a series of red has the longest
medium with a higher colored lines with dark wavelength, at around
refractive index, it spaces in between; 700 nanometers.
slows down and this series of colored
refracts closer to the lines is called a line or  Newton observed that
normal line. atomic spectra. Each color is not inherent in
element produces a objects. Rather, the
unique set of spectral surface of an object
lines. Since no two reflects some colors
Rene Descartes and the elements emit the and absorbs all the
Wave Nature of Light same spectral lines, others. We perceive
elements can be only the reflected
Rene Descartes (1596 – identified by their line colors.
1650) studied and spectrum.
Thus, red is not "in"
explained the concept of
an apple. The surface
refraction with the  Electromagnetic of the apple is
assumption that light is a Radiation and the reflecting the
wave. In one of his Wave-Particle Duality. wavelengths we see
Energy can travel as red and absorbing
experiments, he produced
through a vacuum or all the rest. An object
a rainbow by using a appears white when it
matter as
water-filled glass sphere electromagnetic reflects all
and sunlight. He radiation. wavelengths and
explained that the Electromagnetic black when it absorbs
refraction of light caused radiation is a them all.
the formation of rainbows. transverse wave with
magnetic and electric Color is made up of
Descartes explained the
components that red, green, and blue
wave nature of light using light Red, green, and
oscillate perpendicular
the concept of a plenum, to each other. The blue are the additive
an invisible substance electromagnetic primary colors of the
occupying all space not spectrum is the range color spectrum.
occupied by matter. of all possible Combining balanced
wavelengths and amounts of red,
Isaac Newton and frequencies of green, and blue lights
Particle Nature of Light electromagnetic also produces pure
radiation including white. By varying the
Isaac Newton (1643- visible light. amount of red, green,
1727) proposed the  According to the wave- and blue light, all of
corpuscular theory of light, particle duality the colors in the
concept, although visible spectrum can
which states the light was
electromagnetic be produced.
composed of tiny particles radiation is often
called corpuscles that considered to be a  Considered to be part
travel in a straight line and wave, it also behaves of the brain itself, the
can travel through a like a particle. In 1900, retina is covered by
vacuum. Corpuscles while studying black millions of light-
traveling side-by-side body radiation, Max sensitive cells, some
Planck discovered that shaped like rods and
would hit the reflecting
energy was limited to some like cones.
surface at different times, certain values and was These receptors
causing a reversal in the process the light into
image. not continuous as nerve impulses and
assumed in classical pass them along to
In an experiment that physics. This means the cortex of the brain
involves prism, he that when energy via the optic nerve.
observed that the red light increases, it does so  A single photon of
refracted the least, by tiny jumps called ultraviolet light has
quanta (quantum in the enough energy to
whereas the violet light
singular). In other temporarily liberate
refracted the most. This words, a quantum of electrons completely
force was directed towards energy is to the total from a molecule.
the medium with a higher energy of a system as When that happens to
refractive index and could an atom is to the total an atom, it is called an
deflect the path of mass of a system. In ion. When it happens
corpuscles. 1905, Albert Einstein to a molecule, a bond
proposed that energy may be broken and
Christian Huygens and was bundled into you may get an ion
the Wave Nature of Light packets, which and a new molecule
became known as or you may get a free
Christian Huygens photons. The discovery radical or two. When
(1629-1695) proposed a of photons explained this happens, the
why energy increased radical may
wave model that was
in small jumps. If recombine in new
different from that of energy was bundled ways. In some cases,
Descartes. Huygens’s into tiny packets, each you may get
light is that of a additional packet crosslinked bonds.
longitudinal wave in which would contribute a tiny
the medium moves in the amount of energy The net result is that
causing the total the molecules get
same line as the wave.
amount of energy to changed and the skin
He also proposed that light jump by a tiny amount, is damaged.
travels through the aether, rather than increase Sometimes this is
which, like plenum, also smoothly as assumed described as DNA
encompasses all space in classical physics. damage. The body
unoccupied by any other has to try to remove
particle. According to  Photographic paper the damaged tissue.
Huygens, an aether allows reacts to light to Some of the tissue
produce the image dies because it is not
light to pass through. taken by a camera and viable in the new
stored on film. Since form.
Thomas Young was an photographic paper
English scientist, reacts to light, pictures
polymath, and physician. using camera film need
He used his experiment to to be produced (a
process called
demonstrate the wave
developing) in a room
nature of light. that is completely dark.
James Clark Maxwell
These special rooms
was a Scottish physicist used to develop film
best known for his were called darkrooms.
formulation of the Darkrooms used red
electromagnetic theory. lighting to allow
He concluded that light is photographers to
an electromagnetic wave. control light carefully
so that light-sensitive
Albert Einstein was a photographic paper
German-born theoretical would not become
physicist who developed overexposed and ruin
the special and general the pictures during the
theories of relativity and developing process.
won the Nobel Prize for
Physics in 1921 for his Because of the
explanation of the popularity of digital
photoelectric effect. He photography today,
shifted back the darkrooms are not as
argument to the particle popular or necessary
model of light. as they once were.
You can still find them,
though, in professional
photo studios,
colleges, and
photography schools.
 The photographic
film captures the
image formed
by light reflecting from
the surface being
photographed. The
sensitive elements in
the film are crystals of,
most often, silver
halide which can
change their structure
when excited
by light (photons).
 In
a periscope, light fro
m an object strikes the
top mirror at 45° and
bounces off at the
same angle. This
sends light directly
down the tube and
onto the lower mirror.
 Tanning
lamps (sometimes
called tanning bulbs in
the United States
or tanning tubes in
Europe) are part of a
tanning bed, booth, or
another tanning device
produces ultraviolet
light responsible
for indoor tanning. 
 In the 1970s, Polaroid
created an integral or
“instant" film for use in
special cameras. This

