Equipment Encyclopedia v2.0.5

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Cover Art Graphic Design and Layout DrainSmith

CRB.........................................................................Genesys Core Rulebook SotB....................................................... Android: Shadow of the Beanstalk
ROT................................................................................Realms of Terrinoth

Compilers Note: Sample weapons and armor in Genesys are not balanced across genres and set-
tings. The items here are not intended to be used in a single setting, but rather a single source to
find details more easily.

Document Version 2.0.5

This is a fan publication and is not
produced by Fantasy Flight Games.
© 2017 Fantasy Flight Games. Genesys is a trademark of Fantasy Flight Games.
Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are registered trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games.

If you have problems, questions, or feedback about this document,

please contact me at or on Discord as DrainSmith#0001

equipment encyclopedia
table 1.1 - fantasy Weapons
Melee weapons
Axe Melee (Light) +3 3 Engaged 2 1 150 1 Vicious 1 ROT p94

Cestus Brawl +1 4 Engaged 1 0 40 1 Disorient 3 ROT p94

Dagger Melee (Light) +2 3 Engaged 1 1 60 1 Accurate 1 ROT p94

Flail Melee (Heavy) +4 3 Engaged 4 2 150 3 Cumbersome 3, Linked 1, ROT p94

Unwieldy 3
Greataxe Melee (Heavy) +4 3 Engaged 4 2 300 4 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, ROT p94
Vicious 1
Greatsword Melee (Light) +4 3 Engaged 3 2 300 4 Defensive 1, Pierce 3, ROT p94
Unweildy 3
Halberd Melee (Heavy) +3 3 Engaged 5 3 250 4 Defensive 1, Pierce 3 ROT p94

Katar Brawl +1 2 Engaged 1 1 175 4 Accurate 1 ROT p94

Mace Melee (Light) +3 3 Engaged 2 1 75 4 ROT p94

Military Pick Melee (Light) +1 2 Engaged 3 2 160 2 Pierce 2 ROT p94

Pike Melee (Heavy) +4 4 Short 4 2 100 2 Prepare 1 ROT p94

Shield* Melee (Light) +0 3 Engaged 2 1 80 4 Defensive 1, Deflection 1, ROT p94

Inaccurate 1, Knockdown
Shield, Large Melee (Light) +1 5 Engaged 2 1 160 2 Defensive 2, Deflection 2, ROT p94
Inaccurate 2, Knockdown
Shield, Bulwark Melee (Light) +2 5 Engaged 3 2 280 3 Cumbersome 4, Defensive ROT p94
2, Deflection 3, Inaccurate
2, Knockdown, Reinforced
Spear Melee (Heavy) +3 3 Engaged 3 2 110 2 Accurate 1 ROT p94

Spear, Light Melee (Light) +2 4 Engaged 2 1 90 1 Accurate 1, Defensive 1 ROT p94

Staff Melee (Light) +2 4 Engaged 2 1 40 0 Defensive 1 ROT p94

Sword Melee (Light) +3 2 Engaged 1 1 200 4 Defensive 1 ROT p94

War Hammer Melee (Heavy) +5 4 Engaged 4 2 600 3 Concussive 1, Cumber- ROT p94
some 4, Inaccurate 1,

Ranged Weapons
Bow Ranged (Light) 7 3 Medium 2 1 275 2 Unwieldy 2 ROT p 95
Crossbow Ranged (Light) 7 2 Medium 3 2 600 4 Pierce 2, Prepare 1 ROT p 95
Crossbow, Hand Ranged (Light) 5 2 Short 3 2 750 4 Pierce 1, Prepare 1 ROT p 95
Crossbow, Heavy Ranged (Heavy) 8 2 Long 4 2 1000 5 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 3, ROT p 95
Prepare 2
Crossbow, Ranged (Heavy) 6 2 Short 3 2 800 7 Linked 2, Prepare 2 ROT p 95
Longbow Ranged (Light) 8 3 Long 3 2 450 3 Unwieldy 3 ROT p 95
Sling Ranged (Light) 4 4 Medium 0 0 20 0 Disorient 2, Prepare 1 ROT p 95
Throwing Axe Ranged (Light) +2 3 Short 1 50 1 Inaccurate 1, Limited ROT p 95
Ammo 1, Vicious 1

*Special rules apply. See source book for additional details

equipment encyclopedia
table 1.2 - fantasy armor
Type Defense Soak Encumbrance HP PRICE RARITY Source
Brigadine 1 +1 2 1 400 5 ROT p 96
Chainmail 0 +2 3 2 550 4 ROT p 96
Heavy Robes 1 0 1 1 45 0 ROT p 96
Leather 0 +1 2 1 50 3 ROT p 96

Magic Plate 2 +2 3 2 2400 8 CRB p145

Padded 0 +1 2 0 35 2 ROT p 96
Plate 1 +2 4 2 4000 6 ROT p 96
Scale 0 +2 4 1 410 4 ROT p 96

table 1.3 - Steampunk Weapons

Melee weapons
Rotorsword Melee (Heavy) +3 2 Engaged 5 3 400 7 Cumbersome 3, Inaccurate CRB p154
1, Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious
Spring-Fist Brawl +4 4 Engaged 2 1 525 5 Concussive 1, Slow-Fir- CRB p154
ing 2
Sword Cane Melee (Light) +1 2 Engaged 1 1 110 3 Defensive 1 CRB p154

Ranged Weapons
Auto-Rotary Gun Ranged (Heavy) 11 3 Long 7 4 1100 6 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 4, CRB p154
Prepare 1
Clockwork Ranged (Light) 8 3 Short 1 1 50 6 Blast 5, Burn 1, CRB p154
Grenade Limited Ammo 1
Death Ray Ranged (Heavy) 12 1 Short 5 3 4500 10 Breach 2, Inaccurate 2, CRB p154
Slow-Firing 1, Vicious 5
Hand Cannon Ranged (Light) 9 3 Medium 3 2 400 Knockdown, Limited CRB p154
Ammo 1, Prepare 1
Repeating Rifle Ranged (Light) 8 3 Long 4 2 500 4 CRB p154
Rotor Pistol Ranged (Light) 5 4 Short 2 1 280 7 Auto-fire, Limited Ammo 1 CRB p154

table 1.4 - steampunk armor

Type Defense Soak Encumbrance HP PRICE RARITY Source
Amplimotive Armor 1 +2 3 2 1250 9 CRB p155
Cogsuit 1 +1 3 2 275 3 CRB p155
Insulated Garb 0 +1 3 2 175 2 CRB p155

equipment encyclopedia
table 1.7 - Science Fiction Ranged Weapons
Assault Rifle Ranged (Heavy) 8 3 Long 4 3 1000 (R) 7 Auto-fire SotB p85
Bullpup Carbine Ranged (Heavy) 7 3 Medium 3 2 825 7 Accurate 1, Auto-fire SotB p85
Combat Shotgun Ranged (Heavy) 8 3 Short 4 2 1000 (R) 5 Auto-Fire, Blast 5, SotB p85
Inaccurate 1, Vicious 2
Hand Cannon Ranged (Light) 7 3 Medium 1 3 345 3 Inaccurate 1, SotB p85
Limited Ammo 4
Light Pistol Ranged (Light) 5 4 Short 1 1 100 2 SotB p85
Pistol Ranged (Light) 6 3 Medium 1 2 300 2 SotB p85
Rifle Ranged (Heavy) 8 3 Long 4 3 875 4 Accurate 1 SotB p85
Shotgun Ranged (Heavy) 8 3 Short 3 2 900 4 Blast 5, Knockdown, SotB p85
Vicious 2
Submachine Gun Ranged (Light) 5 3 Medium 2 1 400 (R) 4 SotB p85

Mass drivers
Auto-Fletcher Ranged (Light) 3 2 Medium 2 1 500 5 Auto-fire, Pierce 2, SotB p85
Vicious 2
Flecher Ranged (Heavy) 4 2 Medium 3 2 675 (R) 5 Blast 4, Pierce 2, Vicious 3 SotB p85
Flecher Pistol Ranged (Light) 4 2 Medium 1 2 450 4 Pierce 2, Vicious 2 SotB p85
Gauss Rifle Ranged (Heavy) 10 2 Extreme 5 3 2000 6 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 5, SotB p85
Slow-Firing 1

Energy Weapons
Laser Pistol Ranged (Light) 6 3 Short 2 1 650 7 Accurate 1, Burn 1 SotB p85
Laser Rifle Ranged (Heavy) 8 3 Medium 4 2 900 7 Accurate 1, Burn 1 SotB p85
Synap Pistol Ranged (Light) 5 6 Short 1 2 375 2 Disorient 4, Stun 3, Stun SotB p85

Fire Support Weapons

Guided Missile Gunnery 20 3 Strategic 6 3 25000 8 Blast 10, Breach 2, Cum- SotB p85
Launcher (R) bersome 5, Guided 4, Lim-
ited Ammo 1, Prepare 1
Heavy Fletcher* Gunnery 6 2 Medium 6 3 1400 (R) 5 Cumbersome 3, Blast 6, SotB p85
Pierce 4, Vicious 3
Heavy Gauss Rifle Gunnery 15 2 Extreme 7 3 4000 (R) 8 Breach 1, Cumbersome 5, SotB p85
Slow-Firing 1
Laser Cannon Gunnery 10 3 Long 6 2 1675 (R) 9 Accurate 1, Burn 1, SotB p85
Cumbersome 4, Sunder
Light Machine Gun Gunnery 10 3 Long 6 4 1750 (R) 6 Auto-fire, Cumbersome 3, SotB p85
Pierce 2, Vicious 2
Maser Gunnery 5 3 Short 6 2 1275 (R) 6 Breach 1, Cumbersome 5, SotB p85
Unwieldy 2, Vicious 5
Micro-Missile Gunnery 12 4 Long 5 3 3000 (R) 6 Blast 10, Cumbersome 4, SotB p85
Launcher Guided 3, Limited Ammo
3, Prepare 1

table 1.7 - Science Fiction Explosives and Ordnance

Glop Grenade Ranged (Light) 1 6 Short 1 50 5 Blast 1, Ensnare 4, SotB p85
Limited Ammo 1
Monofilament Ranged (Light) 7 3 Short 1 85 (R) 4 Blast 7, Limited Ammo 1, SotB p85
Grenade Vicious 2
Stun Grenade Ranged (Light) 8 5 Short 1 70 4 Blast 8, Disorient 3, SotB p85
Limited Ammo 1, Stun Damage