special film allowed a
photographer to see a
picture develop right
before his eyes —
without the need for a
darkroom or special
developing techniques.

I. Evaluating learning Direction: Read and Directions: Read the Directions: Read the
EVALUATE understand the statement following questions and following questions and
below and choose and choose the letter of the choose the letter of the
encircle the letter of your correct answer. correct answer.
1. Who proposed the 1. How this photon theory 1. Why the wavelengths
corpuscular theory of of light tells us? separate into different
light? A. Light becomes brighter colors when the full
A. Sir Isaac Newton as emitted but all have the spectrum of visible light
B. Rene Descartes same kinetic energy. travels through a prism?
C. Christiaan Huygens B. The light that contains A. Color has a different
D. Galileo Galilei all frequencies in the wavelength
2. According to Huygens, visible region will appear B. Color has a different
which of the following as visible light. speed
describes an aether? C. Light is an C. Color has the same
A. Aether allows light to electromagnetic wave that frequency
pass through. travels through space at D. Color has a different
B. Aether does not allow the speed of light. frequency but the same
light to pass through. D. Both light and matter energy
C. Aether occupies all consist of tiny particles 2. why we get easily
unoccupied space. which have wavelike sunburned in ultraviolet
D. Aether constitutes the properties associated with light but not in visible
stars and planets. it. light?
3. According to Newton, 2. How the photon theory I. Sunburn is associated
what causes image of light accounts for the with damage caused by
reversal during reflection? atomic spectra? these chemical
A. corpuscles hitting the I. When atoms are processes.
surface at different times excited, they emit light of II. When a UV photon hits
B. corpuscles hitting the certain wavelengths which some compounds in the
surface at identical times correspond to different body (such as DNA), it
C. plenum hitting the colors. has enough energy to
surface at different times II. The emitted light can be "break" it, causing a
D. plenum hitting the observed as a series of chemical reaction that
surface at identical times colored lines with dark results in changes that
4. According to Newton, spaces in between have to be repaired by
what causes refraction? III. Each element the body later.
A. the presence of a force produces a unique set of III. Visible light photons
that was directed towards spectral lines because no lack the energy to get
the medium with higher two elements emit the past this barrier, so they
refractive index same spectral lines, can't cause the same
B. the presence of a force elements can be identified damage.
that was directed towards by their line spectrum. IV. UV has a shorter
the medium with lower IV. When light is shone on wavelength excited your
refractive index an atom, its electrons cells more, causing
C. the presence of absorb photons which abnormal growth and
corpuscles that was cause them to gain energy increasing the likelihood
directed towards the and jump to higher energy of mutations.
medium with higher levels. A. I, II, III
refractive index A. I, II, III B. II, III, IV
D. the presence of B. II, III, IV C. I, III, IV
corpuscles that was C. I, III, IV D. II only
directed towards the D. IV only 3. Which of the following
medium with lower 3. Why red light is used in describes the relationship
refractive index photographic darkrooms? between wavelength,
5. According to Newton, A. To allow photographers frequency, and energy?
which of the following will to control light carefully so A. The longer the
be easily refracted? that light-sensitive wavelength, the higher
A. red laser photographic paper would the frequency and lower
B. blue laser not become overexposed the energy.
C. green laser and ruin the pictures B. The longer the
D. yellow laser during the developing wavelength, the lower the
process. frequency and higher the
Answer Key: B. To allow photographers energy
1. A to capture images and see C. The shorter the
2. A them immediately on a wavelength, the higher
3. A screen. the frequency and the
4. A C. Because the negatives energy
5. B are then used to project D. The shorter the
the photographic image wavelength, the lower the
stored on them onto frequency and the energy
special photographic 4. Which is NOT the use
paper. of ultraviolet light?
D. This special film A. Counterfeit money
allowed a photographer to detector
see a picture develop right B. Food sterilization and
before his eyes — without preservation
the need for a darkroom or C. Light in the hospital to
special developing kill microbes
techniques. D. Mobile phones
5. In what particular
4. Which is NOT the use range of wavelength can
of red light? the human eye detect
A. Photographic Room light?
B. Modern Tanning Bed A. From 360 nm to 620
Technology nm
C. Submarine Periscope B. From 380 nm to 700
D. Closed-Circuit nm
Television C. From 400 nm to 780
5. Which of the following is nm
one of the properties of a D. From 420 nm to 860
photon? nm
A. They are found in
atomic spectra. Answer Key:
B. They have no charge 1. A
like the nucleus 2. A
C. They carry energy and 3. C
power 4. D
D. They move at a 5. B
constant speed of
300000000 m/s