*Special rules apply. See source book for additional details

equipment encyclopedia
table 1.7 - Science Fiction brawl and melee Weapons
brawl weapons
Brass Knuckles Brawl +1 4 Engaged 1 1 40 1 Disorient 3 SotB p. 91
Chromcrushers Brawl +3 4 Engaged 2 1 250 (R) 3 Linked 1 SotB p. 91
Palm Stunner Brawl 5 5 Engaged 0 0 70 3 Disorient 2, Slow-firing 2, SotB p. 91
Stun Damage
Power Gauntlet Brawl +4 4 Engaged 3 2 1120 (R) 6 Concussive 2, Knockdown, SotB p. 91
Prepare 1

Melee weapons
Charged Crystal Melee +3 2 Engaged 3 2 600 10 Defensive 1, Pierce 3, SotB p. 91
Katana Reinforced, Unwieldy 3
Monoblade Melee +1 2 Engaged 1 1 225 3 Pierce 2 SotB p. 91
Plasma Cutter Melee 12 3 Engaged 5 3 725 5 Burn 1, Prepare 1, Sunder, SotB p. 91
Unwieldy 2
Sledgehammer Melee +4 4 Engaged 4 4 200 2 Cumbersome 2, SotB p. 91
Stun Baton Melee +2 5 Engaged 1 2 125 2 Disorient 3, Stun Damage SotB p. 91
Stun Gun Melee 6 5 Engaged 1 1 200 3 Stun 4, Stun Damage SotB p. 91
Waterknife Melee 10 3 Engaged 4 1 850 4 Prepare 1, Sunder, SotB p. 91
Unwieldy 3 Vicious 3

table 1.8 - science fiction armor

Type Defense Soak Encumbrance HP PRICE RARITY Source
Durable Clothing 0 +1 1 1 50 1 SotB p. 95
Concealed Buckyweave 1 +1 1 2 320 5 SotB p. 95
Environment Hardsuit 0 +1 4 2 260 4 SotB p. 95
Optical Camo Suit 2 +0 2 1 580 (R) 7 SotB p. 95

Combat suits
Light Body Armor 0 +2 2 1 500 5 SotB p. 95
Personal Exosuit 0 +3 5 4 5000 (R) 6 SotB p. 95
Plasteel Carapace 1 +2 4 3 750 (R) 5 SotB p. 95
Riot Armor 0 +2 3 2 550 5 SotB p. 95

equipment encyclopedia
table 1.9 - modern Weapons
Melee weapons
Brass Knuckles Brawl +1 4 Engaged 1 1 40 1 Disorient 3 CRB p166

Collapsible Baton Melee (Light) +2 3 Engaged 1 1 70 2 CRB p166

Knife Melee (Light) +1 3 Engaged 1 1 25 1 CRB p91

Stun Gun Melee (Light) 5 6 Engaged 1 1 100 3 Stun 3, Stun Damage CRB p166

Ranged Weapons
Assault Rifle Ranged (Heavy) 8 3 Long 4 2 1000 7 Auto-Fire CRB p166
Heavy Pistol Ranged (Light) 6 3 Medium 1 1 300 3 CRB p166
Hunting Rifle Ranged (Heavy) 8 3 Long 4 2 750 4 Accurate 1, CRB p166
Limited Ammo 2
Light Pistol Ranged (Light) 5 4 Short 1 1 100 3 CRB p166
Machine Gun Gunnery 10 3 Long 6 3 1500 6 Auto-fire, Cumbersome 2, CRB p166
Pierce 2, Vicious 2
Portable Missile Gunnery 20 2 Extreme 8 4 100000 8 Blast 10, Breach 2, CRB p166
Launcher Cumbersome 3, Guided 3,
Limited Ammo 1,
Prepare 1
Revolver Ranged (Light) 6 4 Medium 2 1 350 4 Accurate 1 CRB p91
Shotgun Ranged (Heavy) 8 3 Short 3 2 500 3 Blast 4, Knockdown, CRB p166
Vicious 2
Submachine Gun Ranged (Light) 5 3 Medium 2 1 400 6 Auto-Fire CRB p166
Sniper Rifle Ranged (Heavy) 9 2 Extreme 4 2 1200 6 Accurate 2, Limited Ammo CRB p166
4, Pierce 2

table 1.10 - modern armor

Type Defense Soak Encumbrance HP PRICE RARITY Source
Flak Vest 0 +2 3 2 475 5 CRB p168
Ghillie Suit 1 +0 1 1 95 4 CRB p168
Heavy Jacket 0 +1 1 1 50 1 CRB p92
Riot Armor 2 +1 5 3 675 6 CRB p168

equipment encyclopedia
table 1.5 - weird war Weapons
Melee weapons
Electric Truncheon Melee (Light) +2 3 Engaged 1 1 150 5 Disorient 3, Stun Damage CRB p161

Razor Whip Melee (Light) +1 3 Short 1 1 290 7 Ensnare 1, Pierce 3, Un- CRB p161
wieldy 3

Ranged Weapons
DEW Pistol Ranged (Light) 6 3 Short 4 2 450 8 Burn 1 CRB p161
DEW Rifle Ranged (Heavy) 8 3 Medium 6 3 900 8 Burn 2 CRB p161
Flash Gun Ranged (Heavy) 6 3 Medium 4 2 900 7 Auto-fire, Disorient, CRB p161
Pierce 2
Flash Machine Gun Gunnery 10 2 Long 8 4 1450 9 Auto-fire, Cumbersome 3, CRB p161
Disorient 2, Inaccurate 1,
Pierce 2, Vicious 3
Meteop Launcher Gunnery 12 2 Medium 6 3 850 7 Blast 8, Cumbersome 3, CRB p161
Limited Ammo 1

table 1.6 - weird war armor

Type Defense Soak Encumbrance HP PRICE RARITY Source
Illirium BG-42 Vest 0 +2 4 2 600 6 CRB p162
Tesla Coil 2 +0 2 1 550 8 CRB p162

equipment encyclopedia
table 1.11 - space opera Weapons
Melee weapons
Shudder Blade Melee (Light) +2 2 Engaged 1 1 450 5 Pierce 2, Vicious 3 CRB p184

Ranged Weapons
Assault Cannon Gunnery 15 3 Long 6 3 4500 3 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 4, CRB p184
Inaccurate 1, Pierce 3,
Vicious 3
Grenade Lobber Gunnery 8 4 Long 5 3 1000 5 Accurate 2, Blast 6, CRB p184
Limited Ammo 6
Laser Cannon Gunnery 9 3 Extreme 8 4 3120 6 Breach 2, Cumbersome 3 CRB p184
Laser Pistol (SO) Ranged (Light) 5 3 Medium 2 1 360 4 Pierce 2 CRB p184
Laser Rifle (SO) Ranged (Heavy) 6 4 Long 4 2 860 4 Pierce 4 CRB p184
Particle Grenade Ranged (Light) 6 4 Short 1 1 200 5 Blast 3, Concussive 1, CRB p184
Disorient 3,
Limited Ammo 1, Stun
Plasma Cannon Gunnery 10 2 Long 7 4 2000 7 Blast 10, Burn 1, Cumber- CRB p184
some 3, Slow-Firing 1
Plasma Pistol Ranged (Light) 10 2 Short 2 1 1200 4 Burn 1 CRB p184
Plasma Rifle Ranged (Heavy) 10 2 Medium 4 2 1400 4 Burn 1 CRB p184
Sliver Rocket Gunnery 15 2 Extreme 7 4 10000 6 Breach 4, Cumbersome 3, CRB p184
Launcher Guided 4, Limited Ammo
3, Prepare 1, Vicious 5
Slug Pistol Ranged (Light) 6 4 Short 1 1 200 1 CRB p184
Slug Rifle Ranged (Heavy) 7 4 Medium 3 2 375 1 Auto-Fire CRB p184

table 1.12 - space opera armor

Type Defense Soak Encumbrance HP PRICE RARITY Source
Elite Shock Armor 1 +2 5 3 4000 6 CRB p186
Infantry Combat Armor 0 +2 2 3 700 5 CRB p186
Personal Force Field 3 +0 1 1 2000 8 CRB p186

table 1.13 - Improvised Weapons

Bottle, fist-sized rock Melee (Light) +1 5 Engaged 1 - - CRB p109
Two-handed rock, chair Melee (Heavy) +2 5 Engaged 3 - - Cumbersome 2 CRB p109
Shovel, tree branch, table Melee (Heavy) +3 5 Engaged 4 - - Cumbersome 4 CRB p109