Answer Key:
1. D
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. D
J. Additional activities Activity 4: Title: Match Introduce the fact that ACTIVITY 4: Title: What
for application or me, Correctly! (offline) there are seven happened! (offline)
remediation electromagnetic waves
EXTEND Problem: Who were the and each wave has its Problem: How ultraviolet
scientists who believe in applications. rays affect human
wave Nature of Light? health?
Hypothesis: Rene Hypothesis: Chronic
Descartes and Christiaan exposure to UV radiation
Huygens. also causes several
Materials: degenerative changes in
 Pen and Activity sheets the cells, fibrous tissue,
Procedure: ACTIVITY 4: Title: and blood vessels of the
1. Read the statements Rainbow in Bubbles skin. These include
below. (offline) freckles, nevi, and
2. Match column A with lentigines, which are
its proponent in column Objective: This activity pigmented areas of the
B. will allow the students to skin, and diffuse brown
3. Write the correct letter determine how light is pigmentation. UV
of your answer before responsible for making a radiation accelerates skin
the number provided. rainbow in bubbles. aging, and the gradual
loss of the skin’s
Column A Column B 1. Who were the Problem: Why can you elasticity results in
1. Rene A. Plenu see a rainbow in wrinkles and dry, coarse
scientists who believe in
Descar m bubbles?? skin.
wave Nature of Light? Hypothesis: We see
tes (A) Materials:
2. Isaac B. Inciden colors in bubbles for a • Worksheet and Pen
Rene Descartes and
Newto t ray different reason. When Procedure:
Christiaan Huygens.
n (E) light waves hit bubbles, 1. Read the following
3. Reflect C. Aether some of the light gets guide questions.
ion (B) reflected in your eyes 2. Answer the questions
Conclusion: from the outer surface of
4. Christi D. Bendin Is your hypothesis correct? the bubble. briefly and precisely.
aan g of Why or why not? What is Guide Questions:
Huyge light Materials: 1. How to prevent the
ns (C) 40
5. Refract E. Corpus
ion (D) cles
your conclusion then? ● 1 Bar soap or 2 tbsp. of harmful effects of
Answers may vary just detergent soap ultraviolet rays on
compare their conclusions ● 100 mL of Water and human health?
to the hypothesis bubble blower 1. Avoid overexposure to
provided. ● Small container sunlight. Overexposure
Procedure: to sunlight is known as
1. Drop 2 tablespoon of the underlying cause of
detergent soap or put one harmful effects on the
(1) bar soap into the small skin, eyes, and DNA.
basin. 2. Apply broad-spectrum
2. Fill up the container protection sunscreen
with water. before stepping outside.
3. Stir or shake it to form 3. Wear sunglasses that
bubbles. can filter at least 98% of
3. Use bubble blower in UVA and UVB rays.
making a rainbow in Sunglasses with UV
bubbles coating, or polycarbonate
4. Answer the guide lenses which have built-
questions that follow. in UV coverage, can help
Guide Questions: prevent UV rays.
1. Why do we see a Photochromic lenses are
rainbow in bubbles? also a good choice. UV
We see rainbows because rays can cause a
of the geometry of development of
raindrops. When the sun cataracts, macular
shines from behind us into degeneration, and retina
the rain, incident rays of damage. It is wise to
light enter the drop and cover the skin with loose-
are refracted inwards. fitting clothing and wear a
They are reflected from wide-brimmed hat (3-inch
the back surface of the or 4-inch brim all around)
raindrop and refracted when out in the sun.
again as they exit the 4. Avoid or limit the use
raindrop and return to our of artificial UV light.
eyes. Research has shown the
2. What causes the risk of malignant
colors in soap bubbles? melanoma is much
When light shines onto a higher in people who use
bubble it appears to tanning beds. The risk of
change color. Unlike melanoma increases by
those seen in a rainbow, 75% when indoor tanning
which arises from devices are used before
differential refraction, the the age of 30. Avoid
colors are seen in a soap using tanning devices to
bubble that arises from lower the risk of having
interference of light melanoma and non-
reflecting off the front and melanoma skin cancers.
back surfaces of the thin 2. Why does ultraviolet
soap film. light cause sunburn but
3. Why can you see a visible light does not?
rainbow in bubbles? The energy of photons is
We see colors in bubbles proportional to their
for a different reason. frequency. Ultraviolet
When light waves hit light is of higher
bubbles, some of the light frequency than visible
gets reflected in your eyes light; therefore, it has
from the outer surface of higher energy. UV is
the bubble. sufficiently energetic to
cause skin damage,
Conclusion: while visible light is not.
Is your hypothesis 3. How ultraviolet rays
correct? Why or why not? affect human health?
What is your conclusion Chronic exposure to UV
then? radiation also causes
Answers may vary just several degenerative
compare their conclusions changes in the cells,
to the hypothesis fibrous tissue, and blood
provided. vessels of the skin.
These include freckles,
Teacher’s Notes nevi, and lentigines,
The response of the which are pigmented
learners on the activity areas of the skin, and
can be used later on in diffuse brown
this lesson to allow pigmentation. UV
the students to critic radiation accelerates skin
their ideas regarding aging, and the gradual
the formation of atomic loss of the skin’s
spectra. elasticity results in
wrinkles and dry, coarse
ACTIVITY 5: Title: Waves skin.
along a Rope! (offline)
Is your hypothesis
correct? Why or why not?
What is your conclusion
Answers may vary just
compare their conclusion
to the hypothesis
This activity will allow the
students to demonstrate
the transverse waves
using a rope.