equipment encyclopedia
Item Qualities might decide that everyone in the room suffers damage.
If the Blast quality doesn’t activate, the ordnance still det-
Accurate (Passive) onates, but bad luck or poor aim on the part of the firer
(or quick reactions on the part of the targets) means the
Accurate weapons are easier to aim or wield, whether explosion may not catch anyone else in its radius. How-ev-
through design or technology. For each level of this quality, er, the user may also trigger Blast if the attack misses by
the attacker adds j to their combat checks while using spending
this weapon.
aaa. In this case, the original target and
every target engaged with the original target suffers a hit
dealing damage equal to the Blast rating of the weapon.
Auto-Fire (Active)
A weapon with Auto-fire can be set to shoot in rapid suc- reach assive(P )
cession and potentially spray an area with bolts, flechettes, Weapons with Breach burn through the tough-est armor;
slugs, or other types of projectiles. The advantage in using they are often heavy weapons or weapons mounted on
Auto-fire is that it has the chance to hit multiple targets or some sort of vehicle.
to hit a single target multiple times.
Hits from weapons with the Breach quality ignore one
As attacking with a weapon on Auto-fire is generally less point of vehicle armor for every rating of Breach (meaning
accurate, the attacker must increase the difficulty of the they also ignore 10 soak for every rating of Breach).
combat check by k. The user may choose not to use the
Auto-fire quality on a weapon; in this case, they cannot
trigger the quality but also do not suffer the aforemen-
B (A
urn ctive )
tioned penalty. Weapons with Burn inflict damage over time. When Burn
is triggered, one target hit by the attack continues to suffer
If the attack hits, the attacker can trigger Auto-fire by
the weapon’s base damage each round for a number of
spending aa. Auto-fire can be triggered multiple times.
rounds equal to the weapon’s Burn rating. Apply damage
Each time the attacker triggers Auto-fire, it deals an addi-
at the start of each of the target’s turns. If multiple targets
tional hit to the target. Each of these counts as an addition-
suffer hits from a weapon with Burn, the quality may be
al hit from that weapon, and each hit deals base damage
triggered multiple times, affecting a different target each
plus the number of s on the check.
These additional hits can be allocated to the original tar-
A victim might be able to stop the damage by per-form-
get, or to other targets within range of the weapon. If the
ing an action to roll around and make a Coordination
attacker wishes to hit multiple targets, they must decide to
check. The difficulty is Average (kk) on hard surfaces such
do so before making the check. Furthermore, if they wish
as the floor of a building, or an Easy (k) on grass or soft
to hit multiple targets, their initial target must always be
ground. Jumping into a body of water stops the damage
the target with the highest difficulty and high-est defense
immediately. Both situations assume the flame is from ac-
(if this is two separate targets, the GM chooses which is
tual combustion rather than a chemical reaction. With the
the initial target). The initial hit must always be against the
latter, there is usually little the victim can do.
initial target. Subsequent hits generated can be allocated
to any of the other designated targets.
Concussive (Active)
Auto-fire weapons can also activate one Critical Injury
The weapon’s attack can leave the target shell-shocked
for each hit generated on the attack, per the normal rules;
from mighty blows or punishing shock waves, unable to
the Critical Injury must be applied to the tar-get of the
perform any but the most basic actions. When Concussive
specific hit.
is triggered, one target hit by the attack is staggered (see
page 114) for a number of rounds equal to the weapon’s
B (A
last ctive ) Concussive rating. A staggered target can-not perform
The weapon has a large spread, an explosive blast, or a actions. If multiple targets suffer hits from a weapon with
similar area of effect, like a detonated grenade or a war- Concussive, the quality may be triggered multiple times,
head fired from a missile launcher. If the attack is suc- affecting a different target each time.
cessful and Blast activates, each character (friend or foe)
engaged with the original target suffers a hit dealing dam-
age equal to the Blast quality’s rating, plus damage equal
to the total s scored on the check.
In a relatively small and enclosed area, the Game Master

equipment encyclopedia
Cumbersome (Passive) specified in the weapon’s description. The Guided quality
can activate on any subsequent combat check it makes,
A Cumbersome weapon is large, unwieldy, awkward, representing the projectile continuing to track the target.
or heavy. To wield a Cumbersome weapon properly, the
character needs a Brawn characteristic equal to or great- naccurate assive (P )
er than the weapon’s Cumbersome rating. For each point
of Brawn by which the character is deficient, they must Inaccurate weapons are less likely to be accurate or pre-
increase the difficulty of all checks made while using the cise. When making an attack with an Inaccurate weapon,
weapon by one. add j to the check equal to the Inaccurate rating.

Defensive (Passive) Inferior (Passive)

An item with the Defensive quality increases the user’s An Inferior item is a lackluster example of its kind, repre-
melee defense by its Defensive rating. senting shoddy and poor craftsmanship. An Inferior item
generates automatic h on all checks related to its use.
Deflection (Passive)
Knockdown (Active)
An item with the Deflection quality increases the user’s
ranged defense by its Deflection rating. When Knockdown is triggered, one target hit by the at-
tack is knocked prone. If multiple targets suffer hits from
Disorient (Active) a weapon with Knockdown, the quality may be triggered
multiple times, affecting a different target each time.
A weapon with Disorient can daze an opponent. When
Disorient is triggered, one target hit by the attack is dis-ori- Unless specified otherwise, Knockdown requires aa
ented (see page 114) for a number of rounds equal to the to trigger, plus one additional a per silhouette of the
weapon’s Disorient rating. A disoriented target adds j to target beyond 1.
all skill checks they perform. If multiple tar-gets suffer hits
from a weapon with Disorient, the quality may be trig- imited mmo assive (P )
gered multiple times, affecting a different target each time. Some weapons fire particularly large or complex projec-
tiles that cost lots of money. Other weapons are expend-
E (A
nsare ctive ) able weapons like grenades that, once used, are destroyed.
A weapon with Ensnare binds a foe and restricts their A weapon with the Limited Ammo quality may be used
movements. When Ensnare is triggered, one target hit by to make a number of attacks equal to its Limited Ammo
the attack becomes immobilized (see page 114) for a num- rating before it must be reloaded with a maneuver. In addi-
ber of rounds equal to the weapon’s Ensnare rating. An tion, each shot expends one of a limited number of rounds
immobilized target cannot perform maneuvers. If multiple of ammo; more ammo must be purchased or obtained
targets suffer hits from a weapon with Ensnare, the quality before anyone fires the weapon again. This also applies to
may be triggered multiple times, affecting a different target grenades and other “one-use” weapons that have the Limit-
each time. ed Ammo 1 quality (here, your character is not “reloading”
the grenade, but drawing another to use—mechanically,
An Ensnared target may perform an action to attempt a they are equivalent).
Hard (kkk) Athletics check on their turn to break free
from the effect. L (A
inked ctive )
Guided (Active) Some weapons are designed to fire together at the same
target (turrets housing multiple guns are a good example
A weapon with the Guided quality can track opponents. of this). When a character fires a linked weapon, on a suc-
The Guided quality can only be triggered if an attack miss- cessful attack, the weapon deals one hit. The wielder may
es. If Guided is triggered, the controlling character may spend aa to gain an additional hit, and may do so a
make a combat check at the end of the round as an out- number of times equal to the weapon’s Linked rating. Ad-
of-turn incidental. The difficulty of this combat check is ditional hits from the Linked weapon may only be applied
Average (kk); instead of building the ability of the pool against the original target. Each hit deals the weapon’s base
normally, add k equal to the weapon’s Guided rating. If damage plus damage equal to the s scored on the check.
the check is successful, the weapon strikes the target, and
the attack is resolved normally. Pierce (Passive)
Guided requires aaa to activate, unless otherwise Any hits from this weapon ignore a number of points

equipment encyclopedia
point of soak equal to the weapon’s Pierce rating. If the even if the attack is unsuccessful. Sunder may be activated
weapon has more ranks of Pierce than the target’s total multiple times in the same attack, but each activation must
soak, it completely ignores the target’s soak. For example, be applied to the same item, potentially taking it from
Pierce 3 against a soak of 2 ignores two points of soak, but undamaged to destroyed in a single attack.
the extra point of Pierce has no further effect.
Superior (Passive)
Prepare (Passive) A Superior item is a sterling example of its kind, rep-re-
Items with this quality require time to set up before being senting masterful craftsmanship. A Superior item generates
used. The user must perform a number of preparation automatic a on all checks related to its use.
maneuvers equal to the item’s Prepare rating before us-
ing the item (if the item is a weapon, “using” it would be Tractor (Passive)
making attacks with the weapon). At your GM’s discretion,
Instead of firing searing beams of laser fire or crackling
moving with the item, being knocked prone with the item,
ion discharges, this weapon fires relatively harmless elec-
or other disruptions may require the user to perform the
tromagnetic beams that ensnare ships and hold them fast
preparation maneuvers again before using the item.
in space. Tractor beams, like all weapons, are fired at their
target using the appropriate skill check with all suitable
R (P
einforced assive ) modifiers. Once the weapon hits its target, the target may
Weapons or items with the Reinforced quality are im- not move unless its pilot makes a successful Piloting check
mune to the Sunder quality. Armor with the Rein-forced with a difficulty equal to the tractor beam’s rating. If the
quality make the wearer’s soak immune to the Pierce and target is an individual character, the character is immobi-
Breach qualities. lized while the beam is active.
(Weapons with the Tractor quality are only going to show
Slow-Firing (Passive) up in sci-fi settings, and probably only the more fanciful
Slow-Firing weapons tend to deal incredible damage, sci-fi settings! However, they are such a staple in those
but need time to recharge or cool down between shots. settings that we included the quality here.)
A weapon’s Slow-Firing rating dictates the number of
rounds that must pass before the weapon can be fired nwieldy assive (P )
again after attacking. For example, a heavy laser cannon
An Unwieldy weapon is a weapon that can be particular-
with Slow-Firing 2 must wait two rounds after being fired
ly awkward to use for those without impressive dexterity
before it can be fired again.
and hand-eye coordination. To wield an Unwieldy weapon
properly, the character needs an Agility characteristic equal
S (A
tun ctive ) to or greater than the weapon’s Unwieldy rating. For each
A weapon with Stun can deal strain to the target. When point of Agility by which the character is deficient, they
the Stun quality is activated, it inflicts strain equal to the must increase the difficulty of all checks made while using
weapon’s Stun rating. Since this is strain, and not strain the weapon by one.
damage, it is not reduced by the target’s soak.
Vicious (Passive)
Stun Damage (Passive) When an attack with this weapon results in a Critical
A weapon with this quality can only deal strain dam-age Injury or Hit, the character adds ten times the Vicious
(damage applied to the target’s strain threshold). Because rating to the Critical roll. With Vicious 3, for example, you
this is strain damage, not strain, it is still reduced by a would add +30 to the resulting Critical Injury or Hit result.
target’s soak.