Problem: How can

transverse waves be
produced on a rope?

Hypothesis: In this case,

the medium will be the
rope. When you move the
rope up and down, you
create motion in the
particles that make up that
● 1.5 m Rope
1. Tie one end of a rope
and hold the other end.
2. Move one end of the
rope up and down to
create motion.
Guide Questions:
1. Is it possible to
produce a longitudinal
wave on a rope? Why?
No, because a rope does
not stretch freely like the
2. Is light a transverse
wave? How?
Light is another example
of a transverse wave,
where the oscillations are
the electric and magnetic
fields, which point at right
angles to the ideal light
rays that describe the
direction of propagation.
3. How can transverse
waves be produced on a
In this case, the medium
will be the rope. When
you move the rope up and
down, you create motion
in the particles that make
up that rope.

Is your hypothesis
correct? Why or why not?
What is your conclusion

Answers may vary just
compare their conclusions
to the hypothesis

Answer key:

Guide Questions:
1. What do you
mean by one-half

Means that one-half

wavelength is one crest
node to node (as
illustrated above) or one
trough node to node or
one crest one trough
2. How can you describe
the difference between
crest and trough?
The crest is a point on a
wave with the maximum
value or upward
displacement within a
cycle, while the trough is
the opposite of a crest, so
the minimum or lowest
point in a cycle.

Is your hypothesis
correct? Why or why not?
What is your conclusion
Answers may vary just
compare their conclusions
to the hypothesis
A. No. Of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. Of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. Of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these works?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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