Sunder (Active)
When activating Sunder, the attacker chooses one item
openly wielded by the target (such as a weapon, shield, or
item on a belt). That item is damaged one step: to minor if
undamaged, from minor to moderate, or from moder-ate
to major. If an item already suffering major damage is the
target of a successful Sunder, it is destroyed.
Sunder requires a to activate, and may be activated

equipment encyclopedia
Weapon Attachments table 2.1 - Weapon Attachments

Balanced Hilt Attachment HP Price Rarity

Balanced Hilt 1 1000 6
This attachment represents modifying a melee weapon’s Bipod Mount 1 250 2
balance (particularly around the hilt or haft) to make it
Duelist Cross Guard 1 800 5
easier to control. This kind of attachment makes sense
Extended Barrel 2 1,000 4
for any setting (even futuristic combat knives can benefit
from being finely weighted or balanced). Hair Trigger 1 150 3
Razor Edge 1 1,250 6
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any weap-
Recurve Limbs 1 300 4
ons that use the Melee (Light) skill and to one-handed
Serrated Edge 1 75 2
weapons that use the Melee skill.
Superior Weapon Customization 1 750 7
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Accurate 1 quality, or
Telescopic Sight 1 200 3
increases any existing Accurate quality by 1. (If the weap-
Tripod Mount 2 400 3
on has the Inaccurate quality, it reduces that quality’s rat-
Under-Barrel Flamethrower 2 3,000 6
ing by 1 to a minimum of 0, instead.)
Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher 2 1,500 5
Hard Points Required: 1.
Under-Barrel Shotgun 2 1,000 4

Bipod Mount Weapon Sling 1 25 1

Weighted Head 1 250 2
A bipod (a folding, two-legged stand) can be attached
to the barrel of a firearm. The legs stabilize the firearm
and take up some of its weight. This kind of attachment Extended Barrel
makes sense for the weird war, modern day, science fic- This attachment extends the barrel (or makes similar
tion, and space opera settings. modifications) to make the weapon fire farther. This kind
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any Ranged of attachment makes sense for the weird war, modern
(Heavy) or Gunnery weapon. day, science fiction, and space opera settings.

Modifiers: If the user spends one preparation maneu- Use With: This attachment can be applied to any Ranged
ver to deploy the bipod, the weapon’s Cumbersome or (Light), Ranged (Heavy), or Gunnery weapons (you may
Unwieldy qualities are reduced by 2, to a minimum of exclude weapons such as grenades, or weapons that fire
0, and the weapon’s encumbrance is reduced by 2, to a self-propelled ammo such as missile launchers).
mini-mum of 0, while the user fires from a crouched or Modifiers: The weapon’s range increases by one range
prone position (or can brace the bipod against something band, to a maximum of extreme range. The weapon gains
solid). the Cumbersome 2 quality, or increases its existing Cum-
Hard Points Required: 1. bersome quality by 2.
Hard Points Required: 2.
Duelist Cross Guard
This attachment represents modifying the cross guard of Hair Trigger
a sword to better catch and lock the blade of an oppo- A “hair trigger” represents a modification that allows the
nent. This kind of attachment makes sense for the fantasy
user to fire a weapon very quickly, although this can be at
setting, but could make sense for any setting where duel-
the expense of accuracy. This kind of attachment makes
ing with swords is common. sense for the weird war, modern day, science fiction, and
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any sword, space opera settings.
whether one-handed or two-handed. Use With: This attachment can be applied to any pistol.
Modifiers: When an opponent resolves a melee combat Modifiers: When the user makes the first combat check
check against the wielder, if the check generated at least with this weapon in an encounter, add sh to the results.
one uncanceled h, the wielder may suffer 1 strain as an Hard Points Required: 1.
out-of-turn incidental to add hh to the results.
Hard Points Required: 1.

equipment encyclopedia
Razor Edge Telescopic Sight
This attachment represents sharpening a blade to a ra- A telescopic sight magnifies a target, allowing the
zor edge, then reinforcing or treating that edge so that it
user to shoot targets that they could normally barely
can withstand repeated blows. This kind of attachment be able to see (futuristic versions may use special en-
makes sense for any setting. hanced optics, rather than simple lenses). This kind
of attachment makes sense for the weird war, mod-
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any close
ern day, science fiction, and space opera settings.
combat weapon that has a blade.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any ranged
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Pierce 2 quality, or in- weapon that could logically benefit from the addition of
creases any existing Pierce quality by 1. The weapon also a telescopic sight.
decreases its Crit rating by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Modifiers: The user reduces the difficulty of ranged com-
Hard Points Required: 1. bat checks made with this weapon at long and extreme
range by 1.
Recurve Limbs Hard Points Required: 1.
Making the limbs of a bow or crossbow curve away from
the wielder increases the penetrating power of the bow’s Tripod Mount
shots, even if it also makes the bow larger and more dif-
Like a bipod, the tripod mount is a set of three folding
ficult to wield. This kind of attachment makes sense for
legs that deploy from the center of the weapon to provide
fantasy settings.
a stable stand to fire from. This kind of attachment makes
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any bow or sense for the weird war, modern day, science fiction, and
crossbow. space opera settings.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Pierce 2 quality, or in- Use With: This attachment can be applied to any Ranged
creases any existing Pierce quality by 1. The weapon also (Heavy) or Gunnery weapon with an encumbrance of 4
gains the Unwieldy 2 quality, or increases any existing or more.
Unwieldy quality by 1.
Modifiers: If the user spends two preparation maneu-
Hard Points Required: 1. vers to deploy the tripod, the weapon’s Cumbersome or
Unwieldy qualities are reduced by 3, to a minimum of
Serrated Edge 0, and the weapon’s encumbrance is reduced by 4, to a
Adding jagged sawteeth to a bladed weapon means the minimum of 0. The weapon may not be moved (except to
wounds it makes are particularly brutal and damaging. pivot on the tripod mount) once it has been set up. The
This kind of attachment makes sense for any setting. user must spend two preparation maneuvers to take the
tripod down.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any close
combat weapon that has a blade. Hard Points Required: 2.

Modifiers: The weapon gains the Vicious 1 quality, or in-

creases any existing Vicious quality by 1.
Hard Points Required: 1.

Superior Weapon Customization

This simply represents the weapon being modified by a
master craftsman to be better than other examples of its
type. This kind of attachment makes sense for any setting.

Use With: This attachment can be applied to any weapon.

Modifiers: The weapon gains the Superior quality.
Hard Points Required: 1.

equipment encyclopedia
Under-Barrel Weapon Attachment Weighted Head
Modern firearms sometimes have secondary weapons Adding extra weight to the head of a blunt weapon lets
attached under the barrel, allowing the wielder to effec- the wielder strike with greater impact and do more dam-
tively carry two weapons in one. This kind of attachment age. This kind of attachment makes sense in any setting.
makes sense for the modern day, science fiction, and
space opera settings.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any close
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any ri- combat weapon that deals bludgeoning or crushing dam-
fle-sized Ranged (Heavy) weapons. age (not one with a cutting edge).
Modifiers: When installed, the user chooses one of the Modifiers: The weapon increases its damage by 2. The
following secondary weapons. The weapon can then fire weapon gains the Cumbersome 2 quality, or increases its
using the associated secondary profile. existing Cumbersome quality by 1.
• Flamethrower: (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 10; Criti- Hard Points Required: 1.
cal 2; Range [Short]; Blast 6, Burn 4, Limited Ammo
2). A A
rmor ttachments
• Grenade Launcher: (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 8;
Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Blast 6, Limited Ammo Deflective Plating
1). This attachment applies angled plates or mildly reflective
• Shotgun: (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 8; Critical 3; surfaces to help deflect incoming ranged attacks. This
Range [Short]; Blast 5, Knockdown). kind of attachment makes sense in fantasy, science fic-
tion, and space opera settings (in the past, armor might
The weapon gains the Cumbersome 2 quality, or increas- be designed to deflect arrows or throwing knives, while
es its existing Cumbersome quality by 1. The weapon in the future, it could reflect lasers or energy blasts).
also gains the Unwieldy 2 quality, or increases its existing
Unwieldy quality by 1. Finally, the weapon increases its Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor.
encumbrance by 2. Modifiers: Wearer increases their ranged defense by 1.
Hard Points Required: 2. Hard Points Required: 1.

Weapon Sling Enhanced Lifting Servos

A sling helps a user carry a particularly heavy Futuristic servos (or other, similar devices) can be
weapon by taking up part of the weight. This worked into suits of hard carapace armor to make them
kind of attachment makes sense for any setting. powered and let the user lift and carry far more than they
could normally. This kind of attachment makes sense in
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any Ranged science fiction and space opera settings.
(Heavy) weapon or ranged weapons that require two Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor
hands to wield. composed of a hardened carapace.
Modifiers: The weapon decreases its encumbrance by 2. Modifiers: When wearing this armor, the user increases
Hard Points Required: 1. their encumbrance threshold by 5. The user reduces the
rating of the Cumbersome quality of any carried weap-
ons by 1, to a minimum of 1.
table 2.2 - armor Attachments
Hard Points Required: 2.
Attachment HP Price Rarity
Deflective Plating 1 450 4
Enhanced Lifting Servos 2 1,500 5
Intimidating Visage 0 125 3
Rare Metals 2 1,000 8
Reinforced Plating 2 8,000 7
Vacuum Sealed 1 600 4

equipment encyclopedia
Intimidating Visage
Warriors from many cultures paint their armor or add
imposing face masks to intimidate opponents. This kind
of attachment makes sense in all settings.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor.
Modifiers: When wearing this armor, the user adds s
to Coercion checks they make, and automatic f to
Charm checks they make.
Hard Points Required: 0.

Rare Metals
Many fantasy settings feature rare, nearly magical met-
als that can be used to create superior armor. This
kind of attachment makes sense in fantasy settings.

Use With: This attachment can be applied to chain or

plate armor.
Modifiers: The armor reduces its encumbrance by 2, and
it adds one fewer j to Stealth checks.
Hard Points Required: 2.

Reinforced Plating
This attachment represents adding extra layers of armor
or using stronger materials to reinforce the armor. This
kind of attachment makes sense in any setting.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor
that uses hardened plates for protection.
Modifiers: The armor gains the Reinforced quality. The
armor also increases its encumbrance by 1.
Hard Points Required: 2.

Vacuum Sealed
This attachment equips the armor with breathing gear
and seals it against vacuum. This kind of attachment
makes sense in the science fiction and space opera set-
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor.
Modifiers: While wearing this armor, the user may ig-
nore the effects of vacuum or poisonous atmospheric en-
vironments for up to one hour.
Hard Points Required: 1.

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